Responsible teacher. “Mentor, unforgettable leader and Teacher

  • Moskaleva Anastasia Alexandrovna, bachelor, other position
  • Omsk State Pedagogical University

A teaching worker is a special subject of labor relations. The specifics of his work activity also leaves its mark on those offenses for which he may incur disciplinary liability. This article discusses the issues of labor discipline for a teaching worker, as well as possible courses of action in case of disagreement with the imposed disciplinary sanction.

  • An effective contract as a means of increasing the motivation of teaching staff
  • Some aspects of the legal regulation of termination of a service contract
  • The problem of legal regulation of the dismissal of a civil servant due to loss of confidence
  • Problems of state registration of rights to linear objects
  • Mechanisms of social and legal protection of motherhood and childhood in modern Russia

Labor discipline is the mandatory subordination of all employees to the standards of behavior established by regulatory legal acts of labor legislation. The employer rewards employees who perform their duties conscientiously. There are different types of incentives: declaration of gratitude, bonuses, rewarding with a valuable gift, certificate of honor, etc. The use of such measures certainly stimulates workers to achieve even greater results in their work. However, there is also a downside when an employee does not properly perform his job duties, which is a violation of labor discipline and entails disciplinary liability. Disciplinary liability in the Russian Federation is established for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by an employee of labor duties provided for in Art. 21 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, including:

  1. Conscientious performance of official duties provided for in the employment contract;
  2. Compliance with internal labor regulations;
  3. Compliance with established labor standards;
  4. Compliance with occupational health and safety requirements;
  5. Careful attitude towards the employer's property.

Job responsibilities are specified in the employment contract, as well as local regulations, such as job descriptions. Among the measures of responsibility for disciplinary offenses, the following types of punishments are provided:

  1. Reprimand is the most loyal measure of punishment, usually carried out in writing;
  2. A reprimand is a fairly severe punishment, because... may serve as grounds for dismissal of an employee;
  3. Dismissal for cause is the most severe form of disciplinary action.

The legal responsibility of teaching staff is an essential element of their legal status, as well as a guarantee of the conscientious performance of official duties. Thus, Part 4, Article 48 of Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) establishes that teaching staff are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper performance of their duties. At the same time, the legislator in the Federal Law itself does not establish sanctions, but refers us to other legislation. In labor legislation, teaching staff are identified as a special category of workers. In my opinion, this was done, first of all, due to the fact that the teacher plays a primary role in the development of the human personality, in particular, and society in general. Thus, persons who have a criminal record, have been subject to criminal prosecution, have dangerous diseases, etc. are not allowed to engage in teaching activities. There are also peculiarities in terminating an employment contract with teaching staff: in addition to the grounds common to all categories of employees, the following conditions will contribute to the termination of an employment contract with a teaching staff:

  1. Repeated gross violation of the Charter of an educational organization within one year;
  2. The use (including one-time use) of educational methods associated with physical or moral violence against the student’s personality;
  3. Reaching the age limit for the position held.

When imposing a disciplinary sanction, the severity of the offense committed, as well as the circumstances under which it was committed, must be taken into account. It is not permitted to apply disciplinary sanctions that are not provided for by law, for example a fine for an employee being late. A disciplinary sanction, if the employee disagrees, can be appealed to the labor inspectorate or to court.

