Memoria. Mikhail Chernov

On these pages there will be a story about Elena Mikhailovna Chernova, who dreamed of becoming a doctor since childhood.
She was born on August 12, 1963. in the village of Promyshlennaya, Kemerovo region.
Parents: father - Romashkin Mikhail Stepanovich, mother - Romashkina Ksenia Nikolaevna.
While still a preschooler, she was the leader in all children's fun in her yard, although the rest of the children were older and went to school. I prepared concerts with them for the elderly, inviting them from all the nearby yards. Just a little girl, she was respected by older children and the adult population. Her mother was often sick, and Lena constantly saw doctors in the house; after their visits, her mother felt better. Her decision to become a doctor became stronger.
“Lena studied well at school, was an active organizer in the class,” recalls biology teacher V.L. Vanyushkina, “She carried out all the instructions given to her. She enjoyed the respect of her classmates. She had good to excellent knowledge in all subjects. I was especially interested in biology and showed curiosity.”
In 1980, she graduated from school and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute, from which she graduated in 1986 with a degree in general medicine.
She completed an internship in therapy at the Central City Clinical Hospital in Kemerovo. Upon completion, she was referred by an endocrinologist to the advisory clinic of the hospital for rehabilitation treatment in Kemerovo. In 1991, she was transferred to the diagnostic center due to the reorganization of the department, where she works to the present day.
During the period of work, she repeatedly improved her qualifications at certification cycles in Novokuznetsk and St. Petersburg. She constantly participated in the work of “Specialist Days” and medical conferences. Twice I attended the congress of diabetologists in Moscow. Elena Mikhailovna is a highly qualified specialist; she has the highest qualification category. Competently understands complex diagnostic cases, correctly determines the tactics of patient management and treatment.
He widely uses new methods in diagnosing diseases, constantly mastering modern treatment methods. She takes her work responsibly, is demanding of herself and her colleagues, is attentive and friendly to patients.
Over the years of work, she has accumulated a lot of experience. Many families throughout our region remember her name with gratitude.
“Once I was sitting in this hospital, waiting for Elena Mikhailovna’s appointment. There were a lot of patients. These were patients from all areas of our region - diabetics. During the time I had to wait, I listened to so much praise addressed to her. She accepted everyone: both those who received an admission ticket and those who did not have time to do so. There were also many who had to go to another endocrinologist. She never refused help to anyone. The patients leaving the doctor’s office smiled and were grateful to her for the warm welcome. And I remembered: “The doctor treats not only with medicine, but with a word, with a kind attitude towards him.”
On the other hand, it is an attentive, friendly attitude towards patients that should be the norm, the standard of this profession. Each of us will immediately name examples of the selfless service to duty of many wizards in white coats. They are not only remembered, the memory of them is kept in the best corner of the soul, as in the temple of one’s heart.
Most of all, we value those healers in white coats who, in our difficult times, did not deposit the purity of their hands and thoughts in the devil’s bank. And let them be rewarded handsomely for this in the grand scheme of things.
He often remembers his 56th school, because... her children are still studying. We have to compare how they taught then and how they teach now.
- “We were taught better!” - she says.
“My first teacher was Sergeeva Dora Vasilievna. He was a demanding teacher who instilled in me a desire to learn,” recalls Elena Mikhailovna. – On my school journey I met such wonderful teachers: Evdokia Mikhailovna But, to whom I am very grateful for her lessons on ethics, aesthetics, culture of behavior and self-respect.
An excellent chemistry teacher - Cherdantseva Valentina Aleksandrovna. She simply fascinated with her subject (it was one of my favorite subjects).
Physicist – Alexey Ivanovich Losev. Thanks to him, perhaps I became a doctor, because... I took physics as the last subject at college and an A on the exam was decisive for the passing grade. And I received it. Varvara Leontievna Vanyushkina with her calmness and self-control, which can only be envied. Tatyana Grigorievna Ivanova is strict, demanding and very charming. To be honest, I remember everyone: Galina Yakovlevna and Lyudmila Vladimirovna, who even when I was studying at the institute, helped me with English and Nikolai Alekseevich Katkov (our school director), and head teacher Lidiya Stanislavovna, and physical education teacher Valeria Ivanovna Kulbatskaya.
I would like to say to everyone (who still remembers me) a huge thank you for their very responsible, noble work.
Our school had (and maybe still has) the best teaching staff.
It is a pity that many are no longer alive, but we, their students, will remember them until the end of our days. And these are not loud words, this is from the bottom of my heart. I am proud to have been lucky enough to study with such wonderful teachers in my life.”
Elena Mikhailovna has two children. The eldest daughter Marina followed in the footsteps of her mother and father. She is a student of KSMA, Faculty of Medicine. Son Roman is an 11th grade student.
Husband - Mikhail Timofeevich Chernov, deputy chief physician of the regional anti-tuberculosis dispensary, chief phthisiatrician of the Kemerovo region.
Elena Mikhailovna is not only a wonderful endocrinologist, but also a psychologist. He easily finds mutual understanding with his patients, sympathizes with them, perceiving their pain as his own.
During her work, Elena Mikhailovna was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor from the administration of the diagnostic center, the department of health care of the city and region, and was the winner of the city competition “Best Doctor of 2003”
For her professionalism and kindness, Elena Mikhailovna enjoys the respect of her colleagues. She is very energetic and emotional. She is always kind and friendly with patients. Can comfort the patient with a kind word. Selfless and kind towards her patients.

