Brief content of the line September 1, peace lesson. Announcement of the topic of the class hour

Scenario for the holiday “Lesson of Peace”

Target : create conditions for adaptation to school life after the summer holidays; maintaining a friendly atmosphere.

Tasks :

1) Keep children in a festive mood from going back to school;

2) create a mood for learning activities;

3) promote unity between the teacher and the children’s team.

Celebration progress:

1. Organizational moment

Dear guys, your first summer holidays are over and a new school year has begun. You have already learned a lot, learned a lot, and now you are already second graders. I think that everyone had a good rest over the summer, got a tan, grew up and it’s time to start studying again. I congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year! In our first lesson we will go to the land of Knowledge. Throughout the entire journey, that is, the entire academic year, we will be together again. On the way to the Land of Knowledge we will encounter some obstacles, I hope that we will overcome all the difficulties together. We will not only learn science, but also be friends. After all, the main thing is that each of you is a kind and reliable friend. Let's smile at each other as a sign of our friendship. (Smile) On this joyful note we will begin our journey to the land of Knowledge. On the road, girls! Let's go, boys!


Today you are a second grader!

On this autumn day

Serene and wonderful

There will be a mood!

Today is a solemn day for us,

I know it will never happen again.

Although there is still a lot to learn,

Well, today, hello, 2nd grade!

1 student

Here we are together again,

And the school is ready for the school year

New school desks are waiting for us,

Notebooks, textbooks, books and cards!

2 student

And a friend-teacher will lead us to knowledge.

Dear goodness, dear discovery,

Dear difficult, but interesting,

Dear with a smile, a joke, a song.

3 student

Our whole class gathered together,

Our friends have grown up, and we ourselves have changed.

Everything that happened to you here in the summer,

We will retell each other for hours.

2. Main part.


The first of September... On this day all roads lead to school. Dressed up students, excited parents and teachers. This day in our country is a public holiday - Knowledge Day. Dear guys, I congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year, on Knowledge Day!

I see how you have matured over the summer, your eyes indicate that you still want to learn a lot.

Who helped us study successfully in first grade? Of course, these are your closest people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother.

The people with whom we live and relax, who are nearby both on holidays and in difficult times, are family members. They are the closest, dearest people, the most reliable friends.

What could be more valuable than family?

The father's house welcomes me with warmth.

They are always waiting for you here with love

And they send you on your way with kindness.

How do you understand what family is?

(Children's answers) Suggested answers:

“Family is someone you can rely on and loved ones”

“Family is the closest people, the dearest and the most ready to help you at any moment, to give everything for you and for you!”

“Family is “golden”, something you can’t live without.”

“Family is when relatives are support and friends. Where everyone understands each other."

“Family is your loved ones who will help you in times of need and sorrow. Which, no matter what, will help, will calm you down.”

“Family is very close loved ones, the dearest, the very best for every person. No one on Earth needs you except your parents.”

“A family is a man and a woman who have children.”

“Family is my fortress, my protection and support.”

“A family is a group of people who love each other and their lives are built on trust.”

Let's turn to Ozhegov's dictionary.

Family – a group of relatives living together (husband, wife, parents with children)

Popular wisdom says: To cherish your family is to be happy.

Do you think our class can be called a family? (children's opinions).

You are right in thinking that our class can be called a family. Of course, we are not relatives, but we see each other every day at school and in the yard, together we learn something new, rejoice at victories and are upset by failures. It’s not for nothing that teachers are called cool moms. I would like our class to remain such a family until graduation and become even more friendly.

Look around, we are... people. And each of us is unique. But together we are one family.

Once upon a time there lived a family with 100 people, but there was no agreement between them. They are tired of quarrels and discord. And so the family members decided to turn to the sage so that he could teach them to live together. The sage listened carefully to the petitioners and said: “No one will teach you to live happily, you must understand for yourself what you need for happiness, write down what you want your family to be like.” This huge family gathered for a family council and they decided that in order for the family to be friendly, we must treat each other by adhering to these qualities:

There are signs on the board with the words:

Understanding Love Respect Trust Kindness Caring Help Friendship

Let's read the names of these qualities. Remember this legend, guys.

