Culture of oral speech presentation. A culture of speech

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A culture of speech
“Learning several languages ​​takes one or two years, but learning to speak your language properly takes half your life.”


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Speech culture is the ability to correctly and expressively convey one’s thoughts using language.

Speech behavior and communication through language presuppose a certain culture - the culture of speech - one of the important conditions for successful communication. The main aspects of speech culture: normative, communicative and ethical. The components of speech culture are: 1) correctness of speech, normativity (how to speak correctly, i.e., observing the norms of the literary language), 2) speech skill, communication (how to speak well, effectively: meaningfully, accurately, logically, expressively, diversely, clearly ), 3) adherence to etiquette - norms of speech behavior accepted and prescribed by society in various communication situations.

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Task: find errors and correct them

People who are stuck in laziness lose a lot. She has always been a closed, hidden person. The book should be treated with great care, it deserves it. I spent a wonderful summer in a rural village with my old grandmother. An interesting problem is revealed and touched upon here. The mother stood quietly and silently. These fashionistas are only interested in dresses and outfits. He loved to listen to flattering compliments. She again received a fine.

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Researchers define several types of speech culture - from elite to vernacular.

The speech of representatives of the elite type of speech culture corresponds to the linguistic norms of the literary language, although it allows for isolated errors; - distinguished by richness, expressiveness, argumentation, logic, expediency and clarity of presentation in oral and written speech; - free use of functional styles and genres of speech in accordance with the situation and goals of communication; - knowledge and use of rhetorical rules of communication; - focus in one’s speech practice on a variety of texts of general cultural significance; - constant replenishment of your knowledge; - checking them against authoritative dictionaries and reference books.

The majority of the educated population of Russia (people with higher education and a significant number with secondary education) are carriers of the average literary type of speech culture. They are characterized by: - ​​less strict adherence to the norms of the literary language: the presence of spelling, punctuation, lexical, morphological, and syntactic errors; - often a distorted idea of ​​correctness due to lack of necessary knowledge; - satisfaction with your intellectual baggage, lack of need to expand your knowledge and skills, to test them; - abuse of book and foreign words; - mastery, as a rule, only of colloquial speech and one of the functional styles required professionally: for scientists - scientific, for journalists - journalistic, etc.; - focus on radio, television and other media, popular literature, often of low quality;

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Speech is an important component of human existence, a necessary condition for the existence of society. Speech helps to determine a person’s belonging to any social or age group, gender, occupation, and to identify the level of his thinking and general culture.

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Assignment: determine which social group the participants in the dialogue belong to?
At the airport, Chudik wrote a telegram to his wife: “We have landed. A lilac branch fell on your chest, Dear Pear, don’t forget me. Vasyatka.” The telegraph operator, a strict, dry woman, having read the telegram, suggested: “Make it differently. You are an adult. Not in kindergarten” - “Why?” - asked the Weird. “I always write to her like this in letters.” This is my wife!... You probably thought...” - “You can write whatever you want in letters, but a telegram is a type of communication. This is open text." The weirdo rewrote it. “We landed. Everything is fine. Vasyatka.” The telegraph operator herself corrected two words: “landed” and “Vasyatka.” It became: “We’ve arrived, Vasily.” - “We’ve landed... Are you an astronaut or something?” “Okay,” said the Freak, “Let it be so.”

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Speech (speech activity) can be internal and external.
Inner speech is the formulation of a thought using linguistic means without expressing it. Such speech is characterized by: conciseness, curtailment, high speed of flow, intended for oneself, lack of communication function, functioning as a means of theoretical-cognitive activity. External speech is speech formalized in the form of a statement (oral or written). Can be presented in the form of: monologue and dialogue

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Monologue is a detailed type of speech, pronounced by one speaker, subordinate to one topic, a specific plan, having its own composition, having relative completeness, sometimes of significant size (report, lecture, story, article, answer to an exam, essay, etc.), often prepared in advance (its plan is drawn up, material is selected and arranged in a certain sequence, sometimes edited and improved).

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The following types of monologues are distinguished:
a monologue of a narrative type, which is characterized by a combination of verb phrases in which the sequence of events is expressed. It always has a compositional narrative scheme: - the beginning of the event, - the development of the event, - the end of the event.

