Synopsis of a frontal lesson in a senior speech therapy group.

Summary of frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group

Theme: Autumn


  • Develop observation, attention, thinking.
  • Practice agreeing verbs with nouns in gender and number.
  • Learn to form nouns with a diminutive suffix.
  • Exercise children in agreeing numerals with nouns.
  • Practice using prepositions (on, under, about, behind, before).
  • Practice writing simple sentences.
  • Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Equipment: planar image of the area with various obstacles (river, ravine, path); figurines of a fox, bear, hare, hedgehog, mouse; a picture with the image of Baba Yaga; counting sticks; ball; cut-out pictures (mushrooms), a picture of autumn, a model of a tree.

Progress of the lesson.

Organization of the start of the lesson.

Speech therapist. Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now? (Children's answers).

Depict Early Autumn. Early Autumn has a light gait and a cheerful face. She is joyful, generous, kind, beautiful. Depict Late Autumn. Late Autumn is sad, sad, driven by winter. Depict a crying Autumn.

Oh, guys, do you hear someone crying? Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga. I know who is crying, it is Autumn who is crying. I locked her in the house and won’t let her out, may there always be Summer. You do not want? Then follow the path and complete all the tasks. If you can handle it, then I will let your Autumn go.

Speech therapist. Well, guys, let's help Autumn? Oh, who's that on our way? This is a red fox - beauty.

Fox. Guys, I'm bored. Let's play the game “Say Kindly” with you. Ball game:

Leaf - leaf,

Mushroom - mushroom,

Berry - berry,

Tree - tree,

Grass - grass

Bush - bush,

Stump - stump,

Cloud - cloud.

Fox. Thanks guys for playing with me. I give you an autumn leaf, you will need it.

The hare runs out.

Hare. Guys, hello. I became completely forgetful. I found a picture and I don’t know what is true in it and what is not? Can you help me guess? (Game “Nonsense”).

Hare. Thanks guys, you helped me. For this I give you a leaf, it will be useful to you.

A bear appears.

Bear. Oh guys, help. I’ve become somewhat old, and inattentive. Let's play with you. You are smart and attentive children. Correct my mistakes. If this happens in the fall, then you nod your head, and if it doesn’t happen, then turn your head from side to side.

The leaves are turning yellow.

Strong wind blows.

Snow is melting.

It's raining.

Streams are running.

Buds appear on the trees.

Children are sledding.

Leaves are falling from the trees.

Leaves rustle underfoot.

Bear. Well done, you completed my task. For this I give you a leaf. You will need it.

Speech therapist. Guys, you are a little tired, let's take a rest.

Physical education minute.

The north wind blew:

"Ssssss", all the leaves

Blown off the linden tree... (Move your fingers and blow on them.)

They flew and spun

And they sank to the ground.

The rain began to patter on them:

“Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!” (Tap your fingers on the table.)

The hail hammered on them,

It pierced all the leaves. (Knock on the table with your fists.)

Then the snow fell, (Smooth movements of the hands forward and backward.)

He covered them with a blanket. (Press your palms firmly to the table.)

A hedgehog appears.

Hedgehog. Hello guys, I'm in trouble. I was picking mushrooms and picking them, and the wind blew and broke them all. You will help me collect them. (Children collect cut-out pictures). Well done guys, you helped me. I give you a sheet. You will need it.

Speech therapist. Guys, look what's ahead? Ravine. How can we get through it? Let's build a bridge. But what to build it from?

A mouse appears.

Mouse. I will help you, for every correct answer I will give you a log. (A model of a tree, there are flowers on it, apples under it, a wolf behind it, a fox on the right, etc.). Children's answers. Well done guys, I give you a sheet, you will need it.

Be careful on your toes

You can cross the bridge.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Don't roll out the logs.

Baba Yaga. And here you are. What do you have? Autumn leaves? Count them correctly, then I will let Autumn go.

Children believe that Baba Yaga is letting go of Autumn.


I bring in the harvests, I re-sow the fields,

I send the birds south, I strip the trees,

But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines.

So who am I? I...(autumn).

