Low-income family meals at school. Order "on the organization of meals at school"

Dear parents (legal representatives) and students!

From May 20, 201 7 The collection of documents for subsidized meals for the 2017-2018 academic year begins. One-time free meals (breakfast) are provided to all students in grades 1-4 at the expense of the Moscow city budget.

Two hot meals a day at the expense of the Moscow city budget are provided to students belonging to preferential categories:

  • children from large families;
  • children under guardianship (trusteeship);
  • children of disabled parents (group 1 or 2);
  • disabled children;
  • orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);
  • children from low-income families.

To receive free two meals a day, you must submit the following documents:


children from large families

2. A copy of the document on having many children (certificate).

3. A copy of the birth certificate of all children.

Orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives) and children under guardianship (trusteeship), children in foster families

1. Statement from the child’s legal representatives.

2. A copy of the resolution on the appointment of a guardian (trustee).

Disabled children

1. Statement from parents (legal representatives).

2. A copy of the disability certificate.

3. A copy of the child's birth certificate.

4. Certificate of registration of the child.

Children with disabled parents

1 or 2 groups

1. Statement from parents (legal representatives).

2. A copy of the parent’s disability certificate

3. A copy of the child's birth certificate.

4. Certificate of registration of the child.

Children from low-income families

1. Statement from parents (legal representatives).

2. A copy of a document from the district department of social protection of the population, which confirms that the family has received the status of a low-income family.

3. A copy of the child's birth certificate.

4. Notice of the provision of a subsidy to pay for housing and utilities.

5. Certificate of registration of the child.

Application and documents must be submitted from 05/20/2017 to 08/27/2017 to the class teacher or the person responsible for nutrition in the structural unit to consider and approve the issue of preferential nutrition for the child at a meeting of the commission for monitoring the organization and quality of nutrition for students .

For students who do not belong to preferential categories, paid meals are organized at the expense of parents.

  • a child from a large or low-income family;
  • a schoolchild who, for whatever reason, finds himself in a difficult life situation;
  • an orphan or a child who has lost parental care;
  • a child who has only one parent;
  • a schoolchild who is paid a survivor's pension benefit;
  • a child with adoptive parents;
  • special school student;
  • a disabled child or a child with limited capabilities;
  • a child of the liquidators of the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant or a child from a family affected by the man-made disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • a child whose parents are disabled in one of the first two groups.

Hello. We are a large family from the Moscow region. My son goes to school in Moscow. The school denied him free meals due to lack of registration in Moscow. Referring to law #60 of Moscow. About families with children. Tell me, is it possible through the court to oblige a school in Moscow to feed a child living and registered in the Moscow region for free. Or in my case the trial will be lost. I am ready to pay for help in drawing up an application

Free meals at school in 2019: what documents are needed to receive benefits

The first thing to do is to find out whether your child is eligible for this benefit. Free and partially paid breakfasts and lunches of educational institutions are financed from the regional budget and this norm should be established by local legislation, so the list of preferential categories and criteria for different constituent entities of the Russian Federation will differ. For example, school meals are provided to large families if there are five or more minor children, while regional legislation interprets “large families” much more broadly:

Who is eligible for free school meals in 2019?

Most regions provide financial support to families with three or more children, as well as families whose average monthly income is less than established standards. One of the support measures is free or reduced-price meals for children in preschool and school institutions.

Free school meals for large families 2019

First, let’s figure out which family can be recognized as having many children. Federal laws of the Russian Federation do not provide a precise definition of the concept of “large family”. Each subject of the Federation does this independently. At the same time, national and cultural characteristics are taken into account. However, in most regions, a family will be recognized as having many children if it has at least three children. The age of the eldest child should not exceed 18 years, and under certain circumstances (for example, studying at a university, serving in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation), this age can be increased to 23 years. Adopted children are treated like relatives. If all these conditions are met, then the family is considered to have many children, and in some regions a “Large Family Certificate” is issued. Also, a large family is provided with a set of benefits and payments.

Free school meals for children from large families in Moscow

4. Students and residents of special (correctional) general education boarding schools, cadet boarding schools and state boarding educational institutions have the right to free five meals a day (first and second breakfasts, afternoon tea, dinner) (clause 2.8 of the Order ).

