The lyrical hero is a poet and citizen. Analysis of Nekrasov's poem "Poet and Citizen"


Once upon a time there lived a Little Baba Yaga - that is, a witch - and she was only one hundred and twenty-seven years old. For the real Baba Yaga, this is, of course, not an age! We can say that this Baba Yaga was still a girl. She lived in a tiny hut, standing alone in the forest.

The huts were warped by the wind, the chimney was twisted, the shutters rattled in response to different voices. But Little Baba Yaga did not want a better home for herself; that was enough for her. A huge stove was attached to the outside of the hut. It is impossible to do without such a stove, otherwise the hut would not be the real home of Baba Yaga.

A raven also lived in the hut with Baba Yaga. His name was Abraham. He didn’t just say “Good morning!” and “Good evening!”, as all talking crows can do. Raven Abrahas could say everything! He was a wise raven and knew a lot about literally everything in the world. About six hours a day Little Baba Yaga learned to cast magic. After all

Witchcraft is not such a simple thing: you can’t be lazy in this matter! First you need to memorize all the simple witchcraft things, and then more complex ones. You need to memorize the entire witchcraft book from beginning to end, without missing a single task in it.

Little Baba Yaga only reached page two hundred and thirty. That morning she practiced making rain. She sat in the yard near the stove, held a witchcraft book on her lap and cast a spell. Raven Abrahas sat nearby. He was gloomy. - It must be raining! - he croaked angrily. - And what are you doing? For the first time, white mice fell from the sky! Second time – frogs! In the third - fir cones! I wonder what will fall for the fourth time! Will you finally get real rain?! Little Baba Yaga tried to make it rain for the fourth time. She ordered a small cloud to gather in the sky, beckoned it with her hand, and when it stopped just above the hut, she shouted: “Come on, let it rain!” The cloud broke and sour milk poured from the sky. - Spoiled milk! – Abrakhas croaked in horror. - You are crazy! What else can you conjure for us? Maybe semolina porridge? Or shoe nails? Even if it were butter crumbs or raisins, it would be all right... - I must have made a mistake! - said Little Baba Yaga. “I’ve made mistakes sometimes before.” But for the fourth time in a row - this has never happened to me before! - “I misspoke”! - the raven grumbled. - I'll tell you what's the matter! You're distracted, that's what! If you think about all sorts of things, you will certainly make a mistake. You need to concentrate, that's what! - Do you find it? – Little Baba Yaga said thoughtfully. She suddenly slammed the witchcraft book shut. - You are right! – she shouted angrily. - I can not concentrate! And do you know why? – She flashed her eyes. - Because I'm beside myself with anger! - Out of anger? – asked Abrakhas. -Who are you angry with? – I’m angry that today is Walpurgis Night! The biggest holiday!

Today all the witches will gather on Mount Blocksberg and dance there until the morning! - So what? - asked the raven. - And the fact that I’m still too young to dance! That's what grown-up witches say! They don't want me to dance with them on Blocksberg! The old raven tried to console her: “You see, at your one hundred and twenty-seven years old, you still cannot demand this.” When you get older, then it’s a different matter... - Oh, leave it! - Little Baba Yaga shouted. – I want to dance with everyone now! Understand? - What is not allowed is not allowed! – the raven croaked instructively. “Will anything change because you’re angry?” Be reasonable! I feel like you're up to something. - I know what I'm up to! - said Little Baba Yaga. – Tonight I’ll fly to Blocksberg! – To Mount Blocksberg? – asked the raven. - But the adult witches forbade you to do this! - Ha! – Little Baba Yaga shouted contemptuously. - Much is prohibited! But if they don’t catch me... – You will! – the raven croaked prophetically. - Nonsense! - Little Baba Yaga objected. – I will appear when they are already dancing with all their might! And just before the end I’ll wash off! In the chaos that will reign tonight on Blocksberg, no one will notice me...

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The fairy tale "Baba Yaga" tells how good always wins. The evil stepmother wanted to take her stepdaughter away from the world and give her to the bloodthirsty Baba Yaga. But her aunt helped the girl with wise advice. So the girl remained alive, and her stepmother got what she deserved.

Fairy tale Baba Yaga download:

Read the fairy tale Baba Yaga

There lived a grandfather and a woman; Grandfather became a widower and married another wife, and he still had a girl from his first wife. The evil stepmother did not like her, beat her and thought about how to completely destroy her.

