At the forefront of counterintelligence. secret springs of civil wars



The training book “The Secret Springs of the Human Psyche” will tell you about amazing phenomena that you didn’t even suspect. It turns out that each of us is subject not only to the influence of others, but also to psychoprogramming. Every day we are exposed to psychic attacks and the effects of psychic viruses. Our psyche is an incredibly fragile structure, and it must be protected. You will learn how to do this by familiarizing yourself with the unique psychotechnics of Ernest Tsvetkov, which will help you not only neutralize the negative impact, but also learn how to independently program the situations you need, using the reserves of your subconscious.


When starting to write this manual, I am fully aware of the possible scope of application of the knowledge and skills that you will learn from it. Therefore, I reduce theoretical information as much as possible, focusing primarily on practical techniques and a proven training system that can give an “immediate action” effect.

Our training course begins with mastering the technique of applied (non-therapeutic) psychoanalysis with the goal of quickly and efficiently analyzing a partner’s behavior during just one conversation, identifying his hidden motives and potential intentions.

Using the “secret” information that you have extracted with the help of mastered analytical techniques, in the process of observing the verbal (verbal) and non-verbal (non-verbal - body language and gestures) signals of your opponent, you can successfully apply the “built-in” hypnotic forms of your influence on someone’s subconscious and thus, through subtle psychological manipulation, form in him the programs you desire. Elements of Ericksonian hypnosis, which is also called “hypnosis without hypnosis,” will give you new opportunities and significantly expand your sphere of influence among people.

Presenting this material, which may seem new and unfamiliar to you, to make it easier to perceive and assimilate, I present below the main points, or “pivot points” of the program of our correspondence seminar.



Interpersonal relationships.

Psychological defenses.

Partner's behavior during negotiations.

Revealing hidden motives.

Hidden motives and their unconscious demonstration during a conversation.

Behavior and its connection with the unconscious. Motivation management.

Practical skills:

Psychoanalytic basis:

Basic psychoanalysis

Applied (non-therapeutic) psychoanalysis

Communication analysis

Behavior Analysis

Transfer (Transfer) and working with it

Transfer enhancement methods

Kinesics (the science of reflecting human behavior in its external manifestations):

Dynamic analysis of gestures, postures, behavioral maneuvers

- "Language of the body"

Using kinesics knowledge to enhance impact.

Methods of hypnotization in the structure of communication

Hidden hypnotization during a conversation

Achieving specific results through hypnotic imprinting

Working with your partner's subconscious

Programming your partner for the desired reaction

Strengthening your partner's reactions

Increasing contact efficiency

Consolidating the program

As an autopsychotraining focused on improving the self-regulation of the psychophysical status of the body and the development of creative resources, you will be offered the developed and tested author’s method of “psychosensory synthesis.”

November 7, 1927 marked the first day of Stalin's revolution from above, which led to changes and upheavals comparable to the events of 1917. It was on this day, which fell on a round date - the tenth anniversary of the events of the autumn of 1917 - that the term was first officially used and introduced "Great October Socialist Revolution".

Before this event, October 25 (November 7, new style) 1917 was officially called "October Revolution".

This day became the day of the defeat of the “old guard” Lenin-Trotsky and the beginning of its replacement at the heights of power by people Stalin. This happened after the coup attempt prepared by the opposition failed on November 7, 1927. Like the events of 1917, this day became the revolutionary culmination of the war. True, a specific war, internal to the party, waged between Stalin and the opposition.

The most acute confrontation took place at the ideological level - between the “building of socialism in one country,” which was advocated by the Stalinists, and the “world revolution,” in which Soviet Russia was assigned the role of a “bundle of brushwood” to ignite a global fire, which Trotsky and others advocated. oppositionists.

The battle began to move into the open phase at the beginning of 1927, threatening to plunge the country, which had just experienced terrible upheavals, into the abyss of new cataclysms. As befits the predecessor of a revolution, the internal party war was waged for destruction, on almost all fronts (political-ideological, financial-economic, etc.) - visible and invisible.

In the spring of 1927, there followed a sensational exposure of Soviet intelligence agencies in 8 (!) countries simultaneously. It was then that Stalin allowed himself for the first time to speak sharply about Comintern, whose functionaries at a Politburo meeting he called “freeloaders living at our expense.” By the beginning of the summer of 1927, diplomatic relations with England.

After their breakup, especially after the panicky speeches Bukharin and Trotsky's statements in the spirit that foreign intervention would contribute to the transfer of power into the hands of "true revolutionaries", as well as persistent rumors about an imminent war, the urban population sharply increased food purchases in case of war.

The number of acts of sabotage on railways, power plants, telephone networks and telegraphs increased sharply. By the beginning of autumn, the peasantry, deprived of cheap goods and faced with unfavorable price policies, sharply reduced grain sales to the state. As a result, the state lost 128 million poods.

Huge queues for food appeared in cities, and the hunger for goods increased sharply. The menacing specter of general hunger loomed ahead. The country, as in 1917, found itself on the brink of a new revolution. And this revolution began. But this time it has begun "above"...

As for the coup attempt itself, this, unfortunately, almost forgotten fact is described in some detail in a small work, very popular in the West between the two world wars "Coup technique" European diplomat, journalist and intelligence officer Kurt Zuckert, who published it under a pseudonym Curzio Malaparte.

Having lost to Stalin in an internal battle, L.D. Trotsky decided to take control in a different way. Day X was appointed November 7, 1927.

According to Zuckert-Malaparte, Lev Davidovich, as in 1917, remained “true to his tactics: he wants to attack the state not with a crowd, but with secretly formed special detachments. He wants to seize power not through an open uprising of the working masses, but as a result of a “scientifically prepared” coup d’etat.”

The people of the “demon of revolution” who were preparing the coup were so confident of their victory that they didn’t even really hide it. For example, a close friend and confidant of the Trotskyists Yakira And Primakova, “Red Cossack” and division commander YES. Schmidt, publicly insulted him the day before and promised to personally “cut off his ears.”

Until recently, he was one of the all-powerful Bolshevik leaders L.B. Kamenev swore to Trotsky that everything would go as planned, because “as soon as you appear on the podium hand in hand with Zinoviev, the party will say: “Here is the Central Committee!” Here is the government!

All this was just illusion, skillfully created Stalin and security officers. One of those who helped create it and keep the opposition’s performance under control was, for example, Kamenev’s personal secretary Ya.E. Elsberg- an agent provocateur of the OGPU and an informer, as they say, “not out of fear, but out of conscience.”

According to Zuckert-Malaparte, the November 7 coup was supposed to “begin with the seizure of the technical components of the state machine and the arrest of the people's commissars, members of the central committee and the purge commission in the party. But Menzhinsky repelled the blow: Trotsky’s Red Guards find no one at home. The entire top of Stalin's party took refuge in the Kremlin, where Stalin, cold and imperturbable, awaits the outcome of the struggle between the rebel forces and Menzhinsky's special detachment... He opposes Trotsky's invisible onslaught with invisible defense...

While the police units of the GPU provide security for the political and administrative bodies of the state, Menzhinsky concentrates the forces of his special detachment on the protection of technical centers. Trotsky did not foresee this.

He despised Menzhinsky too much and had too high an opinion of himself to consider the head of the GPU a worthy opponent (Lev Davidovich, like Malaparte himself, did not know that he had already completely degenerated by this time, arousing contempt even among old acquaintances, had turned into a complete drug addict V.R. Menzhinsky used as a screen by his deputy G.G. Berry, who gradually took control of the entire apparatus of the OGPU).

Too late, he notices that the enemies were able to learn a lesson from the events of October 1917. When he is informed that the attempt to seize the telephone exchanges, telegraph and railway stations has failed, and that events are taking an unexpected, inexplicable turn, he immediately realizes that his insurrectionary action has encountered a defense system that has nothing in common with ordinary police measures. but still does not realize the real state of things.

Finally, having learned about the failed attempt to seize the Moscow power plant, he abruptly changes his plan of action: now he will aim at the political and administrative structure of the state. He can no longer count on his assault troops, driven back and scattered by the unexpected and violent resistance of the enemy, and therefore decides to abandon his favorite tactics and direct all his efforts to incite general uprising...».

But this idea of ​​Trotsky also ended in complete failure. The opposition's speech in Moscow was dispersed by the police. Trying to address the columns of demonstrators in front of the Winter Palace Zinoviev booed, not allowing him to speak, but Trotsky, who was trying to attract the attention of the columns moving towards Red Square from the balcony of the National Hotel, was thrown with stones.