Now let’s look at an example of appealing a disciplinary sanction in court. Thus, by the ruling of the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases No. 33-2831, it was established that K. filed a lawsuit for reinstatement at work and recovery of wages for the period of forced absence, citing the fact that he worked at the BOU DOD as a teacher of additional education. By order of December 30, 2015, he was dismissed under Art. 336 clause 2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The reason for his dismissal was a violation of the rights of students, assault, but he did not commit any disciplinary offenses. At the court hearing, K. supported the claim, explaining that on December 24, 2015, he heard a blow on the office door. When I went out into the corridor, I saw P., who had a tennis racket in his hands. He reprimanded him and told him to give him the racket, which P. did. Ch. and M. saw what was happening. The next day M. demanded an explanation from him about this fact, but took it away without allowing him to write the explanation to the end. He was familiarized with the dismissal order. The representative of the plaintiff Z. supported the client’s demands, pointing out that the fact of the use of violence against P. was not confirmed, in addition, the dismissal procedure was violated: an explanation was not requested, the plaintiff was not informed of the order in a timely manner, an act of refusal to give an explanation was not drawn up and from the painting in the order. The representative of the defendant, director of the BOU DOD M., did not admit the claim, explaining that on December 24, 2015, Ch. told her that K. hit P. in the face with his hand. She saw that the boy’s cheek was red, he was hysterical, crying, screaming so that K. returns the racket. The latter began to threaten him. The plaintiff handed over the explanation to her unfinished, without a signature; the plaintiff refused to sign about familiarization with the dismissal order. The plaintiff appealed the order, higher authorities recognized it as legal.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the special status of teaching staff as subjects of labor relations leaves its mark on the expansion of the conditions under which the dismissal of a teaching staff is possible, as a disciplinary measure.


  1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2001 N 197-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2017)
  2. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016, as amended on December 19, 2016) “On Education in the Russian Federation” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 1, 2017)
  3. Kirillov A.A. Labor regulation in a higher educational institution: A practical guide / A.A. Kirillov - M.: Justitsinform, 2009 - 103 p.
  4. Muravchenko V.B. Some aspects of the legal regulation of municipal service in the federal law “On municipal service in the Russian Federation” // Modern Law. – 2007. – No. 12.
  5. Muravchenko V.B. Subject of legal regulation of municipal service // Modern law. – 2008. – No. 11.
  6. Muravchenko V.B. Classification of municipal service positions // Legal issues. – 2011. – No. 2.
  7. Muravchenko V.B. Register of municipal service positions in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation // Legal Issues. – 2010. – No. 3.
  8. Moskaleva A.A. Legal responsibility as an element of the legal status of a teaching worker // State and law in the conditions of modern civil society. – 2016. – P. 59-61.

So, today the responsibilities of a teacher will be brought to our attention. The teacher himself, the parents of the students, and the management should know them. After all, for violating or failing to fulfill duties you can bring disaster upon yourself. Unfortunately, not everyone knows the law on education, in which the responsibilities of a teacher are clearly stated. And therefore, in educational institutions, various “showdowns” very often occur between teachers, management, students and parents. To avoid this, let's try to understand what rights and responsibilities teachers have at school.


Let's start with what an employee of an educational institution can count on. Not everyone knows about this. And often the rights and obligations of the teacher are simply violated. It should be noted that, according to the education law, the entire teaching staff can be protected. We are talking about professional honor and dignity.

In addition, you should also pay attention to the fact that any teacher has the right to defend his human honor (do not confuse it with professional honor) if someone tried to slander him. This applies to management, students and parents. That is, if students regularly and unreasonably complain about you, or somehow belittle or insult you, you have the right to protection. The question is different - few people in Russia will deal with such complaints. The rights and responsibilities of a teacher are prescribed by law, but not all of them are respected.


Each teacher can also participate in the management of the school. And for this you don’t have to be, say, a director. True, you should not expect that you will be given a say in solving some school issues.

Why? Participation in school management is regulated by the charter. And it is different in every educational institution. Somewhere the teacher is given such a right, but somewhere not. Practice shows that school management is often entrusted only to distinguished teachers and management. The main thing is to spell it out in the charter. If there is nothing like that, then any teacher can participate in the management of the school.


A teacher's responsibilities (as well as his rights) include the ability to write a complaint against any member of the school's teaching staff or student. True, there is an important point here. All information must be provided in writing and in a sensitive manner. Verbal reports are not welcome, but they do occur.

In addition, each teacher can file a complaint against the education system used at school. There is no need to be afraid of punishment - this is normal. But, as practice shows, teachers are often intimidated. If they write a “denunciation” against someone, they are threatened with dismissal. This And you should not be afraid of such behavior.

Absolute freedom

The teacher includes such an item as drawing up a curriculum. And here the teacher has the right to complete freedom of action. That is, everyone can independently develop a work plan for the coming year at their own discretion. The main thing is that the developments comply with educational standards and do not pose any danger to children and society.

