The main vocabulary fund.

Main vocabulary fund

The lexical base of a language, the most stable layer of its vocabulary, which includes primarily the primitive, most important and necessary, firmly established in the life of the people and commonly used names of objects, phenomena, processes associated with reality. These are the names of objects and natural phenomena characterized by their stability: water, earth, sun, moon, field, forest, mountain, wind, rain, snow, thunder, lightning, thunderstorm, etc.; names associated with the animal world: man, horse, cow, bull, sheep, pig, wolf, fox, hare, bear; rooster, chicken, goose, eurona, cuckoo, sparrow; bream, pike, pike perch; bee, wasp, beetle, etc.; names of body parts: head, arm, leg, shoulder, eyes, ears, etc.; names of plant objects: oak, pine, spruce, birch; flower, grass, rye, oats, barley, flax, hemp, etc.; names of tools: harrow, plow, plow, axe, knife, etc.; names of labor processes: plowing, reaping, mowing, threshing, etc.; names associated with everyday life: house, roof, window, door, floor, etc.; names of food items: bread, meat, butter, salt, honey, beer, etc.; popular terms of kinship; father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, etc.; terms related to craft: blacksmith, shepherd, plowman, weaver, etc.;

names associated with the settlement; city, village, village, etc.; names of actions and states; walk, lie, sit, sleep, talk, think, build, etc.; names of qualities, properties, signs: white, big, tall, wide, smart, cheerful, etc.;

The main vocabulary fund is characterized by significant stability, but over time, along with the development of society, it undergoes some changes: some words fall out of it, and even more words are replenished. The most stable names are the names of objects and natural phenomena, representatives of the animal and plant world. More changeable in the main vocabulary is that which is associated with production, everyday life, family relationships ( Wed the fate of such words as plow, all (village), brother-in-law, sister-in-law, etc.).

The enrichment of the main vocabulary occurs due to the appearance of words - names of new realities, new forms of production, new social relations, etc. Word production based on words of a given language, as well as foreign language borrowings, play a significant role in this.

The main vocabulary of the Russian language, formed in the distant past, consists of native Russian words, to which words of other origins subsequently began to be mixed, which was a natural consequence of the economic, political, and cultural relations of the Russian people with other peoples.

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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    MAIN VOCABULARY- (from the French fonds - stock of something). The lexical base of a language, the most stable layer of its vocabulary; includes the primitive, most important and necessary, firmly established in the life of the people and commonly used names of objects, phenomena, processes,... ...

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    LANGUAGE VOCABULARY, VOCABULARY- the entire set of words that make up a language, including its main vocabulary... Professional education. Dictionary

    LINGUISTIC FUNDAMENTALS OF THE METHODOLOGY- abbreviation, paragraph, automatic text processing, automatic translation, autonomous speech, speech adaptation, text adaptation, addresser, addressee, alphabet, speech act, active grammar, active vocabulary, active speech, active possession... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    Training content- active grammar, active vocabulary, active grammatical minimum, active vocabulary, active vocabulary, articulation, aspect of learning, aspects of language, listening, authentic material, database, types of speech activity... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

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All words used in a given language form it vocabulary. Among this large circle of lexical units there is a small but clearly distinguished circle of words - main vocabulary fund, uniting all root words, the core of the language. The main vocabulary fund is less extensive than the vocabulary of the language; It differs from the vocabulary of a language in that it lives for a very long time, for centuries, and provides the language with a basis for the formation of new words.

The main vocabulary fund covers the most necessary words of the language. To denote the same thing in a language there may be a number of synonyms, which are regarded differently in the vocabulary of the language and not all are included in the main vocabulary. The words of the main vocabulary fund are facts of neutral vocabulary: they can be used with the same meaning in any genre of speech (oral and written speech, prose and poetry, drama and feuilleton, etc.) and in any context. It should be noted that with the polysemy of a word, not all meanings of a given word are a fact of the main vocabulary.

Through vocabulary, language is directly related to reality and its awareness in society. The vocabulary reflects social, professional, and age differences within the language community. Because vocabulary is addressed to reality, it is very mobile, greatly changing its composition under the influence of external factors. The emergence of new realities and the disappearance of old ones leads to the appearance or disappearance of corresponding words and a change in their meanings. That is why the exact number of all words in a language is fundamentally impossible to calculate.

In the native speaker dictionary, a distinction is made between active and passive dictionaries. Active Dictionary- these are the words that a speaker of a given language not only understands, but also uses. The words of the main vocabulary certainly form the basis of the active dictionary, but do not exhaust it, because Each group of people speaking a given language also has specific words and expressions that for this group enter into their active vocabulary and are used daily by them, but are not required as facts in the active vocabulary for other groups of people who, in turn, have other words and expressions. Thus, the words of the main vocabulary fund are common to the active vocabulary of any population group, while specific words will be different for the active vocabulary of different groups of people.

Passive dictionary- these are the words that a speaker of a given language understands, but does not use himself. These are, for example, many special technical or diplomatic terms, as well as various expressive expressions.

The concepts of active and passive vocabulary are very important when learning a foreign language. However, we must not forget that the words in the passive can, if necessary, easily turn into an asset, and the cash in the asset can go into the passive.