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An example of a narrative type monologue:
Once upon a time there lived a huge guard dog in our yard. His name was simply Dog. And the neighbor across the street had a hen hatching little chicks. The dog loved and protected them very much. If it was cold, I warmed him with my body.

One day the housewife left the house, and suddenly there was a heavy downpour. She rushed home, afraid that the chickens would die. She came running and saw: the yard was flooded with water, and the chickens were nowhere to be found. Runs, searches, worries. Then he sees a dog in a booth lying chest-deep in water, and yellow lumps of chickens are swarming on him.

The hostess counted the chickens - not a single one was missing. And since then the dog has been called Rescuer.
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Assignment: compose a monologue speech using the following words sequentially:

Glass; bike; fence; patience; calendar
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monologue is a reasoning for which typical

which usually combines narrative forms of speech with forms of reasoning. Example of a confessional monologue: You know, I dreamed about you so often. And now, when the sweet moment of success is so close, something in me has turned over, trembled... I am rushing somewhere into the distance, I don’t know why or why. In my head there are thoughts, feelings, plans. Still, I am happy that I live on this earth...

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Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people (in the latter case it is customary to talk about polylogue), which consists of remarks addressed to the interlocutor, and is characterized by their change, usually situational, that is, related to the environment in which it takes place; dialogue lines are related to each other in content: each new line follows from the previous one).

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Assignment: choose an interlocutor and make up a dialogue with him using the words:
Positive; Insurmountable; Incessant; encyclopedic

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Speech in interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is defined as the interaction between a small number of communicaters who are in spatial proximity and are largely accessible to each other, that is, have the opportunity to see, hear, touch each other” and easily provide feedback. Fruitful interaction is possible when both interlocutors agree on the same method of communication. Forms of communicative tactics: including a partner in your logic by inviting them to think together; positive and respectful consideration of his thoughts; detachment of the content of speech from the listener, movement according to the internal logic of the subject (position of independence).

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The problem of dialogical communication, establishing friendly, trusting relationships arises due to a person’s inability to express himself, to express his inner Self.
Knowing yourself better in your relationships with others leads to increased self-esteem and self-acceptance.

Speech culture is such a choice and such an organization of linguistic means that, in a certain communication situation, while observing language norms and communication ethics, make it possible to ensure the greatest effect in achieving goals. communicative tasks.

The definition emphasizes three aspects of speech culture: normative, ethical and communicative.

Normative aspect of speech culture

Literary language

The normative aspect of speech culture is associated with the literary language.

Literary language- this is the highest form of the national language, which differs in normativity from the spoken one.

The formation of the modern Russian literary language is inextricably linked with the name of A.S. Pushkin. By the time the literary language appeared, the language of the Russian nation was very heterogeneous. Pushkin was able, based on various manifestations of the folk language, to create in his works a language that was accepted by society as a literary language.


Literary language is what creates, along with economic, political and other factors, the unity of a nation. Literary language is the language of culture, the language of the educated part of the people, a deliberately codified language.


Codification is the consolidation of the norms and rules of a language in dictionaries and grammars. Codified norms of a language are those norms that all native speakers must follow. Any grammar of a language, any dictionary of it, is nothing more than its codification.

The culture of speech begins where the language, as it were, “offers” a choice for codification: (kilo´meter - kilometer´tr). Language does not remain unchanged; it constantly needs to be standardized (19th century.

– mother, daughter, 20th century. - mother Daughter).


A norm is a historically accepted choice in a given language community of one of the variants of use as recommended and preferable. The norm is divided into imperative (mandatory) and dispositive (optional). The imperative norm provides for a strict choice of one option as the only correct one (laying down is wrong; putting down

- Right). The dispositive norm provides for a choice of options, two of which are recognized as normative (maneuver - maneuver).


Communicative aspect of speech culture is the study of a text from the point of view of the correspondence of its linguistic structure to the tasks of communication. The main requirement for a good text is this: from all linguistic means, those that fulfill with maximum completeness and efficiency must be selected.

delivered communicative

Main function ethical aspect of speech culture

contact making. The ethical basis of speech culture is speech etiquette. Ethical standards primarily concern addressing you or you, choosing a full or shortened name, choosing addresses and methods of greeting and farewell.


