Mental garbage of the past. Feeling like after a bath

- This is a prelude to spring cleaning of your life. For now, we just took out a shovel and went out onto the runway, which needs to be cleared of a mountain of garbage, primarily mental. We will clean it manually. And I’ll tell you right away, it’s not easy and it’s not quick.

It always shakes on takeoff, but you can stand quietly and calmly all your life in the garage

At the start, you need to provide yourself with a place for takeoff - the same strip along which the plane begins to move slowly at first, then a little faster and faster, in order to freeze at a certain point, turn to the final leg of the route and take off from the ground at maximum speed. Towards new horizons.

Every thought or belief about yourself, your relationships, your work, the business that is behind the current state of affairs must be objectively examined under a magnifying glass and meaningfully asked, preferably out loud:

- Isn’t this a mess?

Literally every belief you have in the 4 key areas of life (business, body, soul, relationships) must be called in for questioning and carefully examined from all sides.

From the obviously delusional:

  • All men cheat.
  • There are no normal men left.
  • Girls only need money.
  • You can't earn big money through honest work.
  • Our country has no chance.
  • Life cannot be changed.

And so on and so forth, I won’t give you any hints on your excavations. There's so much stuff there. I’ll just clarify one thing. Paradox - as a rule, what you believe in especially strongly (on an issue that is stalling) - turns out to be the main step for transformation

2. Throw it away

Mental garbage is thrown out in one of two ways:

1.(for advanced) Reset this setting. It dawns on you to the depths of your soul that this belief is a crap that only drags you down, and you no longer want and are not going to think and think like that. And you don’t think, and you don’t think. From now on and forever.

2. (recommended) Replace the old attitude with a new one - constructive, supported by examples from your life and the experience of other people. It definitely needs to be recorded – backed up with real experience from someone’s life. But in the present tense. Directly find a person, even on the Internet, who succeeded contrary to your previous thoughts. As for yourself, look for what you like about yourself and hold on to it as you move towards transformation.

You need to explain and show your subconscious that life is actually more than you are used to thinking and there are positive examples.

This is not an easy task, I know. The most difficult thing is to adjust your worldview, change your (!) point of view on yourself and others. Moreover, in fact, I do not give any hints, allowing you to dig on your own.

Don't try to find mental garbage right away; first, just take a close look at your key opinions about yourself and your life. Turn them around, ask where they came from and what situations or people formed them. As a rule, in matters of relationships, a lot has passed on to us from the opinions of our past partners about us. Question: do you need it today? It's like old things that were once fit, but are now obsolete.

I know that I want to skip such stages. “Give the action, take away the lyrics.” But the fact of the matter is that this action, without which any future “how to find your purpose in life?” will be ineffective.

To build your life, also anew, from the trenches of the past - this is a utopia. The maximum is that you will be able to change the scenery. For those who have already played enough and want real changes, it is important to be able to find your beliefs consider them critically change as needed and follow new ones who chose.

We are still at the stage of... getting to know ourselves. Now we are shaking up the internal shelves for new energy and fresh air.

My advice to you is to leave only the most exalted opinions about yourself and your capabilities. Who, if not you? Enough with the compromises already. Throw away doubts, fears, insecurities and other rubbish. Awareness of life and the ability to create it begins with the understanding that we are better than we are used to thinking about ourselves.

Mental garbage- this is a set of decisions made and formed throughout life, conclusions, protests, prohibitions, fears, fantasies, doubts, beliefs, roles and masks, behavior patterns, as well as other rubbish that fills the mind, and which essentially limits a person and poisons him life.

How exactly does mental garbage limit? I think that everything is already clear with various fears, doubts, internal prohibitions, etc. - their limiting influence is obvious. As for other types of mental trash, such as beliefs, conclusions, decisions, then everything may not be so obvious. In fact, any belief, decision, conclusion, opinion limits a person’s perception of reality, filtering the information coming to him - because of this, a person sees, hears, feels only what passes the filter of some of his beliefs or decisions, and in accordance works with this.

Since the site is dedicated specifically to laziness and how to overcome it, let’s take an example related to it. After some circumstances, a person may have, for example, the conviction that in any business one cannot do without some problems and difficulties. Such a belief can easily interfere with action, because its owner will devote part of his attention to searching for or expecting problems. If no problems arise, then he may unknowingly create problems for himself out of nowhere - and all because of a belief he once accepted. And if problems arise in every task, then you may begin to want to do something less and less, and then laziness may appear, which will essentially be an avoidance of inevitable difficulties.

At the same time, the opposite belief (that everything comes easily and without problems) can do no less harm. Such a belief can prevent you from noticing real problems in some matter and not responding to them in a timely manner. And the more significant the matter, the greater the shock that everything may be covered. This can also significantly discourage you from doing anything.

