Convergent approach to education issues. The Convergent Approach in Action

So, 2016 is becoming history, and its successor, 2017, is almost upon us.

If you believe the Eastern calendar, then the coming New Year 2017 will be the year Red fire rooster. Although the New Year according to the Eastern calendar will begin only at the end of January, this does not bother anyone: in Russia, and in the countries of Eastern Europe, it is customary to honor the totem of the coming year already on New Year’s Eve. There is a treat that the birthday boy will like, and outfits in the right colors, and decoration of the house and table, and other tricks that will help attract good luck and please the ambitious, proud, but very sociable and able to attract good luck and money Red fiery rooster.

And, of course, before the New Year comes, you need to have time to congratulate your family and friends, friends and colleagues, buddies and, of course, “friends” on social networks.

However, if you, carried away by chopping ingredients for the inevitable bowl of Olivier, do not have time to congratulate everyone you wanted on December 31, it doesn’t matter: you can finish what you started on January 1, 2017, no one will be offended by you.

By the way, do you remember how our parents or grandparents wrote dozens of New Year’s greeting cards by hand and then took them to the post office? So, progress does not stand still, and now almost no one does this anymore: modern “lazy” congratulators have access to e-mail, social networks and the SMS function in smartphones.

Federal News Agency confident in the creativity and poetic talents of our readers, who, without a doubt, can wrap such spectacular New Year's greetings that Pushkin- not Pushkin, but Ulyukaev will definitely be jealous.

But just in case, we offer a couple of options for ready-made funny New Year’s greetings on the upcoming Year of the Rooster. But remember, what you come up with on your own is still valued higher. Happy New Year to you, dear readers!

We say goodbye to the 2016 Year of the Monkey - we welcome the New 2017 Year of the Rooster

The Year of the Rooster is just around the corner!
We wish you not to worry!
Let your health be stable,
And the disease will forget the way to you!

May all your dreams come true,
New ideas will be born!
Prosperity, blessings for the whole year!
Open the door - the Rooster is coming!

I wish you in the year of the Rooster,
So that your life is easy,
So that he brings a bag of money,
May your wallet burst!

Let the car be healthy,
There are a million bright moments,
Have a wonderful day, good luck,
Tender hugs, hot feelings.

Lots of smiles, laughter, jokes,
You are welcome any time of the day,
Seas of love and strong friendship -
Let him give you everything you need!

Say goodbye to the Monkey without regret -
She didn’t give me food or booze,
Neither happiness nor special joy,
Not clothes of exquisite styles.
And turn your gaze to the Rooster,
With a dream of eggs, jelly, offal,
Down jackets, feather beds and pillows,
And compliments made by the cuckoo...

Funny New Year greetings for the Year of the Rooster - 2017

Our Rooster is a specialist in amorous matters,
He broke a lot of chicken hearts...
Well, what can I say, this is his role -
He's definitely the king of the coop!

And if you are not a sheikh, not an emir, not a sultan,
Then life has given you a simpler destiny -
And next to you should, old man,
Of many women there must be only one!

I want to wish you in the year of the Rooster
Let your plow be far from dry,
Love, unravel the endless password,
May you be a sheikh and a king for your beloved.

Let the Rooster not offend you,
Doesn't bite with its strong beak.
Let him just love it
And he distributes wealth.

Let with your mighty wing
All problems will be wiped away instantly
And good luck and happiness
He will bring it to you in the New Year.

Sharp spurs, red comb,
The owner of the year is rushing - the brave Cockerel!
So let's go to the fullest, and hit the road,
So that he brings a bag of money with him.

May I grant good health to everyone,
Troubles and misfortune, like millet, pecked,
Zvonkogo to forge mountains of happiness
And he defeated all the enemies on the spot!

Short poetic congratulations for SMC messages and statuses on social networks

I wish you so much money that the chickens don’t peck,
So that a feather bed and a comfortable bed,
So that problems and adversity do not poke their nose into you
And may the Rooster bring you golden eggs all year round!

May the year of the Rooster give you
Such that it’s straight and ah! and wow!
So that all adversity - to smithereens!
And fortunately so - at full speed!

Always get up on that foot,
All year round to feast,
Let the Rooster give so much money,
So that the chickens don't peck!

Feel all year long
As the ruler of the world, behold,
To crow to the Rooster:
“Crow! Reign while lying on your side!”

So that the Rooster does not peck on the forehead,
May the whole year be good,
To love and pamper,
And he gave away money!

Gorgeous new things,
Tickets to heaven on earth,
In the year of the Rooster on the sly
Catch the Cockerel by the tail!

For shouting loudly: “Crow!”
To you, Rooster, merci bok at!
Drive away all evil spirits right away,
May there be only happy days all year round!

May the Lord of the Rooster
The mood will lift your spirit,
All your dreams will come true
And the whole year will turn into a fairy tale!