Since the father has gone somewhere, the stepmother says to the girl:

Go to your aunt, my sister, ask her for a needle and thread - to sew you a shirt.

And this aunt was Baba Yaga bone leg.

The girl wasn’t stupid, but she went to see her own aunt first.

Hello, auntie!

Hello, darling! Why did you come?

Mother sent to her sister to ask for a needle and thread to sew a shirt for me. She teaches her:

There, niece, a birch tree will whip you in the eyes - you tie it with a ribbon; there the gates will creak and slam for you - you pour oil under their heels; there the dogs will tear you apart - you throw them some bread; There the cat will scratch your eyes - give him some ham. The girl went; here she comes, she comes and she has come. There is a hut, and Baba Yaga sits in it with a bone leg and weaves.

Hello, auntie!

Hello, darling!

My mother sent me to ask you for a needle and thread to sew me a shirt.

Okay: sit down while you weave.

So the girl sat down at the crown, and Baba Yaga came out and said to her worker:

Go, heat the bathhouse and wash your niece, and look, it’s good; I want to have breakfast with her.

The girl sits neither alive nor dead, all frightened, and she asks the worker:

My dear! You don’t so much set fire to the wood as fill it with water, carry the water with a sieve,” and she gave her a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga is waiting; she went to the window and asked:

Weave, auntie, weave, dear!

Baba Yaga walked away, and the girl gave the cat some ham and asked:

Is there any way to get out of here?

Here’s a comb and a towel for you,” says the cat, “take them and run, run quickly; Baba Yaga will chase you, put your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, first throw in a towel - a wide river will form; If Baba Yaga crosses the river and begins to catch up with you, you will again lay your ear to the ground and, when you hear that she is close, throw a comb - it will become a dense forest, she will no longer get through it!

The girl took a towel and a comb and ran; the dogs wanted to tear her apart - she threw them some bread, and they let her through; the gate wanted to slam shut - she poured butter under their heels, and they let her through; The birch tree wanted to quilt her eyes - she tied it with a ribbon, and she let her through. And the cat sat down at the cross and weaved; I didn’t so much mess up as I messed up. Baba Yaga came to the window and asked:

Are you weaving, niece, are you weaving, dear?

Weave, auntie, weave, dear! - the cat answers rudely. Baba Yaga rushed into the hut, saw that the girl had left, and let’s beat the cat and scold him, why didn’t he scratch out the girl’s eyes?

“I’ve been serving you for as long as I’ve served you,” says the cat, “you didn’t give me a bone, but she gave me a ham.”

Baba Yaga attacked the dogs, the gate, the birch tree and the worker, let’s scold and beat everyone.

The dogs tell her:

As long as we serve you, you didn’t throw us a burnt crust, but she gave us some bread.

Gate says:

As long as we serve you, you haven’t poured water under our heels, but she hasn’t spared us butter. Berezka says:

As long as I serve you, you didn’t tie me up with a thread, but she tied me up with a ribbon. The worker says:

As long as I serve you, you didn’t give me a rag, but she gave me a handkerchief.

Baba Yaga's bone leg quickly sat down on the mortar, pushed with a pusher, covered the trail with a broom, and set off in pursuit of the girl. So the girl bowed her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was chasing, and was already close, she took and threw in the towel; the river became so wide, so wide! Baba Yaga came to the river and gnashed her teeth in anger; she returned home, took her oxen and drove them to the river; the bulls drank the whole river clean.

Baba Yaga set off in pursuit again. The girl lowered her ear to the ground and heard that Baba Yaga was close and threw her comb; The forest became so dense and scary! Baba Yaga began to gnaw at it, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not gnaw through it and turned back.

And the grandfather has already arrived home and asks:

Where is my daughter?

“She went to her aunt,” says the stepmother. A little later the girl came running home.

Where have you been? - asks the father.

Ah, father! - she says. - So and so - my mother sent me to my aunt to ask for a needle and thread - to sew a shirt for me, and my aunt, Baba Yaga, wanted to eat me.

How did you leave, daughter?

“So and so,” says the girl.

When the grandfather found out all this, he became angry with his wife and kicked her out; and he and his daughter began to live and live and make good things, and I was there, drinking mead and beer; It flowed down my mustache but didn’t get into my mouth.

