Worldview as a form of personality orientation. Basic patterns of development of the motivational sphere

Personality orientation is a topic that interests many people. Characteristics of personality orientation include many aspects of the formation of individual needs. An integral person never denies any significant manifestations of his life, even if at some point they seem meaningless or wrong to him. The concept of personality orientation and motivation for activity is being studied by modern scientists and coming to interesting conclusions. Determining the orientation of a person allows us to identify the essence of this concept. Personality orientation represents certain areas of a person’s life that have undeniable significance for him. Let us consider in more detail the types of personality orientation.

Individual focus

The basis of a personality’s orientation is, of course, its inner world. Everyone has their own individual preferences, which distinguish one person from another. Individual aspirations, desires, dreams make up a picture of a holistic personality that strives for new horizons and wants to achieve a specific goal. A person's level of awareness depends on how well he understands his deepest needs.

Awareness of personal motives leads to the discovery of true joy. Such a person lives life to the fullest, paying attention to his true aspirations and motives. By developing his natural gifts and talents, a person can come closer to understanding the essence of his destiny. By performing this or that action, he makes a choice that leads him to something specific.

Social orientation

Every person needs friendly participation, to be understood. To achieve such a goal, you need to really effectively interact with people. Social orientation is a personality orientation in which a person is guided by the opinions of others and wants to make a favorable impression in society. In personality psychology there is a concept of needs, which determines the main forms of personal development.

Individual growth is often driven by social interaction. Outside the team and immediate environment, a person will not be able to develop fully, will not be able to understand what he really needs. Its psychological manifestations indicate the expression of personal maturity. The method of determining the social orientation of an individual allows you to recognize your deepest needs in time and do everything to achieve effective self-realization.

Business orientation

It is a type of orientation in which a person experiences a high need for business contacts. If a person feels characteristic prospects in himself, then he certainly wants to express himself as best as possible. Activities provide such an opportunity and help expand the boundaries of existing prospects. Personal business helps strengthen character and build self-confidence.

Many researchers consider the business orientation of an individual to be the highest form of orientation, since it helps to develop, set real achievable goals and strive to achieve them. Every person, regardless of age, has the opportunity to increase their level of achievement. An indicator of personal growth is the ability to be satisfied with one’s personality, and there are many such examples.

Emotional focus

Personality orientation is a fairly deep and multifaceted topic. It should be studied using special schemes and methods of personality orientation. The direction of personality is not limited to social interaction and individual aspirations. Every person has the ability, one way or another, to react to the manifestations of their own feelings. The emotions of the people around us also have a certain influence on this area.

The emotional direction is a person’s special world, where he does not allow outsiders. Sometimes it is impossible to even briefly imagine what a person experiences when he finds himself in a particular situation. Each condition nurtures and shapes something in a person. Emotions play a primary role here. They allow you to understand others and form your own attitude to what is happening.


The forms of personality orientation are of great interest. They reflect the degree of a person’s satisfaction with himself and his attitude towards others. If one area develops less than others, then the individual inevitably begins to suffer. This is why every need must be satisfied. Let us consider in more detail the features of personality orientation.

Value level

The level of values ​​determines the orientation of the individual, his needs and motives. What a person focuses on first of all is of primary importance to him. Everyone has their own values. You cannot compare one person to another and try to draw any parallels between them. Spiritual and moral values ​​show how much a person develops and pays attention to his inner world. The psychology of personality orientation studies the motives of a person’s actions, his life guidelines. A person’s values ​​become his main guideline in life and encourage him to search for new opportunities.


Without this component it is impossible to achieve any success. The more a person imagines what she really needs, the sooner she can achieve a satisfactory result. Determination helps you overcome obstacles and significant obstacles. If a person does not understand why he needs to take certain actions, then the necessary steps will never be taken. Only those who truly understand the need for further action will begin to make efforts for self-realization, in order to feel visible changes in themselves.

Having a clear goal makes it much easier to achieve your dreams. A person begins to imagine what he really needs. Determination helps you stay true to yourself even when the obstacles are too many to try to avoid.

Harmony with yourself

Being in unity with your inner essence is as important as being able to achieve your goal. The more satisfied a person is with his own life, the more potential he can unlock to feel truly happy. Harmony with oneself is an important aspect of personality orientation, contributing to a better understanding of the essence of things. A sense of inner worth often leads to better self-expression. A person who truly loves himself will not allow others to hurt him.