In addition, any teacher has the right to nominate himself for participation in pedagogical councils. For different positions. They can't stop you from doing this. Unless you just hold a vote and don’t elect where you would like to go.

The teacher also has the right to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the workplace. Thus, an educational institution is obliged to provide each teacher with a place suitable for teaching children. If you need something to organize the process, you can ask the school management to provide you with this item.

The teacher’s responsibilities also include choosing methods for assessing knowledge. Here he also has the right to complete freedom. It should be noted that a modern teacher also sets the rules of behavior in the classroom. But there is one nuance here - they should not contradict morality, nor infringe on the rights of students.


The main responsibilities of a teacher are the implementation of activities aimed at teaching school-age children, as well as the delivery of material necessary for the child’s development in a suitable form. In other words, every teacher must teach children. And convey to them information that would serve as an “impetus” for their development.

With all this, it is worth considering that the material must be presented in a convenient form, and also not contradict moral principles. Plus, now there are some standards for drawing up a curriculum for the year. And they regulate the main directions and rules of training. The teaching staff must comply with them.

Moral education

It's no secret that now school is called a second home. And therefore, the job responsibilities of a teacher include such an item as morality and students. This is especially true for primary school teachers. This is where the most attention is paid to this point.

To tell the truth, in this regard everything is not so complicated. After all, the job responsibilities of a teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which include the moral development of the child, as a rule, have a clear list of instructions that will have to be followed. That is, there are norms according to which moral education will take place during a given period of study.


(and in general, any) also includes such an item as maintaining discipline in an educational institution. In addition, the teacher is obliged to teach children the rules of behavior. In other words, develop discipline.

Particular attention is paid to this point in elementary school. It is still possible to explain to such children what can be done and what cannot be done. But in high school it is extremely difficult to comply with this rule. However, do not forget - if a child violates discipline, you are obliged to stop it. But in such a way that your behavior does not infringe on the rights of the student.

The full amount

It is the responsibility of a primary school teacher (just like everyone else) to convey educational material to students in full. That is, you do not have the right to change an already approved training plan, to shorten or “lengthen” lessons dedicated to a particular area. It is also prohibited to remain silent and conceal important points for the educational process.

Unfortunately, now not everyone is complying with their responsibilities. Teachers often violate this clause. But in the classroom journal, for control purposes, everything is written as it should be. Some material may not be covered at all in class, but may be assigned for home reading. It is not right. Parents have every right to complain about you. After all, according to the law, every teacher is obliged to fully convey educational material to the student.


But this is not all the requirements for the teaching staff. The thing is that the job responsibilities of a modern teacher are that you must instill in children love for the Motherland and patriotism. And this is all taking into account the absence of imposition of religious views.

In truth, a lot of time is now devoted to this moment. Teachers try to instill love for the country from elementary school. And many succeed. Please note that you cannot conduct propaganda against the Motherland, and also convince that patriotism is bad.

It should also be taken into account that the job responsibilities of a primary school teacher (and others too) include such an item as teaching children tolerance. When you elevate your country and try to instill love for it in your students, you cannot belittle the honor and dignity of other nations. Rather, we will have to teach tolerance and respect.


The responsibilities of a teacher at school also include instilling in children a love of family and family values. Thus, you will have to hold conversations on this topic from time to time. Explain how important family is for a modern person. The main thing is not to go too far. Sometimes children perceive information as a direct signal to unquestioning obedience to parents and older family members.

Physical development

We should not forget about such a point as students. This is also the responsibility of a teacher at school. You need to be able to convey to children how to lead a healthy lifestyle, as well as the importance of playing sports.

Practice shows that physical education teachers monitor the physical development of students to a greater extent. But class teachers and other teaching staff should, in turn, simply explain the benefits of playing sports. Various quizzes, relay races and fun starts can be conducted to attract students to exercise.


It's not just about learning something. They also mention the protection of children during school hours. You must ensure their safety. And let you go home only after finishing classes.

