The concept and meaning of student sports. Student sports, its organizational features

Physical education and sports at the university

Physical culture and sports are means of creating a harmoniously developed personality. They help to concentrate all the internal resources of the body on achieving the set goal, increase efficiency, allow you to squeeze all the planned tasks into the framework of a short working day, and develop the need for a healthy lifestyle.
Physical culture is part of the general culture of society, one of the areas of social activity aimed at maintaining health, developing a person’s physical abilities and using them in accordance with the needs of social practice.
Physical culture is the broadest, collective concept. It includes all the achievements accumulated in the process of socio-historical practice: the level of health, sportsmanship, science, works of art related to physical education, as well as material (technical) values ​​(sports facilities, equipment, etc.).
Physical culture is understood as the totality of all the goals, objectives, means, and forms of activities inherent in a given society that contribute to the physical development and improvement of people. This includes physical education, sports, etc.
Physical education is a pedagogical process that is aimed at improving the forms and functions of the human body, the formation of motor skills, related knowledge skills, as well as the development of physical qualities. Physical education is connected with other aspects of education - moral, aesthetic, production, labor.
Sport is the dominant form of manifestation of physical culture; this word is often used as a synonym for the concept of “physical culture”. Sport can be considered as a system of physical culture results, since this term denotes the desire for physical achievements based on norms and rules, training and competitions.
The term “sport” is used in relation to various areas, depending on what goals the practitioner sets for himself or who participates in certain sports activities. These are children's and youth sports, mass sports (sports activities during recreation, in free time from study), as well as high-achievement sports - amateur and professional (juniors and adult athletes). Increasing competition in the international sports arena has made sport one of the most active areas of human activity.
Physical culture is objectively a sphere of mass amateur performance. It serves as the most important factor in the development of an active life position.
A number of studies have found that students who are included in systematic physical education and sports and who are quite active in them develop a certain stereotype of daily routine, increase confidence in behavior, and observe the development of “prestigious attitudes, high vitality.” . They are more sociable, express a willingness to cooperate, rejoice in social recognition, are less afraid of criticism, they have higher emotional stability, endurance, they are more characterized by optimism, energy, among them there are more persistent, decisive people who can lead the team. This group of students has a greater sense of duty, conscientiousness, and self-discipline. They successfully interact in work that requires consistency and tension, they enter into contacts more freely, are more resourceful, leaders are more common among them, and they are more able to control themselves.
These data emphasize the fundamental positive impact of systematic physical education and sports on the characterological characteristics of the personality of students.
The education of physical qualities is based on the constant desire to do the most possible for oneself, to surprise others with one’s capabilities. But for this, from the time of birth you need to constantly and regularly follow the rules of proper physical education. The main stage in the development of these qualities is the educational period in a person’s life (7-25 years), during which the necessary educational material is consolidated for its further application in life (highly productive work).
Directions for using physical culture and sports facilities
Specific directions and organizational forms of using mass recreational, physical education and sports events in higher educational institutions depend on gender, age, health status, level of physical and sports preparedness of those involved, as well as on the existing sports facilities, traditions of the university and other conditions. We can distinguish hygienic, health-improving and recreational (recreation-recovery), general preparatory, sports, professional and applied, and therapeutic areas.
The hygienic direction involves the use of physical education means to restore performance and improve health both in a hostel and at home: morning hygienic exercises, hardening procedures, proper work, rest and nutrition in accordance with hygiene requirements, health walks, running, sports games, swimming, skiing and other physical exercises.
The health-improving and recreational direction involves the use of physical culture and sports in the collective organization of recreation and cultural leisure on weekends and during the holidays for the purpose of post-work recovery and health promotion. The means of this direction include hiking trips, excursions, outdoor games, sports events, which can be organized on the basis of student dormitories, in holiday homes, health and sports camps, construction teams, during educational practice, etc.
The general training direction ensures comprehensive physical fitness and its maintenance for many years at the level of the requirements and norms of the GTO complex for the corresponding age level. The means of preparation in this area are the types of exercises included in the GTO complex: morning hygienic gymnastics, athletics, swimming, skiing, tourism, games, etc. For systematic work in this area, GTO groups and special sections are organized, and sports competitions are held.
The sports direction involves specialized systematic training in one of the sports in training groups for sports improvement, in sports sections of a sports club or individually; participation in sports competitions with the aim of increasing or maintaining a certain level of sportsmanship.
The professional applied direction determines the use of physical education and sports in the NOT system and for preparation for work in the chosen specialty, taking into account the characteristics of the profession being acquired.
The therapeutic direction consists in the use of physical exercises, hardening factors and hygienic measures in a system of therapeutic measures to restore health or individual body functions reduced or lost as a result of diseases or injuries. The means are a rational lifestyle, natural factors of nature, hardening procedures, therapeutic massage, mechanotherapy, occupational therapy and a wide range of various physical exercises. The use of physical culture means for medicinal purposes must be accompanied by systematic medical supervision and strict consideration of the individual characteristics of those involved.
Physical education at a university is carried out throughout the entire period of students’ education and is carried out in diverse forms that are interconnected, complement each other and represent a single process of physical education of students.
Classes are the main form of physical education in higher education institutions. They are planned in the curricula for all specialties, and their implementation is ensured by teachers of the departments of physical education.
Students’ independent studies in physical culture, sports, and tourism contribute to better assimilation of educational material, allow them to increase the total time of physical exercise, accelerate the process of physical improvement, and are one of the ways to introduce physical culture and sports into the life and recreation of students. In conjunction with educational activities, properly organized independent activities ensure optimal continuity and effectiveness of physical education. These classes can be conducted outside of class time on the instructions of teachers or in sections.
Physical exercises in the daily routine are aimed at strengthening health, increasing mental and physical performance, improving the conditions of educational work, life and recreation of students, increasing the time budget for physical education.
Mass recreational, physical education and sports events are aimed at broadly attracting students to regular physical education and sports, promoting health, and improving the physical and sports preparedness of students. They are organized during free time from classes, on weekends and holidays, in health and sports camps, during educational practices, camp meetings, and in student construction teams. These events are held by the university’s sports club on the basis of broad initiative and amateur performances of students, with the methodological guidance of the department of physical education and the active participation of the university’s trade union organization.