Ability to finish what you start

An important skill that not everyone has. The fact is that many people begin some action, succumbing to the first impulse. But they often lack the inner strength to really actively make decisions, be responsible and reasonable. The ability to bring what you start to its logical conclusion is an important skill that you should try to cultivate in yourself. Otherwise, good undertakings will not end in any satisfactory result.

You should go towards the desired goal step by step, based on the efforts made. The more a person realizes the need to accept changes in his life, the easier it will be for him to act in the future. The ability to finish what you start is, of course, an important skill that cannot be avoided if you are planning any significant achievement. People are sometimes too afraid of failure. For this reason, they avoid trying something again. By making new attempts, you can increase your chances of achieving the desired result. You should not give up on your goals just because for some reason they cannot be realized immediately.

Thus, the orientation of a personality represents its focus on certain aspects of life and activity. A person is a versatile creature; he needs to switch between many spheres in order to feel happy. Self-realization plays a big role here.



Personality properties include: orientation, abilities, character.

Basic forms of personality orientation

Personality orientation– a set of stable motives, relatively independent of situations, guiding the activities and actions of an individual.

The main forms of orientation are ideological ideals, inclinations, interests, desires, drives, beliefs. They are clearly shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Basic forms of personality orientation


Capabilities– individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of one or another productive activity.

In general, abilities are divided into genetic and acquired. In addition, it is possible to distinguish types and levels of abilities.

The classification of abilities is shown in Diagram 7.

Scheme 7. Classification of abilities


Character- a set of stable personality characteristics that develop in the process of activity and communication, manifested in typical modes of behavior.

Character this is the basis, the core of personality; it is formed throughout a person’s life. Integrity of character consists of: belief system, needs and interests, temperament, intellect, feelings and will. The components of character are clearly shown in Diagram 8. Manifestations of character are revealed in Diagram 9.

Diagram 8. Components of character

Diagram 9. Manifestations of character

A person’s attitude towards other people can be viewed through the main opposing qualities - see diagram 10.

Diagram 10. Manifestation of a person’s attitude towards other people

Similarly, a person’s attitude to activity, to work, as well as his attitude to property and things is also revealed through the manifestation of opposite qualities - see diagrams 11, 12, 13.

Diagram 11. Manifestation of a person’s attitude to activity

Scheme 14. Leading character traits.

Control questions

1. What are the main forms of personality orientation?

2. How are types of abilities distinguished depending on their level?

3. What is integrity of character?

4. Name the leading character traits

5. What is a person’s attitude towards other people?

Topic 4. Motives and needs

The concept of motive

Attitudes and frustrations

Classification of needs

The concept of motive

Motive- this is the basis of any act or action, these are the motivations for activity that cause the activity of the individual

The motif has a complex internal structure:

1) the motive begins with the emergence of a need, a need for something, accompanied by emotional anxiety, displeasure;

2) the motive is realized through:

· awareness of the cause of emotional displeasure, the need for something;

· awareness of an object that meets a given need and can satisfy it - a desire is formed.

· awareness of ways to achieve goals - the energy component of the motive is realized in real actions.

Conscious motives include interests, desires, beliefs; their motivating power is great, especially among beliefs - they are able to control a person’s behavior and entire life, even exceeding the instinct of self-preservation (because of loyalty to their beliefs, people even go to their death).

Among the conscious motives one can highlight: interests, desires and beliefs - see diagram 15.

Scheme 15. Classification of conscious motives

Unconscious motives include: drives, hypnotic suggestions, attitudes, frustration states - see diagram 16.

Scheme 16. Classification of unconscious motives

Attraction- an insufficiently clearly realized need, when a person is not clear what attracts him, what his goals are, what he wants.

Attraction is a stage in the formation of motives for human behavior. Unawareness of drives leads to the extinction of motives, or to a clear awareness of their needs.

Hypnotic suggestions can remain unconscious for a long time, but they are artificial in nature, formed “from the outside.”

Attitudes and frustrations

Attitudes and frustrations arise naturally; they are both unconscious and determine human behavior in many situations.

Installation– unconscious readiness to perceive the environment from a certain angle and react in a certain way, without a complete objective analysis of a specific situation. They are formed on the basis of a person’s personal past experience.

The upbringing and self-education of a person largely comes down to the gradual formation of a readiness to respond to something properly, in other words, to the formation of attitudes that are useful for a person and for society.

