Correctional work of a psychologist at school. Correctional work of a psychologist at school District Olympiad for schoolchildren in law

Schoolchildren's Olympiad by Law

2009 – 2010 academic year

District tour

Grade 11

1. A federal constitutional law is considered adopted if it is approved Ren by majority:

A)at least 2/3 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council and at least 2/3
votes from the total number of deputies of the State Duma;

b)at least 2/3 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council;

V)3/4 votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma;

G)no less than 3/4 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council and no less
2/3 of the votes of the total number of deputies of the State Duma.

2. Proposals for amendments and revision of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation may
bring in:

A)President of the Russian Federation;

b)legislative (representative) bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

V)a group of at least 1/3 members of the Federation Council or deputies of the State CouncilState Duma;

G)a group of at least half of the members of the Federation Council or deputycomrade of the State Duma.

3. According to the law, entrepreneurial activity of a citizen nin RF can work with:

A)14 years;

b)15 years;

V)16 years;

G)18 years.

4. A company founded by one or more persons, the capital of which is
divided into shares, and its participants are liable only to the extent of the cost to share your share is called:

A)partnership of faith;

b)Joint-Stock Company;

V)limited liability company;

G)production cooperative.

5. If the rights and legitimate interests of a child are violated, he has the right to independence It’s important to go to court when you achieve:

A)12 years old;

b)14 years;

V)16 years;

G)18 years.

6. The main principles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are:



V)equality of citizens before the law;


e)inevitability of punishment;



h) professionalism;i) humanism.

7. Fill in the blanks in the liquidation scheme of a legal entity.

A legal entity may be liquidated

8 . When a document was created in Russia, which had the word “Kon” in its title constitution":

a) 1147;

b)1613 G.;




9. Karl Marx argued that the idea of ​​separation of powers arises and is realized in
that era when “there is a dispute between the royal power, the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie over the dominance 1 ‘. At the same time, the German socialist believed that “the separation of powers is not an eternal law” of the political and legal organization of society; on subsequentstages of social development, supposedly, unity of power should arise. Marx is veryhighly appreciated the experience of the Paris Communards of 1871, who created power “in one and the sameat the same time legislating and executing laws«.

Do you think these judgments of Marx are correct? What do you think
possible to agree with a socialist XIX centuries?

10. The Federation Council includes one representative each from:

A)representative body of state power of each subject of the Russian Federation;

b)executive body of state power of each subject of the Russian Federation;

V)judicial body of state power of each subject of the Russian Federation;

G)the largest regional branch of a political party;

e)regional producers' associations.

11. To participate in elections to local government bodies and local refs rendum have the right:

A)citizens of the Russian Federation who have an active
voting rights, the right to participate in a referendum;

b)foreign citizens, legally capable, permanently residing in the territorytory of the municipality, if on the basis of the international treaty Rosof the Russian Federation, they have the right to participate in elections to local government bodiesleniya and local referendum;

V)military personnel serving in military units, locatedlocated on the territory of the relevant municipality, if the residentThe home base of these servicemen was not located in the territory before being called up for military service.rhetoric of the municipality.

12. Unitary states:

A)do not include government entities;

b)these are administrative-territorial units that do not have political

V)contain state entities;

G)These are administrative-territorial units that have political power.self-reliance;

e)This form is typical for small states.

13. Find and correct errors in the text.

“Justice in the Russian Federation is administered only by the court. Judicialpower is exercised throughcivil, criminal and administrativelegal proceedings.

Judges can be citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 20 years of age, have a higher economic education and have worked in the profession for at least 3 years.

Judges are inviolable and subordinate only to the President of the Russian Federation.

The proceedings in all courts of the Russian Federation are closed.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation consists of 20 judges.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation resolves economic disputes.

The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation can only be addressed

members upper house of the Federal Assembly.

14. Analyze the extract from the French Constitution of September 3 1791

"1. The judicial power is notMaybe provided neither by the legislative body nor king.

    Justice will be administered duty-free by judges elected for a term
    by the people and confirmed in office by the king... Judges cannot be removed otherwise
    che, as for crimes in office, duly established in court.