Characteristics of student sports

The age characteristics of students, the specifics of academic work and the life of students, the characteristics of their capabilities and conditions for physical education and sports allow us to classify student sports as a special category.

Organizational features of student sports: [Ilyinich V.I., 1995]

¦ accessibility and opportunity to play sports during compulsory training hours in the discipline “Physical Education” (elective course in the main educational department, educational and training sessions in the sports educational department);

¦ the opportunity to play sports in free time from academic studies in university sports sections and groups, as well as independently;

¦ the opportunity to systematically participate in student sports competitions of an accessible level (in educational competitions, in intra- and extra-university competitions in selected sports).

This entire system gives every practically healthy student the opportunity to first get acquainted with and then choose a sport for regular practice.

Sports in higher education

The physical education curriculum provides freedom of choice for sports for students of the basic and sports departments. After a period of active theoretical, methodological and general physical training in the first year, students are asked to independently choose a sport or a system of physical exercises for systematic training during their studies at the university.

Sports in an elective course in an elective course in the academic discipline “Physical Culture”

Sports in the elective course of physical education of students is that part of the predominantly practical classes of the academic discipline “Physical Education”, in which students choose the type of sport independently (from among those offered by the department of physical education). However, it is appropriate to make a small reservation here: only those sports that are associated with increased physical activity can be included in the curriculum. Therefore, chess, checkers, etc. are not included in the work program.

Each student, of course, has his own motivation for choosing this or that sport, but the fundamental thing in this process is that “I am not chosen, but I choose.” Therefore, for example, a student with a “non-basketball” height who wants to play basketball (where tall people have always had an advantage), no one has the right to refuse his desire.

Meanwhile, the practice of a number of universities shows that in some cases such refusals are legitimate. Thus, the “right of choice” is deprived of those students who do not show results equal to 1 point in each exercise in the mandatory tests of general physical fitness (for example, for men - 100 and 3000 m running, pull-ups on the horizontal bar). These students are trained in general physical training (general physical training) groups; with limited possibilities for staffing study groups in certain sports (no more than 15 people are allowed in one group), preference is given to students who score more points in the three specified mandatory physical fitness tests. Such experience in staffing study groups at individual universities is not necessary for others. This practice is often forced due to limited training places and other reasons.

Features of organizing training sessions in sports in the sports department

Sports training is also carried out in the educational sports department, where the most physically prepared students are enrolled. In order to be enrolled in this department, only the personal desire of the student is not enough; a certain preliminary sports preparedness or talent for practicing the chosen sport is required. In other words, in this case, not only “you choose, but you are also chosen.” This is due to the fact that students studying in groups of the sports department are tasked with improving their sports skills, regularly participating in sports competitions for the team of the department and university.

Enrollment of students in the sports department is voluntary, since educational and training sessions require additional free time. Classes, as a rule, are organized outside the general university academic schedule and in a slightly larger volume than provided for in the program for the academic discipline “Physical Education”.

Special qualifying requirements and standards for sports in the main and sports departments

The free choice of a sports group in the main department imposes certain responsibilities on the student himself. Having chosen a sport, the student must engage in this particular group until the next test in the academic discipline (i.e., until the end of the semester or academic year). He is also obliged to master special theoretical, methodological and practical educational material and fulfill not only the common test and standards for general and professionally applied physical training, but also specific sports and technical test standards and requirements for his chosen sport.