Otfried Preusler fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga" and their characteristics

  1. Little Baba Yaga, a very young Baba Yaga, 127 years old, who really wanted to become a real good witch, kind and sympathetic.
  2. Abrakhas, Baba Yaga's talking raven, who has confused what it means to be a good witch.
  3. Rumpumpel, Little Baba Yaga's aunt, the wind witch, evil and treacherous
  4. The main witch was very disappointed when she learned about the good deeds of Little Baba Yaga.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"
  1. Little Baba Yaga and her raven Abrakhas
  2. Trouble with rain
  3. Walpurgis Night and Merry Dancing
  4. Aunt Rumpumpel
  5. Head witch and broom stripping
  6. Buying a new broom
  7. Do good to become a good witch
  8. Help for old ladies and a lesson for the forester
  9. Help for horses
  10. Lost Children and Friday Witchcraft
  11. Shooting competitions
  12. The brave snowman taught the boys a lesson
  13. Carnival in the village and rain of sweets
  14. Carnival in the forest and duck-billed fox
  15. Boys stuck to a tree
  16. Witchcraft Exam
  17. Rumpumpel's Betrayal
  18. Plans for revenge
  19. Unusual bonfire on Mount Blocksberg.
  20. The last Baba Yaga.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Little Baba Yaga goes to Walpurgis Night, but she is caught and deprived of her broom.
  2. Little Baba Yaga buys a new broom and begins to do good deeds to become a good witch.
  3. She helps old women, horses, lost children, a bull, children who were making a snowman.
  4. Little Baba Yaga attends a carnival and organizes one in the forest, she protects bird nests
  5. Aunt Rumpumpel talks about Little Baba Yaga's good deeds and the witches decide to punish her severely.
  6. Little Baba Yaga burns brooms and witchcraft books and remains the only Baba Yaga in the world.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"
Even Baba Yaga can become kind and cheerful if she begins to help other people and animals, if she does good.

What does the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us that good always triumphs over evil, that being kind is much better than being evil. Teaches that people always thank you for good deeds and that makes your soul lighter. Teaches that even among witches there are good ones.

Signs of a fairy tale in the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"

  1. Magic helper - raven Abrahas
  2. Magic objects - broom, witchcraft book
  3. Magical creatures - witches
  4. Victory of good over evil
Review of the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"
I really liked the fairy tale of the German writer Otfried Preusler “Little Baba Yaga”, because it created such an unusual image of a kind and cheerful Baba Yaga who performs various good deeds, for which children and old women, various animals are grateful to her. Little Baba Yaga has an independent character that adult Baba Yagas cannot break.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"
Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed has lived for two centuries.
Evil is destroyed by evil.

Summary, brief retelling of the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"
In the forest, in her hut, Little Baba Yaga lived with her raven Abrakhas. She tried to make it rain, but nothing worked, because Baba Yaga was thinking about dancing on Walpurgis Night, which she was not allowed to attend because of her young age.
Little Baba Yaga still goes to Blocksberg Mountain and dances. But suddenly Aunt Rumpumpel notices her. A scandal arises and the witches demand that Little Baba Yaga be punished. She is taken to the Chief Witch and she decides that Little Baba Yaga will be able to come to Walpurgis Night in a year if she passes the exam and becomes a good witch. In the meantime, her broom is taken away and burned.
Little Baba Yaga goes home for three days and the raven Abrakhas explains to her that in order to become a good witch, she needs to do good deeds.
Little Baba Yaga goes to the village and buys a new broom, which needs to be driven around.
Little Baba Yaga meets old women in the forest and helps them collect brushwood with a hurricane. After some time, she learns that the new forester forbids old women from collecting brushwood and decides to teach the forester a lesson.
Little Baba Yaga makes the forester drag the collected brushwood and herself in a basket, and then chop the brushwood.
Little Baba Yaga sees the driver beating the horses with a whip and decides to teach him a lesson. She enchants the whip and it only hits the driver.
Lost children come to Little Baba Yaga and she decides to give them a puppet show. She casts a spell on Friday, which is strictly prohibited for witches, and sees a cloud over the house. But he decides that this is an ordinary cloud, and not Aunt Rumpumpel.
Little Baba Yaga goes to the children's shooting festival and enchants the guns so that all the shooters miss. The boy shoots himself and wins his bull, which would otherwise be slaughtered.