    Judges may neither interfere with the exercise of legislative power nor
    suspend the application of laws, nor interfere with the activities of the authorities

[,..]9. In criminal cases, no citizen can be tried otherwise than according toa charge brought by a jury or the legislature.

...The accused has the right to challenge up to 20 jurorstrap without explanation. Jurors may not serve fewer than 12.The law is passed by judges. The judicial investigation must be public. AccusationThe persons in question cannot be denied the assistance of an attorney. No person acquittedby a lawful jury, cannot be tried again...regarding the same act.

10. No one may be detained or imprisoned except in accordance withforce of authority of the police, orderO taking into custody..."

In the above extract, find the provisions that ensure the democracy of the judiciary. Name the principles underlying the judicial system of revolutionary France.

Grade 11


Task 1-6


2-a, b3-in4-in5-6

6 - a, in,d,e, and

Task 7 (2 points for each correct answer)

7 — 1) By decision of its founders (participants), or the Body of a legal entity,
authorized to do so by the constituent documents;

  1. Due to the expiration of the period for which the legal entity was created;
  2. In connection with the achievement of the purpose for which it was created;
  3. Due to violations committed during its creation;
  4. If these violations are irreparable.

Exercise 8 (1 point for each correct answer)

8 -c) “Constitution” by N. Muravyov (1825)

G)"Declaration of the Rights of the Working People of the Exploited People" (1918)

e)Constitution of the USSR (1924)

Task 9 (1 point for each correct answer)

9-1) Marx quite accurately named the time when the idea of ​​separation of powers was approved.

  1. The emergence of this idea was not always associated with special conditions
    socio-political struggle of the times of absolutism.
  2. Doubt is raised by Marx's assertion that with the development of society
    the separation of powers is being overcome.
  3. Separation of powers is one of the basic democratic principles of organizing power. Everything else is regression (?) in political development

Task 10-12 (1 point for each correct answer)

10- A,b11 - a.b12- A,b

Task 13 (1 point for each correct answer, maximum 9 points)

13 — Justice in Russia is carried out only by the court. The judiciary will exercisemanifests itself through constitutional (missing), civil, criminal and administrativenistrative proceedings.

Judges can be citizens of Russia who have reached 25 years of age, have a higher legal education and have worked in the profession for at least five years.

Judges are inviolable and subject only to the Constitution and federal law. Proceedings in all courts are open. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation consists of19 judges. Economic disputes are resolved by the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. All citizens of the Russian Federation can appeal to the Constitutional Court

Task 14 (2 points for each correct answer, maximum 8 points)

14 — Provisions: a) separation of powers (clauses 1, 3); b) election of judges by the people
(n. 2); c) presence of 12 jurors; d) the charge is brought by the jury or the lawbody (democratic bodies).

Principles: a) independence of the judiciary; b) immunity of judges; V)publicity of the court; democracy of the judiciary.

In contact with

Law as a subject creates the basis for the development of social competence of students, focusing their attention on the problems of implementing and applying the acquired knowledge in various life situations. Therefore, I have developed an educational program for the “Right for Each of Us” circle (grades 10-11), which I have been working on for 5 years. The program is posted on the Internet on the resource of the All-Russian pedagogical portal METODKABINET.RF at the address: URL:http://www .methodkabinet.rf/index.php/publications/dopobrazovanie/185-surkova.html The course tasks formed the basis for the tasks of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren in law in 2010-2012. (I am a member of the city subject-methodological commission for developing tasks for school Olympiads in law).



Jurisprudence Olympiad

Part 1 includes tasks with a choice of one of 4 answer options, only one of which is correct(For each correct answer 1 point).

1 . One of the characteristics of a state is:

A. presence of people;

b. presence of sovereignty;

V. presence of territory;

d. having a class that pays taxes

2. Laws and other legal acts adopted in the Russian Federation:

A. must repeat the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

b. should not contain the norms specified in the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

V. must not contradict the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

g. cannot be implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation.

3. Which of the following is not a mandatory feature of a government agency?

A. organizational independence;

b. the right of legislative initiative;

V. availability of necessary material resources;

d. power.

