Training to become a medical doctor. "Medicine"

Choosing a profession is a very important matter. Fate, the content of each day, the realization of abilities and interests, and the circle of friends depend on the decision. When making a choice, it is recommended to pay attention to professions related to medicine. They are suitable for those people who dream of devoting themselves to caring for other people and their health. Medical professions, list and reviews of all specialties are what we have to look at.

Professions that can be obtained at a university

Many people strive to obtain higher education. At medical universities, applicants are offered 9 specialties. This:

  • "Healing."
  • "Pediatrics".
  • "Medical and preventive care."
  • "Dentistry".
  • "Pharmacy".
  • "Nursing."
  • "Medical biochemistry".
  • "Medical biophysics".
  • "Medical cybernetics".

In the first four specialties, a doctor's qualification is awarded. At “Pharmacy” they become pharmacists, and at “Nursing” they become nurses. In the latter specialties, the qualifications of a biochemist, a biophysicist and a cybernetics doctor are awarded. Let's take a closer look at the presented list of medical professions and specialties.

"General Medicine" and "Pediatrics"

“General Medicine” is the most multifaceted specialty. That is why there are always many applications for it at universities. People with this specialty can engage in treatment, diagnosis, prevention, carry out educational, organizational, managerial and research activities.

“Pediatrics” is a specialty, the essence of which is the treatment of children, diagnosis and prevention of childhood diseases. Doctors monitor the development of babies, starting from birth, and refer them if any problems are identified to specialists with highly specialized medical professions.

“Medical and preventive care” and “Dentistry”

At Dentistry, students study disciplines related to diseases of the oral mucosa, implantology, caries, etc. In the future, people with this specialty become dental therapists, orthopedists, and hygienists. They diagnose and treat diseases of the oral cavity, eliminate caries, install implants, removable and fixed dentures, and perform disease prevention.

"Pharmacy" and "Nursing"

An interesting specialty is “Pharmacy”. It is suitable for people who love chemistry and understand it. “Pharmacy” trains specialists who will later be engaged in the manufacture of medicines, work in the research niche, develop new medicines, and study the effectiveness of drugs. After completing their studies in this specialty, many work in pharmacies - selling medicines and providing consulting services to visitors.

“Nursing” is an important specialty, a necessary profession. A nurse is required in all branches of medicine. This specialist cares for sick people and follows the doctor’s instructions. After graduating from university, you can get a job in any clinic or hospital as an ordinary nurse. In the future, thanks to the presence of higher education, it will be possible to become a senior nurse.

Medical biochemistry, biophysics and cybernetics

The specialty “Medical Biochemistry” is associated with laboratory diagnostics, biochemical, clinical, immunological and medical genetic research. The “Medical Biophysics” direction involves working with modern medical equipment. Those people who come here will become radiologists and ultrasound doctors in the future.

“Medical cybernetics” is a young specialty. It combines different sciences: biology, physics, computer science, and medicine. People with this specialty can work with computer technology, use the latest equipment in examining sick people, and troubleshoot equipment. The future professions of students studying in “Medical Cybernetics” are a cyberneticist, a sound and radiation diagnostic laboratory technician, an immunologist, etc.

Medical contraindications for professions

Not all people can have professions related to medicine, because they have contraindications:

  • nervous and mental diseases;
  • severe hearing and vision diseases;
  • skin and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • impaired coordination of hand movements.

If you have serious illnesses that pose a danger to others, you will not be able to enter the list of professions presented above. A medical examination is something that every applicant undergoes upon admission to any medical school. The results are provided to the admissions committee.

Features of obtaining medical specialties at a university

Our country has long switched to training specialists in a two-level education system. However, medical universities decided not to abandon the traditions of Russian higher education. All specialties (except “Nursing”) are classified as specialists. To become a doctor or pharmacist, 5 to 6 years of full-time university study are required. "Nursing" refers to the undergraduate degree. The duration of training in this specialty is 4 years on a full-time basis.

Part-time study is allowed only in the areas of “Pharmacy” and “Nursing”. Other medical professions can only be obtained on a full-time basis. The fact is that you can only learn to treat sick people and carry out various medical procedures at a university, practicing all the skills on phantoms and mannequins, and in a hospital at the patient’s bedside during an internship.

Postgraduate education for doctors

In higher education, the duration of doctor training is the longest. Students who study at non-medical universities are entitled to practice after receiving their diploma. With medical specialties, everything is completely different. A doctor's diploma does not give the right to practice independently. To obtain it, future specialists undergo primary postgraduate specialization.

Graduates of medical universities have the following prospects for further education:

  • acquisition of primary medical specialization in internship (after receiving a diploma) within 1 year;
  • acquisition of medical specialization with in-depth training in residency for 2 or 3 years;
  • conducting research activities in the field of theoretical biomedical sciences.

Acquiring specialization in an internship

In internship, as mentioned above, primary medical specializations are acquired. These include: therapy, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, infectious diseases, pediatrics, psychiatry, emergency medical care and others. What can you become after the internship? For example, a university graduate, after completing his studies in the specialty “General Medicine”, having assessed all medical professions, chose a surgeon. To become one, when entering an internship you will need to choose the specialization “surgery”.

After completing the internship, the graduate receives 2 documents: a certificate attached to the diploma confirming receipt of postgraduate education and a specialist certificate giving the right to independent medical practice.

Obtaining specialization in residency and postgraduate studies

Specializations that require in-depth training include cardiology, hematology, clinical pharmacology, ultrasound diagnostics, pediatric oncology, dental surgery, etc. For example, a doctor who has specialized in surgery in internship can study to become a doctor in residency. neurosurgeon or oncologist-surgeon.