The New Year's Eve party is led by a host and volunteer who plays the role of the Monkey. At the end of the program, another character appears - the Rooster, chosen among the team. The essence of the scene is to guide the Monkey and meet the Rooster. The monkey does not want to leave, so he arranges tests for the team, and also interferes in every possible way with the participants in games and competitions. At the end of the program, the Monkey receives a gift, the Rooster receives recognition, and Santa Claus gives gifts. Everyone is happy!

Please note that the symbol of the evening is the Rooster. It should be present in everything - from table treats and decorations, to costumes and props for the holiday.

We offer a choice of several scenes that are suitable for cooperatives, family feasts, and friendly youth parties.

Advice! For the first scenes, you need to acquire props.

bright clothes, preferably multi-colored;
chips with the image of the Rooster;
round plates with numbers on each of them from 1 to 10;
big bag.

Enters the hall leading and says:

– On this New Year’s holiday, I greet you, friends,
Today you are all beautiful and friendly as ever.
Have you gathered and dressed up to celebrate the Year of the Rooster?
Well, let's start with the fact that we need to fill our glasses!

The glasses are filling. Leading speaks:

-Who is the main leader here?
Who is our leader today?
Over to you, leader,
We won't drink without toast.

The leader makes a speech, sums up the results, thanks and congratulates the team.


- New Year is just around the corner,
But it will come when
We say goodbye to the Monkey
And we will find the Rooster.

Fill your glasses,
Have fun, honest people,
So that adversity and sorrow,
They left for the old year.

Glasses are being filled. Anyone who wishes makes a toast. The team is drinking.

Enters the hall Monkey:

- Wait a minute, friends,
I haven't left yet
And I'm not going yet
Give up your rights!


-You served for a whole year
Now it's the rooster's turn.

Monkey with a grin:

- You have to wait until the morning,
To meet the Rooster,
He's in the coop today
There will be sleep as always.

- Don't worry about us,
We'll find him now
In our friendly team,
There is a supply of cockerel.

And there are talents, believe me,
If you don't believe it, check it out.
We'll show you now
Who is what animal today!

Guests will be prepared for mini-competitions. The presenter invites them to take part in comic skits.

Who said "Ku-ka-re-ku"

Impromptu competitions can be used as comic skits for the New Year 2017. The funniest ones are selected from the guests (you can choose more serious comrades - if they agree, it will be fun to watch their roles change).

Guests line up and are invited to demonstrate their vocal abilities. Karaoke lovers should not rush to rejoice - they will not be able to show off their talents. The time of the Rooster is coming, you need to perform the song accordingly.

Advice! Let each guest crow any popular hit, and the audience must try to guess it. Prizes are awarded to the vocalist who is liked by the majority of the audience. The viewer who guessed the largest number of “songs” is also noted.

Project "podium"

The Rooster is a real dandy who doesn’t mind showing off in front of the assembled audience. He will not miss such an opportunity.

The monkey pulls out the participants he likes from the table and invites them to put their hand in a bag with “props”. There are the most varied and awkward outfits. Place caps, jabots, boas, festive tinsel, colorful bloomers, grandmother's scarves and shawls, and wigs in advance. Each participant “blindly” chooses an outfit.

But this is not enough for the monkey. It requires all participants to strut down an impromptu catwalk, showing off their outfit. Spectators are given signs in advance with numbers from 1 to 10, with which they evaluate all the contestants.

Competition "Show the animal"

Each guest shows the Monkey the animal in whose year he was born using facial expressions, gestures and movements. Sounds cannot be used in the competition. The Monkey does not understand, and the audience is also silent on the first try, and then the participants tell the Monkey the correct answer. The most creative participant wins.

- It's all easy for you,
What else can you do?

– We have a rare talent,
We can put everything together and find it,
Without much difficulty
And at the same time, despite.

Competition "Let's put the word together"

10 people are invited and divided into two teams. Each team must form the word "rooster". Each participant is pre-assigned a letter, which is hung on his back, and during the competition he must stand in such a way that the word is formed. Next, all competitors are blindfolded, and at a signal the competition begins. During the competition, the Monkey will interfere with the contestants, stand between them, etc. The team that completes the word first wins. Winning participants move on to the next competition.

Competition "Find the Rooster"

Participants who won the previous competition are blindfolded. The monkey hangs four rooster figurines on the Christmas tree, so that one participant does not have enough. At a signal, the contestants begin their search, and spectators can tell them the location of the figures. This is a descending game. The participant who does not get a piece leaves the game. This continues until one player remains and is declared the winner. You can simplify the competition by leaving one round, in which the winner is the one who finds the rooster first.

- Okay, but for fun,
Not enough entertainment
I would laugh from my heart,
To easily leave you.

- We will arrange this now,
We will build dear guests,
Specially for you,
There is a funny game.

