Courses on studying the Russian language. Ditad Vocational Education Center

Do you want your child to learn to write correctly and, without hesitation, to put emphasis in the words: “agreement”, “catalog”, “cakes” and so on? You have come to the right address! Thanks to our courses, children will be able to understand the most complex and confusing cases of spelling and punctuation and will easily master the rules of the Russian language.

From 4000 rub/month

Once a week for 3 academic hours

Branches near your home!

How we teach in Russian language classes

Each Russian language lesson consists of two parts. First, the guys learn and write down the theory, which is accompanied by the most vivid and understandable examples. Then they definitely move on to practice. They learn to write dictations correctly, practice spelling words and expressions. In addition, our teachers pay great attention to writing essays and presentations, which is often required in school courses.

During classes, teachers always create a friendly and trusting atmosphere so that children are not afraid to make mistakes and easily learn new material.

Russian language classes are filled with a lot of interactivity. Children will develop thinking and memory, learn to write and speak correctly. We help children master this difficult, but so necessary subject in a way that is interesting to them, and we do everything to ensure that the Russian language becomes their favorite hobby!

Several reasons why your children (and you!) will love the Russian language course for children and schoolchildren in Moscow:

  • Unique curriculum. At a time when your child receives unforgettable emotions when writing essays and dictations, and also learns to competently structure his oral and written speech, you can be sure that he is mastering what will really be useful to him both at school and in everyday life. life!

  • Non-standard approach. Our Russian language classes are not at all like school lessons. Children have complete freedom of action, and we instill in them a love for the subject through an extremely interesting and exciting course.

  • Exciting practical exercises. All the tasks we give in class are related to real life. It engages children's minds and is great for kids of all skill levels.

  • Constant contact with parents. We always keep you informed of your child's progress in Russian language classes. You will know how he does his homework, works in class, and whether everything works out for him.

Where does the program "Russian Language Lessons for Children and Schoolchildren" take place?

Russian language programs are available in our 20 centers throughout Moscow!

Many people are now thinking that they need to refresh their knowledge of spelling and punctuation a little in order to feel more confident when they have to conduct business correspondence, and when communicating with friends, this is also not superfluous. And they even rush to look for somewhere to study. Unfortunately, even in Moscow there are few Russian language courses (not for schoolchildren or for foreigners). To make it easier for you to decide on a course, I offer my analysis of schools that offer a Russian language course for adults.

I am primarily interested in the following criteria:

2) Program and features of the methodology

3) Where do classes take place? When and for how long? What the cost of studying?

4) Possibility of preliminary testing of knowledge

5) Guarantees provided

  • Corporate course "Russian language for adults"

1) Course Features

(Copied from the site. I have no idea why there is a comma in this sentence,
I hope there was some kind of original thought in this. - O.G.)

* Spelling (30 academic hours - 10 lessons of 3 academic hours or 15 lessons of 2 academic hours)

* Punctuation (30 academic hours - 10 lessons of 3 academic hours or 15 lessons of 2 academic hours)

* Intensive course. Spelling and punctuation (45 academic hours - 15 lessons of 3 academic hours)

* Stylistics and culture of speech (30 academic hours - 10 lessons of 3 academic hours or 15 lessons of 2 academic hours)

3) Where do classes take place? When and for how long? How much does training cost (individual/group)?

1 ac. h.: ​​600 / 350 rubles

30 hours: 18,000 / 10,500 rubles

45 hours: 27,000 / 15,750 rubles

The office is in the center of Moscow; the location of classes is not specified separately, nor is the possibility of conducting classes in the office indicated.

4) Possibility of preliminary testing

Testing by appointment; Based on its results, it is determined which module to start training with.

5) Guarantees provided

This is not stated in the course description.

1) Course Features

"Filling gaps in knowledge, developing literate writing skills. Intensive immersion in the language system, the transition from knowledge and practical skills to sustainable literate writing skills."

In a short time, gain the skills of “flawless command of your native Russian language.”

(The last formulation looks very strange. Possession can be confident, but only writing can be infallible. - O.G.).

“It is also important that by taking our courses you will be able to consciously help your children. It’s worth a try!”

(Really, this is important. Even important. They have an interesting idea of ​​​​Russian spelling... - O.G.)