Those involved in the sports training department must also complete a full course of theoretical, methodological and professionally applied physical training and, along with mandatory tests, additionally fulfill the sports technical standards and requirements in the sports department for the chosen sport. Typically, these sports and technical tests are slightly higher than in groups for the same sport in the main educational department. Sports technical standards and requirements in the sports department are focused on the Unified Sports Classification, on mandatory participation in sports competitions of a certain level.

Standards and requirements differentiated by type of sport for the main and sports departments are developed by the department of physical education of each university based on the material and technical support of the educational process and the characteristics of the student population. These requirements are available to every student, but in order to meet them, some students will have to not only work hard during class hours, but also engage in additional self-study in their free time.

Sports in students' free time. Types of classes and their organizational basis

Sports in free time are an integral part of students' physical education. Such classes are held on an amateur basis, without any conditions or restrictions for students. In their free time, students can engage in sports sections, training groups for individual sports, including chess, checkers, shooting, technical sports (aircraft modeling, gliding, auto and motor sports). These sections are organized and financed at universities by the administration, public organizations, commercial structures, and sponsors. The initiators of organizing such sectional classes and determining their sports profile are most often the students themselves.

Independent training is one of the forms of sports training. In some sports, such preparation can significantly reduce the time spent on organized training sessions and conduct them at the most convenient time. Independent sports training does not exclude the possibility of participation in intra-university and extra-university student competitions.


Abstract on the topic:

"Student Sports"

Completed by: 1st year student

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Zhilin Kirill Sergeevich

Hosted by: Volchenkov

Alexey Viktorovich

Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 page

Problems of achieving high sports results during university studies……..4-5 pages

Health-improving functions of student sports in preparation for life and profession 6 pages

Student lifestyle and sports………………………………………………………………7-10pp

Sport as an active recreation in educational and professional work…………………………11p.

Individual choice of sports and their brief characteristics………………………12-13pp

Sports that primarily develop endurance…………………………… 14-19 pages

Sports that primarily develop strength and speed-strength qualities…. 20-24 pages

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….. 25-26 pages

Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………. 27 pp.


The word sport came into the Russian language from English (Sport), which, in turn, is a free abbreviation of the original word disport - game, entertainment. That is why an old man moving along the alleys of a square is called joning, that is, a complex “hybrid” of fast walking with slow running. Abroad they can say that “he is involved in sports,” but here they say “physical education.”

Problems of achieving high sports results during university studies

Statistics for the country's universities show that 15–20% of students regularly train not only during special hours at the university, but also in their free time, and also participate in competitions. These are typical representatives of mass student sports.

Modern science of sports studies in sufficient detail and seriously the problem of man in big-time sports. Sport is like a test bench on which the requirements of experimental conditions and situations are simulated, and the athlete himself consciously applies maximum physical and mental stress to demonstrate the maximum psychophysical capabilities of a person. For what? The motivation for such “self-sacrifice” can be diverse - from self-affirmation, ambition and other high impulses to the most trivial, ordinary commercialism.

The specificity of various sports leaves a significant imprint on the degree of formation of various mental qualities that are necessary not only in sports, but also in professional activities.

But the fact remains that, for example, team sports games teach a person to correlate his actions with the actions of his teammates, contribute to the formation of such applied traits and personality traits as collectivism, sociability, conscious discipline, etc.

Reliability is one of the most important categories in sports. It is complex precisely because there is no dizzying rise followed by a very painful fall.

Courage is always aesthetically pleasing if a harmony of strength, reason and feeling arises in sports wrestling.

These are priceless mental qualities, traits and personality traits.

Sports have not come together like a wedge only in big sports. There is also mass sports, and it is accessible to everyone.

Health-improving functions of student sports in preparation for life and profession.

The possibilities of various sports in improving health, correcting physique and posture, increasing overall performance, mental stability, and finally, self-affirmation are very great. At the same time, health acts as a leading factor that determines not only the harmonious development of a young person, but also the success of mastering a profession and the fruitfulness of his future professional activity.

Physical development, which is closely related to health, is the process of change and formation of the natural morphological and functional properties of the human body during his life (height, body weight, chest circumference, vital capacity of the lungs, etc.)

Student lifestyle and sports.

Everyday academic work, test and examination sessions with their intense workload twice a year, educational and industrial practices - all this requires from students not only diligence, but also good health, good psycho-physical preparedness. A study by many researchers of the time budget of students at special institutions has shown that the total load of academic work, including self-study, in various universities, but faculties (departments) and courses fluctuates significantly during the academic year. It is determined by specific conditions, the labor intensity and complexity of the disciplines studied, the level of preliminary preparedness and, of course, the attitude of the student himself to his studies.

The time for study sessions is the most stable and amounts to the amount spent on self-study by the “average” student; it varies quite significantly among individual young people, taking 3–5 hours, and during the test–exam session – 8–9 hours.

Thus, if workers in the national economy who have a regulated working day work 7–8 hours, then the sum of the educational time of pupils and students averages 9–12 hours a day. This is a very significant psychophysiological load on a young person’s body, which shows that educational work is very intense.