H ernov Mikhail Grigorievich - section commander of the 1st battalion of the 238th Guards Red Banner Order of Alexander Nevsky regiment of the 81st Guards Rifle Krasnograd Red Banner Order of Suvorov division of the 7th Guards Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Font, guard sergeant - at the time of the last submission for awarding the order "Glory."

Born on January 2, 1925 in the village of Kremenskaya, now Kletsky district, Volgograd region, in a Cossack family. Russian. 7th grade education.

In December 1942, he volunteered for the Red Army and was sent to a reserve regiment. In the summer of 1943, as part of the replenishment, he was enlisted in the 163rd Infantry Division. He received his baptism of fire on the Kursk Bulge, in the battle for the village of Russkaya Berezovka. Then, as part of his regiment, he participated in the liberation of the Ukrainian cities of Bogodukhov, Romny, and Priluki. Was transferred to intelligence.

On the night of October 1–2, 1943, as part of the advance detachment of the regiment, in a boat led by the commander of the reconnaissance company, junior lieutenant Slastikhin, crossed the Dnieper River. He was one of the first to land on the right bank, burst into an enemy trench and destroyed a machine-gun crew with grenades. The scouts held the captured trench until the main forces arrived. All fighters of the detachment were awarded orders. On October 22, Private Chernov was presented with the Order of the Red Star by the commander of the 163rd Infantry Division, Colonel Karlov.

Then there were battles on the Lyutezh bridgehead for the liberation of Kyiv. As part of his regiment, the brave scout crossed the Southern Bug and Dniester rivers. Scout of the foot reconnaissance platoon of the 529th Focsha Infantry Regiment of the 163rd Romensky Infantry Division of the 40th Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, Corporal Chernov distinguished himself in battles on the territory of Romania.

On July 9, 1944, Corporal Chernov, as part of a reconnaissance group, penetrated behind enemy lines near the village of Moisha (Romania) with the task of taking the “tongue”. The scouts entered the battle as a group of 25 Nazis and destroyed 15 of them, and captured three. Covering the retreat of the reconnaissance group that had captured the tongue, Chernov destroyed two enemy soldiers in a fight. The delivered languages ​​provided valuable information.

P Rikaza for the 163rd Infantry Division dated July 12, 1944 for exemplary execution of command orders, corporal Mikhail Grigorievich Chernov was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree (No. 135110).

On August 28, 1944, in the area of ​​the village of Verneshti (15 km southwest of the city of Rymnic-Serat, Romania), Corporal Chernov, as part of a reconnaissance group, captured a “language”. While covering the retreat of the scouts, he unexpectedly encountered three Nazi machine gunners. In a short hand-to-hand fight, he eliminated two with a knife, and captured the third and brought him to his unit.

P Rikaza of October 28, 1944 for exemplary execution of command orders, corporal Mikhail Grigorievich Chernov was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree.

The scout did not have time to receive the well-deserved award, and did not even know about it. He fought through all of Romania and crossed the border with Hungary. On the night of November 4-5, in the first group of paratroopers, under enemy fire, he crossed the Tisa River. In a battle on the west bank he was seriously wounded. For this battle he was nominated for the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree.

He spent more than three months in the hospital. After recovery, I was unable to return to my unit. In February 1945, Sergeant Chernov was sent to the 238th Guards Rifle Regiment as a squad commander. As part of the new regiment, he took part in the liberation of Czechoslovakia and distinguished himself during the crossing of the Nitra River.

On March 28, 1945, Sergeant Chernov’s squad was the first to cross the Nitra River (23 km north of the city of Komarno, Czechoslovakia) and immediately entered the battle, thereby ensuring the crossing of the remaining units. In the battles for the city of Nove Zamik, the soldiers of his squad captured 11 Nazis. Chernov personally killed 7 enemy soldiers.

On April 8, he was nominated by the regiment commander for awarding the Order of the Red Star. The division commander, Colonel Orlov, made changes, promoting him to the Order of Glory, 3rd degree.

