The number of AIDS patients around the world is declining. Official statistics of HIV and AIDS in Russia (latest data)

HIV statistics in the worldhelps track how many suffer from this disease and find more effective ways to combat it.


HIV infection is a disease caused by the immunodeficiency virus. The disease belongs to the category of slowly progressing. It affects the immune system, as a result of which it develops. The body loses its defenses and ability to resist diseases.

How long do people live with the immunodeficiency virus? StatisticsHIV shows that the average age is no more than 11 years. In the AIDS stage – 9 months. If the patient consults doctors in a timely manner and undergoes antiviral therapy, the life expectancy may be 70–80 years.

The patient's health status also matters. A healthy person has a better chance of a long life and successful treatment.

The virus is transmitted through single contact of damaged skin or mucous membrane with the patient’s biological fluids: blood, semen, vaginal secretions. Transmission of infection occurs:

  • during an unprotected
  • during manicure (through unsanitized instruments);
  • during and during (from mother to child);
  • when (if medical staff violates the rules for checking blood);
  • while taking a dose of injecting drugs (through syringes and needles);
  • when breastfeeding.

The virus cannot be transmitted through tears, saliva, insect bites, household or airborne transmission.

Data for different countries

Cause of infection Prevalence (%) Incidence (%) Number of cases per 100 thousand people
through injections 45 23,18 12 977
Sexual relations with drug addicts 8 5,15 3601
Prostitution 9 3,23 905
Using the services of prostitutes 4 4,07 91
Homosexual relationships 5 13,17 983
Injections in a medical facility 1,1 0,58 1
Blood transfusion 1,1 0,22 49

People who inject drugs are most at risk.

Cases of illness among health workers were also recorded. HIV statistics show that the risk of infection in this category of the population is also high. In the United States alone, over the past few years, more than a hundred cases have been reported, 57 of which have been proven.

Indicators for Russia

According to the Ministry of Health, HIV statistics in our country are shocking. There is a real epidemic in Russia. In terms of growth rates in the number of sick people, the Russian Federation will soon approach those of Africa. Statistics on HIV infection in Russia allow us to conclude that 57% of infections occur among heroin addicts through dirty syringes.

WITH HIV statistics by yearreflects the number of people who died from AIDS and are still living with the immunodeficiency virus:

Year Got sick in a year Revealed for all time Died Living with HIV
1995 203 1 090 407 683
2000 59 161 89 808 3 452 86 356
2005 38 021 334 066 7 395 326 671
2013 79 421 798 866 153 221 645 645
2016 87 670 1 081 876 233 152 848 724
First quarter of 2017 21 274 1 103 150 No data 869 998

Regional HIV incidence statistics are off the charts where the largest drug distribution channels are located. The majority of sick citizens in 2016 were in the Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk and Samara regions. There are at least 1.5 thousand sick people here for every 100,000 people.

The chart shows HIV statistics by region, showing the 10 regions with the largest number of patients.

HIV statistics in Russia show that the most people infected are in the Irkutsk region. In addition to those listed in the diagram, the most affected include the Moscow, Tomsk, Ivanovo, Omsk, Murmansk regions, and Altai Territory. This also includes St. Petersburg.

From HIV shows an increase in indicators. In 2015, 212,578 patients died. This figure is 12.9% higher than the previous year.

The number of HIV patients in Tatarstan has also increased. Statistics say that in 2015, about 18 thousand patients diagnosed with HIV were identified here. Every year the number of infected people increases by 1 thousand people. The mortality rate among those infected with the immunodeficiency virus has also increased. More infected children were also born.

Most carriers of the virus are people aged 20 to 39 years. The main cause of infection is injection of narcotic substances with dirty syringes.

Russian HIV allows us to conclude that the largest number of cases are between the ages of 30 and 39 years. The vast majority are men. Women are most often infected under the age of 35. At the same time, the number of sick teenagers and 15 to 20 year olds has decreased. The data is shown in detail in percentages on the chart:

Routes of transmission of the disease in Russia

In Soviet times, unprotected sex with students from Africa came first. Today, statistics of people infected with HIV indicate that the largest number of sick people are among drug addicts - 48.8% of the total number of people infected. They become infected when using unsterile syringes. According to the results of studies by city, the largest number of cases among drug addicts was registered in Moscow (12–14%), St. Petersburg (30%), and Biysk (more than 70%).

