Formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning. Formation of diminutive forms of male and female names

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  • introduce students to one of the ways of forming nouns with a diminutive meaning using suffixes, With promote the acquisition of knowledge on the topic;
  • promote the development of spelling vigilance, phonemic hearing, oral and written speech, memory;
  • develop the ability to work in a team and communication needs.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, tables with suffixes, sheets for individual work.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Today we will go on a journey through a small, kind and affectionate country. Fairy-tale characters live there. (Slide 2).

3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The guides on our journey will be the heroes of the novel - Nosov's fairy tales. The first task is offered to us by Znayka.

To get into the world of fairy-tale heroes, we need to answer several questions.

Which part of speech did you study in previous lessons? (Noun)

What parts of a word are used to form new words? (Using prefix and suffix)

- Hint from Znayka « With the help of this part of the word transformations can be made. In the word it is to the right of the root. Sometimes a word can have two or even three such parts.”

- So what part of the word will we talk about in the lesson? ( About the suffix). What transformations did Znayka tell us about using this part of the word? (New words may be formed)

Who guessed what the topic of today's lesson is? (Formation of words using suffixes. SLIDE 4.

- What do you think we will learn?

So, we got a pass to the Flower City. Well done, you did it. Let's go to a small country. The wind will help us get there. What kind of wind do you think blows there?

Wind - breeze; wind - windy.

What are the suffixes in these words? What meaning do they give to words?

4. Observation.

The boat is sailing, sailing
To the west, to the east.
Ropes are webs.
And the sail - petal.

What nouns affectionately name objects? (Boat, cobwebs)(Petal-ok is a leaf from the corolla of a flower; here the suffix –ok- has a different meaning).

What other suffixes can give words diminutive meanings? (Problem)

You and I found ourselves among the heroes of Nikolai Nosov. Who are they?


Right. They were called shorties because they were very small. And when you and I were little, your mothers called you affectionately, rocked you in their arms and sang lullabies. Guslya invites you to remember one of the lullabies. Please read the text

Berezonka creaking, creaking,
My daughter is sleeping, sleeping...
My daughter will fall asleep -
Her sleep will take her away
He will take her to the garden,
Under a raspberry bush.
And the raspberry will fall,
It will get in my daughter's mouth.
Sweet raspberry,
Sleep, little daughter.
Birch tree creaking, creaking,
And my daughter sleeps, sleeps...

What nouns call people and objects affectionately, tenderly?

Look at the example given in the textbook in exercise 265 on p. 39

(Let's look at the sample)

On the board: The word “cage” - from what basis was it formed? (From the word garden). "Bush" - bush. Highlight the stem, root and suffix in the words.

Write out the rest of the words yourself. (Slide 10)

What did you observe while doing this exercise? (Formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning.)

From the bases of what part of speech are these new words formed? (From the stems of nouns)

Using what suffixes? (Children call) Sheet 1 with suffixes. (-onk-, -enk-, -ok-, -hic-, -points-, -k-.)

5. Working with text in a frame on p. 39.

Read the output in the box.

What suffixes did we not encounter in the lullaby?

Sheet 2 with suffixes. (-onk-, -ek-, -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -chick-.)

6. Practical part

The next task is offered to you by Vintik and Shpuntik. They love to design and assemble things. They offer you to form new words from the bases of nouns using the suffixes: -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -chik-, -yonk-, -onk-:

Grass - grass; bell - bell

Field - pole; hut - hut

Glass - piece of glass; hand - little hand.

- When do we use words with such suffixes in speech?

7. Physical exercise.

Doctor Pilyulkin calls us for a physical minute.

Mountain - hill; forest - forest

Field - pole; catfish - somishche

Grandson - granddaughter; city-town

Ball – ball; word is a word.

If I point to a word that doesn't have a suffix, you jump. If a word has a suffix, clap your hands.

Which word with a suffix has a different meaning than all others? (Somishche) Which one? (Meaning of magnification) What is the suffix of this word? (- search-). What suffix will help you name the word affectionately? (–ok - catfish)

8. Assignment from the residents of the Flower City.

Each desk has pieces of paper on which columns of nouns are written.

You work in pairs. In 2 minutes you need to form affectionate words from the bases of these nouns using diminutive suffixes.

Read the words one by one, but don’t repeat yourself.

We check by SLIDES 15, 16, 17 (Do not remove Slide 17)

9. Formation of diminutive forms of male and female names.

Dunno's friends have kind and affectionate names: Syrupchik, Vintik, Shpuntik, Tsvetik, Knopochka, Daisy, Snowflake, Galochka, Kubyshka, Zainka.

Let’s use the suffixes –ok-, -ek-, -ochk-, -echk-, -enk_ to form diminutive forms of people’s names:

Rustam, Dasha, Vitya.

We said that with the help of the suffix -k - nouns with a diminutive meaning are formed. For example: fish-fish, hand-handle.

Let's look at the meaning of people's names with the suffix -k-. (Marinka, Seryozhka, Verka, Irka) (the suffix -k- introduces a connotation of disdain)

Is this a diminutive form of names? (No). When addressing your friends and classmates, try not to use the suffix -k- in their names.

10. Reflection.

Let's turn to our desk neighbor, smile at him and call him affectionately.

What suffixes did you use to address your classmate?

What meaning do these suffixes give to words?

Your homework is written on the board. Try to do it correctly and beautifully.

The heroes of Nikolai Nosov’s fairy tale are very glad that you are such good fellows. You learned a lot in class and answered well.

Sheet 1


Sheet 2


  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 3rd grade.
  2. Buneeva E.V. Methodological recommendations for teachers. Russian language 3rd grade.

Formation of the skill of forming diminutive forms of words in preschoolers

A preschool child’s mastery of full-fledged speech is the most important condition for his successful education at school. Acquiring a sufficiently large vocabulary, the ability to correctly construct and grammatically formulate a phrase, mastery of coherent speech, and the correct pronunciation of all sounds requires systematic training.

Formation of word formation skills and mastery of the necessary rules is a source for a child to independently enrich his vocabulary, as well as a necessary condition for mastering spelling rules in the process of schooling.

R.I. Lalaeva and N.V. Serebryakov proposed a consistent system of work on developing the formation of diminutive forms of nouns in preschoolers, indicating specific lexical material.

Taking into account the order of appearance of suffixes in ontogenesis, as well as their productivity, the sequence of work on the formation of diminutive forms of nouns is given. Each of the points of the system proposed below is filled with specific lexical content, which allows you to use this material in working with children without spending time on labor-intensive selection and search of words.

  1. Feminine diminutive nouns with the suffix -k-:
  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: cotton wool - cotton wool, paw - paw, cloud - cloud, weight - weight, mountain - slide, hole - mink, shovel - shovel, coin - coin, raspberry - raspberry, newspaper - newspaper, guitar - guitar, galosh - galoshka .

  • with a change in the word stem:
  • alternation between voicedness and deafness

Lexical material: fish - fish, fur coat - fur coat, head - head, beard - goatee, grass - grass, pyramid - pyramid.

  • alternation of sounds at the base of a word

Lexical material: hand - pen, cheek - cheek, bird - bird, pike - pike, blueberry - blueberry, blackberry - blackberry.

  • the appearance of a fluent vowel and the alternation of sounds at the base of the word

Lexical material: cup - cup, grater - grater, fork - fork, bowl - bowl, glass - glass, plate - plate, bottle - bottle, pillow - small pillow, shirt - shirt, reel - reel, chamomile - chamomile, hairpin - hairpin , bench - bench, booth - booth, boat - boat, spoon - spoon, pipe - pipe, box - box.

  1. Masculine diminutive nouns with the suffix -ok-:
  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: lump - lump, forest - forest, smoke - smoke, fan - fan, belt - belt, anchor - anchor, boat - boat, ear - spikelet, sweater - sweater, crest - crest, cast iron - cast iron, boiler - bowler .

Lexical material: tank - tank, bough - knot, fist - fist, shoe - shoe, heel - heel, jacket - jacket.

  1. Masculine diminutive nouns with the suffix -ek-:
  • with a change in the base of the word: alternation of sounds in the base of the word

Lexical material: lock - padlock, bag - bag, sock - sock, wreath - wreath, stocking - stocking, broom - broom, apron - apron, teapot - teapot, pot - pot, scarf - handkerchief, icon - icon, ball - ball .

  1. Feminine diminutive nouns with the suffix -ochk-:
  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: vase - vase, rose - rose, mountain - hill, bath - tub, willow - willow, wall - wall, desk - desk, cabinet - bedside table, jacket - blouse, ribbon - ribbon, washer - washer, flask - cone , shovel - spatula, palm tree - palm tree, basket - basket, veranda - veranda, flower bed - flower bed, razor - razor.

  1. Masculine diminutive nouns with the suffix -ik-:
  • with a change in the word stem:
  • alternation between hardness and softness

Lexical material: nose - spout, house - house, mouth - mouth, scarf - scarf, hill - mound, cupcake - cupcake, bush - bush, leaf - leaf, bridge - bridge, bow - bow, whip - whip, raft - raft , beret - beret, rope - rope, bag - bag, robe - robe, jacket - jacket, ticket - ticket.

  • alternation of sonority - dullness and hardness - softness

Lexical material: forehead - forehead, tooth - tooth, pelvis - basin, cart - cart, watermelon - watermelon, diamond - diamond, beak - beak, eye - eye, pond - pond, plaid - plaid, rhombus - rhombus, pillar - column , service - service, snowdrift - snowdrift, chest of drawers - chest of drawers, vegetable garden - vegetable garden, steamboat - steamboat, steam locomotive - steam locomotive.

  1. Masculine diminutive nouns with the suffix -chik-:
  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: cabinet - cabinet, fence - fence, shed - shed, screw - screw, case - case, tram - tram.

