Hero gold star medal. Title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Gold Star medal

By resolution of the USSR Central Executive Committee of July 29, 1936, the Regulations on the title of Hero of the Soviet Union were approved.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 1, 1939, in order to specially distinguish citizens awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and performing new heroic deeds, to establish the “Gold Star” medal, shaped like a five-pointed star.

The first medal was awarded to the Hero of the Soviet Union, polar pilot A. S. Lyapidevsky. During the Great Patriotic War, fighter pilots M.P. Zhukov were among the first to receive the highest degree of distinction. S.I. Zdorovtsev and P.T. Kharitonov, who accomplished their feats in the sky near Leningrad.

Regulations on the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union is the highest degree of distinction and is awarded for personal or collective services to the Soviet state and society associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat.
The title of Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded:
- the highest award of the USSR - the Order of Lenin;
— a sign of special distinction - the “Gold Star” medal;
- Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

A Hero of the Soviet Union, who has accomplished a second heroic feat, no less than that for which others who have accomplished a similar feat are awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, is awarded the Order of Lenin and a second Gold Star medal, and in commemoration of his exploits, a bronze bust of the Hero is built with an appropriate inscription, established in his homeland, which is recorded in the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the award.
A Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded two Gold Star medals, for new heroic deeds similar to those previously accomplished, may again be awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.
When a Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal, he is presented with a certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR simultaneously with the order and medal.
If the Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, then in commemoration of his heroic and labor deeds, a bronze bust of the Hero with the appropriate inscription is built, installed in his homeland, which is recorded in the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on conferring the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
Heroes of the Soviet Union enjoy benefits established by law.
The “Gold Star” medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union is worn on the left side of the chest above the orders and medals of the USSR.
Deprivation of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union can only be carried out by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

More than 11,600 soldiers, officers and generals of the Red Army, partisans and underground fighters were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their feats committed during the Great Patriotic War.
The author of the medal project is the artist I. I. Dubasov.
The first three medals were awarded to the military pilot Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Pokryshkin.
There are many foreigners among those awarded the highest degree of distinction. Four French pilots of the Normandie-Niemen regiment received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union: Marcel Albert. Rolland de la Poype, Jacques Andre, Marcel Lefebvre. The title was posthumously awarded to Jan Nelspka, the commander of a partisan detachment consisting of Czechs and Slovaks.
Among the post-war Heroes of the Soviet Union were pilots of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps, who fought in North Korea against American and South Korean aces.
On June 8, 1960, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to the Spaniard Ramon Mercader, who arrived in the USSR from Mexico after serving a 20-year sentence for the murder of Leon Trotsky, committed in 1940 on the orders of Stalin. A year later, Fidel Castro and Egyptian President Nasser became Heroes of the USSR.
For feats accomplished during the war. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to people who received the stigma of “traitor to the Motherland” under Stalin. Justice was restored to the defender of the Brest Fortress, Major P. M. Gavrilov, the hero of the French Resistance, Lieutenant Porik (posthumously), holder of the Italian Resistance Medal Polezhaev (posthumously). In 1945, pilot-lieutenant Devyatayev escaped from captivity by hijacking a German bomber. Instead of a reward, he was put in a camp as a “traitor.” In 1957 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1964, intelligence officer Richard Sorge became a Hero (posthumously). Under M.S. Gorbachev, the famous submariner Marinesko, undeservedly forgotten after the war, was awarded the title of Hero.

Gold Star of Hero of the Soviet Union

Hero of the Soviet Union is an honorary title, the highest degree of distinction in the USSR for services to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed. Established by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the USSR dated April 16, 1934, assigned by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (since March 1990 - by the President of the USSR).

The initial awarding of the Hero of the Soviet Union was marked by the presentation of the highest award of the USSR - the Order of Lenin and a special diploma of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR (since 1937 - diplomas of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR).

Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR conferring the title Hero of the Soviet Union

To specially distinguish citizens awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 1, 1939, a gold medal “Hero of the Soviet Union” was established, shaped like a five-pointed star with the inscription on the reverse: “Hero of the USSR.” It was established that the medal was awarded together with the Order of Lenin. When conferring this high rank for the second and third time, the award was provided only with a medal, the Order of Lenin was not awarded.

In commemoration of the exploits of the twice Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as the Hero of the Soviet Union, who was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, a bronze bust of him was installed in the recipient’s homeland.

Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin, awarded along with the title

The Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 22, 1988 “On improving the procedure for awarding state awards of the USSR” stated that the re-awarding of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the Gold Star medal is not carried out, and bronze busts are not installed during the heroes’ lifetime.

The first Heroes of the Soviet Union were seven polar pilots: A.V. Lyapidevsky, S.A. Levanevsky, V.S. Molokov, N.P. Kamanin, M.T. Slepnev, M.V. Vodopyanov, I.V. Doronin. They were awarded this honorary title for rescuing passengers and crew members of the Chelyuskin steamship in distress on April 20, 1934. In the same year, test pilot M.M. became a Hero of the Soviet Union for setting a world record in flight distance. Gromov, and two years later - pilots, and. In 1938, the first female pilots, V.S., were awarded the highest degree of distinction. Grizodubova, P.D. Osipenko and M.M. Raskova.

The first Heroes of the Soviet Union (from left to right): S.A. Levanevsky, V.S. Molokov, M.T. Slepnev, N.P. Kamanin, M.V. Vodopyanov, A.V. Lyapidevsky, I.V. Doronin. 1934

Among those awarded in the 1930s were many Arctic explorers. The most famous of them were four polar explorers: the head of the North Pole research station (SP-1) I.D. Papanin, radio operator E.T. Krenkel, oceanographer P.P. Shirshov and astronomer-magnetologist E.K. Fedorov.

The first award of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for military exploits took place on December 31, 1936. This award was awarded to 11 commanders of the Red Army - participants in the Spanish Civil War. Among the internationalist soldiers of that time, Lieutenant S.I. became famous. Gritsevets and Major G.P. Kravchenko, who then received a second Gold Star in the battles at Khalkhin Gol (August 1939). They became the first twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 25, 1938, 22 commanders and 4 Red Army soldiers were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for military merits and military valor.

In total, from April 1934 to April 1941, 626 people were awarded the highest degree of distinction. Including, for military exploits in providing international assistance in China - 14 people, Spain - 59 people, for heroism shown in defending the state border at Lake Khasan - 26, on the river. Khalkhin Gol - 70, during the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939 - 1940. - 412 people, as well as 45 pilots and aviation navigators, scientists and researchers of the Arctic and Far East, participants in high-latitude expeditions. During this period, five people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union twice.

During the Great Patriotic War, the first - on July 8, 1941 - were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to the pilots of the 158th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 7th Air Defense Fighter Corps M.P. Zhukov, S.I. Zdorovtsev, P.T. Kharitonov, who rammed fascist planes on the outskirts of Leningrad. During the first period of the war alone, over 600 people earned the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The crushing blows of the Red Army against Hitler's troops were accompanied by examples of mass heroism and dedication of the Soviet people. In February 1943, the name of Guard Private A.M. was heard throughout the world. Matrosova. All major military operations of the second period were accompanied by examples of courage and bravery. At this time, more than 3,650 Soviet soldiers and 30 partisans and underground fighters were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

More than 7 thousand new Heroes of the Soviet Union came to their glory and immortality during the third period of the Great Patriotic War, and more than 2800 of them were awarded a high title for feats accomplished during the final liberation of Soviet land.

The courage of the Soviet soldiers who distinguished themselves in carrying out the great international mission to liberate the peoples of Europe from Nazi slavery deserved high praise.

No less striking examples in the heroic chronicle include the events of the apotheosis of the war - the Berlin operation. The capture of the Seelow Heights, the crossing of the Oder and Spree, fierce battles on the streets of Berlin and the storming of the Reichstag became new steps in the ascent to the mass heroism of Soviet soldiers. The dedication of the Soviet people resulted in feats not only of individuals, but also of entire squads, crews and units (the platoon of guard Lieutenant P.N. Shironin, the feat of 68 participants under command and many others). Families also became heroic: brother and sister Kosmodemyansky, brothers Ignatov, Kurzenkov, Lizyukov, Lukanin, Panichkin, Glinka, uncle and nephew Gorodovikov...

Several times, famous commanders and prominent military leaders were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Marshal of the Soviet Union was awarded four times. Twice - Marshals of the Soviet Union, P.K. Koshevoy, I.I. Yakubovsky, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union, chief air marshals - P.S. Kutakhov, A.I. Koldunov, army generals - A.P. Beloborodov, etc.

