Limiting beliefs and the benefits hidden in them. Beliefs feed prejudices

Considering in previous articles the third and fourth topics of the “Rules of Life” project, I offered you some exercises for working on goals, self-confidence, etc. And probably while doing these exercises, you encountered some kind of resistance, some kind of limiting beliefs, boundaries. In this article, I would like to talk about how to reduce limiting beliefs and gradually move away from them.

The first and most important thing to do is to identify what limiting beliefs you have. To do this, take a pen, a notepad and try to write down everything, all the restrictions. Any phrases, postulates, what are called introjects. Everything you ever heard from your loved ones, from your family, from your teachers, everything you heard from those you grew up with until you were sixteen. Because you uncritically absorbed all this into yourself. Accordingly, all these phrases could become your unconscious conviction in life.

Think about beliefs that relate to areas such as money, relationships, sex, health, beliefs about friends, and things like that. To make it easier for you to understand, I will give a few examples of what kind of beliefs can there be?

  • Money is evil, decent money is not earned honestly, decent money is earned only by scammers or thieves, money does not fall from the sky.
  • Sex is dirty, it's dirty. You can’t have sex; if you have sex, you’ll get pregnant. If you have sex, all the men will leave you. Men only want sex - girls are usually told such things. Relationships are pain.
  • Relationships are sacrifices. By the way, sometimes such things are not spoken out loud, but if in a family such relationships were the norm, in a child they become self-evident. For example: for people who grew up with an alcoholic father, their mother is a victim in herself, she could not say anything about it. Not to say, but the child has internalized that family is a sacrifice. This is something very unpleasant and something that you can live only through force. And these beliefs greatly influence a person’s life.

So, first you will need to write down everything you remember. Of course, it is impossible to remember everything the first time, so return to this exercise after 4-7 days and so on for a month or two, perhaps you will want even more. The main thing here is that you ask yourself a question. And then, your psyche will bring up more and more memories for you from your childhood, about this or that area of ​​your life.

In any case, try to identify all the limiting beliefs that you remember. It is very important to understand that limiting beliefs are where you have conflict between what you want and what you need to do. For example, in your family it was accepted that fried potatoes are evil, they are bad, they are something that greatly spoils your health and should under no circumstances be eaten. If you don’t like these fried potatoes either, then no conflict arises and therefore there is no limiting belief, you simply don’t like it either. A limiting belief is present when you actually like potatoes, you would like to eat them, but you can’t, your family told you it’s bad. That is, here we are observing a kind of transfer, no one told you anything about these potatoes, but you know very well that the family would react badly to this. And this is already a limiting belief.

When you realize that you have a little insight into what limiting beliefs you have been hearing. Let's move on to the next exercise:

First of all, take your main area in which you would most like to understand and change something. You can look at the notes where we defined the seven main areas of life and what we want from it. Take the main goal, the one that worries you most now, pay attention to the notes, the ideal picture, and compare it with what you have in life now.

For example, let’s take the sphere of finance. You wrote that your ideal monthly income is two thousand dollars. And your current income is a thousand dollars. What do we do then?

First, try to imagine yourself as a person whose monthly income is two thousand dollars, twice as much. Try on this suit. Twice as much is a very good difference. If your goal is to increase it even more than twice, then it will be even more difficult to fit. If your goal is from a thousand to reach ten, then you should reconsider your goal. In general, there is a recommendation: double your income. Every time twice. First at two, then at four, then at eight, then at ten, etc.

Try to imagine yourself as a person earning two thousand dollars. What does it look like? What are you like? What are you doing for this? What efforts and forces do you use? How much time do you spend on this?

As a rule, people have the idea that if I earn more, it means I work more. This means that I am doing something stronger, or through “I don’t want” I am doing something of my own. Here it is important to imagine that you are doing the same thing, without straining more, without changing anything, simply: if you want, take it. And here the belief in achievability is very important, in the fact that you have the right, in the fact that you are worthy, making the same efforts, to receive more.

For example, you are now just trying on this suit. It’s like you’re deceiving yourself a little, because, to some extent, you still have to do some things differently and grow in this. And for starters, so that your psyche can believe that you have this right, without changing anything, to receive not a thousand a month, but two.

