Sand therapy in the correction of the development of children with disabilities. Corrective sand therapy program for children with intellectual disabilities

State government educational institution of the Sverdlovsk region

"Kachkanar special (correctional) secondary school"

Considered at a school meeting

methodological unification

" "____________20

Agreed by Deputy Director



I confirm: order No.

" "______________20

Head teacher:


« Sand therapy as a means to correction and development of the emotional sphere

in children with moderate and severe mental retardation"

Compiled by: Makushina Yu.N.

educational psychologist


I. The work program is compiled on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

Federal State Educational Standard for mentally retarded students;

OU curriculum.

II . This program is compiled in accordance with the school curriculum and is designed for primary school students from grades 1-4 with moderate and severe mental retardation.

for 1 sd. class – 34 hours;

for 2nd. class – 34 hours;

for 3rd class class – 34 hours;

for 4th ind. class – 34 hours;

Duration of classes is 15-20 minutes. Classes are conducted taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students.

The program is designed for 1 year of study.

III . Explanatory note.

One of the methods of psychocorrection is play therapy. Games have a huge impact on the personality development of any child. Sand therapy is one of the types of play therapy. The sand therapy method is based on Jung's theory that every object in the external world evokes some symbol in the depths of the unconscious. Psychologists use this type of therapy to correct isolation, unsociability, phobias, emotional overload, and psychological trauma.

The psychoprophylactic and developmental aspects of sand therapy are manifested in the production of fairy tales and stories in the sandbox.

For children, this is a playful way to talk about their problems, reveal their fears and get rid of them, as well as relieve emotional stress. After all, play for a child is a necessary, natural and favorite activity.

The play of a child with moderate to severe mental retardation is of great importance, because is the leading activity. Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for a child. A child with intellectual disability often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and here he can help

Sand games are coming. By playing out the situations that agitated him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. Sand has the property of allowing water to pass through. Due to

With this, experts claim that it absorbs negative mental energy, interaction with it cleanses a person’s energy and stabilizes the emotional state.

The development of fine motor skills in children is important when working with sand. The tactile form of sensations is very significant in children with disabilities. This is one of the forms of knowledge of the surrounding world.

Games with sand are varied: educational games provide the process of learning to read, write, count, and read and write; educational games give children the opportunity to learn about the diversity of the world around them, about the history of their city, country, etc.; Projective games open up a child’s potential and develop his creativity.

Joy and success are necessary for disabled children to a much greater extent than for other pupils, since achievements and advancements are achieved through incomparably greater efforts, and only a feeling of joy and satisfaction can support them.

Sand therapy is an unusual technique, thanks to which a child, or a group of children, builds their own world in miniature from sand and small figures. They enjoy using miniature figures of people, animals, trees, buildings, cars, and bridges. While playing, children can mix sand with water, form hills, mountains, and create wet landscapes. At the same time, kids express in the sand what spontaneously arises in their minds. Playing with sand provides children with the opportunity to release psychological trauma by externalizing fantasies and creating a sense of connected control over their internal impulses. Establishing a connection with unconscious drives, especially the archetype of the self, and expressing them in symbolic form greatly facilitates the healthy functioning of the psyche.

The most important role in organizing sand play therapy is given to an individual approach to each player. Disabled children are keenly interested in themselves, in their capabilities and achievements, so it is necessary to find pedagogical means that allow us to pay attention to each individual, while implementing a deeply personal approach. The variety of sand games opens the way to an individual approach, and this turns out to be an important pedagogical condition for the effectiveness of sand therapy.

Sand therapy cannot be performed in the following cases:

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);

Epilepsy or schizophrenia;

Children with very high levels of anxiety;

Children with allergies to dust and small particles;

Skin diseases and cuts on the hands.

IV . Main objectives of the program:

Development of tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

Formation of the child’s ideas about the world around him;

Relieving emotional stress;

Reduced aggression and anxiety;

Developing a sense of success and self-confidence;

Correction of self-esteem, overcoming the “bad artist” complex, with the help of sand compositions using ready-made figures;

Development of visual perception, memory, attention, speech, creative thinking, imagination and fantasy;

Improving visual-spatial orientation, speech abilities;

IV . P object-spatial environment.

To organize sand games, you need a specialsubject-spatial environment:

A special sandbox desk equipped with an LED backlit screen and a pocket for sand. The advantage of such a desk is that several children can study at it at once.