If every family member follows these rules, then peace and harmony will reign in the family. This means everyone will be happy. And also in the classroom. With such qualities, you will acquire good, solid knowledge to be worthy citizens of your country. And when you become adults, you will benefit your Motherland by working conscientiously. Now you must study conscientiously.

And now I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison: “Yes” or “No.”

Do you agree:

1. Never go to school with unlearned lessons.

2. Never solve problems by copying them from your neighbor.

3. Never open textbooks with dirty hands.

4. Never finish a quarter with bad grades.

5. Never leave a friend in trouble.

6. Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

7. Forgive a friend, make peace with him.

What a wonderful word - “friendship”! You say it and immediately remember your friend with whom you are interested in playing, reading a new book or sharing secrets about yourself.

A friend is your favorite book to read,

a friend is a mother who will definitely help you in difficult times,

a friend is a school teacher who will help you look into the secrets of knowledge,

a friend is an old teddy bear with a torn ear who will listen to you when you feel bad.

From the first days of school, I will evaluate your work with grades; the grades are recorded in the class journal. And each of you will have your own mini-journal (DIARY), which is your first serious document. And you must keep it in perfect order.

Game: “FOR ME”

Someone somewhere made a desk. For whom? (For me)

We drew this map. For whom?...

Pencil, pen in pencil case. For whom?...

And the textbooks were published. For whom?...

There's a bell at recess. For whom?...

Schedule on the wall. For whom?...

So you need to learn this way,

So you have to work hard

So that people don't feel ashamed -

For whom? (FOR ME)

– You and I all live in a huge country called... (RUSSIA).

Guys! Who do you think you and I are? (Children, students, people, citizens.)

What is Russia for us? (Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland)

We are citizens of the country of Russia. We are Russians. And who is a citizen? (Children answer) A citizen is a resident of a country who recognizes its laws (rules of behavior). A citizen loves his country, is proud of it, tries to make it strong and rich.

A citizen, together with his country, experiences grief and joy. One should be proud of the title of citizen of Russia.

Citizens of any country have their own rights and responsibilities.

What would you put in 1st place? (Responsibilities.)

That's right, responsibilities. And what is it? (Children’s answers. What needs to be done is duty)

What responsibilities do you have to your mother, school, and society?

Is it possible not to fulfill your duties? Why? (Children's answers.)

What responsibilities do your parents have? (Raise and care for your children.)

What are rights? (Children’s answers. Rules for relationships between people in society)

What rights do you and I have? (Right to life, to education, to medical care.)

What have we understood? What does every citizen of the Russian Federation have? (Rights and obligations.)

The rights and obligations of citizens of the Russian Federation are contained in the main book - the Constitution.

The Constitution (from the Latin constitutio - “structure”) is the fundamental law of the state.

Also, every country has state symbols.

What are symbols? : “Symbols are the insignia of our country’s difference from other countries.”

What about symbols? (Flag, coat of arms, anthem)

Look at the drawings.

White color - symbolizes peace, purity, nobility, perfection, innocence.

Blue – sky, chastity, fidelity, spirituality, faith.

Scarlet (red) - symbolizes courage, defense of faith and poor people, heroism, generosity, self-sacrifice, fire, mortal combat.

The main elements of the Russian coat of arms are a horseman with a spear and a double-headed eagle. The double-headed eagle on the coat of arms of Russia is revered as a sign of complete state independence.”

Where can you see these symbols?

What is an anthem? (This is a solemn song)

3. Summary of the lesson.

Our country lives in peace and harmony with other countries. And you and I will participate in the international competition “Globallab”, (The Global Laboratory is scientific research. You and I will be little researchers.)

Presentation "GLOBALLAB"

You have exactly the same stars on your desks. And now they will light up on our board in the form of a comet.