You may experience strong resistance, especially if the numbers are too different. For example, going from a thousand to ten is perhaps not at all understandable. How is it, what kind of life is this, what do you allow yourself in this case, where do you live, how do you live, and so on? Therefore, you will have to try on this suit more than once. If you succeed the first time, it means that at the moment you are not working on a limiting belief - there is none here, here the path is open for you. But if limiting beliefs are present, you will have to do this exercise many, many times and even, perhaps, more than one month. Sometimes it can take a year or a year and a half for this suit to finally fit.

Here, I would like to reveal a little secret: how to bypass resistance if the suit does not fit. At this moment, ask yourself: when will I be ready to have my desire, to have these two thousand, instead of a thousand? When will I be ready to have the kind of relationship I want? When will I be ready to have the health I want?

And here a very important point emerges. When you ask yourself the question: “When will I be ready to have this or that?”, you subconsciously discard the question: “Will I even have this or not?” And subconsciously, you determine for yourself that I will definitely have it, the only question is when. When will I be ready?

And then you start thinking in your head: am I ready to have this tomorrow? Or am I ready to have this in March? If not yet, if it causes resistance in you, then you need to go through it again, month after month. Sometimes it happens that you may have the feeling that you will not be ready for this until the end of the year. Try to think about next year. And when you understand, after such and such a time I will be ready, you will feel the energy, the energy to move towards your intended goal. When your body, your inner nature says “yes,” I’m ready to have this, then you will feel it very clearly. If this feeling does not appear, there is no understanding that you are ready, there is no this internal “yes”. This means your goal is not realistic for you yet, it’s like being on the zero floor of your career ladder, you decided to immediately be on the sixteenth. This is a good goal, but perhaps it needs to be achieved gradually, and in five years, you will most likely be able to conquer this conditional sixteenth floor. Don't be upset that it will be in five years. The main thing is that it will be. Set yourself a more realistic goal and start from there.

It is very important to remember here that you can be successful precisely in what is truly valuable to you, what is your true inner need. If you have a need for communication, then your energy will be in friends, in relationships. No matter how you set financial goals for yourself, you will not achieve them, because your body needs a person, not money. If you have a problem with security, then you will be more drawn, on the contrary, to money and home, and relationships, no matter how you want to establish them, they will be, but will be less successful than finances. Accordingly, if you lack recognition, you will be drawn to some expensive things, to gloss, to wealth, to recognition, to cars of a certain class.

And of course, it all depends on what kind of person you are. For example, I am the kind of person that I throw all my strength into one goal, then all my strength into another. And sometimes, of course, distortions happen. It's best if you can strike a balance, a little of this and a little of that. In any case, whatever you want, you have the right to it. You deserve to have everything you want. Therefore, do not forget to enlist the support of loved ones and friends who will believe in you, support you and say: you will succeed!

“Money spoils people”, “all my problems are because of the state”, “I should have been doing this since childhood, now it’s too late”, “he was just lucky”... There are an endless number of examples. Each of us has caught ourselves having similar thoughts at least once in our lives.

Our society and ourselves are full of stereotypes. Bad mental habits. Most often, these beliefs are laid into our subconscious by the people around us, the deepest ones by our parents. Of course, they don't wish us harm. Someone at one time planted these beliefs in their heads, or they made such conclusions after an unsuccessful experience. These negative attitudes have a direct impact on our worldview, and therefore on our reality. They prevent us from realizing our dreams and being successful in various areas of life. Limiting Beliefs(hereinafter referred to as OU) can influence both relationships with society and personal relationships, the professional sphere and financial ones.

It takes a lot of courage to work with them. OPs are often a consequence of fear, that is, they serve as a defense and a reason for not fighting this fear. You need to be prepared to live a deep emotional experience.

There are a huge number of techniques for combating op-amps; we will look at the most common ones. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that this article will provide concentrated, condensed information about each of the techniques, so if you are interested in any of them, do not immediately try to perform them. Entire works are devoted to these techniques, and each of them has many subtleties and details that need to be familiarized with. Information can be found quite easily by author.

  1. Bodo Schaefer technique from the book “The Path to Financial Independence.”

Bodo Schaefer is a German millionaire and successful financial consultant. His technique is aimed at getting rid of negative beliefs about money, but in fact it is very universal. In his books and trainings, he says that there is only one way out - changing a negative attitude to a positive one. Bodo Schaefer suggests the following approach to his clients: imagine a negative template in the shape of a table with legs. The table top symbolizes the belief itself, and the legs are the supports that support it, that is, life experience - yours and those around you. The task is to shake the table, knock down the legs and thereby destroy the op-amp, neutralize it. To create the root of doubt about the fairness of the educational institution, it is necessary to answer 5 questions honestly, comprehensively and openly. With these questions, Bodo Schäfer makes a person feel his future along with this conviction of what awaits his loved ones, and then leads him to dreams of a wonderful future without this negativity.