Items used in the process of creating sand paintings:

People diverse in gender, age, cultural and national origin, professions;

Terrestrial animals (domestic, wild, prehistoric);

Flying animals (wild, domestic, prehistoric);

Inhabitants of the aquatic world (various fish, mammals, mollusks, crabs);

Dwellings with furniture (houses, palaces, castles, other buildings, furniture of various eras, cultures and purposes);

Household utensils (dishes, household items, table decorations);

Trees and other plants (flowers, grass, shrubs, greenery, etc.);

Vehicles (land, water, air transport for civil and military purposes, fantastic;

Objects of the human environment (fences, hedges, bridges, gates, road signs);

Accessories (beads, masks, fabrics, buttons, buckles, jewelry, etc.);

Natural objects (crystals, stones, shells, pieces of wood, metal, seeds, feathers, glass, etc.);

Fantastic objects and cartoon characters, fantasy, werewolf figures;

Villains (evil characters from cartoons, myths, fairy tales).

V . Program effectiveness

As a result of working in classes with sand, students with intellectual disabilitiesmust learn:

Model various stories, fairy tales, using small toys;

Be able to control your inner impulses;

Believe in yourself;

Establish friendly contact with other children in the game;

During the implementation of the program, the level of anxiety and aggressiveness in children should decrease; Motor skills should develop, horizons and vocabulary expand.

III . Methods and means for assessing program effectiveness.

The influence of sand play therapy sessions on relationships between schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities can be verified by sociometric research.

Monitoring the level of well-being of children's relationships (accepted, popular, unpopular, rejected) in the classroom.

The method of emotional-color analogy by A.N. Lutoshkin is intended to study the characteristics of the child’s emotional state;

- Luscher color testdesigned to study the characteristics of the emotional state;

J. Book's drawing test "House. Tree. Person" allows you to identify the degree of severity of insecurity, anxiety, self-distrust, feelings of inferiority, hostility, conflict, difficulties in communication, and depression.

IV . Bibliography:

    Psychosynthesis and other integrative techniques of psychotherapy / Ed. A. Badkhena, V. E. Kagan. M., 1997.

    Grabenko T.M., Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D. Corrective, developmental and adaptive games. - St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2002.

    Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. Workshop on creative therapy. - M.: Rech, 2003.

    Baryaeva L.B., Kondratyeva S.Yu. Games and activities with sand and water: A manual for teachers and parents. - St. Petersburg: 2008.

    Sakovich N.A. Sand playing technology. Games on the bridge. – St. Petersburg..Rech, 2006.

VI . Analysis of the effectiveness of sand therapy in correcting interpersonal relationships of mentally retarded schoolchildren.

As a result of sand play therapy activities for children with moderate and severe mental retardation, there is an increase in the level of well-being of relationships both in the peer group and in communication with adults.

Not a single subject had the status of “rejected” or “not accepted” in the children’s team at the end of the school year.

The reciprocity coefficient (KB) is an index of group cohesion that expresses the different nature of the relationships existing in a group. In the classes where sand play therapy sessions were held, children became more united, despite the fact that there were several leaders in the groups. Quite close connections have been established between group members.

Children began to notice and highlight the best human qualities when choosing friends and comrades: “I am friends with him because he is cheerful, kind, honest.”

An increased level of well-being in relationships means the well-being of the majority of children in the group in the system of interpersonal relationships, their satisfaction in communication, and recognition by peers. The motivation for elections in most cases is determined by the children’s desire to communicate and have a common cause; other reasons are secondary. All this is of great importance in the development of interpersonal relationships of children with intellectual disabilities who have severe EMU disorders.

In further work, psychologists and teachers should not ignore unpopular children. It is necessary to identify and develop positive qualities in them, to raise low self-esteem in order to improve their position in the system of interpersonal relationships.


Class date


Chapter. Subject.

Corrective focus

Educational and methodological, material and technical


Examination of children. Incoming diagnostics.

Techniques :

Luscher color test;

Drawing test by J. Book

"House. Tree. Man"

Topic: Introducing a child to the sand environment. Familiarization with sand, rules of behavior in the sandbox.

Reduced psychophysical stress.

Development of tactile sensations.