Lexical material: token - token, glass - glass, lemon - lemon, banana - banana, loaf - bar, pendant - pendant, balcony - balcony, pocket - pocket, tulip - tulip, fountain - fountain, caftan - caftan, van - van , drum - drum, dagger - dagger, jug - jug, cartridge - cartridge, decanter - decanter, bottle - bottle.

  1. Neuter diminutive nouns with the suffix -ts-:
  • with a change in the base of the word: alternation between hardness and softness

Lexical material: soap - soap, lard - lard, sting - sting, awl - awl, blanket - blanket, mirror - mirror.

  1. Neuter diminutive nouns with the suffix -yshk-:
  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: feather - feather, grain - grain, nest - nest, spot - speck, log - log, glass - glass.

  1. Feminine diminutive nouns with the suffix -ushk-:
  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: hut - hut, head - little head, grass - grass, willow - willow, beard - beard,

rowan - rowan.

  1. Neuter diminutives

with the suffix -its-:

  • without changing the stem of the word

Lexical material: cookies - cookies, dress - dress,

chair - armchair, seat - seat, plant - plant,

gorge - gorge.

It should be noted that the beginning of classes on developing word formation skills should be attributed to the earliest stages of work due to the large volume of material in this section. The work must be carried out consistently and systematically.


“Formation in preschoolers of the skill of forming diminutive forms of words”

Prepared by:

Datskevich T.N.

teacher speech therapist



Phonemic hearing is the ability to distinguish speech sounds and identify them.

By the age of 2, a child should be able to clearly distinguish all speech sounds by ear, which indicates a sufficient level of development of phonemic hearing. Persistent sound substitutions appear in words. Sound substitutions are normally explained by the incomplete formation of the articulatory base of sounds (i.e., incorrect position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing sounds).

By the age of 2 years 6 months, a child should be able to clearly distinguish paronymic words (differing in one sound: “kidney-barrel”, “goat-braid”, etc.).

By the age of 3, the child begins to develop speech kinesthesia - a sensation from the movement of the organs of articulation. The moment of awareness of the control of the organs of articulation begins. The child begins to distinguish not only paronymous words, but also words that are similar in pronunciation (“ears-mustaches”).

By the age of 4-5, a child can distinguish all speech sounds both by ear and in pronunciation. In parallel with the development of phonemic hearing, the child develops phonetic hearing (it should be distinguished from phonemic hearing) - general monitoring of the syllabic flow of speech. Thanks to this hearing, the child recognizes the phoneme in various phonetic positions, extracts the phoneme from different syllable sequences, i.e., the child develops practical sound and morphological generalizations. Phonetic hearing also evaluates distorted pronunciation. Phonemic and phonetic hearing together make up speech hearing, which carries out: speech perception; evaluates the correctness of someone else’s speech, exercises control over one’s own speech; under the control of his hearing, the child begins to adapt the organs of articulation to the desired sound, begins to feel the necessary articulatory patterns. These articulatory positions are recorded in the child's memory and reproduced.

After 4 years, primary sound analysis skills begin to appear, which indicates the child’s ability to learn written speech.

Thus, by the age of 5, the child begins to develop his speech through writing and reading. Underdevelopment of phonemic hearing and phonetic hearing can cause impairments in written speech (writing impairment - dysgraphia, reading impairment - dyslexia) when studying at school.

What should you pay attention to in a preschooler’s speech?

How can you develop speech?

From 5 to 7 years is the time to correct problems with sound pronunciation. We remind you that gross violations of sound pronunciation can cause failure in reading and writing.

It is very important to develop fine motor skills (fine movements of the fingers). Here are exercises that are useful for this: finger gymnastics, weaving, modeling, lacing, construction sets, mosaics, cutting out paper and cardboard, drawing various patterns, tracing stencils, shading, drawing with colored pencils.

Teach your child to accurately navigate in space and on a sheet of paper. The baby must clearly know “right-left”, “up-down”; be able to repeat movements by imitation and on command.

Pay special attention to the development of phonemic awareness. Teach your child to identify the first and last sound in a word, determine the place of a given sound in a word, the sequence of sounds in a word, their number, and place in relation to other sounds. Also practice games and exercises such as: selecting words for a given sound, composing words of different sound-syllable structures, transforming words (“chains of words”), solving puzzles, solving crosswords. The child must be able to complete graphic diagrams of words and sentences.

Monitor the correct development of the grammatical structure of speech, correct grammatical errors: incorrect changes in case endings and number of nouns, incorrect agreement in gender, number and case of a noun with an adjective, etc.

Develop and enrich your child's vocabulary. Encourage the use in speech of not only specific, but also generalizing concepts. Encourage the selection of synonyms and antonyms, epithets. Instill an interest in working with dictionaries of all types; Together with your child, compile your own “Explanatory Dictionary”. Solve riddles, teach your child to explain the meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Pay attention to the formation and development of the child’s coherent speech. To do this, make up sentences and stories based on a series of pictures, based on plot pictures, learn to retell texts, cartoons, and events of the past day. Memorize short stories and poems, achieve the correct answer to the question you pose. Encourage children's creativity and imagination.

Readiness for schooling requires multicomponent education. Parents, their first and most important educators, can do a lot for a child in this regard.

A preschool child has truly enormous developmental opportunities and cognitive abilities. It contains the instinct of knowledge and exploration of the world. Help your child develop and realize their potential. Don't waste your time. It will pay for itself many times over. Your child will cross the threshold of school with confidence, learning will be a joy rather than a burden for him, and you will have no reason to be upset about his progress.

To make your efforts effective, use the following tips:

Don't let your child get bored during classes. If a child has fun studying, he learns better. Interest is the best of motivations; it makes children truly creative individuals and gives them the opportunity to experience satisfaction from intellectual activities!

Repeat the exercises. The development of a child's mental abilities is determined by time and practice. If an exercise doesn't work out for you, take a break, return to it later, or offer your child an easier option.

Don't be overly concerned about not making enough progress, not moving forward enough, or even regressing a little.

Be patient, do not rush, and do not give your child tasks that exceed his intellectual capabilities.

When working with a child, moderation is needed. Do not force your child to do the exercise if he is fidgety, tired, or upset; do something else. Try to determine the limits of your child's endurance and increase the duration of classes by a very small amount of time each time. Give your child the opportunity to sometimes do something he likes.

Preschool children do not perceive strictly regulated, repetitive, monotonous activities well. Therefore, when conducting classes, it is better to choose a game form.

Develop your child’s communication skills, spirit of cooperation and teamwork; Teach your child to be friends with other children, to share successes and failures with them: all this will be useful to him in the socially difficult atmosphere of a comprehensive school.

Avoid disapproving assessments, find words of support, praise your child more often for his patience, perseverance, etc. Never emphasize his weaknesses in comparison with other children. Build his confidence in his abilities.

And most importantly, try not to perceive working with your child as hard work, rejoice and enjoy the communication process, and never lose your sense of humor. Remember that you have a great opportunity to make friends with your child.

So, success to you and more faith in yourself and the possibilities of your future Benka!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2" group of general developmental orientation for preschool children

What is “phonemic hearing?”

How and when does it develop in children?

Prepared by:

Datskevich T.N.

teacher speech therapist



For a teacher, expressive reading is not just a skill, it is a skill that has a significant educational impact on children. With the help of expressive reading that meets the requirements of logical and intonation correctness and emotionality, the teacher not only opens the world of art to preschoolers, but also gives them an example of correct and figurative artistic speech. In preschool age, a child tries to imitate adults, therefore, listening to their expressive reading, he “falls in love” with literary texts - he wants to reproduce them in the same way, with the same intonations, pauses, logical and rhythmic stresses. Thus, children take an important step towards mastering literate, figurative, emotionally rich speech.

That is why the teacher needs to master the art of expressive reading. According to M. Rybnikova, “the performance should have the goal of pronouncing the text with maximum transmission of the theme of the work and its ideological intent. Reading must correspond to the style of the work, its genre features; this performance embodies in the voice the logical and syntactic melody of speech, the music and rhythm of the verse, one or another structure of prose... it must be loud, clear, precise, conveying to the listener the sounding word with complete clarity.”

Breathing exercises

Speech breathing is different from normal. It occurs on exhalation and through the mouth (the oral cavity works as a voice amplifier). Learning to regulate your breathing means, first of all, learning how to expend air correctly and gently, silently remove it during a pause. Breathing should be easy and natural. You cannot exhale until you have completely “exhaled” and you must not allow too much air.

The kittens washed their eyes and noses,

And cheeks, and foreheads, even mustaches.

And a kind word to each other

They meowed into clean ears.

(O. Alexandrova)

Imagine the picture painted in it. To see it brighter and more fully, reread the poem slowly and more than once. Imagine how the kittens fell into a long sweet sleep, what their breathing became like.

The shepherd played the pipe

So that the birds around became quiet.

Hovering nearby and not ashamed to sing.

(O. Alexandrova)

Imagine the picture created in it. To see it brighter and more fully, reread the poem slowly and more than once. Imagine the singing of a vociferous bird; as you inhale and exhale, imitate it.

Exercise No. 2.

Sit on a chair, straighten your shoulders, raise your head slightly, exhale without making any special effort. Take your time to inhale. Do it through your nose only when you want to inhale. Repeat this several times. Do the exercise with pleasure.

Exercise No. 3.

Correct breathing skills in the process of expressive reading should be developed and strengthened using the material of specially selected poetic texts. As you read them, gradually increase the number of lines spoken in one exhalation. The main task is to recreate the pictures in your imagination and convey them when reading.

Looking at the night, the hares played out

And they almost got into a fight with each other.

The black grouse teacher flew to them

And he said: “Shut up now!

What noise did you make in the forest?

Or have you forgotten about the fox?

(O. Alexandrova)

Tili-bom! Tili-bom!

The cat's house is on fire!

The cat's house caught fire

There's a column of smoke coming out!

The cat jumped out

Her eyes bulged.

A chicken runs with a bucket

Fill the cat's house,

And the horse is with a lantern,

And the dog is with a broom,

Gray bunny - with a leaf.