Thank you guys for freeing me. For this I will treat you with my gifts (apples).

teacher speech therapist

Zvereva Olga Nikolaevna

MKDOU kindergarten No. 172, Novosibirsk


Correctional and educational:

  • activate and consolidate vocabulary on the topic “Trees”;
  • development of inflection and word formation skills;
  • development of lexical and grammatical skills, exercise in the use of relative and complex adjectives, in coordinating them in gender, number, case;

Correctional and developmental:

  • improvement of the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking,
  • development of general, fine and facial motor skills, emotional-volitional sphere through the use of elements of psycho-gymnastics, massage, logorhythmics.

Correctional and educational:

  • cultivate self-control;
  • cultivate a desire to actively work in class.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.


Guys, please tell me, what time of year is it now? (Autumn)

Let's imagine that we are all autumn leaves. We are all different in shape, we grew on different trees and we are all different colors and shades. And also autumn leaves can have different moods: cheerful, sad, angry. Leaves can be dreamy, enthusiastic or surprised. Let's depict the different emotions of autumn leaves.

Some leaves started a fun game. Let's portray fun and joy!

And others laugh at the fun game.

Someone is sad about the past summer. Let's pretend to be sad.

And someone is angry at the wind, which tore him from his native branch.

Someone was surprised when a bird sat on a branch. Let's act surprised.

Well done guys, they perfectly conveyed the emotions of autumn leaves.

II. Main part.

1. View the presentation “Autumn Forest”. Subject message.

Guys, let's sit down at the tables and look at the screen, I have prepared a short film for you and I invite you to watch it. (view presentation, COMMENTS)

Guys, what did we just see on the screen? (forest, trees, autumn)

And what do you think we will talk about today? (About trees).

Yes, right.

2. Didactic game “Name the tree.”

On the board there are subject-themed pictures.

Differentiation of deciduous and coniferous trees.

Let's remember what types of trees there are (deciduous, coniferous)

Why are deciduous trees called that? (why conifers?)

Guys, let's look at the board and name the deciduous trees. (Birch, linden, aspen, maple, poplar, willow, rowan). And now coniferous trees. (Fur tree, pine tree).

Okay guys, you completed this task.

3. D/game “Parts of a tree”.

Let's remember what trees are made of, name and show the parts of the tree. (Name and show: roots, trunk, bark, branches, leaves, crown, fruits (catkins, seeds, acorns, cones, nuts, berries).

Well done, you know well what trees are made of.

4. D/game “Say with the word “autumn” (with a ball).

Guys, let's play with you a little, I throw a ball to one of you and say a word. And you repeat my word, but with the word “autumn” and return the ball to me.

leaf - ...autumn leaf
branch - ... autumn branch
tree - ... autumn tree
forest - ... autumn forest
grove - ... autumn grove
bouquet – ... autumn bouquet.

Well done!

5. D/game “Choose words - signs.”

Guys, let's look at the trees and find beautiful words, how can we say about trees? What are they? For example, what kind of birch?

  • birch (what?) –... slender, white-trunked, curly
  • oak (which?) –... mighty, powerful, strong, hardy
  • rowan -... thin, elegant, beautiful
  • maple – ...carved, beautiful, curly, shady
  • linden – ...beautiful, sticky, healing
  • willow -... spreading, weeping
  • spruce, pine (which ones?) –... evergreen, prickly, fragrant, coniferous.

Guys, tell me why they say that...

  • curly birch?
  • mighty oak
  • prickly spruce
  • shady maple

Well done guys, you completed this task well.

6. D/game “Which branch are the kids from?”

Guys, I have fallen leaves here, I’ll give them to you now and we’ll look at them and determine which trees these leaves fell from?

What tree is this leaf from? So what is he like?

  • from birch - birch leaf
  • from aspen - aspen leaf
  • from oak – oak leaf
  • from linden - linden leaf
  • from maple - maple leaf.

And you coped with this task perfectly.

7. D/game “Choose words - actions.”

Tell me, please, what do the leaves do in the fall? (...turn yellow, turn red, rustle, wither, fall, spin, dry, rustle).

Well done.

8. Physical exercise “Autumn leaves”.

Guys, let's take a little rest, get up from your seats and come here. Look here there are a lot of fallen leaves, take two leaves in one hand and the other, and repeat after me.

