Myfi: student reviews. national research nuclear university

At the moment I am a first-year student at the Faculty (Institute) of Nuclear Physics and Technology in the same direction in the undergraduate program. If you are talented, smart, you have already decided what you need from life, then don’t even think about enrolling here. Everything is very bad. The concept of “academic freedom” is not familiar here. The teachers are grandparents over 70 who cannot teach and should retire. The rector does not care about the educational process and is only involved in politics...

There are students sitting in the admissions committee who cannot answer anything clearly. Meanwhile, the Chairman simply brilliantly came up with the idea of ​​not issuing orders for enrollment (neither on time nor after, no order, no problem), which all law-abiding “dummies” expect based on the results of the Unified State Exam. As a result, four students were enrolled on a budget basis, and the remaining budget places were sold. As they explained, they are not published in the interests of national security. No matter how hard they try to defeat corruption, MEPhI is “too short.” Well done...

The neighbors I came across were not ice - one ( tapped on the keyboard for up to 2-3 hours in ICQ, the second ( - watched movies for the whole block for up to 2-3 hours, 3 and the 4th allegedly studied in the kitchen all night before the exam (and I had exams the day after their exams - this was the schedule at the institute - it was impossible to get a good night's sleep and prepare) I changed roommates in the dorm several times, and ended up moving out from a dorm with a chronic illness (tonsillitis) because of a neighbor (

Graduated in 2014 with a nuclear specialty. During my studies, I encountered both the good sides of MEPhI and the bad ones. In my opinion, the positive aspects outweigh. Junior courses are full of good physics and mathematics preparation. In engineering specialties there is also a quite acceptable number of engineering disciplines: engineering, strength of materials, machine parts, etc. The main thing is that there are quite enough of them so that in the future there will be no problems simply reading a drawing, but not so many that they are crowded out.. .

This is just a disgusting university. It discourages any desire to study even in the 1st year, thanks to the tyrant teachers (Sandakov and Goryachev, ours to you, with a cap). You have to figure everything out on your own, no help from teachers. The rector steals money and is not even shy. Some Uzbeks periodically live in the dorms, and they also do renovations here. In the 3rd year, the “expel everyone” program is activated (thanks to Sinelshchikov, Marinyuk and the disgusting Mr. Muravyov), in the end...

The MEPhI dorms are full of drug addicts. It is useless to complain to the hostel commandant.

There were a lot of reviews about the attitude of teachers, administration, etc., but they were all united by Sergei on December 25, 2013 in the phrase: “Teachers’ tyranny is very common. The administration indirectly encourages this by not responding to students’ complaints.” However, I will add to this incredible laziness, resulting in incompetence. Indeed, you can’t complain, because they are all girlfriends at the department: you complain about one, the second will take revenge. Unfortunately, I happened to encounter such an attitude at the finish line...

Dear teachers and staff of the institute (applies only to those who work with applicants)! You make yourself wait. On August 5, all self-respecting institutions have long ago prepared and posted enrollment orders on their websites, and you are making everyone nervous. It's 5:30 p.m. and still no orders. Is it really so difficult to prepare everything in advance? Please try in the future to be more respectful towards the parents of your students, and towards the children too. You all know how to speak very beautifully at meetings...

I have now completed my first course at KIB. The idea of ​​good and bad universities has changed. I used to think that it was about the teachers, the curriculum, laboratories, etc. In fact, a good university is the one where they kick you the hardest in the ass and force you to study) Students who, on their own initiative, learn something for themselves, practically No. I will say that there are plenty of teachers who explain everything clearly, but you will learn the lion’s share of the material yourself. You will come, you will...

Disgusting university in every way. Even when I was expelled, then the old woman in the dean’s office of the T faculty said in response to a request for an application for expulsion: “Don’t tell me what to do, I don’t owe you anything!” Can you imagine what rudeness! It’s a pity, of course, that I didn’t finally tell her everything I thought about her and this, if I may say so, institute. The attitude towards students is simply boorish on the part of everyone: other students, the dean's office, and teachers. As for the latter, as already mentioned, they do not...

A typical post-Soviet university with complex and ineffective teaching, with rude attitude towards students (and even towards teachers from the administration), with poorly organized food, old dilapidated buildings and inadequate teachers. On the plus side - surprisingly good dorms, good scholarships, during my studies I did not encounter corruption and did not even hear about it. (It, of course, should be somewhere, but it is inaccessible to the average student). It makes sense to do so if you want to know theoretical physics. If you...