Game “Our Handprints”

On a flat surface of sand, children and a psychologist take turns making handprints: with the inside and outside. It is important to hold your hand on the sand, pressing it slightly, and listen to your feelings. Exercises:

- “slide” your palms along the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements,

Perform the same movements, placing your palm on the edge,

- “walk” with your palms along the paved routes, leaving your traces on them,

Create all sorts of fancy patterns on the surface of the sand with the prints of palms, fists, knuckles, palm ribs, try to find the similarity of patterns with objects of the surrounding world (chamomile, sun, raindrops, grass, tree, hedgehog, etc.),

- “walk” along the surface of the sand separately with each finger alternately with your right and left hand, then simultaneously (first only with the index finger, then with the middle finger, then with the ring finger, thumb, and finally with the little finger).

Game "Magic Glade".

Children build an imaginary country in the sand.

Game “What is hidden in the sand?”

Game "Guess the riddle"

Children are read riddles and asked to guess them, but the answer is not just said out loud, but found in the sand

Game "Patterns on the sand"

A game « Sand Builders"

Game "We create the world"

Building a variety of living and non-living communities in the sandbox - city, village, forest, river, lake, island.

Game “First lesson in magic: forest, clearing and their inhabitants”

Game "Second" magic lesson: sea, river, lake and their inhabitants"

A game « The third lesson of magic: the city and its inhabitants, professions and services."

Game “The Fourth Lesson of Magic: The Village and Its Inhabitants”

Game "Space Travel"

Game "Big House"

Exercises to develop fine motor skills; Finger gymnastics.

"Hello pens."





"At the kitty's."

"Little mouse".

"Let's clap our hands."

"My stuff".



"Monkeys", etc.

Audio recording “Sounds of Nature”; wooden box with sand, collection of miniature figurines.

Topic: “Introduction to wet sand”

Reducing psychophysical stress and fatigue. Development of tactile sensations.

Game "Property of Wet Sand"

Game "Fairytale City"

Game "Pirate Attack"

Game "Sea Voyage"

Game "At the Bottom of the Sea"

Game "Magic Island"

Game "Mysterious inhabitants of the oceans"

Relaxation exercises (muscle relaxation)

Exercise "Icicle"
Exercise "Humpty Dumpty"

Sketch "Kittens"

Sketch “What do you hear?”

Sketch “It’s boring, it’s boring to sit like this,” etc.

Audio recordings “Sounds of the world around us”; wooden box with sand, collection of miniature figurines, water.

Topic: “Journey to a Fairy Tale”

Development of imagination, speech, development of communication skills, interpersonal relationships.

Game "Guess the riddle"

Game “Choose the right figures”

The psychologist reads a fairy tale to the children and, as the characters read and appear in the fairy tale, begins to place them in the sandbox, then asks the children to continue displaying them in the sandbox on their own from the proposed set of fairy-tale figurines.

Game "Draw a fairy tale"

Game "Wonderful Glade"

Game "Seasons"

Game "Build a Magic Land"

Game "Guess whose footprint"

Exercises for speech correction:"Say it the other way around"

"Make New Words"

“Make a proposal”, etc.

Wooden box with sand, collection of miniature figurines,

Topic: “Our creativity”

Realization of creative potential, development of communication skills, development of interpersonal relationships in the group.

Game "Little Pictures" Drawing various pictures on the sand.

Game "Mood Country"

Game "Gift for Comrades"

Game "Big Family"

Game "Friendly Zoo"

Just free creativity of children.

Wooden box with sand, collection of miniature figurines

Examination of children. Final diagnostics.

Study of the psycho-emotional state of children.

Techniques :
- emotional-color analogy by A. Lutoshkin;

Luscher color test;

Drawing test by J. Book

"House. Tree. Man"

The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, without regret destroys the creations he himself created, and builds again... But it is this simple action that keeps a unique secret - there is nothing that would be irreparably destroyed - the old is always replaced something new is coming. By repeatedly living this secret, the baby reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, and relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy tale world, a child with special educational needs is given the opportunity to change an uncomfortable situation for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for a child with disabilities. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and then playing with sand comes to his aid. By playing out the situations that agitated him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well.

Observations by psychologists show that it is precisely the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can clearly show parents the characteristics of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child is becoming overly aggressive or timid when communicating with peers - this may be a reason to think about the education system.

A child's play is a symbolic language for self-expression. By manipulating toys, a child can show more adequately than express in words how he relates to himself, to significant adults, to events in his life, to the people around him.