But the trouble is that young people often hope for a fairly quick natural recovery of the young body. This feature actually works, but you can’t endlessly exploit a young body, violating the basic rules of work and rest. For example, up to 60% of students self-prepare for the next school day at late hours, and up to 25% of them start classes only at 10 - 10 p.m.! As a result, many suffer from sleep disturbances. For 87% of students living in dormitories, going to bed lasts up to 1–3 hours. nights. Hence the extremely insufficient duration of night sleep. Sleep is normal from 7 to 8 hours. observed in only 15% of students. In addition, there is a complete disregard for diet: up to 21% go to work without breakfast, about 47% take hot food only twice a day.

All these “barbaric” overloads and “barbaric” attitude towards your body sooner or later make themselves felt. They manifest themselves in reduced performance already at the end of the semester, when the greatest mobilization of forces is necessary to successfully study all the educational material for the test and examination session. And the exam period is not just a test of knowledge, it is a test of the performance of the entire body of a young person!

For example, special observations have shown that during the examination period, the heart rate of students steadily increases to 80 - 92 beats/min. versus 76 – 80 during regular school hours. And on the day of exams, before entering the classroom where the exam is taking place, the heart rate increases to 144 beats per minute, blood pressure rises, breathing becomes uneven and, consequently, blood oxygen saturation decreases. It would seem that it is during this period that special attention should be paid to the correct mode of work and rest, to the use of active recreation tools that compensate for low physical activity and great mental fatigue.

In practice, the opposite is true! During the exam period, about 90% of students literally become “recluses.” Their stay outdoors is limited to no more than 30 minutes. in a day. There is a systematic lack of sleep, rare and irregular food intake. And then the exam session ends. Holidays! Rest! And it is at this time that some people begin to get colds and other health problems. What is this, by chance? No! All these seemingly “ordinary” diseases (flu, sore throat, acute respiratory infections, etc.) are a consequence of a decrease in the body’s protective capabilities due to overexertion during the session, the result of significant violations of the proper regime of educational work and everyday life, as well as a consequence of the general lack of physical activity.

At the same time, we can also state the fact that pupils and students who regularly play sports and do not interrupt their studies even during exam periods go through these “underwater reefs” of student life more safely for their health.

Study time and free time are an inseparable whole. It is no coincidence that they say: “As you rest, so will you work!” A study of students' free time showed that it is about 2 - 3 hours. in a day. Of course, the conditions in which they live, study and relax have a significant impact not only on the structure of their free time, but also on their performance and health.

Probably, in each specific case, the combination of study with sports activities should have an optimal ratio, which depends both on the individual qualities and abilities of the individual, and on the conditions of educational work, life and the availability of sports facilities.

Let's give an example. One of the institutes developed an indicator characterizing the level of professional suitability of a student. This integral indicator included the following factors, assessed in points (from 2 to 5): physical development; physical, including professional and applied, suitability; degree of motor activity; resistance to temporary disability (absence from classes due to illness); professional interest; success of studying at a university. The summation of these expert assessment points made it possible to draw a conclusion about the degree of professional suitability of each student for difficult conditions and the nature of work. It turned out that students with low physical fitness did not receive the highest grade (26 – 29 points) and even the average (16 – 20 points).

In the same study, it was found that a higher grade for practical training, as a rule, was received by students who had average scores in theoretical knowledge, but better physical fitness compared to students who had higher scores in a theoretical course, but weak professional-applied skills. physical fitness.

These are the facts that shed true light on the role of sports, on the role of good physical fitness in the successful development of the chosen profession.

Sport as active recreation in educational and professional work

A significant portion of students, despite all the programmatic regulation of classes in the academic discipline “Physical Culture,” perceive them as active recreation, as a release from monotonous classroom academic work. And the higher the student’s interest in these activities, the higher the versatile psychophysical effect of such physical activity. The student’s right to choose different sports for each upcoming academic year (and in some universities even a semester) will only support his interest in such activities, because his motivation is recreation. Whether this interest develops into a more serious passion for a particular sport is up to him to decide, but I would like him to understand the essence of the impact of such active recreation on physical and mental performance, on the productivity of educational and professional work.

Individual choice of sports and their brief characteristics

In sports pedagogy, psychology and physiology, there are various approaches to grouping sports according to their individual characteristics. Of course, any approach to a certain extent is always conditional, since not a single sport, not a single system of physical exercises affects a person in the same way, does not develop, for example, one of the physical qualities in a “pure” form. However, these conditional groupings make it possible to combine different types of sports and exercise systems according to their leading feature, on the basis of which it is possible to give them a detailed description necessary for the individual choice of a sport for regular exercise. In addition, such a conditional grouping provides an opportunity to systematically and briefly outline the role of individual types and systems of physical exercise in the proposed characteristics.