Competition "Fun Relay Race"

Six participants are selected and divided into three teams of two. Participants in a pair are turned with each other's backs and bandaged in this position. Teams are given a bag (basket). Balls are scattered at the maximum possible distance from the participants. At the signal, each pair runs to the balls and begins to collect them in a bag. When there are no balls left on the floor, a count is made. The pair that collects the fewest balls is eliminated from the game. There are two pairs left. Two chairs are placed opposite the remaining participants (as far as possible from them). At the signal, the teams run to the chair, run around it twice and return to their starting position. The team that reaches the start first wins.

New New Year competition (!!!) for the company - “Lunokhod”

The best outdoor game for adults who are not entirely sober. Everyone stands in a circle, according to the counting number the first one is chosen and inside the circle he walks on his haunches and seriously says: “I am Lunokhod 1.” Whoever laughed next squats in a circle and walks around, seriously saying: “I am Lunokhod 2.” And so on…

Fun New Year's competition "Who has the longest"

Two teams are formed and each must lay out a chain of clothes, taking off whatever they want. Whoever has the longest chain wins. If the game is not played in the company of a house, but, for example, in a square or in a club, then two participants are first selected, and when they do not have enough clothes for the chain (after all, when taking off your clothes, you must remain within the bounds of decency), then the hall is asked to help the participants, and anyone who wants can continue the chain of the player he likes...

- They amused me!
Only there is no Rooster,
And maybe I'll have to
Stay forever.

- Don’t rush to say
We don't have long to wait,
We'll try a hero
Find it in the team!

Competition “Choose a Rooster”

To participate in the selection of the Rooster, three men (roosters) and six women (hens) are needed. Participants are selected by lot. Next, three teams of three people are divided (one rooster and two hens). For the competition you will need outfits, divided into three bags. As decorations you will need various ribbons, blouses, pants, elastic bands on your head, ribbons, etc. The hens are blindfolded and at a signal they begin to dress up their Rooster. During the competition, music plays, and when it stops, the result is evaluated. The rooster should be dressed up as brightly and as original as possible; the head (crest) and arms (wings) must be decorated. The Rooster who, in the opinion of the audience, is best decorated is selected. The monkey can help when the team finds it difficult to decide on the winner. The winning Rooster and his hens are awarded medals of honor.

Monkey with annoyance :
- Well, they elected the Rooster,
Drive me away.

- Monkey, wait,
Don't rush to get angry
Dance with us today
And accept a present from us.

The Monkey is presented with bananas, and the Rooster dances with it (lambada, waltz, etc.). Santa Claus enters the hall. There is applause.

Father Frost:
- Happy New Year to you, friends,
Monkey, Rooster,
Boar, Fox, Pig,
I will generously reward you all,
Hurry up, run up
And receive gifts.

Corporate party participants individually approach Santa Claus, dancing. For each person, music is selected that best suits his style.

You want to spend any holiday cheerfully and soulfully, but especially New Year’s! The very name and essence of this holiday contains novelty, so guests expect something new, original and unusual from the entertainment program that is organized on its occasion. At adult parties, guests wait not so much for the arrival of Santa Claus with gifts, but rather for bright colors, impressions, music and fun. To help the organizers, we offer one of the options - C script for New Year's corporate party 2017 “Special Purpose Roasted Rooster”, where the symbol of the coming year simply serves as a connecting storyline, and the main emphasis is on new musical, dance and table entertainment for guests. Suitable for any company: colleagues, friends, relatives or guests gathered for a relaxing evening in a cafe or restaurant. The necessary musical accompaniment is included.

Scenario for New Year's corporate party - 2017

While the guests are seated - sounds 0. Cool instrumental

The presenter comes out - Sounds 1. Fanfare

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! How nice it is to see you, so beautiful and festive, ready to have fun and be surprised, relax and have fun! Moreover, those gathered for such a wonderful occasion: celebrating our favorite New Year holiday, from which we all expect so much! Someone greets him with the mood: “Oh, New Year, get rid of accumulated worries!” Someone with hope: “Oh, New Year, may a miracle come into my life!” And someone, like you and me, is in a hurry to fill their glasses, because they came to this holiday with the mood: “Wow, New Year, let's have fun, people!”

First toast(said while guests are filling their glasses)

Everyone, everyone who has gathered in this cozy hall today,

Hurry up and fill your champagne glass!

And the first toast to the meeting! Here's to the drive! For the positive!

For friendly company! For the best team! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Sounds 3. Excerpt. Serduchka. Christmas trees

(short banquet break)

Presenter: Yes, in our country we love the New Year not only for the big weekend and gifts, but, above all, for the vivid impressions. And our interest in eastern symbols: horoscopes, symbols of the year, etc. - only added color to an already beautiful holiday. Agree, most of us do not delve into philosophical and scientific research on this matter, but we happily accept costumed and musical forecasts and entertainment associated with the signs of the zodiac and animals that personify the symbol of the outgoing and coming year. Our program “Roast Rooster for a Special Purpose” is no exception, in which there is a musical astrological forecast for 2017 will help us get to know each other! (or greet each other once again - if the company knows each other well)

Musical introduction to guests "Comic astrological forecast"

(The presenters can also use this game moment for real acquaintance; for this, after each greeting, they can approach the representatives of each sign and get acquainted. But if there are a lot of guests, then either this should be done selectively or excluded, so as not to drag out the game and not throw off dynamics of the program.