The diagram shows statistics of HIV patients, displaying the main causes of infection in the USSR and modern Russia for the period from 1987 to 2016:

Indicators in the countries of the former USSR

HIV statistics in Ukraine also not comforting. During six months of 2016, 7,612 people were diagnosed. Of these, 1,365 are HIV-infected children. Statistics show that the main reason is the reduction in funding for programs to combat AIDS.

In total, there are 287,970 patients in Ukraine today. Between 1987 and 2016, almost 40,000 citizens died from AIDS. Ukraine is among the leaders in the spread of the disease in the world.The chart shows which areas are most affected by HIV:

HIV statistics in Belarusrecorded 17,605 patients as of 2017. The prevalence rate is 185.2 per 100 thousand people. population. In just 2 months of 2017, 431 citizens with the immunodeficiency virus were identified. The majority of HIV-infected people are in the Gomel, Minsk and Brest regions. For the period from 1987 to 2017. 5,044 people died of AIDS in Belarus.

In 2016, HIV statistics in Kazakhstan indicate an increase in the number of infected people. During this year, about 3 thousand carriers of the virus were identified, of which 33 patients were children under 14 years of age.


As HIV statistics show in Russia and the CIS countries, the epidemiological situation continues to worsen. Morbidity and mortality rates are very high. It is necessary to strengthen measures to combat the disease in the country, otherwise the rate of spread will continue to grow.

In Moscow, the number of new HIV infections increased by 20% over the year. The disease continues to spread due to insufficient actions of the authorities to prevent it, says academician Vadim Pokrovsky

Growing regions

In Moscow in 2017, 20.4% more cases of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus were registered than in 2016, according to data published in the annual statistical collection of the Ministry of Health. ​

In 2016 (.doc) 2.4 thousand cases of the disease were identified, and in 2017 - 2.9 thousand. The certificate does not contain statistics on the total number of people infected with HIV. RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Health asking for its provision. The head of the health department, Alexey Khripun, refused to talk to RBC and referred him to the head of the press service. RBC is awaiting a response from the press service of the Moscow Department of Health.

According to the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS (AIDS Center) of Rospotrebnadzor, the total number of registered Russians with HIV has reached more than 1.22 million people (living and dead). At the end of 2017, there were more than 944 thousand people living with HIV in the country.

In two regions, the increase in cases of the disease was more than 100%: 151.7 and 133.3% in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Tyva, respectively. In Chukotka, the number of new infections increased from 29 to 73 people (the region’s population is less than 50 thousand people), and in Tuva - from nine to 21 (the population is about 310 thousand people). In the Tambov region, the republics of Mari El, Karelia and the Ivanovo region, the increase ranged from 50 to 66%. The Ministry of Health recorded a serious increase in incidence in the Rostov (from 1.6 thousand to 2.1 thousand people), Irkutsk (from 3.5 thousand to 4.2 thousand) and Novosibirsk regions (from 3.5 thousand to 4 thousand people).

The number of HIV-infected people in the Perm Territory and Moscow Region increased by another 400 people on average: from 3.3 thousand to 3.7 thousand and from 2.6 thousand to 3 thousand people, respectively. In another region, the Sverdlovsk region, the number of new infections did not increase: in 2016 there were 6.3 thousand, and in 2017 - 6.2 thousand people.

RBC sent requests to regions where there was an increase in the number of new cases, asking them to explain how local authorities are fighting the spread of HIV.

Lack of prevention

The increase in the number of infected people can be partly explained by an improvement in the quality of testing of the population, believes academician Vadim Pokrovsky. But the main reason is that the preventive measures taken by the authorities are insufficient. “The government is not paying enough attention to regions where the situation has not yet reached a critical level. All efforts are aimed at fighting the epidemic in large cities, which is fundamentally wrong, since it is easier to prevent than to fight another epidemic later,” he said.