Children's play can be more fully appreciated if it is recognized that it is a means of communication for them. Children express themselves more fully and directly in spontaneous, self-initiated play than in words, because they feel more comfortable in play. For children, "acting out" their experiences and feelings is the most natural, dynamic and healing activity they can engage in.

Playing in the sand provides a means to resolve conflicts and communicate feelings. Toys equip the child with suitable tools, since they are the environment in which the child can express himself. In free play he can express what he wants to do. When he plays freely, and not at the direction of someone else, he performs a whole series of independent actions.

Feelings and attitudes that a child may be afraid to express openly can be safely projected onto a toy chosen at their own discretion. Instead of expressing feelings and thoughts in words, a child may bury this or that toy in the sand, hit it, drown it, etc. A child's feelings often cannot be expressed verbally (in words).

Playing with sand is necessary for children with disabilities, they:

· develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

· relieve muscle tension;

Help the child feel protected in a comfortable environment;

· develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);

· stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;

· allow the child to relate games to real life, comprehend what is happening, and find ways to solve a problem situation;

· overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figures;

· improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;

· contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;

· allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;

· promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;

Organization of sand therapy:

cabinet, sand box (50x70), the bottom of which is painted blue; sand, miniature toys, various categories (various houses, people, fairy-tale characters, animals, beads, pebbles, coins, etc.).

Sand play equipment

1. A waterproof wooden box or plastic basin, the bottom and sides of which should be blue/blue (the bottom symbolizes water, and the sides symbolize the sky). The height of the sides is at least 10 cm. The dimensions of a large sandbox for subgroup activities are 90x70 cm, the sand in it can be divided into two parts: dry and wet. For individual lessons, you can use several plastic rectangular basins. It is advisable that sandboxes have removable lids.

2. The sand must be yellow or light brown, certified, and the sand grains must be medium in size. Sand fills 1/3 of the box. It should not be too large or too small. Before use, the sand must be sifted, washed and disinfected - it must be calcined in the oven or silicified. It is necessary to quartz sand at least once a week, with the obligatory indication of the last date of quartzing on the tag (on the outer wall of the sandbox). At the end of the lesson, wet sand must be dried, the surface of the dry sand must be leveled and sprinkled with water.

3. A set of play equipment (stored in plastic containers with holes):

Spatulas, wide brushes, sieves, funnels;

A variety of plastic molds of different sizes - geometric; depicting animals, vehicles, people; dough molds;

Miniature toys (5-10 cm high) depicting people of different genders and ages; various animals and plants; transport, etc. (do not use Kinder Surprise toys for classes in younger groups);

A set of toy dishes and toy beds (for the games “Sand Kindergarten” and “Family”);

Various buildings and structures;

Waste equipment: pebbles, shells, twigs, sticks, large buttons, disposable cocktail straws.

Rules for playing with sand for kids

1. Take care of grains of sand - do not throw them out of the sandbox. If sand accidentally spills out, show it to an adult and he will help them get back into the sandbox. You cannot throw sand out of the sandbox.

2. Sand grains really don’t like being put in the mouth or thrown at other children. You cannot put sand in your mouth and throw it at other people.

3. Children should always have clean hands and noses. Play with the sand - wash your hands and show your clean palms to the mirror.

4. Our toys love to be put in their place. After the game, you need to put all the toys back in their places.

Working conditions with children

1. Consent and desire of the child.

2. Special training of the teacher, his creative approach to conducting classes.

3. Children should not be allergic to dust from dry sand, skin diseases or cuts on their hands.

Additional conditions for organizing games and activities with wet sand

1. Children should not have cuts on their hands or skin diseases.

2. Children must have oilcloth aprons for work.

3. The water used to moisten the sand must be warm. With each lesson, the water temperature can be gradually reduced (this way, additional hardening of the children occurs).

4. There should be a source of clean water and napkins near the sandbox.

Here are some of the working methods that we use in our kindergarten:

· Playful, I use it most often, since this method does not require a lot of individual lessons and in the process helps to quickly solve minor psychological problems of the child. He is offered the role of a presenter, a wizard who creates his own magical land, his own fairy tale. The teacher actively plays with the child and offers various problem situations. The child independently or together with the teacher finds ways out of them. Immediately before playing, the child should be introduced to sand. To do this, the teacher shows possible methods of working with sand: you can crush it, you can build with it, you can make various footprints, and manipulate toys in the sand. Then the child is offered topics that are consistent with his problem: "My group", "My birthday", "My family", "My trip to the zoo" » etc. Or a fairy tale is played out, which the teacher begins and the child continues, including his imagination.

