Where the vault comes from and where it goes. Meaning of the cerebral vault in medical terms

Corpus callosum, corpus callosum, contains fibers (commissural pathways) passing from one hemisphere to the other and connecting areas of the cortex belonging to the right and left hemispheres, with the aim of combining (coordinating) the functions of both halves of the brain into one whole. The corpus callosum has presented; It is a thick, specially curved plate consisting of transverse fibers (Fig. 139). The free upper surface of the corpus callosum, facing the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum, has gray cover,indusium griseum, -4-thin plate of gray matter. On a sagittal section of the brain, one can distinguish the bends and parts of the corpus callosum: knee,genu, continuing downwards into beak,rostrum, and then in terminal (end) plate,lamina terminalis. The middle part is called trunk,truncus, corpus callosum.

Posteriorly the trunk continues into the thickened part - roller,splenlum. Transversely running fibers of the corpus callosum in each hemisphere of the cerebrum form radiance of the corpus callosum,radia- tio corporis callosi (Fig. 140). The fibers of the anterior part of the corpus callosum - the knee - bend around the anterior part of the longitudinal fissure of the brain and connect the cortex of the frontal lobes of the right and left hemispheres. The fibers of the central part of the corpus callosum - the trunk - connect the gray matter of the parietal and temporal lobes. The splenium contains fibers that cover the posterior part of the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum, connecting the cortex of the occipital lobes.

Below the corpus callosum is vault, fornix (Fig. 141). The arch consists of two arched strands connected in its middle part by means of transversely running fibers - adhesions,comissura. The middle part of the arch is called bodies,cor­ pus; anteriorly and downward it continues into a rounded paired cord - pillar,columna, vault. The column of the fornix extends downward and somewhat laterally to the base of the brain, where it ends in the right and left mastoid bodies. Posteriorly the body of the arch continues into a paired flat cord - pedicle of the arch,crus fornicis, fused to the inferior surface of the corpus callosum. The paired crura of the fornix on the right and left sides gradually goes laterally and downwards, separates from the corpus callosum, flattens even more and fuses with one side of the hippocampus, forming bang romku hippocampus,fimbria hippocampi. The other part of the fimbria is free and faces the cavity of the lower horn of the lateral ventricle. The fimbria of the hippocampus ends in hook, thus connecting the temporal lobe of the telencephalon with the diencephalon.

In front of the fornix in the sagittal plane there is a transparent septum, septum pellucidum, which consists of two plates lying parallel to each other. Each plate of transparent septum,lamina septi pellucidi, stretched between the body and the column of the arch behind, the corpus callosum above, the knee and beak of the corpus callosum in front and below. Between the plates of the transparent septum there is a slit-like cavity of the transparent septum,cavum septi pellucidi, containing clear liquid. The lamina pellucida serves as the medial wall of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle. In front of the pillars of the vault is anterior commissure,comissura rostralis [ anterior), fibers which are oriented transversely. On a sagittal section, the commissure has the shape of a small oval. The anterior part of the commissure is thin and connects the gray matter of the olfactory triangles of both hemispheres. The large posterior part contains nerve fibers connecting the cortex of the anteromedial temporal lobes.

The white matter of the hemisphere includes fibers that connect different parts of the cortex within one hemisphere (associative fibers) or the cortex with the subcortical centers of a given hemisphere. Along with short associative nerve fibers, large long bundles are distinguished in the white matter, which have a longitudinal orientation and connect widely separated areas of the cerebral cortex.

(fornix, PNA, BNA, JNA) a set of two curved cords of the white matter of the brain, located under the corpus callosum, connected in the middle part in the form of the body of the S., and diverging in front and behind, forming the columns and legs of the S., respectively.

View value Vault of the Brain in other dictionaries

Vault— vault, m. 1. only units. Action according to verb. reduce to 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 and 17 values. - take 2. cows out of the yard. Proceed with the compilation of received data. 2. Brought together and located........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Code M.— 1. Action according to value. verb: reduce (1*1,2,4,5,7,8,11). 2. Texts, documents, laws, etc. collected, combined into a single whole and arranged in a certain order. // Information,......
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Vault- -A; m.
1. to Reduce - reduce (7-9, 16 characters). S. forests. S. regiments per division. S. schools in herds.
2. Information, materials, compiled into one whole and arranged in a certain order........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Vault— - information brought together into one whole and arranged in a certain order,
materials, texts.
Economic dictionary

