When a child doesn't want to read. If the child does not want to read

Many parents are faced with the fact that children in primary school do not want to read. This is more likely a psychological characteristic of children of this age than a problem. Knowing these features, you can easily resolve the current situation. Just call me and make an appointment with a child psychologist and everything will be OK!

The childhood of our children is significantly different from yours and mine. It's hard to argue with this fact. Being in a saturated information flow from birth, children, growing up, have much more entertainment and sources of a wide variety of information than we did in our time. As a result, most children today do not want or like to read. But there are so many incredibly interesting, incredible and absolutely stunning books in the world! And if a child doesn’t want to read, it sounds very sad. But the child is still small and there is still time to teach him to read.

What to do if a child does not read?

Based on my many years of experience, I would like to say that of the many skills that children are taught, the love of reading is perhaps one of the most sensitive areas.

Sometimes parents require their child to read independently when there is no initial interest in reading or a book. They themselves did not take care in advance to ensure that this interest appeared and became established, and now it is quite understandable that the child does not have a corresponding desire. Let’s say parents repeatedly explain to their son or daughter how important it is to learn to read, but at the same time the child sees that the parents themselves rarely read, but spend more time watching TV, setting an example for the child; it is not possible to teach him to do something that you yourself do not do. !They see a careless attitude towards books: they gather dust in the closet or are lying around, used for other purposes than for their intended purpose, like a stand for pots. The culture of handling books is established in the family. There are houses where numerous volumes stand decorously on shelves and are part of the interior. Parents here can also talk a lot about the benefits of reading and the value of books. Gradually the child gets used to “appreciating » household books, like an elegant expensive vase or antique trinkets that you can admire and admire , but it's better not to touch. Certainly , There are other families in which conversations about the meaning of the book are simply not necessary. The child often sees his parents reading a book, they exchange impressions about what they have read, are happy about buying an interesting book, which is a positive trend towards book love.

It must be admitted that independent reading is difficult for children at first. How simple everything seemed to the child before: just learn the letters, and you can read. But what a disappointment awaited him: he knows everything about the letters, they even form syllables, but he just can’t read them. But the child wants to read now and just as well as his mother! After all, he doesn’t know that it was just as difficult for adults at one time.

Everything is important in reading: who teaches, how they teach, if parents do it - do they have accurate information, do they know teaching techniques, etc. For some, the ability to read comes immediately; it is enough just to show how it is done, and after 5-8 lessons the child is reading, which means that he already had an internal readiness, everything in him was ripe for reading. But this is not always the case; most children still need to be taught to read, and here it is important to stock up on knowledge and patience. This may surprise someone - “What other knowledge? Take an ABC book and teach!” This is one of the main mistakes.

But, unfortunately, many adults have also forgotten how difficult it was for them to make their first attempts at independent reading as children. In addition, there is a constant lack of time, there are plenty of other things to do. And the adults begin to get angry. And the comparison with neighbor Sasha, who has been reading books himself for a long time, is on the tip of his tongue. And in the end, irritation finally takes over, and mom concludes: “So you’ll never learn to read.” The child sees his mother’s dissatisfaction and also worries: “I’ll never learn to read. It's too difficult." And who wants to fail? And there is a protest, a reluctance to learn to read. Then everything will go through force. Parents complain: “I just don’t know what to do anymore, he doesn’t want to, that’s all. You’ll have to force him, since he doesn’t understand in a good way.” They force and scold. And the secret of the book disappeared for the child, only nasty letters and words remained... Some parents, experiencing the child’s first failure, feel sorry for him and decide not to repeat attempts at learning. “It’s better to read it ourselves, and the teachers will teach it when the time comes.” But by pushing the problem aside, you do not solve it, which means that most likely after a while it will arise again, and even worsen. The child’s desire to read independently will noticeably weaken. So, what will help parents and children overcome the difficult situation of starting to read?