During the educational process, all responsibility for the life and health of students lies on the shoulders of the teacher. And therefore it is important to ensure that there is no danger nearby. If a child gets injured during a lesson, parents may complain against you. Of course, you cannot keep track of every child, but you must somehow cope with this. Failure to comply with this obligation will result in punishment. Up to trial and arrest. The only exceptions are those cases when you can prove that the child put himself in danger and did it intentionally.

And one more thing. If a child takes time off from class, you do not have the right to let him go unaccompanied. Only if the student calls his parents in front of you and they allow you to do this. This point also applies to security. After all, if something happens to a student on the way home, then you will be to blame.

Qualifications and connections

But there are also somewhat unusual responsibilities of a teacher. For example, constant professional development and self-improvement. Each teacher must necessarily increase his “baggage of knowledge” from year to year. And if you are sent for advanced training, you should not refuse. Otherwise, you may be accused of failing to fulfill your duties.

In addition, each teacher is obliged to maintain contact with the student’s parents. Or with his official representatives. This can be through calls (telephone conversations), personal conversations or writing messages in the child's diary. You cannot avoid communicating with your parents.

Socialization and culture

Perhaps there is one more area that is included in the job responsibilities of a modern teacher. This is especially true for younger grades. And cases when new students from other schools come to you. What are we talking about?

O Teachers will have to teach it. After all, it is at school that children should learn to communicate, contact each other, find each other, and so on. And the teacher is obliged to facilitate all this. Adaptation of a child to a new class and society is also your responsibility, according to the education law.

As you can see, a modern teacher does not have as many rights as mandatory points. In principle, this does not mean that you will be powerless. Simply knowing what you are entitled to and what you are not is enough. Do not violate parents, observe the school charter, and also educate your students morally and spiritually. Develop and improve. Then you won't have any problems. If your rights are regularly violated, feel free to contact the Ministry of Education. But first, try to resolve the issue within the school. And if this was not possible, stock up on evidence of violation of your rights and feel free to contact the relevant authorities.


V. Lukhovitsky

Teacher's financial responsibility

Teacher Questions

1. Our school is taking inventory. By order of the director, the supply manager told all subject teachers to make lists of the visual aids, furniture, equipment, etc. available in their classrooms. Everyone was forced to sign these lists, and now we are told that we all bear full financial responsibility for the safety of school property. Are these actions of the administration legal?

2. Last academic year I became the head of the computer science classroom, and already in the winter I realized that I had made a big mistake. Computers break down, and they force me to pay for their repairs at my own expense, because I, as the head of the office, bear full financial responsibility for everything in it. What should I do?

3. Can a chemistry teacher be a financially responsible person if he simultaneously works part-time as a laboratory assistant in a chemistry laboratory?

4. Is it legal for the administration of educational institutions to demand full financial responsibility of the teacher, the head of the computer science classroom, for all computer equipment not only in the classroom, but also in the school? I wonder if there is any judicial practice of recovering the full cost of a stolen computer class or computer from a teacher?

5. Does the school administration have the right to demand money for a “damaged” class magazine?

Review of legislation

Two types of financial liability are discussed in Articles 238-248 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How are they different?

Let's look at a simple example. The teacher was working with the computer in class and broke it. In this case, the employer can recover direct actual damages from him in an amount not exceeding his average monthly earnings.

But if the computer is broken by someone else (for example, a student), then it is not the teacher who will have to compensate for the damage, but the person who bears full financial responsibility for this computer, and in full.

It is clear that the first type of responsibility is more beneficial for the employee, and the employer is interested in ensuring that the maximum number of employees bear full financial responsibility.

With whom can an employer enter into an agreement on full financial liability? In Art. 244 lists 4 conditions:

· the person must be an employee of this organization; concluding agreements on full financial liability with persons working under civil contracts is not allowed;

· the employee reaches the age of 18;

· with an employee who directly services material assets;

· the position or work of this employee is provided for in the list of works and categories of employees established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

We sent the following request to the Federal Service for Labor and Employment:

  • With which of the employees named in the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2009 No. 593 “On approval of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Education Workers” is it allowed to conclude agreements on full financial liability?