P Rikaza for the 81st Guards Rifle Division dated April 14, 1945 for exemplary execution of orders from command sergeant Mikhail Grigorievich Chernov was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, for the second time. This was done because there was no information about previous awards in the personal file, and the submission included the entry “not previously awarded.”

But the award was not presented. On April 8, on the western bank of the Morava River, Chernov was again seriously wounded - in the head. I celebrated Victory Day in a hospital in Budapest. Then he served in the Far East. In August 1946 M.G. Chernov was demobilized.

He returned to his homeland, to the village of Kremenskaya. He began to work, as before the war, as a tractor driver. In 1959, the front-line hero was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree (No. 46395) and later the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree. In the early 70s he went to work on a fishing collective farm. In 1973, he fell ill and suffered from front-line wounds. He was recognized as a disabled person of the 2nd group due to a general illness.

In 1981, it became known that the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, which Chernov was awarded in April 1945, was not awarded. Considering that during the awarding there was a violation of the statute of the Order of Glory, the documents were reissued.

U Kazarov of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 16, 1984 in order of re-awarding Mikhail Grigorievich Chernov awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree (No. 2103). Became a full holder of the Order of Glory.

Awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree, the Red Star, and medals.

A street in the village of Kremenskaya is named after him.

05/10/1926, Russian, beginning.

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Blagodarny

called up: Blagodarny RVK, 1944, rank/position private, artilleryman

inv. 2nd year, 1950, Stavropol region, Blagodarny, DPMK-4, operator, pensioner.

2. Chernov Mikhail Gerasimovich

1910, Russian

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Shpakovsky district, village. Kazinka

called up: Shpakovsky RVK, 1941, rank/position private


3. Chernov Mikhail Elizarovich

Place of birth: Shpakovsky district, village. Kugulta

called up: Shpakovsky RVC, rank/position junior sergeant

died 07/17/43, Rostov region, Kuibyshevsky district, village. Petropole.

4. Chernov Mikhail Mikhailovich

1906, Russian

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Alexandrovsky district, village. Krugloleskoye

called up: Aleksandrovsky RVK, 1941, rank/position private

died 11/26/43, Oryol region, Dolzhansky district, x. Ivatyul.

5. Chernov Mikhail Ivanovich

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Ipatovsky district, village. Sofiyivka

called up: Ipatovsky RVC, rank/position private

missing 00.12.43

6. Chernov Mikhail Vasilievich

1914, Russian, semi-literate

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Shpakovsky district, village. Kugulta

worked at a grain farm, Stavropol region, Grachevsky district, village. Kugulta, Grachevsky plant, tractor driver.

7. Chernov Mikhail Grigorievich

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Budennovsky district, village. Tomuzlovskoe

called up: Budennovsky RVK, rank/position private

missing 00.05.43

8. Chernov Mikhail Antonovich

1917, Russian

Place of birth: Stavropol Territory, Levokumsky district, village. Pravokumskoe

called up: Levokumsky RVK, 1941, rank/position private

died 02/22/42, KZD district.

9. Chernov Mikhail Evdokimovich

1902, Russian

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Voroshilovsky district, village. Pelagiad

called up: Voroshilovsky RVK, 1941, rank/position private

missing 00.00.43

10. Chernov Mikhail Anisimovich

1912, Russian, early

Place of birth: Stavropol region, Shpakovsky district, village. Pelagiad

called up: Stavropol RVC, 1943, 1177th regiment, 49th department. battalion, Kalinin fr., rank/position private, rifleman

inv. II gr., 1945, Stavropol region, Shpakovsky district, village. Pelagiada, st. Mazikeena, 11, died in 1995.

Today in Pskov: June 12, 2019 19:34:46


  • current request: Butylin Mikhail Timofeevich Ryadokhnovo
  • results found: 200
  • results pages: 20

Place of birth - Pskov. Place of death - L-d. Participant in the establishment of power Soviet, state, professional. and household activist From the family of a printing worker. Graduated from two classes. zemstvo school. In 1897 - 1906 - typesetter in the printing houses of Pskov and St. Petersburg. In 1906 - 1916 for the revolution. During his work, he was arrested 8 times and spent 2.5 years in the St. Petersburg Kresty prison. Since March 1917 - head. working section Psk. Council. As a member The Military Revolutionary Committee took part in establishing the power of the Soviets. in Pskov, in the detention of Kerensky-Krasnov’s troops moving towards Petrograd through Pskov. In November 1917, a deputy was elected. Constituent Assembly. In February - March 1918 he was part of the military revolution. headquarters for the defense of Pskov against German troops. In 1918 - 1920 - head. labor department of the provincial executive committee, in 1920 - 1921 - chairman. provincial trade union council, in 1922 - 1924 - head. organizational and industrial department of Psk. Provincial Committee of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). In 1924 - 1942 - professional, owl. and household work in Nikolaev, Novgorod, Borovichi and Leningrad. During the Second World War - organizer and teams. one of the detachments of the L-d people. militia. Delegate to the VII, VIII, X and XVI party congresses.