At the same time, we once again emphasize the need to take into account personal psychophysical qualities when choosing sports. Here's a quote from James Gavin, a professor of applied sociology at Concordia University in Montreal: “People who lead socially isolated lifestyles gravitate toward activities where they can exercise alone. People with an aggressive character choose “aggressive sports.” But there is also a feedback: the type of sport affects a person’s character. That's why it's important to make the right choice.

The problem of focused education and improvement of a person’s basic physical qualities - strength, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility - is always less complex at the very initial stages of systematic exercise, that is, for beginners, since during this period, as a rule, there is a simultaneous improvement in each of them . If we develop strength, then endurance improves, if we develop flexibility, then to some extent strength readiness improves. It is no coincidence that at this stage of preparation the greatest effect is achieved by a comprehensive training method, that is, general physical training.

However, as training in any particular physical quality increases, with a gradual increase in sports qualifications from a beginner to a master athlete, the magnitude of the effect of the parallel development of several physical qualities gradually decreases. This requires careful selection of special exercises during the training process, especially since the motor qualities of the neuromuscular system of a person at a high level of development of physical qualities begin to inhibit the development of others. This is why it is difficult for a high-class weightlifter to achieve high performance in endurance exercises, and for a long-distance runner in strength exercises.

Thus, the accentuated education of individual motor qualities using specific sports should be based on a certain minimum development of all basic motor qualities, which is usually achieved in classes in high school, or in a special educational institution during practical training sessions in physical education, or in preparatory groups in physical education. sports in sports schools.

Sports that primarily develop endurance

Developing endurance during sports training in a particular sport is one of the effective means of achieving high general and professional performance, based on increasing the stability of the central nervous system, cardiovascular and other functional systems of the body against fatigue. Actually, endurance refers to the ability of the human body to overcome the onset of fatigue.

The physiological mechanisms of this process are quite complex, since the work can relate to different power (or intensity) zones, and therefore the endurance in each of them is different.

In the zone of high and moderate power, which can be maintained from 3 to 5 minutes to more than half an hour, so-called general endurance appears. General endurance is manifested to one degree or another in all other power zones for all types of activities. Its physiological basis is the development of aerobic metabolic capabilities in the human body. To demonstrate general endurance, you need a good heart, healthy lungs, a sufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood, abundant blood supply to working muscles, etc.

The main thing is that under the influence of rational and systematic training, these organs and physiological processes can improve their functional characteristics. That is why, in this case, we are more interested in those sports in which, as in a large part of labor processes (during the entire working day), aerobic reactions occur in the body. Therefore, the greatest importance in everyday life and in professional activities are those sports that develop mainly the aerobic capabilities of the body, ensuring long-term productive work of relatively low power not only in sports activities, but also for a fairly long working time in production.

Endurance, like other motor qualities, most often manifests itself specifically, depending on the characteristics of the activity and the nature of the resulting fatigue.

Currently, there are several types of fatigue: mental, sensory (associated with a predominant load on the senses), emotional, physical, in which the nature and mechanism of fatigue and the manifestation of endurance in a given person for all types of endurance when performing various sports and work activities.

For example, military experts found that those with better developed endurance (in this case, the ability to run for a long time) had the highest and most stable speed of work on radiotelegraph devices (small rapid movements of the fingers). Therefore, when starting to develop special endurance in any sports or professional activity, it is necessary to first create in a person a certain base of blood transport and respiratory capabilities, and other physiological mechanisms of general endurance.

Thus, the accentuated education of endurance in young people in order to prepare for life and professional activity requires solving the problems of the comprehensive development of the functional systems of the body. This is due to an increase in the physiological and psychological limits of the human body’s resistance to changes in the internal environment caused by hard work. The importance of such stability for any person, for specialists of any profession, is beyond doubt, which determines the leading role of endurance in preparing for long and full-time work.

General endurance is necessary for representatives of all sports, as it allows them to successfully cope with a large volume of training work and more effectively perform and assimilate specialized training work. This once again emphasizes the special importance of developing general endurance among students, regardless of whether their representative is involved in sports or only physical education, because a high level of general endurance is one of the main evidence of excellent health.

So, sports that specifically develop general endurance include all cyclic sports in which physical activity continues for a relatively long time against the background of a predominant increase in aerobic (oxygen) metabolism in the human body. These sports include: race walking, middle, long and ultra-long distance running (marathon), cross-country skiing and biathlon, swimming, rowing, cycling (road racing, cross-country, a group of classic distances on the track), most distances and all-around events in speed skating, mountaineering, orienteering, tourism and some others.

Although all cyclic sports associated with the manifestation of endurance differ significantly in the structure of movements from each other, there are also common provisions between them: the sports achievements of athletes are based on fairly voluminous training and competitive loads. In the process of regular training, the performing functional “link” – the oxygen – transport system and the regulatory “link” – the central and endocrine system – develops to the extent necessary for each specific sport.

