Creepypasta Slenderman and his brothers. Slenderman's story

This story is about a girl Nina. She was an ordinary girl and studied at an ordinary school... But sometimes she heard from her classmates about the so-called Slenderman. Nina took this for stupidity. She generally had little faith in all sorts of horror stories.

Nina and the other children studied in the second shift, so they had to return home in the evening. Here we go again... Nina is walking at night, because she went to see her friends. She walked along the sidewalk, and the forest began on the right. In general, to get to the house, she had to go through the forest road and then go out to the parking lot and go home...

Nina walked calmly and slowly, looking at the forest and thinking about what she would do at home... But her thoughts were interrupted by the crackling of dry branches. Nina suddenly began to look towards the forest, but saw nothing. The lampposts only illuminated the road. But the darkness that hid behind the trees was illuminated only by the moon. Suddenly, for Nina, clouds of white smoke began to appear in the air... It was fog! The girl got scared and, hearing another crash behind her, quickly ran into the forest, which turned out to be very dangerous.

There was no fog in the forest and the girl, tired of running, stopped at the edge of the forest and began to breathe heavily. Looking at the tops of the trees, she saw the light from the windows of high-rise buildings and, already overjoyed, tried to run... But she did not have enough breathing space and the girl had to walk. Thinking that she was safe, Nina began to examine the area. Gloomy trees surrounded the girl. But she noticed that the fog began to form around her again. Nina got scared and tried to run, but the fog became very “thick” and only the outlines of trees were visible through it. Nina was in a panic. The girl was shaking with fear and did not know what to do. She fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

Another crack was heard and Nina, with her eyes wide open, began to look only at one point, that is, what was in front of her, she simply froze... There was deathly silence... The fog obscured the area more and more, after which only white highlights.

Suddenly Nina saw some movement ahead of her. The girl looked there and watched with fear what would happen next. She was in shock... And all her feelings disappeared, forcing the girl to just sit on the ground. A tall and very thin silhouette began to form from the fog ahead, which was blurry. He slowly approached the girl...

Nina thought it was some kind of maniac and started calling for help, but there was no one around. In fear, Nina covered her face with her hands so as not to see the maniac. Having made a small hole, she looked through it and, not seeing anyone ahead, thought that the maniac did not find her and simply left. Nina, overjoyed, turned sharply back and crashed into someone. Having rubbed the place of the blow, Nina looked up and then was stupefied with horror.

In front of her stood a creature that looked like a man. It was very tall and at the same time thin. The creature was wearing black clothing that looked like an ordinary human costume. But what scared the girl most of all was his face... More precisely, it didn’t exist... There was only a silent “mask” that had no mouth, no eyes, and not even a nose. He also had long arms that reached all the way to his knees.

Nina was horrified and, jumping back, fell to the ground and began to crawl away from the creature. Suddenly It seemed to split its arms and, making them tentacles, began to stretch them towards Nina. Even during all this, It stood motionless, not betraying a single emotion. His tentacle reached Nina and... Only a heartbreaking scream was heard throughout the forest.. Nina disappeared just like the creature itself..

The police combed the entire forest and even visited Nina’s friends. They only said that they didn’t know anything and only indicated the route that Nina walked. The police attributed this to the fact that the girl was simply kidnapped by some maniac and after 2 years of searching they forgot about it... And they say that an unknown creature with deformed hands is still kidnapping people...

And by the way.. It has been watching you out the window for a long time and waiting for you to fall asleep...

Children and young people with excitement and enthusiasm retell fantastic stories about all sorts of extraordinary entities, most of which are the fruit of someone’s imagination. Internet memes don't last long. They are created for entertainment. The Thin Man (Slender Man) has a different fate. They believe in him and try to contact him. He gained unprecedented popularity. Due to the fact that the story of Slenderman is of such interest, we invite you to get to know it better.

What makes this character stand out?

Surely the story of Slenderman would not have caused so much talk if many real events had not been associated with it. The fact is that this image turned out to be “alive” and inspires confidence. In the USA, this has driven some people to real crimes. Thus, teenagers who were impressed by the story of Slenderman attacked loved ones, trying to commit murder. It was sometimes simply risky to be around children who firmly believed in the reality of the character. Young men and girls, impressed by the “exploits” of the Thin Man, changed their views on good and evil. Well, think for yourself: can an ordinary person in his right mind injure another? However, the history of Slenderman pushed them towards exactly this behavior. The hero, invented several years ago, became a real being in their imagination. They relied on his support and took their example from him. Nowadays the Thin Man only has more fans. Real stories mixed with fiction. What is true in them and what could not be is difficult to figure out. Especially if a person is more attached to the computer virtual world than to the real one.

How did Slenderman come about?