2. Illegal demands for repairs at the expense of the teacher of school property damaged due to the fact that the employer did not provide proper conditions of maintenance and storage.

Methods of protection

The first violation is the most widespread; office heads, as well as computer science and chemistry teachers, are especially affected. It is them that the administration would really like to make financially responsible for equipment, instruments and reagents.

The first piece of advice is to carefully read the documents that you are asked to sign. If among them there is an agreement on full financial liability, you refuse to sign, referring to the above regulations. It should be borne in mind that, even if such an agreement is signed, it will still be declared invalid by the court. So, if the director really insists, and you really want to take this position, you can calmly sign, knowing that in a conflict situation the law will be on your side.

If you didn’t sign anything, and the director refers to the fact that you bear full responsibility in your position, you don’t have to worry at all: nothing can be collected from you except your average monthly salary.

Having received a copy of the order stating that you must reimburse this and that in full, you write a letter to the Labor Inspectorate, and the inspector will quickly explain the situation to the director.

Under no circumstances should you fall for pitying conversations about how the educational process is suffering, the school has no money, etc. The caretaker and the director are responsible for all school property; their job is to ensure the safety of school property by legal means.

And, of course, if there is any attempt to recover from you the full cost of the damaged property, feel free to go to court. Until now, there have been no cases where the court has made a decision on the full financial liability of the teacher.

As for the second violation, it is important not to forget a few points:

  • If you see that school property (for example, computers in a computer lab) is stored or used incorrectly (there are no bars on the windows, a metal door, etc.) or its safety depends not only on you (for example, several classes are taught in your office teachers, or students freely enter the room without a teacher), immediately write a memo to the director.
  • When taking office as head of the office, be extremely careful - check (not formally!) the condition of each item and do not be too lazy to record it on paper. The same thing applies before the teacher starts using any school property.
  • Remember that damages can only be recovered from you within 1 month. If the employer fails to comply with the established procedure for collecting damages, you can appeal his actions in court.

Art. 238 and 241 Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2002 No. 85 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 3, 2003, registration No. 4171).