4. What legal acts does the President of the Russian Federation issue?

A. decrees;

b. regulations;

V. orders;

g. orders.

5. What pension is assigned on a general basis to men and women:

A. old age;

b. on disability;

V. in case of loss of a breadwinner;

g. for length of service.

6. What social norms govern actions and behavior?

A. only moral;

b. only religious;

V. only legal;

d. various (moral, religious, legal, etc.).

7. How long can a court decision in a civil case be appealed from the moment it is made:

A. 7 days;

b. 10 days;

V. 14 days;

year of the month.

8. According to the rules of general jurisdiction, a claim related to a property dispute is brought:

A. at the place of residence of the plaintiff;

b. at the place of residence of the defendant;

V. at the choice of the plaintiff;

g. at the choice of the defendant.

9. Circumstances that enable the plaintiff to demand something at a court hearing are called:

A. subject of the claim;

b. basis of claim;

V. objection to the claim;

d. rebuttal to the claim.

10. Unlawful offenses are divided into:

A. administrative;

b. disciplinary;

V. civil law;


11. For minors aged 14 to 18 years, the following is established:

A. guardianship;

b. observation;

V. guardianship;

d. supervision.

12. Find circumstances that exclude administrative liability:

A. extreme necessity;

b. execution of an order or instruction;

V. reasonable risk;

d. state of passion.

13. From what moment does the capacity and legal capacity of a legal entity arise?

A. from the moment of signing the organization’s charter;

b. from the moment of approval of the organization’s charter;

V. from the moment of registration of the organization;

from the moment of discussion of the organization's charter.

14. What types of offenses can only be committed by individuals?

A. civil law;

b. criminal;

V. tax;


15 . After what period of time from the date of commencement of work activity does a minor have the right to leave?

A. after 11 months;

b. after 8 months;

V. after 6 months;

after 4 months.

Part 2 consists of short answer questions. The answers to them must be formulated independently in the form of a word, phrase, number or set of numbers.

1. Fill in the missing word. (1 point for a correct answer).

Can rely on the power of the state or, if necessary, force submission to its will, using the courts, police and army.

2. Find in the list belowstages of legal proceedings in civil cases. Place the stages of the trial in the correct sequence


Circle the letters they appear under. (1 point for a correct answer).

A. preparing the case for trial;

b. appeal of interested parties to court;

V. judicial debates;

d. making a decision on the case;

d.statement by the parties to the trial of the circumstances of the case

e. examination of evidence;

and. appealing a court decision.

Write the circled letters in ascending order.

3. Fill in the missing word.(1 point for a correct answer).

In a democratic state governed by the rule of law, in order to prevent the concentration of power in one hand, the principle of ___________________ is implemented.

4. Find the required functions of any state in the list below. Circle the numbers they are listed under.

1. defense of the country;

2. creation of legal norms;

3. management of the entire economic life of society;

4. establishing international relations;

5. seizure of neighboring territories;

6. protection of law and order.

Write the circled numbers in ascending order.

5. Fill in the missing word.(1 point for a correct answer).

This is the complete independence of the state from other states.

6. (1 point for a correct answer).

The inability of a person at the time of committing to give an answer to his actions.

7. Fill in the correct letter(s) in place of the blanks. (1 point for the correct answer in each position).

a.Arb...the commercial court resolves economic disputes.

b. Pl...b...scit is an expression of the will of the people on issues of exceptional national importance that determine the fate of the country.

V. K...ns...leadation is the unification of normative acts similar in the subject of regulation.

8. Establish correspondences between types of punishments and types of responsibility: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second.

(1 point for each correct answer).

Types of punishments: Types of responsibility:

1. Arrest a. criminal liability

2. Warning b. administrative responsibility

3. Deprivation of a special rank

4. Imprisonment for a specified period

Write the matches as a pair of consecutive numbers and letters.

1 – ; 2 – ; 3 – ; 4 – .

9. Read the definition and write the concept.(1 point for a correct answer).

The ability provided by law to require the completion of any transactions or the ability to perform any actions.

