A section of the northeastern chord has opened. Launch of the North-East Expressway

The authorities decided to inflict another scar on the body of Moscow - to build the North-Eastern Expressway. For now, only the layout plan for the future route is ready, let’s see how the next billions of rubles will be spent.

01. General view of the site:

02. Regarding the entire area:

03. Well, now in more detail, prepare your imagination, let’s go from Yaroslavka, because for some reason the route through the national park (!!!) was not included in the project:

04. Past the Botanical Garden:

05. Vladykino:

06. Separation (or vice versa convergence - depending on how you look at it) temporary storage and storage storage:

07. Sections of several places:

08. TPU in the direction of travel:

09. Features:

Surprisingly, not even a single under/overground passage sounds somehow implausible.

10. And now the socio-economic justification. Although where this means socially is not clear, I see only economic calculations, no social effect, no transport effect in the future:

11. Although I’m lying, there are transport calculations, it has already been calculated where traffic jams will be in the future:

What can I say... for some reason I wanted to drink out of grief. But if in the case of the North-Western Expressway, which ran along ordinary streets, and from which they decided to make a semblance of a highway, despite the inhabitants, where I still wanted to send everyone responsible to North Korea, then just have a drink. Unlike the SZH, this chord mostly runs along and along the industrial zone:

Apparently because of this, there will be no off-street crossings, and public transport on the expressway is also not provided.

BUT in fact, this road distributes all traffic from the M11, only if the M11 is a toll road, this one will be free, that is, it will actively stimulate car use, and will also distribute a huge flow of cars throughout the city, for example, if previously a resident of Khimki or another Moscow region Tver, if we would have gone to the city by train or public transport, now we will go by car. Also, monstrous interchanges clearly will not beautify the city and will not relieve congestion on the outlying streets. Although, there is a tiny chance that after the introduction of this chord, it will finally be possible to close the north-eastern section of the Third Ring, turning it into a normal street.

In any case, instead of investing money in socially useful projects (and at least for connecting road networks between districts), this money will be spent on roads and traffic jams. But the Gray Cardinal is happy - the builders will be able to use the budget for another couple of years.

PS On Thursday, August 20, hearings on this project will be held in Ostankino, Rostokino and 3 other districts, I suggest residents take care of this now.

You can view the presentations

On October 2, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected the construction progress of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road. This section is planned to be completed in 2018.

Traffic-light-free highway

The route of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road, which will be built in 2018, will run from the existing section of the expressway at the intersection with the Entuziastov Highway, then from the northern side of the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway to the exit to the ring road.

In this section, the highway will be traffic-light-free with three lanes in each direction thanks to five overpasses.

The new section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Entuziastov Highway to the Moscow Ring Road will in the future make it possible to redistribute traffic flows and reduce the load on outbound highways - Ryazansky Prospekt, Entuziastov Highway and Shchelkovskoe Highway, as well as on the eastern sectors of the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring. In addition, the new highway will significantly improve the transport situation in the southeastern and eastern parts of the city, and will also simplify entry into Moscow for residents of the Kosino-Ukhtomsky and Nekrasovka districts and residents of Lyubertsy near Moscow.

In the future, a new section of the highway will provide an entrance to Moscow for a backup of the Moscow-Kazan federal highway.

Pedestrian accessibility

A new underground passage will be built near the Vykhino metro station. It will be located under the North-East Expressway and will allow access to the subway from the Veshnyakov side. In addition to local residents, it will be used by those who come to the Vykhino station by ground transport.

In addition, during the construction of the chord, two more existing underground passages will be reconstructed - in the area of ​​the Plyushchevo and Veshnyaki railway platforms.


To ensure that local residents are not disturbed by the sound of cars, a three-meter noise barrier will be installed along the route. Of course, cars will be heard, but no louder than those driving along the streets of the area.

Photo: portal Moscow 24/Alexander Avilov

Noise barriers will protect the Kuskovsky Forest Park from the chord.

Even when designing the section, the chords increased the distance from the highway to the boundaries of the forest park. This should protect the natural-historical site from the possible influence of construction. It is also planned to limit the speed of traffic on this section.

In addition, it is planned to plant more than 200 mature trees, 1,800 shrubs, 134 thousand square meters of lawns and 500 square meters of flower beds near the highway.

From East to North in half an hour

The entire North-Eastern Expressway will be about 35 km long. It will run from the new M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya overpass, an interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway. The route will connect the major highways of the city: MKAD, Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye Highways.

