Why is the modular design of a modern computer science course adopted? Abstract: Modular technology in computer science lessons at school

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2.4. Modular construction of a computer science course

The accumulated teaching experience, analysis of the requirements of the educational standard and UNESCO recommendations show that two main components can be distinguished in the computer science course - theoretical computer science and information technology. Moreover, information technology is gradually coming to the fore. Therefore, even in the basic curriculum of 1998, it was recommended to include theoretical computer science in the educational field of “mathematics and computer science”, and information technology in the educational field of “Technology”. Nowadays, in primary and high schools, such a division has been abandoned, and only in primary schools are computer science included as a separate module of the subject “Technology (Labor).”

Progress in the field of information technology leads to the rapid obsolescence of curricula and methodological developments, forces changes in course content, so it is impossible to build a linear computer science course that strictly fixes the start time of study (for example, grade 1 or 5) and the content in each grade. A way out of this contradiction can be found in the modular construction of the course, which makes it possible to take into account the rapidly changing content, differentiation of educational institutions according to their profile, equipment with computers and software, and the availability of qualified personnel.

Educational modules can be classified into basic, additional and in-depth, which ensures that the content of the computer science and ICT course corresponds to the basic curriculum, highlighting federal, regional and school components.

Basic module- it belongs to the federal component and is mandatory for study, providing the minimum content of education in accordance with the educational standard. The basic module is often also called the basic course in computer science and ICT, which is studied in grades 7-9. At the same time, in high school, computer science education can be at a basic level or at a specialized level, the content of which is also determined by the standard.

Additional module- it belongs to the regional component and is designed to ensure the study of new information technologies and hardware.

Recessed module- it relates to the school component (component of an educational institution) and is designed to ensure the acquisition of in-depth knowledge, including those necessary for admission to a university.

In addition to this division into modules, it is common among methodologists and teachers to highlight in the course content those modules that correspond to the division into main topics. Thus, the above modules are in turn divided for convenience into smaller modules. In this case, examples of modules could be: “Information and information processes”, “Information models and systems”, “Computer as a universal means of information processing”, etc. In specialized training, there can be quite a lot of modules in accordance with the selected content.

The significant difference in the equipment of schools with computer equipment, and its significant lack in a number of peripheral schools, make it almost impossible to fully comply with the requirements of the standard. Therefore, the modular design of the course allows teachers to adapt its content to the specific conditions of the school.

2.5. Place of computer science courses in the school curriculum. Basic curriculum

The place of computer science is determined by the curriculum. Currently, the school has the opportunity to move away from the rigid scheme that has taken place since the introduction of the JIVT course in 1985, and partially adjust the curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education due to the regional and school components.

In 2004, a new basic curriculum and a federal component of the educational standard in computer science and ICT were adopted. Fragments of the 2004 basic curriculum in terms of mathematics, technology and computer science are given below in tables 2.1 and 2.2 (this basic plan is given in full in the work). According to this plan:

    The name of the subject of computer science has changed to “Informatics and ICT”. Under this name it is now registered in the curriculum and school certificate of maturity.

    In grades 3-4, this subject is introduced as a training module of the subject “Technology”. The inclusion of such a module is aimed at ensuring universal computer literacy among students. However, in grades 1-2, computer science can be studied through “Technology” hours or through the component of the educational institution (for the theoretical part).

    In grades 5-7, computer science can be studied through regional and school components, which makes the computer science course continuous.

    In basic school, computer science is studied through the federal component: 1 hour per week in 8th grade and 2 hours in 9th grade. In the 9th grade, computer science can be studied for an additional 1 hour as pre-profile training at the expense of one hour of the “Technology” subject transferred to the component of the educational institution.

    In high school, specialized education is introduced, and computer science can be presented in selected profiles at one of two levels - basic or specialized. The basic level is focused on the formation of a general culture in the field of computer science. The profile level is selected based on the needs of students and is focused on preparation for subsequent professional activities or vocational education.

    The number of hours in computer science in various classes can be expanded due to the regional component. In high school, the number of hours can be increased due to the school component by introducing compulsory elective courses (so-called elective courses).

    Universal (non-core) education in high school includes the subject “Informatics and ICT” as a basic general education subject and is studied at a basic level in grades 10 and 11 for 1 hour per week.

    For various profiles in high school, it is possible to increase the hours to 6 per week due to the regional component and elective courses.

In high school, specialized training is provided, and the number of profiles offered is more than ten. As an example, we give the number of weekly hours for studying computer science for 2 years of study for some profiles:

Physics and mathematics- 8 hours, as a specialized academic subject.


Table 2.1

Basic curriculum 2004 for primary and secondary schools (fragment)

Number of hours per year/week


Technologies I (Labor)

Informatics and ICT

Information technology- 8 hours, as a specialized academic subject.

Industrial-technological- 2 hours, as a basic academic subject.

Universal(non-core training) - 2 hours, as a basic academic subject.

For other profiles, the study of computer science is not provided for through the hours of the federal component, but is possible only within the framework of the regional or school component.

Test questions and assignments

    What are the main factors influencing the selection of computer science course content?

    Describe the machine-based and machine-free versions of the JIVT course in 1985 and 1986.

    What is the purpose of the educational standard?

    Analyze the content of the educational standard in computer science and ICT for primary school and write down the requirements for the skills of schoolchildren.

    Analyze the content of the educational standard in computer science and ICT for high school at a basic level and write down the requirements for students’ skills.

    Why is the modular design of a modern computer science course adopted?

    What does studying the basic module of a computer science course provide?

    What does studying an additional module (regional component) of a computer science course provide?

    What does studying an in-depth module (school component) of a computer science course provide?

    Analyze the school's basic curriculum and write down the number of weekly hours for computer science in each class.

Chapter 3. Methods and organizational forms of teaching computer science at school

3.1. Methods of teaching computer science

When teaching computer science, basically the same teaching methods are used as for other school subjects, however, having their own specifics. Let us briefly recall the basic concepts of teaching methods and their classification.

Teaching method is a way of organizing joint activities between teachers and students to achieve learning goals.

Methodical technique(synonyms: pedagogical technique, didactic technique) is an integral part of the teaching method, its element, a separate step in the implementation of the teaching method. Each teaching method is implemented through a combination of certain didactic techniques. The variety of methodological techniques does not allow them to be classified, however, it is possible to identify techniques that are quite often used in the work of computer science teachers. For example:

    display (visual object in kind, on a poster or computer screen, practical action, mental action, etc.);

    statement of a question;

    issuing a task;


Teaching methods are implemented in various forms and using various teaching media. Each of the methods successfully solves only some specific learning tasks, while others are less successful. There are no universal methods, so a variety of methods and their combinations should be used in the lesson.

In the structure of the teaching method, there is a target component, an active component and teaching aids. Teaching methods perform important functions of the learning process: motivational, organizing, teaching, developing and educating. These functions are interconnected and mutually penetrate each other.

The choice of teaching method is determined by the following factors:

    didactic purposes;

    the level of student development and the formation of educational skills;

    experience and level of training of the teacher.

Classification of teaching methods is carried out on various grounds: by the nature of cognitive activity; for didactic purposes; cybernetic approach according to Yu.K. Babansky.

According to the nature of cognitive activity, teaching methods are divided into: explanatory and illustrative; re-productive; problem; heuristic; research.

According to didactic goals, teaching methods are divided into methods: acquiring new knowledge; formation of skills, abilities and application of knowledge in practice; control and assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Classification of teaching methods proposed by academician Yu.K. Babansky, is based on a cybernetic approach to the learning process and includes three groups of methods: methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity; methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities. Each of these groups consists of subgroups, which include teaching methods according to other classifications. Classification according to Yu.K. Babansky considers in unity the methods of organizing educational activities, stimulation and control. This approach allows us to holistically take into account all the interrelated components of the activities of the teacher and students.

Let us give a brief description of the main teaching methods.

Explanatory and illustrative or information-receptive methods teaching consist in the transmission of educational information in a “ready” form and its perception (reception) by students. The teacher not only transmits information, but also organizes its perception.

Reproductive methods differ from explanatory-illustrative ones by the presence of an explanation of knowledge, memorization of it by students and subsequent reproduction (reproduction) of it. Strength of assimilation is achieved through repeated repetition. These methods are important when developing keyboard and mouse skills, as well as when learning to program.

At heuristic The method organizes the search for new knowledge. Part of the knowledge is imparted by the teacher, and part of it is acquired by the students themselves in the process of solving cognitive problems. This method is also called partial search.

Research The teaching method consists in the fact that the teacher formulates a problem, sometimes in a general form, and students independently obtain the necessary knowledge in the course of solving it. At the same time, they master the methods of scientific knowledge and experience in research activities.

Story - This is a consistent presentation of educational material of a descriptive nature. Usually the teacher tells the history of the creation of computers and personal computers, etc.

Explanation - this is a presentation of material using evidence, analysis, explanation, repetition. This method is used when studying complex theoretical material using visual aids. For example, the teacher explains the structure of a computer, the operation of the processor, and the organization of memory.

Conversation is a method of teaching in the form of questions and answers. Conversations are: introductory, final, individual, group, catechetical (in order to check the assimilation of educational material) and heuristic (exploratory). For example, the conversation method is used when studying such an important concept as information. However, the use of this method requires a lot of time and a high level of teaching skill of the teacher.

Lecture - oral presentation of educational material in a logical sequence. Usually used only in high school and rarely.

Visual methods provide a comprehensive, imaginative, sensory perception of educational material.

Practical methods form practical skills and abilities and are highly effective. These include: exercises, laboratory and practical work, projects.

Didactic game - this is a type of educational activity that models the object, phenomenon, process being studied. Its goal is to stimulate cognitive interest and activity. Ushinsky wrote: “... a game for a child is life itself, reality itself, which the child himself constructs.” Play prepares a child for work and learning. Educational games create a gaming situation for the development of the creative side of the intellect and are widely used in teaching both junior and senior schoolchildren.