Frustration- a mental state that arises as a result of a real or imaginary obstacle that prevents the achievement of a goal.

They can cause significant changes in a person's motivation:

· encourage him to be an aggressively envious accuser of everyone (without realizing this and without understanding why he reacts this way);

· feel guilty about everything, superfluous, inferior (regressive frustration, self-blame).

A person's frustration - the degree of severity of his frustration state - acts as a powerful unconscious factor that prompts a person to certain stable forms of response in a variety of situations. Frustration states arise as a result of frustrations.

Classification of needs

Need- a state of necessity for something that is realized and experienced by a person.

Conscious needs are desires. A person can formulate them, and to implement them he outlines a plan of action.

The stronger the needs, the more energetic the desire to overcome the obstacles in his path.

Needs are divided into:

1) primary (biological) needs: food, water, sleep, rest, the need for self-defense, etc.;

2) cultural (acquired) needs are social in nature by the nature of their origin; they are formed under the influence of upbringing.

Cultural needs include material and spiritual ones.

Spiritual needs include: cognitive, aesthetic, communication, emotional warmth, respect, activity, awareness of the meaning of one’s life, and achieving a goal.

In general, the structure can be represented as follows - see diagram 17.

Control questions

1. What motive is called unconscious?

2. What is the structure of the motive?

3. What types of needs are acquired?

4. How are personality attitudes formed?

5. What mental state is called frustration?

6. What is the structure of needs?

Diagram 17. Structure of needs

Topic 5. Temperament


13. Personality orientation. Directional forms.

Personality orientation is called a set of stable motives that orient the activity of an individual and are relatively independent of existing situations. The orientation of the individual is always socially conditioned and formed through education. Focus - These are attitudes that have become personality traits. Focus includes several interconnected forms: attraction, desire, interest, worldview, belief. All forms of personality orientation are at the same time the motives of its activity.

Let us briefly describe each of the identified forms of orientation:

  • attraction is the most primitive biological form of orientation;

  • attitude – readiness, predisposition of the subject to the appearance of a certain object.

  • desire - a conscious need and attraction to something very specific;

  • interest is a cognitive form of focus on objects. Interests force a person to actively look for ways and means to satisfy the emerging need for knowledge. But when interest is satisfied, it does not disappear, does not fade away, but deepens, is internally rebuilt and causes the emergence of new interests. Interests are distinguished by content, breadth, and degree of stability;

  • worldview - a system of philosophical, aesthetic, ethical, natural science and other views on the world around us;

  • conviction - the highest form of orientation - is a system of personal motives that encourages it to act in accordance with its views, principles, and worldview. Beliefs are formed on the basis of knowledge about the world around us, understanding of nature and society.
Motives may be more or less conscious or not conscious at all. The main role in the direction of personality belongs to conscious motives.


14. Personal activity.

Personal activity is a special type of activity or special activity, characterized by the intensification of its main characteristics (purposefulness, motivation, awareness, mastery of methods and techniques of action, emotionality), as well as the presence of such properties as initiative and situational awareness.

The term activity is widely used in various fields of science, both independently and as an additional term in various combinations. Moreover, in some cases it has become so familiar that independent concepts have formed. For example, such as: active person, active life position, active learning, activist, active element of the system. The concept of activity has acquired such a broad meaning that, with a more careful approach, its use requires clarification.

The Russian language dictionary gives a commonly used definition of “active” as active, energetic, developing. In literature and everyday speech, the concept of “activity” is often used as a synonym for the concept of “activity”. In a physiological sense, the concept of “activity” is traditionally considered as a universal characteristic of living beings, their own dynamics. As a source of transformation or maintenance of vital connections with the outside world. How is the property of living organisms to respond to external stimuli. In this case, activity is correlated with activity, revealing itself as its dynamic condition, as a property of its own movement. In living beings, activity changes in accordance with evolutionary development processes. Human activity acquires special significance as the most important quality of personality, as the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with one’s own needs, views, and goals. (A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky, 1990).

Great importance is attached to the “principle of activity”. N.A. Bernstein (1966), introducing this principle into psychology, represented its essence in postulating the determining role of the internal program in the acts of vital activity of the organism. In human actions, there are unconditioned reflexes when movement is directly caused by an external stimulus, but this is, as it were, a degenerate case of activity. In all other cases, the external stimulus only triggers the decision-making program, and the movement itself is to one degree or another connected with the person’s internal program. In the case of complete dependence on it, we have so-called “voluntary” acts, when the initiative to begin and the content of the movement are set from within the body.