An attempt to perform in Ukraine, where an emissary of the “Demon of the Revolution” went in early November 1927, also ended in complete failure. H. Rakovsky, who visited Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye.

After the victory on the political-ideological front, the Stalinists, with the help of the security officers, launched a large-scale offensive at the front financial. The hottest fight broke out around secret accounts"incorruptible Leninists" who were key figures in the financing of the party during the First World War.

Already 8 days after the failed coup, on November 15, Trotsky and Zinoviev were expelled from the party. Chief of the OGPU Menzhinsky through the Central Committee, he was summoned to the Central Control Commission, where he was asked a number of questions about his activities in the financial, security and diplomatic fields in 1917-1920. Most of all those who asked were interested in the amounts that passed through the hands of the first "red banker".

Apparently, Menzhinsky had a heart attack from the sudden flood of memories. This made it possible to put him under house arrest, and the actual leadership of the security apparatus and the investigation passed directly to Vyacheslav Rudolfovich’s deputy G.G. Yagoda and his people. To refresh Menzhinsky's memory, he was confronted with the former ambassador to Germany A.A. Ioffe, who was advised to “visit an old, sick friend.”

Visiting a friend Adolf Abramovich On November 16, he shot himself, writing in his suicide note: “I have no doubt, at the same time, that my death is more useful than the continuation of my life.”

Instead, at the suggestion of Yagoda, Menzhinsky, who was kept at a dacha near Moscow, began to visit another almost every week. red oligarch Y. Ganetsky, who over the next 4 months of visits to the “old party comrade” completely turned gray and began to complain about his failing health.

On November 17, 1927, by resolution of the Council of People's Commissars L.D. Trotsky was relieved of his duties as chairman of the concession committee, and a little-known man was appointed in his place V.N. Kasandrov. The defeat of Trotsky and his supporters sharply worsened the conditions of activity in Soviet Russia foreign capital. International crooks and swindlers ( A. Hammer etc.) realized that the time when they would have to “reel in the fishing rods” was “not far off.”

As for the left opposition, its “systemic” defeat ended in December 1927 at the XV Congress of the RCP (b), which approved the decision to expel almost a hundred supporters of Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev from the ranks of the party.

After this, the opposition will change tactics. The first to “break with the opposition” G. Sokolnikov, who already at the XV Congress stated that he had to “part ways with the opposition bloc due to fundamental differences with it” several months ago. For this he was retained as a member of the Central Committee elected at the congress.

Following Sokolnikov, the Zinovievites capitulated, whose leader agreed to repent, renounced Trotskyism and was reinstated in the party, but lost all weight. The example of the Zinovievites was followed only by a small group of Trotskyists, the first of whom declared repentance Pyatakov.

After him they “broke with the opposition” Krestinsky And Antonov-Ovseenko. According to the testimony of a Trotskyist, and later an anti-Soviet dissident Avtorkhanova, “the majority of oppositionists who announced a break with the opposition did so in order to actually continue the fight for their ideas. Trotskyists of this persuasion were at all levels of government, with the exception of the party apparatus itself and the political police.”

The reason for the statements about “repentance” was that Trotsky, who had come to his senses, conveyed secret secrets through the “repentant” Krestinsky, directive letter to everyone expelled from the party and sent into exile, so that everyone would write a repentant letter to the Central Committee admitting their mistakes and the correctness of the “general line of the party.”

The “Demon of the Revolution” also demanded in this message, so that his people return to the party ranks and again took leadership positions.

Himself unrepentant Lev Davidovich was first exiled in January 1928 to a remote area of ​​Kazakhstan on the border with China. And then, in January 1929, he was exiled to Turkey, where he lived until mid-July 1933 on the Princes' Islands in the villa of the Turkish Pasha he purchased.

There, shortly after deportation, Trotsky gave an interview to a German writer E. Ludwig, to the question of which: “When do you expect to speak openly again?” replied: “When a favorable opportunity presents itself from outside. There may be a war or a new European intervention, then the weakness of the government becomes a stimulant." (Characterizing Trotsky’s goals, W. Churchill later he would write that he “sought to mobilize all the scum of Europe to fight the Russian army”).

By the time Trotsky was expelled, the deputy chairman of the OGPU, G. Yagoda, provided Stalin with numbers personal accounts and the figures of the amounts stored on them that belonged to the red oligarchs from the “old guard”.

By this time, almost all channels of the multi-billion-dollar “leakage” overseas had already been blocked. Russian gold flowed not into the “arteries” of the Western and, above all, American economies, but began to be used to build socialism in one country. It became the foundation of an invisible economic revolution.

Nikolay Malishevsky

Stalin and Trotsky – The Struggle for Power

The situation in the world is heating up. Pressure on Russia from the West is increasing, new sanctions are being introduced, the ruble exchange rate is falling, oil is becoming cheaper. In eastern Ukraine, civilians are dying again and again. How will it all end? The uncertainty of the future forces us to look for answers in the world of prophecies, many of which have been fulfilled with amazing accuracy.

Three stages

Numerous predictions suggest that the future of Russia, and of all humanity, can be schematically represented in the form of three stages:

The rapprochement of three countries - China, Russia and India;

Russia's fulfillment of its spiritual mission;

A millennium of peace and prosperity on Earth.

An idea must be born in our country that, spreading throughout the world, will change the direction of development of all mankind. Vanga describes this idea this way: “There is an ancient Indian teaching of the White Brotherhood. It will spread throughout the world... It will cover the earth like white, and thanks to it people will be saved. A new teaching will come from Russia. She will be the first to cleanse herself. The White Brotherhood will spread throughout Russia and begin its march around the world.” The main disseminator of this teaching is Nicholas Roerich. Perhaps we should take a closer look at this teaching now.

The prophets cover the second and third stages quite fully. There is almost no information on the first one. The prophets, for some reason, studiously avoid the term “union.” They replace it with the words “rapprochement”, “intersect”, “increase in trade turnover”, “mutual support of economies”. But with the interaction of the three countries, some powerful positive impulse will arise that will transform our country, preparing it for the fulfillment of a spiritual mission. What are these events? The Supreme Mind has imposed a “taboo”; we are not supposed to know about it. Only one thing is known: it is somehow connected with China.

Aristocles of Athos (1917-1918): “The end will be through China. There will be some kind of unusual explosion, and a miracle of God will appear... The Cross of Christ will shine over the whole world, because our Motherland will be magnified and will be like a beacon in the darkness for everyone.”

Pelageya Ryazanskaya (1890-1966): “All the evil that will be concentrated in Russia will be swept away by the Chinese.”

Prophecies as a way of influence

Nicholas Roerich writes: “Chance cannot guide the progress of mankind. The world is controlled by the Cosmic Mind... How would the presentation of history change if all the true reasons and motives were revealed... When will scientists find the time to scientifically study the prophecies and compare them historically?

At first glance, prophecies are a huge chaotic collection of fragmentary and contradictory information, but hidden patterns are also revealed here. In some cases, prophetic information is exhaustively complete, in others there are hints and riddles, in others, instead of truth, there is misinformation. Usually the prophets explain their reticence this way: “The Lord does not bless to speak.” The famous monk Abel, refusing to name the future ruler of Russia, also indicated the reason: “Fear for the sake of dark power, let this name be hidden in time.”

Prophecies force a person to think about his future and act, but premature information can lead to the activation of dark forces (within the country or on a global scale) and interfere with the fulfillment of the Divine plan. This probably explains the heterogeneity of the prophecies.

Misinformation from God

We find confirmation of Roerich’s words in the Bible. The Old Testament describes a curious case of God using prophetic misinformation (3 Kings, chapter 22, 2 Chronicles, chapter 18). In biblical times, the king of Israel was a certain Ahab, known for his iniquities. He, together with the king of Judah Jehoshaphat, decided to start a war against Syria. “Then the king of Israel gathered four hundred prophets and said to them, “Shall we go to Ramoth-gilead to fight or hold back? They said: Go, and God will deliver him into the hand of the king.” And only one prophet, a celebrity of that time, a certain Micah, predicted defeat in the war and the death of Ahab himself. The ratio of votes was clearly not in Micah's favor - four hundred to one. Micah was put in prison, and the kings began a war. It ended in a crushing defeat and the death of Ahab himself.

The process of the emergence of misinformation is also described here: “...And the Lord said: who would persuade Ahab so that he would go and fall in Ramoth-gilead?.. And one spirit came out, stood before the face of the Lord, and said: I will bow him. And the Lord said to him: with what? He said, “I will go out and become a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.” The Lord said: you will bow him down and do this; go and do it."