First of all, parents should not immediately distance themselves from the reading process and take the position of only a listener. As my professional experience shows, the technique of reading together is very helpful at first. For example, first the child reads the word from the title, then the parents read it, then he will be happy to read another title himself, with minimal help from adults, then the parents read the text. After some time, you can be attracted to reading a short paragraph. Further, selectively in paragraphs, then he, then you. So, gradually, changing roles - now the listener, now the reader, you increase the amount of what the child reads from a few sentences to a chapter. Having felt that the child can read more on his own, but does not dare, present him with this opportunity, for example, by finding some excuse to move away from the book. You can, having reached an interesting place, suddenly “REMEMBER” that you urgently need to defrost the refrigerator, wash the dishes, iron. If at the same time you experience psychological discomfort or something doesn’t work out for you, then you need to contact a child psychologist by calling me by phone and sign up for a psychological consultation.

If you yourself love to read, share with your child your impressions of the book you read, you can read to your child an interesting passage from the book that is understandable for his age. Encourage your child to share what he has read, discuss the characters of a fairy tale or story. For evening reading, let your child choose a book and take turns reading it to each other.

If you want your child to read with pleasure, then read books to him at night with the same pleasure. Start early so you have time to discuss what you read. Even if your child has learned to read on his own, this is not a reason to cancel your literary evenings together. The child must clearly understand that in books, behind these boring black letters, absolutely incredible magical things are hidden and doors to wonderful and mysterious worlds open.

It is impossible to fall in love by force. No matter how many times you say: “Stop watching TV, go read a book!” or “If you want to go for a walk, read 3 pages!”, this will not bring your child one step closer to the love of reading. Moreover, if now a child simply does not like to read, then later he will consider reading a punishment. The school, one might say, made me happy by obliging me to read what was included in the program. There is too much truth in the famous joke: if you want to instill aversion to any work, introduce it into the school curriculum. Therefore, do not put pressure or force, do not force your child to read. Better yet, call me and I will teach you how to find a common language with children.

Give the young reader time and opportunity to find his book. As far as possible, provide your child with books on a topic that interests him at home, enroll him in the children's library, go to a bookstore together and buy the book that the child chooses. The book may be far from spiritual food, but you also need to start somewhere. Your child does not like to read and force him to do a thankless task, but he agrees to read those books about airplanes, tanks or the world of insects that he himself brought from the library.

It is impossible to force someone to do something with pleasure! Especially when it comes to reading and love of literature. Therefore, you need to call me now and make an appointment with a child psychologist in Moscow.

Cost of services of a child psychologist in Moscow:

In-person consultation with a child psychologist and psychoanalytic psychotherapy take place in a comfortable psychological center in the very center of Moscow on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

The cost of children's consultation, psychological personality analysis and psychotherapy in Moscow is only 2,000 rubles, one lesson lasts 50 minutes. Remember that consultation with a child psychologist and personal psychotherapy is just an investment in yourself, your family and your children. Because today, being healthy and happy has become fashionable.

Address of the psychological center:

Moscow, metro station "Tsvetnoy Boulevard", st. Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 19, building 4, office No. 209

The psychological center in Moscow is located within walking distance from the Tsvetnoy BULEVAR metro station. The street is located in the very center of Moscow. This is a very cozy and quiet historical part of Moscow. The psychological counseling center is ideal for working in the format of individual, family, children's and group training. There is a separate entrance, free access and convenient parking.

I work from 10:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Saturday. By prior arrangement, psychological consultations are available in the evenings and on Sundays. If you were unable to reach me, I will call you back as soon as possible.For older children, it is enough that you ask them to read to you in the kitchen because you are tired and just want to listen to a leisurely reading. Sincerity in a request will always resonate with your children. Be truly interested in what you offer your children. They feel insincerity very much. Even if you are tired and fall asleep after reading it, it will be much better than shouting: “Move away, can’t you see, mom is tired after work!” If you are at home all day, then leave everything, sit next to him and become an interested listener.
Love your children! Don't take your fatigue out on them. Good luck to you in this difficult task of being a parent.

My child doesn't like books. From early childhood he had no interest in looking at them, and now he hates reading. How to instill in him a love of reading?

In fact, it is very interesting why some kids love to look at picture books from a very early age, while others are completely indifferent to them and prefer toys, a computer or TV.