15. The concept of activity. Activity structure.

Activity can be defined as a specific type of human activity aimed at cognition and creative transformation of the surrounding world, including oneself and the conditions of one’s existence. In activity, a person creates objects of material and spiritual culture, transforms his abilities, preserves and improves nature, builds society, creates something that would not exist in nature without his activity. The creative nature of human activity is manifested in the fact that thanks to it it goes beyond the limits of its natural limitations, i.e. exceeds its own genotypically determined capabilities. Due to the productive, creative nature of his activity, man has created sign systems, tools for influencing himself and nature. Using these tools, he built a modern society, cities, machines, with their help he produced new consumer goods, material and spiritual culture, and ultimately transformed himself. The historical progress that has taken place over the past few tens of thousands of years owes its origin to activity, and not to the improvement of the biological nature of people.

Every activity has a certain structure. It usually identifies actions and operations as the main components of activity.

Action They call a part of activity that has a completely conscious human goal. For example, an action included in the structure of cognitive activity can be called receiving a book, reading it; actions included in labor activity can be considered familiarization with the task, searching for the necessary tools and materials, developing a project, technology for manufacturing the item, etc.; Actions associated with creativity are the formulation of a plan and its phased implementation in the product of creative work.

Operation name the method of carrying out an action. As many different ways of performing an action as there are, so many different operations can be distinguished. The nature of the operations depends on the conditions for performing the action, on the skills and abilities a person has, on the availability of tools and means of performing the action. Different people, for example, remember information and write differently. This means that they carry out the action of writing text or memorizing material using various operations. A person’s preferred operations characterize his individual style of activity.


16. Main types of activities, their characteristics.

There are three types of activity that genetically replace each other and coexist throughout the entire life course: play, learning and work. They differ in final results (product of activity), in organization, and in characteristics of motivation.

A game does not create a socially significant product. The formation of a person as a subject of activity begins in the game, and this is its enormous, enduring significance. Training is the direct preparation of an individual for work, develops it mentally, physically, aesthetically, and only at the final stage of mastering a profession is it associated with the creation of material and cultural values.

In the mental development of a child, play acts primarily as a means of mastering the world of adults. In it, at the level of mental development achieved by the child, the objective world of adults is mastered. The game situation includes substitutions (instead of people - dolls), simplifications (for example, the external side of receiving guests is played out). In the game, therefore, reality is crudely imitated, which allows the child for the first time to become a subject of activity.

Teaching - this is a process of systematic acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary ultimately to perform work activities and to develop civic maturity. There are certainly two persons involved in educational activities: the teacher and the student. But this is not just a transfer of knowledge from one to another. This is primarily a process of active acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities under the guidance of a teacher. Teaching should be developmental. By imparting knowledge to students, the teacher teaches them to think and observe, and to express what they understand in speech. The student acquires not only knowledge, but also a way to think independently and acquire knowledge. Well-organized training is educational in nature. During the learning process, the student’s personality is formed: its orientation, strong-willed character traits, ability, etc.

Work - activity aimed at creating a socially useful product that satisfies the material or spiritual needs of people. In labor activity, according to Marx, “human essential forces” are revealed. By participating in the creation of labor products, a person enters into the existing system of production relations, his attitude towards labor activity and labor motives are formed.

Personality orientation is a fairly generalized characteristic, indicating a set of various motivations that cause activity and determine its direction. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the content of orientation includes a wide range of motivations. For example, K.K. Platonov in his time identified worldview, ideals, inclinations, interests, desires, drives, and beliefs as the main forms of personality orientation. Let's look at some of these forms. Personal interests are associated with cognitive needs.

Interest - a form of manifestation of a cognitive need that ensures that the individual is focused on understanding the goals of the activity and contributes to a more complete knowledge of reality.

Interests are emotional manifestations of a person’s cognitive needs. Subjectively, interests are revealed in the positive emotional tone that the process of cognition acquires, in the desire to become more deeply acquainted with an object that has acquired significance, to learn even more about it, to understand it. Thus, interests act as a constant incentive mechanism for cognition.