In total, for heroic deeds accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to over 11,600 people, 115 of them twice, and two were subsequently air marshals A.I. Pokryshkin and I.N. Kozhedub - three times. The legendary commander of the 1st Cavalry Army during the Civil War, Knight of St. George and Marshal of the Soviet Union was also awarded three Gold Stars. Marshal of Victory - Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov was first awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1939 for leading the operation to encircle and destroy a group of Japanese troops in the Khalkhin Gol River area, and was awarded the fourth Gold Star in December 1956.

Three times Heroes of the Soviet Union Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov (center), aviation major general A.I. Pokryshkin (left) and I.N. Kozhedub (right) on the territory of the Kremlin during the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Moscow, November 1957

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union are representatives of more than 60 nationalities and nationalities of the USSR. Among them are 88 women. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was also awarded to a number of foreign citizens who distinguished themselves in the fight against the Nazi invaders.

Heroes of the Soviet Union - representatives of more than 60 nationalities

Russians 8182 Lithuanians 15 Dungans 4 Balkar 1
Ukrainians 2072 Tajiks 14 Lezgins 4 Veps 1
Belarusians 311 Latvians 13 Germans 4 Darginets 1
Tatars 161 Kyrgyz 12 French people 4 Hispanic 1
Jews 108 Komi 10 Chechens 3 Korean 1
Kazakhs 96 Udmurts 10 Yakuts 3 Koeman 1
Georgians 91 Karelians 9 Altaians 2 Kurd 1
Armenians 90 Poles 9 Bulgarians 2 Moldavian 1
Uzbeks 69 Estonians 9 Greeks 2 Nanaets 1
Mordvins 61 Kalmyks 8 Karachais 2 Nogaets 1
Chuvash 44 Kabardians 7 Kumyks 2 Swan 1
Azerbaijanis 43 Adyghe people 6 Laktsy 2 Tuvinian 1
Bashkirs 39 Czechs 6 Khakassians 2 Gypsy 1
Ossetians 32 Abkhazians 5 Circassians 2 Evenk 1
Mari 18 Avars 5 Finns 2
Turkmens 18 Buryats 5 Assyrian 1

In the post-war years, the exploits of the Soviet people were associated with the development of the latest military equipment, peaceful penetration into space, protection of state interests and borders, and fulfillment of international duty. Among the test pilots who stood at the origins of the development of Soviet jet aviation were Heroes of the Soviet Union G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi, M.I. Ivanov, M.L. Gallai, I.E. Fedorov, I.T. Ivashchenko, G.A. Sedov, G.K. Molosov and many others. From the biography of one of them, P.M. Stefanovsky is known that during his 30 years of service in aviation, he mastered 317 types of aircraft and made 13.5 thousand flights.

The first Hero of the Soviet Union of the nuclear submarine fleet was the commander of the Leninsky Komsomol submarine, Captain 1st Rank L.G. Osipenko. For the conquest of the North Pole by the same submarine in the early 1960s, Rear Admiral A.I. Petelin, captain 2nd rank L.M. Zhiltsov, engineer-captain 2nd rank R.A. Timofeev were also awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 23, 1966, for the successful completion of a group transoceanic transition underwater from Zapadnaya Litsa Bay (Murmansk region) to Krasheninnikov Bay (Kamchatka) through Cape Horn (South America), a group of Soviet submariners: Rear Admiral A .AND. Sorokin, captains 2nd rank V.T. Vinogradov, L.N. Stolyarov, N.V. Usenko, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On April 12, 1961, the whole world learned the name of the Soviet citizen officer who made an orbital flight around the Earth. Over the next quarter century, 60 Soviet cosmonauts visited space. All of them are Heroes of the Soviet Union, and more than half of them were awarded this title twice.