(Children stick stars on whatman paper)

Our comet will fly through the thorns to the stars.

How do you understand this expression? (through difficulties to victories)

We will overcome all difficulties together, together.

Dream, science, friendship - whatever you want -

Road to the stars! Secrets of the ocean!

All this will be late or sooner,

Everything is ahead, guys, but for now...

Dictations and tasks,

Good luck, failures,

Examples and verbs

And ancient centuries!

It all starts with the school bell!

Our first lesson of the new school year has come to an end. I wish you all good health and success in your studies. I really hope that at school you will behave with dignity and be friendly. Let all your knowledge acquired at school remain with you and help you overcome life's difficulties.

Good luck, dear second graders!

Class hour

for 11th grade students


classroom teacher:

Zherebtsova V.N.

Class hour

Subject:Lesson of Peace.


    Continue to teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;

    To promote the development of concern for others, the desire to help one’s comrades, to be considered and respect the opinions of others;

    To educate, develop and enhance a person’s personal qualities: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s homeland, the desire for peace.

Motto:“A world without violence, without worries and tears”

Decor: On the board there are inscriptions: “Peace and harmony is a great treasure,” “Peace is the most precious thing,” “To live peacefully is to be happy,” “Light will conquer darkness, and peace will conquer war!”

Computer presentation.

Slide number 1

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear guys! We are together again! Summer holidays are over. And I'm glad to see you in our class again. I am sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here to our home school! Especially considering that this year will be the final of your school life.

Slide number 2

Today is a special holiday, although every year it is repeated again and again.

Knowledge Day is traditionally celebrated on September 1. Officially, this holiday was established by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1984. Schoolchildren and students celebrate September 1; on this day they begin a new academic year.

Slide number 3

Although Peace Day is celebrated on September 21, it was decided to focus on this event during the first days of school. Science is, first of all, creation, difficult and painstaking work for the benefit of all humanity, and it is for the sake of creation that children go to school.

Student: September 21 - The UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

This day should promote a ceasefire throughout the world, when all countries and peoples cease hostilities for the entire day, when all people observe a minute of silence at noon local time... The purpose of this day is to strengthen the ideals of peace both within the country and between nations.

Humanity must stop repeating the evil of children's lives being sacrificed and astronomical amounts of money being spent for the sake of war. The time has come when all countries of the world must use all their capabilities and set out on a campaign to establish peace. The world depends on our efforts.

Teacher: Today is our first lesson in 11th grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You can see the topic of our lesson on the board.

What does the concept of peace mean to you?

Students' answer options.

Slide number 4

Teacher: Peace on the planet is friendship between nations and people, it is a harmony of interests based on love for humanity. Therefore, we all must make a choice: peace or war. We must fight against terror so that children all over the planet can study, live, work, and dream about the future.

But humanity tends to forget simple truths and, as a result, even such a bright date as September 1 can be painted black.

Slide number 5

62 states out of 73 that existed at that time (80% of the world's population) took part in it. The fighting took place on the territory of three continents and in the waters of four oceans. This is the only conflict in which nuclear weapons were used.

The Great Patriotic War began with the invasion of the territory of the USSR.

On June 21, 1941, school graduates received matriculation certificates, and on June 22, 1941, all male teachers, led by the director, and yesterday’s graduates went to the front.

Most of the school's teachers and graduates died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, having fulfilled their duty to the end.

Slide number 6

In history lessons we learned about the events and chronology of this war, and every year many countries celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. Sverdlovsk residents also sacredly honor this tradition. This year, together with veterans, everyone joined the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, confirming: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”

Slide number 7

The peoples learned many lessons from that terrible war, but the main one was that war must be fought before it begins.

Student: Can't get overgrown with grass

Traces of terrible metal explosions.

Listen, the earth has long been tired

From wars that have continued unabated for centuries.

What other measures can be found?

To measure our special age?

And in every century, as before the new era

Man kills man.