10. Below are a number of terms. Which one of themdoes not correspondthe concept of “legal culture”?(1 point for a correct answer).

Legal knowledge, respect for law and law, lawful behavior, feelings.

Part 3 includes tasks with extended free response.

1. After the death of Katya V.’s grandmother, an expensive necklace was inherited. For her birthday (16 years old), the girl decided to have a party. So I went to a pawn shop to return the necklace.

Can Katya complete this transaction? Justify your answer. (For a short answer - 1 point, for a complete answer - 2 points).

2. Name any three types of legal relations.(1 point for each correct answer).

3. While defending the interests of Nikolai D., the lawyer learned from him about several crimes. These crimes have not yet been solved. Therefore, the lawyer decided to report this information to the investigation.

Does a lawyer have the right to perform such actions? Justify your answer. (For a short answer - 1 point, for a complete answer - 2 points).

4. Give any three reasons for low voter turnout in elections.(1 point for each correct answer).

5. A Sberbank employee came home and told her husband that his colleague had withdrawn a large sum of money from his account. The husband asked his colleague what purchase he was going to make. The next day, a colleague wrote a complaint to the bank about a violation of the secrecy of the deposit.

Is the complaint justified? Justify your answer. (For a short answer - 1 point, for a complete answer - 2 points).

Answer Keys


Part 1


Answer rating in points

Theoretical information

Psychology is an amazing science. At the same time, it is both young and one of the most ancient sciences. Already the philosophers of antiquity reflected on problems that are also relevant for modern psychology. Questions of the relationship between soul and body, perception, memory and thinking; questions of training and education, emotions and motivation of human behavior and many others have been raised by scientists since the emergence of the first philosophical schools of Ancient Greece in the 6-7 centuries BC. But the ancient thinkers were not psychologists in the modern sense. The symbolic date of birth of the science of psychology is considered to be 1879, the year of the opening of the first experimental psychological laboratory by Wilhelm Wundt in Germany, in the city of Leipzig. Until this time, psychology remained a speculative science. And only W. Wundt took upon himself the courage to combine psychology and experiment. For W. Wundt, psychology was the science of consciousness. In 1881, on the basis of the laboratory, the Institute of Experimental Psychology was opened (which still exists today), which became not only a scientific center, but also an international center for the training of psychologists. In Russia, the first psychophysiological laboratory of experimental psychology was opened by V.M. Bekhterev in 1885 at the Kazan University clinic.

The Mega-Talent Center is the organizer of distance Olympiads. We hold international and all-Russian legal Olympiads for future lawyers and anyone who wants to systematize their knowledge.

The winners and medalists of our Olympiads receive a diploma, and the remaining participants receive memorable certificates. These awards become a decoration for students' portfolios and inspire them to study law in more depth.

Teachers who organize Olympiads supplement their portfolios with certificates and thanks.

Results of our work for the year for this year:

  • We set a record for the number of Olympiads - we are holding 47 Olympiads in school subjects at once;
  • Involved more than 3,000 schoolchildren who live in different countries of the world to participate in jurisprudence Olympiads;
  • Paid teachers 2,500,000 rubles as compensation for expenses;
  • Earned the trust of teachers. Four out of five Olympiad organizers are participating again.

Benefits for teacher organizers

We want our cooperation with teachers to be effective and profitable. To do this, we meet every teacher-organizer halfway:

  1. We provide assignments for all classes.
  2. We change the design of awards for each season to diversify the portfolio of teachers and students.
  3. We will cover the costs of printing assignments, diplomas and certificates.
  4. Every month we identify the most active organizers of the Olympiads and present them with valuable gifts.
  5. We promptly answer teacher questions. To do this, our consultants monitor requests by mail, online chat and Skype.

Advantages of distance Olympiads "Mega-Talent"

Distance Olympiad is an interesting educational event. Every teacher can become an organizer of such an event. The organizer of the Olympiad independently chooses the time and place of its holding. Your students can become part of a large-scale international event without leaving their school.

By solving Olympiad tasks in a familiar environment, students avoid excessive stress, worry less, and therefore pay more attention to finding the correct answer.

The tasks of the Mega-Talent Olympiads comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and are compiled taking into account the content of the legal studies curriculum.