Problem-based learning is a very effective method for developing the thinking of schoolchildren. However, around the understanding of its essence, many absurdities, misunderstandings, and distortions are piled up. Therefore, let's dwell on it in detail.

The problem-based learning method has been widely used since the 1960s after the publication of V. Okon’s monograph “Fundamentals of Problem-Based Learning,” although historically it dates back to “Socratic conversations.” K.D. Ushinsky attached great importance to this teaching method. But, despite its rather long history, misconceptions and distortions of its essence are widespread among methodologists, and even more so among teachers. The reason, in our opinion, partly lies in the name of the method, which is extremely unfortunate. Translated from Greek, the word “problem” sounds like a task, but then the meaning is distorted - what does “task-based learning” mean? Is this learning to solve problems or learning by solving problems? There is little meaning. But when the term “problem-based learning” is used, one can speculate on this, because everyone has problems, they exist both in science and in teaching, then we can say that teachers use modern teaching methods. At the same time, it is often forgotten that at the heart of the problem there is always a contradiction. A problem arises only when there is a contradiction. It is the presence of a contradiction that creates a problem - whether in life or in science. If a contradiction does not arise, then this is not a problem, but simply a task.

If we show and create contradictions during training sessions, then we will use the method of problem-based learning. Do not avoid contradictions, do not get away from them, but on the contrary, identify, show, isolate and use for learning. You can often see how a teacher easily and simply, without a hitch, explains the educational material, so everything works out smoothly for him - ready-made knowledge simply “flows” into the heads of the students. And, meanwhile, this knowledge was obtained in science through the thorny path of trial and error, through the formulation and resolution of contradictions and problems (sometimes this took years and decades). If we want, in accordance with the principle of science, to bring teaching methods closer to the methods of science, then we need to show students how knowledge was acquired, thereby modeling scientific activity, so we must use problem-based learning.

Thus, the essence of problem-based learning is the creation and resolution of problematic (contradictory) situations in the classroom, which are based on dialectical contradiction. Resolving contradictions is the path of knowledge, not only scientific, but also educational. The structure of problem-based learning can be represented by a diagram, as shown in Fig. 3.1.

  • Gorlova N. A., Mayakova E. V., Gorlova O. A.


    The problem of continuity in teaching foreign languages ​​in the context of lifelong education. Part 1. Interuniversity collection of scientific articles by graduate students. / Ed.

  • Work program of the course “Informatics and information and communication technologies” general education course (basic level)

    Course work program
  • IN In the teaching of computer science, the long-forgotten method of projects has found a new continuation, which organically fits into the modern activity-based approach to teaching. The project method is understood as a way of carrying out educational activities in which students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in the course of choosing, planning and performing special practical tasks called projects. The project method is usually used when teaching computer technology, so it can be used for both junior and senior schoolchildren. As you know, the project method originated in America about a hundred years ago, and in the 1920s it was widely used in the Soviet school. The revival of interest in it is due to the fact that the introduction of educational information technologies makes it possible to transfer part of the teacher’s functions to the means of these technologies, and he himself begins to act as an organizer of the interaction of students with these means. The teacher increasingly acts as a consultant, organizer of project activities and its control.

    An educational project is understood as a certain organized, purposeful activity of students to complete the practical task of the project. The project can be a computer course for studying a specific topic, a logic game, a computer model of laboratory equipment, thematic communication by e-mail, and much more. In the simplest cases, projects of drawings of animals, plants, buildings, symmetrical patterns, etc. can be used as subjects when studying computer graphics. If the project chosen is to create a presentation, then you usually use

    They use PowerPoint, which is fairly easy to learn. You can use the more advanced Macromedia Flash program and create high-quality animations.

    Let us list a number of conditions for using the project method:

    1. Students should be given a wide range of projects to choose from, both individual and group. Children carry out the work they choose independently and freely with great enthusiasm.

    2. Children should be provided with instructions for working on the project, taking into account individual abilities.

    3. The project must have practical significance, integrity and the possibility of completeness of the work done. The completed project should be presented as a presentation to peers and adults.

    4. It is necessary to create conditions for students to discuss their work, their successes and failures, which promotes mutual learning.

    5. It is advisable to provide children with the opportunity to flexibly allocate time for completing a project, both during scheduled classes and outside of class hours. Working outside of school hours allows contact with children of different ages and levels of information technology proficiency, which promotes mutual learning.

    6. The project method is focused mainly on mastering computer and information technology techniques.

    The structure of an educational project includes elements

    Theme formulation;

    formulation of the problem;

    analysis of the initial situation;

    tasks solved during the implementation of the project: organizational, educational, motivational;

    stages of project implementation;

    possible criteria for assessing the level of project implementation.

    Evaluating a completed project is not an easy task, especially if it was carried out by a team. For collective projects, public defense is required, which can be carried out in the form of a presentation. In this case, it is necessary to develop criteria for evaluating the project and bring them to the attention of students in advance. Table 3.1 can be used as a sample for assessment.

    In the practice of the school, interdisciplinary projects find a place, which are carried out under the guidance of a teacher

    Table 3.1. Table of parameters for project evaluation

    Project parameter



    Compliance with the chosen topic

    Consistency and logic


    Compliance with the declared


    Scope and completeness of development

    Project design

    5. Design

    6. Color design

    7. Using multimedia

    8. Compliance with Standard Requirements

    Project protection

    9. Validity of the project topic and proposed solutions

    10. Quality of the defense report

    11. Demonstration of knowledge on the topic

    Total score

    formats and subject teachers. This approach makes it possible to effectively carry out interdisciplinary connections, and use ready-made projects as visual aids in lessons in relevant subjects.

    In schools in Europe and America, the project method is widely used in teaching computer science and other subjects. There it is believed that project activities create conditions for intensifying the development of intelligence with the help of a computer. Recently, the organization of classes in schools based on the project-based teaching method with the widespread use of information and communication technologies has also become popular.

    3.3. Methods for monitoring learning outcomes

    Control methods are mandatory for the learning process, as they provide feedback and are a means of correcting and regulating it. Control functions:

    1) Educational:

    this is showing each student his achievements in work;

    encouragement to take a responsible approach to learning;

    fostering diligence, understanding the need to systematically work and complete all types of educational tasks.

    This function is of particular importance for younger schoolchildren who have not yet developed the skills of regular academic work.

    2) Educational:

    deepening, repetition, consolidation, generalization and systematization of knowledge during control;

    identifying distortions in understanding the material;

    activating the mental activity of students. 3) Developmental:

    development of logical thinking during control, which requires the ability to recognize a question and determine what is cause and effect;

    development of skills to compare, compare, generalize and draw conclusions.

    development of skills and abilities in solving practical problems

    sky tasks.

    4) Diagnostic:

    showing the results of training and education of schoolchildren, the level of development of skills and abilities;

    identifying the level of compliance of students’ knowledge with educational standards;

    establishing gaps in training, the nature of errors, the amount of necessary correction of the learning process;

    determination of the most rational teaching methods and directions for further improvement of the educational process;

    reflection of the results of the teacher’s work, identification of shortcomings in his work, which contributes to the improvement of the teacher’s teaching skills.

    Control will be effective only when it covers the entire learning process from beginning to end and is accompanied by the elimination of detected deficiencies. Control organized in this way ensures control of the learning process. In control theory, there are three types of control: open, closed and mixed. In the pedagogical process at school, as a rule, there is open-loop control, when control is carried out at the end of training. For example, when solving a problem independently, a student can check his solution only by comparing the result obtained with the answer in the problem book. Finding a mistake and correcting it is not easy for a student, since the process of managing the solution of a problem is open-ended - there is no control over the intermediate steps of the solution. This leads to the fact that errors made during the solution remain undetected and uncorrected.

    With closed-loop control, control is carried out continuously at all stages of training and on all elements of the educational material. Only in this case does control fully perform the function of feedback. Control is organized according to this scheme in good educational computer programs.

    With mixed control, learning control at some stages is carried out according to an open circuit, and at others - according to a closed circuit.

    The existing practice of managing the learning process at school shows that it is built according to an open circuit. A typical example of such an open-loop

    management is the majority of school textbooks, which have the following features in organizing control over the assimilation of educational material:

    control questions are given at the end of the paragraph;

    test questions do not cover all elements of the educational material;

    questions, exercises and tasks are not determined by the learning objectives, but are asked in an arbitrary manner;

    Standard answers are not provided for each question (there is no feedback).

    IN In most cases, control is organized in a similar way in the classroom - feedback from the student to the teacher is usually delayed for days, weeks and even months, which is a characteristic sign of open-loop control. Therefore, the implementation of the diagnostic control function in this case requires significant effort and clear organization from the teacher.

    Many mistakes made by students when completing assignments are the result of their inattention, indifference, i.e. due to lack of self-control. Therefore, an important function of control is to encourage students to self-monitor their learning activities.

    Typically, in school practice, control consists of identifying the level of knowledge acquisition, which must correspond to the standard. The educational standard in computer science normalizes only the minimum required level of education and includes, as it were, 4 steps:

    general characteristics of the academic discipline;

    description of the course content at the level of presentation of its educational material;

    a description of the requirements for the minimum required level of educational training for schoolchildren;

    “measurements” of the level of compulsory training of students, i.e. examinations, tests and individual tasks included in them, the completion of which can be used to judge whether students have achieved the required level of requirements.

    In many cases, the basis for the procedure for assessing knowledge and skills in computer science and ICT, based on the requirements of the educational standard, is a criterion-oriented system using a dichotomous scale: pass - failure. And to assess a student’s achievements at a level above the minimum, a traditional standardized system is used. Therefore, testing and assessing the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren should be carried out at two levels of training - compulsory and advanced.

    The school uses the following types of control: preliminary, current, periodic and final.

    Preliminary control used to determine the initial level of student learning. For a computer science teacher, such control allows one to determine children who have computer skills and the degree of this skill. Based on the results obtained, it is necessary to adapt the learning process to the characteristics of this student population.