Leading: Every person around the globe, I think, wants peace on the planet. Here, I think, we can remember the great tragedy in the beautiful Japanese city of Hiroshima.

Slide number 8

On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima. A significant part of Hiroshima was destroyed, over 140 thousand people were killed and wounded. And until the end of their days, not only the Japanese, but the people of the whole earth will not forget that terrible tragedy when a monstrous mushroom suddenly grew over the city, which in an instant destroyed tens of thousands of men and women, old people and babies and turned the beautiful land into a dead desert.

How the earth shook and went blind

How the instruments of death thundered

A terrible tornado over the earth in the blue sky

This is the Black Death in Hiroshima.

Black ash in our hearts forever.

Slide number 9

2nd reader: Peace - the highest rank of the planet

The path directed into infinity,

Merciless Rocket Pencil

He won't dare cross it out.

To the whole planet and dear Motherland

The highest loyalty will be faithful.

If we say so, then with the whole world,

We will protect the earth from war!

Slide number 10

Teacher: September 1, 2004. Who doesn't remember this terrible date?! It entered the life of every nation with the tragedy in Beslan. A peaceful, pure and touching day, as September 1 has always been, was shaken by grief, crying and pain. As a result of the villainous terrorist act of unprecedented cruelty in the city of Beslan, hundreds of civilians were killed and injured, most of whom were innocent children. We will never be able to forget that bitter day.

Slide number 11


Everywhere you look -
Children, children, children!
All humanity is responsible for them!
But at night on all continents
Bombs are tossing and turning in hiding places.
There are so many of them accumulated on the planet -
The ground beneath them began to sag.
Where are they thinking of throwing them?
Wherever you throw it -
Children, children, children!

Don't need many worlds
We only need one
In the scent of flowers
Calm and friendly with soul.
Necessary for people
Friends, open spaces, book pages
Our mothers' wrinkles
Children's fluffy eyelashes.
In labor, in the boiling of dreams
Giving free rein to youthful forces,
In struggle, in love - to the fullest
We will greedily enjoy the world.

So that the shadow of war does not eclipse the Sun for us,
And for the happiness of everyone, to end it, -
Unite together, people of the world,
Even more united, firmer and tighter.
People of good will are unanimous
We stand as a wall against the forces of war, -
And we won’t allow anyone in the world
To plunge the globe into the abyss of disasters.

Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

Slide number 12

Leading: Wars have plagued humanity throughout history.

Humanity is now going through a troubling time.

1st reader: To be or not to be

Grass, trees, people,

Dawns and blooming roses?

To be life or not to be?

Will we or won't we?

This is a cruel and direct question.

A stream of threats.

But we won't be intimidated

We are not afraid.

We fight for peace


Teacher: And even though today’s youth of the planet have not seen the events of 41-45 and know about them from the stories of their grandparents, art chronicles and films, we have had to endure very bitter events that are happening here and now, on our land, next to each of us. us.

Slide number 13


The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine is the fighting on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine, which began in April 2014.

According to the UN, as of July 10, 2015, 6,764 people became victims of the conflict in Ukraine, 16,877 people were injured, and the number of refugees exceeded 2.3 million people.

Slide number 14

Teacher: On October 1, 2014, when local schools finally decided to open their doors to students and the first bell rang, the Kiev district of Donetsk came under fire. Five meters from school No. 57 and next to a transport stop on Kievsky Prospekt, rocket artillery shells fell and exploded. As a result of the shelling, ten people were killed, including one child, and another eight were seriously injured.

More than 40 children died from shrapnel and bullet wounds as a result of clashes in eastern Ukraine. “Now the number of child deaths there has already begun - more than 40 children died from shrapnel wounds.

Slide number 15

Student: For friendship, for smiles and for meetings

We inherited the planet.

We are bequeathed to protect this world

And this amazing land.

We are bequeathed to protect this world,

So unique at dawn.

He has been very dear and dear to us since childhood.

We are responsible for the future of the world

Will never become ashes and cinders

All that is called earthly beauty.