Presenter: Dear guests, we will now present to your attention an astrological forecast for 2017, the symbol of which, according to the eastern calendar, will be the Fire Rooster. This proud, handsome man found a kind word for each sign, but in order for his positive predictions to come true, when listening, you and I need to charge them with our energy, making appropriate internal and external messages. So, for whom the forecast sounds, we get up, listen and follow me to the music to make “magic” movements.

And I would like to see everyone first, who was born in the year of the Rooster, are there any of these in the hall? Rise up, let everyone admire and remember you, because today you are the lucky ones and the guests will probably want to touch you today as often as possible. And this forecast is just for you. (or the last phrase may sound like this: “Greetings to the darling of fate of the coming year!”)

Raise your wings, you are our happy ones,

To the victorious cry: “Ha-ha!” Let's dance and flap our wings together!

Sounds 4. Pugachev's excerpt. Harlequin.

(The presenter shows the movement: waves her arms to the beat of the music and shouts: ha-ha, all the guests born in the year of the Rooster do it with her)

Now don't be modest, get up from your seat Aries! (rise)

Success awaits Aries in love,

If right now they have enough air kisses for everyone!

Sounds 5. Excerpt Tarkan

(The presenter blows kisses into the hall, making welcoming movements to the beat of the music; all guests born under the sign of Aries do it with her)

Where are our beauties and fellows born under the sign Taurus?! (rise)

And Taurus has a good year ahead,

Good luck in your future business and career - clap your hands!

Sounds 6. Clapping beat

(The presenter claps to the beat of the music, now at the left shoulder, now at the right, now above the head, all guests born under the sign of Taurus do it together with her)

Next forecast for Gemini...........................................................................................................................


(a music and dance forecast is carried out for all zodiac signs)

Presenter: After such a playful acquaintance and several toasts, the atmosphere in the hall became somehow more soulful, and you became closer and more understandable to each other, don’t you agree? Yes, this is such a holiday, a crafty magician from whom we all expect miracles, and while we wait, without noticing it, we slowly create them ourselves: we decorate the house and the Christmas tree, prepare the festive table, buy gifts for relatives and prepare surprises for friends. And the last hours before the onset of the New Year in a family or company are spent, as a rule, in pleasant, but rather ordinary, chores: buying more groceries, cutting salads, ironing a festive dress, etc. But, for sure, there are also those who rush to the bathhouse, sit in front of the TV or go down the slide, are there such people in the gym? (guests answer) Well, let’s now use our help to imagine how the day and evening of December 31st goes in an average Russian family. After all, for us the New Year is, first of all, a family holiday, so we will imagine that we are a big friendly family. And every time you hear the word in the text of a fairy tale "Family"- We quickly hug our closest neighbors and shout: “Happy together!” It's clear? Let's try! "Family!" - guests hug and scream. Great, now let’s just choose the main characters and get started.

- (addresses one of the guests - a man). Here you are, man, what is your name? (answers). Do you have a family? ……................................

- Table role-playing tale "Happy Together"

Characters and lines:

Christmas tree: “I’m burning all over!”

Fridge: “Sho, again!”

Dad: “I only have 5 drops!”

Mother: "It's starting!"

Youngest daughter: “I love New Year!”

Elder brother (son): “I’ll quit for the hell of it!”

Family (all guests): “Happy together!” (hug)

Presenter - reads the text


...... And at this time Dad...rushed towards Refrigerator...quickly grabbed some vodka and snacks. Mother...., noticing this, she also rushed to Refrigerator..., in a hurry I almost dropped it Christmas tree... and didn’t knock you down Youngest daughter…But Dad…has already firmly mastered his prey....................................


Presenter: And, truly, it’s time to drink to the love and family well-being of each of us!

It sounds 19. Serduchka. New Year's

- Dance competition "New Year's melodramas"

Presenter: Tell me, did anyone notice that in our history there was one very important character missing from the family holiday, without whom, even in our technological age, not a single December 31st, not a single family can do? What is this? (guests answer, someone will definitely name TV). Of course, this is television, it is on it that, while we are preparing for the New Year, we watch our favorite cartoons and melodramas, and with it, with the chimes and the president’s speech, we greet its onset. Therefore, do you mind if we give him his well-deserved place in our program? I ask those who want to find or keep love in the coming 2017 to come to me.