In some cases, playing with sand is the leading method of correction if a child has serious behavioral or emotional disorders. In the process of sand play, a child expresses his deepest emotional experiences, is freed from fears, anxiety, and the experience does not turn into mental trauma.

· Methodology « My family is on the sand » , I like it because it is much more informative than a drawing « my family". On the sand, the child opens up more, he begins to play and interact with his figures. By the way he arranges them, unfolds them, buries them or hides them in houses, one can judge the family situation. The teacher pays attention to the sequence, who is following whom, whether the plot corresponds to a given theme, how family members are grouped, the degree of proximity and distance from each other, what figures are used for each family member, what boundaries there are in the family. Erased, clear, transparent. Whether the figurine is buried or may be flooded with water, which family member begins and ends with whom.

The teacher records everything in the protocol, and at the end of the game, photographs the sandbox, using the results of this diagnosis in his further correctional work.

We also use sand therapy in subgroup correctional and developmental classes.

During correctional classes, both dry sand and wet sand are used. Classes can be conducted individually, in pairs, in subgroups depending on the purpose of the lesson. Can be used "magical" figures: sand man - the lord of sand, sand fairy, various witches, as well as rituals of entering a fairy tale through "magic" a ball given by a fairy fairy or "magic » a tunnel that helps you get into a fairyland of sand. When working with children with disabilities who have musculoskeletal disorders, sand is used more to develop fine motor skills. Wet sand is suitable for this: it falls out of the sandbox more easily, and is much more convenient to play with, build something, or make footprints with. Wet sand is recommended for children with increased physical and emotional tone - hyperactive, aggressive. When a child crushes sand, he relieves physical and emotional stress. Such children can be encouraged to make buildings and various beads out of sand, destroy them, and then encourage children to build more beautiful forms.

Thus, group classes help children develop skills of conflict-free communication in a team and a tolerant attitude towards "special" for children, to make communication easier for those who are withdrawn and shy. The use of sand therapy methods in correcting the emotional sphere of children with disabilities allows us to more effectively solve the following problems: difficulties in communication, in relationships between children and parents, psychological trauma, mood disorders, crisis situations, fears, anxiety, behavioral problems and even health problems. Individual lessons using sand therapy methods help children: ensure an effective emotional response, give it socially acceptable forms; make the child aware of his feelings, experiences, emotional states, increase self-confidence through social recognition of the value of the product created by him.

Individual correctional lessons for children with disabilities.

Goal: development of tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, fine motor skills of the hands, imagination, speech.

· Exercise « Our handprints"- moderately damp sand is used.

On a flat surface of sand, the child and the teacher take turns making handprints: with the inside and outside. In this case, it is important to hold your hand a little, lightly pressing it into the sand, and listen to your feelings. The teacher begins the game by talking about his feelings: "I'm pleased. I feel the coolness (or warmth) of the sand. When I move my hands, small grains of sand slide across my palms. How do you feel? The child tries to talk about his feelings.

Then, the teacher turns his hands over, palms up, with the words: “I turned my hands over, and my sensations changed. Now I feel the roughness of the sand differently, in my opinion, it has become a little colder. How do you feel? I'm not very comfortable holding my hands, are you? If your child experiences similar sensations, you can discuss further actions. Maybe move your arms?

· slide your palms along the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements (like a car, snake, sled)

Perform the same movements, placing your palm with an edge

· create all sorts of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand using fingerprints, fists, and knuckles and try to find the similarity of the resulting patterns with any objects in the surrounding world (chamomile, sun, blade of grass, tree, hedgehog)

- « take a walk » on the surface of the sand alternately with each finger of the right and left hands.

· Exercise "Unearth a treasure". This version of the exercise is offered to the child in the form of a fairy tale: “In a fairy-tale country there lived a beautiful fairy. She lived in a magical forest with fabulous inhabitants. But she also really liked the sandy country next door. She loved to fly over this sandy country and admire the dunes and sandy seas. One day, when she was flying over a sandy country, a sandstorm arose, so strong that the Fairy lost all her colorful magic stones. (yellow - like sand, green - like grass in her country, blue - like seas and rivers). The fairy was very upset, because without these stones, her country would perish. Let's help you find them and sort them by color.