May the sky above the earth be peaceful

May childhood always laugh loudly.

Slide number 16

Teacher: In order for the sky to be peaceful, children's ringing laughter can be heard, so that every child can go to school to study fearlessly, we must fight for peace and always remember:

Student: Nowadays there is no place for anger, not for phrases,

What they aimed at our hearts.

People believe in good things. Into the mind

And not into the evil cunning of lead.

For the sake of happiness and life in the world,

For the sake of the soldiers who fell then

Let there be no war on the planet

Never! Never! Never!

Slide number 17

V. Summing up.

Teacher: And now I will give each of you a dove cut out of paper - a bird of peace and love.

Student: Dove of Peace is an expression that gained popularity after the end of World War II in connection with the activities of the World Peace Congress. The first World Peace Congress took place in 1949 in Paris and Prague. The emblem of this congress was painted by Pablo Picasso. The emblem depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak.

There is a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions.

Please write your kind and peaceful wishes to all of us. We will attach these pigeons in our classroom corner so that this school year we will be surrounded by the warmth of our hearts, kindness and, of course, peace. Because “Peace is the most precious thing”!

“Peace and harmony is a great treasure”

“Peace is the most precious thing”

“To live peacefully is to be happy” “Light will conquer darkness, and peace will conquer war!”

Back forward

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Competition sections: history teaching, classroom management, extracurricular activities.

Lesson objectives:

  • Learn to care about others, help your comrades, respect their opinions;
  • Teach children to live according to the laws of goodness and justice, to correlate their interests with the interests of their comrades;
  • To educate, develop and enhance the best qualities of a person: patriotism, citizenship, pride in one’s Motherland, the desire for peace.

Motto: “Peace under a clear sky, a bright sun and a constellation of goodness!”

Progress of the class hour:

1. Organizational moment.

Congratulations to children on the new school year.

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today is our first lesson in seventh grade and we will talk about very serious and important things. You will decide the topic of our lesson yourself after I read the poem.

“Dedicated to the children of Beslan...” – Shmyreva N.G.

On the first fine day in September
The children of Beslan went to school,
After the holidays and summer worries
Meet friends and see each other again.
Many children came for the first time
Go to school to learn to read and write
They were seen off by their relatives and friends,
Everyone was happy, everything was sincere.
It all started well and beautifully -
There are flowers and loud laughter everywhere,
The children are dressed in uniform, everything is cute...
Joy and happiness in everyone's eyes...
But, like a black, gloomy cloud,
She obscured everything, blocked out all the light -
Gang of terrible evil terrorists
Suddenly she interrupted the children's joyful laughter.
The earth wept from powerlessness and grief
And the blood of the children was all over it.
The bandits hid behind the kids,
They were placed on the windows like barriers.
Those were terrible hours and minutes,
Horror in the eyes of the boys and mothers...
Stop! Aren't you people?
You took CHILDREN hostage!
How dare you, vile creatures,
Raise your hand to the holy land!
No, terrorists are the children of the devil.
All people on Earth hate you!
We will not forget those who are not with us,
Those who died at the hands of the executioner.
We will strive to live only in peace,
And we will not allow violence and evil!

– What is the topic of our class hour? What is this poem about?

- Yes, guys, the theme of our lesson is “Peace to the world!” and it will be held under the motto “A world without violence, without worries and tears”

3. A minute of silence.

– And now, guys, let’s remember all those who died 7 years ago (09/1/2004) in Beslan and honor their memory with a minute of silence.

It was a clear September morning. Children in full dress with flowers and their loved ones gathered for traditional gatherings dedicated to the beginning of the new school year. At this time, an armed gang of 32 people drove into the territory of school No. 1 in Beslan in North Ossetia in three cars. Taking more than 1,300 adults and children hostage, they forced them onto the floor of the gym and bombed the school. From September 1 to September 3, people received neither water nor food. Constant threats were made against them. They understood that this was a terrorist act, but they firmly believed that they would be saved, that they would all survive.