The teaching principle is very attractive: “You formulate the learning goal, we help you achieve it.”

2) Program and features of the methodology

“The “Sustainable Literacy” method in the Russian language allows you to quickly master the basic rules of spelling and punctuation at the deepest level. The system of presenting material “from simple to complex” allows you to practice the material at each level (there are seven in total) and acquire strong literacy skills, translating them into a practical plane."

(Of course, the presence of a detailed diagram plays into the hands of this course, but if you take a closer look, we see that this method is again aimed at high school students, although I got to the description through a link from a course for adults. So the content of the program is for those , who has already grown out of school age is not entirely clear - O.G.)

(individually/in a group)?

Offices in the center of Moscow, with separate departments for adults, schoolchildren and corporate.

2 levels of 36 ac. h.

One level: 13500 / 40000 rubles

The cost of corporate training depends on the number of people in the group from 13,500 to 29,000 rubles per person.

The indicated cost for testing in the office is 300 rubles. The possibility of testing knowledge during group or individual training is not specified.

5) Guarantees provided

If only this can be classified as a guarantee.

"The author's program "Sustainable Literacy" from the author S. Filinova has no analogues in terms of the depth of mastery of the material. It includes not only the development of basic spelling and punctuation units, but fully addresses all cases of traditionally difficult constructions, significantly replenishes the active vocabulary. Truly experienced teachers with constant sensitivity and kindness will help you restore what has been forgotten and gain new knowledge and skills.”

(Although the phrase “really experienced” in the first sentence is depressing. As is the coordination of the participial phrase with the qualifying word in the second. - O.G.)

  • "Russian language courses for adults"

1) Course Features

“Teach competent writing in the shortest possible time and at minimal cost.”

“The Russian language teaching program is aimed at increasing practical literacy, since the ability to apply theoretical knowledge in the field of the Russian language in practice allows one to be successful in any field.”

Lectures, practical classes in the classroom, dictations, and homework are expected.

2) Program and features of the methodology

"The proposed method of teaching a Russian language course for adults is aimed at increasing practical literacy and is based on the peculiarities of thinking, the use of predominantly algorithmic teaching methods, cyclical repetition of the material covered, the use of didactic materials carefully selected according to the topic and level of complexity. These and some other techniques are aimed at implementing the basic principle: about the complex - simple, about the boring - interesting - and ensure the ease of assimilation of educational material and the duration of its storage in memory."

(The listed techniques inspire confidence, although nothing

nothing fundamentally new has been said. Not entirely clearwording

“based on the peculiarities of thinking”: what are we talking about? - O.G.)

“This is achieved due to extreme clarity, conciseness, and cyclical repetition of the material, which is presented in increasingly complex versions from lesson to lesson. Theoretical material is presented in tables, which are worked through by the students themselves during the lessons. Associative connections, historical -etymological excursion and comparison, which allows us to understand the patterns of Russian spelling."

(This is really cool! Indeed, in the Russian language everything is logical and natural. By the way, most of the exceptions are words

subject to a different rule. - O.G.)

3) Where do classes take place? When and for how long? What the cost of studying ?

Three branches in Moscow, including in the center.

36 academic hours - 9 lessons 2 hours.

Cost: first level 7900, second - 7200 rubles.

By the way, it is possible to open a group upon request, even if it is not on the schedule - that’s great!

4) Possibility of preliminary testing of knowledge

“All students of the Russian language course for adults take a certain test that allows them to determine the initial level of literacy, predict the expected result with sufficient reliability and provide guarantees for achieving this result.”

Cost - 300 rubles (included in the price when enrolling in the course).

(The word "definite" in this context is a little scary. But the possibility

5) Guarantees provided

They are not specified on the website.

  • "Competent Russian language"

1) Course Features

To do this, you can take express courses, which in a short time and at a convenient time will allow you to become someone who can easily and pragmatically speak and write in Russian.

(To be honest, I don’t know how you can speak and write “pragmatically”. But a short period of time and convenient time are very relevant for many. - O.G.)

2) Program and features of the methodology

“Training of error-free writing”, “Training of error-free speech”, “Business writing”, “Culture of speech and rhetoric”, “Business project: textual component” are stated, but there are no explanations.

