From esoteric forecasts to real forecasts - will there be war? Michel Nostradamus and his predictions for Russia.

Edgar Cayce is an amazing clairvoyant from America who is considered one of the best predictors on planet Earth.

Edgar made unique forecasts and predictions in a state of trance, while he was asked various questions and he gave an answer. At the same time, the clairvoyant’s words were recorded by his personal stenographer; interestingly, Casey himself could not even remember what he said in a state of trance.

Today there are many editions of these shorthand general records, the earliest of which were published in the 1930s. Many of his predictions have already come true and continue to come true today, all of humanity has been convinced of this many times.

What awaits humanity

This legendary mystic was born back in 1877 and passed away in 1945; many of his predictions continue to come true to this day.

His unique prophecies concerning the whole world are quite terrible; in particular, he said that most of Japan and a number of European countries will be flooded.

But America, as the clairvoyant said, could literally disappear from the map of our planet, as cataclysms, floods and tsunamis would begin there, there would be volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters. We will see very soon whether Casey's 2016 predictions about Russia will come true. Edgar Cayce said a lot about Russia in his interviews, in particular, he argued that this country would be the hope of Christianity. Vanga also predicted the enormous power of Russia; it was she who said that this country would prosper in the 21st century.

Unique prophecies about Russia

During his life, this wonderful man made more than 25 thousand predictions on a wide variety of topics.

A large number of predictions have already come true; in particular, a lot has been said about the 21st century and about Russia in general. Edgar Cayce's predictions about Russia for 2016 are surprisingly positive; he said that this country will become the stronghold of the world of the future. Surprisingly, the clairvoyant said that this particular country would literally become the kingdom of God on Earth. Edgar made many unique prophecies concerning Russia, including for 2016, many of the predictions are simply amazing.

This wonderful man had a special relationship with the entire amazing Slavic nation as a whole. He argued that the Russian Mission is a complete change in the essence of the general relationships of mankind. It is from the East that a general liberation from rudeness, passions and cruelty in general will come to the world. After possible clashes between states, thanks to Russia, relations between different peoples will be restored on the basis of wisdom and common trust.

Literally all of Casey’s forecasts about Russia indicate that this state will experience many troubles and there will be casualties. However, Russia will be cleared of problems in the fire of a bloody and demonic age, after which it will rise, washed by tears and blood, but not humiliated, but surprisingly powerful. It is Russia that will become a unique place for the salvation of literally all of modern humanity. What’s interesting is that there are approximately the same predictions in the Bible; prophets who lived from the time of the Old Testament spoke about this. Casey made the same predictions for 2015 and 2016.

Russia is the future of Earth 2016, the revival of the Empire

Edgar Cayce said many times that Russia and the entire Slavic nation as a whole have a special unique mission.

The Bolsheviks did not like his amazing prophecies, and Casey himself did not accept this rigid system. Nevertheless, he had long predicted the collapse of the USSR and said that this would be the fall of a Unique Colossus with feet of clay; this prediction came true exactly.

The clairvoyant claims that by 2016 Russia will throw off the painful yoke and with it the spirit of freedom will come. Further, Casey's predictions for 2016 indicate that from Russia a common hope and freedom will come to the world, without the old cruel Bolshevism. Edgar said that after 2010, by 2020, people will live for their fellow men, this principle has already begun to emerge.

It will take many years for Russia to crystallize, but it is from this country that hope will emerge for the whole world. This state is guided by the friendship of all the people and on the money of this country it will be written that: In God we believe. And this hope will be given by the religious free development of all of Russia.

Russia will become an amazing ark for the destroyed world, the country will become the head of a resurgent civilization, and its center will be Western Siberia. This will be a country of righteous Christians and from them will come salvation based on faith in God.

And those states that will have friendly relations with Russia in 2016 will be lucky. A lot of terrible things will happen in the world, but after these hardships and disasters, the superpower Russia will rise. Edgar Cayce's predictions for 2016 for Russia are positive, and for other Slavic states the desire to unite the Slavic peoples and the revival of the old union was predicted. In general, there were predictions that countries and continents would go under water, but Russia would suffer almost no harm.