(Participants leave, the presenter invites everyone to bring a partner of the opposite sex from the hall, ready-made musical accompaniment is offered for eight couples, but the organizers, depending on the available props: hats, shawls, etc. elements of national clothing or the number of guests, can add or select only a few of them. After the pairs have been formed, each of them is given the appropriate props, as representatives of one of the countries or nationalities: Americans, Africans, Egyptians, Spaniards, Gypsies, Indians, Turks and Russians. The presenter explains the essence of the competition)


Music tracks are played for each couple - folder NEW YEAR'S MELODRAMS

(Couples take turns dancing to their music tracks, then the audience can determine the best couple or everyone gets small prizes)

Presenter: Thanks to the participants! Talented, fun, sincere! And now we also skillfully form a dance train and go into the hall, joining all the guests! Everybody dance!

Sounds 20. Tishman. Drunk happy - all guests go to the dance floor

- Dance animation for the Year of the Rooster “Raised their tails”

(when all the guests have entered the dance floor, the presenter can organize a general dance - an animation, the movements are clear from the lyrics of the song: hips, eyes, hands)

Sounds 21. Animashka

Dance break


1. Fanfare sounds

Presenter: Dear guests, we will definitely return to dancing, but now I ask you to return to your tables!

While the guests are seated - sounds 21. New Year's screensaver(quieter at the end)

Presenter(begins to speak without waiting for the track to end, on the final sounds of the screensaver): Our program continues! And we all continue to believe that it was not in vain that we gathered, that we are not having fun in vain, and that the new year will definitely be happy!!! And for this to be so, let's fill our glasses and drink to the bottom to our hopes!

Sounds 22. Toast of happiness

Sounds 23. Fairy tale. This New Year is coming

(short banquet break)

- Table game "Roast Rooster Mission"

(The game can be played in different ways. The first option is suitable for a small company - everyone takes turns saying the first thing that comes to mind in rhyme. The second option - guests write options to themselves in advance, then all the notes are mixed and thrown into a hat, which is passed from hand to hand, the presenter periodically says: “stop”, whoever has a hat at this moment randomly takes out a note and reads. The third is given below)

Option 3. The rules of the game are similar to those in option No. 2, a hat with notes is also passed on, but here, for the dynamics of the action, the notes are invented and printed in advance, and to enhance the humorous moment, a music track is also recorded in advance, which is constantly interrupted by the crowing of a rooster. To whomever the rooster crows when handing over the hat, he takes out the note and reads it. More than 20 ready-made answers are attached; you can add something of your own to the list or, conversely, reduce it by selecting only the ones you like the most.


1 . If he bites, I promise...

- I’ll read the Kama Sutra!


8 . If he bites, I promise...

- I'm scuba diving!


Sounds 25. Village of Fools + rooster crowing

- Team music game “And finally I’ll sing”

Presenter: This, of course, is a joke, and yet, I sincerely wish that today the Rooster pecks us all, but gently and lovingly, just to remind us that the New Year is a wonderful reason to change your life for the better! But, before this happens, you need to say goodbye to the symbol of the outgoing year, the Monkey, she herself suggests doing this mysteriously and cheerfully, with the help of a musical game with her participation, “And finally, I’ll say”


(fun, colorful and musical entertainment for guests, dedicated to the symbol of the outgoing year - the Monkey

(Pictures and music tracks are included - folder MONKEY)


- Table comic-romantic interactive "Welcome to the old year"

Presenter: Yes, you can’t deny the current mistress of the year some humor. I suggest filling the glasses and symbolically saying goodbye to her in a kind and cheerful way. At the same time, remember all the good things that each of you or your loved ones had this year and thank for this the oriental beauty and the year that is passing with her! Are there people in the room who can speak publicly about the pleasant events of 2016? Maybe someone got a promotion? Or an addition to the family? (walks around guests who are talking about their achievements into the microphone). Well, that’s great, let’s remember and clink glasses to the departing one, and for now we’ll sum up the results of the music competition.

Sounds 26. Dance of Memories

Sounds 27. Sax - stop according to the situation Sounds 28. Leps. New Year Dance break


The call signs sound again to continue the program, the presenter goes to the center

1. Fanfare sounds

Presenter: Dear guests, time is flying fast at our party! It feels like some wizard specially accelerated his progress... But who could it be? Surely the one who benefits from it. And this is beneficial only... correctly, to the symbol of the coming year, the Fiery one, or, as we jokingly called it, the Roasted Rooster! He is in a hurry, and we don’t mind, especially since we have already mentally said goodbye to the Monkey, which means we are focused and tuned to the future, new and happy! Are there those in the hall who also want to be especially noted this year? I invite five people to participate in our traditional fun event.

(participants come out, draw one of the pre-prepared cards with words and the name of their character)

- New Year's impromptu with chairs "Rooster, we are here!"