Place of birth - the village of Morozovo, Pustoshkinsky district. Place of death - near Budapest. Cavalier of the 3rd horde. Glory. In 1939 he was drafted into the army. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish war. On the fronts of the Second World War - since 1941. He was a scout, went from L-da to Budapest. On 02/08/1944, a group of reconnaissance officers, which included F., captured 3 “tongues”, which provided the command with valuable information. All participants in the operation were marked with hordes. Glory 3rd Art.. 07/29/1944 scouts, moving ahead of the attackers, captured a group of Germans, among whom was the command. rifle battalion and its headquarters with documents. Scout load. Ord. Glory 2nd degree. F. distinguished himself on Hungarian soil. Acting in the area of ​​the battalion’s offensive near Budapest on 02/3–4/1945 in a reconnaissance group, he was the first to break into a populated area, destroying enemy firing points and manpower. 02/07/1945, leading a group of scouts, destroyed 3 enemy light machine guns and 11 Nazis, and captured 54 soldiers. Ord. Glory 1 tbsp. load posthumously.

Source: Pskov Biographical Dictionary. Under general ed. V. N. Leshchikova. Pskov, Perm State Pedagogical Institute, 2002 | →

Place of death - Kotelno Ostrovsky village. Infantry general, diplomat. He began his military service with the rank of non-commissioned officer. Participated in the Seven Years' War. For his distinction in the battle of Frankfurt-on-Oder (1759), he received the rank of colonel. Under Peter III he was promoted to brigadier. In 1762 Catherine II promoted him to major general. From 1766 to 1768 - head. Land Cadet Corps. Rev. the basics of mathematics and military art to the future Emperor Paul. From 1764 to 1774 he was minister plenipotentiary in Denmark. Upon returning to Russia, he retired. In December 1797, Paul I appointed general of the infantry F. Psk. governor, a post in which he served until March 12, 1798. Alexander I appointed member. State advice. Was not a stranger to lit. classes. Works and translations in poetry and prose were published in Moscow in 1819. Was a member. Society "Conversation of lovers of the Russian word."

Source: Pskov Biographical Dictionary. Under general ed. V. N. Leshchikova. Pskov, Perm State Pedagogical Institute, 2002 | →

Place of birth and death - p. Dedovichi. Hero of the Owls. Union. He graduated from seven-year school, worked as a mechanic, direct. Houses of Culture. Participant of the Soviet-Finnish war. During the Second World War there were teams. machine gun squad of the 2nd LPB. In battles he destroyed approx. 150 Nazis, participated in partisan operations in Dedovichi, in the village of Gorodovets in February 1942, defended Partiz. region, accompanied the food train for the besieged Leningrad. Title of Hero of the Owls. Union - 04/08/1942. Later he commanded the partisans. company, detachment. Died in battle with punitive forces.

Source: Pskov Biographical Dictionary. Under general ed. V. N. Leshchikova. Pskov, Perm State Pedagogical Institute, 2002 | →

1896 - 1979

Colonel General (1943), in Kr. Army since 1918. In Civil. war - commands. battalion, rifle regiment and brigade. Since 1925, commissar of the rifle division and corps, deputy. command., since 1938 - command. troops of the Leningrad Military District. In June 1938 - dep. Top. Council of the RSFSR 1st convocation from Psk. districts. Before the elections, he came to Pskov to meet with voters, spoke at a citywide rally, and visited military units stationed here. On July 10, 1938, in the House of Soviets of Pskov, he was presented with a certificate of election as a deputy. Since 1939, X. has been the head of the Military. Academy named after M. V. Frunze. During the Second World War - the head of the rear of the front, teams. 54 A, from October 1941 - by the Ld Front. In 1942 - 1943 he commanded armies and was deputy. commands Zap. front, since 1944 - teams. troops of the Military District, in 1946 - 1956 - head of the Military Pedagogical Department. and Military institute, in 1965 - 1973 - head of higher academicians. courses and military fact. General Staff Academy.

Source: Pskov Biographical Dictionary. Under general ed. V. N. Leshchikova. Pskov, Perm State Pedagogical Institute, 2002 | →

Stolnik, governor in Gdov from 03/16/1678. Took over the city from steward A.S. Dokhturov.

Note: In the photo: Russian governor, 1670s (historical reconstruction by K. A. Zhukov, drawing by D. P. Aleksinsky).