  1. Silva method

Jose Silva is a famous American parapsychologist who has spent 22 years researching the principles of the human brain and the psychological skills of the individual. The result of his work was the world-famous Silva method - an effective system of psychological development. This method has been subject to considerable criticism, but also has many followers, including Richard Bach, Margaret Thatcher and Madonna.

The main goal of the method is to achieve inner harmony with oneself through working on the three components of thinking: intuition, emotions and imagination. By controlling them, it is easy to get rid of those same op-amps. Special exercises have been developed for each component. They are quite specific and will not suit everyone. Essentially, his methods are affirmations and meditations. Silva also has various techniques for entering the alpha level, in which the left and right hemispheres of the brain work simultaneously at 100%. The parapsychologist claims that only with such thinking can success be achieved.

  1. BSFF Method(Be Set Free Fast - Become Free Fast) or a technique for clearing negative emotions and expectations at the root level in the subconscious

The author of this technique is Larry Nims, an American psychiatrist. The purpose of the technique is to eliminate discomfort (for example, limiting beliefs) by deprogramming consciousness. It is also a very specific technique, however, it also has its own audience. In short, you need to identify your task or goal, the work on which causes stress. Then write down your preconceptions about this topic on a piece of paper and come up with a keyword. Then read the special instructions along with this word. Next, according to the technique, you need to read the belief, followed by the keyword, and so on until a yawn appears. Then move on to the next belief. They claim that this is how you can reprogram your subconscious and remove all the “junk” from it.

  1. Morty Lefkoe Method

Morty Lefkoe is the president and founder of the Lefkoe Institute, whose mission is to help people on the path to getting rid of negative attitudes.

They claim that his technology will help get rid of op-amps in 15 minutes. The essence of this technique: Lefko suggests returning to life situations in which our limiting belief was formed. For example, unpleasant criticism from parents, friends or colleagues, and then give several alternative interpretations of events. Further, Lefko leads his follower to the fact that any event in itself does not have any specific meaning until it is appropriated based on one’s personal perception. So your beliefs are not you. You are the author of your life and your abilities have no limits until you create them yourself in your head.

Perhaps some of these techniques caused you bewilderment or even laughter, while others interested you. What we believe in always works. Some people need inspiration and an emotional boost, some need constructive conversation, others believe in meditation and the power of words.

The most important and at the same time the most difficult thing is to admit the presence of limiting beliefs and understand that we can be wrong. This is already a lot, consider half the way passed.

Text: Nadezhda Abramova

In this article, I want to talk about limiting beliefs that can seriously prevent you from achieving your goals if they are not exposed in time.

Types of limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs come in different forms. Here are the most common ones.

1. “If-then” beliefs:

“If I try to create a source of passive income, I will probably screw it up - I don’t want to be a laughing stock.”

“If I show interest in anyone, I will be rejected.”

“If I become very successful, my friends will no longer like me.”

2. Universal beliefs:

"People are selfish by nature."

"Children always behave badly."

"Money is the source of evil."

3. Personal beliefs and self-esteem:

"I'm not good enough."

“My opinion doesn’t matter to anyone.”

"I don't deserve to be loved."

How limiting beliefs manifest themselves

Limiting beliefs are usually subconscious and operate below the level of awareness. You can notice them by the “side effects” - for example, when you set super goals for yourself and try to achieve them.

Let's say you decide to create your first source of passive income. You brainstorm the idea, then finally set a goal with a specific amount (for example, $100 a month).

From an objective point of view, this goal is achievable. You do not need divine help or magical practices to achieve this goal. Other people did it easily before you, and for some it’s even something taken for granted. There is nothing out of the ordinary about this goal.

But how many people will actually achieve this goal? Are you confident of success or are you afraid of being among the losers?

In fact, many will achieve success - and not because their ideas are any better or they are more committed to their goal than others. For them, moving towards the goal will also not be easy. But they will succeed because they will strive to change their beliefs in accordance with their goals. They don't let their old mental patterns get in the way of achieving their goals.

“Having passive income is too difficult.”

“It’s time for me to quit this and look for a normal job.”

"I'm not smart enough for this to work."

“Passive income is not for me.”

“It’s better to just do like everyone else.”

“Stable operation is safe and reliable.”