There may also be a situation where at one period of life the belief that difficulties are inevitable was accepted, and later, in its place, for some reason, the belief came that everything comes easy. This new belief will not replace the first one - they will both be in the mind. The presence of two opposing beliefs in the head will provoke internal contradictions and mental disputes in a person.

However, one should not assume that, based on the above, the correct belief will be that in each case everything can turn out differently - somewhere easy and simple, and somewhere with some difficulties. Of course, this is exactly how things can turn out. :) But precisely in the form beliefs this will still be unnecessary, since although it will not particularly affect attentiveness to the matter and the actions required at the moment, it can still create a completely unnecessary internal dialogue that will only distract. And if you imagine a situation where suddenly several things in a row were done easily and without any problems, then the expectation of “things with problems” may increase, because according to belief, such things also sometimes happen. Nothing good can be expected from this kind of expectation. Sorry for the pun. :)

In general, no matter what a belief (or any other mental garbage) may be, in any case it can lead into a trap of the mind, which will begin to mold something out of it and provoke a person to some thoughts and actions. So it’s better without all this junk in your head. Then you can simply act: if everything goes smoothly and well, then it goes, and if problems arise, then simply solve them, and in both cases, do not screw anything up. Of course, the above does not exclude thinking through and planning things, but in the absence of mental garbage, you can do this adequately and without problems.

God forbid that I develop topics on how to get rid of wrong thoughts or wrong people in my life (somehow such reasoning is often found in the feed). I think that exciting thoughts are correct in any case, only the angle of view is important. And you don’t need to cut annoying people out of your life - you just shouldn’t force communication, and everything will be minimized by itself.

I'm talking about something completely different - practical, so to speak. About how we sometimes litter our mail, computer, bookshelves, and so on. I noticed that this information garbage bothers me much more than an untidy apartment. In all seriousness.

Once, I remember, one colleague went on vacation, but left the computer on because we might need information from there. And we really needed the information, but we couldn’t find it, despite all the assurances of my colleague that everything there was logical. It was mental hell. I've never seen anything like this. Firstly, the entire desktop was littered with folders and files, which supposedly followed some kind of logic. Moreover, similar files could be located either on the desktop, or in a complex folder tree, or on an internal corporate disk. This was somehow magically explainable, according to this colleague of ours, but we were not given the opportunity to understand. The same thing happened inside the folders. In addition to work materials, there was everything you could think of - Internet pages copied to the desktop, beautiful pictures, articles. All this was out of order and out of place.

But what amazed me the most was that it had a double taskbar at the bottom of the screen! I couldn’t even think that such an opportunity existed, but why is it needed?... Usually the taskbar contains quick access buttons - an Internet browser, an email program, and something else. In addition, on the right there is sound, language change and other ordinary and familiar little things. But how can you fill the taskbar so that it becomes double?...

And I'll tell you. For example, there were three email programs, although only one of them could be used in our company. There were all the programs that the colleague had ever used at work - all the office programs, all the graphic editors, spreadsheets, etc. I don’t even know what else and why dump all this on the taskbar! In short, we were all in shock, our brains were broken until we found the documents we needed.

And guess what? It was not a creative disorder, but a system familiar to man. More precisely, a complex, tangled web of habits.

One very positive uncle from head to toe, our employee, involuntarily said:

Hmmm, I now understand why she is so angry and tense all the time. What's in the computer is in the head.

And I thought that he was damn right - this approach to life explains a lot about her difficult character.

It is this kind of garbage that disstabilizes me more than anything else. After all, trash piled up in neat piles never ceases to be trash, right? Moreover, accuracy in this case is highly questionable!

A friend of mine once said that she never deletes emails and never deletes any photos. I was very surprised - after all, some of the photographs turn out unsuccessful, and some letters do not need to be kept at all. “Hi, what are you doing?” - “Normal” - if this is not the memory of the heart, then why save this empty chatter in the mail?

Of course, from time to time I dump something on my desktop, but then I still scatter it into folders, nothing remains unattended. I clean my mail regularly - I leave only work-related correspondence or some important data that may suddenly come in handy.

Photographs are a whole different story, brought to the point of automatism. Perhaps the Apple system is different and more successful, as MCH recently proved to me, but for now I’m on a PC, and my “system” is convenient for me.

All photos are in chronological order. This principle suits me best.


The year is divided into months

Inside the month in the chronology, under serial numbers and names, there are folders of events

And there's already a photo inside

If I take photographs, I take many photos at once - for me this is the only way to catch a good or informative shot. I dump all the shooting into a new folder, which goes into its year-month-number. There I begin to mercilessly delete photos. Sometimes up to 80%. After some time, I delete more frames. And there’s a lot left, but what can you do?