The role of ethical standards in communication can be clarified using the example of bad language. This is also “communication”, in which, however, ethical norms are grossly violated.


1. What is language?

2. Tell us about the history of the origin of the language.

3. Name and characterize the functions of language.

4. Prove that language is a sign system.

5. What is speech?

6. What is speech culture?

7. What is literary language?

8. What is codification?

9. What is the norm?

10. Tell us about the communicative aspect of speech culture.

11. Tell us about the ethical aspect of speech culture.

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“Our language is the most important part of our overall behavior in life. And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with.” D.S. Likhachev “Philological education is an indicator of the culture of society and a person individually.” K.D. Ushinsky “It will be the greatest crime before culture, before our Motherland, before humanity if we do not take care of our language and allow ourselves to distort it.” K. G. Paustovsky “A person’s speech culture is a mirror of his spiritual culture” V. N. Sukhomlinsky 1

Speech culture and language norms

Parable One day they brought a man to Socrates about whom he had to express his opinion, the sage looked at him for a long time, and then exclaimed: “Yes, finally speak so that I can recognize you.” 3

4 Purpose of the lesson: Repeat general information about language, speech culture, language norms. Strengthen the ability to distinguish speech errors, skills in spelling and lexical norms. Develop skills in using standardized speech. Complete Unified State Exam tasks related to orthoepic and lexical norms /A 1-A3 /

5 An integral part of the general human culture is the culture of speech - a branch of the science of language that studies the correctness and purity of speech. The concept of “language norm” is one of the key concepts in the doctrine of correct speech. The norm of a literary language is a socially approved rule, i.e. the generally accepted use of words, phrases, word forms, syntactic structures, enshrined in dictionaries and reference books.

6 Pronunciation norms Word usage norms Punctuation marks

Orthoepy is a system of pronunciation norms. Phonetic errors. 1. Incorrect softening of consonants and lack of softening in necessary cases. 2. Incorrect emphasis. 3. Dialectal features. - 7

8 Lexico-orthoepic warm-up Adequate, academician, dumping, competence, manager, patent, term, coupe, lottery, hyphen, mayonnaise, tent, motorcade.

9 Test “Stress Norms” Check how well you know the norms of pronunciation.

10 The lexical norm determines the rules for using words in accordance with their meaning and combining words in speech. Lexical errors. 1. Confusion of paronyms 2. Speech redundancy (pleonasms) 3. Tautology 4. Ignorance of the meaning of words and phraseological units 5. Violation of lexical compatibility

11 TEST In which sentence should you use MILITARY instead of the word MILITARY? 1) Fedorov was a MILITARY man and had a good idea of ​​what trials lay ahead for the soldiers of his regiment. 2) For his bravery he received another MILITARY rank. 3) He experienced a lot in life, but managed to maintain a MILITARY bearing. 4) The MILITARY industry of this country is very developed.

12 In which sentence should the word HUMANITARIAN be used instead of the word HUMANITARIAN? 1) The most HUMANE professions on earth are those on which a person’s spiritual life and physical health depend. 2) A HUMANE attitude towards children means, first of all, an understanding of the child’s spiritual efforts, a respectful attitude towards these quests and unobtrusive help. 3) Cooperation between countries is constantly developing and strengthening in the HUMANE sphere. 4) HUMANE laws are possible only in a mature society.

13 Avoid! SLANG is an expressive and emotionally charged vocabulary of colloquial speech that differs from the accepted literary language norm.

Avoid! JARGON is a type of speech of a group of people united by a profession or occupation, an integral part of which is slang. 14

Components of good speech: purity, expressiveness, content, accuracy, logic, relevance 15

16 Test yourself Stylistics 1) On the evening broadcast of the youth TV channel “Vityaz”, Deputy Ivanov again criticized the mayor of the city N. 2) All local media were thrown into propaganda of the new regional leader. 3) Dollars can be exchanged at any state or commercial bank.