To stop the epidemic, Pokrovsky finances the purchase of anti-HIV drugs (the state currently allocates an average of about 20 billion rubles per year for these purposes), improves the availability of condoms and informs the population about ways to protect themselves from HIV.

How HIV spreads

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, when the blood of an HIV-infected person enters the body of a healthy person, including through transfusion, or the use of unsterile medical instruments. HIV infection is not transmitted by kissing, shaking hands, etc. There is one that, without completely destroying the virus, stops its development and makes the infected person harmless to others.

The Ministry of Health counts only those infected who sought help from medical institutions subordinate to the ministry, Academician Pokrovsky explained the difference in the calculations.


Epidemic situation of HIV infection in the world

HIV infection in the world

  • In total, 76.1 million people have become infected with HIV since the beginning of the epidemic.
  • In 2016, there were approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV worldwide, and 1.8 million people worldwide acquired HIV infection in 2016. Among HIV-positive: 34.5 million adults, including 17.8 million women (over 15 years of age), as well as 2.1 million children (under 15 years of age)
  • The rate of new HIV infections among adults is estimated to have decreased by 11% since 2010, from 1.9 million to 1.7 million.
  • The rate of new HIV infections among children decreased by 47% compared to 2010, from 300,000 to 160,000.
  • By June 2017, 20.9 million people living with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy, up from 17.1 million and 7.7 million in 2015 and 2010, respectively.
  • In 2016, about 53% of all people living with HIV accessed treatment, including 54% of adults aged 15 years and older living with HIV, but only 43% of children aged 0-14 years.
  • About 76% of pregnant women living with HIV have access to antiretroviral treatment to prevent transmission of the virus to the fetus.
  • HIV remains a major global public health problem, having claimed more than 35 million lives to date. In 2016, 1.1 million people worldwide died from HIV-related causes. For comparison, this figure was 1.9 million people in 2005 and 1.5 million people in 2010. The death rate due to AIDS has decreased by 48%.
  • Among people living with HIV, tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death, accounting for about one third of AIDS-related deaths.
  • In 2015, there were an estimated 10.4 million global cases of tuberculosis, including 1.2 million among people living with HIV.
  • Tuberculosis deaths among people living with HIV fell by 33% between 2005 and 2015. However, nearly 60% of TB cases among people living with HIV were undiagnosed, resulting in 390 000 TB deaths among people living with HIV in 2015.

HIV infection in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

  • In 2016, there were 1.6 million people living with HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
  • The estimated number of new HIV infections in the region was 190,000.
  • The number of new HIV infections increased by 60% between 2010 and 2016.
  • 40,000 people died from AIDS-related diseases; between 2010 and 2016, the AIDS-related mortality rate in the region increased by 27%.
  • Treatment coverage among people living with HIV was only 28%.

Information prepared based on materials from the website

Epidemic situation of HIV infection in the Russian Federation.

According to Rospotrebnadzor of Russia, as of December 31, 2017, the total number of registered cases of HIV infection reached 1,220,659 people, of which 276,660 HIV-infected people died for various reasons, including 31,898 (4.5% more than in 2016). Tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death among people infected with HIV.

In 2017, 104,402 new cases of HIV infection were registered (excluding those identified anonymously and foreign citizens), which is 2.2% more than in 2016. The HIV infection rate in 2017 was 643.0 cases per 100,000 population, the incidence rate was 71.1 per 100,000 population.

The most affected subjects of the Russian Federation include: Sverdlovsk (registered 1741.4 people living with HIV per 100 thousand population), Irkutsk (1729.6), Kemerovo (1700.5), Samara (1466.8), Orenburg (1289.5) ) regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (1244.0), Leningrad (1190.0), Chelyabinsk (1174.4), Tyumen (1161.2), Novosibirsk (1118.8) regions, Perm Territory (1043.3) .

The highest level of affected population is observed in the age group of 30-44 years. Among men aged 35-39 years, 3.3% lived with an established diagnosis of HIV infection. Among the population aged 15-49 years, 1.2% were infected with HIV.