Interests can be classified by content, purpose, breadth and sustainability. By content interests are determined by the objects to which they are directed. Interests of different content are assessed from the point of view of their social significance: some - positively, if they correctly combine public and personal moments; other - negative, as petty, philistine, associated only with the satisfaction of their sensual needs or low passions. The difference based on the purpose reveals the presence immediate And indirect interests. The former are caused by the emotional attractiveness of a significant object, the latter only occur when the real meaning of the object and its significance for the individual coincide.

There are broad and narrow interests. Diversified personality development presupposes a greater breadth and versatility of interests in the presence of a basic central interest. Narrowness of interests is understood as the presence of one or two limited and isolated interests in a person with complete indifference to everything else. A valuable personality feature is the multifocality of interests - substantive interests are located in two (and sometimes three) areas of activity that are not related to each other.

Interests can also be divided according to the degree of their stability. The stability of interest is expressed in the duration of maintaining relatively intense interest. The interests that most fully reveal the basic needs of the individual and therefore become essential features of his psychological make-up will be stable. Sustained interest is one of the evidence of a person’s awakening abilities.

Another form of personality orientation is beliefs.

Belief- a system of conscious needs of an individual that encourages her to act in accordance with her views, principles, and worldview.

Beliefs are something that is not only understood and comprehended, but also deeply felt and experienced. The content of needs, appearing in the form of beliefs, is knowledge about the surrounding world of nature and society, their certain understanding. When this knowledge forms an orderly and internally organized system of views, then they can be considered as a person’s worldview.

We should not forget about another form of orientation - aspirations.

Aspirations- these are motives of behavior where the need is expressed for such conditions of existence and development that are not directly presented in a given situation, but can be created as a result of specially organized activity of the individual. If not only the conditions in which a person feels the need are clearly realized, but also the means that he expects to use, then such aspirations take on the character intentions.

Aspirations can take on various psychological forms. The specific form of a person’s aspirations is, along with intentions, dream as an image of what is desired, created by fantasy, encouraging a person not only to contemplate in the finished picture what remains to be accomplished, created and built, but also supporting and enhancing a person’s energy. Aspirations should also include passions - motives that express needs that have an irresistible force, relegating to the background in human activity everything that is not associated with a significant object, and for a long time invariably determining the direction of a person’s thoughts and actions. Unsatisfied passion causes violent emotions. Aspirations are also ideals as the need to imitate or follow an example accepted by a person as a model of behavior.

Of course, intentions, dreams, passions, ideals and other aspirations of an individual are characterized psychologically and assessed practically in accordance with their specific content. Dreams, passions, ideals, intentions can be high and low and, depending on this, play a different role in the activities of people and the life of society.

Already from the consideration of the given forms of orientation, one can see what role they play in human life. One can agree with the words of the famous Soviet scientist B.I. Dodonov, who wrote: “A person’s orientation is the leading component of the personality structure. Its other components can be correctly defined and assessed only in connection with its direction.”

Personal orientation is a set of stable motives, views, beliefs, needs and aspirations that orient a person towards certain behavior and activities, and the achievement of relatively complex life goals. All types of human activity and orientation are manifested in the particular interests of the individual, the goals that a person sets for himself, needs, passions and attitudes, realized in drives, desires, inclinations, ideals, etc.:

  • - drive is an insufficiently conscious desire to achieve something. Often the basis of attraction is the biological needs of the individual;
  • - inclination - a manifestation of the need-motivational sphere of the individual, expressed in the emotional preference for one or another type of activity or value;
  • - ideal (from the Greek idea, prototype) - an image that is the embodiment of perfection and an example of the highest goal in the aspirations of an individual. The ideal can be the personality of a scientist, writer, athlete, politician, as well as the morphological characteristics of a particular person or his personality traits;
  • - worldview - a system of views and ideas about the world, about a person’s relationship to society, nature, and himself. The worldview of each person is determined by his social existence and is assessed in a comparative comparison of moral and ideological views accepted in society.