The history of the appearance of the image is actually simple. There is a forum called Something Awful. In 2009, its leaders decided to organize a competition. Readers were invited to use their imagination and come up with a creature that could take pride of place in urban folklore. A certain Victor Surge, a user of this system, turned out to be the most gifted inventor of terrible images. He came up with this character. And thanks to this, he won the competition. That’s the whole answer to the question “how did Slenderman appear.” The story is actually quite ordinary. It was created for entertainment. However, the new hero attracted the public's attention. Photos of it being painted for the first time went viral on the Internet. They caused a surge of enthusiasm among Victor’s competitors and other audiences. Everyone wanted to take part in the birth of a new hero.

The character acquires details

Scary stories about Slenderman began to appear like a hurricane. Its creator endowed this creature with supernatural powers. Thus, he wrote that the photographers who took the pictures (which he posted online) disappeared under unclear circumstances. Since the birth of Slenderman brought his creator triumph, he continued to work on his “biography”. It all started with a couple of pictures. He then posted a fabricated police report about the “real events” on the forum. Then drawings appeared depicting this character, allegedly made by child witnesses. The birth of Slenderman was completed in just a few days. The image left the alma mater of his native forum and began to roam the Internet, gaining a lot of fans and followers.

What is our hero like?

But it was not enough to just come up with an image. The story of the appearance of Slenderman could not be accepted by the public without exciting and terrifying details. So, the Thin Man has no face. This is due to a special legend telling about his incredible suffering. The author also needed to endow the hero with such traits that would make the blood run cold. He did an excellent job with this task. Scary stories about Slenderman really touch the soul. This character is known to be very thin. His weapons are his arms, which he can stretch very far. It is stated that they, like tentacles, can reach anyone whom the Thin Man wishes to punish. Through his limbs he influences his unfortunate victim. She falls into a state of trance, nevertheless experiencing a strange and unnatural attraction to the owner of the tentacles.

Make you believe in the Thin Man

Another task of the creator was to give “life” to his hero. It was necessary to come up with something that would attract readers to it. Naturally, the real story of Slenderman is too simple. Who wants to believe in a fictional character. Therefore, it was decided to tell the public about how someone met this character. Thus, the idea was presented that Slenderman could become an assistant in personal matters. This prospect interested the teenagers. Everyone knows that at this age there are many purely psychological problems. How to refuse a magical entity that can fulfill any request? This is exactly how Slenderman is perceived by fans. The history of the origin of the image in this case fades into the background. After all, I really want to believe that this character will help. Everyone wants a miracle! And fear only spurs this faith and is its catalyst.

Summon Slenderman

Much has been written about how to meet a Subtle Man. Here each author demonstrates the incredible wonders of his own imagination. Since this hero is a city resident, the methods of summoning him are related to buildings. They say a lift is needed. Slenderman prefers it in his movements. It is necessary to post a picture on a certain floor at night, and special signs on others. The adventure is not for the faint of heart! Therefore, it is worth calling on all your courage to help. It is alleged that the Thin Man is cruel and quick to kill. Although his power defies description. There are no barriers for him. But he only helps those who command his respect. So decide, is it worth getting involved with such a creature? You can also get yourself into trouble.

What attracts the Thin Man?

Slenderman is considered extremely unhappy. This is quite reasonable. It is pity that brings a person closer to others and creates trust. It is believed that he was once a real person. But he faced many trials. As a result, Slenderman distanced himself from his family and friends. He cultivated hatred in himself, for which the dark forces gave him supernatural abilities. That is, in fact, the authors of the legends wanted to humanize their hero a little. They say that he survived betrayal and betrayal. Such a story evokes sympathy among young and old, poor and rich. You want to communicate with such a creature, giving it human support and compassion. After all, if we think from this point of view, then the hero is no longer a murderer. He is just a victim of circumstances arranged by his insidious relatives. So, they claim that there is a real story of Slenderman, and his girlfriend played a fatal role in it.

The terrible events that created the Thin Man

You may ask, what happened to him? It is believed that Slenderman was an ordinary teenager. But his family did not love or accept him. One day he accidentally killed a girl whom he passionately loved. This made his head go blank. His mother and brother did not provide the guy with adequate support. Because of this, he went to wander around the city, looking for his lost loved one. The wanderings became the reason for the teenager acquiring incredible abilities. Everything described is a legend. She evokes genuine sympathy among teenagers experiencing their first timid feeling. It turns out that Slenderman is one of them. It is close to almost every young person. After all, as it turns out, the Thin Man knows the problems that every reader (viewer) has to struggle with. So try to destroy such an image. It touches not only the imagination, but also the feelings of its admirers. Thus, they prolong his life.