Over the past decade, the social situation in Moscow has changed. One of the indicators of this is the emergence of a middle class in society, the formation of which led to sociocultural challenges. The correct answer to them may be an attempt to create a situation in which Moscow teachers, as one of the key elements of the education system, acquire the economic, cultural, and psychological characteristics of the middle class.
The modern middle class wants to send their children to good schools, expecting that this will help them become successful, which they can become, as a rule, only by studying with a successful teacher. Unfortunately, the current situation in education in this context is far from ideal. According to the sociological study “Education of Moscow 2.2.”, respondents - social customers - are not always satisfied with the quality of educational services provided by organizations implementing general education programs (the index as of November 2013 was minus 10). I would especially like to note that this indicator is presented against the backdrop of an extremely high assessment of the level of qualifications of school employees (+21) and a high degree of satisfaction with such parameters as the state of the material and technical base (+18), the provision of modern high-tech equipment (+25), and security participants in educational relations (+45), availability of places in capital schools (+ 49).
Analyzing the situation, it can be assumed that, despite the active comprehensive modernization of the industry, Muscovites, noting positive changes, on the other hand, listen to the position of teachers and school administrations. A certain circle of teachers, even after a significant increase in wages, did not change much mentally. They still talk about the difficult financial condition of the teacher, the volume of papers and reports, and the low social status in society. In my opinion, school administrations, when talking with parents, sometimes talk about the disastrous state of schools, the difficult financial and economic situation, and justify their internal problems with decisions that are made “from above.”
What is the reason for this position? Probably because, to some extent, it’s easier to be weak. Many mistakes, the weak level of teaching, and the insufficient professional level of employees can be attributed to the weakness of the education system as a whole; our parents hear this justification and have no reason not to believe it.
It seems to me that our task is to become a strong school in the eyes of the population. The school is fully responsible for its actions. A school that makes its own decisions and is ready to justify them to the parent community. The foundation of a strong school is responsible teachers.
A change in income level means a change in society's demands on teachers. Earning more, a teacher must change the requirements for himself, change internal standards. A graduate of a modern school should be able to create the world around him and realize himself, having the competencies in formulating new ideas, selecting a team, and finding resources for their implementation. In order to teach him all this, the teacher must be able to do it himself, must be satisfied with his position in society and be interested in his work.
At our school, activities aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of work of the teaching staff and the educational organization as a whole are carried out in several areas:
- improvement and increase in the efficiency of the teaching staff;
- marketing of educational services;
- PR of an educational institution.
I can note the use of coaching technologies in the field of self-improvement of a teacher’s personality, interaction with the laboratory of information support for educational development of MIOO in the field of project activities, cooperation with Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenov within the framework of a comprehensive program on the problems of preserving teacher health and preventing health risks. Heads of structural units, as part of their joint work with teachers, prepare individual plans for personal development, self-education, and advanced training. The psychological service systematically conducts training for teaching staff on interaction with participants in educational relations and stress resistance. To increase the openness of the school, we actively use the capabilities of the website, electronic magazine, and the media. Traditionally, we hold additional education fairs, public and sporting events, open days, lectures and master classes for parents for residents of the region.
At the level of an educational organization, it is possible to build a phased system that will gradually change the mentality of teaching staff. A young teacher must clearly understand that he is choosing a professional activity that should provide him with comparable opportunities to those that he would have had if he had started working in business, journalism, or management. In commercial structures, a person always sets out for himself certain milestones of social development, the same should happen in the education system.
At the level of the Government of the Russian Federation, there is a clearly formulated task of developing the middle class. Such an order from the president is also a task for the education system; on the other hand, it is obvious that this state order is also supported by the parent community.
Undoubtedly, we must not forget about the management team of the entire educational organization, responsible for the implementation of these tasks, which can and should be headed by a modern, successful, mobile, competent leader.
Thus, a unified educational space of the city should be formed, a space that consists of strong schools offering high-quality, high-level educational services on the basis of free competition. Every Moscow parent should have an understanding of the full responsibility of each specific teacher and each institution for the quality of its services without any discounts or concessions. I see this as the fundamental basis for the development of the district’s education system.

S. KORYSHEV, director of school No. 1370

Bragina Galina Anatolevna
Educational institution: MAOU "Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 2" p. Molchanovo, Tomsk region.
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-10 Article “Being a mentor is very responsible” Bragina Galina Anatolevna MAOU "Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 2" p. Molchanovo, Tomsk region. When a young specialist joins the team, the administration appoints a mentor. His task is to help, encourage, and support a novice colleague. In the article I talk about the resources of my mentoring activities.

Article “Being a mentor is very responsible”

Wisdom + youth = success!

Stand above life young

Keeping the beautiful unity,

Age-old honor, holy duty -

Teaching and motherhood.

First awaken your souls

Let the thirst for knowledge awaken in them,

Then take the pets

To a transparently clean well.

Living water from the depths

Teach me to scoop with my hand,

To love your people and land,

To become more mature and prettier in soul.

V. Raabe

This poem has become my pedagogical creed and is perfectly suited to my mentoring activities. Arriving at the old wooden, but so dear and warm 8-year school, exactly in the office where I myself started “write different letters with a thin feather in a notebook”, I couldn’t even imagine that 35 years later I would be asked to talk about mentoring at the August teachers’ conference. Back then there were no such concepts as:

· Individual adaptation plan for a young teacher,

· Individual growth program for a beginning teacher,

· Portfolio of a young teacher,

but experienced teachers had the same tasks as now: HELP, SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE young teacher. And my experienced colleagues, 8-year-olds, were always next to me: they suggested, advised, “led by the hand”...

Over the past 3 years, there has been an annual increase in the primary level of our school! The school administration immediately takes the youth “under their wing” and assigns a mentor. And so I was entrusted with this “replenishment”. It happened that this is my student and part-time daughter - Kuzminykh Irina Sergeevna!

I read that becoming a teacher is much more difficult than other professions. This is understandable, because young teachers from the first day of work have same responsibilities and carry same responsibility, as teachers with many years of experience, and students, parents and administration expect the same impeccable professionalism from them. Working with young specialists is traditionally one of the most important components of methodological work for me. In the process of mentoring, I improve myself, enriching my experience with more mobile techniques.