Once! Once! Once! Once!

And the fire went out!

(Russian folk nursery rhyme adapted by P. Bessonov)

In the middle of the yard there is a mountain.

There is a game going on on the mountain.

Come running for an hour,

Get on the sand:

Clean, yellow and raw,

If you want, swarm

If you want, build it

If you want, bake for the dolls

Golden pies.

Come to us guys

Don't forget to take shovels,

Excavators, shovels,

Buckets and trucks.

Here is a cry, here is a laugh,

And everyone has a job.

(V. Berestov)

When expressive reading, the teacher’s main instrument is the voice: its volume, pitch, timbre, flight, flexibility. When reading expressively, it is necessary to regulate the timbre of the voice and the melody of speech. The fullness and variety of vocal sound is determined by the presence of overtones, so it is necessary to enhance the effect of resonators, nasal, chest, in the oral cavity, and larynx. Special exercises are aimed primarily at developing the nasal resonator, and through it - at the rest. All of them are in constant interaction: the work of the nasal resonator causes the work of resonators in the mouth, larynx, and chest.

Exercise No. 1.

Read an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem, using intonation to indicate pauses. (In the text, pauses are highlighted as follows: (...). You need to read in different ways, first articulating silently.)

Mixed with smoke

Cloud of dust (...),

Firemen are rushing

Cars (…).

They click loudly (...),

They whistle alarmingly (...),

Copper helmets

They shine in rows (...).

A moment (...) - and they scattered

Copper helmets.

The stairs have grown

Fast, like in a fairy tale (...).

People in tarpaulin -

In sequence (…) -

Climbing stairs (...)

Into flames and smoke.

(S. Marshak. A story about an unknown hero)

Exercise No. 2.

Read the same passage from S. Marshak’s poem in a whisper, highlighting the syllables.

Exercise No. 3.

Read it out loud, emphasizing the rhythm; then read this text several times in a row, all the time, speeding up the pace.

Exercise No. 4.

Read S. Marshak’s poem with a calm intonation, let your voice sound quiet and confidential.

You will read this fairy tale

Quiet (...), quiet (...), quiet (...)

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

And his hedgehog (...).

The gray hedgehog was very quiet (...),

And the hedgehog too.

And they had a child (...) -

A very quiet hedgehog (...).

The whole family goes for a walk

At night (...) along the paths:

Hedgehog father, hedgehog mother

And a baby hedgehog (...).

Along the deep autumn paths

They walk quietly (…) – tramp (…) tramp (…) tramp (…).

(S. Marshak. A quiet fairy tale)

Exercise No. 5.

Remember with what intonation and what voice Mikhailo Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka said the same phrase in L. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”: “Who lay in my bed and crushed it!” say it on behalf of each of the heroes.

Exercise No. 6.

Remember your favorite song tunes. Sing them on the sound M. Try to make the sound “come forward and spread around the room.” Increase the volume gradually as you feel that the sound is “asking itself.” Approach higher notes smoothly, without jerking, and approach lower notes without a sharp decline. Achieve an even, smooth sound by relying on breathing.

Exercises to work on diction

When expressively reading a literary text, good diction is important, i.e. clear, precise pronunciation of each sound. This way, the best speech audibility and understanding is achieved. This is especially important when working with preschoolers. Poor diction makes it difficult to listen, understand speech, and respond adequately to it. Check your pronunciation. To do this, record your speech on tape and listen to it several times. And then you yourself will decide what exercises are necessary to correct the shortcomings of your speech: “mumbling”, unclear pronunciation of some sound, “swallowing” the endings of words, etc. Consonants must be pronounced cleanly, easily, without excessive pressure, vowels - freely, vocally, loud enough. Correct selection of vowel sounds in speech makes it harmonious and pleasant to listen to. To improve diction, focusing on listeners—preschoolers—is of great importance: the desire to be understood by them, to interest them in the content of a literary work.

Exercise No. 1.

Say the proverbs, clearly highlighting each part. Then the task becomes more complicated: say the first part of the proverb loudly, the second quietly, then vice versa.

As it comes back, so will it respond.

Living with someone else's mind means no good will come of it.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Exercise No. 2.

Imagine that you are playing a drum and your hands bounce back easily with each stressed vowel in a word.

The kittens washed their eyes and noses,

A couple of drums

A couple of drums

Pair of reels



A couple of drums

A couple of drums

Pair of reels


The battle.

(I. Selvinsky)

Exercise No. 3.

Imagine that you are in the forest, enjoying its smells and imitating the cuckoo.

My eyes ran wide

And the heart rejoices

The cuckoo is cuckooing.



The cuckoo crows

In the forest on a bitch:

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

How much is the cuckoo

Will it take me years?

Cuckoo! Cuckoo!


Everything is cuckoo!

Cuckoos, cuckoos

Cuckoo - cuckoo...

Cuckoos, cuckoos!

A hundred years will get boring

Forest soothsayer.

Exercise No. 4.

Practice the pronunciation of individual sounds by pronouncing tongue twisters and clearly highlighting the repeating sound.

The saw squealed and the bee buzzed.

Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters.

Chitinka flows through Chita.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies, two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

Exercise No. 5.

Read the passage below, clearly identifying the sibilant sounds and emphasizing the rhythm.

...And now brushes, brushes

They crackled like rattles,

And let's rub me


"My, my chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!

There will be, there will be a chimney sweep

Clean, clean, clean, clean!”

(K. Chukovsky Moidodyr)

Exercise No. 6.

Read expressively individual poetic stanzas and short poems with a preliminary setting: pronounce each sound clearly, observing the rules of spelling, paying special attention to consonances in rhyming lines.

Baby son

Came to my father

and the little one asked:

What's happened


and what is


I have

there are no secrets -

listen up kids

this dad's


I place

in the book.

If the wind

The roofs are tearing,

If the hail thundered,

everyone knows - this is it



The rain fell

and passed

The sun in the whole world.



(V. Mayakovsky. What is good and what is bad)

Exercises to develop speech hearing

Listening to samples of standard pronunciation in recordings (reading masters of artistic expression) gives an idea of ​​correct diction and contributes to the development of speech hearing. Developing auditory attention and teaching preschoolers to control their speech practice by ear means preventing many errors in pronunciation and intonation.

Exercise No. 1.

Listen to the text of F. Tyutchev’s poem “Spring Waters” (recorded), then S. Rachmaninov’s romance. Try conducting: note the strong one, i.e. elongated and more sonorous notes by moving the hand from top to bottom, and shorter and less full notes by smoothly moving the palm from left to right. Remember how the movement of your hands reflects the ratio of long and short sounds in the melody of the romance.

You can conduct the rhythm of a familiar poem without using music. Try conducting the following lines.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lay down in a box on its side,

The sleepy bear went to bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.

(A. Barto. Elephant).

Exercise No. 2.

Compare the sound of poetic and prose texts.

Admire: spring is coming.

The cranes are flying in a caravan,

The forest is buried in bright gold,

And the streams in the ravines are noisy.

(I. Nikitin)

Spring is coming, admire it: the cranes are flying in a caravan, the forest is buried in bright gold, the streams are rustling through the ravines.

Exercise No. 3.

Read the passage. Check the placement of logical stresses: are options possible?

My phone rang.

Who's speaking?



From a camel.

What do you need?


For whom?

For my son.

Should I send too much?

Yes, about five pounds

Or six:

He can't eat anymore

He's still small for me.

(K. Chukovsky. Telephone)

Exercise No. 4.

Say the proverb “The crow missed the crow,” using intonation to convey different attitudes towards what happened (statement of fact, regret, joy, anger, surprise).

When reading expressively, it is necessary to remember the dependence of intonation on punctuation marks. Period: The voice is lowered on the last word before the period. Comma: On the last word before the comma, raise your voice slightly. Dash: explanatory intonation, on the last word before the dash there is a slight increase in voice. Colon: enumerative intonation, on the last word before the colon the voice is raised. Ellipsis: intonation of understatement, on the last word before the ellipsis there is a strong rise in voice.

Exercise No. 1.

Paying attention to punctuation marks, prepare an expressive reading of the passage.

...But, like a black iron leg,

The poker ran and jumped.

And the knives rushed down the street:

“Hey, hold it, hold it, hold it. Hold it, hold it!”

And the pan is on the run

She shouted to the iron:

"I'm running, running, running,

I can’t resist!”

So the kettle runs after the coffee pot,

Chatting, chattering, rattling...

The irons run, quack,

They jump over puddles, over puddles.

And behind them are saucers, saucers -

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

They rush along the street -

Ding-la-la! Ding-la-la!

On the glasses - ding! - bump into

And the glasses - ding! - break...

(K. Chukovsky. Fedorino's grief)

Exercise No. 2.

When asking a question, it is important to intonationally emphasize the word that “directs” the answer. These are primarily interrogative pronouns and adverbs, but there may be other parts of speech.

White hare, where did he run?

To the oak forest!

What was he doing there?

Bast tore!

Where did you put it?

Under a bush!

Who stole?


Get out!

(counting rhyme)

Possession of the skill of expressive reading and the ability to apply it when working with preschoolers contributes to the development of children’s speech literacy and teaches them to enjoy correct artistic speech.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2" group of general developmental orientation for preschool children

Expressive reading and its role in the development of speech in preschool children.

Prepared by:

Datskevich T.N.

teacher speech therapist


Word formation is a complex process that children, even with normal speech development, master gradually, going through a number of stages and mastering new word-formation models. Mastery of this process is completed only at school age. Children with speech underdevelopment even more so experience pronounced difficulties in mastering this process. They cannot spontaneously embark on the ontogenetic path of speech development, characteristic of normal children, due to specific difficulties of a clinical, psychological and pedagogical nature.

The works of many scientists are devoted to the study of word formation disorders in children with general speech underdevelopment: N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others. The presence of secondary deviations in the development of mental processes (thinking, perception, attention, memory, etc.) in this category of children creates additional difficulties in mastering word formation.