    Current control is carried out at every lesson, therefore it must be operational and varied in methods and forms. It consists of monitoring the educational activities of students, their assimilation of educational material, the completion of homework, and the formation of educational skills. Such control performs an important feedback function, so it must be systematic and operational in nature, i.e. performance of each step should be monitored

    smoke student of all important operations. This allows you to record mistakes made in time and correct them immediately, preventing the consolidation of incorrect actions, especially at the initial stage of training. If during this period you control only the final result, then correction becomes difficult, since the error can be caused by various reasons. Operational control allows you to quickly regulate the learning process based on emerging deviations and prevent erroneous results. An example of such operational control is control of mouse and keyboard skills, in particular, the correct placement of the fingers of the left and right hands over the keys.

    The question of the frequency of current control is not simple, especially since it also performs other functions besides feedback. If during control the teacher informs the student of his results, then control performs the function of reinforcement and motivation. At the initial stage of developing action skills, control on the part of the teacher must be carried out quite often, and subsequently it is gradually replaced by self-control in various forms. Thus, during training, current control changes both in frequency and content, as well as in the performer.

    Based on the results of the current control, the teacher evaluates the student’s educational activities and gives a mark. The possible impact of the assessment on the student's academic work should be taken into account. If the teacher decides that the mark will not have the desired effect on the student, then he may not give it, but limit himself to a value judgment. This technique is called “delayed marking.” In this case, you should tell the student that the mark is not

    given because it is lower than what he usually received, and also indicate what he needs to do to get a higher grade.

    When issuing an unsatisfactory grade, the teacher should first find out the reasons for it and then decide whether to give an unsatisfactory grade or use the method of delayed grading.

    Periodic control (it is also called thematic) is usually carried out after studying important topics and large sections of the program, as well as at the end of the academic quarter. Therefore, the purpose of such control is to determine the level of knowledge mastery on a certain topic. In addition, periodic monitoring should be carried out when systematic errors and difficulties are identified. In this case, the skills and abilities of academic work are corrected, refined, and the necessary explanations are given. In this case, the knowledge recorded in the educational standard for computer science and ICT is subject to control. The organization of periodic monitoring requires compliance with the following conditions:

    preliminary familiarization of students with the timing of its implementation;

    familiarization with the content of control and the form of its implementation;

    providing students with the opportunity to retake the test to improve their grade.

    The form of periodic control can be varied - a written test, a test, a test, a computer control program, etc. It is preferable for the teacher to use ready-made tests for this, both blank and computer.

    An important requirement for periodic monitoring is the timely communication of its results to students. It is best to announce the results immediately after completion, when each student still has a great need to find out whether he completed the work correctly. But, in any case, a prerequisite is to report the results at the next lesson, at which an analysis of the mistakes made should be carried out when the emotional intensity of the students has not yet cooled down. Only under this condition will control contribute to a more durable assimilation of knowledge and the creation of positive motivation for learning. If the results of the control are announced only after a few days, then the emotional intensity of the children will have passed, and work on the mistakes will not bring results. From this point of view, computer control programs have an undeniable advantage, which not only immediately produces results, but can show mistakes made, offer to work through poorly understood material, or simply repeat the control procedure.

    Final control is carried out at the end of the academic year, as well as upon transfer to the next level of education. It aims to establish the level of preparation that is necessary to continue learning. Based on its results, the success of training and the student’s readiness for further studies are determined. Usually taken in the form of a final test, test or exam. A new form of final control in computer science can be the implementation of a project and its defense. In this case, both theoretical knowledge and skills in working with various applied information technology software are tested.

    For graduates of the 9th grade, final control in recent years is carried out in the form of an optional exam. This exam is a state (final) certification in computer science and ICT for the course of basic general education. Sample tickets for the exam are compiled by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science. The exam tickets contain two parts – theoretical and practical. The theoretical part involves an oral answer to the questions on the ticket with the possibility of illustrating the answer on a computer. The practical part includes a task that is performed on a computer and has the goal of testing the level of competence of graduates in the field of information and communication technologies. As an example, let's look at the contents of two tickets:

    1) Measuring information: content and alphabetical approaches. Units of information measurement.

    2) Creating and editing a text document (correcting errors, deleting or inserting text fragments), including the use of text formatting elements (setting font and paragraph parameters, embedding specified objects in the text).

    1) Basic algorithmic structures: following, branching, loop; image on block diagrams. Dividing the task into subtasks. Auxiliary algorithms.

    2) Working with a spreadsheet. Creating a table in accordance with the conditions of the problem, using functions. Constructing diagrams and graphs using tabular data.

    For graduates of the 11th grade, the final certification is carried out in the form of a test, which is described below.

    Under control method understand the method of action of the teacher and students to obtain diagnostic information

    formations about the effectiveness of the learning process. In school practice, the term “control” usually means testing students’ knowledge. Insufficient attention is paid to the control of abilities and skills, and yet when teaching information technologies, it is the abilities and skills that should be most subject to control. The following control methods are most often used in schools:

    Oral questioning is the most common and consists of students’ oral responses on the studied material, usually of a theoretical nature. It is necessary for most lessons, because... It is largely educational in nature. A survey before presenting new material determines not only the state of students’ knowledge of the old material, but also reveals their readiness to perceive the new. It can be carried out in the following forms: conversation, story, explanation by the student of the computer structure, equipment or circuit, etc. The survey can be individual, frontal, combined, or compact. Experienced teachers conduct a survey in the form of a conversation, but it is not always possible to assess the knowledge of all students participating in it.

    Oral questioning at the board can be carried out in various forms. For example, a variant of the “troika” survey, when any three students are called to the board at the same time. The first of them answers the question asked, the second adds or corrects the answer of the first, then the third comments on their answers. This technique not only saves time, but also makes students more competitive. This form of questioning requires students to be able to listen carefully to the answers of their comrades, analyze their correctness and completeness, quickly construct their answer,

    therefore it is used in middle and high schools. Oral questioning in class is not so much a control

    lem of knowledge, how many varieties of current repetition. Experienced teachers understand this well and devote the necessary time to it.

    Requirements for conducting an oral interview:

    the survey should attract the attention of the whole class;

    the nature of the questions asked should be of interest to the whole class;

    One cannot limit oneself only to formal questions like: “What is called ...?”;

    It is advisable to place questions in a logical sequence;

    use various supports - visualization, plan, structural and logical diagrams, etc.;

    Students’ answers must be rationally organized in time;

    take into account the individual characteristics of students: stuttering, speech defects, temperament, etc.

    The teacher should listen carefully to the student’s answer, supporting his confidence with gestures, facial expressions, and words.

    The student’s answer is commented on by the teacher or students after it is completed; it should be interrupted only if it deviates to the side.

    Written survey In computer science classes, it is usually taught in middle grades, and in high school he becomes one of the leaders. Its advantage is greater objectivity compared to oral questioning, greater independence of students, and greater coverage of students. It is usually carried out in the form of short-term independent work.

    A non-traditional form of written control is a dictation with a strictly limited time for its completion. The disadvantages of dictation include the possibility of testing only students’ knowledge in a limited area - knowledge of basic terms, concepts of computer science, names of software and hardware, etc. Some teachers use the following technique - the text of a short dictation is recorded in advance on a tape recorder and the recording is played back in class. This teaches students to listen carefully and not distract the teacher by asking questions.

    Test It is usually carried out after studying important topics and sections of the program. It is an effective control method. Students are notified about its implementation in advance, and preparatory work is carried out with them, the content of which is the completion of standard tasks and exercises, and short-term independent work. To prevent cheating, tasks are given according to options, usually at least 4 x, and preferably 8 x, or on individual cards. If the test is carried out using a monitoring program, then the problem of cheating is not so acute, especially since some programs can randomly generate a large number of task options.

    Checking homework allows you to check the assimilation of educational material, identify gaps, and correct educational work in subsequent classes. Mutual checking of written homework is also changing, but children must be gradually prepared for this form of checking.

    Test control. It came into widespread use in our schools quite recently. Tests in education were first used at the end of the 19th century in England and then in the USA. At first, they were used mainly to determine some psychophysiological characteristics of students - speed of reaction to sound, memory capacity, etc. In 1911, the German psychologist W. Stern developed the first test to determine the intellectual development quotient of a person. Pedagogical tests themselves began to be used at the beginning of the 20th century and quickly became popular in many countries. In Russia, back in the 1920s, a collection of test tasks was published for use in schools, but in 1936, by the decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On pedological perversions in the Narkompros system,” the tests were declared harmful and prohibited. It was not until the 1970s that the gradual use of subject achievement tests in our schools began again. Now the use of tests in education in our country is experiencing its rebirth - the Testing Center of the Russian Ministry of Education has been created, which conducts centralized testing of schoolchildren and university applicants.

    The test is a set of specific tasks and questions designed to identify the level of mastery of educational material, as well as the standard of answers. Such tests are often called learning tests or achievement tests. They are aimed at determining the level that the student has reached in the learning process. There are tests to determine not only knowledge, but also abilities and skills, to determine the level of intelligence, mental development, and individual personality traits

    And etc. In addition to didactic ones, there are psychological tests

    you, for example, tests to determine memory capacity, attention, temperament, etc. A variety of computer psychological tests are used for both adults and children of different ages.

    The advantage of tests is their high objectivity, saving teacher time, the ability to quantitatively measure the level of training, apply mathematical processing of results and use computers.

    Schools usually use computer tests with a choice of answers to a question from the proposed options (selective test), of which there are usually from 3 to 5. These tests are the simplest to implement using software. Their disadvantage is that the probability of guessing the answer is quite high, so it is recommended to offer at least four answer options.

    Tests are also used where you need to fill in a gap in the text (substitution test), by substituting the missing word, number, formula, sign. Tests are used where it is necessary to establish correspondence between several given statements - these are tests of correspondence. They are quite difficult to perform, so the teacher needs to familiarize students with them in advance.

    When processing test results, each answer is usually assigned a certain point, and then the resulting sum of points for all answers is compared with some accepted standard. A more accurate and objective assessment of test results consists of comparing the obtained score with a predetermined criterion, which takes into account the required range of knowledge,

    skills and abilities that students must master. Then, based on the accepted scale, the sum of points on the scale is converted to a mark on the accepted scale. In computer tests, such translation is made by the program itself, but the teacher should have been familiar with the accepted criteria.