In general, it is written that “Russian language courses are valuable due to the need to use it ... as a wealth of tools with which you can, for example, influence people, draw up a project or pass an interview,” and also that the course “ takes into account the practical aspect (in general writing and speaking correctly) and the general linguistic aspect (using the language for specific purposes).” It is also important that students master the course “within the framework of their specialty.”

3) Where do classes take place? When and for how long? What the cost of studying (individually / in group / corporate) ?

Office in the center of Moscow, classes are held in the evening. The duration of the lesson is up to three astronomical hours. The cost of classes is not indicated on the website.

4) Possibility of preliminary testing of knowledge

Enrollment in courses is based on the results of an interview and preliminary testing ("a special test that allows you to determine the initial level of literacy, predict the expected result with sufficient reliability and propose a rational training program").

5) Guarantees provided

Experience shows that if all the requirements stipulated by the methodology are met, the number of errors based on the results of comparative testing is reduced several times from the initial level.

  • "Increasing practical literacy" and "Difficult cases of spelling and punctuation"

1) Course Features

The purpose of the course is an in-depth study of the Russian language, its levels, structure and laws. Programs and course descriptions are mainly aimed at schoolchildren; even school textbooks are listed as teaching aids, the material of which is promised to be supplemented with their own developments.

2) Program and features of the methodology

The course program includes a detailed study of the main sections of the Russian language:

1. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Lexicography.

2. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy.

3. Morphemics and word formation.

4. Morphology and spelling.

5. Syntax and punctuation.

(Yes, as a specialist I can say that the approach is thorough. The ability to choose only the most complex topics is very attractive and convenient. - O.G.)

3) Where do classes take place? When and for how long? What the cost of studying (individually / in group / corporate) ?

Several training centers in Moscow.

Individual and corporate forms of work are expected, as well as training on specific topics of the course. You can travel to your home or office.

Full course - 240 academic hours. Individual topics - from 1 to 8 hours.

The cost of training varies depending on the number of hours.

In a group of up to 6 people: from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

In a group of up to 6 people, organizations: from 4200 to 11200 rubles per group.

Individually from 2400 to 7200 rubles.

4) Possibility of preliminary testing of knowledge

On the website this opportunity is specified only for corporate clients.

5) Guarantees provided

They are not specified separately on the website.

A good knowledge of the Russian language is necessary for solving everyday professional tasks - from preparing documents and writing letters to speaking at various events. The goal of this business Russian language course is to learn to avoid typical mistakes in business texts, to master the rules of spelling and punctuation, which usually cause difficulties. Practical classes in an active format involve working with examples from documents and analyzing difficult cases.

Russian language and literacy courses provide an opportunity to fill gaps in basic knowledge of the Russian language, add elements for professional work with texts, develop the style and structure of written speech and consolidate the skills of effective business writing.

The structure of the course is subject to the principle: from theory to practice; First, students are given the necessary information about the basic spelling and punctuation complexities, logical and stylistic techniques, and the characteristic features of the official business style, then practical work on drawing up various business documents is organized.

Students who attend Russian language courses are provided with original teaching materials, which they can later use in practical activities.


Entrance testing.

Typology of functional styles in the Russian language and their general characteristics. Official business style, its varieties and features. Vocabulary, morphology and syntax in written and oral business speech.

Specifics of the use of colloquial vocabulary in professional activities. The language of “Internet communication” and the danger of its use in business speech. Are there any alternatives?

Uppercase and lowercase letters when addressing. Uppercase and lowercase letters in the names of government and management bodies; in the names of legislative, regulatory and legal acts; units of administrative-territorial division; in the names of holidays and major memorable dates.

Spelling of lexical abbreviations and graphic abbreviations. Gender and declension of abbreviations. Rules for the use of abbreviations and graphic abbreviations in the texts of official documents.

Features of the use of prepositions, conjunctions and adverbs. Constructions with prepositions “in”, “by”, “with”, etc. Genitive and accusative case in negation. Difficult plural forms of nouns. Singular and plural predicate. Features of the use and declension of numerals.

Spelling Not And neither with words of different parts of speech. Spelling adverbs. Spelling n And nn in words of different parts of speech.