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Let's talk about speech culture


One of the components of a teacher’s skill is the culture of his speech. Those who master the culture of speech achieve great success in their professional activities.
"The art of talking to children"

Speech behavior and communication through language presuppose a certain culture - the culture of speech - one of the important conditions for successful communication. The main aspects of speech culture: normative, communicative and ethical. The components of speech culture are: 1) correctness of speech, normativity (how to speak correctly, i.e., observing the norms of the literary language), 2) speech skill, communication (how to speak well, effectively: meaningfully, accurately, logically, expressively, diversely, clearly ), 3) adherence to etiquette - norms of speech behavior accepted and prescribed by society in various communication situations.

The speech culture of children depends on the teacher’s speech culture
With this in mind, the teacher should consider it a professional duty to continuously improve his speech in order to thoroughly know the native language of the children he is raising.

People who are stuck in laziness lose a lot. She has always been a closed, hidden person. The book should be treated with great care, it deserves it. I spent a wonderful summer in a rural village with my old grandmother. An interesting problem is revealed and touched upon here. The mother stood quietly and silently. These fashionistas are only interested in dresses and outfits. He loved to listen to flattering compliments. She again received a fine.

1. The teacher should speak quietly, but so that everyone can hear him, so that the listening process does not cause significant stress in the students. 2. The teacher must speak clearly. 3. The teacher should speak at a speed of about 120 words per minute. 4. To achieve expressive sound, it is important to be able to use pauses - logical and psychological. Without logical pauses, speech is illiterate, without psychological pauses it is colorless. 5. The teacher must speak with intonation, i.e. be able to place logical emphasis, highlight individual words that are important for the content of what is being said. 6. Melody gives the teacher’s voice an individual coloring and can significantly influence the emotional well-being of students: inspire, captivate, calm. Melodics are born based on vowel sounds.
Teacher's speech culture rules

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The speech of representatives of the elite type of speech culture corresponds to the linguistic norms of the literary language, although it allows for isolated errors; - distinguished by richness, expressiveness, argumentation, logic, expediency and clarity of presentation in oral and written speech; - free use of functional styles and genres of speech in accordance with the situation and goals of communication; - knowledge and use of rhetorical rules of communication; - focus in one’s speech practice on a variety of texts of general cultural significance; - constant replenishment of your knowledge; - checking them against authoritative dictionaries and reference books.

Beware of office stuff!
Stationery is: the displacement of a verb, that is, movement, action, by a participle, a gerund, a noun (especially verbal!), which means stagnation, immobility; a jumble of nouns in oblique cases; an abundance of foreign words where they can easily be replaced with Russian words; heavy, confused structure of phrases, unintelligibility; dullness, monotony, erasure, stamp. Poor, meager vocabulary. Stationery is dead stuff!

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Brevity is the soul of wit
I'm writing long because I don't have time to write short.
B. Pascal

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Brevity is the soul of wit
Let's unite as one; city ​​residents live a monotonous life; for example, this example; a pattern follows naturally; multiply many times; work resumed again (tautology - (Greek) “the same”)
He foresaw all the troubles in advance. I should be back by evening.
Pleonasm - Greek. "excess"

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The main point; Valuable treasures; Come back; Fell down; In the month of May; Future plans; Unused reserves; For example; How many
Speech redundancy is also generated by the combination of a foreign word with a Russian word, duplicating its meaning.

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Memorable souvenirs; Unusual phenomenon; First premiere;
Biography of life; Ultimately; Minuscule little things; Folklore; Open vacancy

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“A mixture of French and Nizhny Novgorod”
On the site in front of the school you will see broken flower beds. This is the work of our guys. For each member of the “Young Technician” circle, five or six models fall. An evening dedicated to the Russian language will be held on Saturday morning. I listened to your comments. We get lost on transport due to lack of information.

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Soap bubbles always complain that they are being blown. There are only a few zeros that know their place. Don't rush words - follow safety precautions. The writer had feathers - he lacked wings. It’s a pity that sometimes your loved ones are narrow-minded.