The child finds colorful pebbles and arranges them by color.

They are then given to the Fairy.

· Exercise « Different moods".

You can continue the theme of the fairy tale: “When the fairytale Fairy lost her magic stones, how do you think the Fairy felt, what mood was she in? Try drawing on our sand sheet. (Pay attention to the expression of the eyes, mouth, eyebrows of different emotions). And when did you find (found) Fairy pebbles, what did she feel, and you? Let's try to draw.

In the following lessons, you can develop the theme of the Fairy, build her fairyland, come up with adventures for the Fairy with your child and play them out.

Exercise games

All of the exercise games described below can be used both for individual correctional work and for developmental work with a subgroup of children. While performing the required exercises, you can do five minutes of free play/rest in the sand.

Games on the surface of dry sand

"Hello, sand!"

Goal: reducing psychophysical stress.

Equipment: Sandbox.

Progress of the game:

The teacher asks to “say hello to the sand” in different ways, that is, to touch the sand in different ways.

Touches the sand alternately with the fingers of one, then the other hand, then with all fingers at the same time;

Easily/with tension squeezes his fists with sand, then slowly pours it into the sandbox;

Touches the sand with the entire palm - the inside, then the back;

He rubs sand between his fingers and palms.

In the latter case, you can hide a small flat toy in the sand: “One of the inhabitants of the sand wanted to say hello to you - ...”

Older children describe and compare their sensations: “warm - cold”, “pleasant - unpleasant”, “prickly, rough”, etc.

"Sand Rain"

Purpose: regulation of muscle tension, relaxation.

Equipment: Sandbox.

Progress of the game:

Teacher: in a fairyland, an unusual sandy rain may fall and a sandy wind may blow. It is very nice. You can make such rain and wind yourself. Watch it happen. The child slowly and then quickly pours sand from his fist into the sandbox, onto the palm of an adult, into his palm. The child closes his eyes and places his palm with his fingers spread out on the sand, the adult sprinkles sand on a finger, and the child names this finger. Then they change roles.

« Sand Wind"

Goal: to teach children to control inhalation and exhalation.

Equipment: Sandbox, cocktail straws.

Progress of the game:

Kids learn to breathe through a straw without sucking sand into it. Older children can be asked to first say a pleasant wish to their friends, give a wish to the sandy country by “blowing it into the sand”, you can also blow out depressions and holes on the surface of the sand. For these games, you can use disposable cocktail straws.

« Unusual traces"

Goal: development of tactile sensitivity and imagination.

Equipment: Sandbox.

Progress of the game: “The bear cubs are coming” - the child presses forcefully onto the sand with his fists and palms. “Hares are jumping” - the child hits the surface of the sand with his fingertips, moving in different directions. “Snakes are crawling” - the child, with relaxed/tense fingers, makes the surface of the sand wavy (in different directions).

By creating his own magical, unique world on the sand, the child conveys to us all his fantasies and experiences.

The child perceives the world directly through play, movement, sensations and images. The sand technique allows you to combine all this in one process: while playing with sand, the child uses fine motor skills, perception, imagination, the child actively uses role-playing, fantasizes, and develops speech skills. To ensure the harmonization of the psycho-emotional state of the child as a whole, in our kindergarten we use sand technology in our work. It has a positive effect on the development of the child as a whole. Children often find it difficult to express their emotions and feelings correctly, and by playing in the sand, a child can, without noticing it, talk about problems that concern him and relieve psycho-emotional stress. In our classes, in addition to the classic sandbox, we use kinetic sand. The advantage of sand technology is that a child can build a whole world in a simple and interesting way, while feeling like the creator of this world. The images, play plans of the child, the words that he uses when playing with sand, reflect the picture of the world in which he lives. Children play out situations that worry them and thereby resolve many issues and conflicts. The value of the sand technique lies in the fact that the solution to the problem occurs precisely within the framework of the individual understanding of the world of each specific child, in accordance with his age, character and other characteristics. Various emotions are reflected in the sand in a playful way - resentment, admiration, fears, joy, anger, anxiety, tension. By solving problems in the sand through play, the child truly resolves his internal conflicts.