Of course, reading is gradually losing its cultural and educational role in society, turning from a source of information into a means of entertainment. Naturally, this attitude towards reading in adults forms a corresponding attitude in children. But it’s worth thinking about the problem, if only because all kids go to school sooner or later, and the reluctance to read books can become a serious obstacle to their studies. First, while studying in elementary school, it will be difficult for the child to pass the so-called reading technique, then, in middle school, due to the low reading speed, he will not be able to quickly read tasks and rules, and in high school, when it will be necessary to read a huge amount of software literature, multi-page paragraphs on humanitarian subjects, it will be completely difficult for a child.

For some parents, it’s not that their child’s lack of interest in reading doesn’t bother them—they simply don’t pay attention to it. If both mom and dad themselves read a lot and do it with pleasure, but the child demonstrates open disrespect and indifference to the book, then the parents are very upset. What to do in this situation and how to awaken a child’s interest in reading, and then maintain it? Of course, we are unlikely to be able to raise the most active book lover in the world (and we do not set such a goal for ourselves), but we will definitely be able to instill a love for good books.

Life story

– Tanya is our only daughter. Probably no one does as much as we take care of the child. My husband and I try to make sure she has everything. You know, it used to be customary to collect a library. So, ours is huge. But Tanyusha doesn’t even want to look at the pictures in the book; it’s easier for her to sit in front of the computer. Every evening we try to read aloud to our daughter, we take her to the puppet theater, but she is still indifferent to books. Maybe at six years old it’s too early for a child to love books?

Lack of interest in books and reading.

Perhaps, until the time comes to send the child to school and his reading ability is tested, many parents do not consider the child’s lack of interest in books to be a problem. And so the future first-grader passed the school readiness test... Some parents only then find out that the child, it turns out, needs to be specially taught to read. Even if the family is a reading family, this is not a guarantee that the child will also love books from early childhood. Or maybe mom and dad will notice the problem when the school assigns the first extracurricular reading for the summer. The child will never want to sit down with books - one of the parents will have to read out loud.

Sometimes the problem of “chronic non-reading” arises quite late - in middle or even high school.

Why doesn't a child want to read?

If the TV is constantly on at home, the computer is available to the child from morning to evening, then it is likely that the child will prefer simpler ways of obtaining information, when there is no need to read the text and comprehend it - one picture quickly follows another, everything is simple and clear.

It is also known that some children have a predisposition to reading, while others do not. Perhaps in someone’s home it is not customary to read a lot, there is no tradition of creating a family library. But sometimes there are cases when a child enjoys drawing, designing, playing music, dancing, etc., and does it better than other children, but you can’t force him to read a book.

Many parents, having tried to teach their child something, are faced with a serious problem: the child does not perceive mom or dad as teachers at all and refuses to do anything. But he does not “show character” to the teacher or educator and completes tasks with visible pleasure. Some parents are helped to behave correctly in such a situation by the memory of how in childhood they themselves were forced to read, threatening with punishment. They do not use any forced methods of teaching reading, realizing that this can only harm the matter.

What should you not do if your child does not like to read?

- The worst thing is if parents shout at the child and, using harsh measures, try to teach him to love books. “If you read five pages, you’ll get a toy,” mom or dad promise the baby.

“Forcing the child to finish reading a book that the child is clearly bored with doesn’t help either.

— We cannot give up on this problem, because a child’s success in many academic subjects, that is, the quality of his knowledge, largely depends on reading.

— You can’t replace a book with TV. Even the most talented film adaptation of a literary work does not convey all its depth and originality, as well as the extremely important things that a child must comprehend for himself.

“Those children who are forced to read books, who are forced to read and scolded because they have no interest in reading, give their parents the completely opposite result. They become even more stubborn, do evil things, tear up books and draw in them. Children can throw away the ill-fated book so as not to do what they don’t like; They can pretend to read, or read “through the word.” The usual principle works: what is imposed is never liked and does not bring any benefit.”

How to teach a child to read?

— Buy ​​children's books with bright, colorful illustrations for your child. At first, the baby will only look at the beautiful pictures, without perceiving the book as a source of interesting and useful information. But the baby will gradually get used to the fact that the book is constantly present in his life.