Edgar also saw a unique union of Orthodox peoples; it was Orthodoxy that would be the stronghold of humanity. By 2010-2016, Casey talks about the revival of the Union, that is, Eastern Ukraine and Belarus, as well as Kazakhstan and Armenia, will reach out to Russia. Some of these predictions have already begun to come true; Vanga made the same prophecies earlier.

I believed that from 2014 to 2016 the entire population of planet Earth would be on the brink of death more than once. One of the dangers will be an unusual drought in 2016. This problem will become the main reason for the shortage of food and drinking water in the Far East. Nostradamus also foreshadows a severe epidemic associated with a fish pestilence in the Pacific Ocean.

The fortuneteller confirmed the predictions of Nostradamus. Vanga also talks about a brutal war, which will be initiated by one of the states in the Middle East. The fortuneteller also said that after a terrible drought there would be a huge migration of people from the Southern Hemisphere to the Northern.

Argues that in 2016 there will be significant changes on the political world stage. The four states of the Balkan Peninsula will leave the European Union and will create their own single state.

Alexey Pakhabov, one of the young futurologists, said that in 2016 the price of natural resources will rise sharply.

Egyptian fortuneteller Joy Ayad said that the Earth will face a huge collision with an asteroid.

Prophecies for Russia for 2016

For many years, predictions for the future have captivated people around the world. And if we take into account the fact that most people on earth are mainly interested in forecasts that concern him and his country personally, then it is very interesting what changes will happen in Russia next year 2016?

The first thing you should pay attention to is the prophecies of the great Nostradamus. He wrote in his notes that 2016 will be the year of the spread of swine flu, due to which many people will die, including in Russia. Nostradamus also warned about a great drought that covered the entire earth in 2016, because of which many refugees from all countries would move to Russian territory. According to famous Russian scientists in the field of astrology, including Pavel Globa, next year Russia will become the founder of a new state, which will include republics from the former Soviet Union. This association will become a powerful force that will be able to fight the NATO military bloc.

American political scientist Friedman also confirmed this and added that this will be the year of the rebirth of the USSR. In America, on the contrary, the banking system will collapse, and the European Union will collapse. Russia's position will become stronger due to the rise in price of natural resources. Also, some psychics say that by the end of the year a war will begin, which could become the third world war. But the Russian Federation will become the main peacemaker and the bloody outcome can be prevented.

The well-known clairvoyant Vanga said that in 2016 a person will be born who will be the world's savior. He will become a preacher of a new religious movement, which will subsequently be able to unite the whole world.

Predictions by Pavel Globa for 2016. Predictions for Russia and Ukraine

The astrologer indicates that from the beginning of the year a period of conflict situations and hostility will begin. It may happen that many countries will be involved in this conflict. The Russian Federation will act as a peaceful state, and opinion of it will greatly increase. In addition, the famous predictor spoke about the further split of Ukraine as an integral territory. Globa predicts that the eastern part of Ukraine will become part of the Russian Federation. In the coming year, China will greatly help the Republic of Belarus in solving economic problems. The Russian economic sphere will also undergo some changes, but they will not be very noticeable. The American dollar will weaken due to the crisis, its exchange rate will inevitably fall. The Russian currency will be supported due to the rise in price of natural resources.

Nostradamus' predictions for 2016

Nostradamus speaks of a great drought that will inevitably occur in July 2016. As a result of this disaster, numerous countries will have big problems with food and simple drinking water. Russia, as a result of the drought, will be forced to accept an influx of emigrants. Also, the Russian state will have many internal problems, in particular, there will be an intensification of terrorists and immigrants from the North Caucasus. By the end of the year, the power of the Russian state will increase, the country will be able to prevent the outbreak of a new world war and will be a permanent leading player in world politics. Publishing a strange article will cause an incident among Christians and Muslims. China will resolve this delicate problem. The Celestial Empire will prescribe to all countries the basic rules of the game on equal terms with the United States. A certain European state will be driven to extremes due to internal disasters. An attempt will be made to internally restructure society and change power. But these actions will not lead to success. In another European country, according to Nostradamus, it will be Italy, its leader will suddenly die. But in an Arab state, an armed coup will be carried out successfully. With great achievements in the field of genetics taking place in 2016, people will successfully begin to explore the bottom of the world's oceans for a new life.