Sets of tasks for each class consist of 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one correct answer;
  • Questions with multiple correct answers;
  • Questions on analytical and chronological sequence;
  • Tasks on correlating two data series;
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.

Cost of participation in jurisprudence olympiads

To participate in the Olympiad you need to pay an registration fee. We will cover the cost of printing assignments and award documents. We return to the teacher at least 30% of the registration fee. More information about the conditions for compensation of organizational expenses can be found after registration .

Teachers who organize olympiads are automatically included inteacher rating . Every month, the most active participants in the rating receive valuable gifts. At the end of the semester, we formulate a final rating and once again reward teachers.

How often do we hold competitions in jurisprudence?

During the academic year, we hold 7 distance Olympiads: 3 all-Russian Olympiads, which are held seasonally, 4 international ones and the final final Olympiad.

Assignments for each season of the Olympiads change and are supplemented with material from sections of the curriculum studied by the time of the Olympiad.

How do we check participants' answers?

Participants' answers are checked automatically. After the teacher enters answers on the site, they are automatically checked against the “key” added to the system. On the day the results are published, access to award materials is available for participants and the teacher.

How to hold an Olympiad in jurisprudence?

  1. Register on the Mega-Talent website.
  2. Apply for participation, indicate the number of participants.
  3. Pay the registration fee to confirm participation in the Olympiad.
  4. Download the assignments and guidelines and read their contents.
  5. Print out the assignments and conduct the Olympiad.
  6. Enter the participants' answers into a table in your personal account on the website.
  7. On the day of summing up, download certificates and diplomas for students, as well as your certificate and gratitude.

How to pay the registration fee for participation in the Jurisprudence Olympiad?

The following payment methods are available to you:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from outside Russia participate in the event?

Everyone is allowed to participate in jurisprudence Olympiads. The only condition we set for participants is knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient to understand the tasks of the Olympiad. We have published answers to other frequently asked questions here


The main goal of the St. Petersburg State University School Student Olympiad is rightfully to identify and develop creative abilities and interest in research activities, create the necessary conditions for the support and development of gifted children, disseminate and popularize scientific knowledge, attract talented youth to study at leading universities in Russia, including at St. Petersburg University. Winners and prize-winners of the Olympics enjoy benefits when entering St. Petersburg University and other universities. The vast majority of them, having become students at St. Petersburg University, show significantly higher academic results compared to their fellow students who did not take part in the Olympiad.

! Compliance of the areas of training and specialties for which St. Petersburg State University is accepting admissions in 2019 with the profile of the Olympiad and the procedure for providing benefits to winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads held in accordance with the Procedure for holding school Olympiads

Ask a question to the Olympiad subject coordinator: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

The idea of ​​training lawyers at St. Petersburg State University belongs to Peter the Great. On January 22, 1724, by personal decree, the emperor established the Academy of Sciences and St. Petersburg University in St. Petersburg. One of the features of the first century of the existence of St. Petersburg University was that legal science in Russia was still in its infancy, so the first teachers and students were foreigners. Since the establishment of the University, legal education has taken a leading position due to the fact that the best jurists of that time were involved in teaching (H. Gross, I.S. Bekenstein, F.G. Strube de Pirmont). On February 14, 1760, three faculties were opened at St. Petersburg University: law, medicine and philosophy. On the recommendation of Rector M.V. Lomonosov, academician G.F. becomes a professor of law at St. Petersburg University. Feodorovich, whose name was widely known not only in Russia, but also abroad. The remarkable traditions of the St. Petersburg Law School were laid throughout the 19th century. The Faculty of Law adopted the ideas of liberal reforms of the 1860s and became a stronghold of freedom of science, creativity, and thought. Legal sciences at St. Petersburg University at that time were taught by A.D. Gradovsky, I.Ya. Foinitsky, F.F. Martens, M.I. Gorchakov and other famous domestic scientists and statesmen. The progressive development of legal education at St. Petersburg University was disrupted by the First World War and two revolutions. Rejection of the new social system and the policies of the Soviet regime forced many teachers to leave Russia. In 1930-1944, Leningrad University did not have a law faculty; it was restored immediately after the lifting of the fascist blockade. In the post-war period, scientific schools of civil and criminal law took leading positions in Soviet legal science. Soviet scientists of the first rank worked within the walls of Leningrad University: the creator of the doctrine of state socialist property, Academician A.V. Venediktov, author of the first work in the USSR on crimes against the person, Professor M.D. Shargorodsky, creator of the field of labor law, Professor V.M. Dogadov. Employees were regularly involved in rule-making work on behalf of various government bodies. Thanks to the efforts of teachers at Leningrad University in the 1960s and 70s, there was a real rise in domestic civil law. Works of B.B. Cherepakhina and O.S. Ioffe made the department of civil law the largest civil law center in the country. We achieved success in the department of criminal law and criminal procedure. In the 1980s, the Department of Economic Law arose, headed by Professor A.A. Sobchak.