In terms of incidence rates in the Russian Federation, the leaders were: Kemerovo region (registered 203.0 new cases of HIV infection per 100 thousand population), Irkutsk (160.7), Sverdlovsk (157.2), Chelyabinsk (154.0), Novosibirsk ( 142.8) regions, Perm Territory (140.8), Tyumen (138.7), Tomsk (128.2), Kurgan (117.3), Orenburg (114.7) regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory (114.1) , Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (109.2), Samara (105.0), Omsk (103.9) regions, Altai Territory (101.5), Ulyanovsk region (93.9).

Among newly identified HIV-positive patients with an established risk factor for infection, 43.6% were infected through drug use using non-sterile equipment, 53.5% - through heterosexual contacts, 2.1% through homosexual contacts, 0.8% - infected children from mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

In 2017, 346,132 patients (including patients in prison) received antiretroviral therapy in Russia.

Epidemic situation of HIV infection in the Moscow region.

The first case of HIV infection was identified in the Moscow region in 1988. For the period from 1988 to 1998 (11 years) it was registered 317 HIV-infected residents of the Moscow region. A sharp increase in incidence occurred in 1999 ( 32 times) when it was revealed during the year 4619 new cases of HIV infection. The outbreak occurred due to the distribution of intravenous drugs. The year 2000 was the peak of incidence - more 5694 cases of HIV infection (+ 123%).

In 2001, a decrease in the incidence of HIV infection was registered: by 23.8%; from 2002 to 2012, the annual number of new cases of HIV infection did not exceed 3,000 per year. Since 2013, there has been an annual increase in new cases of HIV infection by 5-9%.

Annually registered cases of HIV infection (1988-2017)

Incidence of HIV infection (number of cases per 100,000 population)

Number of annually registered HIV-infected citizens of the Moscow region

Total infected



Dynamics of increase/decrease in new cases (%)

per 100 thousand population

per 100 thousand population

per 100 thousand population

Over the first 6 months of 2018, 1,570 new cases of HIV infection were registered

Among the municipalities of the Moscow region in 2017, the highest incidence (per 100 thousand population) of HIV infection was registered:

1. g.o. Orekhovo-Zuevo - incidence rate of 85.9 cases per 100,000 population (1.6 times higher than in the Moscow Region).

2. g.o. Elektrogorsk - incidence rate of 78 cases per 100,000 population (1.5 times higher than in the Moscow Region),

3. Noginsky district - incidence rate of 76.9 cases per 100,000 population (1.5 times higher than in the Moscow Region),

4. Solnechnogorsk district - incidence rate of 74.8 cases per 100,000 population (1.4 times higher than in the Moscow Region),

5. Shchelkovsky m.r. - incidence rate of 73 cases per 100,000 population - (1.4 times higher than in the Moscow Region),

6. Zvenigorod city - incidence rate of 72.9 cases per 100,000 population (1.4 times higher than in the Moscow Region),

7. Fryazino city - incidence rate 71.2 cases per 100,000 population (1.4 times higher than in the Moscow Region),

8. Losino-Petrovsky city - incidence rate 71 cases per 100,000 population (1.4 times higher than in the Moscow Region).

A peculiarity of HIV infection is that despite the stabilization of the incidence, the total number of HIV-infected people increases every year - the effect of accumulation of the contingent.

Number of people living with HIV/AIDS.

HIV infection prevalence in the population from 2007 to June 30, 2018.


Number of registered HIV-infected people in the Moscow region in the reporting year

Number of people affected by HIV infection at the end of the reporting period

Affectedness (per 100 thousand people)

The municipalities most affected by HIV infection in the Moscow region are:

  1. g.o. Orekhovo-Zuevo - incidence rate of 1537.2 cases per 100,000 population (2.7 times higher than in the Moscow Region);
  2. Noginsky district - the incidence rate is 856.1 cases per 100,000 population (1.5 times higher than in the Moscow Region);
  3. Pushkinsky m.r. - the incidence rate is 853.4 cases per 100,000 population (1.5 times higher than in the Moscow Region);
  4. g.o. Mytishchi - the incidence rate is 845.1 cases per 100,000 population (1.5 times higher than in the Moscow Region).
  5. Shchelkovsky m.r. - the incidence rate is 838.5 cases per 100,000 population (1.5 times higher than in the Moscow Region);