Analyzing the state of speech in children with general speech underdevelopment, researchers state that they have insufficient word-formation skills already at preschool age (G.A. Kashe, R.I. Lalaeva, R.E. Levina, E.F. Sobotovich, T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Chirkina, and others). Due to the limitations and inferiority of lexical means, children with general speech underdevelopment of level III, who make up the main contingent of speech groups, have difficulties in mastering morphology, manifested in persistent agrammatisms in oral speech, and subsequently in writing.

Children make a large number of mistakes in the use of suffixes, prefixes and endings. Insufficient ability to use word formation methods delays the development of vocabulary in children. They have difficulty changing words and forming new ones. Older preschoolers rarely use suffixes and prefixes to form words, limiting themselves to changing the ending, or they use words that are close in sound and meaning.

In the speech of any person, both an adult and a child, such a part of speech as a noun predominates, and the main way of forming nouns is suffixal. First of all, children master the affectionate forms of nouns, including because they often hear them from the people around them. There are clearly not enough works devoted to the problem of studying violations of suffixal word formation of nouns in the specialized literature, which confirms the relevance of the chosen topic.

The methodological basis of the study was:

a) provisions on the plasticity of the central nervous system and its compensatory capabilities;

b) basic theoretical principles about the unity of the laws of development of normal and abnormal children;

c) provisions on the structure of language as an integral system;

d) provisions on language as the most important means of communication and social interaction between people;

e) provisions on the compensatory orientation of education and upbringing of children;

g) an integrated and systematic approach to its organization.

The methodology for studying the suffixal word formation of nouns in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment was created taking into account the following principles:

1. The principle of dynamic observation and study of the child.

2. The principle of a systematic approach. The study is based on the structure of the speech defect, identifying the leading disorders, and correlating speech and non-speech symptoms in the structure of the defect.

3. Age principle. The tasks presented correspond to the age of the children being studied. The performance of two groups of students of the same age was compared.

4. The ontogenetic principle involves the formation of functions, taking into account the stages and sequence of their formation in ontogenesis.

In the development of the methodology of the ascertaining experiment, the modern understanding of the development of grammatical structure in the norm was fundamental [A.N. Gvozdev, T.N. Ushakova, A.M. Shakhnarovich, D.B. Elkonin and others].

5. The principle of the activity approach. The study was conducted within the framework of a leading activity appropriate to the age of the subjects (play).

We developed a methodology for studying the word formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment of level III on the basis of scientific and theoretical premises presented in the works, in accordance with the recommendations of such authors as Z.E. Agranovich, T.V. Volosovets, O.E. Gribova, R.E. Zhukova, R.I. Lalaeva, L.G. Paramonova, N.V. Serebryakova, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina, T.B. Filicheva. When compiling the methodology for the ascertaining experiment, materials presented in the manuals of O.V. were used. Eletskoy, A.A. Tarakanova; O.V. Eletskaya, E.A. Loginova, G.A. Penkovskaya, V.P. Smirnova, A.A. Tarakanova, S.M. Timakova, D.A. Shchukina.

When determining the content and directions of the study, data on the general picture of the development of the grammatical structure of speech in childhood were taken into account.

Its development was based on a psycholinguistic approach. The scientific and theoretical prerequisites for the methodology were modern psycholinguistic ideas about the structure of speech activity.

Formation of diminutive forms of nouns using suffixes - hik, - k, - ok, - chick, - hiccup, - point, - eechk, - onk, - enk, - itz, - eets, - ts, - ushk, -yshk.

The research methodology consists of 14 tasks.

The purpose of all tasks: to study the ability to form words with the help of diminutive suffixes - ik, - k, - ok, - chick, - ichk, - ochk, - echk, - onk, - enk, - itz, - ec, - ts, - ushk, - ysk- according to supporting words.

Thus, using this research methodology will allow us to obtain the most objective data on the development of the ability for suffixal word formation of nouns by children with general speech underdevelopment of level III and preschoolers with normal speech development (based on the average score obtained as a result of completing all tasks), choose the correct direction of speech therapy work, determine the stage from which corrective intervention can begin and develop an individual training program.

The study was conducted in 2014-2015 in senior groups of kindergartens in the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region on the basis of municipal preschool educational institution No. 20

30 children aged 5-6 years took part in the ascertaining experiment: 15 of them were preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of level III (experimental group), and 15 children with normal speech development attending kindergarten (control group).

30 children aged 5-6 years took part in the ascertaining experiment: 15 of them were preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment of level III, and 15 children with normal speech development attending kindergarten. All children participating in the study had intact hearing, vision, and intelligence.

The social status of the families of the examined children is different: 12 children in the experimental group have a complete, prosperous family, three children are from an incomplete family; 13 children in the control group have both parents, one child is raised by a grandmother, but there are no parents. One child from a large family.

Children in the experimental group, in contrast to children in the control group, had general underdevelopment of level III speech and erased pseudobulbar dysarthria.

The results of a study of the anamnesis of children with general speech underdevelopment of level III showed that the mothers of five children had toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy; the mothers of three more children used medications during pregnancy; in two cases stimulation was used during labor (mechanical in one case, drug in the other); one child had asphyxia during childbirth. There was also exposure to various harmful factors at different periods of child development. Prematurity or immaturity of children at birth can also be noted.

All children in the experimental group had a late onset of speech, in two children babbling was delayed by 2 months (7-8 months), in 5 children there was a delay in the appearance of phrasal speech, the appearance of coherent speech was often delayed up to 2-3 years.

Thus, the general underdevelopment of speech in this category of children is due to prenatal and natal pathology.

The study of speech cards, conversations with teachers, a speech therapist and observation of children showed that children in this group are characterized by insufficient development of processes closely related to speech activity, such as attention and memory; verbal-logical thinking; general, fine and articulatory motor skills. Children quickly got tired of play activities.

At the time of the examination, the children were studying with a speech therapist for various periods of time (4 children were in their third year, 6 preschoolers were in their second year).

The control group consisted of 15 preschoolers aged 5-6 years: The children (unlike their peers from the experimental group) had normal speech development. These children did not have any abnormalities. From the age of 2 to 3, they attended a regular kindergarten group.

They have well-developed verbal-logical thinking and analytical-synthetic activity, and the processes of inhibition and excitation are balanced. Phrase, monologue and dialogic speech have also been formed. Children have a rich vocabulary corresponding to normal speech development. Features of behavior and the emotional-volitional sphere are manifested in activity, stability of emotions, control over the performance of duties, and the ability to plan one’s activities to achieve a goal.

During the examination, all preschoolers in the control group had good contact with the experimenter, responded adequately to comments, and followed instructions. The children showed high performance. Children are friendly with each other and with others. They responded with pleasure to the invitation to play (examine) them a little.

Thus, these data allow us to judge the lag in speech development of children in the experimental group, compared to children with normal speech development.

The study was conducted in the form of an individual interview in a friendly, playful manner, in a group room and a speech therapy room.

Each of these tasks was presented to the children individually with detailed recording in a separate protocol, not only of the results of performing the directly proposed tests, but also with a statement of the characteristics of the child’s activity during the experiment. These included the following information: how many times the instruction was repeated, whether the child immediately understood it, whether he needed the help of an adult, whether he resorted to speech analysis of the situation at the time of making word-formation decisions.

In case of difficulties in children when performing tasks, depending on the situation, such types of assistance were used as: attracting the child’s attention, stimulating his speech and mental activity through instructions, advice (“Look carefully,” “Don’t rush to complete the task, think” and others), repetition instructions.

Quantitative assessment of the results was carried out on a six-point scale. The evaluation criteria were based on the number of tasks completed correctly by the subjects.

Thus, we selected two homogeneous groups of children, identical in age and diagnosis. A carefully thought-out, adapted research methodology will allow us to obtain the most objective data on the development of the ability for suffixal word formation of nouns by children with general speech underdevelopment of level III and preschoolers with normal speech development.

The results of the ascertaining experiment allowed us to formulate the following conclusions:

the overall success rate of forming nouns using diminutive suffixes in children of the experimental group is much lower than in the control group (321 words and 765, respectively);

the largest number of errors was made by the children of the experimental group in task 10, formation of nouns using the diminutive suffix - ici - (11 correct answers) and in task 11 formation of nouns using the diminutive suffix - ec - - (9 correct answers);

less difficulty was caused by tasks 2 - formation of nouns using the diminutive suffix -k- - (31 correct answers), task 3 formation of nouns using the diminutive suffix - ok- - (32 correct answers), task 4 formation of nouns using the diminutive suffix - chik - - (32 correct answers),

A significant number of neologisms in word formation indicates that this process is in the formative stage in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment and with normal speech development.

A study of the number and nature of errors made by children from the EG in the word formation of nouns allows us to assert that preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment experience a delay in mastering the relationship between the system and the norm of the language as a whole. Children of both groups are not yet sufficiently prepared to carry out operations of suffixal word formation due to a certain cognitive and linguistic immaturity. In addition, the random and unmotivated nature of word-formation neologisms suggests that preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment have not sufficiently mastered even productive models of word formation, since mastering suffix word formation is carried out on the basis of mental operations of analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization and assumes a fairly high level intellectual and speech development.

As shown by the results of a study of word formation of diminutive nouns, preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment show insufficient development of this process. Almost every task caused difficulties; the children could not remember the instructions of the task and often asked questions again.

Analysis of the results of the experimental study allowed us to say that in order to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children, special work should be included on the formation of diminutive suffixes of nouns in children, which is carried out in the process of developing understanding of speech, expanding and clarifying vocabulary . Formation of grammatical means of language, pronunciation and literacy training, development of coherent speech.

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Research on the formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment


word formation preschool child

The relevance of the research topic is determined by the fact that currently researchers note the rapid growth of speech pathology due to many reasons. A fairly common speech disorder among preschool children according to the psychological and pedagogical classification is general speech underdevelopment (GSD).