Set of Budgets — -
unification of certain types of budgets in the state
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Code of laws— - normative acts compiled into one publication and arranged in a certain order (systematic, chronological, etc.),
collections of legislation, for example......
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Vault— - the second stage of the trial in Ancient Rus'. The person from whom the missing item was found had to indicate from whom it was purchased. "WITH." continued until......
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Code of Laws of the Russian Empire— - in pre-revolutionary Russia, a collection of laws in force (in 15 volumes). Work on its compilation was carried out by the 2nd department of the Imperial Chancellery in 1826-1832. under the direction of........
Legal Dictionary

Code of Legislation— - a complete systematized collection combining normative legal acts (Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On normative legal acts of the Republic of Belarus”)
Legal Dictionary

Code of Justinian (Codification of Justinian)- - a systematic presentation of Roman and Byzantine law of the 6th century, undertaken by order of the Byzantine emperor Justinian. Initially, S. Yu. included three parts: official........
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Cortex- the outer layer of the cerebral hemispheres, covered with deep convolutions. The cortex, or “gray matter,” is the most complexly organized part........

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Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Hemispheres of the Brain- , lateral sections of the anterior lobes, the largest part of the brain in volume, the seat of thinking. Due to the fact that the nerves coming from both hemispheres intersect,........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Skull Vault- , the dome-shaped part of the SKULL that protects the brain. Consists of eight bones fused together.
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Gray Matter of the Brain— , dark-colored nervous tissue that makes up the cerebral cortex. Also present in the SPINAL CORD. It differs from the so-called white matter in that it contains........
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Front Chronicle Code- Russian, decorated with 16 thousand miniatures, 10 volumes, approx. 9 thousand sheets. Compiled in the 60s. 16th century Covered the period of the “creation of the world” until 1567.

International Code of Signals— a marine collection of signals for communication between intersea vessels, as well as ships and coastal facilities. Sets the alarm order. Adopted in 1965, came into force in 1969. Provides flag,........
Large encyclopedic dictionary

- organized in 1928, since 1954 in the system of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. Since 1981 - Brain Research Institute as part of the Mental Health Center.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Subcortical Structures of the Brain- parts of the brain located between the cerebral cortex and the medulla oblongata. They have an activating effect on the cortex, participate in the formation of all behavioral........
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Vault- an architectural spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures having the geometric shape of a convex curved surface.
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Code of laws- normative acts, collections of legislation (for example, a code of laws) compiled into one publication and arranged in a certain order (systematic, chronological, etc.)
Large encyclopedic dictionary

Concussion- (commotion) - closed brain injury. Manifestations: pallor, dizziness, nausea, vomiting; loss of consciousness; weak pulse, uneven breathing. First aid: ice on the head, complete rest.
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Ball Vault— see Ball segment.
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Concussion- concussion
closed craniocerebral injury that develops as a result of mechanical impact. At the same time, the integrity of the skull bones is preserved........
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Brain stem- (truncus cerebri), a phylogenetically ancient part of the brain, consisting of the midbrain, posterior (excluding the cerebellum) and medulla oblongata. In most nuclei S. g.m. begin........
Biological encyclopedic dictionary

(fornix, PNA, BNA, JNA) a set of two curved cords of the white matter of the brain, located under the corpus callosum, connected in the middle part in the form of the body of the S., and diverging in front and behind, forming the columns and legs of the S., respectively.

  • - spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures having a geometric shape formed by a convex curved surface...

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  • - the outer layer of the large brain, which has a complex structure, which accounts for up to 40% of the weight of the entire brain and which contains approximately 15 billion neurons...

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  • - builds. ceiling or covering of structures having a geometric shape formed by a curved surface...

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  • - The meeting place of Heaven and Earth, the entrance to eternal life, Heaven. See also dome...

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  • - platoon A curved ceiling that transfers not only the load, but also the thrust to the base. Source: Pluzhnikov, 1995 Overlapping with curved outlines...

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  • - an arch of considerable width, made of masonry, concrete or reinforced concrete...

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  • - the second stage of the trial in Ancient Rus'. The person from whom the missing item was found had to indicate from whom it was purchased...

    Large legal dictionary

  • - a large isometric dome-shaped platform structure with a diameter of several. tens or more than hundreds of kilometers; vaulted rise of the foundation...

    Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - brain - a set of two curved cords of the white matter of the brain, located under the corpus callosum, connected in the middle part in the form of the S. body, and diverging in front and behind, forming, respectively...