Vanga's prophecies for 2016

According to Vanga, it can be reported that the conflict situation that has flared up in the Middle East, the Syrian war and the Egyptian confrontation could lead to a third world war. But the beginning will not be 2016, because the Russian state and its great leader will act as a peacemaker. It is after this conflict that the Russian state will gain powerful strength and will be able to exert significant influence on other countries. The clairvoyant called 2016 the year of reunification, because 4 more states will appear within Russia. The Balkan Peninsula will also be preparing for reunification, but the European Union and all of Europe, on the contrary, will collapse. The blind clairvoyant Vanga spoke no less about catastrophes and various world cataclysms. Taiwan, Cambodia and India may be under water. Great losses will be suffered by England and Italy. The predicted epidemic of an unknown flu also raises concerns. The clairvoyant also touched on cosmic issues: in 2016, a new teaching about the history of the origin of our planet will appear, information will arise about a certain celestial object flying past our earth, and there will be a likelihood of a further impact on the earth. But this blow can only cause harm, and it will not lead to complete destruction.

Predictions and prophecies for 2016. Video

Nowadays people who are able to foresee the future are called psychics. Previously, they were considered wise men and prophets; wise rulers listened to their statements, trying to influence the course of history. Most likely, it is precisely in timely warning of impending changes that the main mission of astrologers lies. They seem to be trying to give humanity time to find optimal solutions to global problems, and states a tempting opportunity to become world leaders. Let's see what predictions there are for 2016 for Russia from the strongest psychics. After all, the promised events, one way or another, will be reflected in our destinies.

The future of Russia in the quatrains of Nostradamus

If we consider that the mysterious quatrains of the French seer are almost 500 years old, and the information encrypted in them is gradually coming true, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: Nostradamus was not mistaken. Russia will overcome the predictions for 2016 with honor, although the trend in them is not very positive. Or do we think so? In general, the mysterious quatrains predict the following: while Europe, in particular England, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, will be choked with rain, large-scale fires will engulf the central part of our country. However, even they will not frighten the numerous migrants who will flock mainly to the northern regions in search of refuge. Europeans will be driven away from their homes not only by raging waters, but also by some deadly scorching rays.

It is difficult to say unequivocally what Nostradamus had in mind; Russia perceives the predictions for 2016 with alarm, but the described phenomenon suggests the local use of modern chemical or radiation weapons. The hypothesis is confirmed by bright flashes indicated by the soothsayer. Apparently, the infection will not spread to Russian territory. The state will emerge from the Third World War, which, according to Nostradamus, is already approaching completion, with minimal losses. And it will soon embark on the path of dynamic development, leaving such superpowers as the USA and China far behind. The more distant future of Russia is absolutely amazing: it will become the cradle of a new civilization. Why not cook, for example, on such a positive note.

Vanga’s reliable prediction: what awaits Russia in 2016

The blind sorceress sometimes had no idea about the significance of her revelations, and even their meaning was mostly hidden from her. Remember how everyone puzzled over the dilemma about Crimea, which would break away from one bank and stick to the other. However, these are things of the past, and we are interested in Vanga’s current prediction: what awaits Russia in 2016? A devastating war with America, the epicenter of which will unfold in Syria. Allegedly, when the ancient state falls, a grandiose battle of the titans will break out. Victory in it will go to Russia, as well as dominance in the world. There will simply be no one to claim it. After all, Europe by this time will turn, according to Vanga, into a cold and deserted desert due to America’s use of a chemical bomb and the fall of a large meteorite. The celestial body will land directly in the sea, causing the flooding of individual continents and dramatic changes in the planet’s climate.

As you can see, the predictions for 2016 for Russia from the strongest psychics are largely similar. Vanga also said about Russia that it would face difficult trials, but, having gathered all its strength, the country would survive. And then it will go uphill, uniting all the Slavic peoples into a single nation. But this will not happen very soon, somewhere between 2025 and 2030.

Matrona’s mystical prediction for 2016 for Russia

The proverb is wrong when it claims that there are no prophets in their own country. Saint Matrona of Moscow called to remember the soul, to remember God in order to survive the turning points that are falling just this year. The old woman said that people had to make a difficult choice between their daily bread and the Orthodox cross. Those for whom the faith of Christ is more valuable than food will not die of hunger, they will feed themselves on their native land. We'd better have a snack, or... And later they will rise from the dead.