I myself graduated from MEPhI in the late 90s, now I work in science. I visit other universities, including Moscow State University and Physics and Technology. So, in my opinion, I can judge quite professionally and unbiasedly. 1. Perhaps the most important disadvantage of MEPhI is that, as has already been written here, “they will teach you to quickly memorize anything, but also quickly forget and use reference books.” The programs are mainly designed to train not specialists, but “general workers” who can do a little bit of everything, but really...

Studying is really very difficult. The first year is shock therapy, then you get used to it, and so much so that you can no longer forget your home university. They really teach you a lot. You will still be a specialist! Many, indeed, go abroad, become scientists, engineers and programmers in large companies; by the age of 30, many, almost all are already bosses and managers with a salary of about a hundred)

One of the few good ones, really good both in relation to students and in the quality of teaching, in providing practical placements, in the skills of students and in the organization of the educational process of universities. In our dean's office, everything was always on time, all the information, deputy. deans - all wonderful, kind, understanding people. I received a lot of useful things, including good friends! The university, however, as they say, has become my home! I remember my years of study very pleasantly. Those murderous tasks gave very strong...

I really appreciated that I entered here once, albeit with great effort. Thanks to hard work and interest in science, study, education and self-improvement, I understand how much awaits me ahead after MEPhI. No university provides so much knowledge and skills in practice, no one trains personnel who could then work in various narrower areas of their profession, for which after MEPhI they are 100% ready! I feel how I am developing, how interesting I am here, how much there is here...

This is the most powerful university in Russia. All teachers are very demanding, smart, labs are challenging and interesting. Here they will make you human. Yes, for the entire 4-5 years you will sit as if on a powder keg, but your knowledge will be of high quality and you will never forget what they teach you here. The years at MEPhI will be remembered for a lifetime. There will be a lot of prospects, opportunities, strengths ahead, no matter how at first someone grumbles and says that it’s hard or pointless - that’s how it seems at first, then you get involved...

I love MEPhI! I confess to you, honestly, honestly, without hesitation, and teachers, like salt and pepper, complement the food of knowledge.

Great institute! The percentage of expelled students is indeed very high (out of our enrollment of 500 people, only 130 received a diploma), but this can only be evidence of the quality of education - lazy people and slackers simply do not survive at MEPhI. The level of teaching is high, perhaps even the best of all technical universities, but, accordingly, the requirements for students are also increased. So, if your dream is to drink beer during lectures in good company throughout all 6 years of study, it is better to look for another institute.

On January 28, 2013, the next, third, meeting of alumni in honor of the 70th anniversary of the university took place at NRNU MEPhI. This time, about two thousand (!) mythists who graduated from our university in the period from 1981 to 1992 came to NRNU MEPhI to meet with classmates and teachers.

Following the representatives of older generations who visited the university on January 24 (graduated in 1944-1965) and January 26 (graduated in 1966-1980), the third wave of graduates brought with them their unique mood, energy, still quite young enthusiasm and, together with thus - solidity and confidence in the future.

Graduates, whose entry into adulthood coincided with the beginning of an era of change, gained unique experience in the struggle for a decent existence. Many had to change their profession, some - their country of residence. But what has certainly supported me all these years is a high-quality education and the abilities for systems analysis and logical thinking developed at MEPhI.

Graduates of this period easily found each other on the approaches to the University Assembly Hall, where they watched with interest a film made for the 70th anniversary of the university. Vice-Rector E.F. Kryuchkov, a graduate of MEPhI in 1983, warmly greeted those gathered and informed about the main achievements of the university, starting with the championship in obtaining the status of a national research university.

“Our funding for science has increased 7 times over the past 5 years, we earn more than 2 billion rubles from scientific research, and annually invest about 500 million rubles in the purchase of unique scientific equipment. About the same amount goes into construction,” noted E.F. Kryuchkov. According to him, NRNU MEPhI intends to become one of 10-15 Russian universities that will have to fight for inclusion in world university rankings.

According to good tradition, the alumni meeting program was continued with creative performances. Postgraduate student of department No. 21 Evgeniy Morenkov performed a musical fragment from a work by Sergei Rachmaninov. Participants of the quanto di stella vocal studio performed a student song and the timeless anthem of nuclear physicists, written by mythists back in the 50s. The festive program allowed graduates to visit the graduating departments of the university, communicate with their employees, and then continue communication in the format of a friendly buffet table.