The combination of thinking and will, manifested in a person’s behavior and actions, leads to the transition of a worldview into beliefs:

  • - conviction is the highest form of personality orientation, manifested in the conscious need to act in accordance with one’s value orientations against the background of emotional experiences and volitional aspirations;
  • - attitude - an individual’s readiness for a certain activity, which is actualized in the current situation. It manifests itself in a stable predisposition to a certain perception, comprehension and behavior of an individual. An attitude expresses a person’s position, his views, value orientations in relation to various facts of everyday life, social life and professional activity. It can be positive, negative or neutral. With a positive attitude, phenomena, events and properties of objects are perceived favorably and with trust. When negative, these same signs are perceived distortedly, with distrust, or as alien, harmful and unacceptable for a given person. The attitude mediates the influence of external influences and balances the personality with the environment, and its knowledge of the content of these influences allows one to predict behavior in appropriate situations with a certain degree of reliability;
  • - position - a stable system of a person’s relationships to certain aspects of reality, manifested in appropriate behavior. It includes a set of motives, needs, views and attitudes that guide an individual in his actions. The system of factors that determine a person’s specific position also includes his claims to a certain position in the social and professional hierarchy of roles and the degree of his satisfaction in this system of relations;
  • - goal - the desired and imagined result of a specific activity of a person or group of people. It can be close, situational or distant, socially valuable or harmful, altruistic or selfish. An individual or a group of people sets a goal based on needs, interests and opportunities to achieve it.

In goal setting, an important role is played by information about the state of the issue, thought processes, emotional state and motives for the proposed activity. Goal fulfillment consists of a system of actions aimed at achieving the intended result.

Orientation is formed in ontogenesis, in the process of training and education of young people, in preparing them for life, professional and socially useful activities, and service to their Motherland. It is important here that the younger generation learns that their personal and family well-being, achievements in various fields of activity and social status are interconnected with their readiness to serve their people and the state in which they live.

Consideration of various approaches to personality makes it necessary to dwell on modern theories that can be used as the basis for the study and organization of the education and development of personality, the formation of its orientation. Currently, in psychological and pedagogical science there are several theories of personality development.

Psychological theory of personality development (trait theory). It is associated with the formation of the internal structure of the personality, its basic traits: extraversion, introversion, anxiety, style traits, motivational, instrumental (acting as a means for activity).

The social theory of personality development includes the formation of external behavior, readiness to perform certain social functions, social roles, that is, to create an appropriate status and have direction.

The theory of social learning is associated with the acquisition by an individual of skills, abilities, habits, communication with people on the basis of appropriate reinforcement, mastery of knowledge and experience gained by previous generations.

The interactionist theory of personality development is based on two factors - heredity and environment, the latter ensure the formation of new personality traits that are not attributed only to internal or external manifestations.

The humanistic theory of personality development includes moral self-improvement, the development of the motivational-need sphere of the individual, a system of stable value orientations and moral attitudes.

Each of these theories reflects one or another aspect of personality development, and therefore has the right to exist. Personality develops, noted K.K. Platonov, both in the process of human history and in the system of individual development. Man was born as a biological being, and becomes a personality in the process of ontogenesis, through the assimilation of the socio-historical experience of mankind.

There are three main types of personality orientation: personal, collectivistic and business.

Personal focus- is created by the predominance of motives for one’s own well-being, the desire for personal primacy and prestige. Such a person is most often busy with himself, with his feelings and experiences and reacts little to the needs of the people around him: he ignores the interests of employees or the work he must do. He sees work, first of all, as an opportunity to satisfy his own aspirations, regardless of the interests of other employees.

Focus on mutual action- occurs when a person’s actions are determined by the need for communication, the desire to maintain good relationships with colleagues at work and study. Such a person shows interest in joint activities, although he may not contribute to the successful completion of the task; often his actions even make it difficult to complete the group task and his actual assistance may be minimal.

Business orientation- reflects the predominance of motives generated by the activity itself, passion for the process of activity, a selfless desire for knowledge, mastering new skills and abilities. Typically, such a person strives for cooperation and achieves the greatest productivity of the group, and therefore tries to prove a point of view that he considers useful for completing the task.

It has been established that individuals with a self-directed personality have the following character traits:

  • – more preoccupied with themselves and their feelings, problems
  • – make unfounded and hasty conclusions and assumptions about other people, also behave in discussions
  • – trying to impose their will on the group
  • – those around them do not feel free in their presence

People with a focus on mutual action:

  • - avoid direct solution to the problem
  • – yield to group pressure
  • – do not express original ideas and it is not easy to understand what such a person wants to express
  • – do not take leadership when it comes to choosing tasks

Business-oriented people:

  • – help individual group members express their thoughts
  • – support the group to achieve its goal
  • – express their thoughts and considerations easily and clearly
  • – take the lead when it comes to choosing a task
  • – do not shy away from directly solving the problem