Matrona’s strange prediction for 2016 for Russia sounds something like this: one evening something will happen in the air. There will be people falling over, dead people everywhere. And by morning the evil will go into the ground, disappear, and everyone will come to life at once. This is how the blind Blessed One “saw” the future of Russia.

Messing's Prophecy

Messing's brilliant prediction for 2016 for Russia is also connected with America and China, to which our country will be forced to cede part of its lands. Priorities will change rapidly. Thanks to a well-thought-out economic strategy, China will literally collapse the US economy. The misfortunes of the United States will not stop here; along with island Japan and Taiwan, they will face a powerful nuclear attack. The clairvoyant is silent about who will deal the crushing blow. However, we are more interested in Messing’s prediction for 2016 for Russia.

They coincide in almost every way with what Vanga voiced about Russia. The state will strengthen its leading position and increase its power. And subsequently it will turn into a spiritual center and stronghold of world culture. However, Messing was convinced: it is impossible to lift the veil of secrecy; a person should not know his fate. Is it dangerous! His archive, and he meticulously recorded all the prophecies, is still classified.

What awaits Russia in 2016: Edgar Cayce's predictions

It’s amazing how equally psychics spoke about Russia. For example, phenomenal abilities allowed the American Edgar Cayce to discern the great destiny of a distant country. Even in the last century, he assumed that the lands of Western Siberia unaffected by floods would be actively populated by foreigners in the first half of the 21st century. The extraction of mineral resources, and there are countless of them in these places, will provoke an increase in the economic component.

But money in an advanced, developing society will lose its dominant role. This is what awaits Russia in 2016, Casey’s predictions emphasize: Russians will be brought together by Orthodoxy, patriotic ideas will unite them into unions and interest groups. And spirituality will completely eclipse the thirst for enrichment. To be honest, it’s hard to believe in such metamorphoses, especially this year.

Maria Duval's forecasts

Against the blissful background, the prophecies of the now living Maria Duval are perceived more realistically. And in many ways they repeat the predictions for 2016 for Russia from the strongest psychics in the world. The famous clairvoyant from Provence, relying on the climatic anomalies that have taken over the planet, predicts a decline in global agriculture, crop failure, and in some countries even a shortage of food.

The situation in Russia in this regard will be relatively favorable, although it will not be without problems. The Russian people will not profit from the misfortune of others; on the contrary, they will provide full support to states in need. He will help in any way he can. Therefore, he will find loyal allies and sincere friends. Common misfortune, as you know, brings people together.

Alexander Litvin about Russia in 2016

The talented psychic is convinced that this year many new names will appear in the government, and people from the regions will break through to power. Moreover, they will all be distinguished by their decisive character, intuition, and ability to quickly navigate the situation. Spontaneous actions will be beneficial. Mistakes await those leaders who are accustomed, like in chess, to calculating their actions several moves ahead. They will leave the race without fitting into the frantic rhythm, just like straightforward, open politicians.

In 2016, you will have to live by the motto: trust, but verify, especially in May, August and December, when selfish intentions will be camouflaged under good public initiatives. However, behind-the-scenes games, infighting, and the machinations of enemies will not be able to turn Russia off its intended course. She, like a ship overcome by a storm, will repair the masts, unfurl the sails and majestically sail towards the island of dreams. This is how almost all psychics think about Russia, and Alexander Litvin joins them.

We live in turbulent times... And this makes information about the future, about likely prospects, seem especially relevant. We hope to know that life will begin to improve, and we are afraid to see that something bad will happen. Although smart people advise to perceive negative predictions in a positive way. After all, the future has many options, and by learning about possible problems in advance, we almost always get a chance to fix something or at least adjust it.

So, here they are – predictions for 2016 collected especially for visitors to our website. Here you will find prophecies from the most authoritative clairvoyants - the great Nostradamus and the wise Vanga, the incomprehensible Edgar Cayce and the mysterious Vera Lyon. By reading them, you will be able to understand what to plan for, what to expect, and what to be wary of.

In difficult times, optimism is very important. And it can only arise when there is confidence that the “black” stripe will certainly be followed by a white one. Can we count on this? To form your own opinion on this, read our predictions for Russia for 2016. In them, clairvoyants from different eras and countries give their own interpretations of the future. They are not without interest in themselves. Well, in light of the current realities of our lives, they are also incredibly relevant.