Well, now I will focus on the resources that I use in my mentoring activities. And in this chain, the first place, of course, is SCHOOL! Problem groups, methodological associations - this is where a novice teacher learns what self-analysis and criteria, technologies and techniques are. The Center for Spiritual and Moral Development recently opened on the basis of our school, but how many children and teachers from the region it gathers at the Makarievsky readings, the Christmas and Easter festivals, the Festival of Slavic Literature! Our school's RVCI occupies a leading place in the regional ranking of RCED.

Today we can confidently say that the Education Department is a support center for young teachers. The Head of the Department, Natalya Nikolaevna Vasilchuk, personally oversees mentoring and work with young specialists. This academic year, RTE specialists conducted many educational events, including for novice teachers: “Modern lessons in primary school”, “First steps in the profession”. I would like professional skills competitions for aspiring teachers to become traditional, and perhaps with an in-person final stage, where young people would see and hear each other.

The House of Children's Creativity in Molchanovo is a successful space for the creativity of a young teacher. It’s gratifying that all creative competitions have a “Teachers” category. My young teacher invents and makes something every free minute, that’s why she needs such creative exhibitions! District children's organization "Burning Hearts" - how many socially significant actions can there be for schoolchildren of any age!

We actively use the network of the Resource and Implementation Center for Innovation of the Tomsk Region. We have a long-standing cooperation with primary school teachers from Podgorno. And, of course, the resource of the MAOU “Molchanovskaya Secondary School No. 1” is irreplaceable - here you can find many educational events for students and primary-level teachers.

It’s a pleasure to work with those regional structures that hold children’s competitions and festivals for free, know how to recognize the work of rural children, and always invite a family from our school to every award ceremony.

TSPU - we all come from there! We have a long-standing business cooperation with the primary school faculty. Together with Irina Sergeevna, we spoke about the experience of our children’s organization “Muraveyka” at our native institute at the All-Russian conference “Development of the system of civic-patriotic education in Russia”

The Pedagogical University traditionally hosts a competition of scientific research works “Create! Explore! Try it." This year it brought together more than 100 junior schoolchildren. Our two girls were also invited with their environmental work. It is gratifying that they “did not get lost” among the students of Tomsk gymnasiums and lyceums. The result is the “People's Choice Award”!

As a result of our joint activities, my novice teacher had four regional victories in the last academic year! We, as the authors and winners of the work “Do sports, eat right!”, were invited to Moscow. For the sixth time I represented the Tomsk region at the “Raising a Healthy Generation” conference, which became International. The organizing committee noted the creativity and originality of our work. And all this thanks to the young teacher!!!

With the arrival of the new Head, life in the area has noticeably brightened up: a choir festival, a sports day, and a Mushroom Festival at the highest level! Our main joint task is don't lure young specialist to school, and help in formation professional and social activities.

A wish for mentors: in order for interaction with a young teacher to be constructive and bring the desired result, the teacher-mentor needs to remember some rules of communication: do not order (refuse phrases like “You must”, “You need”), do not preach (refuse phrases like “Your professional duty obliges...", "you have a responsibility..."), do not lecture

(avoid phrases like (“if you had listened to me, then...”, “if you had followed the example...”) One of the important points in joint activities is not to suggest solutions, not “teach life” to a young teacher. It is necessary to present the situation in such a way that the young teacher himself finds the right solutions. The mentor should stimulate the process of professional support for the young teacher.

Being a teacher is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to learn to be happy. After all, an unhappy teacher will never raise a happy student. For a happy teacher, students at school experience a state of happiness: they act, create, feel that they are loved and wish them well. Socrates said more than two thousand years ago: “There is sun in every person, just let it shine.” Each of us can give a piece of our warmth and love to others. I am sure that my Irina Sergeevna manages to give this piece to every child! She proves this with her daily work, creativity and amazing responsibility. And it teaches not only “to add 2 to 4, to read words syllable by syllable,” but also to make friends, to learn, to create, to surprise.

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