A number of studies have been devoted to the study of children with general speech underdevelopment (I.T. Vlasenko, G.V. Gurovets, L.N. Efimenkova, I.M. Zhukova, G. Kashe, R.E. Levina, E.M. Mastyukova, N.V. Novotortseva.

T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkin noted that children with ODD, as a rule, have a poor vocabulary, agrammatism, and immature phonetic-phonemic aspects of speech.

The most important condition for the social adaptation of such children in preschool age is a sufficient level of speech development, which ensures further mastery of the school curriculum and successful mastery of orthographically correct writing, which is impossible without a high level of development of linguistic, including morphological generalizations. The assimilation of the morphological system of a language is closely related to the formation of word formation mechanisms, which are based on the ability to analyze, generalize, and differentiate linguistic units according to their meaning and sound structure. Mastering the patterns of word formation at a practical level, the ability to isolate, differentiate and synthesize morphemes, and determine the general meanings of word-formation morphemes are necessary conditions for enriching the vocabulary through derivative words, mastering the grammatical system of the language, and forming the prerequisites for orthographically correct writing, the most important principle of which is the morphological principle.

A number of studies by T.V. Tumanova of the peculiarities of word formation processes has established that the immaturity of the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization of lexical and grammatical meanings in children with general speech underdevelopment leads to peculiarities in the assimilation of word formation processes. The inability to use various methods of word formation leads to a limited ability to enrich the vocabulary, to inaccurate understanding and differentiation of related words.

The formation of word formation processes in preschool children with OHP is one of the most important and still insufficiently studied problems in speech therapy, as noted by T.V. Tumanova: “An analysis of specialized literature has convinced us that systematic, in-depth research on the problem of mastering word formation by children with general speech underdevelopment has not been carried out...”

Thus, the insufficient development of this problem and its significance for the success of teaching children with general speech underdevelopment allow us to define this topic as relevant.

Purpose of the study: to identify the features of word formation of nouns in preschool children with ODD.

In connection with this goal, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

1. Conduct an analysis of the literature on the research problem.

2. Selection of a methodology for studying the processes of word formation of nouns in preschool children with ODD.

3. Conduct a comparative analysis of the state of the processes of word formation of nouns in older preschool children with OSD and their peers 5-6 years old with normal speech development.

4. To determine the methodology of speech therapy work on the formation of processes of word formation of nouns in older preschoolers with OHP.

The object of the study is the state of the word formation system in older preschool children with ODD and their peers with normal speech development.

The subject of the study is the peculiarities of word formation of nouns in children of senior preschool age with level III OHP.

Research hypothesis: In children with level III OSD, the structure of the speech defect is dominated by underdevelopment of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech;

The greatest difficulty for them is performing word-formation operations.

The theoretical significance of the study is determined by a comprehensive study of the characteristics of mastering word-forming affixes in children with ODD, the need to obtain an in-depth understanding of the mechanisms, symptoms, and etiology of this lexical disorder.

The practical significance lies in identifying violations

word formation in older preschoolers with ODD and in determining the content of speech therapy work to correct violations of the word formation system in this group of preschoolers with ODD.

CHAPTER I. Scientific and theoretical foundations for the study of word formation of nouns in children with ODD

1.1 Word formation as a section of grammar. Types of word formation of nouns in Russian

Definition of word formation. The question of the concept of word formation is one of the main, initial theoretical questions of the science of word formation. The definition of word formation as a linguistic concept is associated with certain difficulties, which is explained by the ambiguity of the term “word formation” itself. In modern linguistics, this term is used to designate completely different linguistic phenomena. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I.//Methods of speech development and teaching the native language to preschoolers. - M., 2011.

Traditionally, the term “word formation” is used to refer to the process of creating new words on the basis of existing vocabulary units. In accordance with this, word formation in specialized literature is defined as “a special way of development of the dictionary” (M. D. Stepanova), “the main means of enriching the vocabulary of a language” (K. A. Levkovskaya), “one of the main means of replenishing the vocabulary of a language with new words" (V.V. Lopatin), "the main source of replenishment of the vocabulary of the language", which "is carried out in different ways" (K.A. Timofeev).

It is known that new words are created according to the rules, methods in force in the language, according to certain patterns, schemes, or models that form a known linguistic mechanism, or apparatus. The term “word formation” is also used to denote such a mechanism for creating new words. This term is defined, respectively, as “methods of creating new words in a particular language” (E. S. Kubryakova), “a collection of methods, rules for the formation of new words” (N. M. Shansky), “a certain very branched and complex mechanism , producing words” (B. N. Golovin).

In addition, the term “word formation” in modern linguistics also refers to other concepts: the structure of ready-made, derivative words, determined by their relationship with other words of the language at one or another stage of its development; a certain area of ​​linguistic structure, a system of derived words; a branch of linguistics that studies the processes of formation of new words, as well as the structure of derivative words that form a certain system. The ambiguity of the term “word formation” creates certain inconveniences when describing and studying the linguistic phenomena it denotes. In this regard, it is desirable to differentiate terminologically the concepts denoted by this term, that is, to use different names to denote the above phenomena.

The term “word formation” is most suitable to denote the process of creating new words, i.e. certain actions of the language mechanism associated with the formation of new words, i.e. certain actions of the linguistic mechanism associated with the formation of new words.

This meaning of this term follows from its structural features, the model of its construction (cf. the meaning of other complex words similar in structure: formation, composition, house building, etc., which denote precisely a process, an action).

To denote the structure of a derivative word, the term “derivative structure of a word” will be used as the most common in modern Soviet linguistics. In addition, this term in this meaning is quite motivated, since the structure of derived words is largely determined by word formation as the process of creating new words.

To designate a certain area of ​​linguistic structure, a system of derived words, the compound term “word-formation system of a language” can be used, used in this meaning by many linguists.

The section of linguistics that deals with the study of word formation as the process of creating new words, the structure of derivative words that form a certain system, in Soviet linguistics is often designated by the term “derivatology” - from Latin in origin derivative-- “derived word” (cf. Lat. deriva- tus -- allotted and Greek. logos -- teaching), similar to the generally accepted “phonology”, “lexicology”, “morphology”, etc. In this manual, in accordance with the current curriculum, the term “word formation” is used in the meaning under consideration, the use of which, if necessary, is accompanied by the corresponding explanations.

In word formation as a branch of linguistics, one should distinguish between historical, or diachronic, and descriptive, or synchronic (synchronous), plans as two different aspects of word-formation science, just as historical and descriptive grammar, historical and descriptive phonetics, etc. are traditionally distinguished. Historical word formation is the study of word formation processes, the patterns of formation of new words, changes in the structure of existing derivative words, the formation of the word formation system of a language, its change, development, etc. Descriptive word formation is the study of derivative vocabulary, morphemic and word formation the structure of derived words as elements of the word-formation system of a language, about connections, relationships between related words, etc. at a certain stage of language development. Glukhov V.P. Study of the state of monologue speech of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment // Problems of education and training in abnormal development of speech. M., 2013.

Object and tasks of word formation. It can be considered generally accepted that the object of word formation as a branch of linguistics is the word, which is also studied in other branches of linguistic science.

The fundamental difference between word formation and other branches of linguistics is that it does not study all the words of a language, but only derivative words. At the same time, the object of study in word formation is “the word from the side of its structure,” the word as “an organized sequence of morphemes of various qualities.” Derived words are studied in word formation not by themselves, as individual units of the vocabulary of a language, but in their relation to the corresponding derivatives, in their connection with other derivatives, of the same type in their word-formation structure - in the method of word formation, construction model, etc. Thus, not only individual derived words, but also certain categories, associations of derived words that have common formal and semantic features should be considered as linguistic units studied in word formation.

The elementary linguistic units that serve as the object of word formation include various word-forming means, in particular word-forming affixes, as well as generating stems, connecting sounds and other elements of the linguistic structure that stand out in the composition of derived words.

The object of historical word formation consists of words that have ever been formed on the basis of pre-existing words using the own resources of a given language, regardless of their structure, the nature of their relationship with other words of the language at one or another stage of its development. This also includes derivational morphemes and other parts of words that, at different periods of language development, could participate in word formation.

The object of descriptive word formation can only be those words that are perceived by speakers as derivatives, as formed on the basis of other words, during the described period of language development, as well as those parts of words that in the minds of speakers are freely identified as derivatives when they are correlated with other words of the language . According to E. S. Kubryakova, “only such correlative pairs are included in the synchronous word formation system, the existence of which is easily verified by repetition under the same conditions”; in this case, the decisive role is played by “the moment of structural-semantic correlation of the original and derived units.”

In modern linguistics there is a widespread opinion that in descriptive word formation only regular, productive and active elements of the word-formation system of a language should be studied - word-forming means, word-formation types, models, etc. Another, opposite point should be considered more acceptable and justified view of the object of descriptive word formation, according to which all living word-formation elements operating in the modern language (both regular, productive and active, and irregular, unproductive, passive) should be studied in a synchronous manner, in particular all derivative words that are in the minds of speakers modern language are motivated by other words of the same root. At the same time, one cannot but agree with the opinion of Academician. V.V. Vinogradov that “when describing the system of modern Russian word formation, the main emphasis should be placed not on relict, isolated, irregular, unproductive or extinct word-formation types, but on stable types, living for a very long time, productive and again developing". Glukhov V.P.//Formation of coherent speech in preschool children with special needs development. - M: Arkti, 2014. - 168 p.

In accordance with the object of study in historical and descriptive word formation, the tasks of these aspects of the study also differ. Descriptive word formation studies derived words and other word-forming units according to their state at a certain stage of language development, without taking into account their changes. Historical word formation deals with the study of various word-formation processes associated with the formation and change of corresponding word-formation units. According to E. A. Zemskaya, “synchronous word formation studies the relationships of coexisting units, diachronic word formation studies the processes of transformation of one unit into another.”