Athletes specializing in these sports have the ability to perform physical work for a long time and successfully resist fatigue with their will. Their high performance is ensured by various adaptive shifts that have occurred in the body under the influence of training influences: morphological and functional development of the heart muscle, increased elastic properties of the walls of blood vessels, increased reserves of energy-rich substances in the muscles and internal organs, a high degree of efficiency of the nervous system, etc. .

This can be illustrated by the following example. One of the indicators (tests) of the functional development of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems is the result of performing muscular work at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute.

It should be noted that when starting training in these sports, you must immediately prepare yourself for a lot of hard training work. This is due to the development of the ability to a high level of mobilization of the body’s reserves (“patience”) not only during competitive, but also training activities, since increasing fitness is associated with overcoming fatigue. Regular training in this group of sports, as in others, develops the ability to self-regulate the emotional state under stress and in conditions of intense sports competition. But the main thing is that all this may be required precisely in the process of ordinary working life, which once again emphasizes the application and educational nature of sports training. Of course, as with all sports, different people have greater ability for some and less ability for others. The question may immediately arise: what level of endurance do I have today (not from the point of view of comparison with the achievements of great athletes, but in comparison with healthy people who do not play sports). You can make this assessment yourself.

More than 15 years ago, the American physiologist K. Cooper proposed characterizing the physical performance of people of different ages by determining the distance covered in 12 minutes. Over the years, this test has become widespread.

The practical application of the Cooper test, which largely determines the state of the cardiovascular system, is as follows. You need to cover (walk, run) as much distance as possible within 12 minutes. It is better to do this at a stadium, where, as a rule, the total length of the circular track is 400 m. When using the test for the first time, you should not strive for self-torture. It is better to carry out the test with someone’s help, so as not to monitor the time and distance covered, but focus only on how you feel. At the end of 12 minutes, you need to measure (remember) the distance covered during this time, and use Table 15 to determine the degree of your physical fitness.

After this test, you can evaluate the initial state of your endurance yourself. If your scores in this test are high enough, then you have the ability for sports that require and develop endurance. And if not, then you need to pay attention to this and improve your preparedness in terms of general physical fitness, using a wide range of cyclic exercises that develop this vital quality.

Sports that primarily develop strength and

speed-strength qualities

Strength should be understood as a person’s ability to overcome or counteract resistance due to muscle tension. Strength can be manifested in a static mode of muscle work, when they do not change their length (isometric method of strength development), and in a dynamic mode, associated with either a decrease or an increase in muscle length (isotonic method). In different sports, the use of these methods in training sessions is in different proportions and largely depends on the specific training objectives.

Sports that primarily develop strength and speed-strength qualities belong mainly to the group of acyclic sports, the characteristic features of which are the ability to exert strength and the speed of muscle contraction.

And here we are forced to turn to theory, which will help us understand some concepts.

    To the actual power types, such as weightlifting, kettlebell lifting, and athletic gymnastics, are those sports in which the maximum force during sports movement varies depending on the size of the predominant mass (weight of the barbell, etc.).

    Sports movements in which the force changes in accordance with the magnitude of the acceleration imparted to a constant mass (the athlete’s own weight, sports equipment) are called speed-strength.

Despite the fact that modern life and production require less and less physical effort from a person, strength as a physical quality is of significant independent and auxiliary importance for the successful performance of not only sports, but also professional tasks among representatives of many sports and workers of various specialties . Applied experience in proper lifting of weights, acquired in weightlifting classes and exercises with weights, is also important.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.N. Vorobyov, who updated records in weightlifting about 50 times and twice won the title of Olympic champion, said about this: “Every person needs strength. Of course, automation and mechanization of production make work easier every year, and the share of manual labor is becoming smaller. However, to be honest, representatives of many professions will have enough of this type of work for a long time to come. For example, among miners or builders, the weak simply will not survive for long. One can name dozens of types of human activity that require strength...”

In many types of modern sports and work activities, the development of not only absolute, but also relative muscle strength is crucial. It largely determines the speed of movement of each person and plays a large role in work that requires endurance and dexterity. It is considered established that the maximum magnitudes of force are closely dependent not only on the time of day, but also on the conditions of its manifestation. This provision is very important when determining training methods for representatives of certain sports and professions, in whom the manifestation of strength in sports movements, in the process of work, as a rule, is determined by the regime and conditions of their motor activity.

Due to the fact that not every strength exercise provides special strength training, it is necessary to select exercises that are similar in structure, magnitude and nature of neuromuscular forces, angular amplitude of working movements, etc. with the main action.

It is known that when developing strength, the maximum power tension, which gives the greatest effect, can be created: 1) by a maximum increase in external resistance in dynamic and static mode, 2) by overcoming unlimited weights (resistance) with a maximum number of repetitions. Therefore, it all depends on the goal of strength training. For example, in the professional activities of the vast majority of specialists there are practically no situations that require maximum muscle tension. This means that we can assume that the second direction of strength training is more justified and acceptable for achieving the tasks of professionally applied training of students who, as a rule, have very different levels of physical fitness.