Meeting of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union with cosmonauts. Sitting: M.V. Vodopyanov, M.T. Slepnev, N.P. Kamanin, A.V. Lyapidevsky, V.S. Molokov. Standing: V.F. Bykovsky, G.S. Titov, Yu.A. Gagarin, V.V. Tereshkova, A.G. Nikolaev, P.R. Popovich

Selfless devotion to the Motherland even in peacetime nominated new Heroes of the Soviet Union from among the military personnel. Among them, officers D.V. who showed courage and bravery in defending the state border of the USSR in the area of ​​Damansky Island. Leonov, I.I. Strelnikov and V.D. Bubenin, junior sergeant Yu.V. Babansky. The soldiers who performed their international duty in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan also forever inscribed themselves in the heroic chronicle of the country. Among them are Colonels V.L. Neverov and V.E. Pavlov, Lieutenant Colonel E.V. Vysotsky, Major A.Ya. Oparin, captain N.M. Akramov, senior lieutenant A.I. Demakov, guard private N.Ya. Anfinogenov and many others. In total, during the war in Afghanistan, 86 military personnel were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In peacetime, many military leaders were awarded the highest degree of distinction for their great contribution to the construction and strengthening of the Armed Forces of the USSR, increasing the level of their combat readiness. The titles of Hero of the Soviet Union were received by: Marshals of the Soviet Union, P.F. Batitsky, S.K. Kurkotkin, V.I. Petrov, ; army generals A.L. Getman, A.A. Epishev, M.M. Zaitsev, E.F. Ivanovsky, P.I. Ivashutin, P.G. Lushev, Yu.P. Maksimov, I.G. Pavlovsky, I.N. Shkadov; Fleet admirals G.M. Egorov, V.A. Kasatonov, V.N. Chernavin; Colonel General A.S. Zheltov and others.

After the collapse of the USSR, the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” was abolished. Instead, on March 20, 1992, the title “Hero of the Russian Federation” was established in Russia, also awarded for outstanding feats. Currently, Heroes of the Soviet Union have the same rights as Heroes of the Russian Federation.

Gold Star medal - what we should know and what is the significant difference between the “Gold Star” and the “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal.

The highest degree of distinction in the USSR was the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was awarded to citizens who accomplished a feat during military operations or distinguished themselves by other outstanding services to their Motherland. As an exception, it could have been appropriated in peacetime.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established by the Decree of the USSR Central Executive Committee of April 16, 1934.

Later, on August 1, 1939, as an additional insignia for Heroes of the USSR, the “Gold Star” medal was approved, in the form of a five-pointed star mounted on a rectangular block.

At the same time, it was established that those who repeated a feat worthy of the title of Hero would be awarded a second Gold Star medal. When the hero was re-awarded, his bronze bust was installed in his homeland. The number of awards with the title Hero of the Soviet Union was not limited.

More than 90 percent of the total number of Heroes of the Soviet Union appeared in the country during the Great Patriotic War. 11 thousand 657 people were awarded this high title, 3051 of them posthumously. This list includes 107 fighters who became twice heroes (7 were awarded posthumously), and the total number of those awarded included 90 women (49 - posthumously).

On the picture: Three times Heroes of the Soviet Union (from left to right) Major General of Aviation A.I. Pokryshkin, Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov. and Major General of Aviation Kozhedub I.N. during a meeting in Moscow. Photo provided by Igor Bozhkov.

How a Pskov peasant repeated Susanin’s feat

The attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR caused an unprecedented rise in patriotism.

The Great War brought a lot of grief, but it also revealed the heights of courage and strength of character of seemingly ordinary ordinary people.

So, who would have expected heroism from the elderly Pskov peasant Matvey Kuzmin. In the very first days of the war, he came to the military registration and enlistment office, but they brushed him off because he was too old: “go, grandfather, to your grandchildren, we’ll figure it out without you.”

Meanwhile, the front was inexorably moving east. The Germans entered the village of Kurakino, where Kuzmin lived.

In February 1942, an elderly peasant was unexpectedly summoned to the commandant's office - the battalion commander of the 1st Mountain Rifle Division found out that Kuzmin was an excellent tracker with perfect knowledge of the terrain and ordered him to assist the Nazis - to lead a German detachment to the rear of the advanced battalion of the Soviet 3rd Shock Army .

“If you do everything right, I’ll pay you well, but if you don’t, blame yourself...” “Yes, of course, of course, don’t worry, your honor,” Kuzmin feignedly whined.

But an hour later, the cunning peasant sent his grandson with a note to our people: “The Germans ordered a detachment to be led to your rear, in the morning I will lure them to the fork near the village of Malkino, meet me.”

That same evening, the fascist detachment with its guide set off. Kuzmin led the Nazis in circles and deliberately exhausted the invaders: they forced them to climb steep hillsides and wade through dense bushes. “What can you do, your honor, well, there is no other way here...”