Thus, the North-Eastern Expressway will provide a diagonal connection between the north, east and south-east of the capital, reducing the traffic load on the center, the Third Transport Ring, the Moscow Ring Road and outbound highways by about a quarter. In fact, the chord will become a backup for the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring (TTK).

The section of the North-Eastern Expressway - from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse - will be completed by 2018. Its length is almost 11 kilometers, there will be many overpasses, overpasses and tunnels. Work on the new site is now in full swing. On Monday, Sergei Sobyanin visited the large-scale construction site.

Almost five kilometers of highway along the Oktyabrskaya Railway. On the working diagram for the construction of the North-Eastern Expressway, this section is number 7. It will connect the existing exit to the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway with Dmitrovskoye Highway. The amount of work is colossal. Indeed, in addition to the construction of the roadway itself, it is necessary to shift kilometers of communications, reports.

Thorough preparations were made for the start of construction here. The road will pass through a vast industrial zone. To make room, dozens of buildings have to be demolished. Car repair shops, warehouses, garage complexes - all of this is being removed to accommodate overpasses and overpasses. Even the pumping station, which serves an entire neighborhood, will be moved to the other side of the railway line. At the same time, consumers will not be disconnected for a minute. Such preparatory work not only takes a lot of time, but also accounts for a significant part of the budget.

“60 percent of our efforts and time will be spent on clearing the territory, moving communications - these are heating mains, water supply, power lines, other underground, for example, cable collectors we have, after which we will begin large-scale construction of the structures themselves,” said the head of the construction department Moscow Andrey Bochkarev.

In total, more than 10 kilometers of roads will be built on this site. Most of it will be on overpasses and overpasses. The 170-meter bridge across the Likhoborka River will become one of the most complex engineering structures. Its width will allow for 11 traffic lanes with access to a large road junction towards the Yaroslavskoye Highway.

“We have started the most complex section of the Moscow road network. This is the connection of the toll road to St. Petersburg and Dmitrovka. We have already completed one section to Festivalnaya, now we have started the second section, which almost entirely consists of overpasses, overpasses, tunnels and a bridge We hope that we will finish it in 2018,” Sobyanin said.

However, the builders promise to complete some sections earlier. When ready. When the section from Festivalnaya to Dmitrovka is built in its entirety, it will become part of the 35-kilometer North-Eastern Expressway. This will be a “first category” city highway. A multi-lane, traffic-light-free highway that will provide a diagonal connection between opposite districts of Moscow, while skirting the busy streets of the center.

Andrey Sidorenko, Vladimir Chernykh, Ilya Ushakov, TV Center.

Since the beginning of June, traffic has been open on the new Krylatsky Bridge, which is part of the southern section of the North-Western Expressway on the section from Leningradskoe Highway with access to Nizhnie Mnevniki - Krylatskaya Street.

Today, the construction of the SZH, which will significantly improve traffic conditions in the northern and western regions of the capital, is in full swing. This is an infrastructure megaproject comparable in scale to the construction of the Third Transport Ring. For information: the total length of the road network within the framework of the construction of the SZH is 79 km, the length of the Third Transport Ring is 35.1 km. That is, only one North-Western Expressway (with the entire cascade of the road network under construction) is twice as long as the Third Transport Ring.

1. The construction of this section will improve the transport situation in the ZAO and SZAO, the districts of Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Krylatskoye, Kuntsevo, Filevsky Park and increase the vehicle capacity to 30% on the road network of these areas. In addition to the new Krylatsky Bridge, a new beam bridge is being built across lock No. 9 of the Canal named after. Moscow.

2. The construction of the North-Western Expressway will provide an additional mainline connection between the districts, thereby expanding the possibilities of access by ground public transport to the four existing metro lines: Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya, Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya, Zamoskvoretskaya, Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya and in the future to the Big Circle Line under construction . In addition, an alternative route for motorists will be created, which will provide communication between the North-Eastern Administrative District, the Northern Administrative District, the North-Western Administrative District and the Western Administrative District.

3. “The construction of the North-Western Expressway from Dmitrovskoye Shosse to Michurinsky Prospekt is basically completed, with a few objects remaining. Today we are launching one of these objects. This is the Krylatsky Bridge, which will improve the throughput of this section. In general, the North-Western Expressway is 80 kilometers of roads,” said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

4. The length of the new Krylatsky Bridge is 282 meters. It began to be built in December 2016 on the downstream side of the existing bridge, parallel to it, at a distance between the spans of 1.3 m (in the area of ​​support No. 4, the clearance narrows to 0.65 m).