Simple and complex sentences. Errors when constructing complex sentences. Colons and dashes in non-union complex sentences. Punctuation in constructions with compound subordinating conjunctions. Punctuation in phrases with non-primitive prepositions. Punctuation for introductory words and phrases. Punctuation for homogeneous sentence parts. Errors in combinations of homogeneous sentence members.

Competent business correspondence. Drawing up and execution of business letters. Composition of the details of a business letter and features of their design. Rules for the external design of a business letter: fonts, spacing, paragraph division of text, upper and lowercase letters, writing complex names, etc.

Definition of the concept “document text”. Form and content of the document text. Form of text presentation: grammatically coherent text, formalized text in the form of a table or questionnaire. The dependence of the compositional structure of the document text on the nature of the information and the purpose (type) of the document. Composition of grammatically coherent texts. Comparative analysis of the compositional structure of texts of organizational and legal documents, administrative, informational, reference and analytical. Variants of compositional structure used in the texts of official correspondence.

Linguistic features and features of the official business style of speech. The concept of speech culture and language norms. Typical errors associated with ignorance of the meanings of words: violation of lexical compatibility, speech redundancy, speech insufficiency, etc.

Linguistic norms in the official business style of speech: the use of participial phrases, constructions with homogeneous members, the structure of a complex sentence, the spelling of individual names, words and phrases, abbreviations and more.

Language and style of official documents. Methods of presenting document text. Culture and etiquette in documents and business correspondence. Compositional features and rules for drawing up official documents.

Workshop on editing texts of documents and business letters.

Final examination.


Recognized industry experts with extensive experience in teaching, consulting, design and practical activities in the field of document management:

Doronina Larisa Alekseevna

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems of the State University of Management, author of textbooks on document management, expert of the National Association of Professional Secretaries and Office Managers

Yankovaya Valentina Fedorovna

Candidate of Historical Sciences, leading specialist of the State Archives of the Russian Federation, consultant on documentation support for management and archival affairs, author of numerous books and publications, developer of GOST R 7.0.97-2016 (previous position: Deputy Director of VNIIDAD)


Choose a convenient form of training that suits you:

Full-time education

organized in small groups in our cozy, equipped classrooms in Moscow.
The material is presented as clearly as possible, clearly, with practical examples. Live communication with the lecturer and colleagues gives students not only new knowledge and ideas, but also an impulse to implement them

Targeted training

An ideal solution for those who are very busy at work, but there is a need to improve their skills.
You choose the time for attending face-to-face classes and independently studying educational materials.
An individual schedule is drawn up for you: some of the topics are in person/online, some - on your own

Duration of study: 24 ac. hours, from Mon to Fri from 10.00 to 17.00

Online training

practically no different from full-time training:
the listener remotely joins the group, sees and hears the lecturer, and has the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers.
Online learning takes place in parallel on the days of face-to-face classes.
All you need is internet access

Duration of study: 24 ac. hours, from Mon to Fri from 10.00 to 17.00

Correspondence studies

there is no reference to a specific date:
You can start learning at a convenient time 24 hours 7 days a week from anywhere in the world.
After independently studying the materials and passing testing remotely, you can receive a training document in person in our office or by Russian Post

Duration of training: free mode, training no more than 1 month

Corporate training

If you plan to train three or more employees, we recommend that you order training in a corporate format using any of the listed forms of training.
During practical classes, you can study real company cases and be sure that all data will remain confidential.
The number of hours of training and the topic of the course can be adapted to your wishes and specifics.
We have extensive experience in organizing on-site training and an affordable pricing policy.


Training package
personal participation in the course
possibility of individual consultation
provision of food (coffee, lunches)
provision of a participant kit
author's methodological handouts
certificate of advanced training
post-training support for six months
participation under a letter of guarantee with postpayment
For legal entities
For individuals
Online training
Correspondence studies
14 000
10 500

"Easy Russian"
(7-16 years old)


Course Description:

Our main task is to help children master difficult grammatical rules and teach them to apply them. The technique includes techniques for memorizing rules, working with a dictionary, and applying the rules of the Russian language.

We strive to ensure that after our classes, the child will be able to deepen their knowledge independently or during the school program. During school lessons, children often write essays and dictations. This skill is simply necessary for further learning.