The narrative shows three signs of targeted disinformation:

Misinformation is spread through numerous but minor prophets; celebrities are not involved;

Prophetic disinformation has a high degree of credibility and corresponds to the expected course of events;

Such prophecies appear almost simultaneously or over a short period of time.

In our time, among the celebrities we can count the biblical prophets (mainly from the New Testament), Vanga, Edgar Cayce, Nicholas Roerich, Seraphim of Sarov, monk Abel and St. Basil the Blessed. You can probably add two or three people to this list, but no more. All of them do not participate in the spread of misinformation, but directly or indirectly refute it or pass by in silence.

Disinformation of our time

A typical example of prophetic disinformation of our time is predictions about the coming war between China and Russia, which meet all three of its characteristics. This point is key, allowing you to see the cause-and-effect relationship of the events taking place. This war is predicted by 12 prophets at once: D. Brinkley, Nikolai Uralsky, Vladislav Shumov, schema-nun Makaria Artemyeva, schema-nun Nila, schema-archimandrite Seraphim, Anthony, Slavik (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov), elder schema-monk John, elder Vissarion, Osip Terelya, Gottfried von Werdenberg . Their prophecies are written as carbon copies. China will capture not part of the border territory, but the entirety of Siberia and the Far East. Chinese atrocities against the civilian population of Russia are described very emotionally. All these prophecies appeared in a short period of time (the last 60-70 years), something like this had not been observed before.

Slavik’s prediction (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, born in 1982, died at 11 years old from cancer): “Our country will be at war with China. First, Russia will make peace with America... When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, the Americans will be afraid of China at the last moment and will set it on us. The war will be such that somewhere there will be bloody battles, and somewhere they will take it without a single shot: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up as Chinese...”

Prediction of Blessed Nicholas of Ural (1905-1977): “Everyone here is afraid of the West, but we must be afraid of China... China will go to the southern lands. And the whole world will be silent. And no one will hear how the Orthodox will be exterminated. In the bitter cold, women, old people, and children will be driven out onto the streets, and Chinese soldiers will take up residence in warm houses. No one will be able to survive that terrible winter. Everyone will drink the same cup of death to the bottom... Chinese armies will march to the Caspian Sea. Millions of Chinese migrants will follow the Chinese soldiers, and no one will be able to stop them. The entire indigenous population will be conquered and doomed to extinction."

Dannion Brinkley, American seer (the prophetic gift appeared after clinical death in 1975): “...After numerous incidents in the Far East, a huge Chinese army will break through to Siberia. The Trans-Siberian Railway will be taken with heavy fighting. This will ensure China's victory and control over the oil regions of Siberia. I saw snow, lakes of oil and blood, thousands of corpses and empty burnt cities.”

The reality is that China is overpopulated and severely short of territory. Russian Siberia and the Far East are almost deserted. Therefore, the prophecies, which seemed very convincing, caused an appropriate reaction. Predictions about war began to multiply the independently circulating rumors that China was plundering our natural resources, secretly carrying out demographic expansion in the Russian Far East, and having accumulated power, would attack Russia with armed aggression. Just a year ago, our newspapers were full of alarming articles - “The Republic of China: from Sakhalin to the Urals”, “Strengthening the border with China”, “China cannot be offended”, “What is more dangerous for the Far East: flood or influx of Chinese?”, “Will it become our Far East to the Chinese? etc.

Many Western experts are convinced that a military conflict between Russia and China is inevitable.

Celebrities deny

However, life did not confirm the expectations of the war. In difficult times for Russia, China came to its aid. When voting in the UN Security Council on a resolution declaring the referendum in Crimea illegal (March 15, 2014), the two largest powers in Asia - China and India - abstained. Without China's support, Western sanctions against Russia largely became empty words, and our country made a sharp economic turn towards its Asian neighbor.

Like the story of Ahab, our 12 seers (all of them from the second echelon) are opposed by two celebrities - Edgar Cayce and Vanga, who predict something completely different: the future of Russia is not war, but close cooperation with China. Both countries have a great future.

Vanga: “Russia will still face many trials. Having passed through them, it will turn into the most powerful country... World spiritual primacy will belong to Russia. But Russia will not come to its ascent right away.” According to Vanga, Russia’s rise will begin with the rapprochement of the three countries: “China, India and Moscow will intersect.”

Wang: “The approaching 21st century will be a century of prosperity and great progress for the people of China. The vast majority of Chinese are characterized by high spirituality, reverence for elders, exceptional hard work, endurance, perseverance in overcoming difficulties, modesty, and the absence of such bad habits as addiction to drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking tobacco. Thanks to close cooperation with Russia, the People's Republic of China will develop successfully not only over the next two decades, but also further, throughout the 21st century.

Russia also benefits greatly from cooperation with China in all spheres of life. Chinese workers will help strengthen Russia’s position with their labor, especially in the Far East, where there is a catastrophic shortage of workers at Russian enterprises, while in China itself they are in great abundance.”

Edgar Cayce repeatedly mentions Siberia in his predictions, and always as part of Russia: “It is Russia that will lead the revived civilization of the Earth, and Siberia will become the center of the revival of the whole world. Through Russia, the hope of a lasting and just world will come to the rest of the world... It is in Russia that the true and great source of freedom will arise... It will be a completely different way of existence, based on a principle that will become the basis of a new philosophy.”

Purposes of disinformation

Usually in intelligence, disinformation is understood as the transmission to the enemy of false information of a political or military nature, forcing him to take actions that are dangerous or harmful to him, contrary to his interests. In our case, at least two such goals are visible. Firstly, to give China the opportunity and time to build up its muscles, and secondly, to push Russia, China and India towards rapprochement. And both goals have already been partially achieved.

It is very tempting for the West if two potential allies clash and bleed each other dry. The US probably took the bait. That is why there were no active actions on the part of America - neither in relation to China nor in relation to Russia. Why weaken one of the parties to a future military conflict? They themselves must bleed each other. But then everything went wrong. The West, realizing that the time to contain China had passed, began feverishly trying to correct the situation, making one mistake after another. The Maidan in Kyiv and the unrest in Hong Kong are very similar, many believe that they have the same author. The result is that Russia is in the center of Western attention, and China is once again in the shadows. American experts argue that the United States cannot be at enmity with Russia and China at the same time, this will push them towards rapprochement, but this is exactly what is happening.

Rivalry between two powers

The US strategic goal is to extend hegemony throughout the world, and it cannot allow a great power to emerge in Europe or Asia that could ever threaten its dominant position.

American strategists hoped to slow down or disrupt the peaceful rise of the PRC through a whole range of measures. This is the creation of a threat to blockade the ports of the Chinese coast and the narrow neck of the Strait of Malacca, establishing strict control over routes in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, along which about 80% of the Celestial Empire’s export and import goods and vital raw materials are transported. But things did not go further than demonstrating threats.

China has slowly but surely begun to win its rivalry with the United States, and time is on its side. On the one hand, the United States has an extremely efficient business - the production of world money, on the other hand, as a world hegemon, it incurs enormous expenses: Today, the Pentagon's military budget exceeds the total military expenditures of all other countries combined. Planting “democracy” around the world, financing color revolutions, participating in military conflicts is an unbearable burden even for such a powerful power as the United States.

On China's side is a huge population, the fantastic diligence of the Chinese and modest needs. According to the IMF, by the end of 2014, China's economy will become the largest in the world. In the future, given the volume of China's foreign trade, the yuan may well displace the dollar. Likewise, the dollar once replaced the British pound as a reserve currency.

China's military potential

At one time, China masterfully managed to convince the whole world that militarily it was a weak country, whose industry was capable of producing only third-rate consumer goods and cheap electronics, and was not capable of anything more serious. The USA and Russia willingly believed that they had huge superiority in nuclear weapons over China.

But in recent years, assessments of China's military potential have changed dramatically. Surprises began to appear one after another. Suddenly it became known that back in the 1980s, Chinese intelligence managed to obtain secret information regarding the design of the most advanced American nuclear warhead, the W-88, mounted on the Trident-2 SLBM, as well as a neutron bomb, which allowed China to make significant progress in development corresponding proprietary systems, saving over 10 years and hundreds of billions of dollars.