I delete all files and photos from my phone from time to time. I simply delete photos that don’t mean anything, and put the rest into the computer.

This is how I currently get rid of mental garbage. No cluttered desktop, no extra photos.

I also throw away magazines and books I don’t like without regret.

Are you struggling with mental garbage? And if so, how?

But practice shows that before the age of 25, the proportion of healthy indifference, which is an excellent antidote to any fears, is much higher. With age, small and indiscriminate doubts silently eat up any sound idea, feeling at home in our minds.

In fact, a bunch of intelligent adults are bursting with interesting ideas and can’t implement anything, hiding behind excuses that they themselves believe in, while others go and do the same.

Any experience of the past, especially one to which we attached significance, settles in our consciousness in the form of conclusions and conclusions drawn on a particular issue. Some of these conclusions (perhaps most) were made unconsciously, without your control. These insights shape your life today. Hence it turns out that until we consciously control the process, we are woven from the fabric of our own past.

All these:

  • Am I beautiful or ugly?
  • Am I smart or am I a fool?
  • Do girls like me or do they always tease me?
  • Finding a job is easy.
  • There is no work.
  • You can't make money on the Internet.
  • There are only charlatans on the Internet.
  • You can't trust anyone.

Any of these thoughts are usually the result of your inference from past experiences (or the experiences of your environment). Many, and sometimes all, of these conclusions are not your choice.

Life is a choice. But no one does it.

When was the last time you examined your beliefs and changed some of them? Did you consciously decide that from now on you will think this way and not otherwise?

I want to believe that adults have gathered here who understand perfectly well that there is no question of dividing experiences into “good” or “bad.” I'm not suggesting changing something because it's "bad" or could be "better."

Mental garbage is attitudes and beliefs,
that slow you down.

They do not allow you to rejoice here and now. Something that prevents you from moving. What leads to the same situations being repeated over and over again in our lives.

In the matter of creating yourself anew, this is a very important aspect. It is impossible to make a 180-degree turn by endlessly feeding all these past conclusions.

As long as you believe what you believed yesterday,
you will receive what you received yesterday.

Mystics of all times did not waste time on this matter and immediately suggested waking up every morning with a clean slate, forgetting everything that came before. Like, a new day - a new life - new conclusions.

But don't worry, I'm not suggesting repeating this. We care about their awareness and detachment like we care about the Moon, maybe this is for the best.

Your task is to dig out your own mental garbage and get rid of it. To start, just dig it out.

- How do I know if I have mental garbage?

- Very simple. Just ask yourself one question and you know the answer: are you living 100% of the life you want? Is there a drive?

It's time to turn to the answers to the question: What brought me to where I am now?

Every thought or belief about yourself, your relationships, your work, the business that is behind the current state of affairs must be objectively examined under a magnifying glass and meaningfully asked, preferably out loud:

- Isn’t this a mess?

Literally every belief you have in the 4 key areas of life (business, body, soul, relationships) must be called in for questioning and carefully examined from all sides.

From the obviously delusional:

All men cheat. There are no normal men left. Girls only need money. Big money cannot be earned through honest work. Our country has no chance. Life cannot be changed.

And so on and so forth, I won’t give you any hints on your excavations. There's so much stuff there. I’ll just clarify one thing. Paradox - as a rule, what you believe in especially strongly (on an issue that is stalling) - turns out to be the main step for transformation

Mental garbage is thrown out in one of two ways:

Reset this setting. It dawns on you to the depths of your soul that this belief is a crap that only drags you down, and you no longer want and are not going to think and think like that. And you don’t think, and you don’t think. From now on and forever.

You replace the old attitude with a new one - constructive, supported by examples from your life and the experience of other people. It definitely needs to be recorded – backed up with real experience from someone’s life. But in the present tense. Directly find a person, even on the Internet, who succeeded contrary to your previous thoughts. As for yourself, look for what you like about yourself and hold on to it as you move towards transformation.

You need to explain and show your subconscious that life is actually more than you are used to thinking and there are positive examples.

This is not an easy task, I know. The most difficult thing is to adjust your worldview, change your (!) point of view on yourself and others. Moreover, in fact, I do not give any hints, allowing you to dig on your own.

Don't try to find mental garbage right away; first, just take a close look at your key opinions about yourself and your life. Turn them around, ask where they came from and what situations or people formed them. As a rule, in matters of relationships, a lot has passed on to us from the opinions of our past partners about us. Question: do you need it today? It's like old things that were once fit, but are now obsolete.

I know that I want to skip such stages. “Give the action, take away the lyrics.” But without that, any future “how to find your purpose in life?” will be ineffective.