Little Baba Yaga sees the boys breaking the children's snowman and decides to punish them. When they are once again about to break the snowman, he comes to life and covers them with a snowdrift.
Little Baba Yaga attends a carnival and argues with a girl dressed as Baba Yaga that she can fly. She takes off and showers the children with lollipops and gingerbread.
Little Baba Yaga decides to organize a forest carnival and invites all the animals. She turns them into different funny animals and everyone has a lot of fun. Even a duck-billed fox.
Little Baba Yaga learns about the boys who are destroying birds' nests and decides to teach them a lesson. She makes them stick to the tree and hang from it until the fire brigade removes them.
Aunt Rumpumpel dissuades Little Baba Yaga from taking the exam, but Little Baba Yaga is confident in her abilities. She passes all the tests with flying colors and then Aunt Rumpumpel talks about all the good deeds of Little Baba Yaga.
The main witch is horrified, because a good Baba Yaga should only do bad things. She decides to punish Little Baba Yaga and sentences her to collect brushwood for the fire and promises to tie her to a tree so that she can watch other witches dance.
Raven Abrakhas is punishing himself for getting everything mixed up, but Little Baba Yaga is not going to give up. She is looking for the necessary spells in a witchcraft book.
Little Baba Yaga flies to Mount Blocksberg and waits until fifteen minutes remain until midnight. Then she starts doing magic. She summons all the brooms of other witches and makes a fire from them, she summons the witchcraft books of other witches and uses them for kindling, she makes sure that all the other witches are deprived of their witchcraft powers.
Little Baba Yaga remains the only witch in the world.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "Little Baba Yaga"

    In modern Swedish sociology, the “exceptionalism” of the country is strongly emphasized as a consequence of “prosperity” and non-participation in world wars. Indeed, military neutrality contributed to the development of the national economy, but the processes of bourgeois...

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    The birthplace of the entire European Renaissance was Italy, because Italy created strong socio-economic prerequisites for the emergence of this movement, which consisted of the early flourishing of cities and a new urban culture. However, it is observed...

    The founder of new French literature was Anatole France, the author of many novels and stories. The main place in them is occupied by the thoughts of the writer and his heroes, usually scientists, people no longer young, about life, about the past of France and its modern social struggle....

    In the books of the most talented and honest American writers of the 20th century. .the diverse life of a huge country is shown, its deep, ever-increasing contradictions. The works of these authors are far from the works representing the bourgeois system of the United States as...

    In the 17th century The classical tradition of Japanese poetry was developed by the Taimon school. The new school of Danrin ("Forest of Sermons" is a Buddhist term in a humorous sense) made extensive use of parody. The poets of the Danrin school contrasted the refined technique of classical verse...

The main character of the German writer’s fairy tale was the well-known Baba Yaga. However, she was not an old woman, as this fairy-tale hero is usually portrayed, but a girl. The heroine settled in a small hut with a crooked roof. An old and wise Raven lived with her and taught her about life. He also scolded Little Baba Yaga for all sorts of pranks, like a parent.

Little Baba Yaga was just learning to cast magic. She was very upset because the adult witches did not invite her to the holiday, which took place only once a year. But Baba Yaga still decided to fly in and secretly watch the fun. However, the old witches discovered Little Baba Yaga and took the broom from her. The unfortunate girl had to walk home, which took a lot of time. This angered her so much that Baba Yaga decided to take revenge on the witches. She began to do only good deeds. As you know, evil witches do not tolerate this.

Little Baba Yaga began to help people. She conjured a storm, and the old women were able to gather brushwood for the whole winter. The girl bewitched evil people so that they would stop offending the weak. The young witch also made friends with a brother and sister from a neighboring village and even helped save the children’s favorite bull. She arranged a merry carnival for the forest animals, bewitching them.

For a whole year, Little Baba Yaga did only good deeds and at the same time learned to cast magic. The evil witches found out about her good deeds and decided to punish Little Baba Yaga. But she, with the help of strong spells, made sure that all the evil witches lost their magical powers.

The German writer's fairy tale teaches young readers that doing good deeds is right. Thanks to the help of people and forest animals, the young witch learned to cast magic, and if she had simply been offended by evil witches, she would not have mastered new spells.

Picture or drawing of Little Baba Yaga

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