At dawn, tired and cold fascists found themselves at the Malkino fork. "That's it, guys, they're here." “How did you come!?” “So, let’s rest here and then we’ll see...” The Germans looked around - they had been walking all night, but they had moved only a couple of kilometers from Kurakino and were now standing on the road in an open field, and twenty meters in front of them was a forest, where, now they understood for sure, there was a Soviet ambush.

“Oh, you…” – the German officer pulled out a pistol and emptied the entire clip into the old man. But at that same second, a rifle salvo rang out from the forest, then another, Soviet machine guns began to chatter, and a mortar fired. The Nazis rushed about, screamed, and shot randomly in all directions, but not one of them escaped alive.

The hero died and took with him 250 Nazi occupiers. Matvey Kuzmin, born three years before the abolition of serfdom, became the oldest Hero of the Soviet Union. At that time he was 83 years old.

Matvey Kuzmin

There are many such examples. True patriotism is inherent in each of us, regardless of age. More details about patriotism in Russia

“To establish the highest degree of distinction - the awarding of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for personal or collective services to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat.”

In April 1934, 85 years ago, the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR established the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It was awarded for special merits or exploits before the country and people. Until now, there are those among us who, without sparing their lives, defended the right of our great country to exist, defended it and accomplished feats. And as long as we have the opportunity to talk with living heroes or talk about them, we should cherish this and use this opportunity.

The first heroes of the USSR - polar explorers

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org

A special resolution of the USSR Central Executive Committee, and since 1937 - a resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, established special rules for awarding and conferring the honorary status of Hero of the Soviet Union. It is interesting that initially no insignia that we are familiar with now, that is, such as the Gold Star or, was not provided. The recipient was given only a certificate of honor from the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, which contained a description of the feat and the name of the hero.

Nevertheless, with the very first award, a year before the official introduction of the title, an interesting incident occurred. All seven famous pilots who participated in the rescue of the crew of the Chelyuskin motor ship received the Order of Lenin. A regulation on awards was approved especially for them, according to which it was necessary to issue the Order of Lenin to all those awarded the title of Hero. Moreover, they became Heroes back in 1934, when there was no official position or resolution at all. Pilots A. Lyapidevsky, M. Vodopyanov, V. Molokov, I. Doronin, M. Slepnev, N. Kamanin and S. Levanevsky became not just the first Heroes of the Soviet Union, they became truly national heroes. Thousands of boys and girls, following their example, went to flying clubs and aircraft production to help the country conquer such an inaccessible sky.

The first female heroes. Source: https://www.pnp.ru

The next to be awarded were the participants in the Spanish Civil War. The USSR then actively helped the Republicans, and 60 people were awarded. Among them appeared the first foreign soldiers who fought in the ranks of Soviet units - the Italian Primo Gibelli and the Bulgarian Volkan Goranov.

Conflicts also occurred on the eastern borders of the USSR. The Japanese militarists tested the power of our country and tasted the Soviet bayonet on and. As a result of these battles, the Japanese were defeated, and the number of Heroes of the USSR increased by 70 people, and the first twice Heroes appeared. However, despite this, the familiar Golden Star has not yet appeared.

Birth of a Star

On August 1, literally a month before the start of the armed Japanese provocation on the Khalkhin Gol River in September 1939, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a special distinctive sign was introduced for Heroes of the Soviet Union - the Gold Star medal. The decree of August 16, 1939 approved its appearance. The first awards of new medals were made after the end of the conflict with the Japanese on the Khalkhin Gol River. Then 421 Red Army soldiers received the Star for distinguished service during the Soviet-Finnish War.

Order of Lenin and Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Source: https://www.pinterest.ru

The medal is a gold five-pointed star with smooth dihedral rays on the front side. The gold star, using an eyelet and a ring, is connected to a gilded rectangular plate, which is covered with a red moire ribbon. The plate has a threaded pin with a nut on the reverse side for attaching to clothing. On the reverse side of the medal there is the inscription “Hero of the USSR”. All those heroes who received their honorary titles before the star was introduced received it, and those who did not have the Order of Lenin received it too. From that moment on, a stable and unchanging tradition of honorary presentation of the highest award appeared in our country. The star could be awarded several times, but the Order of Lenin was issued only at the first award. During subsequent awards, the numbers on the back of the medal were not consecutive, but corresponded to the serial numbers of the stars being issued. When the hero was re-awarded, a bronze bust was installed in his homeland. And since 1967, the USSR government has established special benefits in everyday life for those awarded. Of course, most of the awards took place during the Great Patriotic War.

