Unpronounceable consonants at the roots of words. Didactic materials on the Russian language for primary school

Exercise 1. Rewrite the words, choosing for each of them a word with the same root, in which the root is followed by a vowel.

Voiceless, delicious, powerful, gigantic, sorrowful, bulky, valiant, provincial, interesting, commandant, selfish, bone, local, daughter-in-law, hateful, rainy, patroller, neighborhood, dangerous, agenda, send, post, charming, biased, peer, whistle, heart, verbal, sun, reed, terrible, participate, whip, crunch, integral, honor, wonderful, oral, patronize, obvious, furious.

Task 2. D :

A. malicious violator;

B.surrounding forests;

C. bulky closet;

D.rare exhibit;

E.hlyos...what a speech.

Task 3. Choose the option with an unpronounceable consonant T :

A.great mood;

B.wonderful day;

C.traffic safety;

D.lovely girl;

E. the atmosphere of publicity.

Task 4. Choose the option with an unpronounceable consonant T :

A.meeting of peers;

B.friendship of peers;

C. interesting interlocutor;

D. skilled craftswoman;

E.shine...shine in the heights.

Task 5. Choose a word with an unpronounceable consonant IN :

A.honour heroes;

B.participate in the tournament;

C. I… really hear;

D. delicious food on the table;

E.walk above the class.

Task 6. Choose the option where the word with an unpronounceable consonant occurs D :

A. Trouble was stuck in his envy.

B. Without work there cannot be a clean and joyful life..

C. Honest... dishonest is not a friend.

D. A man is powerful with his heart, a tree with his roots.

E. The secret known to the three is no longer a secret.

Task 7. Insert missing letters where necessary. Choose test words.

Honest answer, interesting book, simple words, forest review, crossfire, viral infection, sailing, watch face, reed thickets, crisis situation, verbal art, tasteless food, an experienced rider, friendship of peers, my son’s peers, honoring a guest, feeling tired.

Task 8. Fill in the missing letters. Write these words in two columns: with an unpronounceable consonant and without an unpronounceable consonant.

Woeful, arboreal, voiceless, dangerous, virtuous, unbearable, impartial, integral, furious, backwater, uncontrollable, skillful, shameless... ny, gigantic, vile... , peer... nik, peer... nick, harb...nik, pedagogue... to, participate, whip... n, crunch... n, edible, silence..., surroundings, roundabout, agency, locality, hooligan, champagne.

Task 9. Rewrite by inserting the missing letters. Indicate test words in brackets.

1. The hall was warily silent. 2. Another two hundred steps - and we are safe. ( Arsenyev) 3. Autumn was late this year. ( Korolenko) 4. Dudnikov thrust the shovel into the ground with such force that the handle cracked. ( Sholokhov) 5. Among the eight children there was one the same age as me. ( Herzen) 6. Here, on stoves and on braziers, various dishes were fried and boiled, sizzling. ( Goncharov) 7. Lack of money chained me to the village that I hated. ( Tolstoy) 8. The accordion player played so recklessly, with such skillful t...lings, that the old man could not resist the temptation to listen. ( Markov) 9. My whole family is in good health and sends their regards to you. ( Chekhov) 10. It smelled of dry hot clay and nearby pasture. ( Fedin) 11. The squadron honored its heroes. ( Stepanov) 12. He also took part in the glorious Battle of Borodino. ( Kuprin) 15. The soldiers watched with selfless curiosity where the planes would fly. ( Kazakevich)


For example:

For example:

For example:wonderful, my dear.

No miracle
snoh don't stopsnO,
And the snake
snoh and oopssnO
Write the letter T forward
In the words of taste
snoh, interestingsny.


In some words, the letters D, T, V, L are not pronounced, but are written.
For example:stellar, local, hello, sun.
To check an unpronounceable consonant, you need to choose a word with the same root so that this consonant is clearly heard.
For example:
stellar - star, local - place, hello - health, sun - sunshine .

Some words cannot be verified.
REMEMBER: feeling, stairs, celebration.

If a consonant is not heard in combinations of consonants when a word is changed, then there is no need to write it.
For example:wonderful, my dear.

No miracle
snoh don't stopsnO,
And the snake
snoh and oopssnO
Write the letter T forward
In the words of taste
snoh, interestingsny.

voiceless, intriguing, skillful, inert, dangerous, peer, literature, participate, honor, parade, dishes. It is written to sparkle (although shine), ladder (although ladder), splash (although splash), flask (although glass).

V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

D - starry, poseable, holiday, heart.

T - valiant, sad, oblique, mustache, forest, neighborhood, area, drooping zero, famous, lovely, furious, honest, happy, weight...nik, rope...nik, cap.ny, nenas.ny, joyful, hourly, gigantic, regional, strong, strong.
V - feeling, hello.
L - so...ntse.