Free school meals for children from large families in Moscow

Students of certain educational organizations, in particular the cadet (naval cadet) corps, are provided with free meals in the manner determined by the founders of these organizations (Parts 3, 4, Article 37, Part 2, Article 86 of the Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ; Clause 31 of the Procedure, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated April 19, 2010 N 292; Part 5 of Article 11 of the Moscow Law dated June 29, 2005 N 32; Order of the Moscow Department of Education dated December 30, 2010 N 2168).

Free meals for children at school

To receive free school meals, children must be from a family with large families. This status is received by a family with three or more children whose age does not exceed 18 years, and if children over 18 years of age are studying in educational institutions - until they graduate from such educational institution. Since the final decision on providing free meals in schools is made in the regions, they can stipulate that only low-income families can receive such a benefit. In some regions, it has been decided to provide free meals in schools only to schoolchildren whose families have five or more children.

Free school meals for families with many children

* a discount of no less than 30 percent of the established fee for the use of heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity, and for families living in houses that do not have central heating - from the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public on this territory;

Benefits for school meals for families with many children

The list is shocking, including the reduction of education in secondary schools to 9 years, and the extension of the retirement age for women by 10, for men by 5 years, the abolition of scholarships, the introduction of payment for medical services and education (including secondary). Reduction of the total number of beneficiaries, abolition of the right to free travel, payments to Chernobyl victims, introduction of payment for meals in hospitals and schools (for primary classes), a moratorium on the indexation of pensions and salaries for public sector employees, until economic stabilization, an increase in the required length of service will be increased by 7 years... It becomes clear why foreign executors in the government were needed to carry out all the listed “reforms”. Any Ukrainian politician understands that the introduction of all these laws will put an end to his political career, but foreigners will not waver, they are not interested in a career in Ukraine...

For families with a large number of children, the state tries to create a favorable environment and provide additional support. One of these privileges is that free meals are provided to children from large families at school. In order to exercise this right, parents collect documents and write an application according to the established template. Depending on the circumstances, different types of food are provided, paid from budget funds in whole or in part.

The legislative framework

The Federal Law “On State Support for Large Families” was adopted on November 17, 1999. Its essence is targeted assistance to families in need of support from the state. Article 4 of this legislative act talks about providing free hot meals to schoolchildren at their place of study.

The main law regulating education in Russia is the Federal Law “On Education.” Chapter 4, Article 37, paragraph 1 states that catering is the responsibility of the educational institution.

There are no federal criteria for who is required to receive free meals in schools. Each region has its own rules. In general, children from the following categories receive breakfast and lunch at the expense of the budget:

  1. Orphans.
  2. Children from large families, including those under guardianship.
  3. Children from single-parent families receiving a survivor's pension.
  4. Children with disabilities or with limited mental and (or) physical capabilities.
  5. Children from low-income families recognized as low-income.
  6. If the parents are disabled group 1 or 2.
  7. Pupils of correctional educational institutions.
  8. Children whose parents have a Chernobyl accident liquidator certificate.

The status of having many children depends on many circumstances, as does the number of benefits it provides. Depending on the region, the conditions under which it is installed may vary. In Moscow, a family with three children is considered to have many children, but in Krasnoyarsk you need to raise at least 5 children. There is often a requirement that children be adopted if they are adopted rather than in foster care. Age requirements: up to 18 years. Sometimes up to 23 years old if the child is studying full-time.

The social security authority at the place of residence of the family assigns status and issues a certificate. If there is an MFC in your locality, you can submit an application there as well. Another opportunity is to use the State Services portal. In any case, you will need to collect a number of documents:

  • statement;
  • papers confirming the identity of the parents;
  • documents for children - birth certificates for each;
  • information about family status – marriage certificate or divorce;
  • confirmation that the child is a full-time student;
  • a certificate that such a certificate has not been issued to the parent before.

Who provides benefits

Providing preferential meals is the responsibility of regional authorities. Children from a large family will be provided with food entirely from budget funds or partially, depending on the capabilities of the local budget. If only partially free meals are provided, then the parents will compensate for the rest. Sometimes they pay for children's lunches in full, and then they are compensated for the expenses incurred.

In some cases, opportunities are being sought for additional sources of funding for school meals for children from large families. If an educational state institution provides training in programs related to defense, state security, and so on, then the standard according to which meals are provided in these institutions is assigned to the founders of the educational institution.

Types of food. What does it depend on?

Depending on the operating hours of the educational institution, various food options may be installed. Children from large families eat at school like this:

  1. They are fed only once for breakfast or lunch.
  2. They feed twice. The first shift includes breakfast and lunch, and the second, if there is one, lunch and afternoon tea.
  3. They feed three times. An afternoon snack is added to lunch and breakfast.
  4. In specialized establishments they can feed you five or six times.