“The world is not simple, not simple at all...” We worry about it and hope for the best, we worry and - of course! – we try to look at least a little into the future, turning to the prophecies made by those who were given the gift of clairvoyance by higher powers. Vanga is the one from whom even the mighty of this world asked for advice. What did she say about our time? A lot of different. But we must admit: Vanga’s predictions for 2016 are not particularly comforting. However, they still leave a considerable chance of reversing the protracted global crisis in the foreseeable future. And that our wonderful blue planet will finally begin to “recover”...

Nostradamus's predictions for 2016 do not promise us heaven, but they do not speak of anything fatal. Geopolitics and wars, ecology and cataclysms, science and spiritual development are the main themes of the prophecies of Michel Nostradamus. This is what awaits Russia and the whole world next year.

Vera Lyon is called the Vanga of the 21st century. And, it seems, not in vain! The visions of the Kazakh clairvoyant are coming true one after another... And therefore, despite the fact that believing or not believing a particular predictor is a personal matter for everyone, the predictions of Vera Lyon are definitely worth taking into account.

What did the prophetess see for the next year 2016? The situation in the world is so difficult that any prediction from such an authoritative predictor as Madame Lyon takes on special significance. So let's see what's what...

The Tarot system is not only a powerful tool for analyzing any problems and situations. It is also an objective means for making predictions on a global scale, as well as forecasting the future within certain time periods. The Major Arcana are especially good for this. Here we bring to your attention a Tarot forecast for 2016, made specifically on the basis of a number of the Major Arcana; it will allow you to understand what to expect from the next year, what to count on and what to fear.

Interesting to check. Predictions for 2016.

Great prophets of what awaits us in 2016:

At all times, people were divided into those who did not believe any predictions, believing that the future was not determined, and those who listened to the soothsayers.

We will not adhere to the point of view of either one or the other, since truth, as always, is ephemeral and elusive for human consciousness.

Let's just get acquainted with the statements of prophets and astrologers about what awaits humanity in the coming 2016. In any case, it's interesting.

There will be no apocalypse

I would immediately like to reassure our fatalist readers that not a single predictor promised an Apocalypse in the near future, so the coming year, apparently, will not be the end of the world. Nevertheless, we will have to endure serious cataclysms, both natural and human, in this short period.

The most serious threat is the possibility of a Third World War with the use of weapons of mass destruction, the source of which almost all prophets call the countries of the Middle East, where tension has already reached such a limit that it could soon result in a global geopolitical conflict. True, the seer Vanga once wrote that until Syria falls, there will be no war. But the great Michel Nostradamus predicted that in 2016 people on Earth will suffer en masse from destructive rays (quite similar to radiation from the use of atomic weapons).

True, almost all the prophets placed great hope in Russia and China, which, in a fraternal alliance and with good will, can completely change the course of historical events and prevent world carnage. In this regard, the United States is no longer mentioned as a superpower, since 2016 will be fatal for them, when the country will find itself in a deep political and economic crisis, quickly losing its influence in the world.

In Western Europe, many soothsayers, psychics and even researchers, such as James Hensen, prophesy great natural and economic disasters, namely the flooding of a large part of the continent, as well as the collapse of the European Union.

Predictions for Russia for 2016

The future of the Russian Federation worries not only the Russians themselves; today every earthling realizes that the world order on the entire planet depends on what Russia will become in the near future.

Astrologer Pavel Globa, who won the trust of people by accurately predicting the civil war in Ukraine and the collapse of this country in 2011, predicts a rapid economic revival of the Russian Federation. And this will be, he says, all the more surprising since the global economic crisis will rage in the world in 2016. Against its background, Russia will strengthen and increase its global influence, significantly displacing the United States of America.

This will also be facilitated by the Eurasian Economic Union, which is destined to significantly strengthen and expand next year due to the entry of European countries into it. This process will especially intensify after the collapse of the EU, when many Western European countries will want to join the union led by Russia.

The Bulgarian seer Vanga, who is also distinguished by the accuracy of her predictions, spoke a lot about the greatness and spiritual revival of Russia. In her opinion, next year the Russian Federation will not only get back on its feet economically, but will also begin to help other countries. But the main thing is that a national idea will appear in Russia that will unite all the peoples of this great power, which, ultimately, will allow it to become the spiritual leader of the whole world. All these changes, Vanga clarifies, are associated with the ruler, who will be called the Great.