We, autumn leaves,
They sat on the branches,
The wind blew and they flew.
We were flying, we were flying
And they sat down quietly on the ground.
The wind came again
And I picked up all the leaves,
Twisted them around
And he lowered it to the ground.

Leaf fall!

Well done, leave some leaves, come to me and take a look...

9. D/game – classification.

Guys, look and tell me, what do we see here? (Lots of oaks)

Tell me, what is the name of the forest where the oak trees grow? (Dubrava)

(Also: Many pines - pine forest; many birches - birch grove)

Well done! Tell me, what is the name of the forest in which all the trees grow? (mixed)

Now I’m going to suggest you make a mixed forest from different trees, let’s sit down at the tables... but before you make a mixed forest, tell me what’s on your tables? (bumps)…

10. Massage with the gifts of nature.

Guys, let's recharge ourselves with energy from the gifts of nature - let's massage our hands with cones. Repeat after me.

Circular movements of the bump are performed between the palms and the back of the hands, accompanied by speech.

You pine cones
Give it to all the kids
Strength and health
Dexterity, beauty,
Joy and fun
Intelligence and kindness!

Well done, put the cones in the basket...

11. Task for the development of fine motor skills.

Now take the bags in which each of you has a cut-out picture of a tree, each with their own. You must collect these pictures.

(collect cut pictures)

Okay, now name the tree you got. So we have a mixed forest.

Well done! Well, now it’s time to go to the group, since our lesson is coming to an end. Let's say goodbye to the trees and wish them all the best. I will tell you what to wish, and you must repeat these wishes when addressing the trees.

Wish the trees that they...

  • grew - grow
  • get healthy - get healthy
  • turn green - turn green

III. Summary of the lesson.

Okay, what did we talk about today? (About trees).

Assessment of children's activities in the classroom.

All the children studied well today, answered, and completed the assignments. The lesson is over.

Shurshova Yu.G.,
teacher speech therapist

Topic: “Case constructions”.

Dative case of nouns in singular.

Goals: Teach children to correctly use the dative case form of singular nouns without a preposition, to form

A noun in the dative case from a noun in the nominative case.

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.The speech therapist distributes pictures for individual work and asks the children to answer to whom he gives the picture. Children make up sentences like this: “You give the picture to Sveta (Ira, Tanya, Kolya, etc.).”

1. Game “Who needs these things?”

On the speech therapist’s table is a centimeter, needles and threads, a syringe, a calculator, curlers, a pointer, etc. On the typesetting canvas are pictures with images

people of different professions (teacher, cook, dressmaker, nurse, etc.) - After the names of professions in the nominative case have been clarified, the speech therapist asks: “Who needs a centimeter and a needle and thread (pointer, syringe, etc.)?” (All new words are pronounced in chorus.) Children answer the question, highlighting the ending of the last word, for example: “The dressmaker needs a centimeter.”

2. Game “What was Petya happy about?”

The speech therapist tells the children that one boy, Petya, recently had a birthday. Petya received many gifts and was very happy with them all. The speech therapist puts toys out of a box on the table - a teddy bear, a robot, a car, a construction set, etc. Children first say their names, and then make up sentences - answers to the questionWhy was Petya happy?The ending of the last word is also highlighted.

3. Inclusion of a noun in the dative case into a sentence. The speech therapist places story pictures on the typesetting canvas one by one and asks the children to answer approximately the following questions:

Who is Lena writing a letter to?

Who does grandma knit a sweater for?

Who is Kolya bringing flowers to?

Who did the boy help?

Children make up sentences, highlighting the endings of the last words.

4. Dynamic pause.Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist is in the center. Every time, throwing a ball to one of them, the speech therapist asks this child to correct Dunno’s mistakes and say the correct sentence. (Says the following phrases: “We’ll give hay to the cat,” “We’ll give meat to the goat,” “We’ll give oats to the dog,” etc.) Children catch the ball and, returning it to the speech therapist, say the correct sentence.

5. Game "Magic Forest".

The speech therapist invites the children to go to a magical forest, where animals are friends, visit each other, and talk. The children have pictures on their tables with images of different animals (hedgehog, wolf, badger, fox, lynx, etc.). The children call them.