The largest number of HIV-infected citizens are registered in the following territories:

Name of territories

Number of PLHIV

Krasnogorsk mun. district

Mr. Korolev

Pushkinsky mun. district

Podolsk city

Odintsovo mun. district

Shchelkovsky mun. district

g.o. Orekhovo-Zuevo

g.o. Khimki

g.o. Mytishchi

Ramensky mun. district

Noginsk mun. district

Lyuberetsky district

g.o. Balashikha

In these 13 municipalities there are 23,915 people living with HIV/AIDS, which is 55.7% of the entire cohort of HIV-infected residents of the Moscow region.

Deceased HIV-infected and AIDS-infected citizens of the Moscow region

Over the first 6 months of 2018, 437 people with HIV infection died, including 79 people from causes related to HIV infection.

Over the entire period of the epidemic, 13,235 people died in the Moscow region, including 3,020 people from causes related to HIV infection.

Thanks to comprehensive measures taken in the Moscow region to prevent and treat HIV infection, a decrease in the mortality rate of HIV-infected people was registered from 3.3% in 2013 to 2.36% in 2017

Distribution of HIV-infected people by risk factors (causes) of infection

In the distribution of HIV-infected people according to the main risk factors for infection since 2005, sexual transmission has been predominant and amounted to 71.4% as of 07/01/2018; 27.2% of patients registered at the dispensary were infected with intravenous drug use at the State Clinical Healthcare Institution of the Moscow Central Clinical Hospital AIDS FROM.

Main routes of HIV infection

Risk factors (causes) of HIV infection in the Moscow region

Homosexual contact

Heterosexual contact

IV. drug administration

Vertical path

Blood transfusion

Not installed

Hemocontact infection in everyday life

Ratio of new cases among male and female population

Coefficient value

Coefficient value

Coefficient value

Coefficient value

Distribution of HIV-infected people by age group (among those newly diagnosed)


6 months 2018

50 years and older

Since 2010, new trends have been noted in the development of the HIV epidemic process in the Moscow region - a decrease in the proportion of people with HIV infection in younger age groups and an increase in older age groups. The largest proportion of HIV-infected persons identified over 6 months of 2018 is the age group of 30-39 years - 47.0%. In 2017, this figure was 46.9%, in 2016 - 45.9%. The share of people aged 20-29 years is 17.4% as of July 1, 2018, in 2017 - 18.5%, in 2016 - 21.2%. Noteworthy is the annual increase in the proportion of people aged 40-49 years: 2012 - 13.6%, 2013 - 15.7%, 2014 - 17.5%, 2015 - 18.8%, 2016 - 19.1%, 2017 - 21.2%, as well as those aged 50 years and older: 2012 - 8.6%, 2013 - 8.7%, 2014 - 10.2%, 2015 - 10 .3%, 2016 - 11.1%, 2017 - 11.4, 6 months of 2018. - 11.6.

Distribution of HIV-infected people by age group among PLWHA (%) as of July 1, 2018

50 and >


Among the entire cohort of people living with HIV/AIDS, the proportion of people aged 30-39 years is predominant and amounts to 50.5% (21,690 people). This is explained both by the increase in the number of new cases of HIV infection among people in this age group, and by the general “aging” of the epidemic - the transition to this age group of people with a previously established diagnosis of HIV infection from the group of 20-29 years old, which from 1999 to 2010 year was the most numerous. As of 07/01/2018, the share of the age group 20-29 years is only 7.4% (3212 people), the share of the age group 40-49 years as of 07/01/2018 was 30.1% (12912 people).

HIV-infected pregnant women and children

As of July 1, 2018, 17,815 women with HIV infection were registered in the Moscow region (41.5% of the entire cohort), of which 13,994 were of childbearing age.

From 1998 to July 1, 2018, 8,846 children were born to HIV-infected pregnant women (11,735) in the Moscow region.

Number of registered HIV-infected people in the Moscow region pregnant women and children born to HIV-infected mothers

Of the 8846 children with perinatal contact due to HIV infection, 6828 children were removed from dispensary observation due to the absence of infection.