In the university course of modern Russian, questions of descriptive word formation are studied mainly. Certain issues of historical word formation are considered only to the extent necessary for a better understanding of certain word-formation phenomena of the synchronic plane.

The words of the modern Russian language for the most part consist of units of a lower level, primarily morphemes, which are connected in a certain way, are in certain relationships to each other, that is, they represent a certain structure. The study of the structure of a word, its components, and various relationships between them is one of the main, most important tasks of descriptive word formation. Due to the fact that derivative words are studied in word formation, it is especially important to determine the relationships of synchronic word-formation derivatives between related, same-root words, and to distinguish synchronically derived words from non-derivative words. In this regard, in descriptive word formation, first of all, the task of studying specific formal and semantic features of synchronically derived words, distinguishing them from non-derivative words, and specific methods of distinguishing between synchronically derived and non-derivative words is put forward.

One of the most striking formal (structural) features of synchronically derived words is the method of their word formation (from a synchronic point of view). Therefore, one of the most important tasks of descriptive word formation should be the study of methods of synchronic word formation. In this case, the study of word-formation means, or formants, by which the methods of word formation themselves are determined, is of particular importance.

Derivatives of a certain method of word formation, in turn, differ in a number of other, less significant formal characteristics. This is the lexico-grammatical nature of the generating words, i.e. their belonging to one or another part of speech, the phonetic structure of word-forming morphemes, the presence or absence of various kinds of intercalary, connecting elements in the derivative words, etc. The study of such formal features of derived words is also included in the task of descriptive word formation, synchronic word formation analysis of derived vocabulary.

The word as the basic unit of language is characterized by a complex unity of form and content, external, material expression and internal content, meaning. Therefore, along with the study of the formal, material structure of derived words, the task of studying their semantic structure arises. In other words, the tasks of descriptive word formation include the study of derived vocabulary not only in terms of expression, but also in terms of content.

As already noted, word-formation units of a language are systemic in nature. It follows that derived words and other word-forming units in descriptive word formation should be studied in a complex, as units of a certain system, taking into account the connections and relationships that exist between them. V.P. Glukhov, Yu.A. Trukhanova // Our children learn to compose and tell stories - M.: ARKTI, 2013. - 24 p.

The main task of historical word formation is the study of the processes of creating new words on the basis of vocabulary units existing in the language, methods of word formation as a historical process, changes, development of methods, rules, patterns of formation of new words operating in the language, as well as word-formation means used in this process, etc. .

The study of issues of historical word formation in the course of the modern Russian language is of an auxiliary, secondary nature; it is subordinated to the above-mentioned tasks of descriptive word formation. In the course of the modern Russian language, such issues of historical word formation are usually considered, such as, for example; the question of methods of word formation as a process of creating new words; the question of changes in the morphemic (morphological) structure of a word; some questions related to the productivity of certain methods and means of word formation.

In modern Russian, nouns are formed in different ways:

1. lexical-semantic word formation;

2. lexico-syntactic method;

3. morphological-syntactic method;

4. morphological word formation.

Lexico-semantic word formation

A significant number of nouns appeared as a result of rethinking the meaning of words existing in the language. Thus, the word acquires a new semantic meaning, which coexists with the existing meaning - homonym words appear: foreman, pioneer, kulak, factory, world, grandmother. Zhukova N.S. Overcoming speech underdevelopment in children. M.: Educator, 2014. For example, a brigadier (a military rank in the Russian army of the 18th century, average between a colonel and a major general) and a brigadier (the head of a production team), a pioneer (a soldier in the sapper unit of engineering troops in England, Germany and the Russian state until the 30s of the 19th century), pioneer (one who was one of the first to come and settle in a new unexplored territory), pioneer (one who laid the foundation for something new in the field of science or culture) and pioneer (member of a children's communist organization).

Lexico-syntactic method

The formation of words from phrases combined into one word in the process of use in the language: pastime (pasting time), bloodshed (shedding of blood), seriously wounded (severely wounded), crazy (crazy).

When forming words from phrases (adjective + noun) on the basis of the adjective, using the suffix -k- a noun is formed, the defined name is omitted. This method is typical for colloquial speech:

The lexico-syntactic method is widely used when naming various cereals: buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, as well as other products - stew.

Morphological-syntactic method

A fairly productive way of forming nouns is substantivization - the transition of words from other parts of speech into the category of nouns. Most often, substantivization of adjectives occurs: bakery, passer-by, military, civilian, worker, family, private, foot, horse, boiler room, comma, forester, operating room, dining room; less often - substantivalization of participles: manager, workers, victim.

Morphological word formation

The most productive way to enrich the vocabulary of the modern Russian language is morphological word formation. The main types of word formation: suffixal, suffixal-prefixal (affixation), affixless method and addition of stems.

Affixation-- the formation of a new word by adding a word-forming element to its base: a suffix, a prefix, or a suffix and a prefix at the same time.

suffix method:

Affixless method is devoid of word-forming elements, with its help abstract nouns are formed:

Addition- a method of word formation in which a new word is formed by combining two or more stems: motor ship, state farm, cinema, aircraft manufacturing.

1.2Development of word formation of nouns in ontogenesis

In his psycholinguistic concept of “speech ontogenesis” A.A. Leontiev relies on the methodological approaches of outstanding linguists and psychologists of the 19th-20th centuries. The process of formation of speech activity (and, accordingly, the assimilation of the native language system) in ontogenesis in the concept of “speech ontogenesis” by A.A. Leontief is divided into a number of successive periods or “stages”:

1st - preparatory (from birth to one year);

2nd - pre-preschool (from one year to 3 years);

3rd - preschool (from 3 to 7 years);

4th - school (from 7 to 17 years old).

Grammatical structure is a system of interaction of words with each other in phrases and sentences. There are morphological and syntactic levels of the grammatical system. The morphological level presupposes the ability to master the techniques of inflection and word formation, the syntactic level presupposes the ability to compose sentences and combine words in a sentence in a grammatically correct manner. The development of vocabulary and grammatical structure in ontogenesis is considered by A.N. Gvozdev in the book “Issues in the study of children's speech”. Zhukova N.V., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. M., 2013.

The grammatical structure of a sentence is acquired by the child in stages. The following forms of words appear first: nominative case singular and plural, accusative case of nouns; imperative mood, 3rd person singular present tense form of verbs. The sentence includes up to three or four words.

By the age of three, a child’s vocabulary contains more than 1,000 words. Generalization words are formed that denote generic concepts.”

The meanings of words are clarified. The volume of the vocabulary increases due to the enrichment of the child’s life experience and communication with surrounding adults.

Children learn the general rules of form formation; simple prepositions appear in their speech: in, on, at, with. A sentence consists of 5 - 6 words. Lexico-grammatical relations in it are expressed using prepositions and inflections.

The agreement of adjectives with nouns in indirect cases is fixed.

By the age of five, children master a set of words denoting basic geometric shapes, know the measurements of certain quantities, and define spatial relationships differentially and accurately. The dictionary consists of 2200 words.

With normal speech development, children by the age of five master all types of declension of nouns. Some difficulties relate to the use of nouns in the genitive and prepositional plural cases. By this time, children have mastered the basic forms of word agreement.

After five years, children identify parts of objects, compare them based on general and particular features, learn the properties of objects, and begin to use words denoting abstract concepts. Thus, by the end of the preschool period, by the time they enter school, children have a fairly diverse vocabulary and a sufficient command of the grammatical structure of their native language.

The child’s acquisition of the grammatical structure of speech occurs in the form of assimilation of grammatical categories, which are characterized by the presence of meaning. The time and sequence of assimilation of individual categories depend on the nature of their meanings. Children have difficulty mastering those forms whose specific meaning is not connected by the logic of the child’s thought, i.e. something that is not clear in meaning. A.N. Gvozdev wrote: “First of all, categories with a clearly expressed specific meaning that can be easily grasped by a child are acquired.”

First of all, the child learns the number of nouns (1 year 10 months), as well as the difference between diminutive and non-diminutive nouns: table - table. Children learn the imperative form early, as it expresses various desires that are of great importance to the child. It is more difficult to assimilate relationships that are associated with objects and space (cases), with time (tenses) and with participants in speech (persons of verbs). The conditional mood is learned late (2 years 10 months), since it expresses something assumed and not something that actually exists. The assimilation of gender categories turns out to be extremely difficult and time-consuming. Gender is not acquired through mechanical memorization, but is associated with the morphological structure of nouns. A.N. Gvozdev noted that the three main parts of the Russian language present various difficulties: with regard to nouns, the most difficult thing is to master endings, with regard to verbs - mastering the basics, and with regard to adjectives - word formation (comparative degree). Efimenkova L. N. Formation of speech in preschool children. M., 2012.

1.3 Characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment of preschool age

Children with ODD are characterized by impaired sound pronunciation, a small vocabulary, and underdevelopment of phonemic hearing, that is, children have difficulty listening to what they are told and make mistakes in completing tasks.

However, the child fully retains intelligence and learning abilities, which significantly distinguishes general speech underdevelopment (GSD) from other diseases.

Experts identify several levels of general speech underdevelopment in children:

Ilevel of speech development- lack of speech (so-called “speechless children”). This level is characterized by a complete absence of speech. Children are only trying to reproduce some sounds, and the same sound can represent several objects.

The first level of OHP is characterized by active facial expressions and gestures. It is this characteristic that makes it possible to distinguish general speech underdevelopment from mental retardation. Children at this level of speech development are able to use monosyllabic sentences in their speech. It is interesting that a similar period of monosyllabic sentences is also observed during normal speech development, but its duration does not exceed six months.

Gradually, the child begins to use sentences containing 4-5 words in colloquial speech, but at the same time there is no syntactic side in these words, that is, the child cannot correctly choose the case, number, gender. If we talk about the words themselves in the sentence, then children use 2-3 complex words. Moreover, if the word is longer, then they abbreviate it themselves (pyramid - “amida”, crib - “avatka”).