On May 12, 2008, a powerful earthquake occurred in China, in the Sichuan province. It was reported that the slopes of the mountains had collapsed, revealing huge areas of some destroyed concrete structures. This attracted the attention of Professor Philip Karber at Georgetown University (Washington, USA). He formed a group of students, and over the course of three years, an analysis was carried out of a huge amount of indirect information from open or semi-open sources (in intelligence jargon - “white” or “gray” material). Hundreds of documents from Chinese were translated, satellite images and restricted military documents were examined, and hundreds of gigabytes of information from open sources were analyzed. In particular, amateur photographs from China, documentaries, etc.

In 2011, they made a sensational statement called “The Strategic Consequences of China's Underground Great Wall.” It said China has a network of huge underground tunnels totaling 3,300 miles, through which ballistic missile tractors can move freely. It was claimed that China's armed forces have up to 3,000 nuclear warheads. America knew nothing about such a nuclear arsenal. The CIA was wrong in its estimate by at least 10 times.

The menacing roar of the Chinese dragon

The time has come for China to stop hiding its military power. In October 2013, influential Chinese newspapers and news agencies reported that the Chinese submarine fleet, equipped with nuclear weapons, is the second largest in the world after the United States. It includes about 70 submarines for various purposes. Four of them are capable of carrying JL-2 ballistic missiles (12 on each submarine), the flight range of which can reach 14,000 kilometers. A simultaneous salvo from one boat could kill between 5 and 12 million Americans.

It was reported that in the event of a large-scale military conflict, the cities of Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego would be destroyed. Other types of missiles launched. through the North Pole, will strike the cities of Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Portland, Baltimore and others.

Publications immediately appeared that Chinese scientists were the first in the world to begin creating a “supersonic” submarine. She will be able, leaving Shanghai, to cross the Pacific Ocean in two hours and reach San Francisco. The fantastic technology is based on the principle of supercavitation. A special device located in the bow of the submarine will blow a stream of air bubbles around the submarine. The Chinese, citing theoretical studies, believe that this will reduce water resistance and accelerate the ship to 5,800 km/h.

At the subconscious level

Is today's situation the result of prophetic misinformation? We can only speculate, because scientific research has not been conducted in this direction. Forecasting and modeling events centuries ahead is beyond the reach of humans. The scale is too large, too far into the future needs to be looked at, too many invisible factors need to be taken into account. But who knows, maybe another Mind can do this?

Quite a lot of facts are known from history when the most famous rulers of the world made responsible decisions based on the advice of the prophets. The influence of prophecies on the political decisions of our time is blurred. This is a topic that people prefer to avoid. Well, like, it’s somehow frivolous, not scientific. However, prophecies are deposited in a person’s subconscious. When solving key issues, he always starts from them, although he perceives his decisions as the result of his own thinking.

What awaits us in the coming years? If you believe the prophets, then the time until 2017 will be relatively calm, and then life will begin to boil, and not only in Russia. A series of events will occur that will cleanse our country of corruption and other filth. Moreover, any future shocks will only benefit Russia. It's predetermined.

Sergey Genievsky

Counterintelligence is a special body created to protect the country from penetration by foreign intelligence agents and to suppress their subversive work. By exposing spies and preventing sabotage, she protects the fatherland. In the system of the former KGB of the USSR, there were several counterintelligence units that specialized in combating subversive actions of foreign intelligence services in the most important areas of the country's life support. The Sixth Directorate dealt with economic security (protection of technological secrets and strategic objects). The Fifth Directorate solved problems in specific areas of combating the actions of “psychological warfare” against the USSR, which was directed by the US CIA. The Fourth Directorate protected the country's transportation systems. The Third Main Directorate (military counterintelligence) exercised control over military intelligence officers of foreign states. The main counterintelligence body was the Second Main Directorate - the VGU KGB of the USSR. It was engaged in monitoring embassy and other foreign intelligence residencies that were located on the territory of our country under diplomatic covers (under the “roof of diplomats”) or operating illegally, and suppressing their activities.

Soviet counterintelligence officers, possessing a wealth of their own experience, skillfully used the experience of their predecessors. After all, a special counterintelligence body, the “Intelligence Department of the General Staff,” which was tasked with fighting foreign spies, was created in Russia back in 1903.

After the October Revolution, the interests of protecting the new government demanded. the creation of a regular workers' and peasants' army for the defense of the country and a special body to identify and suppress the secret subversive actions of hostile forces, as well as the armed suppression of their open actions. And on December 7 (20), 1917, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on the formation of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission to Combat Counter-Revolution and Sabotage - abbreviated as the Cheka.

Almost eighty years have passed since then, but passions around the Cheka still do not subside. Some idealize it, see in it a symbol of the moral purity of the revolution, irreconcilability towards enemies, vigilance and selflessness. Others, on the contrary, focus only on the negative aspects of its activities, trying to mechanically transfer the social and legal ideas of our days to the phenomena of those years that took place in the specific atmosphere of the civil war. Still others seek to trace the continuity between the organs of the Cheka and the repressive apparatus of the period of Stalin’s personality cult.

I do not set myself the task of giving a true, real assessment of the activities of the Cheka, avoiding idealization and exposing slander and outright falsification. I am concerned about a completely different problem, consonant with the modern period of Russian history, when, in the words of a famous song from pre-war times, there is a thunderstorm in the air again - the thunderstorm of a new civil war. And in this regard, it is very important to recall how and with whose assistance civil wars arise .

The civil war in Russia, during which the formation of the Cheka began, was imposed on the people not only by internal counter-revolution, but also by the hostile activities of foreign states. Moreover, foreign intelligence services played a special role in this “process”. The consequences of that war were severe - industry and agriculture were destroyed, 8 million people died on the battlefield, from typhus and hunger. But modern civil wars are even more severe and dangerous in their consequences.

Meanwhile, history clearly proves that even today compatriots fighting among themselves, as a rule, rely on the support of external forces. This makes civil wars protracted, often hopeless, and a dead end. But this is precisely the main goal of the secret intelligence and subversive activities of foreign intelligence services serving the strategic interests of their states - to completely wear out internecine strife, to bleed any country in order to facilitate its political and economic enslavement.

In addition, a modern civil war creates a threat of drawing neighboring states into the conflict, and in extreme cases can even lead to the outbreak of a nuclear war with its disastrous consequences for all humanity.

A typical example of such a civil war is the intra-ethnic conflict using the religious factor that unfolded in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of Soviet troops from that country. As you know, after this, Taliban combat detachments with a total number of 56 thousand bayonets suddenly “showed up” in Afghanistan, which gave the civil strife a particularly fierce character.

Taliban units are well motorized and even on the mountain roads of Afghanistan they are able to confidently march up to 80-100 kilometers a day. They consist mainly of followers of the Sunni branch of Islam. The detachments include an infantry division and special forces units of Pakistan. In addition, all units, starting from the platoon, have Pakistani instructors and mercenaries. Kandahar became the main military base of the Taliban movement in Afghanistan, and rear bases and training centers are concentrated in Pakistan - in the cities of Peshawar and Quetta. Camps for Afghan refugees and training schools for dushmans are also used for combat training.

It is fundamentally important to note that agents and personnel of the US CIA have been introduced into the leadership of the Taliban movement. The movement receives financial and material support from the Pakistani government and the CIA. The Americans behind Pakistan are pursuing several goals. The main ones are to bring “obedient” people to power in Afghanistan, to promote the expansion of Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia, primarily in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. It is no coincidence that the Taliban have already declared that their interests extend to the whole of Tajikistan and such religious centers as Bukhara and Samarkand. Moreover, they do not hide the fact that they need Caspian oil and gas, Navoi gold, rare metals and opium of Tajikistan. In practice, they consider the entire Central and Central Asia as a zone of their interests and do not exclude their achievement with the help of military force, by advancing their troops deep into the territory of the CIS right up to the Volga, Ural and Altai. The ongoing civil war in Afghanistan, as is most often the case, was not without the intervention of foreign states and threatens to destabilize neighboring countries. Some even say that in the Taliban, raised on foreign military aid, Eurasia may see the ominous shadow of Tamerlane...

I gave this example, illustrating the secret springs of the emergence of civil wars, so that some features of Russian history in recent years become more clearly visible. In particular, today it is already clear that in August 91 and October 93 we were dealing with attempts to push our fellow citizens, who were on opposite sides of the barricades, into civil war. II the instigators of these attempts were both “internal” and “external”. These kinds of attempts have not stopped; they are being undertaken again and again in various regions of Russia. This means that the threat to the security of our country has not been prevented. That is why the history of the Cheka and its successors is topical today not only in a negative sense - so that tragic violations of the law are not repeated - but also in terms of the vast experience that the state security agencies have accumulated in ensuring the internal stability of the country and resisting external attempts to bring us a destructive virus civil war.