Marina Shengelaya
Sand therapy in correcting the development of children with disabilities

Relevance of the problem

Even in ancient times, people showed interest in this material. Ancient tribes drew protective circles on the ground and created various designs from sand. In Indian practice, sand drawings were used in ceremonies for healing, exorcism and other purposes. Since ancient times and to this day, Tibetan monks have practiced creating magic circles from multi-colored sand over several weeks to achieve perfection and spiritual harmony. Sand It has strong meditative properties and “grounds” negative energy.

Sand, according to psychotherapists, is a substance that can evoke the richest associations. What a person created on the sand is in tune with his inner world. Very often this world is incomprehensible not only to others, but also to the “owner” himself. A person, especially a child, cannot always formulate what is happening to him, but sand helps to express everything that is hidden in it. With the help of sand and small figures, you can play out exciting, conflict situations - this allows you to gain new experience in a safe space, freeing you from internal tension.

Shape and size

Sandboxes may be of several types. Traditional parameters - 50cm (width)* 70 cm (length)* 8 cm (depth). These dimensions optimally correspond to the size of the field of visual perception. Although you can use sandbox square and even round shape (square and round shape provokes the desire to occupy the center). If you play with a subgroup, it will be ideal sandbox larger - 140 cm * 100 cm * 8 cm.

Color of sides and bottom

Can be added to exciting sand activities a little color therapy, that is, change colors from time to time sides: black color evokes mixed impressions (fear, intrigue, mystery).

Green is the color of plant life, therefore it evokes deep experiences and generates special frankness;

Yellow (gold) associated with the desire to achieve a goal, which will give a sense of life perspective and free you from internal and external restrictions;

Red is the color of activity, sexuality, impulsiveness and creativity, therefore it is especially useful for provoking suppressed aggression

The main items we use in sand therapy:

people - figurines of babies, children, adults, representatives of different professions, fairy-tale characters;

Dwellings and houses with furniture: this subgroup should be represented by a variety of houses characteristic of different nations, from small and modest to large and richly decorated, as well as caves, tents or marquees, hospital buildings and prisons. The set should include furniture for kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, as well as garden and hospital furniture.

Household utensils and products: pots and pans, plates, cups, saucers, knives, forks, spoons, as well as various foods in sufficient quantities.

Animals - fish (shark, dolphin, swordfish) and other aquatic mammals (fur seals, walruses, whales, amphibians, reptiles, rodents, domestic animals and predators, birds, insects (ants, flies, beetles, spiders, grasshoppers, butterflies). And definitely a couple of toy dinosaurs;

Vehicles: this subgroup includes various types of transport designed to move on land (bicycles, cars, trucks, tanks, water (boats, sailing ships, ships) and air (planes, helicopters, rockets, parachutes).

Habitat objects person: fences, road signs and equipment; bridges, gates, portals, etc.

plants - trees, shrubs, flowers

objects of celestial space - the sun, moon, stars, rainbows, clouds, lightning;

accessories - pieces of fabric, threads, buttons, chains, small nails, coins)

natural objects - pebbles, bones, pieces of metal and wood, shells, seeds, acorns, chestnuts, feathers, dry plants, crystals, polished glass.


1. the teacher becomes an attentive spectator; his position is "active presence", for the greatest self-disclosure of the child;

2. the teacher becomes the leader sand game, during which children master new knowledge, consolidate acquired skills (sound pronunciation, ability to classify objects, development of fantasy, etc.. P.)

Diagnostic examination:

Up to 3 years of age, a child’s play in the sand is educational and developmental character, through sand baby "builds" your life playing "Kulichiki" he forms his idea of ​​the world. From 3 years of work in sandbox is already correctional and developmental in nature. Nonverbal expression using a variety of objects, sand, water, as well as constructive and plastic materials is most natural for them, which becomes especially significant if the child has certain disabilities.

Playing with sand can contribute:

stabilization of emotional state

development tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and hand motor skills

development of perception, attention, memory, graphic skills

expanding ideas about the environment and speech development

formation of mathematical submissions: about shape, size, quantity, space

Games on development tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands

We receive tactile sensations through skin: “hot - cold”, “dry - wet”, “hard - soft”, “smooth - sharp”.

Kinesthetic sensations are obtained during movement:

Slide your palms along the surface of the sand, performing zigzag and circular movements. (like cars, snakes, sleds, etc.);- perform the same movements, placing your palm on the edge; - “walk” with your palms along the laid paths, leaving your traces on them; - create all sorts of fancy patterns on the surface of the sand with the imprints of your palms, fists, knuckles, and the ribs of your palms; - “walk” "on the sand separately with each finger of the right and left hand alternately

You can “play” on the surface of the sand, like a piano or keyboard computer.