    Modern didactics considers a test as a measuring device, a tool that allows you to reveal the fact of mastering educational material. By comparing the completed task with the standard, it is possible to determine the coefficient of assimilation of the educational material by the number of correct answers, therefore, quite strict requirements are imposed on the tests:

    they must be sufficiently brief;

    be unambiguous and not allow arbitrary interpretation of the content;

    do not require a lot of time to complete;

    must provide a quantitative assessment of the results of their implementation;

    be suitable for mathematical processing of results;

    be standard, valid and reliable.

    The tests used in school must be standard, i.e. designed for all schoolchildren and tested for validity and reliability. The validity of a test means that it detects and measures exactly the knowledge, skills and abilities that the author of the test wanted to detect and measure. In other words, validity is the suitability of a test to achieve its intended control purpose. Under the reliability of the pony test

    The fact is that, when used repeatedly, it shows the same results under similar conditions.

    The degree of difficulty of the test is judged by the ratio of correct and incorrect answers to questions. If students give more than 75% correct answers to a test, then the test is considered easy. If all students answer most of the test questions correctly or, conversely, incorrectly, then such a test is practically unsuitable for control. Didacts believe that the most valuable tests are those that are answered correctly by 50–80% of students.

    Developing a good test requires a lot of labor and time from highly qualified specialists

    – methodologists, teachers, psychologists, as well as experimental testing on a fairly large population of students, which may take several years (!). However, the use of tests to control knowledge in computer science will expand. Currently, the teacher has the opportunity to use ready-made programs - test shells, which allow him to independently enter tasks into them for control. Computer testing is becoming a common practice for admission to universities in most academic subjects.

    Computer testing has the advantage that it allows the teacher to obtain a snapshot of the level of learning of the entire class in just a few minutes. Therefore, it can be used in almost every lesson, of course, if appropriate programs are available. This encourages all students to work systematically and improve the quality and strength of their knowledge.

    However, not all indicators of mental development of schoolchildren can currently be determined from

    the power of tests, for example, the ability to logically express one’s thoughts, present a coherent presentation of facts, etc. Therefore, testing must be combined with other methods of knowledge control.

    Many teachers develop their tests on subjects that have not been tested for validity and reliability, so they are often called internal or instructional. More correctly, they should be called test tasks. When compiling such a test, the teacher must comply with the following requirements:

    include in the test only the educational material that was covered in class;

    the proposed questions should not allow for double interpretation and contain “traps”;

    correct answers should be placed in random order;

    the proposed incorrect answers should be compiled taking into account typical mistakes of students, and look believable;

    Answers to some questions should not serve as a guide to other questions.

    The teacher can use such tests for ongoing monitoring. The duration of their execution should not exceed 8–10 minutes. More detailed information on test writing can be found in the book.

    When using computers for testing, the following technique can be effectively used. At the beginning of studying a topic, section, or even an academic year, you can place a set of tests on the hard drives of student computers, or only on the teacher’s computer, and make it available to students. Then they can familiarize themselves with them and test themselves at any time.

    By doing this, we aim students at the final result, allowing them to move forward at their own pace and build an individual learning path. This technique is especially justified when studying information technologies, when some students have already mastered them and can, after passing the test, move forward without delay.

    When performing computer testing, a significant part of students make mistakes related to the peculiarities of perceiving information on the monitor screen, entering an answer from the keyboard, clicking the mouse on the desired object on the screen, etc. These circumstances should be taken into account and given the opportunity to correct such errors and take a second test. testing.

    Currently, the final certification of 11th grade students in the course of computer science and ICT is carried out in the form of a test in accordance with the requirements of the Unified State Exam (USE). This testing consists of four parts:

    Part 1 (A) (theoretical) – contains tasks with a choice of answers and includes 13 theoretical tasks: 12 basic level tasks (the completion of each is worth 1 point), 1 advanced level task (the completion of which is worth 2 points). The maximum score for part A is 14.

    Part 2 (B) (theoretical) - contains tasks with a short answer and includes 2 tasks: 1 task of a basic level (the completion of which is worth 2 points), 1 task of an increased level of complexity (the completion of which is worth 2 points). The maximum score for part B is 4.

    Part 3 (C) (theoretical) – contains 2 practical tasks of a high level of complexity with detailed

    answer (the implementation of which is assessed at 3 and 4 points). The maximum score for part C is 7.

    Part 4 (D) (practical) – contains 3 practical tasks at a basic level. Each task must be completed on a computer with the appropriate software selected. Correct completion of each practical task is assessed as a maximum of 5 points. The maximum score for part D is 15.

    The entire test takes 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) and is divided into two stages. At the first stage (45 minutes), tasks of parts A, B and C are completed without a computer. At the second stage (45 minutes), task part D is performed on a computer. Practical tasks must be completed on computers with the Windows 96/98/Me/ operating system. 2000/XP and Microsoft Office suite

    and/or StarOffice (OpenOffice). Between the two stages of testing, a break of 10–20 minutes is provided to move to another room and prepare to perform tasks on the computer.

    As can be seen from this brief discussion, the use of computer testing in schools will expand to cover many school subjects.

    Rating control. This type of control is not something new and came to secondary school from higher education. For example, in US universities the ranking has been used since the 60s of the last century. In our country, the rating system has been used in recent years in a number of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as in some secondary schools on an experimental basis.

    The essence of this type of control is to determine the student’s rating in a particular academic subject. Rating is understood as the level, position, rank of a student,

    which he has based on the results of training and knowledge control. Sometimes a rating is understood as an “accumulated mark.” A term such as cumulative index is also used, i.e. index by sum of marks. When studying at a university, the rating can characterize the results of learning, both in individual disciplines and in a cycle of disciplines for a certain period of study (semester, year) or for a full course of study. In a school setting, ratings are used for individual academic subjects.

    Determining a student’s rating for one lesson or even for a system of lessons on a separate topic is of little use, therefore it is advisable to use this method of control in the system when teaching one subject during the academic quarter and academic year. Regular determination of the rating allows not only monitoring knowledge, but also keeping a clearer record of it. Typically, a rating system for monitoring and recording knowledge is used in conjunction with block-modular training.

    Have you ever seen such a picture - a student wrote a test paper with a “5”, but then comes to the teacher for an additional lesson and asks permission to rewrite it for a higher grade? I think the reader has never encountered anything like this. When using a rating system, this is not only possible, but also becomes commonplace - students quickly realize the advantages of working according to the rating and strive to score as many points as possible by rewriting a test they have already passed or re-taking a computer test, thereby increasing your rating.

    1) All types of student academic work are assessed with points. It is established in advance what the maximum score can be received for: answer at the board, independent work, practical and test work, test.

    2) Mandatory types of work and their quantity in a quarter and academic year are established. If block-modular training is used, then the maximum score that can be obtained for each module of educational material is set. You can determine in advance the maximum total score for each calendar date, quarter and academic year.

    3) The types of work for which additional and incentive points are awarded are determined. In this case, an important point is the need to balance the scores for all types of work so that the student understands that a high rating can be achieved only if he studies systematically and completes all types of tasks.

    4) A total record of the points received is regularly kept, and the results are brought to the attention of students. Then the student’s actual rating is determined, i.e. his position in comparison with other students in the class and a conclusion is drawn about the success or failure of learning.

    5) Typically, the results of rating control are entered for public viewing on a special sheet, where the maximum possible rating score for a given calendar date and the average rating score for the class are also indicated. Such information makes it easier for schoolchildren, teachers and parents to navigate the results of rating control. Regular determination of the rating and bringing it to the attention of students significantly activates them, encourages them to do additional academic work, and introduces an element of competition.

    6) An interesting methodological technique in this case is the assignment of incentive points, which are awarded both for answers to the teacher’s questions and for the students’ questions to the teacher. This encourages students to ask questions and be creative. In this case, there is no need to strictly regulate points, since usually these points are earned by the best students who are passionate about the subject, have a high rating and strive to overtake their classmates.

    At the end of the academic quarter, as well as the academic year, the psychological factors of the influence of the rating system on the activity of students begin to manifest themselves to the greatest extent. A series of rewriting test papers and passing tests from “A” to “A” begins, a competition between students to reach first place in the rating.

    It is a relative rating scale that compares the student's current position with his position some time ago. Therefore, the rating system is more humane. It refers to a personal method of assessment, since the rating allows you to compare a student’s achievements over time, i.e. compare student

    With himself as he progresses in his studies.

    The absence of current grades helps eliminate the fear of getting a bad answer for an incorrect answer, improves the psychological climate in the class, and increases activity in the lesson.

    It is psychologically easier for a student to make an effort and move up a little in the ranking, for example from 9th place to 8th, rather than going from a “C” student to immediately becoming a “ho”


    Stimulates active, uniform, systematic educational work of schoolchildren during the quarter and academic year.

    The marks given based on the results of the quarterly and annual ratings become more objective.

    Sets a certain standard of requirements for assessing knowledge and skills.

    Allows students to determine their own rating score and evaluate their academic achievements.

    It allows for a person-centered approach to learning, so it is in the spirit of the requirements of modern pedagogy.

    The rating system also has its drawbacks - the number of points awarded for a particular type of educational work is assigned by an expert (by the teacher), so it can vary greatly, reflecting the tastes of teachers. Usually the number of points is determined empirically. In addition, a small part of students experience difficulties in navigating the rating system and assessing their achievements.

    Modular learning at school consists of the student’s sequential assimilation of modular units and modular elements. The flexibility and variability of modular vocational training technology is especially relevant in market conditions with quantitative and qualitative changes in jobs, redistribution of labor, and the need for mass retraining of workers. It is impossible not to take into account the factor of the short duration of training in the context of the accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress.

    The relevance of this work lies in the fact that rapidly developing technological progress dictates new conditions for training and makes new demands in the profession. As part of the training, the student can work partially or completely independently with the curriculum proposed to him, which contains a targeted program of action, information bases and methodological guidance for achieving the set didactic goals.