Any attempts to negotiate with terrorists in a constructive manner and resolve the issue of releasing the hostages without forceful intervention were unsuccessful. The only person whom the militants the next day - September 2 – they agreed to let him into the school building, it turned out to be the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev. The latter managed to convince the invaders to release only 25 women and small children with him.

The Titanic disaster became legendary and was one of the largest shipwrecks in history. Several feature films have been shot based on its plot. Dozens of books, hundreds of articles and essays have been written about the notorious steamship. September 1 1985 25 years ago, the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered in the Atlantic Ocean.

74 years after one of the largest maritime disasters, a joint American-French expedition discovered the site of the Titanic 325 miles west of the Canadian island of Newfoundland, in the North Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 3,750 meters. Since then, about 5 thousand artifacts discovered among the wreckage of the Titanic have been recovered. Many submarines visited the remains of the ship; submarines brought tourists there.

In Russia, the New Year was still celebrated on March 1, connecting it with the beginning of field work, until the end of the 15th century. Only in 1492 did the Russian Orthodox Church decide to move the New Year from March 1 to September 1

Children's television program "Good night, kids!" first aired September 1, 1964 . The initiative to create the program belonged to the editor-in-chief of the editorial office of programs for children and youth, Valentina Fedorova. The very name of the program was discussed for a long time, there were many options: “Evening Tale”, “Good Night”, “Bedtime Story”, “Visiting the Magic Tick-Tock Man”. But the final version appeared on the eve of the first broadcast: “Good night, kids!”

At the end of the 1960s, familiar dolls began to appear in the program: Filya (1968), Stepashka (1970), Khryusha (1971) and Karkusha (1982). Sometimes the cat Tsap-Tsarapych took part in the program. And in 2002, the well-coordinated team was replenished with a new hero, Mishutka.

To a friendly company of animals June 1, 2009 boy Bibigon joined - symbol of the children's channel VGTRK.

Program "Good night, kids!" won the TEFI television award three times (in 1997, 2002 and 2003) in the category "Best Children's Program".

– City birthday Snezhnoye

Snezhnoe (Ukrainian) Snizhne, pronounced [snizhne?] (until 1864 – Vasilyevka), a city in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Population – 58 thousand people. The locals are Snezhnyanets, Snezhnyanka. In order for visitors to correctly place the emphasis in the name of the city, in some images of the coat of arms the letter “O” was made capital.

According to legend, the city received its name from Catherine II , who, driving through these parts, exclaimed: “What a snowy place!”

The city was founded in 1784 by the Cossack foreman Ivan Vasilyev as an inn on the site of the Pogorelaya beam near the “Snowy Place”. In 1864 the village received its modern name. Since 1900, coal began to be mined in the area. In 1908, the Snezhnyansky Anthracite mine was built, and later the Shvartsevo mine management appeared. Workers' settlements grew up near the mines.

In Soviet times, the center of a modern city began to form on the site of the workers’ settlement of mine No. 9. In 1938, the villages of Snezhnoye and New Donbass received the status of cities.
Near the city there is a memorial complex “ Saur-Mogila” - the height for which in August 1943 units of the 5th Shock Army of the Southern Front fought fierce battles with Nazi troops. In 1967-1975, a memorial complex was built at Saur-Mogila in memory of the feat of Soviet soldiers who died during the assault on the heights and breaking through the German defensive line on the Mius River.

In Snezhny there is a forest reserve - Leontyevo-Bairakskoe tract. Plants that are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine grow in the reserve. Leontyevsky Forest, which is part of the reserve, according to legend, was planted in memory of the deceased Cossack Leonty, the brother of Klim Saur, in whose honor, according to legend, the nearby Saur-Mogila was named.

Day of the city Snowmen dedicated it to the day of the liberation of the city from fascist troops in 1943 - September 1 .

D) – Many more events happened on this day, but for you and me, September 1 is, first of all, the Day of Knowledge.