IIlevel of speech development- the use of, albeit distorted, but frequently occurring words. At the same time, a slight idea begins to appear that in some cases the words in a sentence need to be changed in accordance with gender, gender, number. However, these forms of words are used only if the ending in the words is stressed (table - tables, hand - hands, etc.).

This process of formation of various forms of words is initial in nature and can be limited to only one aspect of word formation (only number or only case). If a child is asked to construct a story based on a picture, he will only use short sentences, but the distinguishing feature from the previous level is that they are more grammatically correct.

Children very often use generalizing words to designate several objects that are similar in nature (scorpion, ant, dragonfly, fly - “beetle”). A vocabulary gap is revealed when a child is asked to name the constituent parts of an object (tree - leaves, branches, trunk, roots). Upon in-depth study, children are shown to be unable to correctly select number forms (“two pyramids” - two pyramids); very often the preposition is omitted in a sentence, while the noun is used in the nominative form of the singular (“the pencil is flying aepka” - the pencil is in the box).

IIIlevel of speech development- use of detailed speech. Children begin to use complex sentences, but at the same time it is quite difficult to make contact with other children or adults, since for correct and comfortable communication a mother is needed who would explain to the interlocutor words that are unclear in the child’s pronunciation. Ilyina M.V. Development of nonverbal imagination. - M.: Knigolyub, 2014. - 64 p.

In the absence of such support from parents, children most often withdraw into themselves. It is very typical for this level to replace some letters that are difficult for a child to pronounce with others, so he replaces with soft s such letters as s, sh, c (“syuba” - fur coat, “syablya” - saber).

Children can freely express their thoughts, construct sentences, talk about themselves, loved ones, and events that happened to them. At the same time, they are able to well mask the underdevelopment of speech at this level by excluding from the conversation words that are difficult for them to pronounce, but if the child is placed in a situation where such a deceptive maneuver is impossible, gaps appear in the child’s speech development.

Children replace a part of an object, naming it as a whole; instead of a profession, I name the action that this person must perform (“tree” - branch, “uncle is treating” - doctor). At the third level of general speech development, children well describe what is drawn in the picture and build a complex narrative story.

IVlevel of speech development- the presence of mild lexical and grammatical disorders that make it difficult for children to master written language at the beginning of school. In children, a unique violation of the syllabic structure is observed, the child understands the meaning of the word, but does not retain the phonemic image in memory, as a result of which disturbances appear in the use of words in various variants: persistent repetition of a syllable (“librarian” - librarian), rearrangement of sounds and syllables (“kosnovt” - astronaut), replacing syllables (“motokilist” - motorcyclist), adding sounds “igrusha” - pear) and syllables “vovaschi” - vegetables).

Children with general speech underdevelopment have a number of psychological and pedagogical characteristics that complicate their social adaptation and require targeted correction.

Inferior speech activity affects the formation of sensory, intellectual and affective-volitional spheres in children. There is insufficient stability of attention and limited possibilities for its distribution.

The connection between speech disorders and other aspects of mental development is also manifested in specific features of thinking. Having complete prerequisites for mastering mental operations accessible to their age, children lag behind in the development of verbal and logical thinking and have difficulty mastering analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization.

Some children have somatic weakness. Such children are characterized by some lag in the development of the motor sphere - poor coordination of movements, decreased speed and dexterity when performing them. The greatest difficulties are identified when performing movements according to verbal instructions. Often there is insufficient coordination of movements of the fingers, hands, and underdevelopment of fine motor skills.

All of the above violations serve as a serious obstacle to the child’s mastery of the general kindergarten program, and subsequently the general education school program. Zhukova N.V., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. M., 2013.

1.4Features of word formation of nouns in preschool children withONR

Word formation is a complex process that children, even with normal speech development, master gradually, going through a number of stages and mastering new word-formation models. Mastery of this process is completed only at school age. Children with speech underdevelopment even more so experience pronounced difficulties in mastering this process. They cannot spontaneously embark on the ontogenetic path of speech development, characteristic of normal children, due to specific difficulties of a clinical, psychological and pedagogical nature. The works of many scientists are devoted to the study of word formation disorders in children with general speech underdevelopment: N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, R.I. Lalaeva, N.V. Serebryakova, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others. The presence of secondary deviations in the development of mental processes (thinking, perception, attention, memory, etc.) in this category of children creates additional difficulties in mastering word formation. Analyzing the state of speech in children with general speech underdevelopment, researchers state that they have insufficient word-formation skills already at preschool age (G.A. Kashe, R.I. Lalaeva, R.E. Levina, E.F. Sobotovich, T.V. Tumanova, T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Chirkina, and others). Due to the limitations and inferiority of lexical means, children with general speech underdevelopment of level III, who make up the main contingent of speech groups, have difficulties in mastering morphology, manifested in persistent agrammatisms in oral speech, and subsequently in writing. Children make a large number of mistakes in the use of suffixes, prefixes and endings. Insufficient ability to use word formation methods delays the development of vocabulary in children. They have difficulty changing words and forming new ones. Older preschoolers rarely use suffixes and prefixes to form words, limiting themselves to changing the ending, or they use words that are close in sound and meaning. In the speech of any person, both an adult and a child, such a part of speech as a noun predominates, and the main way of forming nouns is suffixal. First of all, children master the affectionate forms of nouns, including because they often hear them from the people around them. There are clearly not enough works devoted to the problem of studying violations of suffixal word formation of nouns in the specialized literature, which confirms the relevance of the chosen topic. The methodological basis of the study included: a) provisions on the plasticity of the central nervous system and its compensatory capabilities; b) basic theoretical principles about the unity of the laws of development of normal and abnormal children; c) provisions on the structure of language as an integral system; d) provisions on language as the most important means of communication and social interaction between people; e) provisions on the compensatory orientation of education and upbringing of children; g) an integrated and systematic approach to its organization. The methodology for studying the suffixal word formation of nouns in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment was created taking into account the following principles:

1. The principle of dynamic observation and study of the child. 2. The principle of a systematic approach. The study is based on the structure of the speech defect, identifying the leading disorders, and correlating speech and non-speech symptoms in the structure of the defect. 3. Age principle. The tasks presented correspond to the age of the children being studied. The performance of two groups of students of the same age was compared. 4. The ontogenetic principle involves the formation of functions, taking into account the stages and sequence of their formation in ontogenesis. In the development of the methodology of the ascertaining experiment, the modern understanding of the development of grammatical structure in the norm of A.N. was fundamental. Gvozdev, T.N. Ushakova, A.M. Shakhnarovich, D.B. Elkonin, etc. 5. The principle of the activity approach. The study was conducted within the framework of a leading activity appropriate to the age of the subjects (play). . Gribova O.E. The method of scientific modeling as a means of studying speech disorders // Defectology, No. 1-2010.

CHAPTER II. Purpose, task, organization and research methodology

2.1 Methods of ascertaining experiment

The experimental study was carried out in April 2012 on the basis of kindergarten No. 561 in special groups for children who had severe speech impairment. 20 people took part in this study. The average age of the study subjects was 6.5 years. All children in the experimental group were diagnosed with ODD (level III), in 12 of them ODD was complicated by erased dysarthria.

The main goal of the experiment is to study the characteristics of word formation among older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

To achieve our goal, the following experimental research tasks were set:

1) consider the features of word formation in children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment;

2) process the data we obtained during the experiment and show it in diagrams;

3) according to the results of the experiment, to identify the need for correctional work to improve word formation skills in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment.

In order to select the diagnostic tasks necessary for correcting the speech of children, the method of R.I. was used. Lalaeva.

When selecting experimental tasks for our study, the requirements of the program were taken into account, suggesting that in the 4th year of study the child knows how to form nouns using the suffix -nits- with the meaning of container, nouns using the suffix -ink-, verbs from nouns, comparative degree from adjectives, relative adjectives.

As a result, we have developed a methodology consisting of the following five tasks:

1) Studying the word formation of nouns with the meaning of container of something

Research material words and pictures of objects were used: soup tureen, sauce gravy bowl, salt shaker, sugar sugar bowl, tea teapot, ash tray, salad bowl, soap dish, herring bowl, butter dish.

At the beginning of the experimental study, children are given orientation in the task: “Salt is stored in a salt shaker. What can you call a container for storing sugar?” Subsequently, the experimenter must show a picture (or name a word) and ask a question using the same analogy.

2) Study of word formation of nouns meaning singularity

Research material words and pictures of objects appear: grape-grape, rain-rain, dust-speck, grain-grain, bead-bead, pile-lint, pearl-pearl, pea-pea, sand-grain of sand, snow-snowflake.

. At the beginning of the experimental study, the following orientation to the task is given: “Imagine that you are walking along the sand, and a small particle of sand gets into your shoes. This piece of sand is called a “grain of sand.” So, sand is a grain of sand.” Next, children should be asked to form other derivative words using this analogy.

3) Construction of relative adjectives

Exercise 1. Research material pictures and phrases appear that name what the item is made of: a paper napkin, metal scissors, a fur hat, a wool scarf, a wooden table, a straw hat, a porcelain teapot, a rubber ball, a cardboard box, a made of snow, a pipe made of brick, a key made of iron, a scarf made of silk, a bag made of leather, a pillow made of down, a dress made of chintz.

Procedure and instructions. The study begins with the formation of the following orientation in the task: “The chair is made of wood, so we say: “The chair is wooden.” After this, the children are given the following instructions: “If the house is made of brick, what is it like?”

If children have difficulties, it is necessary to repeat the example of word formation, name 1-2 syllables of the word (kirp-, kirpi-)

Task 2.Research material the following phrases appear: maple leaf, birch leaf, oak leaf, aspen leaf, alder cone, pine cone, cherry jam, pear jam, raspberry jam, cranberry juice, apple jam, lingonberry jam, blueberry jam, rye bread, mushroom soup.

Procedure and instructions. The experimenter needs to give the children the following instructions: “Apple jam, this is apple jam. And blueberry jam, what kind of jam is it?”