    In this case, the functions of the teacher can change from information-controlling to consulting-coordinating. Modular learning technology is based on combining the principles of system quantization and modularity. The first principle forms the methodological basis of the theory of “compression”, “folding” of educational information. The second principle is the neurophysiological basis of the modular training method. With modular training, there is no strictly defined training period.

    It depends on the student’s level of preparedness, his previous knowledge and skills, and the desired level of qualification obtained. Training may stop after mastering any module. A student can learn one or several modules and subsequently receive a narrow specialization, or master all modules and obtain a wide-profile profession. To perform a job, all modular units and modular elements do not need to be studied, but only those that are necessary to complete the job with specific requirements. On the other hand, professional modules may consist of modular units that relate to different specialties and different areas of activity.

    The purpose of this work is to study modular technologies in computer science lessons at school.

    Achieving this goal is facilitated by solving the following tasks:

    Consider the features of modular teaching technology at school;

    Study the methodology of modular teaching technology at school;

    To practically apply the methodology of modular technology in a lesson in a secondary school.

    The object of the study is the construction of a computer science lesson at school using modular technologies in the teaching process. The subject of the study is the use of modular technologies during a computer science lesson in a secondary school.

    When writing this work, special literature, teaching aids, reference books, and textbooks for universities were used.

    its modernization based on the integration of subjects

    Today, the main thing in education is the subject-based education system. If you look at the sources of its creation, you can see that it was created at the beginning of the intensive development and differentiation of sciences, the rapid increase in knowledge in various fields of human activity.

    The differentiation of sciences led to the creation of a huge number of subjects (disciplines). This is most clearly manifested in school and vocational education; students in educational institutions study up to 25 subjects that are loosely related to each other. It is known that each specific science is a logical system of scientific knowledge, methods and means of cognition.

    The cycle of special subjects is a synthesis of fragments of scientific, technical and production knowledge and types of production activities. The subject system is effective in preparing students in fundamental and some applied disciplines, in which theoretical knowledge and practical skills in specific areas of knowledge or activity are brought into the system. The subject system organically fits into the classroom-lesson form of teaching organization.

    Other advantages of the subject-based education system include a relatively simple methodology for compiling educational program documentation and preparing teachers for classes. At the same time, the subject system has significant disadvantages, the main of which are:

    Systematic knowledge in educational subjects is associated with a large amount of factual educational material, terminological congestion, uncertainty and inconsistency of the volume of educational material with the level of its complexity;

    A large number of subjects inevitably leads to duplication of educational material and is associated with an increase in training time;

    Uncoordinated educational information that comes from different subjects makes it difficult for students to systematize it and, as a result, makes it difficult for them to form a holistic picture of the world around them;

    The search for interdisciplinary connections complicates the learning process and does not always allow students to systematize their knowledge;

    Subject learning, as a rule, is informational and reproductive in nature: students receive “ready-made” knowledge, and the formation of skills and abilities is achieved by recreating patterns of activity and increasing the number of tasks they complete. This does not ensure the effectiveness of feedback and, as a result, the management of student learning becomes more complicated, which leads to a decrease in its quality;

    On-line recording of student success, as one of the important tools for providing feedback, is not effective enough due to relatively large (15-20%) errors in students’ knowledge and skills according to the subjective methods of teachers;

    The variety of subjects that are simultaneously studied, the large volume of educational material that is diverse in similarity leads to overload of students' memory and to the impossibility of real mastery of educational material by all students;

    Rigid structure of educational program documentation, unnecessary regulation of the educational process, which includes strict time frames for lessons and training periods;

    Weak differentiation of teaching, targeting the “average” student;

    Predominantly frontal group organizational form of training instead of individual one.

    From the practice of vocational training it is known that students better perceive and assimilate complex integrated knowledge. Therefore, there is a need to create an appropriate training system, develop theoretical foundations and methods for integrating subjects, develop curriculum on a block-modular basis and the content of didactic elements.

    The modular training system was developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the 70s of the twentieth century as a generalization of the experience of training workers in economically developed countries of the world.

    This system quickly spread throughout the world and, in fact, became an international standard for vocational training. It ensures the mobility of labor resources in the conditions of scientific and technical progress and the rapid retraining of workers who are released at the same time. The modular system was developed within the framework of the then popular individualized training system of F. Keller, and therefore included a number of positive aspects:

    Formation of final and intermediate learning goals;

    Distribution of educational material into separate sections;

    Individualized learning pace;

    The ability to move on to studying a new section if the previous material has been fully mastered;

    Regular knowledge testing.

    The emergence of the modular method is an attempt to eliminate the shortcomings of the following existing methods of training:

    The focus of professional training on obtaining a profession in general, and not on performing a specific job, which made it difficult for graduates of educational institutions to get a job;

    Inflexibility of training regarding the requirements of individual industries and technological processes;

    Inconsistency of training with the rather highly differentiated general educational level of different groups of the population;

    Lack of consideration of the individual characteristics of students.

    The main thing in modular training is the ability to individualize training. From the point of view of J. Russell, the presence of alternative (selective) modules and their free choice allows all students to learn the educational material, but at their own pace. It is important that the tasks for students are so difficult that they work with the strain of their mental abilities, but, at the same time, so difficult that there is no intrusive pedagogical guidance.

    The need to freely choose a module from an alternative set hides one of the possibilities for developing readiness for choice as a personality trait, which is also important for the formation of independence in education. At the same time, with an individualized learning system, the student is required to fully master the educational material with a specific test for each module. Flexibility of modular training. J. Russell presents a module as a unit of educational material that corresponds to a separate topic.

    Modules can be grouped into different sets. The same module may meet separate parts of the requirements that apply to different courses. By adding “new” ones and excluding “old” ones, it is possible, without changing the structure, to create any curriculum with a high level of individualization. While agreeing with this interpretation of “flexibility,” a number of researchers object to considering modules as units of educational material that correspond to one topic.

    Flexibility in this understanding will lead to fragmented learning. There is electivity of learning (the ability to freely choose actions). Following F. Keller's system, an important feature of modular training is the absence of strict organizational time frames for training: it can take place at a time convenient for the student. The absence of strict time frames allows the student to progress in learning at a speed that corresponds to his abilities and availability of free time: the student can choose not only the modules he needs, but also the order in which he studies them.

    J. Russell argues that modular learning requires the student to be directly responsible for the learning outcome, since comfortable conditions are created for him to master the content of the modules. With this approach, the motivation for learning increases significantly, since the student can freely choose the methods, means and pace of learning that are convenient for him. But this does not exclude the role of the teacher (instructor). Student activity in the learning process. To effectively master educational material, the student must actively work on it.

    The main advantage of the methodology in educational institutions of Western Europe is the activity of students. In other words, the emphasis is not on teaching, but on students’ independent individual work with the modules. The functions of the teacher are discussed here. With the advent of modular learning, the functions of the teacher are changing, as the emphasis is on the active learning activities of students.

    The teacher is freed from routine work - teaching simple educational material, active monitoring of students' knowledge is replaced by self-control. The teacher devotes more time and attention to stimulation, motivation of learning, and personal contacts during the learning process. At the same time, he must be highly competent, which allows him to give answers to those complex questions of a creative nature that students may have while working with the module. Student interaction during the learning process.

    The modern understanding of the essence of the learning process, first of all, is that learning is a process of subject - subjective interaction between the teacher and students, as well as students among themselves. This interaction is based on communication. Therefore, learning can be defined as “communication, during which and with the help of which a certain activity and its result are learned.” When communicating, the essence of learning is conveyed. Intensive individual contact is one of the factors in the effectiveness of modular training and at the same time a way to individualize training.

    Conclusion: The main difference between a modular training system and a traditional one is the systematic approach to analyzing the study of specific professional activities, which excludes training in individual disciplines and subjects. This is a very important point in the learning process.

    The construction of modular training programs is based on a specific production task, which is the essence of each specific job. In a generalized form, their complex constitutes the content of a specialty or profession. The term “task” in this case has been changed to a new one – “modular block”. A modular block is a logically completed part of work within the framework of a production task, profession or area of ​​activity with a clearly designated beginning and end of control; as a rule, it is not further subdivided into smaller parts.

    Job skills module (MSM) is a job description expressed in the form of modular blocks. MTN can consist of one or several independent modular blocks. The educational element is an independent educational brochure intended for study, aimed at both independent work by the student and work under the guidance of an instructor. Each learning element covers specific practical skills and theoretical knowledge. The instructional block is a modern form of lesson plan developed for a modular training system.

    It facilitates instructors and teachers to systematically plan and prepare lessons. Instructional blocks can also form the basis for developing an instructional element.

    It is important to introduce a modular training system step by step.

    First stage. It determines the content of training in any profession and its individual components. It can be called designing the content of modular training. Content creation is a consistent detailing of the data of a specific school subject, starting from its functional foundations and ending with the final result. After determining the stages of training in this subject, a “Lesson Description” is developed.

    Here is a condensed description of the main educational functions. The conditions and requirements for those who will study are also given here. Further, all the listed functions that the student must perform are distributed into separate modular blocks: MB - 1, MB - 2,... MB - N. Based on the results of this analysis, a list and description of the modular blocks is compiled. Within each formed modular block, the work performed is further detailed by dividing it into individual operations (“steps”), which in turn are divided into a set of individual skills, the mastery of which makes it possible to perform this operation.

    At the second stage of design, educational elements (EE) are developed to master certain skills, which are the main didactic material in the modular training system. Each educational element contains practical skills or theoretical knowledge that must be acquired.

    The third stage involves technological preparation for the educational process:

    Material provision of places for students to work;

    Creation of control accounting documentation;

    Study by an instructor (or master) of all the skills and abilities that are given in a specific training element.

    At the fourth stage, direct training is carried out using modular technology. A set of interconnected modules represents an information block.

    In relation to school basic education, it is advisable to form a larger, complete unit in the educational sense, which we will call a professional block. When creating professional blocks, it is necessary to take into account the hierarchical principle of their construction, associated with the requirements of the standards of school and vocational education.