Heroes of the Fatherland

Victorious heroes. Source: https://pinterest.com

By the beginning, 626 people were listed as Heroes of the Soviet Union, among them were three women - Marina Raskova, Valentina Grizodubova and Polina Osipenko. Five people became Heroes twice. When the enemy attacked our homeland, the entire people rose up to defend it. On everyone's lips are the exploits of such heroes as Gastello, Maresyev, Sailors... Pilots, tank crews, artillerymen, sappers and sailors - perhaps there was not a single branch of the military that was not distinguished by a whole galaxy of its heroes. Many civilians and partisans were also awarded this high honor. It is not for nothing that the war period accounts for 91% of all awards with the title of Hero in the entire history of the award. In total, 11,657 people received the medal during the war, of which over 3 thousand were posthumous. Over 100 of them were awarded this title twice, and Georgy Zhukov, Ivan Kozhedub and Alexander Pokryshkin - three times.

44 people from our allied armies, including 4 French pilots, also became heroes. The 167th Twice Red Banner Rifle Division especially distinguished itself. In its ranks there were the most people awarded the honorary title of hero - 108 people.


Medal "Gold Star"

A country USSR
Type medal
Establishment date August 1, 1939
First award November 4, 1939
Last award December 24, 1991
Awards 12776
Status not awarded
Who is it awarded to? persons awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union”
Awarded by Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
Reasons for the award for personal or collective services to the Soviet state and society associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat
Options weight without pad 21.5 g, total 34.264±1.5 g.

Medal "Gold Star"- state award of the USSR. Established in 1939 as a distinctive sign for citizens awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

History of the award

Initially, the USSR abandoned medals and orders of the tsarist era and introduced new awards. One of them was the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, adopted by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR of April 16, 1934, which was awarded for personal or collective services to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat. Initially, the Heroes of the Soviet Union were awarded a certificate from the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, but three years later, when there were already 122 of them, a decision was made to create a distinctive sign. On August 1, 1939, a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was adopted establishing the “Hero of the Soviet Union” medal, which, in accordance with the amendments of October 16, 1939 to Articles 2-4 of the Decree of August 1, it became known as the “Gold Star” medal. Initially, the inscription on the front side was “Hero of the SS”, which evoked associations with the Nazi SS units and was replaced by “Hero of the USSR.

Everyone who was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union before October 16, 1939 was awarded a new medal.

Statute of the award

Reasons for awarding

The Gold Star medal is awarded to Heroes of the Soviet Union.

“The title of Hero of the Soviet Union (GUS) is the highest degree of distinction and is awarded for personal or collective services to the Soviet state and society associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union is awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.”

From the Regulations on the title of Hero of the Soviet Union:

The medal can be awarded to foreign citizens in accordance with the provisions for conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The medal can be awarded posthumously.

The Gold Star medal was awarded to 13 hero cities for the heroic actions of defenders and residents during the Great Patriotic War.

Wearing order

The medal is connected by means of an eyelet and a link to a rectangular silver gilded block, covered with a red silk moire ribbon. On the back of the block there was a pin with a nut, which was intended for attaching the medal to the uniform and other clothing. The Gold Star medal is supposed to be worn on the left side of the chest above orders and medals of the USSR.

Place in the hierarchy of awards

The Gold Star medal and the title Hero of the Soviet Union are the highest degree of distinction of the Soviet period, the most honorable title and award.

Description of the award

At the competition for the design of a new medal, there were many sketches, most containing portraits of Lenin and Stalin, as well as symbols of the country, the Red Banner, the Red Star, etc. The best works were made in metal and presented to Stalin for evaluation, he immediately pointed to the Gold Star.


The author of the sketch of the new medal was the artist I.I. Dubasov. The medal is a five-pointed star with smooth dihedral rays located on the front side. The distance from the center of the star to the tops of the beam is 15 mm. The distance between the opposite ends of the star is 30 mm. The reverse side of the award is smooth and limited along the contour by a small protruding rim. In the center on the reverse side there is an inscription in raised letters “Hero of the USSR” (letters 4 by 2 mm), in the upper ray there is the serial number of the issued medal, the height of the number is 1 mm.