In 568 children, the diagnosis of HIV infection was confirmed.

Currently, 559 HIV-infected children live in the Moscow region.

The age distribution of HIV-infected children is as follows:

The number of children under the age of 1 year (6 people) is 1.1%, between the ages of 1 and 7 years (184 people) - 32.4%, between the ages of 8-14 years (292 people) - 51.4% , aged 15-17 years (130 people) - 22.9%.

School-age children make up 70.6%.

The number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV infection over three years, broken down by municipalities.

(6 months 2016 - 6 months 2018)

Absolute indicators

6 months 2016

6 months 2017

6 months 2018

g.o. Mytishchi

Sergiev Posad district

Pushkinsky m.r.

g.o. Krasnoarmeysk

g.o. Ivanteevka

Mr. Korolev

Shchelkovsky m.r.



g.o. Elektrostal

Noginsky district


Pavlovsky Posad

Orekhovo-Zuvesky district


city ​​of Balashikha

Mr. Reutov

Lyubertsy city

g.o. Dzerzhinsky

g.o. Kotelniki

g.o. Lytkarino

Ramensky m.r.

city ​​of Bronnitsy


city ​​of Kolomensky

Shatursky m.r.

Egoryevsky district

Voskresensky district

Lukhovitsky m.r.

Zaraisky district

Ozersky district


Podolsk city

Serpukhovskaya district


Chekhovsky m.r.

Protvino city

city ​​of Pushchino

Serebryannye Prudy town

Kashirsky district

city ​​of Stupino


Leninsky district

city ​​of Naro-Fominsk

Lotoshinsky m.r.

city ​​of Shakhovskaya

Volokolamsk district

city ​​of Ruzsky


Odintsovo m.r.


Mozhaisky district


city ​​of Vlasikha

city ​​of Krasnoznamensk

Voskhod city

Solnechnogorsk district

Dmitrovsky m.r.



g.o. Dubna

Taldomsky district

City center Khimki

City center Krasnogorsk

City center Moscow

Total for the region

Reduction in the number of new HIV infections

Sharp increase in the number of new cases compared to last year

Steady increase in the number of new cases over the past 3 years

HIV infection prevalence by municipalities of the Moscow region as of July 1, 2018.

Name of the Municipal entity of the Moscow region


Number of PLHIV

Number of cases per 100,000 population

Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 1

1 250 648


Sergievo Posadsky district

Pushkinsky m.r.

city ​​of Krasnoarmeysk

city ​​of Ivanteevka

Mr. Korolev

Shchelkovsky m.r.



Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 2

1 302 937

g.o. Elektrostal

Noginsky district


Pavlovsky Posad

Orekhovo-Zuevsky district


city ​​of Balashikha

Mr. Reutov

Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 3

Lyubertsy city


Kotelniki city

city ​​of Lytkarino

Ramensky m.r.

city ​​of Bronnitsy


Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 4

city ​​of Kolomensky

Shatursky m.r.

Egoryevsky district

Voskresensky district

Lukhovitsky m.r.

Zaraisky district

Ozersky district


Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 5

1 172 501

Podolsk city

Serpukhovsky district


Chekhovsky m.r.

Protvino city

city ​​of Pushchino

Serebryannye Prudy town

Kashirsky district

city ​​of Stupino


Leninsky district

Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 6

city ​​of Naro-Fominsk

Lotoshinsky m.r.

city ​​of Shakhovskaya

Volokolamsk district

city ​​of Ruzsky


Odintsovo m.r.


Mozhaisky district


city ​​of Vlasikha

city ​​of Krasnoznamensk

Voskhod city

Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 7

Solnechnogorsk district

Dmitrovsky m.r.



city ​​of Dubna

town of Taldom

Khimki city

Interterritorial association of municipalities No. 8

city ​​of Krasnogorsk

City center Moscow

Total for the region

7 423 470

Largest number of PLWHA

According to the report announced at the Fifth International Conference on HIV, held in March 2016 in Moscow, the following ranking of 10 countries was compiled by the number of people infected with AIDS. The incidence of AIDS in these countries is so high that it has the status of an epidemic.