The Cheka was the first historical form of existence of Soviet state security agencies. And from the very first days of her activity, it became clear that she would have to fight on two fronts at once: with the internal counter-revolution and the agents of foreign intelligence services. It is no coincidence that the eighth point of the decree adopted by the Council of People's Commissars on February 8, 1918, “The Socialist Fatherland is in Danger!” listed the objects of the operational activities of the Cheka in their indissoluble internal and external “unity”: “... enemy agents, spies, speculators, thugs...” And although today the terminology of such misfortunes has changed significantly, it is not difficult to discern a very dangerous similarity with those alarming days: law enforcement and state security agencies we have to confront both an external threat and corruption and organized crime, which have replaced speculation and primitive banditry.

The history of the Cheka has many bright, valiant pages, reflecting the uncompromising struggle of its employees and volunteer assistants against spies, against banditry and terror. I have already talked about some operations in the previous chapter. No less rich in such examples is the military history of, as it is now fashionable to say, the “legal successors” of the Cheka - the OGPU, the NKVD, the KGB, the FSB of the Russian Federation. The main areas of their work have always been monitoring the residencies of foreign intelligence services that recruit and manage agents, as well as identifying and exposing such agents. In essence, this is counterintelligence; it would be more correct to say “pure” or “classical” counterintelligence.


The distinctive feature of Russian counterintelligence has always been its offensiveness - the ability to conduct so-called operational games in order to solve the most important professional tasks: penetrating directly into the structures of foreign intelligence services to clarify their intelligence plans and intentions against our country. In addition, another set of important tasks can be solved in this way - obtaining the latest samples of spy paraphernalia (radio stations, ciphers, technical means of data collection, etc.), which makes it possible to purposefully, based on the technical characteristics of these samples, search for foreign agents equipped with them.

In parallel to this, the task is set to clarify all sorts of conventions and signals with the help of which an exposed or suspected spy should warn the intelligence service for which he works that his actions are controlled by counterintelligence. In this case, intelligence begins to wage its own “countergame.” The term “operational game” itself appeared during the Great Patriotic War. However, it is known from history that the aggressiveness of the Soviet state security agencies manifested itself already in the first years of their existence; - perhaps one of the most striking examples of this is the “game” that made it possible to lure the famous terrorist Savenkov into the territory of the USSR and arrest him.

In this regard, we recall such “primitive” conventions, known from films, as the absence of a period in a letter, etc. However, in reality, conditional alerts were improved. Let’s say that the signal that an agent was captured was an orthographically correct letter to the intelligence center. If the agent worked independently, then in one of the first five words he had to omit a vowel. If counterintelligence, while monitoring the agent, corrects the “slip”, then the operational game will fail.

Or here's another symbol. On the radio, one of the American intelligence residents in Latvia received a coded message: “Tell me what you know about the entry of two Soviet submarines of the latest design into the Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea. Purposes of arrival and further destination."

Nowadays, intelligence has at its disposal special code pads, microcomputers, as well as more sophisticated devices that are extremely difficult to detect. The history of current Russian counterintelligence services and operational units is no less rich in examples when the most sophisticated tricks to distract attention, lull vigilance and deceive end in the failure of foreign agents. Counterintelligence officers constantly study the combat experience, techniques and methods of work of their comrades-in-arms, and improve them taking into account the changing situation and new equipment. Let's turn to the facts and documents.

The 1980s were turning points for the Soviet Union. It was during that period that the Second Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR uncovered and exposed about 30 espionage operations of American intelligence services, as well as 3 West German and 2 French.

Current enemies accuse the KGB of almost a conspiracy, which led to events that became the detonator of the destruction of the Soviet Union, and then grew into a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. Yes, today such a threat really exists and is embodied in attempts to dismember our country into a disjointed system of helpless state entities, dependent in all respects on the West, and primarily on the United States. However, in reality, the question is completely different: if it were not for the active counterintelligence activities of our state security agencies, then events in Russia, inspired from the outside, would have long ago taken on a catastrophic character. This is evidenced by the above figures exposing agents of Western intelligence services.

The American intelligence community in its entire history has not suffered as many losses as during the eighties (or rather, in just 5-6 years). Moreover, especially protected, carefully concealed and highly paid agents stationed in the most important areas of intelligence and subversive activities were exposed. In particular, American agents were identified and then exposed not just anywhere, but in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the Institute of the USA and Canada of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in the USSR Ministry of Defense, in the Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry and other vital departments and organizations of the country.

To this should be added the following. During the same period, the activities of at least two dozen American career intelligence officers were paralyzed, who had to leave our country with a scandal in anticipation of an official showdown in the CIA. These revelations of the Moscow CIA agents more than once served as the reason for high-profile investigations directly in the United States and “high” showdowns between the State Department and the CIA, which ended in the resignations of classy, ​​professional American intelligence officers. I would also like to add that no less sensitive blows were dealt to West German and French intelligence services, which operated in the USSR in close contact with the American one and even with coordination from the US CIA. In particular, one of the exposed German agents was getting close to our space secrets, and a French agent was trying to penetrate the secrets of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, in other words, the secrets of our foreign intelligence. In this regard, it is not without interest to cite data from Peter Schweitzer’s book “Victory” (JV “Avest”, 1995), in which the author, speaking about the secret strategy of US President R. Reagan, aimed at the collapse of the USSR, touched on the topic of the failures of the CIA in our country. Schweitzer's assessment of the KGB's counterintelligence activities to suppress the secret intelligence operations of the Central Intelligence Agency is very interesting.

“When April 1984 arrived,” he notes, “there was no doubt that something was wrong. Moscow springs began to dry up. Successful informants were arrested. Many connections were lost. CIA officers working at the embassy were tracked down and exposed. In addition, the technical devices that had been operating successfully until now fell silent. Electronic eavesdropping has been disabled."

Due to the specifics of my former profession, I do not have the right to disclose secret details of certain counterintelligence operations - even if the materials about them are already in the archives. This is due to a number of good reasons. Firstly, premature disclosure of operational data can harm specific participants in those events, and many of them continue to actively work for the benefit of Russian state security. Secondly, a description of the methods by which a positive result was achieved will make it easier for a potential adversary to search for new methods of undercover activity. Therefore, in a number of cases, I considered it necessary to use data from the country, which is reported, so to speak, by the opposite side, in other words, we are talking about American sources. And in this regard, another book published in the USA is of considerable interest, a book with a very characteristic title - “Moscow Residency,” written by Ronald Kessler.

The book, in particular, talks about the recruitment by Soviet counterintelligence of a Marine sergeant named Clayton Lonetree, who served as a security guard at the American Embassy building in Moscow. Kessler called this action a true triumph for the KGB, which during the operation managed to penetrate the secret embassy, ​​the so-called Communications Program Block, called the “pearl of the CIA.”

Lonetree was arrested by the Americans in January 1987 and sentenced to 25 years in prison. And the “pearl of the CIA” was dismantled into pieces and delivered in 120 containers to the United States, where it was discovered that the KGB not only penetrated the Communication Programs Unit, but also thoroughly worked in it, turning it, in essence, into one giant listening device.

The American press also reported on other major spy scandals, which means major successes for the KGB. For example, about the work for Moscow of a high-ranking CIA officer Ames, the head of the CIA field school “Camp Peary” in Virginia Nicholson, FBI employee Pitts, NSA (National Security Agency) employee Lipka. Investigations into these cases conducted in America yielded stunning results. Thus, Ames, during his work for the KGB, systematically transmitted information about the activities of the intelligence services of NATO countries to the USSR, and then to Russia. He also gave us information on 15 CIA agents who were Soviet citizens. Nicholson provided our intelligence with the names of CIA agents who trained at Camp Peary. Lipka reported on weekly and daily NSA reports.

In general, facts, as they say, are stubborn things. The KGB was very active in opposing Western intelligence agencies. Only a noticeable weakening of the role of the Soviet state security agencies, which occurred through the fault of the country's top leaders during the years of so-called perestroika, allowed foreign intelligence services to intensify their activities on the territory of the USSR.

Our counterintelligence managed to very carefully and scrupulously systematize the methods and methods of work of foreign intelligence services on the territory of the USSR and then Russia. We were well aware that encrypted intelligence messages, hiding places, cleverly made containers, magnetic bookmarks and other camouflages were the surest sign that their owner was either an intelligence officer or an agent of such an intelligence officer. In court proceedings they serve as material evidence of criminal acts. Therefore, at the first real threat of failure, the “owners” recommended that the owner of the “material evidence” destroy them.