The essence of entertainment: there are six chairs on the “stage”, on which the participants are seated in random order. The presenter reads the text, every time one of the participants hears his character mentioned (in any case and number), he jumps up and, shouting his line loudly, runs around the chairs, then sits down on his chair again until he hears about your character. When the participants hear the word “Guests,” they all jump up and run together, shouting in unison the word “Pour!” If during the game someone makes a mistake, he is not removed and the game is not stopped - there are no losers in this venture, it is intended simply for the entertainment of guests and participants (although encouraging participants with small prizes will not hurt)

Characters and lines:

Monkey: “And who is without a flaw?!”

New Year: “Rooster, we are here!”

Holiday: “I’m such a prankster!”

Gifts: “Fly in!”

Santa Claus: “I brought gifts”

Guests: “Pour it!” (for all participants)

Impromptu text

How much our people love HOLIDAYS, so that GUESTS come, bring GIFTS, congratulate you on your birthday or HAPPY NEW YEAR!.............


- Table chant "Rooster of special purpose"

Presenter: I am sure that those who participated in this cheerful runner, the symbol of 2017, definitely noticed that this was good, only... “only this is not enough”! We need him to remember, and then not deprive everyone present in this room of his mercy, right!? This was his “special purpose” specifically for us. Therefore, let’s shout to him about it loudly, unanimously and decisively, right? So, I read the first four lines, and you all shout together the phrase: “special purpose” after the word Rooster, in every quatrain, of course. Then, let's go!


....... Presenter: And let your fire shine on us a little,

So that love reigns and children laugh,

There were changes for the better in finances and career,

You can do anything, Rooster...

All guests (in unison):...special purpose!......

- Video clip "New Year's anthem"

(guests sing the reworked comic text of the anthem against the background of a karaoke video clip, make wishes during the chimes and cheerfully clink glasses with each other)


- General dance entertainment "Snow and fire dances"

Leading up to the dance fun:

Presenter: Dear, the most wonderful guests in the world, this is how our program has imperceptibly approached the finale and, in order to put not just a beautiful point in it, but an exclamation mark, I ask you in unison, otherwise it cannot be, after everything that happened between us , go out to dance. field where we will arrange our now traditional dance battle, this time it will be dedicated to the future kingdom of the Fire Rooster in our snowy and harsh country. So, wall to wall! Our “Snow and Fire Dances” begin!

While they're leaving - sounds O. Wall to wall from the folder DANCE


To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (750 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below provides detailed information on how to obtain the full version of this script.

Convergence project in elementary school.

The main direction of the new educational standards is not just to give the student new knowledge and skills, but to teach them how to apply them and develop the child both during and after school hours. Convergent education is the basis of a new system of organization of modern education and science. With its help, students form a holistic understanding of nature, society, themselves, the sociocultural world and the world of activity, the role and place of each science in the system of sciences.

The basis of convergent education is educational and research activity, which is understood as the process of search creative activity of students, aimed at obtaining new knowledge and at realizing didactic learning goals, presupposing independence of students in carrying out research tasks. The goal of the project is to create an innovative educational environment that promotes the formation and development of modern science literacy among students.

The conditions for the formation of natural science competence of younger schoolchildren can be expressed in the words: “For the development of the childdecisive is not the formation of the product in the form of concepts and ideas, but thethe path taken to get there " This idea underlies the research focus of the educational process in primary school.

The principles of convergent education in primary school are:

    The relationship between theory and practice.

    Humanization of learning.

    Collaboration between teacher and student.

    Teaching a child to use and independently acquire knowledge.

    Intersubject and meta-subject in teaching.

    Research principle.

Focusing on the research principle of convergent education and the relationship between theory and practice, we implemented a school-wide convergent project:

"Space distances."

The Space Distances project was timed to coincide with the fiftieth anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Our students, together with teachers and parents, have done a great job of studying space topics, the history of Soviet cosmonautics, its successes and grandiose plans for the future.

On September 1, all classes had a lesson about the flight of the first artificial Earth satellite “PS” - 1

and the guys enthusiastically set about collecting material on the selected topics of the project.

Schoolchildren visited Moscow Planetariums and studied the secrets of space in the Museum of Cosmonautics:

Met with an engineer scientific research space center "Orion" - Alexander Kulakov, who revealed to us the secrets of creating new aircraft.

And for the guys’ problemsquestions about space exploration answered Alexander Ivanovich Laveikin, Hero of the Soviet Union, Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR. We got an interesting film with questions from the guys and the cosmonaut’s answers to them.

Based on the research materials, the children performed interestingprojects about astronauts, comets, asteroids and meteorites, about stars and constellations. First-graders decorated stands with their works on the 2nd floor of the school, and students of grades 2-4 organized poster presentations of projects:

Team 1 "A" class - "First cosmonaut Yu. Gagarin."

Chicherin Vasily 2 “B” class - “The first man in outer space.”

Chervonkina Ekaterina 3 “B” class - “Use of robots in space exploration.”

Lexin Alexander 4 “B” class - “Mysteries of the solar system.”