Here's what the graduates had to say about themselves:

Litvin Alexander Anatolyevich, graduate of 1984, Department of Theoretical Nuclear Physics: - I spent the first 15 years in Dubna, working at JINR, then moved to Moscow, retrained as a biophysicist, biologist, then came to medicine and now I am the scientific director of a pharmaceutical company, working development of new drugs.

Aksenov Leonid Vasilievich, graduate of 1988, Faculty of Theoretical Experimental Physics - Worked for several years at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in 1992 he entered Indiana University (USA), received a master's degree in physics, returned to Russia, completed graduate school, worked in one of Korean companies and for 14 years now I have been working in the Rosatom system, doing calculations for nuclear power plants.

Khrisantov Petr Arkadyevich, graduate of 1986, Faculty “T”. - I worked in my specialty for three years at the Institute of Space Research, and then perestroika began... Many comrades left - some to the USA, some to Australia, some to France. I have a family, three children. It was hard for me to break away and I actively became involved in market processes in Russia. Together with K.N. Borov, he participated in the creation of the first Russian exchanges; a new exchange was opened once a week. And at the same time he continued to study. I graduated from three more universities, but I still consider MEPhI basic. Today I am the CEO of a law firm. My son also graduated from MEPhI and also went into law, he has his own company.

Sokolova Tatyana Yurievna, graduate of the Faculty of Cybernetics: - For three years she worked in her specialty at the Kurchatov Institute. Sorry, my son is calling, by the way, he also graduated from Moscow Engineering Physics Institute, and is both a husband and father-in-law. So, after Kurchatovsky, I had to change my profession, I graduated from the Academy of Civil Service, now I work in the field of finance, but I do not break off relations with MEPhI. What we were taught at the institute can be applied in different areas.

Parkhaev Vladimir Vladimirovich, graduate of 1985, department No. 13: - I work as an assistant to the general director for the development of the Aerosila research and production enterprise. He worked in Arzamas for 23 years, doing nuclear research.

Sergey Yuryevich Sukhorosov: - I also graduated from MEPhI in 1985, but from a different department - No. 25. Now he is the General Director of OJSC NPP Aerosila. We are engaged in the development and manufacture of aircraft engines, raising Russian aviation. There are other mythists of different ages working at our enterprise. At one time there was a saying “mythists are few, but they are everywhere.”

Sevryuk Oleg Vladimirovich, graduate of 1986, special faculty of physics, department No. 37: - He defended his diploma at FIAN, Nikolai Gennadievich Basov, academician, Nobel Prize laureate, founder of the special faculty, who, unfortunately, is no longer with us, often came to our laboratory. On the 70th anniversary of MEPhI, I was able to visit the Kremlin and really enjoyed the festive event. It's a pity that something like this only happens once every ten years. I also hope to celebrate the 80th anniversary of MEPhI. And today I’ll see who comes, I don’t rule out surprises in the person of those with whom I had to live a difficult but fantastically interesting student life.

Yuri Markov graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in 1984. In 1984-1993 worked at the Zaporozhye NPP, held the positions of reactor shop operator, senior operator, shift supervisor, unit shift supervisor, power unit shift supervisor. In 1993, he began work at the Balakovo Nuclear Power Plant, in...

Ilgisonis Viktor Igorevich

Director of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". Appointed to the position by order of the Government of the Russian Federation on December 17, 2015. Viktor Igorevich Ilgisonis was born on February 8, 1959 in Moscow. In 1981 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Department of Plasma Physics...

Vasiliev Alexander Ivanovich

Born on April 4, 1957 in Donetsk, Ukraine. In 1980 he graduated from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in nuclear power plants and installations. It has been operating at the Smolensk NPP since 1980. From 1988 to 1998 he worked at the Ministry of Atomic...

Zhukov Alexey Gennadievich

Alexey Gennadievich Zhukov graduated from the Moscow Order of the Red Banner of Labor Engineering and Physics Institute in 1986 with a degree in Nuclear Power Plants and Installations. He has an academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences (2012). From 1986 to 1993 worked in the directorate of the Khmelnytsky NPP under construction, went through a career...

Khlopkov Anton Viktorovich

Born on February 20, 1978 in Protvino, Moscow region. In 2001, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Economics of High Technologies of the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI); Master's degree in Physical Protection, Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials. In 2000, he completed an internship at the Research Center...

Grishin Viktor Vasilievich

Born on September 21, 1953 in the city of Belebey, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1971 he graduated from Priyutovskaya Secondary School No. 5, in 1980 from the North-Ural Evening Polytechnic with a degree in "Production of Electronic and Electrical Automation Equipment", in 1990 from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in...