The speech therapist reads a poem:

Sews clothes deftly and dashingly

Masha is a little fox dressmaker.

Then he asks: “Who does the fox sew clothes for?”

Children make sentences about each animal shown in the pictures.

Another version of the poem:

The cook pours the squirrel

Soup in different bowls.

Question: “Who does the squirrel pour soup for?”

In sentences composed by children, the ending of the names of animals is highlighted with a voice.

6. Summarizeclasses, children's activities are assessed.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

summary of frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group for children with general speech underdevelopment.

Summary of frontal speech therapy classes in the senior group for teaching coherent speech

Classes help to learn the plural of nouns, form adjectives, coordinate adjectives with nouns, develop verbal-logical thinking, coherent speech...

Purpose of the lesson: Expanding and clarifying ideas about the professions of people working in kindergarten....

Prepared by: Tatyana Vladimirovna Kolpashchikova, teacher-speech therapist of the first qualification category of MBDOU No. 11 in Salavat.

a). Correctional and educational: clarify and activate children’s vocabulary on the topic "Pets" , their appearance, lifestyle, habits. Improving the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns in singular and plural; formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes; use of nouns in the form of solid p. and r. cases).

b). Corrective and developmental: development of dialogic speech, auditory attention, visual gnosis and constructive praxis, thinking, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.

V). Correctional and educational: developing skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, responsibility. Fostering love and respect for living nature.

Equipment: tape recorder, disc with recordings of the voices of pets, subject pictures with images of pets and their cubs, envelopes with puzzles "Pets" , ball, animal food: bottle of milk, hay, oats, bone, carrot, cabbage; painting "Barnyard" .

Preliminary work: viewing pictures of domestic animals and their babies. A conversation about the benefits of pets. Performing articulation gymnastics exercises in individual lessons with a speech therapist.

Vocabulary work:

A). Enrichment of vocabulary: puppy, calf, little rabbit, kid, foal, piglet.

b). Activation of vocabulary: barnyard, shepherd, oats.


  1. Nishcheva N.V. Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the senior group of kindergarten for children with special needs development. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-press, 2007.
  2. Nishcheva N.V. System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-press, 2013.
  3. Bykova N.M. Games and exercises for speech development. St. Petersburg, Detstvo-press, 2010.
  4. Game didactic material for introducing children to the world around them. Issue 3. "Pets" .

Expected result: identify domestic animals and their cubs, be able to correctly form nouns in the plural, define "Who's the odd one out" , form possessive adjectives, know the homes of domestic animals.

Form of work.

I Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Say hello to the guests,
Smile at everyone around you.
Give your hand to the friend on the left
And hurry up and stand around.

And now to the neighbor on the right
Give me your hand too quickly.
We will study in the morning
Wish you all a good morning.

Children stand in a circle.

Speech therapist: Name them.

1st child: The dog is barking.

2nd child: The cow moos.

3rd child: The horse is neighing.

4th child: The cat meows.

5th child: The goat is bleating.

6th child: The pig grunts.

Speech therapist: I think you have already guessed who we will talk about today.

Children: About pets.

Speech therapist: Why are they called pets?

Children: Because they live next to a person, he feeds them, waters them, takes care of them.

Speech therapist: Yes, we will continue to talk about pets. And so that our tongue can help us with this, we’ll do articulatory gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics "Pets" .

Speech therapist: This story is about how one day a tongue met a kitten.

  1. Early in the morning, Tongue went out to sit on the porch (Spatula).
  2. Warming up, the tongue reached out to the sun, then to the grass. (The tip of the tongue is pulled to the nose, then to the chin).
  3. The fresh wind invigorated the tongue (Blow on the wide tip of the tongue).
  4. Suddenly, from under the porch, our tongue heard a meow (meow), saw a kitten and stroked it affectionately (imitate stroking with a hand).
  5. The kitten got scared and arched its back (Slide). Tongue brought him a cup of milk (Cup).
  6. The kitten began to greedily lap up the milk and licked its lips (Delicious jam).
  7. The kitten arched his back again, but from pleasure (Slide) and purred (Purr).
  8. Then they rode on the swings together (Swing) and played football (Football).

II. Main part.

1. Working with puzzles.

(The children have puzzles on the tables).