You can lay out a figure, a letter on the sand from sticks...

Sandbox can be used to find a specific toy or letter made of plastic and buried among others in the sand (variation of the game "Magic Bag").

Getting to know sandbox(from 3 years)

The goal is to reduce psychophysical stress.

Invite your child to “say hello” to sand, do what he wants like: stroke, sprinkle, draw on it; feel what he's like touch: cold or warm, rough or smooth, pleasant-unpleasant, soft, etc.

Getting to know wet sand

carried out in the same way as with dry. Please pay attention to the fact that the sand has changed, it doesn’t crumble, it looks like porridge, now you can sculpt from it.

The child is offered free play. Sand you can mix with your hands, scoop with a scoop or mold, make slides, caves, roads, hide toys in it, etc.

Pouring sand into containers, pouring (from 3 years)

Equipment: 2 containers with a narrow neck, a funnel.

The child pours sand in a bottle, if desired, you can use a funnel. Using a funnel you can pour sand from one bottle to another.

Sand rain(from 3 years)

The goal is to regulate muscle tension and relaxation.

Tell me what's in sandy the country can also go unusual sandy rain and sandy wind blowing. Show how to pour slowly or quickly sand from fist into sandbox, on another palm, on the palm of another person.

sand wind(from 3 years)

Breathing exercise.

Invite your baby to blow on sand through a cocktail straw - this way you can make holes and any lines. Caution is needed here. Make sure that the straw does not touch the sand and the baby does not inhale through it!


Experience has shown that the use sand therapy gives positive results:

Students' interest in classes increases significantly; - students feel more successful; - there is no place for monotony and boredom in classes;

Focused correctively- pedagogical work on development speech in classes with sand promotes development motor skills of fingers and speech processes.

Pupils of a correctional kindergarten are characterized by increased nervous excitability, anxiety, aggressiveness, hyperactivity on the one hand and passivity, isolation, closedness, constriction, underdevelopment of the emotional sphere, and behavioral disorders on the other hand. In addition, children with problems in the intellectual sphere experience speech impairment or its complete absence, insufficient development of coordination of movements, fine motor skills of the hands, lack of a sense of rhythm, impaired speech memory, attention, perception, etc.

Therefore, our students need special methods for correcting their psycho-emotional health. Our work experience has convinced us that one of the most productive and effective methods of training, development and organization of correctional work with children with similar problems is - sand play therapy.

The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, without regret destroys the creations he himself has created, and builds again... But it is this simple action that keeps a unique secret - there is nothing that is irreparably destroyed - the old is always replaced something new is coming. By repeatedly living this secret, the baby reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, and relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy tale world, a child with special educational needs is given the opportunity to change an uncomfortable situation for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for a child with disabilities. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and then playing with sand comes to his aid. By playing out the situations that agitated him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well.

Observations by psychologists show that it is precisely the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can clearly show parents the characteristics of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child is becoming overly aggressive or timid when communicating with peers - this may be a reason to think about the education system.

A child's play is a symbolic language for self-expression. By manipulating toys, a child can show more adequately than express in words how he relates to himself, to significant adults, to events in his life, to the people around him.

Children's play can be more fully appreciated if it is recognized that it is a means of communication for them. Children express themselves more fully and directly in spontaneous, self-initiated play than in words, because they feel more comfortable in play. For children, "acting out" their experiences and feelings is the most natural, dynamic and healing activity they can engage in.

Playing in the sand provides a means to resolve conflicts and communicate feelings. Toys equip the child with suitable tools, since they are the environment in which the child can express himself. In free play he can express what he wants to do. When he plays freely, and not at the direction of someone else, he performs a whole series of independent actions.

Feelings and attitudes that a child may be afraid to express openly can be safely projected onto a toy chosen at their own discretion. Instead of expressing feelings and thoughts in words, a child may bury this or that toy in the sand, hit it, drown it, etc. A child's feelings often cannot be expressed verbally (in words).

Playing with sand is necessary for children with disabilities, they:

· develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

· relieve muscle tension;

Help the child feel protected in a comfortable environment;

· develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);

· stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;

· allow the child to relate games to real life, comprehend what is happening, and find ways to solve a problem situation;

· overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figures;

· improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;

· contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;

· allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;

· promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;