To create a source of passive income, you need to become aware of your own limiting beliefs (like these). Almost all of us have them, since the conditions of modern society, alas, force us to think in this way.

Discovering your limiting beliefs is quite difficult, since they rarely appear openly. But they can be caught red-handed when they use their distractions, thereby distracting you from your goals and completely absorbing your attention.

Let’s say you started thinking about passive income - and now you’ve already come up with a decent idea on how to organize it. But then your brain starts giving you one reason after another why this idea won’t work. As a result, you convince yourself to leave her.

Or you talk about your idea to your most pessimistic friend, subconsciously knowing that he will probably convince you of its futility. Although, instead, you could discuss your idea with some resilient optimist who would support you and your idea.

Or you start working on implementing your idea, but you realize that more than anything in the world right now you want to watch a movie or go buy a new computer game.

Or you finally set aside a few hours to work on your goal, but soon realize that you spent all this time on the Internet...

Or some unexpected crisis happened in your life like: “Oh damn... I think I’m out of chocolates!” We should run to the store... But the target will wait a little longer.”

That is, you consciously decided: “This goal is important to me,” but soon came to the conclusion that your brain does not want to cooperate with you. It starts to distract you just when you need to work on your goals.

In such situations, the culprit is none other than limiting beliefs.

Why are limiting beliefs needed?

Many limiting beliefs begin in early childhood and live with us for the rest of our lives. They work as mental shortcuts that protect us. But there is also the other side of the coin: our brain generalizes everything that happens and builds models without taking into account the nuances of the situation. It turns out that these models are inaccurate. However, they do not have to be perfectly accurate to ensure our survival. We have enough of these, especially when quick decisions are required.

If you want to understand what is happening to you at this moment, then I advise you to turn to that stage of the evolution of our brain when the human neocortex surrounded the more ancient limbic system. The limbic system controls emotions, behavior, motivation and long-term memory. The neocortex controls conscious decisions, intellectual activity, and language.

These different parts of the brain have evolved to help us survive. However, many of the goals of a modern person are not related to survival - take passive income, for example. Your brain has no such function as “helping you reach your passive income goal.” However, the brain is very flexible and can adapt its activity to this purpose.

If we set ourselves a goal that is not related to survival, then we cannot rely on our original mental programming. These programs help us in more difficult situations when it comes to survival. But they are not very suitable for bold ambitions. So sometimes you need to tweak this programming to work harder to remove unnecessary restrictions. For example, we don't want our brain to trigger the emotion of fear when thinking about changing jobs. We want to make smart decisions based on our own knowledge and skills, not emotional responses from childhood.

For example, can you calmly go on stage and speak in front of a large audience without feeling nervous? Can you speak effectively in front of an audience if you haven't prepared? If your answer is no, then your limbic system is creating fear and giving you danger signals that literally paralyze you. Although physically you can do it - after all, in fact, all you need to do is stand up and start talking. Nothing complicated.

Now think, can you create a new source of passive income if you want? If your answer is yes, then the next steps will be very simple. But will your limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and motivation, agree with this decision? Alas, most often she will be against it. The limbic system interprets your decision to gain passive income as some kind of threat to your survival. Therefore, it will force you to avoid actions that could put you in danger, even if this danger is imaginary. Soon your neocortex receives this information from the limbic system, and as a result, you are forced to come up with various excuses to explain your inability to act.

It's best to play safe and avoid places where predators might be lurking. Generalizing some situations (in terms of survival) is quite normal, because one mistake can cost us our lives, especially in childhood. But such cases as embarrassment during public speaking or financial failure - this, you see, still does not apply to a threat to life. Of course, they may evoke similar responses in your thoughts and behavior, but don't be fooled by it. Often, failures in your work and financial life help you further learn and grow, and making such mistakes can sometimes even pay off.

Whether you like it or not, you are still a mammal, and have inherited the mental baggage that comes with them - including the ability to survive in this world. On the other hand, you need to compensate for this baggage by assuming that you would like to live a richer life than most other mammals.

Conscious thinking VS unconscious beliefs

There are several basic ways to deal with unconscious limiting beliefs.

Option 1

Ignore them. And let these mental subroutines act as they want. In this case, you will most likely live an ordinary life (of course, if your limiting beliefs are not excessive). You will come nowhere near your potential as a conscious human being, but you will still be a proud and independent mammal. Are you satisfied with this option - to continue living in the same conditions as you lived up to this point? Then there is no real need to fight your limiting beliefs. They will continue to control your life, and to a very significant extent. But if you don't mind living the same way, then this option is perfect for you. Essentially, this is the same as believing that your programming in the past is yours. true self.