Kochetkov Oleg Anatolievich

Scientific departments, laboratories: Department of Industrial Radiation Hygiene Laboratory of Personnel Radiation Safety Professional education: Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Awards, diplomas, certificates: State Prize Laureate, Government Prize Laureate of the Russian Federation, FMBA Expert of Russia.

Dolgikh Alexander Polikarpovich

Alexander Polikarpovich Dolgikh graduated from the Department of Radiation Physics at MEPhI in 1975, where he worked until 1987. In 1987, he moved to the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Ministry of Health, where he worked first as a senior and then as a leading researcher and head of the laboratory. In 2001...

When at National Research Nuclear University "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute" consecrated the temple, some students said that MEPhI is a university of atheists: such a university does not need a temple. Few people knew then that the idea of ​​​​creating a temple-chapel in memory of the founders of the institute, teachers and comrades who had passed away, had been maturing at MEPhI since 1994 and was supported by honorary professor V. G. Kirillov-Ugryumov. Among MEPhI students and graduates, strict physicists, there are many believers.

Hieromonk Dimitri (Zakharov)( 22.02.1992)

Class of 1954

Boris Zakharov was born in 1934. Graduated from MEPhI in 1954. Nuclear physicist, candidate of technical sciences. He was a talented writer, philosopher, and woodcarver.

In 1991 he became a monk and then became a priest.

He served in Klin, in Bronnitsy, in Kolomna, and was the confessor of the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Convent.

Archpriest Igor Andreev ( 18.12.2008)

Class of 1971

Born in 1946 in Moscow in the family of a prominent Moscow engineer, a communist.

In 1971 he graduated from MEPhI. He worked as a leading researcher at one of the Moscow research institutes. In 1982 Received Holy Baptism.

In 1994, he was ordained as a priest, served in the Sretensky Church and the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Dmitrov.

Hegumen Jonah (Rodin)

Class of 1971

Alexander Rodin graduated from MEPhI in 1971, Faculty “A”. He worked in the laboratory of computer technology and automation, then in the laboratory of nuclear reactions.

He came to the Church in 1986. He restored and guarded churches, and a few years later he took monastic vows. Cleric of the Holy Trinity Convent (Temnikovsky district).

Priest Oleg Gurilev

Class of 1980

Born in 1957. Graduated from MEPhI in 1980, Faculty “T”, as well as Moscow Theological Seminary.

Since 2006 - deacon, since 2008 - priest. Cleric of St. Nicholas Church, village. Rudomino, Vilnius district.

Archpriest Vladimir Sakharov

Class of 1981

Born in 1958 in Moscow. He graduated from MEPhI in 1981. In the same year he received Holy Baptism.

In 1990 he was ordained to the rank of deacon, in 1991 to the rank of priest. Graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary.

Served in the Church of the Holy Blessed. Book Alexander Nevsky, Yegoryevsk, Moscow region, Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi.

Since 2005 – priest of the Church of St. Equal. Konstantin and Elena in Mitino.

Priest Alexy Shishkov

Class of 1972

Born in 1959. Graduated from MEPhI in 1982, Faculty “T”. Graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary.

In 1997 he was ordained to the rank of deacon, in 1999 to the rank of presbyter.

Cleric of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Bolvanovka.

Hegumen Theodore (Yablokov)

Class of 1985

Graduated from MEPhI in 1985, Faculty “F”. He worked at the Podolsk Technological Institute, the Moscow Institute for the Operation of Nuclear Power Plants, and worked on software for the Beloyarsk NPP.

In 1995 he took monastic vows. Consecrated on July 7, 1996 by Archbishop Gregory of Mozhaisk.

Rector of the Church of All Saints in Klimovsk. Member of the diocesan department for social service, charity and pastoral work in correctional labor institutions.

Archpriest Sergius Trishkin

Class of 1985

Born in Moscow in 1962. Graduated from MEPhI in 1985.

He worked at a Moscow research institute and served in churches in Moscow, the Moscow region and the Tula region.

In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary. On May 10, 1994, Archbishop Eugene of Vereisky ordained him to the priesthood.

In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy. Since October 2006 he has been serving in the Church of the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in Northern Butovo.

Priest Georgy Zavershinsky

Zavershinsky Georgy (Yuri) Alexandrovich was born on October 2, 1961 in the city of Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. MEPhI, which he graduated from in 1985, remaining an employee of the department of the above institute. In 1987, he entered full-time graduate school at MEPhI, and in 1990 he successfully graduated with a Candidate of Technical Sciences degree.