The deep reasons for the popularity of Slenderman

The analysis of the appearance of this image seems very interesting. A thin person is characterized by the absence of a face. This clearly shows the fear of something unknown. People, unfortunately, for the most part do not feel protected. They fear for their lives and those of their loved ones. They are afraid of the unknown. These negative feelings were embodied in an Internet meme. Its popularity and vitality is natural, as it reflects the experiences of many people. They sometimes cannot discuss their internal problems with anyone and do not find sympathy from relatives and friends. And then a character turns up who can protect you from fears and help you cope with problems. Slenderman is a reflection of the inner fears and horrors of the townspeople. This led to its appearance and incredible popularity.

The Skinny Man is described as wearing a black suit, like the infamous Men in Black (i.e., a funeral suit). How his name literally screams! He is very thin, capable of stretching his limbs and torso to incredible lengths. Setting traps for their victims. When he holds out his hands to the victim, she falls into some kind of hypnotic state in which she is absolutely helpless, and, despite her fear, she cannot help but come closer and accept his embrace. He can also turn his fingers into tentacles, as well as grow them from his back to move around, similar to Doctor Octavius ​​from the Spider-Man series. His ability to stretch also has something in common with the comics - Mister Fantastic from the Fantastic Four has a similar ability. What he does with his victims - either he eats, or kills, or takes him to some hidden place or even dimension - is unclear, because no bodies have ever been found, or even traces by which he could be identified location.
It is known that Slenderman was invented in Germany, 16th century. It was believed that he was a "fairy" of the black forest. And he took naughty children there and would chase them and then kill them. If a child confesses to his mother about his dirty tricks, Slenderman will not appear.

His history is unknown, since there was no one to give any specific information about who or what he is and where he came from, but the meaning of his existence is quite clear. He literally has to kidnap children (which gives another point to the fact that he eats people), and witnesses have spotted him right before a child (or sometimes children) disappear. Apparently it prefers wooded areas, preferably in a climate where there is frequent fog, making it easier to hide. It is worth noting that children see it more often, while adults almost never notice it. Very often before being kidnapped. A child experiences strange nightmares about the Skinny Man. Of course, parents write them off as simple imagination.

Although the Skinny Man is considered a fiction, eyewitnesses have made numerous claims about it. Most often it appears at night, near forests or rivers. Also, his “hobby” is to peek into the windows of houses (which is permissible with his abilities), and from time to time he chased cars on forest roads. The Skinny Man (or even Skinny People) most often appeared in various parts of Norway, Japan and America.

“We didn’t want to go to him, we didn’t want to kill them, but his silence and outstretched hands simultaneously frightened and reassured us,” according to eyewitnesses

1983, unknown photographer, missing.

One of two photographs found of the Stirling City Library building. The photos were taken on the same day that 14 children, referred to as a "Skinny Man", disappeared. The deformities of the man in the background were officially recognized as film defects. A week later, a fire destroyed the library. Photos confirm the existence of the Skinny Man.

Skinny Man or Slenderman
Slenderman is a creature that looks human from afar.
It lives in forests or near rivers. A skinny man knocks on people's doors and windows at night, and if you open it, you're done for.
As soon as a person sees his face, the poor fellow is seized with such horror that he cannot move. What then happens to the person is unknown, because no one ever sees him again. Perhaps Slenderman eats them, perhaps kills them, or takes them to some hidden place - it is unclear.
In short, if you see a very thin man in a black suit, run!
Although, to be honest, this won't help you much, because Slenderman is able to stretch his limbs and torso to incredible lengths, so he can always reach his victim if he wants.
There is one interesting feature: Children often see a skinny man, while adults do not notice him until the very last minute.
Although the Skinny Man is believed to be fiction, there are a growing number of eyewitnesses who claim to have seen him. He loves to chase cars on deserted roads, and also to look into the windows of houses.
So if you are alone at home, close the doors, draw the curtains and under no circumstances open the door if there is a knock.!