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Write down the words and remember how they are written

SN - wonderful...but, wonderful.but, terrible...but dangerous.but, in vain.but, taste...but, interesting.but, cramped, bland, heavenly. , sailing, consonant, voiceless, wordless.

ZN - ugly..., kind..., iron..., collective farm,... serious, diamond....

Control cheating
Winter evening

Control cheating
Winter evening

The winter day is short. The blue twilight emerged... from the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. Re….ko crunch….null dream…. under the feet.... M….ro…. cr….pch….l. In...the south we...have more...drifts under the starry sky. Pos….nim evening….rum we arrived….drove to the st….ro….ke l….snik. The fire was burning brightly in the stove. It was warm and cozy in the small hut. Gleb Ivanovich served us delicious... tea.

Control cheating
Winter evening

The winter day is short. The blue twilight emerged... from the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. Re….ko crunch….null dream…. under the feet.... M….ro…. cr….pch….l. In...the south we...have more...drifts under the starry sky. Pos….nim evening….rum we arrived….drove to the st….ro….ke l….snik. The fire was burning brightly in the stove. It was warm and cozy in the small hut. Gleb Ivanovich served us delicious... tea.

Control cheating
Winter evening

The winter day is short. The blue twilight emerged... from the forest and hung over the snowdrifts. Re….ko crunch….null dream…. under the feet.... M….ro…. cr….pch….l. In...the south we...have more...drifts under the starry sky. Pos….nim evening….rum we arrived….drove to the st….ro….ke l….snik. The fire was burning brightly in the stove. It was warm and cozy in the small hut. Gleb Ivanovich served us delicious... tea.

TOPIC: Unpronounceable consonants at the root of words

PURPOSE: To introduce the presence in the Russian language of words with unpronounceable consonants d, t, l, v. In place of the sound combinations (zn), (sn), (rts), (nts), (stv). Learn to transfer known methods of checking, in particular, to checking unpronounceable consonants in the roots of words. Give examples like joyful, in which an unpronounceable consonant is at the junction of two suffixes.

Equipment: textbook, workbook, drawing of the planets, inhabitants of the planet (cards with the letters l, d, t, c), individual handouts, poster with a rebus, cards with words.

Today in the lesson we will go on a space journey to a planet where consonants live who love to play hide and seek with people. Write down the departure date of your flight. We will fly into space on this ship. To ensure a safe trip, it is necessary to check the functionality of all rocket systems. Look carefully at the letters in each column and find the extra ones (l, d, t, v).

In the first column - paired consonants, L - unpaired consonant,

In the second column - voiceless consonants, D denotes a voiced consonant sound, in the third column - unpaired voiceless consonants, T- denotes a paired consonant sound. The fourth column contains unpaired voiced consonants. Well, all the problems have been fixed.

The engine will start after we have written these letters correctly and beautifully.

Vocabulary and spelling work. Let's hit the road. The first option will be located on the left side, the second option on the right side. Port side, wink at me with your left eye, Starboard side, wave your right hand. Full speed ahead.


What do the words in each column (noun and adjective) have in common (unstressed consonants at the root of the word).

What is a noun? And an adjective? How to check an unstressed vowel in the root?

Left side, find a word in which the letter I - denotes one sound. Starboard find the same root word (earth - earthy). What words are called cognates?

And now, let everyone find an extra word on their board (rocket, orange - dictionary).

Well done! You are real travelers: resourceful and quick-witted. There is a planet ahead. The inhabitants of this planet sent us congratulations.


What word can replace these phrases? SIGNIFICANT EVENT

SOLEMN DAY - HOLIDAY (vocabulary work).

How many letters and sounds are there in this word? What sound is not pronounced in this word? How to check the word holiday. We can't check. If a word cannot be verified, you need to remember its spelling. Write it down in your notebook.

Choose words with the same root (celebrate, festive, festive). Make up a sentence with one of the words (write in your notebook).


The flight continues. There is a planet ahead. I propose to greet the inhabitants of this planet. What word do you usually greet when meeting?


What an amazing planet. What does she look like?


How joyfully our

Cards with the words are hung on the board:


U. Say these words as we do when talking. Compare pronunciation and spelling.

U. Which consonant is not pronounced, but the letter is written (each word is analyzed separately.

U. What are the names of consonants that are written but not pronounced? D. (Unpronounceable consonants).

Write words in a notebook.

U. So we recognized the inhabitants of this planet (cards with letters on the planet are hung up). Let's highlight the root in the words. Determine in which part of the word the unpronounceable consonants are located. (At the root of the word).