Today St. Petersburg University is one of the largest educational centers for training lawyers in Russia. Teachers and graduates of St. Petersburg University continue to be sought-after specialists and occupy the highest positions in the largest companies in Russia and Europe, as well as in government bodies. Legal education at St. Petersburg University today is a successful example of combining traditions and innovations.

The high quality of legal education at St. Petersburg University could not be achieved without a constant search for talent among young people. St. Petersburg University has many years of experience in holding competitions and olympiads for schoolchildren in law.

From 2003 to 2007, St. Petersburg University acted as the lead university in organizing and conducting the Regional Olympiad of St. Petersburg universities for professionally oriented youth in social studies. Methodological and organizational support for the final round, including development of the structure, preparation of tasks and evaluation of the Olympiad works, was carried out by teachers and staff of the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. Up to 500 schoolchildren annually took part in the final round of this Olympiad.

In 2007 and 2008, the St. Petersburg University held the Social Science Olympiad, the specialized section of which was the section on the fundamentals of law. Teachers from the Faculty of Law also took an active part in organizing this Olympiad.

In 2009, 378 schoolchildren from 27 subjects of the Russian Federation rightfully took part in the Olympiad for schoolchildren of the St. Petersburg State University, in 2010 - 1169 schoolchildren from 41 subjects of the Russian Federation. In 2010, the Olympiad was included in the List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and it was assigned the third level.

In 2011, the St. Petersburg State University Schoolchildren’s Olympiad was also rightfully included in the List of schoolchildren’s Olympiads approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. As a result of serious efforts to attract schoolchildren from various regions of Russia to participate, the number of participants in the qualifying stage of the Olympiad reached 2,631 people from 67 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which, together with a high level of organizational and methodological support, allowed the Olympiad to receive the I, highest, level.

The main goals of the St. Petersburg State University School Student Olympiad are rightfully to identify and develop creative abilities and interest in research activities, create the necessary conditions for the support and development of gifted children, disseminate and popularize scientific knowledge, attract talented youth to study at leading universities in Russia, including at St. Petersburg University.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympics enjoy benefits when entering St. Petersburg University and other universities. The vast majority of them, having become students at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, show significantly higher academic results compared to their fellow students who did not take part in the Olympiad.

1. Alekseev S.S. Secrets of law: Its understanding, purpose, social value. M., 2002

2. Kravchenko A.I. Social studies: textbook. M., 2010

3. Moiseev E. G. Social studies: textbook / ed. K. A. Bekyasheva. M., 2013

4. Social studies: textbook /M. N. Glazunov, I. A. Gobozov, E. M. Deryabina and others; Ed. M. N. Marchenko. M., 2011

5. Social science: course of lectures /ed. D.I. Lukovskaya and E.B. Khokhlova. St. Petersburg, 2009

6. Social studies in questions and answers: textbook / A. B. Bezborodov, M. B. Bulanova, V. D. Gubina and others; edited by A. B. Bezborodova, V. V. Minaeva. M., 2011

7. Social studies: textbook / V. V. Aleshin, A. A. Anisimov, L. N. Bashkatov and others; Ed. A. V. Opaleva. M., 2010

8. Social studies: textbook for universities / S. S. Gusev, B. I. Lipsky, E. M. Sergeichik and others; edited by B.I. Fedorova. M., 2014