When considering the issue of using different exercise regimes when developing strength, it is also necessary to pay special attention to the significant difference between most sports and professional activities of specialists in the field of production. So, if in sports static efforts are required relatively rarely, and only as a component of dynamic motor acts, then in many types of modern work the opposite picture is observed - against the background of prolonged static tension of significant muscle groups, a significant dynamic load of small muscles occurs in micromovements. Under these conditions, certain disadvantages of using isometric exercises compared to dynamic ones no longer seem so significant.

Of course, the ratio of the maximum strength of different muscle groups among representatives of different sports, professions and professional groups cannot be the same. Consequently, a reasonable selection of exercises for the purpose of accentuated development of the strength of individual muscles during sports or professional training presupposes the need for a preliminary study of muscle topography and the mode of work in a given sports discipline or in the process of a specific type of work.

Professor V.M. Zatsiorsky notes that regardless of sports specialization, the most important muscle groups that determine the normal functioning of a person must have good development. Such muscle groups that require special attention and special local impact are the following: spinal column extensors, leg flexors, arm extensors, pectoralis major muscle. A prerequisite for the development of these muscle groups is the preliminary strengthening of the abdominal and lumbar muscles.

There are sports that contribute to: developing speed; nurturing dexterity and flexibility; education of special applied qualities; mastering vital skills.


Speaking about the role of sport in preparing for life and a future profession, we probably cannot limit ourselves only to solving the problems of developing and improving various functions of the body, but we must once again pay attention to increasing psychological preparedness. After all, very often young specialists complain that they were taught a lot over the years of professional training in a special educational institution, but they were not taught how to work with people, and were not armed with psychological confidence and stability when leading a team. And here we should especially note the role of sport in the formation of people with a strong will and strong character, which is directly related to the constant need to endure a variety of physical and mental stress not only in competitions, but also in the process of regular training.

These loads, often higher than in ordinary life and professional work, significantly influence the formation and development of a person’s personality. Sports training “through the method of accustoming to practical actions and behavior” ensures the development of the necessary qualities - self-discipline, perseverance, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, self-confidence, determination and the ability to show maximum effort in sports, work, and social activities.

And here I would like to once again quote the words that “you cannot make a person bold, courageous, a collectivist just by talking about it. He must be placed in conditions that require the manifestation of these qualities.” Sport repeatedly puts a young person in such conditions.


1. “For students of universities of physical education and sports” Enoka R.M., 2000

2. “Therapeutic physical education and sports medicine” Epifanov, ed. Medicine

Student sports sports, GUDO Sports Center... % Skiing - - - - Sailing sport- - - - Extreme views sports 2 - 2 14% Skates - - - - Hockey...

  • International sports student movement

    Abstract >> Physical education and sports

    Conducted by the International Federation student sports(FISU). Since 1994 Russian student sports union... in the field of physical culture and sports and IT technologies and media. CONCLUSION Student sport- reflection of the effectiveness of state...

  • The Department of Physical Education at the Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University) was founded in 1952.

    Physical education at the university is one of the key and basic disciplines and is taught in all institutes of the university from the first to the third year in full-time, evening and correspondence courses. The Department of Physical Education, with its successes in the field of high-level sports, highly holds the brand of the First Cossack University. Hundreds of students practice in 16 sports every day in sports sections.

    Students of the First Cossack University achieved great success in rowing, skiing, biathlon, sambo, triathlon, boxing, karate and swimming. At the world championships, Europe, Russia, and international tournaments, our students – Matvey Eliseev, Tikhanov Elizaveta and Anastasia, Dmitry Yakovlev, Gor Khumaryan, Polina Danina, Tatyana Terekhova and others – have repeatedly taken the first place on the podium. The university has its own sports and recreation complex with a swimming pool, a dry swimming gym, a ski lodge, a martial arts hall, a team sports hall, and a gym.

    The sports club, student council and the department of physical education annually hold Cossack Spartakiad in 18 sports, mass starts in cross-country, cross-country skiing, and swimming. Students and university management, led by Rector V.N. Ivanova, annually participate in the Moscow Marathon, the Russian Ski Track and numerous events on a city and regional scale.

    For five years now, the university has been actively developing Cossack martial arts and martial arts of the Slavic peoples. Every year, Cossack students take part in all-Russian tournaments in Rostov-on-Don in Cossack wrestling.

    Over the past seven years, the Department of Physical Education has become one of the leading educational structures of the university. Thanks to the fruitful work of the department, the entire educational process is provided with scientific, educational and educational literature. Under the guidance of leading teachers: Dr. Ped. sciences, professor, corresponding member. RANSAL Tonoyan H. A., professor, corresponding member. MANPO Kolokatova L.F., Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor A. A. Vorobyova, Ph.D. ped. sciences, associate professor Lakhtin A.Yu., senior teachers Shepelev A.A., Gershun G.S. - all educational programs have been developed and modernized.