    Medical encyclopedia

  • - a building structure of a curved shape that serves to cover a room. There are parts of the arch: HEEL - the supporting part of the arch. CASTLE - the upper part of the vault...

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  • - 1. A large positive platform structure, round or oval in plan, having one or more apexes. S. is usually well displayed on the surface of the foundation...

    Geological encyclopedia

  • - the upper part of the fence in the form of a load-bearing spatial structure covering the working space of the furnace. Depending on the shape, size and operating temperature, vaults can be arched or domed,...

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  • Large economic dictionary

  • - information, materials, texts compiled into one whole and arranged in a certain order...

    Great Accounting Dictionary

  • - "... - stone, brick or concrete covering structure with curved outlines..." Source: "SP 31-103-99...

    Official terminology

"brain vault" in books


From the book Sign of the Era (collection) author

Vault I was told that I was sick. They said that I would lie down. I'll lie down. I will look at the sky outside the window. Maybe, sick, I will see a different sky. Maybe the clouds will form into temples. The air is shaking. Invisible flies flash. When will I see another sky? I don't know if I'll be sick soon


From the book About the Eternal... author Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Vault They told me that I was sick. They said that I would lie down. I would lie down. I will look at the sky outside the window. Maybe, sick, I will see a different sky. Maybe the clouds will form into temples. The air is trembling. Invisible flies flash. When will I see another sky? I don't know if I'll be sick soon


From the book Shambhala the Shining. Myths, legends, aphorisms author Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich

Vault I was told that I was sick. They said that I would lie down. I'll lie down. I will look at the sky outside the window. Maybe, sick, I will see a different sky. Maybe the clouds will form into temples. The air is shaking. Invisible flies flash. When will I see another sky? I don't know if I'll be sick soon

Code of laws

From the book If you are not a donkey, or How to recognize a Sufi. Sufi jokes author Konstantinov S. V.

Code of Laws His peasant neighbor came to Nasreddin. “Molla, your bull gored my cow.” What does the law say about this? Am I entitled to some kind of compensation? “Well,” Molla answered, “what a compensation!” After all, a bull is just a stupid, four-legged, dumb creature.


From the book of Hittite. Destroyers of Babylon author Gurney Oliver Robert

1. CODE OF LAWS Many fragments of clay tablets with the texts of laws were discovered in the ruins of Boghazkoy. Two tablets survived almost intact, and their contents were mainly reconstructed from parallel fragments. Each of these tablets states


From the book History of the Templar Order (La Vie des Templiers) by Melville Marion

1. Code of laws

From the book of Hittite author Gurney Oliver Robert

1. Code of Laws In the ruins of Boğazköy, many fragments of clay tablets with the texts of laws were found. Two tablets survive almost entirely, and their text has been largely reconstructed using parallel fragments. Both tablets contain one hundred articles, and, although on themselves

Mayan vault

From the book The Mayan People by Rus Alberto

Mayan vault The palm roof was replaced by a stone roof only with the invention of the vault, which was called the false arch, or Mayan vault. Similar vaults were known to some peoples of the Old World several thousand years earlier (the Mycenaeans), others - several

Code of laws

From the book Encyclopedia of Lawyer author author unknown

Code of Laws CODE OF LAWS is a collection of legislation officially published by the state, which contains current regulations compiled in one edition and arranged in a certain order (systematic, chronological, etc.). Usually assumes


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SV) by the author TSB

Vault Vault in architecture, a spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures, having a geometric shape formed by a convex curved surface. Under load, structures, like an arch, work primarily in compression, transferring them to the supports

24. Nervous system. Cerebral cortex. Cytoorchitectonics of the cerebral cortex

From the book Histology author Barsukov V Yu

24. Nervous system. Cerebral cortex. Cytoorchitectonics of the cerebral cortex Cerebral cortex. Represented by a layer of gray matter. Cytoarchitecture of the cerebral cortex. Cortical neurons are very diverse in shape; they are multipolar cells. They share


From the book Psychiatry. Guide for doctors author Tsygankov Boris Dmitrievich

Chapter 29 MENTAL DISORDERS IN SYPHILITIC BRAIN DAMAGE (BRAIN SYPHILIS AND PROGRESSIVE PARALYSIS) Syphilitic infection, as is known, affects all organs and tissues, including the brain. In clinical psychiatry, two separate