In the post-war period, when the “Iron Curtain” fell between the East and the West, American intelligence actively used the postal channel to transmit intelligence messages, through which letters of supposedly everyday content, filled with secret writing between the lines, were sent to dummy, intelligence-controlled addresses in the United States and other countries . The secret writing formula and ciphers changed periodically. It was only necessary to reliably camouflage the means of secret writing and carefully hide the code pads.

In the investigative files of exposed agents, you can read about a wide variety of camouflages. There was special paper for writing text. Secret writing remedies were camouflaged as pills for headaches, could be built into the lead of a pencil, or sewn into the tip of a tie. One music lover had secret writing tools on the inside of a music record sleeve. It should be noted that Russian counterintelligence quite easily learned to find and read secretly written intelligence reports.

The growth in the volume of materials obtained by intelligence officers was such that CIA specialists had to start selecting and preparing caches and containers of relatively large sizes: they were camouflaged as junk items - cobblestones, crumpled milk cartons, bricks, charred tree roots, etc. It was inserted inside a hollow glass into which either photocopies of materials and photographic film were placed, or money to pay for them. Counterintelligence officers once drew attention to a suspicious citizen who was taking curled banknotes from such a glass, putting them in a book and, apparently, holding it under him on the car seat to smooth it out. The counterintelligence feature turned out to be very useful - thanks to it, a number of more American agents were identified...

Cobblestones deliberately smeared with some nasty thing, crumpled milk cartons stained with something (so that a stranger would not pick them up) - these are by no means detective fantasies, but the latest spy inventions of foreign intelligence services for communicating with agents from among Russian citizens recruited and, accordingly, trained during their temporary stay abroad. In the security hall of the Academy of the FSB of the Russian Federation there are many similar exhibits - behind them is the painstaking work and high professionalism of the counterintelligence units of the State Security.

Given the high vigilance of our counterintelligence officers, foreign intelligence services constantly updated their arsenal of technical techniques. For example, the US CIA four times changed the camouflages of the contactless communication means of its intelligence agent and his agent O., who was recruited by American intelligence according to the standard scheme during his work as the second secretary of the USSR Embassy in Colombia. The history of this recruitment is instructive.

At first, CIA agents made video recordings of intimate meetings between O. and the wife of one of the employees of the Soviet trade mission, which took place in a Bogota hotel. Then, in the same hotel, our diplomat was “set up” by a beautiful woman, who was in fact an experienced CIA agent and who was brought to Colombia from Spain specifically for the operation. Their dates were also videotaped. Then, blackmailing O. with “love” materials, the Americans persuaded him to cooperate.

Returning to the USSR, O., on instructions from his overseas masters, got a job in the Foreign Policy Planning Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He willingly worked at night and often replaced other employees on weekends, taking pictures of encrypted correspondence that came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a miniature camera. He gave particular preference to telegrams from the United States, reports from the then Soviet ambassador in Washington. And O. transferred the captured microfilms to the CIA station in Moscow through the already mentioned so-called “junk” items - “cobblestones,” a charred “root” of a tree, a crumpled “package” of milk, and so on. Small containers with film were mounted in these camouflages.

But the vigilance of our counterintelligence officers was at its best. Agent O. did not work for the Americans for long - he was exposed by the KGB, and one of the American intelligence officers, who tried to pick up the “cobblestone” thrown by O. with another container, was caught red-handed. The success of the operation was ensured by the combined efforts of many state security services; dozens of employees from different structural divisions of the KGB were involved in the operation. The coherence and clear interaction of the various KGB departments allowed our counterintelligence agents to successfully counter the subversive activities of the American intelligence services in other areas.


In the 80s, despite the losses, the scale and main directions of US reconnaissance and subversive activities against the USSR increased. I deliberately speak about the US state, and not just its intelligence services, because the collapse of our country was the main goal of American public policy. And many American citizens, wittingly or unwittingly, were involved in efforts to achieve this goal. Facts irrefutably indicate that during the Cold War, the US CIA not only introduced innovations in the technical means of undercover communications, but also, with the sanction of the government, began to widely involve American citizens from different strata and categories of society in intelligence and subversive activities against the Soviet Union, and especially journalists.

There are concrete facts confirming this.

Fact one. In April 1980, CIA Director Admiral S. Turner spoke at the convention of the American Society of Newspaper Editors. He was asked pointed questions about the immorality of the CIA using journalists in intelligence operations. The admiral answered without blinking an eye: he could not promise that the CIA would never use journalists for its own purposes in the future.

Fact two. A few days later, US President John Carter, at a briefing for editors of provincial newspapers, confirmed Turner's position. And he, relying on the support of the president, again said: “Journalists must overcome their recognized independence and serve the government if the president and the chairman of the congressional committee that oversees the CIA support its director. Patriotism requires performing secret missions.”

Fact three . The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator W. Huddlestone, added on this occasion: “In the original version of the law establishing the CIA charter, the agency was prohibited from hiring journalists, priests and scientists to carry out secret assignments ... At the personal request of the president, this prohibition was eliminated.”

The KGB was well aware of this “discussion” on the use of journalistic cover and the journalists themselves in the interests of intelligence. Therefore, state security workers had to intensify their efforts in this direction. The results were not long in coming. Soon the CIA received a sensitive blow in a very secret and sensitive area of ​​​​its intelligence activities. This blow, inflicted by the USSR State Security Committee, backfired in the United States and around the world as a loud scandal. For he was associated with the name of a famous American journalist.

The KGB received convincing evidence that an American citizen, a correspondent for the famous US News and World Report magazine, Nicholas Daniloff, who was in the USSR from 1981 to 1986, using journalistic cover, was actively collecting intelligence information. During his journalistic trips around the country, he tried to obtain information about the military training and mobilization readiness of conscripts, photographed radio relay lines and antenna fields of the Ministry of Communications, selected places convenient for conducting secret operations in communication with agents, and checked the possibility of receiving Western radio transmissions in specific areas countries.

Daniloff’s attempts to obtain information about the latest types of Soviet weapons, the production profile of high-security factories, and the location of radioactive waste disposal sites were also documented. He maintained contacts with a number of Soviet citizens, whom he used to obtain necessary and by no means journalistic information. At the same time, he acted very assertively, directly expressing his desire to “buy” classified information on issues that interested him. Daniloff was convicted by a Soviet court for espionage. But then, showing goodwill, the competent authorities expelled him from the country, barring entry into the USSR.

US officials initially tried to disavow Soviet counterintelligence data about the espionage activities of this journalist. But then, under the pressure of irrefutable facts, they fell silent, giving Daniloff “to be devoured” by his fellow members of the press. And they, these brothers, quickly turned Daniloff into a “scapegoat”, into the culprit of a noisy espionage scandal.

By the way, before the embarrassment with Daniloff, the CIA messed up with two more correspondents accredited in Moscow - G. Smith (New York Times) and R. Kaiser (Washington Lost), who specialized in searching for and exporting from the USSR underground literature used then in various kinds of noisy anti-Soviet campaigns. In the end, they were caught red-handed, as they say, and were forced to leave our country.


There are many more examples of how the CIA uses its citizens to carry out special missions. But something else is important. At the end of the 70s, counterintelligence officers from the KGB managed to unravel the biggest secret of the US CIA, which was that this agency carefully prepared and in the 80s began implementing a special program of so-called deep covers.

Based on materials from the KGB of the USSR, it is known that its author was the former deputy director of the CIA, Bissell, who also developed the concept of a “double agent network.” Under this concept, it was assumed that the CIA would use its most valuable and reliable foreign agents working outside the United States for intelligence purposes. But at the same time, the US intelligence services also planned to create a network of “illegal residents” for tasks of a “sensitive nature,” especially where deciphering intelligence officers under official cover is extremely undesirable.

By this time, the United States had prepared for launch “in production” a super-secret political program, which set as its main goal to undermine the Soviet economy, using for this purpose its certain dependence on Western technologies. The program was a set of activities that included altered or fabricated technical information in the civilian and military sectors. When transferring such “delicate” information to Soviet specialists, a special kind of intermediary was required, under deep cover.

One of the participants in that program later recalled: “In principle, it was about delivering false or partially false data and information to the Soviets, which would force them to make incorrect technological decisions. In short, bring complete chaos and disorder into the Soviet economy)).

Well aware of the particular danger for the country of this new method of intelligence and subversive activities of the US CIA, our counterintelligence took the necessary measures to strengthen its work in this area. As a result, specific operational data was obtained that made it possible to form a clear picture of the CIA's plans for using a new type of agent.