5. The first existing Krylatsky Bridge was built in 1984 according to the design of B. A. Gorozhanin by the team of Bridge Squad No. 4.

6. The main reconstruction involves the expansion of Nizhnie Mnevniki Street from two to three lanes in each direction. The estimated speed of the traffic flow is 60-80 km/h.

7. It remains to wait for the completion of the construction of the bridge across the lock and the completion of the reconstruction of Nizhnie Mnevniki Street.

8. The North-Western Expressway is a new highway that will pass through the northern and western regions of Moscow: from Dmitrovskoye to Skolkovskoye Highway and further to Michurinsky Prospekt. It will connect major highways: Michurinsky Prospekt, Skolkovskoye, Mozhaiskoye, Rublevskoye, Zvenigorodskoye, Volokolamskoye, Leningradskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways.

In the area of ​​Dmitrovskoye Highway, it will be possible to conveniently exit from the North-Western to the North-Eastern Expressway - either towards Sheremetyevo Airport or towards Yaroslavskoye Highway. It will also reduce (by approximately 15 percent) the traffic load on a number of central streets, the Third Transport Ring, the Moscow Ring Road and adjacent sections of outbound highways. And car mileage when traveling between neighboring areas will be reduced by about ten percent.

© chistoprudov.livejournal.com

I recently published a report on construction. Finally got around to looking at what was happening in my native area. Today is a detailed story about the construction of the North-East Expressway (NSH) - a new highway that will connect three districts of the capital: north, east and south-east.

This is what the place looked like in 2016. Due to the construction of a tunnel under the Shchelkovskoye Highway, a large traffic jam formed for several kilometers in the morning.

Construction for a while, tunnel forever. The work is completed, there is no more traffic jam in this place. Now everyone is standing at the intersection with Khalturinskaya Street.

Exit from the temporary storage warehouse onto Shchelkovskoye Highway towards the Moscow Ring Road.

From top to bottom in the photo there is Shchelkovskoye Highway, from left to right - temporary storage warehouse. To the left is the Partizanskaya metro station, to the right is Cherkizovskaya.

2016 Narrowing due to the construction of overpasses and a tunnel.

2018 From Shchelkovskoe Highway, exits to the temporary storage warehouse are open in both directions, to the south and to the north.

View towards Podbelka. On the left in the photo is the Lokomotiv MCC station.

Then the chord collapses into a compact version. Most likely, due to the difficulty of clearing land for construction, as well as due to the passage of the Losiny Ostrov park. If you look closely at the photograph, you can clearly see the temporary organization of movement, which is transferred to one side.

This is the same place on the other side.

The compact version of the route looks like this: traffic from the north will be organized along an overpass, which has not yet been opened, and traffic from the south will pass under the overpass. Thus, the route will take up almost half the area.

For now, traffic is open up to the Mytishchi overpass (up to the Open Highway). Next comes construction. Here you can clearly see two tracks located one below the other.

Open highway, view towards Metrogorodok. Eh, Metrotown, my homeland)

Construction of a highway towards the Yaroslavl highway. Everything is still in full swing here. On the right you can see the MCC station "Rokossovsky Boulevard".

Future ramifications. On the left are the industrial zones of Metrogorodok.

Closer to Losinoostrovskaya street. Construction of communications is currently underway here. As far as I know, the section up to the Yaroslavskoye Highway is still being designed and approved for the design of the chord.

Let's look at the chord from the other side. View towards Partizanskaya. Everything here has been open for a long time, the only thing missing is an intercepting parking lot at the MCC station.

The intersection of the chord with the Entuziastov Highway. Here, almost all overpasses are already open, except for direct travel to the south along the expressway and the exit from Entuziastov Highway.

Set it up!

View from Entuziastov Highway to the south. On the right you can see the interchange with Budyonny Avenue.

At this point in all diagrams a “knot” is tied on the chord. The main route will go further south parallel to the MCC, and the chord itself will sharply go southeast to Vykhino.

At first glance, it’s impossible to figure it out without a hundred grams. But it's simple. On the left comes the chord from Vykhino.

If you follow it straight, you will end up on Budyonny Avenue (it goes to the right in the frame), if you turn right, you will end up on the continuation of the chord that goes north (at the bottom of the frame).

On top is the Andronovka MCC station and the groundwork for the future construction of the highway at the top of the frame.

A unique time while the road is not yet open. You can freely walk along the highway.