There are several known options for making the Gold Star medal:

  1. With a rectangular block measuring 15x25 mm without an intermediate link. The medal was attached to the block through rigid connecting rings (ears). Awarded until October 1943.
  2. With a rectangular block measuring 15x19.5 mm and an intermediate connecting link (ring).
  3. On the reverse there is a Roman numeral II and a number. To award twice Heroes of the Soviet Union.
  4. On the reverse there is a Roman numeral III and a number. To award three times Heroes of the Soviet Union.
  5. On the reverse there is a Roman numeral IV and a number. To award four times Heroes of the Soviet Union.

Manufacturing materials

The Gold Star medal was made of pure 950 gold. The medal block was made of silver. The total weight of the medal as of September 1975 was 34.264±1.5 g. The gold content in the award was 20.521±0.903 g, the silver content was 12.186±0.927 g.

Examples of awards

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was first awarded on April 20, 1934 for the rescue of a polar expedition and the crew of the icebreaker Chelyuskin. Soviet pilots Vodopyanov M.V., Doronin I.V., Kamanin N.P., Levanevsky S.A., Lyapidevsky A.V., Molokov V.S. and Slepnev M.T. those who carried out flights to evacuate people from the ice floe were the first to be awarded this title. Certificate No. 1 was awarded to A.V. Lyapidevsky. and after the introduction of the medal, he was awarded the “Gold Star” No. 1. Beginning in December 1936, when conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Gold Star medal was also awarded. For the first time, for military exploits, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Gold Star medal were awarded to eleven Red Army commanders participating in the Spanish Civil War. Among them were the first foreigners awarded this medal - the Italian Primo Gibelli, the German Ernst Schacht and the Bulgarian Zakhari Zahariev. Three of the eleven “Spanish” Heroes were awarded posthumously for the first time in the USSR.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 25, 1938, the first mass conferment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union took place: it was awarded to 26 participants in the battles with Japanese troops who invaded the territory of the USSR in the area of ​​Lake Khasan. For the first time, ordinary Red Army soldiers (four out of twenty-six) became Heroes.

For the first time, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to a woman by decree of November 2, 1938. Pilots Grizodubova V.S., Osipenko P.D. and Raskova M.M. were awarded for carrying out a non-stop flight from Moscow to the Far East. Subsequently, before the start of the Great Patriotic War, the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union increased significantly after the Soviet-Finnish War and amounted to 626 people in January 1941.

The largest number of people who received this award occurred in the period 1941-1945. about 91% of the total number of awardees. For exploits accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, 11 thousand 657 people were awarded the high title (of which 3051 were posthumous), including 107 twice (of which 7 were posthumous). Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union, participants in the Great Patriotic War, there are 90 women (49 of them posthumously).

During the Great Patriotic War, the first fighter pilots to receive the title of HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION were junior lieutenants M.P. Zhukov and S.I. Zdorovtsev. and Kharitonov P.T., who distinguished themselves in air battles with enemy bombers rushing towards Leningrad. On June 27, these pilots, using their I-16 fighters, used ramming attacks against enemy Ju-88 bombers. The title of HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION was awarded to him by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 8, 1941. The first Hero of the Soviet Union in the ground forces was the commander of the 1st Moscow Motorized Rifle Division, Colonel Kreizer Ya.G. (Decree of July 15, 1941) for organizing defense along the Berezina River.

In the Navy, the title of Hero was first awarded to a sailor of the Northern Fleet, squad commander, senior sergeant V.P. Kislyakov, who distinguished himself during the landing in Motovsky Bay in the Arctic in July 1941. The title of HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION was awarded to him by the Decree of the PVS of the USSR of August 14 (according to other sources, 13) August 1941.

Among the border guards, the first Heroes were the soldiers who entered the battle on the Prut River on June 22, 1941: Lieutenant A.K. Konstantinov, Sergeant I.D. Buzytskov, Junior Sergeant V.F. Mikhalkov. They were awarded the title HERO OF THE SOVIET UNION by Decree of August 26, 1941.

The first Hero-Partisan was the Belarusian secretary of the district party committee T.P. Bumazhkov. - commander and commissar of the partisan detachment "Red October" (Decree of the USSR PVS of August 6, 1941).

By decree of February 16, 1942, 18-year-old partisan Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya was awarded the highest degree of distinction of the USSR (posthumously). She became the first of 87 women Heroes of the Soviet Union during the war years.