    Depending on the required level of professional training, the appropriate modules are selected. At the request of the teacher or student, some modules or modular units may be excluded if in the process of fulfilling professional obligations it is not necessary to perform some part of the work. At enterprises that also use a modular training system, due to the growth of rental, joint-stock, cooperative and other forms of enterprise ownership, there is a need for employees to master not one, but several professions. For example, a manager and an economist, a plumber and a welder, a tractor driver and a driver, and so on.

    In this version of training, the corresponding professional blocks are used. If modules or modular units are repeated and have been studied previously, they are excluded from the curriculum and are not studied in professional blocks. This shortens the training period and allows you to create flexible training programs adapted to the student.

    There may be a broad-based profession involving the use of the same production activity in different industries. The above principles of the modular system of vocational education make it possible to pay attention to the following positive qualities:

    The mobility of knowledge in the structure of an employee’s professional competence is achieved by replacing outdated modular units with new ones that contain new and promising information;

    Management of student learning is minimal. This allows us to solve problems with future training and advanced training of workers and specialists;

    Thanks to clear, short recordings of educational information when constructing didactic modules, it accustoms teachers and students to briefly express thoughts and judgments;

    The time for assimilation of information recorded in the didactic module is 10–14 times greater than in traditional forms of providing educational material;

    The training course is shortened by 10–30% without loss of completeness of teaching and depth of assimilation of educational material due to the action of the factor of “compression” and “deviation” of educational information that is unnecessary for a given type of work or activity;

    Self-learning occurs with regulation of not only the speed of work, but also the content of educational material;

    A decomposition of the profession (specialty) is achieved into parts (modules, blocks) that are complete in terms of purpose and content, which have independent meanings;

    Possibility of training in several professions based on the mastery of different professional blocks, taking into account specific production activities.

    Knowledge of the structure, functions and basic characteristics of action allows us to model the most rational types of cognitive activity and outline requirements for them at the end of training. In order for programmed types of cognitive activity to become the property of students, they must be led through a series of qualitatively unique states in all basic characteristics. Action, before becoming mental, generalized, reduced and mastered, passes through transitional states.

    The main ones constitute the stages of action acquisition, each of which is characterized by a set of changes in the basic properties (parameters) of the action. The theory under consideration identifies five stages in the process of mastering fundamentally new actions. In recent years, the scientist and developer of modular training systems P.Ya. Galperin points out the need to introduce another stage, where the main task is to create the necessary motivation for the student.

    Regardless of whether the solution to a given problem constitutes an independent stage or not, the presence of the motives necessary for students to accept a learning task and perform activities adequate to it must be ensured. If this is not the case, then the formation of actions and the knowledge included in them is impossible. It is well known in practice that if a student does not want to learn, then it is impossible to teach him. In order to create positive motivation, the creation of problematic situations is usually used, the resolution of which is possible with the help of the action the formation of which is planned to begin. There is the following characteristic of the main stages of the assimilation process.

    At the first stage, students receive the necessary explanations about the purpose of the action, its object, and the system of reference points. This is the stage of preliminary familiarization with the action and the conditions for its implementation - the stage of drawing up a diagram of the approximate basis of the action.

    At the second stage - the stage of forming an action in a material (or materialized) form, students are already performing the action, but for now in an external, material (materialized) form with the deployment of all the operations included in it. After the entire content of the action has been mastered, the action must be transferred to the next, third stage - the stage of formation of the action as external speech. At this stage, where all elements of the action are presented in the form of external speech, the action undergoes further generalization, but remains non-automated and unabridged.

    The fourth stage - the stage of forming an action in external speech to oneself - differs from the previous one in that the action is performed silently and without prescribing - like speaking to oneself. From this moment, the action moves to the final, fifth stage - the stage of formation of action in inner speech. At this stage, the action very quickly becomes automatic and becomes inaccessible to self-observation.

    The theory of the gradual formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin certainly served as the basis for modular learning technology. The theory clearly shows the importance of breaking down all activities into individual, interrelated actions. Thus, in a modular learning system, educational information is broken down into separate interconnected blocks, which students learn much more easily and quickly.

    In addition, dividing all educational material into modules eliminates unnecessary information that is studied in the subject education system. The gradual formation of mental actions is very important in the educational process. As you know, one module can include only several closely interrelated disciplines. In the process of studying educational material, the student does not overexert his mental abilities and memory due to the logical connection between the subjects and their small number. Therefore, the student can gradually acquire the necessary knowledge according to the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin.

    One of the most important advantages of modular training is the close relationship between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, since every time after receiving a certain amount of theoretical information, the student immediately consolidates it practically.

    Moreover, he will perform the necessary action until it turns out well. At the same time, a very important connection between theory and practice appears in the learning process. This corresponds to one of the three laws of behaviorism, namely the law of exercise. When testing knowledge, the student takes unit tests. If results are unsatisfactory, the student may re-study the required material until good learning outcomes are achieved.

    Every person has different mental abilities. In the subject-based education system, a very high level of failure is due precisely to this. Let’s say a teacher has interested a student in a certain topic, the person is already completely ready to receive new information that will be well absorbed. But there are also other students who are not yet interested in this topic.

    While the teacher tries to interest (bring into a state of readiness to receive a new dose of information) the rest, the first student will get tired of waiting and lose interest in this topic. The same can be said about strict training time frames.

    There are many cases where children in primary school simply lose interest in learning, although at the beginning of the educational process they strived for knowledge. The reason is always the same - for some, the process of studying certain material is too long and its constant repetition is tiring, while for others there is too little time, because of which the children begin to lag behind, it becomes difficult for them to catch up with the rest and, finally, they are simply tired of this eternal race, so they lose any interest in studying. The same is true with older people.

    Modular learning technology is very important in the modern world, as it is focused on the psychological characteristics of each individual.

    The introduction of this technology in the conditions of innovative development of society contributes to the democratization of the educational process, the organization of rational and effective assimilation of certain knowledge, stimulating subjects of learning to systematic educational work, strengthening the motivational component, the formation of self-evaluating actions and turning control into an effective mechanism of the management process.

    Credit-module system for organizing the educational process (CMSOEP) in accordance with the recommendations of the European Higher Education Area:

    Helps improve quality and ensures that the content of specialist training truly approaches the European level;

    Fully meets the basic provisions of ECTS;

    Takes into account all existing requirements of the domestic education system;

    Easily adapts to existing proven methods of planning the educational process.

    Intensification of training in the conditions of credit-modular technology contributes to achieving the goal of training the future teacher of a secondary school with minimal expenditure of effort from the subjects of training, using traditional and non-traditional teaching methods in teaching activities.

    The teaching method is a complex, multi-quality education that reflects objective patterns, goals, content, principles and forms of teaching. Teaching methods are means of interrelated activities of the teacher and students, which are aimed at mastering the student’s knowledge, skills and abilities, at his education and development in the learning process. The variety of methods gives future secondary school teachers an interest in educational and cognitive activities, which is very important for the development of their professional competence.

    The validity of the theory and practice of a teaching method is characterized by the presence in it of:

    The goals of educational activities planned by the teacher;

    The paths that the teacher chooses to achieve these goals;

    Ways to collaborate with students;

    Sources of information;

    Activities of participants in the educational process; skill of the teacher;

    A system of techniques and teaching aids.

    The use of a particular method should be determined:

    Pedagogical and psychological expediency;

    The ratio on the organization of activities of the teacher and students;

    Compliance of methods with the capabilities of students and the individual capabilities of the teacher;

    The correlation of methods with the nature of the content of the material being studied;

    The relationship and interaction of methods with each other;

    The effectiveness of achieving high-quality learning outcomes and creative use of knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Innovative teaching methods include active learning methods, which, in the conditions of KMSEP, provide for an increase in the level of professional competence of the future secondary school teacher. Active learning methods promote:

    Formation of knowledge, professional skills and abilities of future specialists, by involving them in intensive cognitive activity;

    Activating the thinking of participants in the educational process; manifestation of the active position of students;

    Independent decision-making in conditions of increased motivation; relationship between teacher and student and more.

    Based on this, in the process of training a primary school teacher in the conditions of credit-modular teaching technology, it is necessary to use the following methods and techniques:

    Conducting interactive lectures, namely using the question-answer method while working with students during the lecture; conducting short presentations prepared by students that would reveal one of the questions posed in this topic; testing;

    Introduction during practical classes of such forms of work as “round table”, “workshop”, where students, during the discussion, solve important problems of the specialty on the basis of their own independent work; conducting debates, discussions, analysis of pedagogical situations;

    Transformation of a student’s independent work, execution of an individual research assignment as a mandatory component of studying a specific academic discipline;

    Use in classes of presentations, publications, websites prepared by students in accordance with NIT;

    The use of role-playing and business games, case methods, and “brainstorming” in the educational process of higher education, which contribute to the development of activity, creativity, and creativity of the teacher;

    Conducting master classes and training sessions that contribute to the formation of professional competence of the future primary school teacher;

    Widespread use of multimedia in the process of giving lectures and conducting practical classes, electronic and various types of supporting lecture notes, providing students with educational information on electronic media, Internet search, etc.;

    Using elements of imitation, reflection, relaxation during individual practical classes;

    Using new approaches to monitoring and assessing student achievements that ensure objectivity and reliability.

    Using the capabilities of innovative teaching methods, in the context of credit-modular technologies, in the process of professional training of a future primary school teacher, the following occurs:

    Activation of cognitive activity of students;

    Motivating and stimulating future specialists in the pedagogical field for educational activities;

    Modeling the professional skills of a future specialist;

    Satisfying professional educational interests and needs;

    Development of creativity, critical thinking;

    The ability to demonstrate your personal and professionally important qualities;

    Providing opportunities for lifelong learning;

    Formation of professional mobility, creativity, competence and competitiveness of future secondary school teachers in the labor market.

    The use of pedagogical technologies and innovative teaching methods in the educational process of higher education will provide an opportunity to significantly improve the quality of professional training of the future teacher, ensure his competitiveness in the global labor market, and active participation in the European higher education space.