I wasn't going to make any sacrifices. Maybe my action seemed reckless to some, but at that moment I was driven by the most noble feelings. I wanted justice. And revenge.
It seems only recently that reports of missing people, a large percentage of whom were children, began to appear. It is still unknown what kind of creature is hunting them, and I wanted to find out.
I was young, ambitious, enthusiasm was pouring out of every hole, and I decided on a desperate act - I was going to catch the killer myself.
At night, after leaving the police station on duty, I came to a forest park in which, judging by the reports, children had disappeared. Since the main entrance was closed, I climbed over the fence. I had a flashlight and camera with me in case something happened to me. At least if the police can find it and view it, then their colleagues will know who is behind everything. My contribution would be huge.
I wasn't afraid to be in the dark forest all alone. I knew this park like the back of my hand - I knew every path, abandoned cars and strange trees, a one-story house - a labyrinth and fuel tanks... I was absolutely confident in myself and my abilities - what kind of police officer am I then without the appropriate training? In my “reserve” I had good fighting skills and a pistol. I knew I could handle it.
But then I didn’t know what kind of nightmare I would have to face.
I turned on the flashlight. A ray of light illuminated nearby trees and a wide path diverging in different directions. I decisively turned left. There was a camera in his right hand and a flashlight in his left. The adventure has begun.
Dry fallen leaves crunched underfoot and the singing of night birds could be heard all around. And although my self-confidence was at its best, I shuddered a little from the sudden rustling noises coming from behind me, although I knew perfectly well that they were just animals.
Soon, as I expected, I came to a lonely oak tree growing in the middle of the path. Shining a flashlight on it, I saw a piece of paper somehow attached to its trunk. An ordinary notebook piece of paper, but why is it hanging here? And for what purposes? As I came closer, I saw two words written on it: “Help me.”
It was impossible to tell from the handwriting whether it was childish or not, so I didn’t really understand who left it. Did the person really think that this would help him? Just in case, I tore off the piece of paper with the scary inscription and put it in my pocket.
As soon as I did this, silence suddenly reigned in the forest. The chirping of birds, the swarming of animals in the foliage, the chirping of crickets - everything died down. To be honest, this silence made me feel uneasy. I spun around sharply and shouted a warning. As expected, there was no response.
I moved on. A leaf is a leaf, but things don’t wait. After walking some distance, I came to the labyrinth house. Well, let's take a look there. Could the killer be hiding there? I pulled the gun out of the holster and fearlessly walked into the room. The angle was replaced by a new angle, but no signs or the appearance of the serial could be detected. Looking around warily, I moved towards the exit.
The flashlight beam illuminated the brick wall of the house, with a piece of paper hanging on it. What now?
This time the new sign read: "Don't turn around...or he'll grab you." At the bottom right, either a man or a tree was drawn. Judging by the small head, it was a man. But why did he have such long arms? Still, the “notes” were left by the child. This explains a lot.
Suddenly something rustled behind me. I turned around sharply and barely noticed a quickly flashing shadow about five meters away from me. Three shots rang out - and everything went quiet.
I ran to the place where I saw a vague shadow. There was nothing. No corpse, no traces of blood. What was it? Maybe it's just an animal and I wasted my bullets?
Still looking around, I continued on my way. The silence continued to press on the ears, and no rustling sounds were heard.
Immediately behind the house, tanks began to be visible. I still wonder how they ended up here and for what purpose they are there. I walked parallel to them and, surprisingly, I saw another “note”. Well, the collection of waste paper in my pocket is constantly growing. This time there was a drawing on the piece of paper - trees and a man standing in the middle. As on the previous sheet, he had long arms and no face. Quite scary.
I walked around almost the entire park and found a note at every noticeable place. I don’t know why I need them, but I still continued to tear them off from the places where they were attached. I found the seventh leaf on the huge stones.
Suddenly, my whole body felt someone’s presence behind me. I turned around sharply.
My camera began to hiss, and strong interference filled the entire screen.
And then I saw HIM.
He stood not far from me, about ten meters away. The light from the lantern illuminated a tall silhouette in a dark suit, who was terribly thin and had incredibly long limbs.
But the worst thing was his face. An empty, pale face with no signs of eyes, mouth or nose.
My fearlessness immediately evaporated. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?
Not remembering myself, I ran as fast as I could. Tree branches hit me in the face, leaving scratches, but I didn't care.
A terrible fear pierced every cell of my body. I ran without remembering myself. I was saving my life.
Never in my life has it been as scary as it is now. This man... no, he is not human. He's a monster. I didn’t believe in all sorts of mystical tales about monsters and otherworldly forces until that moment. But it can’t be that a person doesn’t have a FACE?
I ran without looking back. But after a while, my breathing became difficult and I had to stop. I turned around hysterically, but didn’t see anyone around me. Didn't he run after me?
Suddenly I realized that I was lost. There were only trees around, towering high above my head. There was no trace of a path or any landmarks in sight.
How could this happen?
I walked at random, in a straight line. My heart was beating wildly, threatening to burst out of my chest. Cold sweat flowed in streams and blurred my eyes, but I didn’t pay attention to it. I wanted to get out of this damn place.
The moonlight barely shone through the dark treetops, and the forest was in black darkness. Apart from a dimly glowing flashlight, I walked in complete darkness.
Among the countless trees that surrounded me on all sides, I noticed one that stood out from the others with its heavily blackened bark. And there was a leaf hanging on it.
With a sinking heart, I walked up and tore off the note. A single word was written on it in huge letters: “RUN.”
The blood froze in my veins and my heart began to beat faster when I realized that HE was standing behind me.
A loud scream cut through the forest silence; The flashlight and camera fell out of my hands.
I turned to run away.
He stood in front of me.
And I realized... this is the end.
The last thing I remember is a sharp dizziness and wild pain that pierced my entire body.
And the face. Cold, empty, scary face.