— In a children's room, books should be in a place that is accessible to the child without much effort. Let it be a small open bookshelf that the little one can reach without the help of adults. Free access to books will allow your child to use them whenever he wants. For reasons of thrift, do not try to hide books further and higher: if a child does not see books all the time, he will probably not feel interested in them.

— If you are worried that your child will spoil the books - tear them or color them, then leave in an accessible place only those that are made taking into account the age characteristics of the child. For example, cardboard, plastic or fabric. Today you can even find wooden books in the store! The little one can leaf through these wonderful books, look at them and even gnaw on them, and his mother will not worry that he will spoil them.

- If the baby still manages to spoil something, then complain about it, and then “treat” your favorite book with him or in his presence. Be sure to tell your child that books need to be read or looked at, but under no circumstances should they be torn, thrown, or dirty.

— When choosing books for a children's library, consider the basic requirements for their design. A book for a small child should be tastefully designed and well illustrated. At the same time, make sure that the pictures are not too bright, without using “acid” colors. For children's books, large, clear font and high-quality paper are required. This will enable the child to read without much difficulty and will protect the pages from small tears. The font size is inversely proportional to the age of the child: the younger the child, the larger the font in the book should be.

— When choosing a book, do not be lazy to fully familiarize yourself with its contents. The texts (or text) placed in the book must correspond to the age category indicated by the compilers or publishers. Collect reviews of the book from other parents, read messages on forums on the Internet.

— Don’t forget that the best gift for a child is a book. If a child receives a wonderful collection of fairy tales or poems for his birthday, and then, when he grows up, an excellent illustrated encyclopedia, then he will begin to appreciate the book simply because mom and dad consider it a worthy gift.

— Mothers and fathers often wonder: is it necessary to offer their child abridged versions of books - just a brief retelling with large, full-page illustrations? In fact, this “reading” is more like looking at comics. A child cannot read such a book even for a short time - he is focused on looking at the pictures and does not really pay attention to the content of the book.

— What to do if nothing works out, and the child does not want to be interested in books?

Method 1

Show your child a new cartoon based on an interesting fairy tale. Stop the show, if not at the most interesting point, then at a point where the child will be curious about the continuation of the plot. Invite your child to find out what happened next from the fairy tale itself - and you will read it to him with pleasure.

Method 2

Buy audiobooks. Firstly, this is beneficial for the child, and secondly, it is a great help to you: audiobooks help out not only in situations where parents do not have time, but also when mom and dad do not have pronounced acting abilities. All fairy tales and poems recorded on audio discs are read by professional actors, and such an important task as reading children's books is trusted only by the best of them. You can “turn on” audiobooks in the car or let them listen to them during quiet time if the baby does not like naps (such children are becoming more and more common, and mothers do not know how to persuade the child to at least just lie down in the middle of the day so that his back and eyes can rest and legs).

Method 3

Read to your child yourself. Create an evening reading ritual and read something very interesting to your child every evening, preferably with a continuation. And one day, having stopped at the most interesting place, leave the room for a while, leaving the book with the child. Surely he will be interested in at least the illustrations, and when he returns, you will see that he is looking at or reading a “forgotten” book.

Method 4

Invite a teacher. Sometimes an outsider, a neutral person can teach a child more than close people who are not at all perceived by children as teachers.

What to do if a child does not read? This question occupies many parents. Nowadays, children are distracted by too many things: smartphones, computers, cartoons that are endlessly shown on TV - you can’t get a child out to play with friends, let alone get interested in a book. But you shouldn't give up. We have chosen 10 ways to teach your child to read. Try them one after another or several at once - one of them will certainly work.

1. Introduce a game element

Turn reading into a game and you won't have to waste a second trying to persuade your child to pick up a book. Make a production - a home theater - and let the grandparents become grateful spectators, invite your child's friends to visit and arrange a competition, always with prizes - who reads the most or finds the most objects in the picture (Wimmelbooks are good for this), show the child books - labyrinths, write stories, make crafts, draw characters, cut out, paint, conduct experiments, show shadow theater and make three-dimensional paper figures. There is a sea of ​​ideas. Just have time to implement it.