JOYFULLY - Sometimes unpronounceable consonants occur at the junction of two suffixes. Give a name to this planet (the topic opens on the board).


U. How to check unpronounceable consonants?

To check unpronounceable consonants, you need to choose a single-root word in which these sounds are heard clearly.

Open the textbook and read the rules.

Joy heart
Joyfully Heart
Glad Cordial

Among the words that are written on the cards, find those that will serve as test words. Write the test words in your notebook.


Let's take off. How many discoveries await us. Together, in step, we walk... We walk on our toes. We're walking on our heels. They checked my posture. We squeezed our shoulder blades together. We sat down and continued the flight.

Working with the textbook. Read the words.

Valiant, honest, knowledgeable, regional

How to check words?

Valiant - valor (message from the etymological, explanatory dictionary - student)

Honest - honor
Late - to be late

Regional – region (student’s research work, message from an etymological dictionary)


And now the unpronounceable consonants want to test what we have learned and what we have learned.

Working with cards.

Exercise. Form phrases with adjectives. Write down and underline the spelling of the unpronounceable consonant. Working with cards.

(Izvestia) person - famous person
(star) sky
(bad weather) weather
(happiness) moment

Exercise. Match the words in the left column with words from the right column that are similar in meaning.

U. What are the names of words that are similar in meaning? D. Synonyms.

Our ship headed home. Having guessed the rebus, you will find out the name of the spaceship, thanks to which our journey took place.

BUREVESTNIK(Research paper-communication).

Which consonant in the word is not pronounced?

Consonant T.

Choose a test word.

News, news.


What are the inhabitants of the planet we visited called?

Unpronounceable consonants.

U. What should you do to avoid making mistakes in spelling words with unpronounceable consonants?

D.. Choose a test word in which the sounds are heard clearly.

To know how to write, You need to change the word, And quickly look for the vowel behind the incomprehensible sound.

Homework. Write 3-4 sentences about your favorite holiday.

In the Russian language, difficulties arise in spelling combinations of consonant sounds, because with morphophonemic spelling it is necessary to designate those sounds that are dropped out in a weak position during pronunciation.

To check the spelling of words with unpronounceable consonants(usually this is the second sound in combinations stn, stl, zdn, rdc, rtc, rdch, stc, stsk, zdc, ndc, ndsk, ntsk, ntstv, rgsk, first sound in lnc, vstv), it is necessary to select a related word in which this consonant is pronounced, For example: regional - region, heart - cardiac. There are cases that have no verification and require memorization :ladder, idle, holiday, peer, feeling and etc.

You cannot insert extra letters if they are not in the test word, that is, in a word where the first consonant comes before the vowel, for example: delicious(delicious, taste+n-th), dangerous(dangerous).U Students who memorize combinations and forget about checking often make such mistakes.


flash, move, wither, fall asleep, pulp, go limp, splash, rinse, splash, puff, crack, squeeze, pull (although shine, move, withered, fall asleep, soft, flatten, splash, rinse, splash, puff, crack, squeeze, pull, crunch). Spelled in two ways crunch And shake.

These are the most ancient, common Slavic losses of consonants according to the law of an open syllable, which were later consolidated in writing despite alternations. Nowadays many of them are already pronounced in other words: jump, butt etc. Modern unpronounceable consonants reflected in writing are presented in a weak position requiring “checking”.


art - skillful, mistress, cf. art

conjunction ‘position assessment’ – conjunction ‘text restoration’

statement, state – constant

bone (from bone) inert ( views), obdurate

staircase (from climb, with unclear T) – forester (from forest)

pasture, grazing although grazing, grazing, grazing

come , but I will come, will come, came

to be angry - to be angry; cordial

tablecloth, tablecloth - tablecloth

flask (the ancient unpronounceable consonant has disappeared T , Wed glass)

peer (cf. catch up) – the same age (from peer, Wed wonderful)

crunch, whistle – flash, splash, etc., see list above

feeling ( IN– now unjustified insertion, cf. chu-ya-ti) – participate

to patronize (‘to be a boss’) she st to wade (‘to go’, with roots shed-, cf. ved-u – ve With-T And)

excavator - escalator

clearly (‘as naya woo’) – dishes (from Old Slavonic eat'eat').

Ex. 80. Insert the necessary letters, select test words (usually with a vowel after the combination). Sample: Sectarianism – sectarians.