Later, this category of agents received legal registration and the name “professional agents,” who were equated to personnel, although they were not included in the CIA staff. At the same time, agents from among American citizens began to be involved in this work. Occupying an intermediate position between personnel and agents, many of them were transferred to the category of intelligence personnel, although they worked in private or mixed firms.

Around the same time, the CIA began to develop a cadre of intelligence officers operating under commercial cover abroad. In special intelligence schools, their professional training was carried out with the aim of using a group system of organizing work, which was called the Deep Cover Group.

The essence of this principle is this. Several career intelligence officers, under the cover of mixed companies, are united in groups of 4–5 people. They do not open up to each other, although they know that they are operating in a foreign country as part of a group. Members of the group do not maintain any contacts with the embassy station, but confine themselves only to their leader, who reports to the resident or the station officer assigned for this purpose. Members of the Deep Cover Team are used to carry out individual elements of the reconnaissance mission, which is fully known only to the leader.

To ensure reliable deep encryption of its employees, the CIA has developed a clear system of interaction with many American corporations and firms. However, using the largest American companies as a “protection”, the CIA had to face such a serious problem as the forced deciphering of the intelligence officer in front of a large circle of people from the administration of the companies to which the CIA was forced to turn for assistance. As a result, facts about the CIA's participation in financial matters often began to be disclosed.

In this regard, American intelligence began to give preference to the use of industrial associations, mixed firms, chambers of commerce, advisory commissions, contracting organizations and intermediary firms as a “protection”, as well as the creation of their own legendary private enterprises with the share participation of the CIA and the intelligence officer of the Deep Cover Group . These are small consulting, advertising, legal and other types of firms with a minimum number of employees (3–5 full-time positions), in which the intelligence officer holds the position of manager, vice president, commercial director, consultant, advertising agent, sales representative, etc. Legally such organizations may be officially registered under the laws of the host country as mixed companies or single-owner private firms, but may also simply be fictitious organizations financed by the CIA through a front man.

The following example can be given in this regard. In the 80s, the counterintelligence units of the KGB, as a result of operationally complex measures, managed to reach several American intelligence officers from the “deep cover” echelon. One of them, a Pole by origin, after finishing his studies in the United States, stayed there to live and subsequently received American citizenship and started a family.

And in Russia he appeared as a representative of Italian financial circles together with his “wife” - an Italian who was also his translator. He knew the Russian language quite well, but hid it during “business” negotiations with Russian partners. He showed his main interest in joint ventures (joint ventures) related to the conversion of defense plants... How he “showed up” to the KGB, let him remain a professional secret for now. But our counterintelligence officers had no doubts about his belonging to American intelligence.

At the beginning of 1984, we received information that in Langley, where the headquarters of the CIA is located, the director of the agency, W. Casey, held a special meeting with the most distinguished intelligence officers from the Deep Cover Groups, setting new tasks for them. Taking this into account, the KGB of the USSR was forced to create a new direction in its structure - to counter the subversive efforts of the US CIA, carried out by the method of deep cover.

By the way, it is interesting that at the above-mentioned meeting in Langley, W. Casey, having thanked his employees for their service and wished them further success, concluded his speech with a categorical statement: “I give you my personal word that this will remain between us.”

However, Casey's statement was, to put it mildly, reckless. His report soon ended up in Moscow and was carefully studied by Soviet counterintelligence. In particular, it became known from it that, as a rule, businessmen are involved in deep cover work. Those who agreed to cooperate with the CIA received pseudonyms and underwent appropriate training. Seminars on intelligence issues were held for small groups of "listeners" in CIA departments, and were usually addressed by Casey himself. Almost two hundred of the largest American enterprises not only shared information with the CIA, but also served as cover for its agents. Moreover, by 1984, the number of “listeners” who had completed a special course at Langley exceeded two hundred people.

From the report of the CIA director, the form of work with businessmen, who essentially became CIA employees, also became known. All of them, upon returning from the USSR, called a special telephone number to the CIA, and also wrote reports and reports. After that, a courier came to them, the report was sealed in a special envelope and delivered to the “National Collection Department”. Particularly important information then went to the National Security Council, and sometimes even landed on the president’s desk.

According to the data that the KGB managed to obtain, the total number of CIA employees under “deep cover” at that time was already about 3 thousand people. Approximately 99 percent of them used unofficial covers, that is, they worked under the guise of employees of various commercial companies, entrepreneurs, employees of charitable societies, international and religious organizations, were students, and so on.

What did the American intelligence officers from the Deep Cover Group do? From the operational materials at the disposal of Soviet counterintelligence, it was clear that the tasks assigned to them turned out to be much broader than originally expected. The two most important goals assigned to them were clearly visible.

First: collect large-scale proactive intelligence, or “indicator” information about the host country. The basis of “indicator” intelligence is the mass nature of its agent positions in any probable theater of action and the close linkage of agent intelligence with the technical intelligence system. “Indicator” information is basic for the implementation of the second fundamental goal. It consists in the fact that intelligence, by assessing the data obtained, predicts the development of the situation and develops proposals for the formation of a policy of comprehensive influence (influence) in the strategic interests of the United States on internal political events in the host country. This is where the famous term “agency of influence” comes from.

As a priority area of ​​activity for the future, the Group is tasked with meeting the needs of the intelligence community for intelligence penetration into leading government agencies, among political leaders, representative and other bodies. That is, we are talking about “growing”, about promoting our agents of influence into power structures.

Influence on the President of another country, on its state institutions? Is this really possible? According to American experts, this is not only possible, but it is the cheapest and most effective way to ensure national security policy. The President can be influenced in three ways. Firstly, through meetings at the highest levels. Secondly, through his team, into which agents of influence must be introduced. Thirdly, indirectly, by organizing propaganda campaigns in the media praising those actions of the president that are beneficial to the United States.

This is not about speculation. All that has been said is the instructional developments of the US CIA ideologists, this is a program of specific actions aimed at ensuring American interests and, accordingly, at infringing the interests of other countries. If through the prism of these data about the Deep Cover Program, it is essentially being talked about in our press for the first time! - look at some of the events of the late eighties - early nineties, then many things will look in a different light than it seemed then. One can recall the closed one-on-one meeting between Gorbachev and Bush in the captain’s cabin of an American warship - and Bush was once the director of the CIA, a most experienced intelligence officer! We can also recall some individuals who made rapid careers during the years of perestroika, turning out to be Gorbachev’s main mentors. Finally, how can one not recall the noisy newspaper campaigns in the “dempress”, which deliberately influenced Gorbachev. A huge amount of work was going on in those years in all areas of influence on the leader of our country. Its results are known...

No, it’s not without reason that American and Western political scientists developed the theory and technology of so-called “social engineering.” One of its theorists, Karl Popper, argued: “We can influence history or change it to suit our purposes.” And, alas, our country had to verify in practice the truth of these words...

The following is also characteristic. In formulating their goals, American intelligence analysts emphasized that US policy towards Russia cannot depend on a specific political leader or group of leaders. It completely depends only on American strategic interests. Therefore, the United States will seek such fundamental negative changes in post-Soviet institutions and the practical activities of power that could only be corrected at the cost of huge economic losses...

The USSR KGB Board promptly assessed the danger of a new type of intelligence and subversive activity of the US CIA and some other foreign intelligence services using the deep cover method. A special meeting was held on this issue in 1985 with the invitation of heads of other interested departments of the country. It developed specific measures to strengthen counteraction to Western intelligence services in this area of ​​their intelligence aspirations. And the operational staff of the KGB bodies and troops were sent the relevant directive documents: orders and instructions, service reviews with generalized material on this problem.

It is with deep bitterness that we have to state that after the events of August 1991, the new leadership of the KGB canceled all these directive documents as not corresponding to the prevailing situation in the country. After all, in the eyes of these short-sighted leaders, the United States at that time acquired the image of a good Uncle Sam and an “ally” in perestroika. A wide field of activity opened up for intelligence businessmen to implement secret plans aimed at the destruction of Russia.

Fortunately, those days of complete loss of vigilance are already a thing of the past. The new Russian state security agencies are well aware that the huge army of the US CIA is active throughout the world. Intelligence officers with the rank of ambassadors, secretaries, attaches, advisers, bankers, and entrepreneurs each work in their own area. However, the actions of all the “secret front fighters” clearly fit into the overall plan and are subordinate to a single strategy - to clear the way for the “new world order.”