    More than 25 educational and methodological manuals have been prepared and published. Interactive lectures, control tests for current, midterm and final control allow university students to quickly and efficiently pass the test in the theoretical section of the subject “Physical Education” without any problems.

    Students pass educational standards for the practical section during the session at the university’s sports facilities.

    The Department of Physical Education works closely with other departments of the university. Thanks to this cooperation, professional retraining courses for physical education specialists are organized and conducted annually. For several years, the educational program on “Theory and Methods of Physical Education” has been successfully running, according to which our department, together with the department “Pedagogy and Psychology of Vocational Education,” trains physical education teachers.

    In the “Sports at the University” section you can find information on the schedule of sports electives, on elective FC courses, detailed information on the Cossack Spartakiad, as well as on the latest achievements of our students in the field of physical education.

    The Department of Physical Education has a lot of work and big plans. But the main and main task is to educate healthy and functionally active young specialists, citizens for a great Russia.

    Selyashcheva K.A. - student at the Institute of Economics and Finance Management, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University,


    Grigoriev A.P. - Senior Lecturer at the University Department of Physical Education and Sports, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan.

    The article reveals the mechanism for managing student sports under the patronage of the Russian Student Sports Union. The main goals and objectives are highlighted, and an example is given of the Association of Student Sports Clubs, which was created in 2013 on the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin so that students who have an active life position have the opportunity to realize their own aspirations, and can also try themselves as organizers of student sports events.

    Keywords: student sports, youth, management, organization, ASSC.

    The most important stage in the reform of the system of higher professional education in the Russian Federation was the process of uniting specialized universities into large scientific and educational centers of federal significance. The decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin emphasizes that the creation of such agreements is the most advantageous direction of state policy in the field of education and science in Russia. Of course, the emergence of federal-level universities opens up unprecedented opportunities for the creation of sports clubs comparable in scale, infrastructure, personnel and resources to their European and American counterparts.

    ASSC Student Club

    The all-Russian youth public organization “Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia” (ASSC of Russia) is a community of active students and graduate students who strive to make sports accessible to everyone.

    Two main goals of ASSC Russia:

    • - development of mass student sports;
    • - creation of a network structure throughout the territory of our vast Motherland.
    • - popularization of a healthy lifestyle.

    These goals can only be achieved in one way - by giving young people the opportunity to show themselves, to show what they are capable of.

    This opportunity will be student sports clubs that students create in their universities throughout Russia. The task of ASSC Russia is to help them overcome all the difficulties they face, attract new students to work, and establish effective interaction of clubs with each other and with the external environment.

    Student sports is a whole world full of vivid sensations and real emotions. These are trainings, struggles, disappointments and victories. This is pride in yourself and your home university.

    These are the brightest people and the longest nights of your life. This is your brotherhood, with which you will always go through life, and when you meet even 30 years later, you will remember how you once smashed the city team of N to smithereens, and then for another year legends were made about you within the walls of your native university. Sports clubs are not just student sports. This is also an excellent school of life for students of any profession - future organizers, PR specialists, photographers, journalists, web designers and anyone who may be involved in sports-related activities. And this is real life.

    A significant date in the history of the Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia (ASSC Russia) is January 24, 2013, the day when Russian President Vladimir Putin, at a meeting with representatives of student sports clubs, supported their initiative to create the Association. Since then, young people began to actively work both in the capital and in the regions, thinking through a specific plan for the work and development of the future organization. June 26, 2013 at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov students held the founding Congress of the ASSC of Russia. Active students from all over Russia were invited to the Congress, and many eminent athletes, university rectors and government officials were among the guests of honor. On September 2, 2013, documents were submitted to the Ministry of Justice, and on September 16, 2013, ASSC of Russia officially became an All-Russian youth public organization designed to develop mass student sports.

    Thus, management in sports is the first educational program in Russia focused on practical training of managers for sports clubs, leagues, federations, sports agencies, managers of sports facilities, advertisers working in the sports field, marketers and sales specialists, as well as professionals representing related business sectors.


    • 1 Official website of ASSC of Russia /[Electronic resource] / Access mode http://studsportclubs.nj/, free. Date of access: 11.11. 2016
    • 2 Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation /[Electronic resource] / Access mode, free. Access date 11/11/2016
    • 3 Pereverzin I.I. Management of a sports organization. Tutorial. - Moscow, JSC "Publishing House "Physical Culture and Sports"", 2006, - 434 p.
    • 4 Russell Hoya, Aaron S. T. Smith, Matthew Nicholson, Bob Stewart, Hans Westerbeek. "Sports Management". Principles and Application". Publisher: Read Media. - 2013. - 352 p.