The option of preferential meals that will be provided to a child in an educational institution depends on the funding of the regions in each individual year. One of the following options can be selected:

  1. They will feed you breakfast at a budget expense.
  2. Both breakfast and lunch will be provided free of charge.
  3. Meals will be only partially free. Each region has its own percentage of compensation.

Free lunches for children from low-income families, large families and other benefit categories are provided only after writing the appropriate application and submitting a complete package of papers.

What documents are needed? How to write an application

What documents are needed for free school meals for low-income people, large families and other preferential categories of citizens? Reduced meals are provided in the month following the application. Therefore, if you want your child to be provided with free food starting in September, you will have to take care of the paperwork in May. In addition to the application, the standard package of documents includes the following papers:

  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition.

Some additional documents from the following list may be requested:

  • certificate of large families;
  • guardianship documents if the child is adopted;
  • family income certificate;
  • confirmation from social security that the family does not receive compensation for feeding the children;
  • documents about the student’s health status if he has a disability.

Usually, the educational institution provides a sample application on the basis of which the parent submits the petition. If there is no such form, then the application is written arbitrarily, but some mandatory items must be included in it.

  1. An application for free school meals for children from large families is written to the school director.
  2. Personal information about the applicant is indicated.
  3. The benefit on the basis of which a child’s meals should be free is specified.
  4. The list of documents that is attached to the application is described.

The school administration reviews the request, and the family is offered a benefit option. Perhaps this will be a partial compensation for meals, and not a completely budget option for providing the child with food during the educational process.

In some cases, the family is denied . This may be the case if the family income is above the established minimum, or, referring to the fact that the school has already been financed from the budget for the current year. In the second case, the refusal is not legal. There is a reserve fund to which the school must apply for additional funds due to new circumstances.

But you should not always apply to the school, since free meals are a benefit provided to certain categories of citizens, then another organization that can resolve this issue is the social protection authorities.

The package of documents includes an application for free meals for children from large families, a sample of which may look like this.

In the header of the document you should indicate the head of the organization and your own data. The main part describes information about where the child is studying, for what period he needs free meals, and on what basis this should be done. A list of additional documents is given. The application is endorsed by the parent and dated.

Social security authorities need 10 days to verify the information specified in the application and the documents submitted. After this, the inspector will receive lists of children who are entitled to benefits, and it will begin to take effect.

There are situations when a family temporarily finds itself in difficult life circumstances and cannot pay for food. In this case, the procedure is as follows: the mother or father contacts the school with an explanation of the reasons for not paying for meals. An inspection report on the children’s living conditions is drawn up, and the document is sent to the guardianship authorities. In turn, this organization may decide to provide food at the expense of the budget. If the decision is positive, then it is sent to the director of the educational institution. The support measure is temporary, usually until the end of the current academic year.

Financial compensation

Sometimes children are homeschooled for various reasons. In this case, their food may be compensated. This is usually an additional payment to the existing monthly payment from the state. Every year the amounts are indexed and laws are revised. For example, amendments to Art. 14 of the Law of the Chechen Republic “On Education in the Chuvash Republic” dated July 30, 2013 No. 50. The draft law was prepared in order to provide free meals to schoolchildren from low-income families of the Chuvash Republic.

The prosecutor of the Central Administrative District of Moscow explains

Question: Who is eligible for free school meals?

Answer: The procedure for providing free meals is determined by the regulations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities.

In the city of Moscow, Order of the Moscow Department of Education dated December 30, 2010 N 2168 established the following types of free meals.

1. All students in grades 1-4 of general education institutions have the right to free breakfast (clause 2.3 of the Order).

2. The right to free breakfast and lunch is granted to children belonging to socially vulnerable categories of citizens:

Children from large families and low-income families;

Orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives);

Children under guardianship (trusteeship), children in foster families;

Disabled children and children with limited health capabilities;

Children with parents who are disabled people of group I or II;

Children receiving a survivor's pension;

Students of special (correctional) general education grades 1-11

schools (clauses 2.4,2.5.1 of the Order).

3. The following have the right to free three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack)

Students of state educational institutions "School of Health";

Students of grades 5-11 of cadet boarding schools;

Pupils of special educational institutions;

Students of grades 1-11 of cadet schools;

Pupils of boarding schools who do not live in an educational institution;

Students of special (correctional) general education boarding schools.