Building a new life from the trenches of the past is a utopia. The maximum is that you will be able to change the scenery. For those who have already played enough and want real changes, it is important to be able to find their beliefs, examine them critically, change them as needed and follow new ones that they have chosen.

We are still at the stage of... getting to know ourselves. Now we are shaking up the internal shelves for new energy and fresh air.

And my advice to you: leave only the most exalted opinions about yourself and your capabilities. Awareness of life and the ability to create it begins with accepting yourself and understanding your best qualities

Good day, my dear reader!

I’m back on the Internet, which I’ve been having problems with for the past few days, which means I’m back with you! And I am writing for you the promised continuation to, in which we talked about the internal subbotnik. Today our conversation will be about garbage on subtle planes, that is, about mental garbage .

What is mental garbage? and how to get rid of it?

I'll start with what you know very well. People, including you and me, my reader, have a misunderstanding of why there is so much garbage on our streets, in entrances, and public places. Or rather, we understand this, but we are perplexed why people, to whom you and I, my reader, are not one, throw wrappers from sweets, chocolate, ice cream, and even a whole plastic bottle, right in the place where they that they finished drinking or eating their product. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a street or a room, a place to relax or a public transport stop.

People set up a landfill in a residential area, where, in fact, they themselves live. You don't have to go far. This is what is happening now on our landing. This is the norm for our neighbors, but my husband and I are surprised that it really couldn’t have been taken out immediately, that is, during the renovation?

I will not delve into the topic now that all this has roots in childhood. You can read about this if you want. I’ll just write about an example that I have observed throughout my life, more than once or twice. And you probably do too.

A mother is walking with a child holding ice cream or something else in a package. He unfolds the contents and throws the piece of paper on the ground. And the mother, who, like no one else, must explain to the child why this cannot be done, calmly walks on. Moreover, she herself throws away the wrapper of what she just ate. For my mother, this process dates back to her childhood, who was never told about the consequences of littering the environment, much less littering her thin bodies. But she is already an adult WOMAN and must understand what she is doing, unlike her baby, to whom she conveys this misunderstanding and indifference through her clear example.

Not only this, but our Russians, in their summer holiday destinations, not to mention our south, and now abroad, are setting up a real garbage dump. But there are places in the world where it is very clean and cozy. Not long ago, one of my good friends went to Shanghai, where the streets were so clean, as if they were wet cleaning there every day. He, of course, regretfully compares the cleanliness of Shanghai with our Russian dirt.

And I’m not even talking about what’s going on in the house or apartment. Old things, garbage in the form of old papers, a warehouse of old equipment and parts, just a whole sea. Especially among older people, who always oppress themselves in everything, accumulating this garbage for years, thereby littering their personal space.

By the way, we never had anything in our apartment before! Now we have distributed everything unnecessary to those who need it or thrown it away. But I think we need to go through our closets more than once.

Finally, I come to the most important thing. It turned out to be a long preface. But if you have read the article up to this point, then you are not an outside observer of the pollution of the surrounding space in which we humans live, you are the main character in this space. This means that you are on the right path to overcoming yourself for a harmonious life.

Mental garbage begins inside our head, or rather, with our thinking. I repeat again, how we think is how we live. What do many people think? What do they say? NEGATIVE. And negativity is garbage. Destructive thoughts and emotions such as hatred, anger, envy, jealousy, pride, selfishness, greed, resentment, hostility and others accumulate garbage in people’s heads for years. And the further these destructions progress, turning consciousness into a complete dump, the more difficult it is to get out of the ruins of misunderstanding, first of all, of yourself.

As a result, all the subtle bodies of a person become clogged, and blocks are formed that hinder success, happiness and life. Therefore, they do not believe in their own perfection. What is perfection if there is dirt and debris all around? The external reflects the internal.

So why is there so much dirt and garbage in our country? You’ve probably easily guessed it yourself now :) Yes, until we cleanse our thoughts and bodies, not only our own, but also by helping others do the same, we will not get out of the common dump and crap. And the more people scold the government and authorities, thereby including negative words and thoughts, but at the same time inaction, remaining the same, without turning on their inner positive light, which EVERYONE has, the further we will all be sucked into this dirty swamp. Did you hear? This applies not to one or a few people, but to all of us, residents of the country, the Earth, the Universe.

By polluting ourselves, we cover the surrounding space with garbage; by polluting the surrounding space, we fill ourselves with garbage. This is the cycle. Everything in the Universe is interconnected.

How to get rid of mental garbage?

Do you want step by step? Let's! But in the next article. It is already ready, but I want you, my reader,

realized and experienced the information in this article, wrote about their thoughts in the comments

Good luck in working on yourself and see you!

Always with YOU, our dear readers, blog authors Vera and Sergey.