Speech therapist: Look, I see some pictures lying in front of you, collect them and see who is hiding there?

1 child: I have a cow.

Speech therapist: What benefits does a cow bring? (The cow gives milk).

Child 2: I have a dog.

Speech therapist: What benefits does a dog bring? (The dog guards the house).

3rd child: I have a cat.

Speech therapist: What benefits does a cat bring? (The cat catches mice).

4th child: I have a pig.

Speech therapist: What benefits does a pig bring? (The pig gives meat).

5th child: I have a goat.

Speech therapist: What benefits does a goat bring? (The goat gives milk and wool).

6th child: I have a horse.

Speech therapist: What benefits does a horse bring? (The horse gives kumys. It also carries various loads).

2. Game “Who has who?”

There's a knock on the door. A sad shepherd comes in and says hello.

Speech therapist: Shepherd, why are you so sad?

Shepherd: I herded animals and their young. Everyone was near their mothers, but the cubs got mixed up. Help find a mother for your cubs.

Speech therapist: Guys, can we help?

(Pictures of adult animals on the board, pictures with babies on the table. Children take turns coming up, taking a picture with a baby and attaching it to the adult animal on a magnetic board).

3. Outdoor game "In the meadow" .

Shepherd: Thank you for helping me. I'm very happy and want to play with you.

Plays with children to a song "Grazing in the meadow" .

The shepherd says goodbye and leaves.

4. Finger gymnastics "Pets" .

Speech therapist: Now get your fingers ready, we’ll play with them.

The cow has horns (place index fingers to forehead).

And hooves on my feet (knocking their fists on their knees).

She chews grass (fists clench and unclench).

Gives milk to children (palms rub together).

Who lives in the village? (make a roof from your palms).

Lazyboka - red cat (bend fingers one by one).

Little calf
Fast foal
Faithful dog
White sheep,

One two three four five

(bend your fingers back).

5. Ball game "Whose. Whose. Whose?" .

Speech therapist: We played with our fingers, they became dexterous. And now let's play a game with a ball: "Whose. Whose. Whose?" .

horse mane (Whose?)(Horse).
Dog head (Whose?)(Doggystyle).
cat tail (Whose?)(Feline)
Goat horns (Whose?)(Goat).

Cow's milk (Whose?)(Cow).
pig piglet (Whose?)(Pig).

6. Game "Who's the odd one out" .

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the animals you named who came to visit you. Name them.

The speech therapist holds a tray on which the animals stand.

Children: Cow, pig, dog, cat, bear, goat.

Speech therapist: Who is the odd one out here?

Children: An extra bear, because a bear is a wild animal, and all other animals are domestic animals.

7. Game "Who is missing" .

Speech therapist: Now let’s play hide and seek with our pets. Name them, remember them, close your eyes.

Speech therapist: Who is missing?

Children: No cat, etc. 3-4 times.

8. Game “Who will we treat with what?” .

Speech therapist: Guys who care for pets.

Children: Pets are cared for by a person.

Speech therapist: Do you know what to feed your pets? Select a treat for your pet and place it next to it.

1st child: I will treat the cat with milk.
2nd child: I will treat the cow with hay.
3rd child: I will treat the horse to oats.
4th child: I will treat the dog with a bone.

5th child: I will treat the rabbit to a carrot.
6th child: I will treat the pig with vegetables.

Speech therapist: Well done.

9. Game "Who lives where" .

(Using a presentation on a computer "Whose house?" )

Speech therapist: Guys, you fed the animals, and now it’s time for them to go to their home. Look at the picture and name who lives where.

1 child: This is a horse. The horse lives in a stable.
Child 2: This is a dog. The dog lives in a kennel.
Child 3: This is a cow. The cow lives in a barn.
Child 4: This is a sheep. A sheep lives in a sheepfold.

Child 5: This is a pig. The pig lives in a pigsty.
Child 6: This is a cat. The cat lives in the house.

III. Summary of the lesson. Surprise moment.

Speech therapist: Well done, you did everything correctly. Tell me, what did we do in class? (Children list).

There's a knock on the door. A shepherd enters.

Shepherd: Guys, I heard you talk about domestic animals, what benefits they bring to people. What benefits does a cow bring?

Children: Milk.