AIDS– acquired immune deficiency syndrome due to HIV infection. It is the last stage of the disease of an HIV-infected person, accompanied by the development of infection, tumor manifestations, general weakness and ultimately leads to death.

1.2 million patients out of 14 million population. Therefore, it is not surprising that the average life expectancy there is 38 years.

9th place. Russia

In 2016, in Russia, the number of people infected with AIDS exceeded 1 million people according to Russian health care, 1.4 million according to the EECAAC-2016 report. Moreover, the number of infected people has been actively growing over the past few years. For example: every 50th resident of Yekaterinburg is HIV positive.

In Russia, more than half of the patients became infected through a needle when injecting a drug. This route of infection is not the main route of infection for any country in the world. Why are there such statistics in Russia? Many say this is due to the shift away from the use of oral methadone as an injectable drug replacement.

Many people mistakenly believe that the problem of infection of drug addicts is only their problem; it is not so scary if the “scum of society” acquire diseases that lead to death. A person who uses drugs is not a monster who can be easily identified in a crowd. He has been leading a completely normal life for a long time. Therefore, spouses and children of drug addicts are often infected. Cases cannot be excluded when infection occurs in clinics and beauty salons after poor disinfection of instruments.

Until society realizes the real threat, until casual partners stop assessing the presence of STDs by eye, until the government changes its attitude towards drug addicts, we will rapidly rise in this ranking.

8th place. Kenya

6.7% of the population of this former English colony are HIV carriers, namely 1.4 million people. Moreover, the infection rate is higher among women, since the social level of the female population is low in Kenya. Perhaps the rather free morals of Kenyans also play a role - they approach sex easily.

7th place. Tanzania

Of the 49 million population of this African country, just over 5% (1.5 million) have AIDS. There are areas where the infection rate exceeds 10%: these are Njobe, far from tourist routes, and the capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam.

6th place. Uganda

The government of this country is making great efforts to combat the HIV problem. For example, if in 2011 there were 28 thousand children born with HIV, then in 2015 – 3.4 thousand. The number of new infections in adults also decreased by 50%. The 24-year-old king of Toro (one of the regions of Uganda) took control of the epidemic into his own hands and promised to stop the epidemic by 2030. There are one and a half million cases in this country.

5th place. Mozambique

More than 10% of the population (1.5 million people) are infected with HIV, and the country does not have its own resources to fight the disease. About 0.6 million children in this country are orphans due to the death of their parents from AIDS.

4th place. Zimbabwe

1.6 million infected per 13 million inhabitants. Widespread prostitution, lack of basic knowledge about contraception and general poverty led to these figures.

3rd place. India

Official figures are about 2 million patients, unofficial figures are much higher. Traditional Indian society is quite closed; many people keep silent about health problems. There is practically no educational work with young people; talking about condoms in schools is unethical. Hence, there is almost complete illiteracy in matters of contraception, which distinguishes this country from African countries, where getting condoms is not a problem. According to surveys, 60% of Indian women have never heard of AIDS.

2nd place. Nigeria

3.4 million HIV patients out of 146 million population, less than 5% of the population. The number of infected women is higher than men. Since there is no free healthcare in the country, the worst situation is in the poor.

1 place. South Africa

Country with the highest incidence of AIDS. Approximately 15% of the population is infected with the virus (6.3 million). About a quarter of high school girls already have HIV. Life expectancy is 45 years. Imagine a country where few people have grandparents. Scary? Although South Africa is recognized as the most economically developed country in Africa, most of the population lives below the poverty line. The government is doing a lot of work to curb the spread of AIDS; free condoms and testing are provided. However, poor people are convinced that AIDS is a white invention, just like condoms, and therefore both should be avoided.

Bordering South Africa, Swaziland is a country with a population of 1.2 million people, half of whom are HIV-positive. The average Swazilander does not live to be 37 years old.

The plague of the 20th century is gathering its “harvest” in the current century, and its results are very disastrous. According to the Ministry of Health, the total number of HIV-infected people in Russia as of January 1 of this year was more than 1.5 million people, and to this figure we must add more than 100 thousand temporarily living foreigners infected with HIV. At the same time, at the beginning of this year, every fifth HIV-infected person died, not necessarily from AIDS, but also from drug overdose, suicide, accidents and domestic violence. According to the conclusion of the main ideologist on HIV in the Russian Federation, Academician Pokrovsky, in almost half (45%) of deaths from infectious diseases, HIV is the main cause of death. A FederalPress correspondent looked into these disappointing statistics.