The Day of Knowledge is the first calls and excitement, a sea of ​​flowers and white bows.
September 1 is a holiday of the beginning of a new school year, primarily for pupils, students, teachers and lecturers.

I congratulate you on this wonderful day and wish you to remember the most important thing: wisdom in life. May there always be a place in the lives of you and your children for knowledge and wisdom that will help you cope with everyday troubles.

8. Summing up the class hour:

Dear Guys! Over the 6 years that you studied at school, you became one family, one small country. Let's all try together to do everything possible so that our team has more successes and joys than sorrows. We must take care of others, help our comrades, respect their opinions. Live according to the laws of goodness and justice, correlate your interests with the interests of your comrades. A lot depends on our friendship. Even, to some extent, peace on our planet.

By tradition, the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will open the new school year. Classes, the topics of which will be devoted to maintaining peace on our planet and preventing war, will be held in elementary schools and in high schools. For grades 1, 2, 3 and 4, teachers will choose and prepare everything for Knowledge Day themselves. Students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 can handle this on their own.

Peace Lesson September 1, 2017 - Presentation for 1st grade

By September 1, 2017, the first teacher will prepare a lesson on Peace for his new students entering first grade. First-graders will become familiar with the meaning of the word “peace,” its symbols, the Russian flag and the meaning of its three colors. Using a presentation, video and slides, the teacher will explain to schoolchildren how even the youngest children can help adults avoid another war. The guys themselves will try to answer the question of why the absence of even the slightest threat of war is so important for each of us living on this planet.

Examples of presentations in 1st grade for the Peace lesson on September 1, 2017

The topic of the first lesson in 1st grade is always peace on the planet. Even before September 1, 2017, the teacher will prepare a presentation for the Peace lesson that is understandable for first-graders. Its goal will be to introduce children to symbols related to peace and explain the reasons that cause wars in different countries. By listening to the teacher and looking at the photos, videos and slides he shows, girls and boys will better remember the concepts of “peace” and “war” and understand the meaning of each of the three colors of the Russian flag. Perhaps for the first time, schoolchildren will learn that white color means the purity of thoughts of our people and peace, blue - truth and sky, our seas and rivers, red - life and courage. The most active schoolchildren will read aloud poems about our planet.

Peace lesson in elementary school - September 1, 2017 in grades 2, 3, 4

What could Knowledge Day 2017 be dedicated to? Children in primary school, in grades 2, 3 and 4 are already familiar with the meaning of the word “peace”. However, not everyone realizes why the Peace lesson always takes place on September 1st. The teacher will tell schoolchildren about the bloodiest war in the history of mankind, the Second World War. Its beginning coincided with the first autumn day. During the lesson, the teacher will introduce the boys and girls to materials related to the battles of 1939 - 1945. Comparing the grandeur of European cities before military devastation with the terrifying ruins that remained in their place after numerous military battles, he will say what exactly causes wars.

I draw the word PEACE

The sun is shining above the earth,
Children play on the grass
The river is blue, and here it is -
The ship is sailing along it.
Here at home - straight to the sky!
Here are the flowers, and this is mom,
Next to her is my sister...
I draw the word "peace".

Peace lesson in grades 2, 3 and 4 - Video September 1, 2017 in elementary school

Conducting a Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 in an elementary school, the teacher focuses on what war brings to all humanity. Schoolchildren already understand that only the desire for unlimited power of the rulers of some countries can cause a real tragedy on Earth. They know that only patriotism and love for the motherland and people, general disarmament can help maintain peace throughout the world. Children in grades 2, 3 and 4 often read poetry during the first lesson on Knowledge Day. The teacher shows the students a video about countries where there are currently wars.

Children of the World, join hands!

Children of the World, join hands!
You can hug the globe.
Stop the wars on Earth!
The world is subject to children's voices.

Dear boys and girls,
Teach adults to live peacefully.
Children's beautiful hands,
Try to save our world.

Our children, be brave!
Take a seat at the helm!
You will become a team as you grow up,
Our Earth ship.