2. Let your child read what he likes

If a child refuses to read books from the school literature list, do not “press.” Show him other books so that he understands: there are not only boring stories about the autumn forest or epics about Russian heroes (who doesn’t like anything here), but also science fiction, plays and, say, satire. Yes, even the myths of South Africa and the legends of Vietnam - as long as the reading is captivating. There is no need to “stuff” knowledge into a child, much less impose your preferences.

Author of the photo: Aliya Gimranova, -

Try to find a genre that your child will like. And if things don’t work out at all, try “slipping” comics, even if for many it’s like a knife to the heart. When a child finds something of his own, he will get a taste for it and, quite likely, over time will begin to read everything that comes to hand: he will swallow books, not buns :)

3. Have a large library at home

It is impossible to teach a child to read if there are simply no books at home or very few of them. It should always be possible to go to the bookcase and take something.

Author of the photo: Polina Myalichkina, - .

I remember how, as a child, I chose books according to the principle “because gladiolus” - I read everything that caught my eye: the great Soviet encyclopedia, Bulgakov, Poe, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, Gorky, Belyaev, the encyclopedia “I know the world” - history, physics , space, plants, art, medicine and about twenty more on different topics - Khmelevskaya, Darrell, Strugatsky, books about dinosaurs, children growing up, psychology and even catchphrases in Latin (I memorized them - I can’t even say for what purpose ). Everything was in use. And I sincerely believe that this seriously influenced my love of reading.

4. Don’t force you to read to the end.

If you see that the book “doesn’t work”, the child sighs every now and then, gets distracted, turns around as if in a frying pan, and generally does whatever he wants so as not to turn the next page - let him close the book. Reading under pressure will not lead to good things. Never force a child to sit with a book that is not interesting to him, otherwise you will achieve exactly the opposite effect. Even adults are advised to do this: Igor Mann uses the “50-page test” - if after 50 pages read the book “does not grab you,” you just need to put it aside. Not to mention the children.

You won’t be able to tear yourself away from an interesting book! Author of the photo: Maria Eremina, - .

5. Show what's amazing about books

Even at school, we were taught to analyze works, see the deep meaning, guess what the author was thinking about and what he wanted to say. Try this trick with your child, but without getting into lengthy thoughts, but by showing what you read from an unexpected angle. Find something unusual in the book and show it to your child. When you explain something to him, draw non-obvious parallels - so that the young reluctant person will really become interested.

Author of the photo: Irina @kmigirazuma, -

6. Focus on leading activities

The domestic psychologist Leontiev, and then Elkonin and Davydov developed the idea of ​​leading activity - this is the “main occupation” of the child, within which the personality develops. At each age, the leading activity is different: from 3 to 7 years old - role-playing play, up to 11 years old - study, later - intimate and personal communication (this is why for teenagers peers become more important than family). A love of reading can be instilled through leading activities: for kids, invent games with books, for older children give encyclopedias on topics that interest them, for a teenager you can “slip” a book about relationships.

7. Don't put conditions

You can often hear from parents: “Until you read ten pages, you won’t go outside.” This is probably the worst thing you can think of. Never set conditions or deprive your child of pleasures, be it sweets, a walk with friends or a trip with the class on an excursion. Otherwise, the book will become an enemy for him. But not a friend.

Better yet, give books from a very tender age. The child will love them. Author of the photo: Irin Knuremko, - .

8. Choose beautiful books

Psychologists note that until approximately 12 years of age, visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking prevails in a child. That is why it is important to pay attention to the visual component of children's books: bright covers, beautiful illustrations, high-quality paper. A book should attract like a magnet. To excite. Cause delight. Then the child will not have to be reminded to read.

A kind, life-affirming book with magical illustrations. Even adults are delighted with it. We at MYTH love Mamasaurus! -

9. Leave books in a visible place

This is already a level eighty trick, but why not try it. Let books be everywhere in the house: nail a shelf in the kitchen, leave books on the dining table, if you have a living room or a large corridor, “settle” them there too, put them on the nightstand near the child’s bed. And don’t forget about the bathroom and restroom 😉 Seriously! It’s like on an airplane: your attention is not scattered, there are a minimum of distractions, so your hand will naturally reach for the book.