Arrested..sky, wordless..ny, blessed..ny, gratuitous..ny, disinterested..ny, furrowed..chaty, timber..ver, tasty..ny, hairy..noy, duodenum..colon , decadent..stvo, amateurish..skiy, provincial..nyj, famous..nyy, intendan..skiy, artificial..nyy, Islamic..skiy, commandant..skiy, compromise..to, ascertain.. , conju..ctivitis, correspondent..sky, criticism..stvo, oblique..views, god..father, lan..shaft, lieutenant..sky, hated.., unhappy..unlucky, dangerous. .ny, dirty..nik, pacif..skiy, pos..but, send..send (letter), send..sat (bed), holiday..nik, lovely..ny, pret..dent, prece ..dent, ren..genovsky, svers..nik, sergeant..sky, verbal..ny, rope..nik, terrible..ny, fascist..ky, participating..how, palmist..sky, she ..work, legal..consultation, furious..ny.

Ex. 81. Form adjectives from these words using the examples given.

1. Boast – boastful (person), happiness, fate. 2. Honor - honest position, taste, sorrow, dirty tricks, words, rarity, miracles, lips. 3. Petersburg - St. Petersburg, graduate student, dissident, racist, Holland.

Ex. 82. Write by inserting the missing letters. Choose test words. Highlight falsely verifiable and traditional spellings.

I. Postgraduate..scholarship, gratuitous..aid, flashed..lightning, stormwater..nick of the revolution, hair..officials, Dutch..ka, decadent..poems, official..noy, stars. ..wars, skillful..defense, commandant's..daughter, oblique..looks, oblique..brain, forest..farm, forest..nitsa, forest..review, month..time , confidante of the lady, Odessa..ky, environs..nearby, danger..pasture, pos..niy, peers..niki, peers..sweet..ny, verbal.. crazy, crazy..crazy, away..ny, terrible..ny, in chains, mustache, mustache..participate, garlic..seasoning, scratch..to feel, feel..miracles ..new, I..more precisely.

II. 1. I, too, grew up, unhappy and thin, among living, burdensome races (Es.). 2. “Look, Igor,” said Shurik, “as you can see, they still didn’t run to the telegraph office.” “Yes, that’s true,” Endel stated. (Ax.). 3. You still need to get used to this, Pukhov reasoned, - but it will be difficult for the people in the void: they will make trouble for you from their inappropriate heart (Pl.). 4. – What eyes do you look at me with? E-and-and, shameless...! How the earth holds you! (Sh.). 5. Guchkov attacked the “pacifist ideas that poured into the army” (NZ). 6. The meaning of the last quatrain, obviously, seemed to the editor to require conjecture: how can a poet, having become a thing, proclaim the word of a thing - and why? ("Star"). 7. He was also worried by the fact that Sonya was in love with him, and therefore was partly close to him, which made her, as it were, a secret accomplice in the love life of his soul, and sometimes even gave a strange hope that in Sonya he could find either a confidant of his feelings, or then some replacement for Katya (Bun.).

Ex. 83. Explain which of the words given next to them cannot be tested and why. Write it down.

Move..move - move, forest..ny review - flattery, forest..nitsa - climb, pulp..kot - soft, pasture - graze, in the same way - before, in..handwriting - emphasize, squeeze - squeeze, s..swear - glass, verbal - words.

As diverse as the Russian language is, it is also complex. It contains a huge number of rules, cases and declensions, and vocabulary words. And besides all this, we need to pay attention to words that may contain an unpronounceable consonant.

The concept of an "unpronounceable consonant"

By unpronounceable consonant we mean a sound that is not pronounced in the combination of several consonant letters in a word. In our Russian speech there are clusters of these sounds that are quite difficult to pronounce:

  • "vstv" (feel, hello);
  • "ntsk" (giant);
  • "stsk" (racist, nationalist);
  • "ndsk" (Dutch, Scottish) and others.

To correctly write these and other words with an unpronounceable consonant, it is necessary to select a test word (change its form or find a related one) in which after the “unpronounceable” consonant, which we can clearly hear, or the next consonant sound, there is a vowel. Then this consonant sound has a strong position and we can easily identify it.

Examples of words with an unpronounceable consonant at the root

“The bright sun completely blinded my eyes for a while.” In this sentence, the word “sun” has an unpronounceable consonant “l” in the root, which we do not hear when pronounced. We select a test word: sunny (for example, light). Here the consonant sound “l” is already clearly audible.

“After the school holiday, I ran home, happy and joyful.” The sentence contains three words with an unpronounceable vowel at the root: praz(d)nik - idle (from the adjective "idle"), happy - happiness, joyful - joy.

However, not all words can be tested; there are vocabulary words that you just need to remember. These include: feel(in)stvovat, forest(t)nitsa, svers(t)nik.

There are also words that lack an unpronounceable consonant, but to be sure, you also need to choose a cognate word. For example: “My brother is playing a dangerous game.” In the word "dangerous" in the combination of consonants "sn" there is no unpronounceable consonant, since the test word is "dangerous", a vowel sound appears between the consonants.