Since 2006, the country has seen an annual increase in the number of new cases of HIV infection by an average of 10% per year. At the same time, 22 constituent entities of the Russian Federation account for 50% of the total number of new cases of HIV infection. Here are the six “leading regions” in terms of the increase in HIV-infected people in 2016: Moscow – 10,248 people, St. Petersburg – 7,385 people, Yekaterinburg – 5,874 people, Moscow region – 3,718 people, Krasnoyarsk Territory – 4,124 people. , Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – 1662 people.

Risk groups are swelling before our eyes

The current epidemiological situation is worsening due to the spread of HIV infection beyond established high-risk groups, which traditionally included drug addicts, priestesses of love and their clients, as well as people with non-traditional sexual orientation. Today, according to the Ministry of Health classification, the so-called vulnerable and especially vulnerable groups of the population are also involved in the deadly orbit of this disease. The first include street children, young people addicted to new drugs, pregnant women, homeless people, health workers and migrants. The second group includes prisoners and persons in custody. Along with the increase in the number of infected people, doctors note a simultaneous increase in the development of complications and deaths from diseases associated with HIV infection.

As a result, the number of people tested for HIV infection in the country increases every year. In 2015, 28.3 million Russian citizens and about 2 million foreign citizens underwent medical examination for this disease. It is especially worth noting that migration is one of the unfavorable factors in the spread of HIV infection, and the numbers directly indicate this. Compared to 2013, the number of cases of HIV infection detected among foreign citizens in 2015 doubled.

If the average frequency of detection of HIV infection among the population in 2015 was 4.2 cases per 1000 tests performed, then for people included in traditional risk groups, detection of HIV infection is significantly higher and amounts to 51.5 cases per 1000 tests performed among consumers injection drugs and 31.1 cases per 1000 tests performed among persons in prison. However, the coverage of medical examinations for HIV infection among people who inject drugs remains low.

Drugs and unprotected sex

These two factors account for more than 90 percent of HIV infections. The priority here is transmission through the blood during injection drug use for non-medical purposes - more than 50%. About 40% of cases of HIV infection are transmitted through contact, that is, through sexual contact.

Vulnerable groups of the population are also subject to negative dynamics. Thus, an increase in the number of pregnant women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus is recorded annually. In 1987–2015 in Russia, 145,287 children were born to mothers infected with the human immunodeficiency virus, 6% of them had confirmed HIV infection. It cannot be said that the Ministry of Health is sitting idly by. Thus, from 2006 to 2015, the risk of transmission of HIV infection from mother to child decreased from 10.5% to 2.2%, which corresponds to the best international experience in preventing this type of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus.

Will the HIV strategy reverse the negative dynamics?

Just the other day, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved the implementation plan for the State Strategy to combat the spread of HIV infection in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond. This is how Dmitry Morozov, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection, commented on its main provisions:

“It is extremely important that the action plan contains such key areas as early detection of HIV infection, prevention of vertical transmission of the disease and adherence of patients and doctors to therapy according to official protocols. At the same time, it is necessary to draw the attention of the state authorities of the constituent entities to the need for strict implementation of the assigned tasks, since the quality of life of such patients depends primarily on their implementation.

The situation with the increase in the number of HIV-infected people and the provision of necessary medications to them has repeatedly become the subject of discussion by the State Duma Committee on Health Protection. In February of this year, members of the committee expressed concern about the lack of antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus in a number of regions of Russia, contacting the Minister of Health and hearing a report from employees of the Ministry of Health. The plan approved by the Government of the Russian Federation is an important step in our consistent fight against a serious threat, which will provide a system of support for patients in the country.”

The expert channel “FederalPress” published a study in which it studied the problems of AIDS across the entire country. . It turned out that the immunodeficiency virus scourges not only the Urals - it mows down the population of all regions without exception.