Throughout the year, the children, under the guidance of teachers and parents, developed drawings, models, and designs of future devices for the final stage of the “Space Distances” convergent education project -Engineering and Design Festival "Let's Build the Rocket of the Future."

It was a real cosmic holiday. For 2 hours, the children, together with their parents and class teachers, made spaceships.

The first-graders' spacecraft "Vostok Salyut - 7" rises into the sky with the help of balloons.

The Vostok-2 class 2 “A” rocket will carry information about the history of Russia’s space victories.

Interstellar apparatus 2 “B” of the “Sparkling” class will tell other worlds about the beauty of our Earth.

Rockets 4 “A” of the “Upward Movement” class and 4 “B” of the “Strela” class are about the originality and creativity of our younger generation.

And the 3rd grade rocket “Firebird” will tell about the wonderful school “Firebird” and its kind, sympathetic students.

We still have a long way to go. We will grow, learn, improve and develop our abilities. But we will never forget our first steps into the “space distances”.

Primary school teacher, GBOU School No. 324 “Firebird”, Moscow Korovyakova Galina Viktorovna.


The article discusses the development and research of a convergent model of the information educational environment to support the processes of lifelong education. The main task is to synchronize and harmonize the life cycles of educational programs, electronic educational resources and student qualification levels. The convergent model of the information educational environment determines the integration of educational technologies on the basis of a unified information and educational platform, an information presentation system, a knowledge assessment system, and an educational process management system. The convergent education model defines the convergence of competencies acquired by various specialists within the life cycle of their own skill levels and professional knowledge. To implement the life cycles of educational programs, electronic educational resources and levels of specialist training, a unified platform for the information educational environment has been developed based on the integration of content management and learning management systems.


intellectual educational environment

educational program

life cycle

electronic educational resource

convergent education

2. Convergence. URL:

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Scientific and technological progress and the process of evolution of information technology platforms necessitate the rapid updating of educational and methodological complexes, which is impossible without the use of modern information technologies. The processes of continuous training of specialists, creation and development of educational programs (EP), electronic educational resources (EER), with the constantly changing requirements of educational standards and employers, are closely related and require comprehensive synchronization and automation to improve the quality of education. Trends in the education system are aimed at the implementation and use of:

Mobile devices (laptops, smartphones, tablets, Smart Watch and Google Glass) and mobile learning technologies,

Cloud learning technologies (Google Classroom, Moodle, Blackboard, Mobile Electronic School tools, etc.),

Blended learning technologies in real classrooms and virtual environments,

Gamification technologies for the implementation of a game form of the educational process.

New technologies define a convergent model of an intelligent educational environment (Smart Learning Environment - SLE) for the integration and synchronization of heterogeneous educational resources and learning systems in support of electronic (e-learning), mobile (m-learning), cloud learning, mixed technologies (blended learning) and ubiquitous education. The need for research in this area of ​​knowledge is determined by the evolutionary development of information and telecommunication technologies towards the development of pervasive networks and technologies for ubiquitous access 4A (Anytime, Anythere, Anything, Anybody) to educational content.

The term “convergence” in the context of the article means the process of convergence of educational programs, standards, electronic educational resources, learning management systems and various educational technologies, due to the need to introduce interdisciplinary training in the process of continuous training of specialists. The convergence process is associated with the development of information and communication technologies, since since the 1990s. There is a tendency towards the integration of computer, telecommunications and multimedia technologies and the interpenetration of information technologies, when innovations appear in an interdisciplinary field of knowledge.

The convergent approach is also defined as NBIC-convergence (N - nano, B - bio, I - info, C - cognito) of nano-, bio-, information and cognitive technologies based on their system-synergistic integration. The term was introduced in 2002 by scientists M. Roco and W. Bainbridge, who identified the features of NBIC convergence and analyzed its role in the development of civilization. Currently, social technologies are being integrated into the concept, with the help of which behavioral, speech, psychological and other human abilities are studied. The convergence of social, cognitive and information technologies allows us to talk about a new convergent model of the educational process. At the same time, cognitive and social technologies are a system of methods and algorithms that model and enhance the cognitive abilities of students when solving practical problems.

Convergence in education can be implemented at different levels depending on the scope of application, which allows us to define its following types:

a) educational and technological convergence in terms of rapprochement and convergence of educational technologies, life cycle models (LC) of EP and EER;

b) educational and methodological convergence in terms of rapprochement and convergence of EP of different specialties and electronic educational resources in different disciplines;

c) professional convergence in terms of bringing together competencies for various types of professional activities and employer requirements;

d) organizational convergence in terms of bringing together learning content management systems (LCMS), learning management systems (LMS), learning activity management systems (LAMS);

e) cognitive-creative convergence in terms of bringing together creative and cognitive technologies in the training of specialists for professional activities.

The result of convergence is the evolutionary development of the information and educational environment towards the integration of different educational platforms, services and technologies. The basic infrastructure of convergent education is an intellectual educational environment (IEE), which should support the process of lifelong learning in the form of an integral cycle, including study, research, creativity, analysis, discussion, publication, project activities, etc.