Option 2

Try to suppress limiting beliefs. You can use your willpower to resist them and move towards your goal again and again. You can even move without stopping - for example, increasing the negative effects of quitting smoking (if your goal is to quit smoking). But the effects of such actions are usually short-term, and you can become exhausted by maintaining your resistance to these beliefs. It turns out that one part of your brain is fighting with another.

Option 3

Break down limiting beliefs. Don't resist them - rather, remove them completely so that they no longer have any influence on your thinking. This means that you remove the old routines installed in early childhood because you no longer need them as an adult. In place of old beliefs, you can try to establish new ones or leave the place vacant and allow your logical thinking to fill this gap on its own.

You are an adult and no longer need childish beliefs to be safe. Use your fully developed neocortex to make intelligent decisions - which may well be based on your accumulated knowledge, life experiences, skills and logical assumptions. These thinking skills were less developed when you were a child. Therefore, you needed the limbic system to protect yourself. But in adulthood, you have enough life experience and knowledge for this - you will certainly be able to determine what is more dangerous: a lion attack or a public speech.

It would be great if our brains themselves cleared out all this garbage as we grow older. Of course he does so, but he does it very slowly. But we can speed up this process if we begin to pick up the accumulated garbage ourselves, clearing the place of limiting beliefs that we no longer need. I do think it's smart (especially in our 20s and 30s) to let go of the limiting beliefs that keep us from setting and achieving important goals.

Breaking Limiting Beliefs

I can lead you by the hand down the path of breaking limiting beliefs—but Morty Lefkoe has already done it before me, so I'd rather just redirect you to him to do it yourself (and for absolutely free). You will understand this method much better if you try it on yourself and achieve at least small results.

If you think you probably have limiting beliefs that are holding you back, the Morty Process will help you identify and challenge them. You will need to devote only 20 minutes to each belief - watch the video and practice.

I'll be heading to the airport in less than 24 hours to begin a new travel adventure, and I probably won't be blogging much while I'm away.

While I'm away, you will have enough time to remove all limiting beliefs from your path - remove them forever, so that they do not come back and haunt you in the future. And if you want to create your own personal source of income, you won’t have to fight yourself in your head. You will be able to easily move from one step to the next, as I do.

And imagine how great it will be to go on an exciting trip practically for free - because the cost of it is much less than your passive income (which, moreover, continues to grow even in your absence). No need to ask anyone's permission - just do it. This is not some crazy fantasy. If you can take the first step - breaking down those limiting beliefs along the way and moving on to a series of actions - everything else will be quite possible. Just don't tell your boss you're going to do it.

  • 29.