A culture of speech

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What is meant by speech culture? Main directions of the course. Mastering the culture of written and oral speech. Increasing the level of speech culture. Ability to edit text. Preparation for successfully passing the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Language norm. Lexical compatibility. Tautology. Pleonasms. Ethics. Speech etiquette. Basic concepts of the course. Forms of work. Essays of different genres. Testing. Project activities. Interview. Reports. I wish you success at the Unified State Exam!!! - Culture of speech.ppt

Culture of Russian speech

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Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. A culture of speech. It is from the works of the classics that you understand all the beauty and power of words. Speech was constantly enriched with new words, phrases, and aphorisms. The contribution of Russian writers to native speech is simply impossible to evaluate! Over time, the culture of speech has changed, but, unfortunately, not always for the better. Speech culture is a complex art that needs to be learned throughout life. We must constantly improve ourselves, expand our vocabulary, and learn more and more new words. - Culture of Russian speech.ppt

Culture of language and speech

Slides: 12 Words: 487 Sounds: 0 Effects: 92

A culture of speech. To handle the language somehow means to think differently. What is speech culture? Speech culture is a branch of linguistics. Orthoepic norms. Spelling standards. Punctuation norms. Grammar rules. Lexical norms. Norms for text construction. Continue the text. Read the poems and explain what theme they are united by. - Culture of language and speech.ppt

Problems of speech culture

Slides: 16 Words: 792 Sounds: 1 Effects: 13

Russian speech. Conference. Great Russian word. Hymn about the Russian language. Words can kill. Tolstoy. Quiz. Questionnaire. Russian proverbs and sayings. Aesop. Russian language. Commandments of speech behavior. Courage. Turgenev. Elena Potekhina. Let's speak Russian. - Problems of speech culture.pptx

Speech and culture of communication

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Subject and tasks of speech culture. What is speech culture? Presentation of the topic of the academic subject “Russian language and speech culture”. Remember and strive! I know. Communication. A culture of speech. The science. Society. Literacy. Language. Human. Speech. Rules of communication. I can. I want to know. I want to think. As I understand the meaning of the epigraph: Saadi. Senquain. - Speech and communication culture.ppt

Russian language and culture of speech

Slides: 12 Words: 561 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Ecology of Russian speech, or let's talk about the culture of speech. K. Paustovsky. The Russian language is in danger. Fundamental question. Questions of the educational topic. Culture of speech, thinking, feelings. How to improve speech culture. Formulate the reasons for the decline in the role of the Russian language. What are jargons? Why is illiterate speech heard everywhere today? Ability to analyze life situations. - Russian language and speech culture.ppt

Grammatically correct speech

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Security certificate. Jargonisms. Educational level. Verbal trash. Incorrect use of words. Errors in stress. Barbarisms. Language errors. Sources of communication. Internet. Stop the journalist. Rich educational environment opportunities. Secrets of the native language. Application. Action "Safety certificate". - Competent speech.pptx

Correct speech

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Language norm and its features. A.P. Chekhov. The most important qualities of good speech. Correct speech. Standard of literary language. Language norms of speech. Morphology and culture of speech. Morphological norms of language. Epigraphs of the lesson. Determine the gender of nouns. Definition. Words denoting inanimate objects. Words. Animal names. Dandy. Words denoting people. Gobi. Gender of indeclinable names. Hydroelectric power station. Luna Park. Gender of compound words. The strongest fighter. Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives. Variant forms. Zero ending. Neuter nouns without stress. - Correct speech.pptx

Magic words

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A.S. Makarenko. Magic words. I would like to know! Lesson objectives. Why magical? Is there such a student in your class? Can't be?!!! "Kostya comes to school in the morning. What is Kostya's mistake? I propose a question - a problem. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. The bus suddenly stopped. Vova almost fell and pushed the man. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova said: ______ _______. Insert the magic word. Answer, which ones? Interesting problem. Three young people are entering the train: - Wow, there are so many people here! Take your seats, guys, Otherwise, everyone loves ditties! old woman - Magic words.ppt

Secrets of good speech

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Secrets of good speech. Correctness of speech is a changeable concept. Knowledge of the theory of speech culture. Correlation between course topics and Unified State Examination materials in the Russian language. Course topics. Correctness of speech. The current linguistic situation in Russia. The degree of use of the option. The speech is good. Sound level of speech. Where is onomatopoeia, where is alliteration. Limericks. The speech is correct at the grammatical level. What mistake did the person make? The word from the point of view of meaning. Complete the limerick. A word in terms of its form. Come up with a mistake. Syntactic norms. Ask rhetorical questions on a given topic. - Secrets of good speech.ppt