10. Read with your child

This method will work for young children: they are tenderly attached to their parents and want to spend all their time together, so you should think about diversifying your leisure time with reading. Read by role, just take turns - one page at a time, invite the child to voice the characters in different voices: the fox speaks in a high, thin voice, the wolf speaks in a deep voice, and the bun sings funny.

And be sure to read to the kids before bedtime, -

And finally, the last thing. Be the best example for your child. A hero. Inspire. Show that you yourself are not indifferent to books. Take us into the magical world of books. If you love to read with all your heart, if your family prefers books to TV, and shared leisure time over being “stuck” in gadgets, the words “My child doesn’t read” will most likely never be heard. And if there is still a problem, then it is in your power to solve it.

P.S. Do you want to learn about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best new releases? Subscribe to our newsletter . The first letter contains a gift.

The need to read awakens in children around the age of five. Until that moment, kids are content with what their parents read to them, as well as looking at pictures or making up stories on their own by running their fingers along the lines in books. As children grow older, they develop a desire to learn how to obtain information and knowledge on their own. However, if this moment is missed, then it can be difficult to teach a preschooler to read. What to do if a child does not want to learn to read? Is it even worth teaching children this science at home? How not to discourage them from reading?

Why should parents teach their children to read??

Psychologists do not recommend forcing children under 4 years of age to learn letters and syllables, unless the child himself shows an interest in science. Otherwise, you can completely discourage your son or daughter from engaging in educational activities. If you see interest on their part, then it’s time to start.

What benefits does learning to read bring to preschoolers? Thanks to this skill, children develop emotionally. While reading, the brain forms new synapsidal connections. Children's imagination works better, logic and the ability to think abstractly develop. Those children who learned to read earlier than others usually have a wider vocabulary, are able to better express their thoughts, and are able to quickly remember information and reproduce it orally. According to statistics, they can boast of the best academic performance among students. All these factors speak in favor of teaching a child to read in preschool age. But what to do if the baby doesn’t want to study?

Psychologists advise that if a child has reached the age of four or five, but does not want to learn to read, you should not force him. This idea has already been expressed on this page “Popular about health”. But “repetition, as we know, is the mother of learning.” Perhaps the time has not yet come, interest has not appeared. Some children feel emotionally ready to learn new things a little later. Parents are often worried that time is running out, but their child still does not express a desire to master letters and syllables. Don’t worry - when interest appears, learning will be easy, but if you force your son or daughter, it will take much more time.

How not to miss the moment? When is the right time to start teaching letters and syllables to your child? If the baby is emotionally “ripe”, this can be determined by the following signs:

He asks what is written here;
Tries to imitate reading by imitating adults;
Easily reproduces (retells) fairy tales;
Knows some letters and knows how to combine them into syllables.

If you notice such prerequisites in your offspring, you can try to interest him in learning to read. You just need to do this correctly - best in a playful way using various techniques.

What to do if a schoolchild does not want to learn to read?

If a child does not want to study, and even though he is already of school age, then most likely there are mistakes made by adults earlier. For example, some time ago parents tried to instill knowledge in their child by studying letters and syllables with him, but they did it incorrectly and uninterestingly. Perhaps they forced the child to do boring activities every day, which discouraged any desire for further education. Parents often scold their children when they fail to remember letters or combine them into syllables and words. Pressure, coercion - these concepts should not exist when it comes to teaching a child. If a preschooler doesn't want to learn to read, it's time to change tactics and start acting differently.

We teach in a playful way, taking into account the interests of the student

Put yourself in the place of your son or daughter - would you be interested in studying according to your scheme? If not, then change your approach. Play games with your baby, unobtrusively including very little educational material in the process, but do it regularly. The main thing is to inspire the child, arouse interest, and then everything will work out. Remember, children will never do what mom or dad, grandma or anyone else needs. They will do what is beneficial and interesting to them.