The US Central Intelligence Agency is often called a “state within a state.” The United States as a whole is judged by the CIA's activities. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the scope of activity of this most powerful intelligence organization in the world. It is impossible to understand the modern world without taking into account the specifics of intelligence services in general, and in particular the US CIA, because its activities leave their mark on the entire world history. This is by no means an exaggeration. This is evidenced primarily by the “psychological” doctrines of the American intelligence agency, as well as the “psychological wars” unleashed by it.


For obvious reasons, I do not mention O.’s full surname, as well as the surnames of the agents in other examples, so as not to cast a shadow on their relatives.

Note to the Teapot


The Ozone carburetor has more than a dozen springs. The operation of the motor significantly depends on the parameters of some of them (length, rigidity).

Anatoly SUKHOV


Many people are familiar with the “third try start syndrome”: the engine starts at half a turn, but immediately stalls. The next time the starter is turned on, the picture repeats. In severe frost, the engine sometimes starts to work stably only on the third or fourth attempt. In warm weather, you can start the engine on the second or even the first attempt, but with a strong “failure” immediately after starting. Most owners of carburetor cars consider this almost the norm. Flushing the carburetor and carefully adjusting the starting gaps “according to the book”, as a rule, does not get rid of such a misfortune. They usually use a well-known technique: before starting a cold engine, press the gas pedal several times, while the accelerator pump injects an additional portion of gasoline into the intake manifold. Helps.

Why does the engine suddenly stall, grabbing at a half-turn?

The lower the temperature, the less gasoline evaporates and the less vapor there is in the cylinders, near the spark plugs. If the mixture is too lean (that is, it contains almost clean air), then it is difficult to set it on fire with a torch - let alone with a spark. Therefore, the carburetor was equipped with a special device that allows, during startup, to change the ratio of air and gasoline in favor of the latter - to slightly enrich the mixture. Over-enriched, with an acute deficiency of air, it ignites poorly or does not ignite at all. If the starting device operates correctly, the mixture near the electrodes of the spark plugs is of optimal composition.

The Zhiguli uses a starting device with an air damper. When it is closed, the vacuum sharply increases in the diffusers of the primary chamber and the channels of the idle system (relative to the float chamber) - and additional gasoline is sucked in here. A few crankshaft revolutions are enough to obtain an acceptable mixture composition (the engine makes its first bursts). But if you leave the damper closed, the mixture, as they say, will become over-rich - and will again stop igniting. Keeping its composition within acceptable limits is the task of the simplest automatic machine (Fig. 1), in which the flap is slightly opened by the diaphragm of the starting device, controlled by the vacuum in the intake manifold.

The maximum opening value of the air damper with the starting device is indicated in the reference literature and is about 5 mm, depending on the carburetor model. It is this gap that ensures the correct composition of the mixture when the engine warms up. However, a cold motor and a motor that has been running for at least a few seconds are “two big differences.” In the first case, more gasoline must be supplied. If, when the air damper is opened all the way, the mixture becomes very lean, the engine will stall. Feedback is necessary: ​​as soon as the engine begins to stop (revolutions drop), the air damper must close, enriching the mixture; the revs rose - the damper opened slightly again. The starting device is quite capable of this task - after all, the vacuum in the intake manifold depends on the engine speed. So what is stopping it from working correctly?

By slightly opening the air damper, the trigger overcomes the resistance of the spring 3 of the telescopic rod 1 and the spring 13 of the diaphragm. The moment of opening of the damper depends on the stiffness of these springs. For a confident start in any weather, the air damper must open completely at 1200–1500 rpm and fully close below 400–500 rpm, and be partially open in the range of 500–1200 rpm. But imagine that the telescopic rod spring has “lost” over the years of use, its rigidity has decreased. Now it is easier for the starting device to open the air damper - it will open at a lower vacuum and at the same time remain excessively open when the speed drops. In the “limit” case, the damper will open even at starter speeds due to the vacuum in the carburetor diffusers. This is facilitated by the position of its axis - offset from the center (see Fig. 1). The result is a poor, even non-flammable, starting mixture.

It is not difficult to make sure that the spring stiffness of the telescopic rod is sufficient. Disconnect the starter from the carburetor (don't lose the rubber O-ring!), plug the hole in the carburetor body and try starting a cold engine. The air damper should remain closed, and the engine should stall after an instant “catch.” It is better to monitor the damper with the air filter cover removed (do not bring your face closer, there may be a flash in the carburetor!), but you can also observe the rotation of its axis without touching the cover. If the air damper opens slightly when the starter is removed, then the telescopic rod spring is too soft and it (the spring or rod) must be replaced. The fact that the engine stalls as soon as it starts indirectly indicates this malfunction.

If the spring is too stiff, it will also make starting difficult. Having connected the starting device, make sure that when the engine speed exceeds 1500 per minute, the air damper opens to the required amount; at lower speeds it can partially close (the suction is fully extended!). If a working diaphragm does not have enough strength to open the damper, choose a softer spring. In general, the diaphragm mechanism itself may be faulty, which should be checked: is the diaphragm intact, is the joint sealed?

By correctly selecting the stiffness of the telescopic rod spring, it is possible to completely eliminate the “third attempt starting syndrome”: even in cold weather, the motor starts with a half turn, prolonging the life of the battery.

A few words about telescopic rods. Along with the usual design (photo 1a), rods without a protective casing have been produced for many years (photo 1b). The latter never jam, which cannot be said about their predecessors - the slightest distortion or dirt in the “telescope” leads to failure. In addition, to replace the spring, such a rod has to be disassembled, and then its end must be flattened again and, after several such attempts, thrown away. It is easy to remove the spring from the “open” rod by simply screwing it through the rod and returning it to its place (photo 2). When purchasing, choose a stiffer rod - the springs can always be shortened a little, especially since in practice they often turn out to be too soft.

Don’t forget about the diaphragm spring, which works in conjunction with the telescopic rod spring. When free, it should not be shorter than 17.8 mm. Stiffness is not strictly regulated, however, a “loose” diaphragm spring will cause the same problems as a too soft telescopic rod spring. Thus, if it is not possible to restore the operation of the starting device by selecting one spring, you can “play” with the second one - the setting method remains the same: with the starting device removed, the air damper should remain closed when starting the engine.


Sluggish acceleration with failure, the car reacts poorly to “delicate” gas work... Soon these symptoms may be joined by the smell of gasoline from under the hood. Do not rush to blame the torn diaphragm of the accelerator pump; often it is only a victim of another malfunction - a mismatch in the stiffness of the two springs located on opposite sides of the diaphragm. Only one is visible - the second is hidden inside a rolled cup on the outside of the diaphragm (Fig. 2). When you press the gas pedal, the cam located on the axis of the throttle valves presses on the accelerator pump lever 1, which, through diaphragm 4, presses on the fuel, pushing it to the nozzle nozzle. But gasoline is an almost incompressible liquid, and the throughput of the channels is limited by the diameter of the nozzles. Some kind of damper is needed, otherwise the diaphragm will simply rupture. This is what spring 2 is used for, rolled in a cup-holder riveted to the diaphragm plate. At the same time, it plays another important role - it extends the fuel injection time, ensuring smooth and powerful acceleration, without jerks and failures.

Unfortunately, many diaphragm manufacturers do not bother selecting the stiffness of the damper spring, apparently believing that any spring will somehow work. Will it? Let us remember that in this unit two springs work towards each other. The second spring 3 ensures that the diaphragm returns to its original position after the gas pedal is released. In this case, the space behind the diaphragm is filled with a new portion of fuel. If the stiffness of the return spring approaches the stiffness of the damper spring, then the latter simply will not be able to work, being partially compressed all the time. In this case, an early rupture of the diaphragm is inevitable.

It is very easy to check the compliance of spring stiffnesses. If you squeeze the diaphragm with the return spring with your fingers, the latter should be compressed all the way, and only after that the damper will begin to work, which - if it is working properly - is not easy to compress with your fingers - its rigidity is quite high. There is no point in selecting a separate damper spring based on its stiffness - it is difficult to reliably roll its clip at home. It is better to spend time selecting a finished part.

Rice. 1. Starting device: 1 - telescopic rod; 2 - three-arm lever; 3 - telescopic rod spring; 4 - air damper lever; 5 - air damper axis; 6 - starting device thrust; 7 - starting rod; 8 - starting device housing; 9 - trigger diaphragm; 10 - starter cover; 11 - plug screw; 12 - adjusting screw; 13 - trigger spring; A - starting gap of the air damper.

Rice. 2. Acceleration pump: 1 - accelerator pump lever; 2 - damper spring; 3 - return spring; 4 - diaphragm.