Russian language norms

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Master Class. L. Ginzburg. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the morning, Tatyana saw through the window a whitened courtyard, curtains, roofs and a fence. A. Pushkin “Winter”. Tanya HAWCHED out the window. We feel good like this, together. A. Barto “About Grandma.” We have so much fun together. The white birch tree under my window was covered with snow, like silver. S. Yesenin “Birch”. How quiet, calm and solemn. L. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Nice! T. Tsvetkova. Do not drive fast! I met you and everything that was past came to life in my obsolete heart. F. Tyutchev “I met you.” I BURNED you. It's a sad time! A. Pushkin “Autumn”. The weather is dark. With fear she turned her eyes away and disappeared into the darkness of the night. - Russian language norms.ppt

Norms of the Russian literary language

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Russian language and culture of speech. Discipline “Russian language and culture of speech”. Negative phenomena. Language norm. Corrective course. Emphasis. Orthoepy. Vocabulary. Errors. Grammar. How first and last names are declined. What mistakes are made in these sentences? Draw up business documents. How to behave during a job interview. How to properly prepare for a business meeting. How to learn to speak in public. Sections. Speech errors in the speeches of politicians. The art of compliment. - Norms of the Russian literary language.pps

Ecology word

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Ecology of the word. DNA reacts to our speech. Each melody, motive or symphony tunes to its own wave. No one thinks about the rhythm of speech, but the power of influence is hidden in this rhythm. People who are deliberately stingy with words know the value of every sound. “Profanity is a poison that kills the soul.” Not only fate depends on words, symbols and myths. A special language that has an advantage over other languages ​​on the planet. Foul language is not only a Russian problem. New technology created in Canada blocks profanity. Icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”. Fragments from the book “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful.” - Ecology words.ppt

Ecology of language

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“Is my tongue my friend?” The Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and everything is being enriched with amazing speed! A.M. Gorky. Language. From outside. From the inside. Borrowing. Word formation. V.G. Belinsky. Vocabulary. Regulatory. Non-normative (jargon). Slang. Argo. V.I. Dal. V.Yu. Dragunsky. Social problem. “Ecology” “personality” “culture”. Personality. Rich, national, spiritual Culture. Ecology of the environment. Ecology of language. “My tongue is my friend.” I.S. Turgenev. A.I. Kuprin. N.S. Leskov. D.S. Likhachev. K.G. Paustovsky. N.V.Gogol. - Ecology of language.ppt

Ecology of the Russian language

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Treat your native language with care and love. Lugovskoy. I. Our language needs to be used carefully. Causes of the crisis state of the language. The influence of jargon and borrowings on the Russian language. V. Goals of linguistic ecology. What clogs our tongue? Elements of “revitalizing” texts: Hanging out. Consensus consensus. Another alternative. The most important priorities. Powder brains. Hang noodles on the ears. Download rights. In law. Youth slang Okay store great video dude. Borrowings Summit intention mass media exclusive installation. Causes of the crisis state of the language: Measures to avoid the crisis state of the language: - Ecology of the Russian language.ppt

Problems of ecology of the Russian language

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Ecology of language. Cultural conditions. Culture of communication in the modern world. Communication and speech etiquette. Speech communication etiquette. Causes of the crisis state of the language. Awareness of the causes of the crisis state of the language. Good speech must be correct. The need for ecology of the Russian language. Functions of the language. Communication function. Human consciousness. Nominative function of language. Accumulative function of the tongue. Deep knowledge of the native language. - Problems of ecology of the Russian language.ppt

Foul language

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Ecology of the word. Light. Tree. Luminary. Universe. Physicists. The word heals. Powder. Human. Evil cannot be stopped by silence. Foul language. Swearing. Dark. M. Lermontov. Russian people. Heart. Mother. Vice. Rule. A worthy answer. Desire for a decent environment. A priority. Head. Silent people. - Profanity.ppt