He worked as a researcher at the International Center for Informatics and Electronics and as head of a laboratory at the Russian Institute of Information Technologies. In 1991 he founded a computer technology company, which he managed until 1995.

In 1999, he was ordained a deacon and appointed deacon at the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine in Vspolye. He graduated from the theological and pastoral faculty of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Theological University (PSTGU) in 1998.

Cleric of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” (Transfiguration of the Savior) on Bolshaya Ordynka.

Archpriest Sergius Spitsyn

Class of 1986

He graduated from MEPhI in 1986. In 1997 he was ordained by Bishop Gregory of Mozhaisk.

In 2005-2013 - Rector of the Church of St. Theodore of Edessa village Uvarovo until February 2013

Clergyman of the Trinity Church in the village of Pavlino, Balashikha district, Moscow region.

Hieromonk Pavel (Gelyastanov)

Class of 1986

Born in 1962 in Nalchik. Graduated from MEPhI in 1986, Faculty "T". Baptized 1991

Graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary. In 2003 he was tonsured into the ryassophore, and in 2013 into the mantle.

In 2003, he was ordained by Bishop Alexy (Frolov) of Orekhovo-Zuevsky as hierodeacon and hieromonk. He served in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Antarctica. Cleric of the Moscow Novospassky Monastery.

Hieromonk Macarius (Mamontov)

Class of 1989

Alexey Nikolaevich Mamontov graduated from MEPhI in 1989, Faculty “T”. He was the first director of the Orthodox Center for Continuing Education in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov. He headed the Sunday school at the Novospassky Monastery.

Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky

Class of 1989

I still never cease to admire my native institute, which turned 75 years old (November 23 of this year will be 76 years old!).

Just imagine: 1942, war, the Germans are driven back from Moscow. At this time, a decision was made to create a new institute - the Moscow Mechanical Institute of Ammunition. On January 1, 1943, the first student classes began in a building on Myasnitskaya Street (then Kirova Street)!

At that time the institute had only three faculties:

  1. Tubes and fuses;
  2. Shells, mines and air bombs;
  3. Cartridges and cartridges.

That's how it all began. Now MEPhI is the National Research Nuclear University (NRNU). I think that says it all!

MEPhI alumni meetings

Almost all week, alumni meetings were held within the walls of our educational institution in honor of the 75th anniversary of the institute. On Wednesday, those who graduated from our university from 1944 to 1975 met. Here they are - the first graduates (photos of the first graduates are not mine - from the MEPhI website)!

Young graduates met in the following days.

After the welcoming speech of the two new deans of my Faculty “T” - Experimental and Theoretical Physics (now these are two new institutes) -

cultural program: we went to see the Gamma-ray telescope, which is being developed in my department as part of an international project, and which, after several iterations of testing, will be launched into space!

Gamma-ray telescope "Gamma-400"

The task of the Gamma-400 Gamma Telescope is to search for Dark Matter (for some reason it seems to me that it was after this phrase that former students, without hesitation, went to the laboratory). We, of course, expected to see huge mirrors, but there was none of that. Here it is - a model of the Gamma-ray telescope.

Various detectors will soon be installed on it, which will allow this very Dark Matter to be found.

Here, for example, is a muon detector. He catches one muon every 40-60 seconds.

This is what a vacuum photomultiplier looks like.

It will be used in a spectrum recording device, which will then be carefully analyzed on the ground.

Such a telescope is practically eternal. The only exhaustible resource in it is gas, which is used in the orientation system when correcting the orbit. No amount of gyroscopes will help here. This is, after all, outer space!

How MEPhI has changed

How nice it is to meet your classmates! And not only classmates - our institute is small, and we all crossed paths somewhere - in a sports camp, on potatoes (who doesn’t know what this is, consider it a waste of time at the institute), even at lectures!

Almost everything has changed in our institute: we have made stylish renovations

and numbered all the doors,

They landscaped the territory, removed all the guards from the buildings, and now you can safely walk everywhere without passes, from each building there is access to the street, and not just from the Main building, a priest in a cassock walks along the corridors and the street, apparently a teacher.

About one and a half thousand foreign students study at the institute. They are from those countries where Rosatom is now building nuclear power plants.

As it turned out, my department no longer exists; it is not surprising that the search for it was unsuccessful.

Interestingly, my classmates, after a little argument, had to get copies of their diplomas in order to remember what year they graduated.

Thanks to the diplomas, we came to a consensus.

And one more thing - I envy the students who are studying here now!