Nostradamus also wrote about the greatness of Russia, calling this country the world hegemon, which it will become after 2016. True, the medieval prophet warned that this could play a cruel joke on a great power, since it would lead to disagreements in society and even coups. In addition, nature will be unfavorable against Russia at this time, subjecting the eastern parts of the country to global flooding and the central part to massive forest fires. However, Russia will emerge from all these trials with honor!

Predictions of Pavel Globa for 2016

Russian astrologer Pavel Globa has been giving fairly accurate forecasts for the future for 30 years. In his opinion, 2016 is a landmark year for almost every country, although, as always, the world powers are primarily in view, since the fate of the planet depends on them.

So, next year, economic and political collapse awaits the United States and the European Union. The economic crisis will lead to devastation and political unrest in the United States, and the EU will simply begin to disintegrate. The crisis in the EU economy is already being felt, next year Portugal will declare itself a bankrupt country, after which the UK will finally decide to leave the EU. This will be the beginning of the collapse of this union, which will cease to exist by the end of 2016. Naturally, the Eurodollar will also die for a long time, countries will again return to their national currencies, and borders will be closed for visa-free travelers who are already accustomed to freely moving around Western Europe.

Russia, as we have already mentioned, will easily overcome the global economic crisis, strengthen its position thanks to the Eurasian Union, opposing NATO with a much more powerful alternative in force. The Eurasian Union itself will expand throughout 2016, it will include Gagauzia, Transnistria, and then Novorossiya - a union of regions that do not want to live in Ukraine.

In Ukraine itself, another revolution will take place in the spring, which will bring to power those who are ready to cooperate with Russia and the Eurasian Union. The pro-Western husk will simply fall off the Ukrainian leaders.

As for natural disasters, Pavel Globa pointed to the possible flooding of Western Europe, as heavy rains will cover the UK, Italy and the Balkan countries in 2016.

Predictions of Michel Nostradamus for 2016

The quatrain poems of the great Nostradamus have more than once opened pages of the future for humanity, which have come true with amazing accuracy. What did this prophet write about the events of 2016?

Global natural disasters and bloody wars in the Middle East, which Nostradamus mentions, will claim many lives. The confrontation between the two countries in this region, as well as the situation when people in turbans begin to literally cut each other, and the involvement of many other states in this quarrel, may, according to the prophet, very well result in the Third World War.

In addition, he writes, at the end of the year an event should occur that could agitate the entire Islamic world, after which a thirty-year war between Christians and Islamists will begin. As a result, there will be only one religion left on Earth. But Nostradamus didn’t specify which one...

In the quatrain poems of the medieval prophet, scientists also saw global natural disasters that await humanity in 2016. Europe will suffer the most, expecting a great flood in the spring of next year. Heavy rain will occur in the UK, Italy, Hungary and the Czech Republic for several months.

But in America, destructive tornadoes of unprecedented force will rage. Russia and Australia will also be seriously affected by nature; they will experience the worst forest fires in history, and they will not be extinguished until the fall.

Vanga's predictions for 2016

Note that the blind Bulgarian seer almost never gave exact dates, so she does not have a specific prediction for 2016. But Vanga talked a lot about what awaits humanity at the turn of 2010-2018. Some of her prophecies have already come true, for example, the global economic crisis, which, in her opinion, will take place in three stages.

Since we have already experienced two of them, then, apparently, a third awaits us, which is designed to overthrow the regime of a unipolar world. Apparently, Vanga foresaw the collapse of the United States, after which this power would lose its world dominance, losing leadership to Russia and China. Germany's influence will increase in Europe. We have already mentioned that Russia will become a spiritual world leader in Vanga’s prophecies about the Russian Federation.

With the greatest concern, the blind seer spoke about the conflict in the Middle East, which could very well escalate into the Third World Massacre. Vanga even pointed out that the most serious threat in this regard comes from Afghanistan, Iraq and Turkey. These countries can start a war among themselves and use weapons of mass destruction. But this will happen only after Syria falls. However, Vanga clarified, a global collapse will not happen; this will become possible thanks to the efforts of Russia and China.