The harm of foul language

Slides: 17 Words: 658 Sounds: 0 Effects: 26

Citizen of the Voronezh region. About the bad and the holy. Causes of blockage of the Russian language. Swear words. How often do you hear swear words? Do you know about the dangers of foul language to your health? What is foul language? History of origin. The mechanism of the influence of foul language on a person. Information properties of water. Experiments with water. See how words and thoughts affect water. Experiments with plants. Profanity is a virus. In the beginning was the Word. - The harm of foul language.ppt

Virus of profanity

Slides: 25 Words: 1049 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Virus of profanity. Intelligence indicator. Foul language. Speech filled with obscene expressions. Definitions of profanity. The history of the emergence of foul language. Bad words. Mechanism of influence. Historical facts. Crude language. Mat. Foul language and health. Japanese scientist. Crystal shape. Harm. A group of scientists. A group of Russian physicists. Seeds of wheat. Health. Scientific research. Novosibirsk biologists. Questionnaire. In what situations does this happen? Swear words. Children. - Virus of profanity.ppt

Foul language and health

Slides: 39 Words: 1175 Sounds: 0 Effects: 93

Foul language and health. Data. Number of girls. Russia. Bad habit. Man's word. The wisdom of fiction. Powder. A little history. Ancient Rus'. You can't swear in the house. Leshy. Anger. The meaning of the word "checkmate". Mat is dangerous to health. Human destinies. Experiment. Swear words. Apparatus. Chromosomes. Mutagenic effect. An experiment with communication. Certain words. Prayers. Confused genes. A group of scientists. Foul-mouthed people. Foul language. Orthodox Church. Doctors. Development of the disease process. Lack of spirituality. Spirituality. Health status. The path leading to health. The path of spiritual growth. - Foul language and health.ppt

Language of youth

Slides: 33 Words: 1579 Sounds: 0 Effects: 34

Youth slang is one of the components of the language development process. The goals of my work. The tasks of my work. Plan of information and research work. Relevance of the problem. Youth slang is a special form of language, an interesting phenomenon. Stages of development of youth slang. Based on the monitoring results, 4 types of slang were identified. Emotional words and expressions. Words and expressions with emotional meaning. Words with an emotional component of meaning. Emotional speeches. With the development of the media, the concept of “slang” has lost its original meaning. Youth slang is similar to its speakers - it is harsh, loud, impudent. - Language of youth.ppt

Youth speech

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Modern youth speech. The language of modern youth. Slang. Jargons. Types of slang. Classification of slang by method of formation. The main functions of slang. Slang is developed spontaneously. Password. Number of words and phraseological units. Vulgarism of thieves' speech. The causes of slang. People want to communicate with each other in the presence of strangers. A departure from the ordinary. The desire to change the world. "jumping" development of life. Language innovations. Young people's passion for computer games. Striving for verbal expressiveness. Role in the emergence of new words. - Youth speech.ppt

Youth slang

Slides: 25 Words: 1453 Sounds: 0 Effects: 27

Youth slang. Goals and objectives of the project: Project objective: to find out the reasons for the use of slang expressions by young people. What is slang? Young people occupy 1/3 of Russia. Age groups of slang speakers at school: 10-12 years old, 13-14 years old, 15-16 years old. Survey analysis: Adolescent vocabulary. We have noticed that with age, adolescents’ vocabulary weakens and becomes poorer. Fine. Cool super. Amazingly awesome. Kulno. Why do teenagers use slang? Slang as a means of strengthening group solidarity. Slang as a way for teenagers to express themselves freely. Slang as a kind of protest against an adult. - Youth slang.ppt


Slides: 33 Words: 1084 Sounds: 0 Effects: 14

Let's save the language - save Russia. Conservation issues. My friend. Russian speech. People. Did you know. The main problems today. Process. Sticker. Borrowed word. Foreign word. Foul language. Let's turn to history. Words can kill. Obscene expressions. Results of a social survey. How to deal with profanity. In the world. Jargon. Words often used in school speech. Reasons for jargon in speech. Shags. The Russian language is dying. Tagline. Proverb. Modern teenage speech. Let's speak human language. What's in the future. What to do. How to be. You decide the fate of your native language. -