If children have difficulties, it is necessary to repeat the example of word formation, called 1-2 syllables of a word (chern-, cherni-).

4) Construction of a simple comparative degree of an adjective

Research material serve as comparative degrees of adjectives. Ilyina M.V. Development of nonverbal imagination. - M.: Knigolyub, 2014. - 64 p.

Procedure and instructions. First, children are given orientation in the task: “This road is long, and the other road is even longer.” Children are then asked to complete the following sentences:

§ Uncle is strong, but dad is still...

§ This is a dark dress, and the other one...

§ This is a red skirt, and the other one...

§ This is a comfortable sofa, and the other one...

§ The lily is beautiful, but the rose is also...

§ My brother has a thick book, and my sister also has...

§ This is a tall tree, and the other one is...

§ This is a narrow passage, and the other one...

§ The woman is young, but her daughter is still...

§ Sugar is sweet, but jam is still...

§ The chair is soft, and the pillow is still...

If children have difficulties, it is necessary to repeat the example of word formation, called 1-2 syllables of a word (convenient--).

5) Studying the formation of verbs from nouns

Research material The words used are: shout-shout, friend-befriend, dinner-dinner, breakfast-breakfast, lunch-lunch, winter-winter, knock-knock, cry-cry, grief-grieve, longing-mourn, fish-fish.

Procedure and instructions. At the beginning of the experimental study, children are given orientation in the task: “Let’s come up with a similar word to the word Lunch. Let’s ask the question “What?” to the word Lunch. What is the most similar word that answers the question “What to do?” - lunch. Now let’s come up with a similar word for the word “clean up” that will answer the question: “What should we do?” Etc.

After completing the tasks, you need to evaluate the results in points.

High level (4 points) - tasks completed correctly and independently.

Level above average (3 points) - tasks were completed correctly, but with the help of an experimenter or in the presence of single incorrect answers in unproductive forms of word formation.

Intermediate level (2 points) - there are systematic errors in non-productive forms of word formation.

Level below average (1 point) - there are systematic errors in both unproductive and productive forms of word formation; the number of incorrectly completed tasks exceeds 50%.

Low level (0 points) - all tasks are completed incorrectly, the child simply repeats the given word or refuses to complete the task. Ilyina M.V. Development of nonverbal imagination. - M.: Knigolyub, 2014. - 64 p.

2.2 Analysis of the results of the experimental study

Experimental study of word formation of nouns denoting the container of something

In the process of learning the word formation of nouns that denote the container of an object, we obtained the following results (see Table 1):

Table 1 - Results of the experimental study

The results of the study on the word formation of nouns in children with SLD can be depicted graphically in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 1):

Diagram1 . Distribution of tested children by levels of development of word formation skills of nouns that denote the container of an object

45% of older preschoolers with speech development disorders have an average level of development of the ability to form words for nouns, denoting the container of an object. A level below average was noted in 55% of older preschoolers with speech underdevelopment.

Experimental study of word formation of nouns with the meaning of singularity

Table 2 - Results of the experimental study

The results of the study of the word formation of nouns with the meaning of singularity in children with OHP can be depicted graphically in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 2):

Diagram 2 - Distribution of tested children by levels of development of word formation skills of nouns with the meaning of singularity

The average level of formation of word formation of nouns with the meaning of singularity is observed in 5% of older preschoolers with problematic speech development, a low level is also observed in 5%, and a below average level is observed in 90% of children.

Experimental study of the construction of relative adjectives

Table 3 - Results of the experimental study

The results of the study on the construction of relative adjectives in children with OHP can be depicted graphically in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 3):

Diagram 3 - Distribution of tested children by levels of development of the ability to construct relative adjectives

Among 80% of older preschoolers with speech development problems, an average level of development of the ability to construct relative adjectives was noted. For 20% of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, the level of development of the ability to construct relative adjectives is below average.

Experimental study of the construction of the comparative degree of adjectives

Table 4 - Results of the experimental study

The results of the study on the construction of the comparative degree of adjectives in children with OHP can be depicted graphically in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 4):

Diagram 4 - Distribution of tested children by levels of development of the ability to construct the comparative degree of adjectives

The level of development of the skill of constructing the comparative degree of adjectives above average is observed in 5% of older preschoolers with ODD. 80% of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment are characterized by an average level. 15% of the tested children had a level below average.

Experimental study of the formation of verbs from nouns

Table 5 - Results of the experimental study

The results of the study of the formation of verbs from nouns in children with SLD can be depicted graphically in the form of a diagram (see Diagram 5):

Diagram 5 - Distribution of tested children by skill development levels

60% of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment showed an average level of development of the ability to form verbs from nouns. For 40% of children with ODD, the level of development of the ability to form verbs from nouns is below average.

Constructing the simple comparative degree of adjectives

The test children did the task of constructing the simple comparative degree of adjectives best. Some adjectives caused difficulties for the children. These adjectives are: “young”, “fat”, “narrow”, “sweet”.

The subjects made almost no mistakes in constructing the simple comparative degree of such adjectives as “comfortable”, “soft”, “high”, “loud”, “red”.

Almost all children correctly managed to form the comparative degree of the adjectives “dark” and “strong”.

During the execution of the task, there were almost no refusals to complete the task. Errors occurred, but rarely. Among them were the following: repetition of given words, erroneous formation of degrees ("sl"ade", "uzch"ee", "sweet"ee", "young"ee"), the use of an adjective-synonym in the formation of the comparative degree ("sweet- tastier"), repetition of a given adjective with the word “stronger”.

Research on the construction of relative adjectives

Almost all older preschoolers with OHP have an average level of ability to form relative adjectives. The most common errors were the following: incorrect education of children with OHP of the adjective woolen (shertyanoy, woolly, woolly, rough), downy (downy, Ukhovaya, Ukhovaya, fluffy) , alder (alder, alder, alder), mushroom (mushroom, mushroom, mushroom), rye (herzhav, rzh, rzh, other, irzhiv, rust ), metal (metal alloy, metal alloy).

The least common errors in children with ODD were in the formation of the following adjectives: cranberry (klyukovy, klyukovoy, klyukovaya, morsovaya), cardboard (kartovaya), silk (shelkovy, silky), porcelain (porcelain, farovaya) , lingonberry (lingon "ik, brusl"ic), maple (kle"yon), leather (k"ozhamaya, k"ozhavaya), oak (d"ubovy, oak"iny), oak (oak"oh), chintz ( fox, all-item), (brick-ichaya, brick-eva).


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Technological map of the lesson:

Lesson topic: formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning.

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: Observation of the formation of nouns using suffixes.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving personal learning results:

1. Creating conditions for developing interest in the topic being studied;

2. Development of independence, friendly attitude, emotional responsiveness.

3. Formation of the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor.

4. To develop the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving meta-subject results:

1. Development of mental actions: analysis and synthesis, comparison;

2. To develop the ability to accept and maintain educational goals and objectives.

3. Plan your own activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, predict the upcoming work.

4. Learn to control and evaluate your actions, make adjustments to their implementation based on assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, show initiative and independence in learning.

5. Develop educational, language and speech skills, teach how to model and correctly use speech structures in everyday life.

Learning objectives aimed at achieving subject results:

1. Update knowledge about diminutive and affectionate suffixes.

2. Expand the understanding of the role of diminutive suffixes in our speech.

3. Pay attention to the importance of the diminutive - affectionate suffix in the formation of endearing forms of nouns.

4. Continue work on the formation of substantive actions aimed at developing speech culture.

During the classes:

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activity

Formed UUD

Organizational moment.


Updating knowledge.

Goal setting, formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson. (work in pairs)

Physical minute


Lesson summary.



Determines students' readiness for work.

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness". How do you understand these words? Slide 1.

Checking the house.rear. in pairs (key onslide 2 )

- Raise your hand those who completed everything without errors.

- what knowledge helped you complete this task?

Read the lullaby on the screen and in the textbook on page 43 of exercise. 265.

Write down the names of the nouns. who name people and objects affectionately, tenderly, according to the model.

- How were these nouns formed?

- what meaning do these suffixes add to noun names?

- Why are there only affectionate words in this text?

- draw a conclusion. Compare your conclusion with the author's in the textbook on page 44

- formulate the topic of the lesson?

What will be the purpose of the lesson?

Work in groups (task on screen):

1 gr. - this is row 1. Page Exercise 44 266.

2 gr. - this is row 2. Task on the card (highlight the suffix. Write the word from which image, according to the model)

3 gr. - this is row 3. p.44, ex. 267.

Each group check yourself.

Did everything work out for you? What were the difficulties? – rate yourself?

Optional tasks:

sister, apple tree, form words with a diminutive meaning from these words and complete the task to choose from.

    Make up a phrase with new words

    Make up sentences with new words. - read what sentences and phrases you came up with.

List diminutive and affectionate suffixes. What meaning do they give to words?

What was our lesson goal?

Have we achieved this goal?

How did we achieve it?

Where can you apply the acquired knowledge?

Children's answers.

Children's answers

Knowledge of the algorithm for parsing a word by its composition, parsing a noun as a part of speech.

Discharged. (words on screen)

These fisheries were formed using suf.

Diminutive meaning.

This is a lullaby. It conveys the love of a mother for her child.

formation of nouns with a diminutive meaning.

They do it.

Check by key.

Two students working at the blackboard

Children's answers. Affectionate, diminutive.

Learn to form noun names. with a diminutive meaning

formed nouns. with diminutive meaning, suffixes were identified.

Choose a card and stick it on the board


Guiding students for successful activities.


Show a desire to manifest new things. - willingness to cooperate, provide assistance, distribution of roles;


Formation of the ability to listen and hear.


Setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is not yet known;


Statement and solution of the problem;


Development of cognitive interests and educational motives;


The ability to clearly and clearly express one’s opinion and build speech structures.


Selecting the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;


Express a positive attitude towards the learning process; show attention and desire to learn more.


Evaluate (compare with a standard) the results of your activities.