He will float on the waves of the universe,
Happiness, illuminating everything around.
The horrors will go away during the war,
All the misfortunes, troubles and fear.

The world will become better and brighter
In the colors of cute children's eyes,
People will become cleaner and kinder.
Children! We count on you!

Peace lesson September 1, 2017 in grades 5, 6, 7, 8

The first lesson on September 1, 2017 is dedicated to peace - a state of harmony and stability. Telling students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 about countries where the sounds of exploding shells are still heard every day, the teacher will tell them that every child dreams of only one thing - peace in his native land. Of course, Russian schoolchildren know about the terrible Syrian “revolution” that killed almost 75 thousand people. How to prevent entire countries and peoples from being erased from the earth? How to return an atmosphere of harmony to every city? The teacher will tell the students a little secret - you should always start changing something for the better with yourself, developing tolerance and tolerance.

Peace lesson and class hour in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 September 1, 2017

Telling about peace and war to students in grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, the class teacher will tell about the most terrible and long-lasting war, which affected not only many European countries, but America and Asian countries. He will also cite terrible statistics: in the last two decades alone, African countries have been embroiled in more than 20 civil wars. A few people's quest for power and wealth led to the deaths of millions of their fellow citizens, former friends and classmates. September 1, 2017 will be a lesson in kindness and love - qualities that, by cultivating in ourselves, we will never take up arms against our own brothers and sisters.

I think about the world

If we could connect,
All the guys should make friends,
If we united
All villages, cities,
No more tears would flow
Never on the planet!
In the sky, on the water, on land
The dove of peace would soar
Everyone in this world
He spoke to us about peace.

Peace lesson in high school - Class hour September 1, 2017

When teaching a Peace lesson in high school, a teacher can touch on such scary topics as “terrorism” and “civil war.” By September 1, 2017, students in grades 9-11 can prepare a presentation. Their topics will be: “Terrorist attacks in Europe”, “The forbidden state of ISIS”, “Nuclear threat from North Korea”, “War in Donbass”, etc. Knowledge Day for high school students can take up to two hours. During this time, several schoolchildren can give presentations on the above topics. For teenagers, whose consciousness has not yet been formed, it is extremely important to know what terrible consequences civil wars and fratricidal “projects” lead to.

Video lesson Mira September 1, 2017 ― Class hour for high school students

Before September 1, 2017, high school students can prepare presentations with videos. They will be demonstrated by students in grades 9-11 at the first lesson dedicated to peace and the prevention of war. The kids can choose the topics for the class themselves. On Knowledge Day, they will make reports on the civil war in eastern Ukraine, on terrorist attacks carried out in Russian cities, and on the real number of their victims. Here the word “victim” means not only the dead, but also their relatives, friends, who have lost loved ones forever. Speaking about the consciousness of one's choice and patriotism, the teacher will also give a speech. He will tell teenagers how important it is to stop attempts to communicate with people who are aggressive towards representatives of other nationalities or religions. During the World lesson, he will show videos filmed in different parts of the globe. These videos can show nuclear tests, terrible executions, bombing of cities. In contrast to scary war films, at the end of the lesson you should show short films about peaceful life on the planet, the beauty of the Earth and nature, and family happiness.

We have one Earth

We have one Earth, one
She's so blue.
She calls us to help,
So unprotected...

If you don't respond - at the same moment
She will accuse us:
“We didn’t protect, we didn’t save!”
Save, save this Earth!

Flowers bloom on her alone,
Children are laughing on it alone,
And there is no more beautiful beauty,
And there are no doves on the planet.

She gave us joy
Gave dew and sunrises,
And not to be found in all the worlds
More beautiful than mother planet.

The Peace lesson on September 1, 2017 will introduce elementary school students - children in grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 - to such opposing concepts as “war” and “peace”. For Knowledge Day, high school students and children in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 can prepare independent presentations introducing their classmates to the history of wars and the restoration of cities.