    Conclusion: Having considered the theory of the phased formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Galperin, we can identify the main systems that underlie the modular learning system. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the importance of P.Ya.’s theory. Galperin. It was this theory that served as the impetus for the creation of the module.

    To date, a significant number of different educational technologies have emerged. All technologies are based on the idea of ​​creating adaptive conditions for each student, that is, adaptation to the student’s characteristics of content, methods, forms of education and maximum focus on independent activity or work of the student in a small group. Today, a pedagogically competent specialist, including a computer science teacher, must master the entire extensive arsenal of educational technologies.

    To achieve the above, we, computer science teachers, use various methods and forms of teaching in the classroom, modern technologies: collaborative learning, problem-based learning, game technologies, level differentiation technologies, group technologies, developmental learning technologies, modular learning technologies, project-based learning technologies. teaching, technology for developing students' critical thinking and others.

    Studying the feasibility of using the collaboration method in the practice of the national school, we came to the conclusion that the set of collaboration technologies in various versions reflects the tasks of a person-centered approach at the stage of acquiring knowledge, forming intellectual skills necessary and sufficient for further independent research and creative work in projects.

    You can use the following options for using collaborative learning in your work:

    1) Checking the correctness of homework (in groups, students can clarify details that were not understood during homework);

    2) One task per group, followed by consideration of tasks by each group (groups receive different tasks, which allows them to analyze a larger number of them by the end of the lesson);

    3) Joint implementation of practical work (in pairs);

    4) Preparation for testing, independent work (then the teacher asks each student to complete tasks or tests individually);

    5) Completion of the design task.

    Project-based learning technologies and collaborative learning, which are closely interconnected, will take a strong place in computer science lessons and in extracurricular activities.

    Of course, it is not worth transferring the entire educational process to project-based learning. For the current stage of development of the education system, it is important to enrich practice with a variety of student-oriented technologies. To achieve the goals of differentiation of learning, we can propose using the following types of multi-level tasks in the lesson: modular technology allows us to individualize learning by content, by the pace of learning, by the pace of assimilation, by the level of independence, by methods and methods of teaching, by methods of control and self-control.

    The core of modular training is a training module, including:

    Completed block of information;

    Target action program for the student;

    Practice shows that most teachers are guided by the received methodological recommendations (this is, of course, useful), but no science will give a specific teacher a recipe for designing the educational process in the student class where he works. The teacher’s choice of methods, technologies, and means of organizing the educational process is very wide. Which ones will give the optimal result? Which ones are “suitable” for the teacher and the conditions in which he works? These questions must be answered by the teacher himself.

    Forming a culture of choice and ensuring the success of each student largely depends on the teacher’s correct planning of the main stages of the lesson, built using IOSE technology (individually oriented learning method), such as, for example, organizing motivation for learning.

    At the same time, the student must be puzzled by the question: how to learn this, I want to know this, I can achieve this, this will be useful for me... Since the lesson is individually oriented, each student must be motivated individually, because each of them has his own motive achievements. A very effective technique is motivation through paradox, which is used, for example, in a lesson on the topic “Forms of Thinking” in 10th grade.

    It begins with the creation of a problem situation, solving which students come to the conclusion about the need to study this topic, which arouses interest in the problem of logic and forms of thinking. The work is carried out using cards with sophistry containing a paradoxical situation and tasks of different levels of complexity proposed at the end:

    The emergence of new areas of science and technology requires approaching problem-oriented methods of knowledge formation, revising the tasks of secondary schools, reorganizing scientific research and training specialists focused on solving non-standard problems of an interdisciplinary nature.

    The main task of student-oriented technology is the task of identifying and comprehensively developing students’ individual abilities. Currently, education is increasingly turning to individual learning, and this pedagogical technology can be effectively implemented, including through distance learning.

    Forming a culture of choice and ensuring the success of each student largely depends on the teacher’s correct planning of the main stages of the lesson, built using IOSE technology (individually oriented learning method), such as, for example, organizing motivation for learning. Since the lesson is individually oriented, each student must be motivated individually, because each of them has his own motive for achievement.

    The problems of developing the information society to accelerate integration processes have been in the center of attention and public thought in recent years. International conferences, meetings, and seminars are held on the problems of informatization and ensuring the principle of “education for all, lifelong education, education without borders.”

    The need to introduce innovative teaching methods in the conditions of credit-modular technology in the process of professional training of a future primary school teacher, caused by the needs of the time, encourages further scientific development of the problem of developing the professional competence of a future teacher in the conditions of a credit-modular technology of a higher educational institution.

    The technologies used in the organization of pre-profile training in computer science are activity-oriented. This contributes to the process of self-determination of students and helps them adequately evaluate themselves without lowering their level of self-esteem. At the first lesson, a short conversation is held with students about what they expect from studying on the course, what they would like to know, what to learn, what professions they are interested in, and so on.

    The introduction of a modular system for organizing the educational process is extremely important for better use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in teaching students.

    1. Andreev V.I. Pedagogy. Training course for creative self-development. 3rd edition. M., 2009. – 620 p.

    2. Galatenko V.A. Information systems standards. M. 2006. – 264 p.

    3. Dzhidaryan I.A. Team and personality. M., Flint. 2006. – 158 p.

    4. Efremov O.Yu. Pedagogy. Peter. 2009. – 352 p.

    5. Zapechnikov S.V., Miloslavskaya N.G., Ushakov D.V. Information security of open systems. M., 2006. - 536 p.

    6. Levites D.G. Teaching practice: modern educational technologies. Murmansk. 2007. – 210 p.

    7. Lepekhin A.N. Theoretical and applied aspects of information systems. M., Theseus. 2008. – 176 p.

    8. Lopatin V.N. Information systems of Russia. M., 2009. – 428 p.

    9. Mizherikov V.A. Management of a general education institution. Dictionary - reference book. M., Academy, 2010. – 384 p.

    10. Novotortseva N.V. Corrective pedagogy and special psychology. M., Karo, 2006. – 144 p.

    11. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Proc. A manual for students. ped. universities and higher education systems qualified ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; edited by E.S. Polat. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p.

    12. Pedagogical systems and workshop. // Ed. Tsirkuna I.I., Dubovik M.V. M., Tetra-Systems, 2010. – 224 p.

    13. Petrenko S.A., Kurbatov V.A. Information security policies. M., Infra-M. 2006. – 400 p.

    14. Petrenko S.A. Information technology management. M., Infra-M. 2007. – 384 p.

    15. Samygin S.I. Pedagogy. M., Phoenix, 2010. – 160 p.

    16. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. M.: Public education. 2008.- 256 p.

    17. Serezhkina A.E. Fundamentals of mathematical data processing in psychology. Kazan, 2007. – 156 p.

    18. Solovtsova I.A., Baibakov A.M., Borotko N.M. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2009. – 496 p.

    19. Stolyarenko A.M. Psychology and pedagogy. M.: UNITY, 2006. - 526 pp.;

    20. Shangin V.F. Information technology management. Effective methods and means. M., DMK Press. 2008. – 544 p.

    21. Shiyanov I.N., Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2008. – 576 p.

    22. Shcherbakov A.Yu. Computer science. Theoretical basis. Practical aspects. M., Book world. 2009. – 352 p.

    23. Shcherbinina Yu.V. Pedagogical discourse. Think-speak-act. M., Flinta-Science. 2010. – 440 p.

    Lopatin V.N. Information systems of Russia. M., 2009. – p. 34.

    New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. A manual for students. ped. universities and higher education systems qualified ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; edited by E.S. Polat. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2006. - 83 pages.

    Serezhkina A.E. Fundamentals of mathematical data processing in psychology. Kazan, 2007. – 29 pages.

    Efremov O.Yu. Pedagogy. Peter. 2009. – 122 pp.

    Solovtsova I.A., Baibakov A.M., Borotko N.M. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2009. – 225 pp.

    Shiyanov I.N., Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2008. – 39 pages.

    Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. M.: Public education. 2008.- 63 pp.

    Basic didactic principles in teaching computer science. Private methodological principles of using software in the educational process. Educational, developmental and educational goals of teaching computer science. Algorithmic culture as the initial goal of teaching computer science. Information culture as a modern goal of teaching a school computer science course

    Basic didactic principles in teaching computer science

    1. Scientific and practical.
    2. Accessibility and general education.

    Private methodological principles of using software in the educational process

    The concept of “pedagogical technology” in educational practice is used at three hierarchically subordinate levels:
    1. General pedagogical (general didactic) level: general pedagogical (general didactic, general educational) technology characterizes the holistic educational process in a given region, educational institution, at a certain stage of education. Here, pedagogical technology is synonymous with the pedagogical system: it includes a set of goals, content, means and methods of teaching, an algorithm for the activities of subjects and objects of the process.
    2. Particular methodological (subject) level: private subject pedagogical technology is used in the meaning of “private methodology”, i.e. as a set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of training and education within the framework of one subject, class, teacher (methodology of teaching subjects, methodology of compensatory teaching, methodology of work of a teacher, educator).
    3. Local (modular) level: local technology is the technology of individual parts of the educational process, the solution of particular didactic and educational tasks (technology of individual types of activities, formation of concepts, education of individual personal qualities, lesson technology, assimilation of new knowledge, technology of repetition and control of material, technology of independent work and etc.).
    There are also technological microstructures: techniques, links, elements, etc. Arranging into a logical technological chain, they form an integral pedagogical technology (technological process).

    Educational, developmental and educational goals of teaching computer science

    The general goals of teaching computer science are determined taking into account the characteristics of computer science as a science, its role and place in the system of sciences, in the life of modern society. Let's consider how the main goals characteristic of the school as a whole can be attributed to the education of schoolchildren in the field of computer science and ICT.

    Educational and developmental goals teaching computer science at school - to give each student initial fundamental knowledge of the fundamentals of the science of computer science, including an understanding of the processes of transformation, transmission and use of information, and on this basis to reveal to students the importance of information processes in the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world, as well as the role of information technology and computer technology in the development of modern society.