A METHOD of getting rid of limiting beliefs in 15 minutes. Morty Lefkoe is the President and Founder of the Lefkoe Institute, whose mission is to help people break free from the limitations our beliefs create that keep us from living full, creative, and successful lives. Morty Lefkoe is the author of a technology that helps you get rid of limiting beliefs in just 15-20 minutes. ALGORITHM for working with limiting beliefs using the Lefko method. 1. Determine what you want to change in your life. It could be some behavior of yours, some unpleasant feelings you are experiencing, some problem. For example, you are having problems with money. 2. Now answer the question, what do you believe about this issue, what are your beliefs on this topic. For example, what do you think about money, about making money, about rich people and so on. What rules do you live by in this area of ​​life, where is your problem? Write down your answers. Because it's about a problem, your beliefs will almost certainly be limiting. Examples of limiting beliefs: I can never become a rich person. I don't know how to handle money and I will never learn. If I had rich parents, I could become rich too. A lot of money can only be earned dishonestly. Money only causes problems. Rich people are unhappy and lonely. If I have a lot of money, I will constantly worry not to lose it. and many others. 3. Choose which limiting belief you want to work with. Select 3-4 restrictions that you use most often. 4. At this stage, you need to find the source of your op-amp. Go back in time to the circumstances that may have led to this belief. Most of our beliefs about ourselves, about people, about life are formed in the first 6 years of our lives as a result of our interactions with our parents. Beliefs about other areas of life: work, politics, social aspects are usually formed when we begin to interact with these areas. As a rule, the occurrence of an OC is associated with a whole series of events, and not with 1-2 situations. If you can’t remember something specific, remember what your parents said about OU, for example, what they talked about money, topics related to money. How they reacted in situations related to issues of money, earnings, etc. 5. So, you have discovered the source of your op-amp. Go back to the circumstances when your belief was formed. Feel like the child you were then. You see, you feel this situation, you have a reaction to it, you have an interpretation of the event that is reasonable for you then and in those circumstances, an interpretation that could arise in other children at this age and in similar circumstances. 6. At this stage, you need to add several alternative interpretations or meanings to the events that formed your OP. Such interpretations have nothing to do with criticizing your parents. Your parents did what they could at that time and did not seek to develop OC for you. For example, the belief: “I’m not good enough (I’m not worthy),” which usually leads to money problems (because you’re not worthy). Possible interpretations: My mother didn't think I was good enough, but she was wrong. Maybe I wasn't good enough as a child, but now that I've grown up, I know that's not true, I'm a worthy person. I wasn't good enough by my mom's standards, but I could be good by other people's standards. My mother is critical and treats everyone this way regardless of whether they are good enough or not. My mother's behavior had nothing to do with whether I was good enough or not, she acted according to her OP, which she formed based on her childhood experience. My mother's behavior had nothing to do with whether I was good enough or not, it was a manifestation of her parenting style, her understanding of how to raise a child. Each of these interpretations is just as valid and valid as yours: “I’m not good enough.” Each event can have many different interpretations and meanings assigned to it. 7. Now answer the question: “Have you seen this somewhere, what does your op-amp express?” Let’s continue with the example of the OU “I’m not good enough.” You may say, “Of course I saw it. If you had heard what my parents said, you would have seen it too.” Now you see a computer in front of you, it has a certain color, shape and location. What can you say about your op amp? How can you describe it, where is it located? Where has it been all these years? The answer is obvious in your mind. The interpretation of the events leading up to the OC is in your mind. Any event in itself has no meaning. For example, rain in itself has no meaning. The event “rain” can be good (in case of drought), bad (if it interferes with some of your plans), or nothing (for example, you don’t go outside). You assign meaning to the event “rain” based on your perception. Thus, your parents' behavior did not have any specific meaning until you assigned that meaning. You might answer that you didn't see it (OU), but you felt it. Those events in the past made you feel this way: “I’m not good enough.” But events that do not have a specific meaning (and all events are like that until you assign meaning to them) cannot cause a specific feeling. 8. Thus, we found out that: the OU is just one of the possible interpretations of the situation, and therefore not the ultimate truth, not the “truth of life”; events themselves do not carry any specific meaning, everything depends on our perception, we ourselves attribute a certain meaning to an event based on our perception. Now say your OP that you have been working with. Probably now you feel a difference from what it was at the beginning; it now sounds like just a set of words and nothing more, this is not your belief. If not, try repeating steps from step 4, or perhaps you'd be better off getting help from someone to walk you through the process. Usually, when the OU goes away, you feel changes at the body level and in behavior. You feel lighter, as if you have been relieved of a heavy burden. 