Try to explain all the benefits that your child will receive from learning to read, because there are so many of them! Show with an example why it is important to be able to read by inventing some kind of game, taking into account the interests of the child. For example, my son loves airplanes, good. Play airport, come up with a scenario, draw boarding tickets and give each plane a name. Passengers must get on the correct flight, but to do this they will need to read the names and match them with information on the tickets. When faced with a problem while playing, the child will understand that learning to read may be necessary in life. You can come up with a lot of such games. When interest in learning appears, you can start, but without coercion, little by little, showing great patience with the student.

Let's sum it up

Reluctance to learn reading in children under 5 years of age is most often due to psychological and emotional immaturity. It’s just that the time has not yet come, and as soon as the desire to gain this knowledge appears, it is important not to discourage learning, but to act correctly, using all kinds of modern techniques and games. If we are talking about the age group of 6-7 years, then it is likely that earlier attempts by parents to develop the skills and love of reading in children were inept. Now you need to win the child’s interest again and use a competent approach to learning. You need to teach your child to read!

Reading is the leading subject in school. A student who reads well develops faster, quickly masters the skill of writing correctly, and copes with solving mathematical problems more easily. There are many reasons for problems with reading, but the result is the same: the child does not want to read. How to raise a book lover?

A book is one of the best gifts for a child,even if he is still one year old. Remember that the gift you choose must be appropriate for the age of your baby.

It is important to follow special criteria for choosing books.Firstly, the book should be colorful, bright, but should not “ripple”. Secondly, the text must be printed on high-quality paper, in a fairly large font. The younger the child, the larger the font. Thirdly, the content of the book should be interesting, exciting and accessible to the child. Psychologists believe that dislike of reading is due to the fact that the child is simply not interested in reading.
Modern children really lack imagination: from birth they are surrounded by too many visual images, so there is no need to imagine or think of anything.
Parents can help their child learn to “get used to” the book. To do this, it is necessary to develop children’s imaginative thinking so that certain images correspond to the words they read.

It is very useful to act out scenes with your child, play role-playing games based on a book you have read.
Children like to draw fairy-tale characters together with their parents, come up with costumes for the heroes, their things and objects. Look for situations in life that are similar to situations from books you have read, for example, you pass by a policeman who looks like Uncle Styopa, you walk near a small house that resembles a little house from the fairy tale of the same name, etc.

It develops memory well and helps to consolidate what you read - the ability to use quotes from what you read. For example, “A fly walked across the field, a fly found money”, “Our Tanya is crying loudly”, “Firemen are looking, police are looking...”, etc. This enriches and embellishes your child’s speech.

Three useful tips.

1. Start an evening reading ritual (read aloud, role-play, dramatize passages you like).
2.If your child categorically refuses to read, try reading to him about something he is interested in.
3. If your child likes it when adults read to him, but doesn’t want to read himself, try a little trick: stop reading at the most interesting point, and the next day, citing being very busy, invite him to read himself. But do not abuse this busyness, the child will understand that you are trying to force him to read.

Memo for parents.
How to organize work at home with children who read poorly.

1.Create a calm, comfortable reading environment;
2. During the day, set aside a time for reading that is convenient for the child;
3. When a child reads, be nearby (to explain an unclear word, laugh together at a funny moment), but do not sit over his soul (this creates the effect of coercion);
4. If it is difficult for a child to read independently, then at first read the given text aloud to the child, then he reads it independently, or first you read a phrase, then the child reads the same phrase;
5. Show interest in what the child is reading;
6. Celebrate every child’s success, even insignificant from your point of view, with praise or encouragement (but in no case monetary), then the preschooler will try to please you with his successes;

With the help of reading, literacy improves, speech develops and the child’s vocabulary increases. Through reading, a child develops his imagination and broadens his horizons. Based on reading, the child’s inner world is formed. It is fiction that allows one to indirectly gain experience and influences the moral development of the child. He develops an idea of ​​character types, the consequences of certain actions and words of people, and interpersonal relationships. The books introduce the child to such concepts as love, hatred, friendship, betrayal, deception, selflessness, cowardice and nobility.