9. Fundamentals of State and Law: textbook: recommended by UMO as a textbook for applicants to universities /A. V. Malko, G. N. Komkova, Z. I. Tsybulenko and others; Ed. A. V. Malko. M., 2010

10. Smolensky M. B. The Constitution of the Russian Federation with comments for schoolchildren. M., 2010

List of winners and prize-winners of the St. Petersburg State University School Students Olympiad in Law in the 2017/18 academic year, continuing to master educational programs secondary (complete) general education

The following students are allowed to participate in the final stage of the St. Petersburg State University School Olympiad in the 2018/19 academic year without participating in the qualifying stage

Full name Locality of educational institution Name of educational institution Class in the 2017/18 school year
Chernyshov Matvey Sergeevich Novokuznetsk MB NOU "Lyceum No. 84 named after V. A. Vlasov" 10
Timofeeva Darina Denisovna Saint Petersburg GBOU secondary school No. 504 with in-depth study of the English language, Kirov district of St. Petersburg 9
Belova Anastasia Yurievna Cheboksary MBOU "Lyceum No. 44", Cheboksary 9
Ivanovskaya Liliya Mikhailovna Moscow GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1474" 9
Murashov Pavel Sergeevich Moscow GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1329" 10
Vereshchagin Alexey Ivanovich Moscow GBOU of Moscow “School No. 1359 named after aircraft designer M.L. Mile" 9
Simakova Ksenia Leonidovna Krasnoyarsk MBOU secondary school No. 141 10
Triandafilova Sofia Konstantinovna Kirov 9
Vasilyeva Alexandra Alexandrovna Moscow GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1250" 9
Vasilyeva Vitalina Sergeevna Chelyabinsk MAOU "Gymnasium No. 23 of Chelyabinsk named after V. D. Lutsenko" 9
Gorbunova Maria Denisovna Izhevsk MBOU Economics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 29 10
Maksimova Antonina Vasilievna Moscow GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1285" 9
Shakaryan Yaroslav Ernestovich Saint Petersburg GBOU secondary school No. 292 with in-depth study of mathematics in the Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg 10
Pervushina Olga Alekseevna Vladimir Secondary school No. 38 with in-depth study of artistic and aesthetic subjects 10
Rychkova Victoria Evgenievna Vologda, Utkino village MBOU VMR "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" 10
Filev Kirill Eduardovich Kirov KOGOAU "Kirov Economic and Legal Lyceum" 9
Lukin Alexander Vitalievich Krasnodar MBOU gymnasium 23 8
Vaskova Sofya Dmitrievna Irkustk MBOU Irkutsk Lyceum No. 2 9
Komarov Evgeniy Ilyich Saint Petersburg GBOU gymnasium No. 540 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg 9
Barysheva Valeria Andreevna Krasnodar MBOU No. 3 10
Dianova Polina Sergeevna Moscow GBOU of Moscow "School No. 1583 named after K. A. Kerimov" 10
Zakhvatkina Maria Valerievna Izhevsk MBOU "Izhevsk Natural and Humanitarian Lyceum "School-30" 9
Kozyreva Kristina Vitalievna Kopeysk Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1 9
Komleva Tatyana Valerievna Nizhny Tagil MAOU Polytechnic Gymnasium 10
Kuznetsova Yulia Sergeevna Slobodskaya MBOU secondary school No. 5 9
Timofeeva Valeria Edgarovna Tosno MBOU Secondary School No. 3, Tosno 9
Vasilyeva Darina Yurievna Tikhvin Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" 10
Mezentsev Mikhail Yurievich Saint Petersburg GBOU gymnasium No. 116 Primorsky district of St. Petersburg 10
Panchenko Alexandra Valerievna Saint Petersburg GBOU secondary school No. 29 with in-depth study of French and law in the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg 10
Nitchenkov Denis Eduardovich Kostroma MBOU of the city of Kostroma "Lyceum No. 17" 9
Timofeev Dmitry Fedorovich Taiga MAOU "Secondary School No. 160" TGO 10