    The study of a school course in computer science is also intended to equip students with those basic skills and abilities that are necessary for a strong and conscious assimilation of this knowledge, as well as the foundations of other sciences studied at school. The assimilation of knowledge from the field of computer science, as well as the acquisition of relevant skills and abilities, is also intended to significantly influence the formation of such personality traits as the general mental development of students, the development of their thinking and creative abilities.

    Practical goal school course in computer science - to contribute to the labor and technological training of students, that is, to equip them with the knowledge, skills and abilities that could provide preparation for work after leaving school. This means that a school course in computer science should not only introduce the basic concepts of computer science, which develop the mind and enrich the child’s inner world, but also be practically oriented - teach the student to work on a computer and use the tools of new information technologies.

    For the purpose of career guidance, a computer science course should provide students with information about professions directly related to PCs and computer science, as well as various applications studied at the school of sciences that rely on the use of PCs. Along with the production side of the matter, the practical goals of teaching computer science also include a “everyday” aspect - to prepare young people for the competent use of computer equipment and other means of information and communication technologies in everyday life.

    Educational purpose The school course in computer science is ensured, first of all, by the worldview influence on the student, providing awareness of the capabilities and role of computer technology and information technology in the development of society and civilization as a whole. The contribution of the school computer science course to the scientific worldview of schoolchildren is determined by the formation of an idea of ​​information as one of the three basic concepts of science: matter, energy and information, which underlie the structure of the modern scientific picture of the world. In addition, when studying computer science at a qualitative level, a culture of mental work and such important universal characteristics as the ability to plan one’s work, carry it out rationally, and critically correlate the initial plan of work with the actual process of its implementation are formed.

    The study of computer science, in particular, the construction of algorithms and programs, their implementation on a computer, which requires students to have mental and volitional efforts, concentration, logic and developed imagination, should contribute to the development of such personality qualities as perseverance and focus, creative activity and independence, responsibility and hard work, discipline and critical thinking, the ability to argue one’s views and beliefs. The school subject of computer science, like no other, imposes a special standard of requirements for clarity and conciseness of thinking and actions, since accuracy of thinking, presentation and writing is the most important component of working with a computer.

    None of the main goals of computer science education listed above can be achieved in isolation from each other; they are tightly connected. It is impossible to achieve the educational effect of the subject of computer science without ensuring that schoolchildren receive the basics of general education in this area, just as it is impossible to achieve the latter by ignoring the practical, applied aspects of the content of education.

    Designing specific goals for the school subject of computer science should be based, first of all, on an analysis of the fundamental foundations of the science of computer science, its position among other sciences and the role it plays in society at the present stage of its development.

    In accordance with the general objectives of training, the methodology for teaching computer science sets the following main objectives:

    • identify specific learning objectives computer science, as well as content the relevant general education subject and its place in the secondary school curriculum;
    • develop and offer the school and practical teacher the most rational methods and organizational forms of education aimed at achieving set goals;
    • consider the whole set teaching aids computer science (textbooks, software, hardware, etc.) and develop recommendations on their application in teacher practice.

    Algorithmic culture as the initial goal of teaching computer science

    Scientists and methodologists drew attention to the great general educational influence of computers and programming, as a new area of ​​human activity, on the content of schooling. They pointed out that programming is based on the concept algorithmization, considered as the process of developing and describing an algorithm using a given language. Any human activity, control processes in various systems come down to the implementation of certain algorithms. Students' ideas about algorithms, algorithmic processes and methods of describing them are implicitly formed when studying many school disciplines and especially mathematics. But with the advent of computers, these algorithmic ideas, skills and abilities began to acquire independent significance, and were gradually defined as a new element of the general culture of modern man. For this reason, they were included in the content of general school education and were called algorithmic culture students. The main components of algorithmic culture are:
    • the concept of an algorithm and its properties;
    • the concept of an algorithm description language;
    • level of formalization of the description;
    • the principle of discrete (step-by-step) description;
    • principles of constructing algorithms: blocking, branching, cyclicity;
    • execution (justification) of the algorithm;
    • data organization.

    In the 1980s, the specific goal of teaching computer science in schools was computer literacy students. The concept of computer literacy quickly became one of the new concepts of didactics. The following components were gradually identified that determine the content of computer literacy among schoolchildren:

    • the concept of an algorithm, its properties, means and methods of description, the concept of a program as a form of representing an algorithm for a computer;
    • basics of programming in one of the languages;
    • practical skills in handling computers;
    • principle of operation and design of a computer;
    • the use and role of computers in production and other branches of human activity.

    Computer literacy (KG) is an extension of the concept algorithmic culture (AK) students by adding some "machine" components. Therefore, the task was set to complete the formation of an algorithmic culture as the basis for the formation of computer literacy, which can be represented by the diagram: AK → KG.

    The components of computer literacy for students include the following content:

    1. Ability to work on a computer.
    2. Ability to write computer programs.
    3. Ideas about the structure and principles of operation of a computer.
    4. An idea of ​​the use and role of computers in production and other sectors of human activity, as well as the social consequences of computerization.

    The components of computer literacy can be represented by four keywords: communication, programming, device, application. If the emphasis is placed on any one component in teaching schoolchildren, this will lead to changes in achieving the ultimate goals of teaching computer science. For example, if the communication component dominates, then the computer science course becomes predominantly user-oriented and aimed at mastering computer technologies. If the emphasis is on programming, then the goals of the course will be reduced to training programmers.

    Information culture as a modern goal of teaching a school computer science course

    The first program of the JIVT course in 1985 was quickly supplemented with the concept "information culture of students". The requirements of this version of the program, taken to a minimum extent, set the task of achieving the first level - computer literacy, and taken to the maximum extent – ​​education information culture students. Content information culture (IR) was formed by slightly expanding the previous components of computer literacy and adding new ones. This evolution of the goals of education for schoolchildren in the field of computer science is presented in the diagram: AK → KG → IR → ?

    As can be seen from the diagram, at the end of the chain of goals there is a question mark, which is explained by the dynamism of the goals of education and the need to correspond to the modern level of development of science and practice. For example, now there is a need to include in the content of the concept of information culture ideas about information and communication technologies, the possession of which is becoming an obligatory element of the general culture of modern man.

    The student’s information culture includes the following components:

    1. Skills of competent formulation of problems for solving using a computer.
    2. Skills in formalized description of assigned tasks, basic knowledge of mathematical modeling methods and the ability to build simple mathematical models of assigned tasks.
    3. Knowledge of basic algorithmic structures and the ability to apply this knowledge to construct algorithms for solving problems using their mathematical models.
    4. Understanding of the structure and functioning of a computer, basic skills in writing computer programs using a constructed algorithm in one of the high-level programming languages.
    5. Skills in the qualified use of the main types of modern information and communication systems to solve practical problems with their help, understanding of the basic principles underlying the functioning of these systems.
    6. The ability to competently interpret the results of solving practical problems using a computer and apply these results in practical activities.

    When learning programming I use modular learning technology. This allows me, firstly, to form the integrity of the presentation of the material being studied, secondly, to create a situation of choice and creativity for the student, and thirdly, to develop cooperation skills. Let's consider the use of modular learning using the example of the topic “Arrays”. Traditionally, this topic is one of the most difficult in a programming course.

    The CDC (comprehensive didactic goal) of studying this topic is to master the way of organizing and processing a large amount of data of one type using the BASIC programming language. While studying this topic

    the student must know:

    – array definition;

    – method of its description;

    – ways to access an array element.

    the student must be able to:

    – use previously learned concepts – data types and loops;

    – justify the necessary rational way of organizing data;

    – determine the type of array elements;

    – create block diagrams of algorithms using arrays;

    – write programs in BASIC that process large amounts of data of the same type.

    The Arrays module includes:

    • lecture on the topic “Arrays, basic terms and concepts, the use of arrays in solving various problems;
    • problem solving lesson on the topic “One-dimensional numerical arrays. Array element, array element index";
    • lecture on the topic “Character arrays”;
    • lesson on solving problems on the topic “Operations on Arrays”;
    • lecture on the topic “Two-dimensional arrays”;
    • submodule “Two-dimensional arrays”;
    • generalization lesson on the topic “Arrays”;
    • generalization submodule “Creative task”;
    • test on the topic “Arrays”.

    Let us describe the contents of the submodule “Two-dimensional arrays”. At the beginning of the lesson, each student receives an instruction card developed by the teacher, in which all educational material is divided into educational elements (UE). By completing these UEs, the student masters the necessary knowledge, controls the mastery of the material being studied (on a checklist) and learns to cooperate with classmates.

    Teacher Tips

    Goal: based on theoretical knowledge of two-dimensional arrays and nested loops, you should learn:

    – organize data in the form of tables;

    – justify the choice of array element;

    – describe tabular data;

    – write and debug programs that process two-dimensional arrays in the BASIC environment.

    Pay attention to the time allotted for completing each UE. Try to fit in. I wish you success.

    Goal: test yourself how fluently you write programs using one-dimensional arrays and loops.

    6. Experts will put down points for the task on the control sheet in the table for UE4.

    Execution time no more 25–30 minutes.

    Expect your speech to last 2–3 minutes.

    Goal: Make sure you learn how to write programs using two-dimensional arrays .

    Task tests are in the file UE5 (<Приложение3 >). Your task number matches your computer number.

    1. Write a program in BASIC and save it in the file UE5_N.BAS, where N is the number of your task.

    2. Make sure the program works correctly. Call the teacher.

    3. The task is reviewed and assessed by the teacher on the control sheet in the table for UE5.

    4. Rate the lesson on a 10-point scale (<Рисунок 1 >):

    – are you satisfied with your work (I);

    – whether the goal formulated in UE0 (case) has been achieved;

    - the work of the whole class (we).

    5. Answer the test questions (<Приложение5 >) and hand them over to the teacher.

    Thanks for the work you've done!

    Execution time no more 10–15 minutes.


    1. At the end of each UE, give yourself points on the checklist.

    2. Correctly executed UE ahead of time will add 1 point to you or your group.

    3. Performer in UE4 – 1 additional point.

    4. Expert – 1 additional point.

    5. The points scored by group members are summed up into the overall result of the group’s work.