4. Students and residents of special (correctional) general education boarding schools, cadet boarding schools and state boarding educational institutions have the right to free five meals a day (first and second breakfasts, afternoon tea, dinner) (clause 2.8 of the Order ).

5. Students of state educational institutions for orphans and children without parental care (legal representatives) have the right to free six meals a day (first and second breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea, first and second dinners) (clause 2.8 of the Order).

To receive these benefits, parents (legal representatives) must submit an application to the educational institution, as well as an official document confirming the appropriate status. It is not necessary to submit such a document if the right to free meals arises in connection with the child’s education or stay in the relevant educational institution.

1. For children from large families - a copy of the document on large families (certificate).

2. For children from low-income families - a copy of a document from the district department of social protection of the population, which confirms that the family has received the status of a low-income family, as well as a copy of the birth certificate.

3. For orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives), children under guardianship (trusteeship), children in foster families - a copy of the resolution on the appointment of a guardian (trustee), a copy

birth certificates.

4. For disabled children and children with limited health capabilities - a copy of the disability certificate, a copy of the birth certificate.

5. For children with disabled parents of group I or II - a copy of the parent’s disability certificate, a copy of the birth certificate.

6. For children receiving a survivor's pension - a copy of the document confirming the child's receipt of a survivor's pension, a copy of the parent's death certificate, a copy of the birth certificate.

Financial assistance to certain categories of citizens is provided for many reasons in different forms. These include subsidies, and other types of government-appointed support. Such assistance also exists in the area of ​​school nutrition. Lunches and breakfasts are provided to children of families of certain categories. Who exactly is entitled to such assistance in the coming academic year and what documents are needed in order to apply for it?

Table of contents:

Types of free school meals

Exactly how much money is spent on unpaid food for children in schools, and who regulates the distribution of finances on this issue, is established in Federal Law. It goes under the number 273-F3. The fourth paragraph states that free meals in schools are organized using revenues from regional budgets. The right to control and regulate this process is transferred to the management of these regions. And the food itself, its composition and the requirements that are put forward for it are regulated by general sanitary standards. Violation of these will result in severe penalties.

There are several types of free food. Which type operates in a certain territory depends on what budget the regional administration has allocated for social needs.

  • Breakfast is provided at the expense of budget funds.
  • The budget guarantees certain discounts on lunches and breakfasts in schools.
  • The regional office guarantees each student both free breakfast and free lunch.

Important fact

The legislation separately identifies families that fall into the category of low-income or vulnerable. For them, both breakfast and lunch are free, regardless of what type of subsidized food is available in the region.

Who is entitled to subsidized meals in schools?

It is worth noting that the legislation does not establish exact lists of categories of children who are entitled to preferential nutritional conditions. Such lists are established at the regional level and, depending on the territory, can differ quite significantly. But, if you do a little research, you can note the most frequently mentioned categories of citizens entitled to free meals in schools:

You can find out exactly which categories of citizens fall under the preferential meal program from the administration of the educational institution. Also, such subsidies can be assigned to a family that does not fall under any of the categories, but finds itself in a difficult financial situation. To do this, it is necessary to officially notify the school management and indicate exactly what factors led to the fact that it is now impossible to pay for the child’s meals in full. Each such situation is decided on an individual basis. And such a benefit, in the above case, cannot last longer than one academic year.

How to apply for food benefits at school

This benefit, like any other type of financial assistance, does not come into force automatically. The fact that the family has the right to such a subsidy must be notified to the relevant authorities by sending there the necessary package of documents. The deadlines during which people have the right to apply for free meals are set at the regional level. But in the overwhelming majority of cases they last from the beginning of the school year until the end of May.

It is worth noting the case when a family receives the status of having many children in the middle of the year. In this case, documents can be submitted at the time of admission to this category, and food benefits will come into force from the beginning of the next month.

In order to apply for free meals, parents must provide the school administration with the following documents:

  • An application drawn up for the director of the educational institution. It needs to notify him of the right to apply for free food.
  • A certificate providing complete information about the current family composition.
  • , confirming the birth of the child and his relationship with the applicant.
  • A copy of the identity documents of the applicant's parents or guardians.

Depending on which category the family applying for benefits falls into, the following papers may be needed:

The entire list of documents that need to be provided to the school administration for free meals can be found in the administration of the educational institution.