By decree of July 21, 1942, all 28 heroes - “Panfilov’s men”, participants in the defense of Moscow - became Heroes. In total, as a result of the battle of Moscow, more than 100 people became Heroes.

In 1943, the first Heroes were the participants in the Battle of Stalingrad.

In 1943, 9 people were awarded the title of Hero twice. Of these, 8 were pilots: 5 from fighter, 2 from attack and 1 from bomber aircraft and were awarded one Decree of August 24, 1943. Of these eight pilots, two received the first “Gold Star” in 1942, and six received both “Gold Stars” ” for several months in 1943. Among these six was A.I. Pokryshkin, who a year later became the first three times Hero of the Soviet Union in history.

In 1944, the number of Heroes of the Soviet Union increased by more than 3 thousand people, mostly infantrymen.

In the history of the Great Patriotic War, there were unique cases when the entire personnel of a unit was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Among those who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for military exploits during the war were representatives of different peoples of the multinational Soviet Union: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, Greeks, Uzbeks, Mordovians, Dagestanis, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Ossetians, Mari, Assyrians, Turkmens, Lithuanians, Tajiks, Latvians, Kyrgyz, Udmurts, Karelians, Estonians, Meskhetian Turks, Kalmyks, Buryats, Kabardians, Laks, Kumyks, Adygeans, Crimean Tatars, Abkhazians, Yakuts, Moldavians, Tuvans. During the war, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 14 soldiers of the allied armies, mainly Polish and Czechoslovak military personnel, as well as 4 pilots of the French Normandy-Niemen air regiment.

During the fighting in Afghanistan, 85 internationalist soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union, 28 of them were awarded this high title posthumously. In total, during the existence of the USSR, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to 12,776 people (excluding 72 deprived of the title for discreditable acts and 13 canceled Decrees as unfounded), including twice - 154 (9 posthumously), three times - 3 and four times - 2. The total number of Heroes of the Soviet Union is 95 women. Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union, 44 people are citizens of foreign countries. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union for one reason or another (overwhelmingly for crimes) was deprived of 72 people.

The last person to be awarded the Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union (for participation in a diving experiment simulating long-term work at a depth of 500 meters under water) was on December 24, 1991, junior researcher - diving specialist, captain 3rd rank Leonid Mikhailovich Solodkov. When receiving the “Golden Star” of the Hero, he, as an officer, according to the regulations, was supposed to answer: “I serve the Soviet Union!” However, at the time the award was presented (January 16, 1992), the USSR had not existed for 22 days. The charter had not yet been rewritten, and Solodkov considered it inappropriate to mention the USSR, so he only said, “Thank you,” to Air Marshal E. I. Shaposhnikov, who presented him with the award. After the collapse of the USSR, the title “Hero of the Soviet Union” was abolished. Instead, on March 20, 1992, the title “Hero of the Russian Federation” was established in Russia, also awarded for outstanding feats. Legally, Heroes of the Soviet Union have the same rights as Heroes of Russia.

Multiple awards

  • military pilot Major Gritsevets S.I. (02/22/1939 and 08/29/1939)
  • military pilot Colonel Kravchenko G. P. (02/22/1939 and 08/29/1939)
  • military pilot of the guard, Lieutenant Colonel Safonov B.F. (09/16/1941 and 06/14/1942)

In total, 154 people were awarded the title of twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

  • Air Marshal Pokryshkin A. I. (05/24/1943, 08/24/1943, 08/19/1944)
  • Air Marshal Kozhedub I. N. (02/04/1944, 08/19/1944, 08/18/1945)
  • Marshal of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny (02/01/1958, 04/24/1963, 02/22/1968)
  • Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov G.K. (08/29/1939, 07/29/1944, 06/01/1945, 12/01/1956)
  • Marshal of the Soviet Union Brezhnev L. I. (12/18/1966, 12/18/1976, 12/19/1978, 12/18/1981)

see also

Literature and sources of information

S. Shishkova “Awards of the USSR 1918-1991”

Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Voenizdat, 1987. - T. 1 /Abaev - Lyubichev/. - 911 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN ex., Reg. No. in RCP 87-95382.

Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Voenizdat, 1988. - T. 2 /Lubov - Yashchuk/. - 863 p. - 100,000 copies. - ISBN 5-203-00536-2.

Links to Internet resources

  • - Military orders and medals of the Soviet Union. Medal "Gold Star"

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