After 2 or 3 years of residency training, the doctor also receives 2 documents: a certificate and a certificate. Thanks to them, you can work in your chosen specialization. Thus, the path to becoming a specialist in medicine can take 9 years. For people interested in a particular subject and science, the path to graduate school is open. The duration of training is 3 years. The purpose of graduate school is to train highly qualified scientific personnel.

Secondary and primary medical education

Medical professions are acquired not only in universities, but also in secondary schools - schools and colleges. Mid-level specialists are trained here. These include:

  • paramedics;
  • obstetricians;
  • nurses;
  • assistant health doctors;
  • epidemiologists;
  • medical laboratory technicians;
  • dental technicians;
  • pharmacists.

There is also the profession of “junior nurse”. This is initial professional medical education. First- and second-year students are starting to work as junior nurses. Their responsibilities include changing the linen of a sick person, his bed, feeding seriously ill patients, and providing assistance with transportation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that before entering a medical school in order to obtain any profession, it is worth assessing your personal qualities. In future work, attentiveness, emotional stability, accuracy, observation, responsibility, compassion, and integrity are important.

The specialty code for general medicine is 02/31/01 both in universities and colleges.

In universities, the entire educational process takes an average of 6 years. However, after graduating from the Faculty of General Medicine and obtaining a specialty to work in a specific area in the medical field, you need to complete an internship course. Graduates are then given the opportunity to choose practical specialization in specific areas of medicine. This also means that a medical graduate can choose to study deeper and more fundamental areas of science, such as biochemistry or physiology. Currently, with the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard, the conditions of education are changing somewhat.

Specialty in general medicine in college

The educational process within the specialty of general medicine 02/31/01 (old code 060101) implies professional training of specialists in basic medical disciplines that meet professional standards of secondary education. The duration of study in this area at college is 3 years 10 months.

Upon completion of training, students receive the opportunity to practice general medical practice, which allows them to choose primary medical professions to provide comprehensive medical care. help.

Specifics of education in the specialty of general medicine in medicine. College is such that the course of study represents fundamental disciplines of broad specialization. Due to the fact that there are no specialized areas, students receive only general training in basic areas of medicine.

Medical graduate College students are allowed to work in specialties that fall under the category of junior medical personnel, such as the specialty of medical assistant.

The educational institution also trains specialists in the areas of manual therapy. This group includes massage therapists.

One way or another, studying at a medical college will be an excellent opportunity to decide on your future choice of profession.

What is studied in the specialty of general medicine?

Speaking about the specialty 02/31/01 general medicine, it is worth focusing on the learning process. The training of specialists occurs in two stages. From the 1st to the 3rd year at the university, students undergo preclinical training. As a rule, complex theoretical training occurs during this process. It consists of familiarizing yourself with the medical treatment facility and patient care.

In addition, future doctors receive general knowledge in the field of Surgery, and also study types of internal diseases. Upon completion of training, students will undergo clinical practice.

When studying the specialty of general medicine, the next stage will be clinical training, taking place from 4th to 6th courses. This period requires maximum concentration from students, because... by its specificity, it requires the fullest use of the potential of the studied material. This includes the psychological aspect of the work, because the specialist begins clinical practice as part of an educational program.

First of all, attention is focused on the ability of the future doctor to interact with patients and diagnose possible diseases. At this stage, the educational process somewhat expands its scope and extends not only to a medical university, but also to practice in a hospital.

Specialty general medicine who to work with

When preparing in a hospital setting, senior students majoring in general medicine are asked to choose a direction for advanced training. After completing practicums as part of a residency program or internship, you can choose a number of narrow specialties, for example, otolaryngology, neuropathology, etc.

Upon completion of training in the specialty of general medicine, specialists need to have skills when working with medicine. equipment, and also, based on knowledge of pharmacology, fully understand medications. In addition, doctors must have practical knowledge in the field of rehabilitation areas of medicine, which is important when choosing a medical specialty, and be prepared to conduct a forensic medical examination.

University graduates can engage not only in diagnostic, but also in management activities. A number of institutions in which it is possible to practice include hospitals, dispensaries and various medical centers, including emergency care institutions.

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About the specialty:

Description of the specialty of general medicine, in which universities they teach, admission, exams, what subjects are in the specialty.

General medicine is a very popular specialty, both in universities and colleges in Moscow. A huge number of schoolchildren strive to receive secondary specialized education. Most view medical college as the first step in a long educational ladder. General medicine is a rather complex specialty and requires complete dedication. Many of the students already here understand that they will not be able to study to become a doctor, but they want to devote their lives to medicine. Having received a secondary specialized education in general medicine, they become nurses and brothers in hospitals, doctors in clinics and occupy other junior medical positions.

What is taught in the specialty of general medicine?

This specialty teaches the basics of medicine and pharmacology, physiology and many practical medical skills: making injections, dressings, putting IVs, caring for seriously ill patients, prescribing treatment, making diagnoses, performing first aid, and performing various procedures. Even if after obtaining secondary specialized education in the specialty of general medicine, you will not want to continue your studies in medical universities; you will have a huge amount of medical skills that will allow you to work in this field.

Prospects for medical training

A doctor has a choice: to work in a public hospital or a private clinic. Some doctors combine service in a public medical institution with private practice. In this matter, the main thing is to choose a popular direction. Dentistry is very popular, but this has created an oversupply of specialists on the market, and it will be difficult for a young dentist to find a good place. But there is a shortage of pediatricians, obstetricians and general practitioners, and you can get a job in a decent medical institution for this position. In most areas, you can always engage in private medical activities and open your own business. The medical specialty opens many doors and provides many opportunities. In the end, medical knowledge will help in everyday life and in family life.