CHAPTER 2 Gray Matter and the Movie Screen: A Cinematic Approach to the Brain

From the book Secrets of our Brain [or Why Smart People Do Stupid Things] by Amodt Sandra


From the book Basics of Intensive Rehabilitation. Spine and spinal cord injury author Kachesov Vladimir Alexandrovich


Meridians of the brain (pericardium) and spinal cord (triple warmer)

From the book Treatment of Children with Unconventional Methods. Practical encyclopedia. author Martynov Stanislav Mikhailovich

Meridians of the brain (pericardium) and spinal cord (triple heater) Anyone who is more or less familiar with the literature on Chinese traditional medicine probably immediately noticed some discrepancy in the names of these meridians. The point is that in

And much smaller in size. The main part of the vault is two cords, which are configured as arches, which in their middle part are connected by commissura fornicis, that is, by a triangular shaped vault commissure. The medial part of the arch is its body (corpus), or body of the arch.

The nerve tracts of the brain that form the white matter are bundles of nerve fibers, the main purpose of which is to conduct impulses to the centers of the gray matter.

There are three types of tracts, or pathways of the central nervous system:

  • associative;
  • projection;
  • commissural.

The functions of commissural pathways, also commonly called commissural pathways, are to connect the symmetrical nuclei and nerve centers of the cerebral hemispheres in order to ensure their interaction.

In order for one hemisphere of the brain to be fully connected to the other, commissural fibers form several types of adhesions, or commissures.

There are such adhesions as:

  • the corpus callosum is the largest of them;
  • commissure of the fornix (commissura fornicis);
  • anterior commissure (commissura anterior).

Commissural nerve structures passing through the commissure of the fornix connect the right and left hippocampus, a paired structure of the brain located in the medial temporal regions of the cerebral hemispheres. The anatomical structure called the fornix (fornix) is the conduction system for the olfactory brain.

At the border of the telencephalon and its trunk there is a large collection of neural structures called the limbic system.

Its main functions include:

  • regulation of organs - control of their motor skills;
  • hormonal stimulation of the body;
  • memory: long-term and short-term;
  • formation of emotions, motor activity for their expression;
  • modeling of sensory sensitivity.

The limbic system includes the olfactory brain, fornix, hippocampus, basal bodies, reticular formation and hypothalamus. The oldest subsection of the forebrain phylogenetically is the olfactory brain, consisting of a central and peripheral part. It is customary to phylogenetically assign the fornix together with the hypothalamus to the central part.

The body of the fornix has a continuation into the part of the brain located behind it in the form of a cord (also paired) of a flat section. This cord is called the crus of the fornix, or crus fornicis. The pedicle of the fornix fuses with the corpus callosum, or rather with its lower surface, and then descends down and sideways on both sides, departs from the corpus callosum, and goes around the thalamus.

Almost all the fibers forming the arch are longitudinal. The pedicle of the fornix is ​​separated from the choroid plexuses. Then the pedicle of the fornix becomes completely flat, descends into the lower horn of the ventricle on each side, and also fuses on each side with one of the paired structures of the hippocampus, forming its fimbria.


(fornix, pna, bna, jna) a set of two curved cords of the white matter of the brain, located under the corpus callosum, connected in the middle part in the form of the body of the S., and diverging in front and behind, forming the pillars and legs of the S., respectively.