The course teacher gives you a lot of time to work on mistakes. Children themselves learn to find them and correct them immediately. Mini-groups allow you to pay the necessary attention to each child, he has the opportunity to ask questions to the teacher.

Learning Russian has never been so easy!

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

(from 7 years old)


Course Description:

Incorrect handwriting reduces the speed of writing, and children do not have time to take notes after the teacher in class and sit for hours on homework. Our course solves this problem in 10 lessons.
Classes in this course are divided into two main stages: classical calligraphy and artistic calligraphy.

Children are given special copybooks and albums for work in class and at home.

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

"Development of written speech"
(from 7 to 14 years old)


from 7 to 14 years

The child will learn how to make written speech more vivid and artistic, learn to determine the topic and main idea, draw up a plan and construct written statements according to the plan, master step-by-step algorithms for writing expositions and essays, using them in practice.

Thus, we will learn to write essays and presentations, express our thoughts, and make the text logical and expressive.

Lesson frequency:

2 times per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

*At the first and last lessons, the child is tested to assess the learning outcome.

Maintain acquired skills
you can with our help

Why does a child need a support group?

Knowledge without application is quickly forgotten. Modern schools overload children with information, asking them to study many materials on their own. Children cannot cope with large amounts of information.

We have created special knowledge support groups where your child can continue learning under our supervision. After all, parents don’t always have time at home.

And we really want your children not only to take our courses, but to successfully apply new knowledge in their studies and later life.

Lesson frequency:

1 time per week

Number of classes:

Duration of 1 lesson:

Schedule of our classes

Dear Parents!

We have prepared a convenient course schedule for your children. All you need to do is choose the appropriate format: group or individual.

If your child missed a lesson, don’t worry! He will be able to go through it with another group or individually.

Individual sessions

Your child can take any of our courses according to an individual schedule drawn up especially for you.

Days of the week and class times are discussed with you

It is important not only to be able to read, but to write and speak correctly, not to make mistakes in every sentence or paragraph, not to forget about commas and not to put extra ones, so as not to make the reader laugh. And in general, give the impression of a competent person. Both children and adults must follow these rules. Therefore, it’s never too late to improve your spelling knowledge, but it’s still worth starting earlier, plus at least no one has canceled attending Russian language courses.

You know the rules and read a lot, but your writing is still terrible? Why is that?

The answer is quite simple...memorizing rules is a waste of time, and hoping that the more you read, the better you write, is even sadder. Of course, reading a lot is useful and commendable, but ineffective. Because “natural literacy” is not an automatic consequence of being well-read, but is formed only with certain writing skills that allow you to detect “dangerous” places in a word even before writing it.

What to do?

Teaching a Child to write and speak Russian correctly is the primary responsibility of Parents, which requires a significant amount of time and effort for both the Child and his Parents. If time is difficult for the latter, then, for example, Russian language courses will come to the rescue. Although, of course, an even better option would be the educational complex “Literate Russian” in “Aristotle”, which will improve your Child’s written and oral literacy to the maximum possible extent.

The main task of the complex we have developed is the ability to teach a student to write in such a way that it is pleasant to read. Russian language courses provide an opportunity to replenish and systematize basic knowledge of the Russian language, develop the style and structure of written speech, but this is only half of what is important to teach a Child. The educational complex “Literate Russian” is based on the author’s methodology for improving literacy, which takes into account age-related characteristics of the development of written speech and the formation of spelling and punctuation skills in literate writing.

Basic principles of training

  1. Relevant and therefore clearly
  2. The rules and algorithms of the Russian language are considered in the context of modern communicative situations, built using important educational fundamentals, as well as using the example of interesting artistic and professional texts.
  3. Simple and interesting
  4. The whole theory is presented in the most accessible form, which allows you to study the basic principles of spelling and punctuation of the Russian language without unnecessary terminology and dry definitions.
  5. Useful and productive
  6. The educational complex is aimed at understanding the Russian language system and automating literate writing skills, rather than at memorizing numerous rules, knowledge of dry definitions and complex classifications.
Russian language courses will help fill significant gaps in school knowledge and get rid of the most noticeable, gross errors in spelling words and punctuation marks. The educational complex “Literate Russian” was created for those who strive not only for correct spelling and punctuation, but also for a clear, harmonious, beautiful presentation of thoughts in writing.