9. Please note that your life is determined by OUs, although they are not the truth. You build your life not in accordance with your true Self, but in accordance with certain OUs that arose as your interpretation of some events in the past. You are forming an op-amp. OUs shape your life, which means you are the author of your life. In order for an interpretation to arise, there must be an interpreter. In order for an OU to arise, there must be someone who will create it. In other words, you are not your OU, your true Self and OU are not the same. You are the one who created these op amps. You are the author of your life, and you have no boundaries until you create them with the help of OU. Everything is possible. So: beliefs are responsible for our reality; OU is nothing more than an arbitrary, but significant for us, meaning of what happened earlier in life; The OU is just one of many possible interpretations, and is not the ultimate truth; we are the creators of our OCs, our OCs determine our behavior, emotions and perception of reality, and ultimately our lives. We are the creators of our lives. At this stage, you need to find the source of your op-amp. Go back in time to the circumstances that may have led to this belief. Most of our beliefs about ourselves, about people, about life are formed in the first 6 years of our lives as a result of our interactions with our parents. Beliefs about other areas of life: work, politics, social aspects are usually formed when we begin to interact with these areas. As a rule, the occurrence of an OC is associated with a whole series of events, and not with 1-2 situations. If you can’t remember something specific, remember what your parents said about OU, for example, what they talked about money, topics related to money. How they reacted in situations related to issues of money, earnings, etc. 5. So, you have discovered the source of your op-amp. Go back to the circumstances when your belief was formed. Feel like the child you were then. You see, you feel this situation, you have a reaction to it, you have an interpretation of the event that is reasonable for you then and in those circumstances, an interpretation that could arise in other children at this age and in similar circumstances. 6. At this stage, you need to add several alternative interpretations or meanings to the events that formed your OP. Such interpretations have nothing to do with criticizing your parents. Your parents did what they could at that time and did not seek to develop OC for you. For example, the belief: “I’m not good enough (I’m not worthy),” which usually leads to money problems (because you’re not worthy). Possible interpretations: My mother didn't think I was good enough, but she was wrong. Maybe I wasn't good enough as a child, but now that I've grown up, I know that's not true, I'm a worthy person. I wasn't good enough by my mom's standards, but I could be good by other people's standards. My mother is critical and treats everyone this way regardless of whether they are good enough or not. My mother's behavior had nothing to do with whether I was good enough or not, she acted according to her OP, which she formed based on her childhood experience. My mother's behavior had nothing to do with whether I was good enough or not, it was a manifestation of her parenting style, her understanding of how to raise a child. Each of these interpretations is just as valid and valid as yours: “I’m not good enough.” Each event can have many different interpretations and meanings assigned to it. 7. Now answer the question: “Have you seen this somewhere, what does your op-amp express?” Let’s continue with the example of the OU “I’m not good enough.” You may say, “Of course I saw it. If you had heard what my parents said, you would have seen it too.” Now you see a computer in front of you, it has a certain color, shape and location. What can you say about your op amp? How can you describe it, where is it located? Where has it been all these years? The answer is obvious in your mind. The interpretation of the events leading up to the OC is in your mind. Any event in itself has no meaning. For example, rain in itself has no meaning. The event “rain” can be good (in case of drought), bad (if it interferes with some of your plans), or nothing (for example, you don’t go outside). You assign meaning to the event “rain” based on your perception. Thus, your parents' behavior did not have any specific meaning until you assigned that meaning. You might answer that you didn't see it (OU), but you felt it. Those events in the past made you feel this way: “I’m not good enough.” But events that do not have a specific meaning (and all events are like that until you assign meaning to them) cannot cause a specific feeling. 8. Thus, we found out that: the OU is just one of the possible interpretations of the situation, and therefore not the ultimate truth, not the “truth of life”; events themselves do not carry any specific meaning, everything depends on our perception, we ourselves attribute a certain meaning to an event based on our perception. Now say your OP that you have been working with. Probably now you feel a difference from what it was at the beginning; it now sounds like just a set of words and nothing more, this is not your belief. If not, try repeating steps from step 4, or perhaps you'd be better off getting help from someone to walk you through the process. Usually, when the OU goes away, you feel changes at the body level and in behavior. You feel lighter, as if you have been relieved of a heavy burden. 9. Please note that your life is determined by OUs, although they are not the truth. You build your life not in accordance with your true Self, but in accordance with certain OUs that arose as your interpretation of some events in the past. You are forming an op-amp. OUs shape your life, which means you are the author of your life. In order for an interpretation to arise, there must be an interpreter. In order for an OU to arise, there must be someone who will create it. In other words, you are not your OU, your true Self and OU are not the same. You are the one who created these op amps. You are the author of your life, and you have no boundaries until you create them with the help of OU. Everything is possible. So: beliefs are responsible for our reality; OU is nothing more than an arbitrary, but significant for us, meaning of what happened earlier in life; The OU is just one of many possible interpretations, and is not the ultimate truth; we are the creators of our OCs, our OCs determine our behavior, emotions and perception of reality, and ultimately our lives. We are the creators of our lives.