The convergent IOS model defines the convergence, convergence, and integration of educational technologies on the basis of a single technological platform with a unified system for presenting educational content, a knowledge assessment system, and an educational process management system. The model implements the processes:

1. Convergence of life cycle models of EP, electronic educational resources and levels of specialist training;

2. The process of convergence of educational technologies (e-learning, m-learning, cloud learning, blended learning, ubiquitous learning) based on a single IOS.

3. The process of integrating cross-platform LMS, LAMS, LCMS with a unified cloud storage system for educational content and unified universal access from mobile devices.

4. The process of integration and adaptation of IOS management and administration mechanisms while ensuring information security.

It is known that various EPs go through life cycles (LCs), during which they converge in relation to the need for mandatory development of competencies in the field of information and telecommunication technologies. Almost all life cycles correspond to the iterative development model. In the process of implementing educational programs, many electronic educational resources are used, which also undergo their own life cycles and tend to converge educational content.

Rice. 1. Methodology for creating OP

Rice. 2. Life cycle synchronization scheme

The convergent education model determines the convergence of competencies acquired by various specialists within the life cycle of their own skill levels and professional knowledge. The life cycle of a specialist includes professional activity (performance of job duties) and training (advanced training). For professional activities, a specialist must have a basic educational level, which he receives during training in higher education programs or secondary vocational education. However, scientific and technological progress, change of position, change in labor functions, etc. require improvement of existing or acquisition of new competencies, which often lie beyond the qualifications of a specialist. Obtaining new competencies often requires mastering interdisciplinary knowledge, which is the essence of the convergent model of lifelong education. A specialist must also constantly engage in self-education so that his competencies meet the constantly changing requirements of employers. However, self-education alone is often not enough to gain new competencies. In this case, the specialist needs to undergo training in additional programs within his specialization, or in new programs when changing his specialty. At the same time, EP must be coordinated and synchronized with the current level of specialist training and with the changing requirements of employers. Requirements for EP for training and retraining of specialists are also based on the requirements of educational standards. The life cycle of the OP is influenced by:

a) job responsibilities,

b) competency programs,

c) gaps in the education of specialists identified during certification, etc.

Rice. 3. Graph model of life cycle synchronization

Within the framework of the convergent model, a methodology for creating, synchronizing and coordinating EP in various areas of specialist training has been developed (Fig. 1).

The first step in creating an OP is to analyze the requirements of employers. The next step in creating an EP is collecting information about electronic educational resources that can be used in the learning process. Next, the EP, its structure and content are developed, which are taken into account when synthesizing the ESM. In addition to the EP, it is necessary to create assessment tools for compliance with the requirements of standards and employers to determine the degree of its readiness for the implementation of the educational process or the need for improvement.

In the process of implementing the EP, educational technologies are selected and training is planned, including drawing up a schedule and schedule of classes. The next step is to conduct training using ESM. The implementation of the EP is completed by assessing the acquired competencies of the trainees. The methodology allows you to create educational programs adapted to the changing requirements of employers, legislation and educational standards.

In IOS, the main components for mastering most EPs are electronic educational resources. Therefore, the requirements of standards and employers are actually requirements for ESM and, therefore, the life cycle of OP is closely related to the life cycle of ESM.

The ESM life cycle includes the stages of creation, use, modernization and obsolescence. The creation process begins with an analysis of technical requirements (formats and technologies, information materials, regulatory documents), requirements of the educational program and the conditions for its implementation (learning technologies, requirements for the content of electronic educational resources). Based on the analysis, the ESM is designed. Further steps are implementation (taking into account the refined structure and content of OP materials), integration of ESM components, testing and verification of ESM, verification, publication and maintenance.

Thus, the basic process of lifelong education is the synchronization and coordination of EP, electronic educational resources and qualification levels of specialists to implement ways of mastering new competencies from various fields of knowledge within the framework of a convergent education model. The life cycle synchronization scheme is shown in Fig. 2.

To formalize the process of synchronization of EP, EOR and specialist, a graph model was developed (Fig. 3). The model represents an oriented pseudograph M = (F, S, X)), where F corresponds to the definition of life cycle synchronization as a pseudograph, S is the adjacency matrix, X is the incidence matrix.

To implement the life cycle of EP, electronic educational resources and levels of specialist training, a unified IOS platform has been developed based on the integration of content management systems (CMS Alfresco) and a learning management system (LMS Moodle). Within the framework of the convergent IOS model, a cloud storage model for educational content has been developed. The convergent model is a platform for harmonizing and synchronizing models of educational programs, electronic educational resources and levels of specialist training in terms of continuous training and retraining of specialists.

The results of the work were obtained with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research under grants No. 16-07-00031, 17-307-50010.

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URL: (access date: 12/17/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"