Shepherd: What is made from milk?

Children: Kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, cocktail.

Shepherd: That's right, well done, and I brought you a delicious, healthy, children's, healthy cocktail.

(The shepherd treats the children).

Synopsis of a frontal lesson in a senior speech therapy group.

Topic: "Toys".

Target: formation of the lexical and grammatical system of speech.

Correctional educational tasks.

    Clarify children’s ideas about toys, their purpose, details and parts of which they consist; the materials from which they are made.

    Clarify and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Toys”.

    Learn to use words - signs in a simple phrase.

    Practice agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

    Exercise in the coordination and practical application of nouns. with pronoun MY MY.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

    Develop verbal communication skills.

    Develop auditory attention and perception, thinking, memory.

    Develop gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational tasks.

    Develop communication and activity skills (listen carefully to the answers of other children, complete tasks according to instructions).

    To develop skills of cooperation, interaction, and goodwill in the game and in the classroom.

    Foster independence and initiative.

Equipment: toys, different in material, shape, color; musical toys; cubes; pictures – coloring pages on the topic; colour pencils; ball; chips; screen.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Organizational point:

Greetings. Here's a small ball. Let's pass it from hand to hand and wish good morning. (Good morning, Katya. Good morning, Vanya. Etc.). Good morning, children!

Fingers say hello. Children take turns connecting their fingers into a ring, saying:

The big one is a pointer,

Big is the middle

Big - nameless,

Big - little finger.

2. Main part.

Today we are going to the toy store. Guess what toys greet us?

Game “Guess the riddle, get the answer”

All made of plastic
It has a propeller.
If someone plays with him,

He flies around the apartment. (Helicopter)

He has two wings
Like a bird, like an eagle.
Its body is shiny.

It's like he's real. (Airplane)

There are girls hiding in this young woman,

Each sister is a dungeon for the smaller one. Red cheeks, colorful scarves.

Merry...Matryoshka dolls clap their hands.

He ran away from me

My cheerful ringing... Ball.

Wears dresses
Doesn't ask for food
Always obedient

But it's not boring with her. (doll)

The funny animal is made of plush,
There are paws and there are ears.
Give the beast some honey.
And make him a den. (Teddy bear)

Little gray animal
Long-eared clubfoot.
Well, guess who he is.
And give him a carrot! (Bunny.)

So that she can ride
I'll help her get going.
I push her with my hand

I choose the speed myself. (car)

Game “1, 2, 3 – get chips”(Use of features: color, shape, size, material in a simple phrase, agreement of adj. with noun.)

Children match features to their toy and receive a chip for each feature.

For example: I have an iron car. I have a big doll. I have a round ball. Etc.

Pay special attention to word formation MULTI-COLORED matryoshka Explain to children the meaning of this word.

Game "Petya - Greedy"(noun agreement with pronouns MY, MY)

Peter ran to the toys,

He collected them all in a heap.

My bear, my car, my ball, my Pinocchio!

I won't give them to anyone.

Well, sit down and play them yourself.

How did Peter shout about his toys? Let's also turn into "greedy" for a while.

Children say: my helicopter, my doll, etc.

Finger gymnastics(Development of fine motor skills, sense of rhyme)

On a large sofa in a row
Tanina's dolls are sitting:
Two bears, Pinocchio
And cheerful Chippolino,
And a kitten and a baby elephant. 1,2,3,4,5
Let's help our Tanya
We count the toys!

Game “Arrange the toys correctly”(Development of auditory attention, memory)

Place a car, a doll, and an airplane in a row.

Games with musical toys.

The ball rolled and stopped near the musical toys. Why are they called musical?

Game "Guess what it sounds like?"(Development of auditory attention and phonemic perception)

A speech therapist plays musical instruments behind a screen, and the children guess.

Game "Quiet - Loud"(Development of voice power)

I play with the guys and turn everyone into bells. Children say quietly or loudly: “Ding - ding - ding”

Game "Drummers"(development of a sense of rhythm)

I play with the guys, turning them all into drummers. Children repeat the rhythms.

3. Summary of the lesson. Where have we been today? What were they talking about? I give you drawings of toys, and you choose what color you will paint them with. I'll draw a yellow ball...