The science of making miracles. Author's training for the fulfillment of desires Karavaeva Natalya Gennadievna

How to get rid of beliefs that prevent you from moving towards a new life

Old habits are strong and jealous.

Dorothea Brando

Another “enemies” of achieving a goal are the so-called “limiting beliefs” and “secondary benefits from not fulfilling a desire.”

Secondary benefits will be discussed in the next chapter. Here we will talk about harmful beliefs.

What are limiting beliefs?

These are our attitudes regarding the sphere in which the goal lies.

Each of us has behind us a whole baggage of attitudes, beliefs and patterns that we have accumulated from early childhood to the present day. Children perceive information uncritically. We perceived what people significant to us said and did: parents, educators, teachers - as the ultimate truth.

Children perceive information uncritically. We perceived what people significant to us said and did: parents, educators, teachers - as the ultimate truth.

If your parents believed that big money could not be earned honestly, you believed this too. If your teachers put it in your head that “nothing good will come of you,” then on a subconscious level you still have this attitude that does not allow you to move forward.

Friends, acquaintances, and colleagues also made (and continue to make) their contribution to your worldview. The books you read and the films you watched left your imprint there. An important role is also played by the various attitudes that the media persistently impose on us.

You will have to fight your stereotypes and limiting beliefs!

As a result, every person has a whole set of limiting beliefs, such as: “You cannot get rich honestly,” “In our country it is impossible to run your own business,” “Real men have disappeared,” “All women only need money from me,” “In our family They’re all overweight, that’s the constitution—nothing can be done about it,” and the like.

Such attitudes undermine your faith in yourself and in your goal, force you to give up at the slightest difficulty, and sometimes not even get down to business at all, considering it impossible.

It is possible and necessary to get rid of limiting beliefs.

Practical tasks for REALISTS

EXERCISE"Working with limiting beliefs"

Write down frankly, without hesitation, everything you think about the area within which your dream lies. Find your list of limiting beliefs.


Money is evil. There is always not enough money. When you have money, your mood rises and you want to live. Having money, you can do what you love, travel. If you didn’t live richly, there’s nothing to start with. All rich people are thieves and bandits. By earning a lot of money, you can provide your parents with a calm, happy old age, and your children a decent future. To earn a lot of money, you need to work from morning to evening.

Divide the sheet into two parts. In the column on the left, write down all the harmful beliefs that you discovered.


On the right, opposite each negative belief, write down a positive statement. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not.


Cut off (tear off) the left side of the sheet with limiting beliefs, tear it into small pieces and burn it (scatter it in the wind, throw it away, flush it down the toilet).

Copy the positive statements written on the right side onto a new sheet of paper in clear, neat handwriting, and here you can add the positive statements that were in your original text.

Place the resulting list in a visible place. Read these statements as often as possible. Instill new ideas through repetition, just as you learned the multiplication tables as a child.

? Money is just a tool; it can be used for good deeds.

? I always have enough money.

? It's never too late to become who I want to be

? Among the rich there are many honest and noble people.

? You don't have to work hard to earn big money.

? Having money, you can do what you love, travel.

By earning a lot of money, you can provide your parents with a calm, happy old age, and your children a decent future.

Practical tasks for ROMANTICS

EXERCISE"Dialogue with the Inner Critic"

Take a pen and paper. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed. Relax.

Write down your desire as a statement.

The thoughts that come to your mind after this, quickly, without hesitation, transfer to paper, in the line below. This is your inner Critic challenging the possibility of getting what you want.

All contradictions that will appear from the depths of the subconscious are your inner fears and limiting beliefs.

Your task for each argument of the internal Critic is to find your own counterargument in favor of the fact that your desire can be realized. The result will be a kind of written dialogue with your inner Critic.

Continue until all his critical and derogatory remarks have dried up.


Next year I will marry a smart, rich man out of mutual love.

Where can you get something like this? The smart and rich were taken apart long ago.

There are a lot of interesting wealthy free men around.

Maybe so, but why does he need you? There are women much more beautiful than you.

Yes, I have. But I'm also very sweet and charming. I have a lot of virtues and talents. I am sure that I can please my chosen one.

To please him, you must first find him. It won't fall from the sky on your head.

It won't fall. But there are chances to meet someone smart and rich. Now I will look around more carefully.

Ha, to the sides! What do you think, rich people travel on buses and subways?

Maybe his car will break down the day we meet. And then, why on the bus or subway? It is absolutely not necessary to meet on public transport.

Hmm, well, where else? On online dating sites?

There are actually a lot of options. We may meet by chance at some party. Or he will come to our office on business. Or we’ll meet at a conference, seminar or exhibition. In the supermarket, after all. Isn't that enough? Or even on a dating site. So what?

Are you completely out of your mind? There are only maniacs there. And what will mom say?

Well, you forgot about maniacs. As for my mother, I’m already a big girl and can take care of myself. Mom has not given me orders for a long time. Your own head on your shoulders.

This is what's scary! Do you know what kind of shots are found?! I would read crime reports. You will find yourself an adventure to the fifth point.

Don’t be harmful, you know that I am a completely reasonable and sensible woman and will not get involved in any adventures. Yes, and you are always on the alert - you will give a sign if something is wrong.

What a sycophant! Okay, what to do with you - go for it.

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