Medical terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BRAIN AVOX in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • REDD in the Architectural Dictionary:
    in architecture, a spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures, having a geometric shape formed by a convex curved surface. Under load, vaults, like an arch, ...
  • REDD in the Dictionary of Construction Terms:
    a building structure of a curved shape that serves to cover a room. There are parts of the arch: HEEL - the supporting part of the arch. LOCK - upper part...
  • REDD in the Explanatory Construction and Architectural Dictionary:
    - a building structure of a curved shape that serves to cover a room. There are parts of the arch: the heel is the supporting part of the arch. Castle - upper…
  • REDD in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - a spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures having a geometric shape formed by a convex curved surface. Under load, the vault, like an arch, works...
  • REDD in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    - the second stage of the judicial process in ancient Rus'. the person in whose possession the missing item was found had to indicate who had it...
  • REDD in the Big Legal Dictionary:
    - the second stage of the trial in Ancient Rus'. The person who found the missing item had to indicate who had it...
  • REDD in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    LAWS - normative acts, collections of legislation compiled into one publication and arranged in a certain order (systematic, chronological, etc.)<например, С.з. …
  • REDD in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • REDD
    in architecture, a spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures, having a geometric shape formed by a convex curved surface. Under load S., like an arch...
  • REDD
  • REDD in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. see reduce. 2. Information, materials, texts brought together into one whole and arranged in a certain order. WITH. …
  • REDD
    LAWS, compiled into one publication and located in definition. order (systematic, chronological, etc.) normative acts, collections of legislation (for example, S.Z. ...
  • REDD in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    architect spaces. structure, ceiling or covering of structures having geom. the shape of a convex curved surface. Main types of vaults: 1 - cylindrical; 2...
  • BRAIN in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BRAIN INSTITUTE, organized in 1928, since 1954 in the system of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. Since 1981 - Brain Research Institute as part of...
  • REDD in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    svo"d, svo"dy, svo"da, svo"dov, svo"du, svo"dam, svo"d, s"dy, svo"dom, s"dami, s"de, ...
  • REDD in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) Information, texts, documents, digital data, etc., brought together into one whole and arranged in a certain order...
  • REDD in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    Syn: see...
  • REDD in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: see...
  • REDD in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    [civil marriage, unmarried (Dahl, bring together)] see ...
  • REDD in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: see...
  • REDD in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • REDD in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • REDD in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • REDD in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • REDD in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    ! an arched ceiling connecting the walls, supports of some structure Stone, wooden p. Gothic s. N. caves, grotto. Under the arch of branches (translated). ...
  • REDD in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    architectural spatial structure, ceiling or covering of structures having a geometric shape of a convex curvilinear ...
  • REDD in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    vault, m. 1. only units. Action according to verb. reduce to 1, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 and 17 values. ...
  • REDD in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    m. 1) Action by value. verb: reduce (1*1,2,4,5,7,8,11). 2) a) Collected, combined into a single whole and arranged in a certain order...
  • REDD in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • REDD in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. 1. action under Ch. reduce I 1., 2., 4., 5., 7., 8., 11. 2. Collected, brought together into a single whole...
  • SPINAL CORD CONUSION in the Medical Dictionary:
  • BRAIN CONUSION in the Medical Dictionary:
    Brain contusion is a TBI characterized by focal macrostructural damage to the brain matter of varying severity. Diagnosed in cases where cerebral...
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  • SPINAL CORD TUMORS in the Medical Dictionary:
  • BRAIN TUMORS in the Medical Dictionary:
    Spinal cord contusion is a variant of spinal cord injury, characterized by the occurrence of reversible (functional) as well as irreversible (organic) changes in the spinal cord ...
  • CEREBRAL EDEMA in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Cerebral edema (CED) is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain tissue, clinically manifested by the syndrome of increased ICP; not a nosological unit, but...
  • SPINAL CORD TUMORS in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Spinal cord tumors are tumors developing from the parenchyma of the spinal cord, its roots, membranes or vertebrae; divided into extra- and subdural...
  • BRAIN TUMORS in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Brain tumors are tumors that develop from the substance of the brain, its roots, membranes, and also of metastatic origin. Frequency. Brain tumors...
  • CODE OF LAWS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • CODE OF LAWS in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • THE HUMAN BRAIN: BRAIN STUDIES in Collier's Dictionary:
    To the article THE HUMAN BRAIN Research of the brain is difficult for two main reasons. Firstly, it is impossible to directly access the brain, which is reliably protected by the skull...
  • CRANIOBRAIN INJURY in the Medical Dictionary:
  • in the Medical Dictionary:
  • CRANIOBRAIN INJURY in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    CRANIOBRAIN INJURY Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is damage caused by mechanical energy to the skull and intracranial contents (brain, meninges, blood vessels, cranial nerves). ...
  • SPINAL INJURY in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Spinal cord injury is damage caused by mechanical energy to the spine and spinal cord. Causes changes both in the spinal cord itself and in ...
    (Greek syndromos - running together, syndrome - a combination of signs of illness). A system of disease symptoms interrelated in pathogenesis. Nosological diagnosis is possible...
  • DEMENTIA in the Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms:
    (Latin de - cessation, denial of something, mens, mentis - mind, reason). Forms of acquired dementia. Persistent, irreversible decrease in the level of mental, ...
  • CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    nervous system, the main part of the nervous system of animals and humans, consisting of a collection of nerve cells (neurons) and their processes; presented at...
  • PHYSIOLOGY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    (from the Greek physis v nature and...logy) of animals and humans, the science of the life activity of organisms, their individual systems, organs and ...