Class hour: Be careful, children on the road! Class hour “Developing memory and attention Class hour attention children.

Class hour in 1st grade on the topic “Attention, children!”

Goals: fix the names of road signs; remember how to cross the road correctly; develop memory and thinking; broaden students’ horizons about traffic rules and ensuring life safety.

Equipment : road signs, traffic light model. Students learn poetry in advance.

Class progress

Teacher's opening speech


The long-awaited call was given -

This is the beginning of the lesson.

And the lesson will tell everyone,

How without offense and without problems,

Early in the morning, slowly,

Come to school for the kids.

Today our class hour is devoted to traffic rules. We will get acquainted with the signs and rules of the road.

How many of you cross the street on your way to school? Who already does this alone, without adults? Tell us how you cross the street. (Children's answers are listened to.)

Why is it necessary to know the rules of the road? (Children's answers are listened to.)

We give the guys a warning:

Learn the traffic rules immediately!

So that parents don’t worry every day,

So that drivers can be calm behind the wheel.

Getting to know the traffic light

Teacher. Do you know who they call the “Wizard Guard”? Guess the riddle.

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

I can help you too!

Students. This is a traffic light.

(The teacher shows the layout of the traffic light.)

Tell us what you know about the colors of traffic lights.


The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

The boys can cross.

Game "Red, Yellow, Green"


Attention! Stares straight

There is a three-eyed traffic light on you.

Green, yellow, red eye -

He gives orders to everyone!

At a red light everyone stands silently, at a yellow light they clap, at a green light they walk in place. So, let's begin.

There are traffic lights!

Submit to them without argument!

Traffic light

Stop, car! Stop, motor!

Brake quickly, driver!

The red eye looks straight ahead -

This is a strict traffic light.

He puts on a menacing appearance,

The driver waited a little,

I looked out the window again.

Traffic light this time

Showed a green eye

He winked and said:

“You can go, the way is open.”

Red, yellow and green,

He stares at everyone.

Busy intersection

The traffic light is not calm.

Old people and children go -

They don't run or rush.

Traffic light for everyone in the world

A true friend and brother.

By traffic light signal

We're going across the street.

And the drivers nod to us:

“Come on in, let’s wait.”

At a red light there is no way,

On yellow - wait.

When the light is green

Bon Voyage!

Getting to know the rules for crossing the road

Teacher. What to do if the red light flashes and you have already started the transition? (Children's suggestions are listened to.)

The correct answer is to go back to the sidewalk if you have just started crossing the road. If you find yourself in the middle of the roadway, you need to wait for the green signal, standing on the traffic island or on the center line, but you cannot back away or rush in front of moving cars.

The yellow signal is a warning. When the signal turns yellow, start crossing it is forbidden .

You can cross the road only when the traffic light is green. You, of course, have seen traffic lights on the roads that do not have a yellow signal. These are pedestrian traffic lights; their signals are mandatory only for pedestrians.

Physical education minute

The guard stands stubborn,

(We walk in place.)

He waves to people: don’t go!

(Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down.)

Here the cars drive straight

(Hands in front of you.)

Pedestrian, you wait!

(Hands to the side.)

Look: he smiled,

(Hands on waist.)

Invites us to go.

(We walk in place.)

You machines, don't rush,

(Clapping hands.)

Let pedestrians pass!

(Jumping in place.)

Getting to know the signs

(Children come out with signs.)

Only me for the pedestrian -

Sign at the crossing point.

In the blue square I walk -

Transition indicator.

Pedestrian crossing sign

There is another pedestrian crossing sign. Guess where else you can cross the street.

Striped horse.

Her name is zebra.

But not the one at the zoo,

People keep walking along it.

Students. This is a pedestrian path, a place where you can cross the road.

Teacher. How many of you are attentive and have noticed that there is such a sign near the school? Where does it hang? What other signs did you see near the school?

(Children tell and show these signs, explain their meaning.)

If you put your foot down

On the road,

Pay attention, friend:

Road sign - red circle,

The man walking in black

Crossed out with a red line.

And it seems like a road, but

Walking here is prohibited!

Neither pass nor pass:

Road sign on the way.

Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited"

Teacher. Guys, do you always look both ways when crossing the road?


Before you step on the road,

Always look around: is the path dangerous?

Look to the left first,

Then turn right, in the middle of the path.

Training exercises

(The children at the blackboard show how to cross the road correctly.)

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who knows what the red light is?

Does it mean: no move?

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Does it give way to adults?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

Which one of you is flying so soon?

What does the traffic light not see?

Reminder for following traffic rules

Cross the street only at intersections or where there is a “Crossing” sign and wide transverse stripes on the pavement. And only when the traffic light turns green.

If there is no traffic light here, then when entering the roadway, look first to the left to see if any car is approaching. And when you reach the middle of the street, look to the right to see if the car is coming from there. And if it does, stop and wait until it passes.

Do not cross the street in front of moving traffic. Wait for it to pass.

If there is a traffic light at an intersection, cross the street only when the light is green or when the “Walk” light comes on.

Walk around a car, bus or trolleybus at a stop only from behind in order to see in time whether another car is following it, the driver of which does not see you. But it’s even better to wait until they leave and you can see the whole street.


Walking down the street alone

Satisfied strange citizen.

He is given good advice:

The traffic light is red,

There is no way to go.

There's no way to go now!

I don't care about red lights! –

The citizen said in response.

He's walking across the street

Not where the “Transition” sign is

Throwing roughly on the go:

Wherever I want, I’ll go there!

Driver, look with all your eyes:

The gap is ahead!

Press the brakes quickly:

Have mercy!

What if the driver said:

I don't care about traffic lights! –

And how did you start driving?

Would the guard leave his post?

Would the tram run the way you wanted?

Would everyone walk as best they could?..

Then it would be on the street,

Where are you used to walking?

Incredible things

It would happen in an instant!

Signals, screams and you know:

The car goes to the tram,

The tram hit a car

The car crashed into a shop window -

Everything went wrong and at random...

Passers-by had to hide in the house.

You're sitting by the window, sad,

Don't risk leaving the house.

And you climb to school along the ledge,

Just so as not to go down,

And you walk to the store along the roof -

It's safer and quieter here...

But no,

Standing on the pavement

Traffic controller,

There is a three-eyed traffic light.

And the driver knows the rules.

O. Bodarev

A game

(The guys answer the questions “yes” or “no” in unison.)

Driving fast in the city? -Yes!

Do you know the rules of movement? -Yes!

The traffic light is red

Can I go across the street? - No!

Well, the green light is on, then

Can I go across the street? -Yes!

I got on the tram, but didn't take a ticket.

Is this what you're supposed to do? - No!

Old lady, very advanced in years,

Will you give up your seat on the tram to her? - Yes!

You suggested the answer to the lazy man,

Well, did you help him with this? - No!


Well done guys, let's remember

What is “no” and what is “yes”

And do what needs to be done

Always try.


1. What traffic lights do you know?

2. Where should pedestrians walk?

3. Where should cars drive?

4. How is a pedestrian crossing designated?

5. Is it possible to play outside? Why?

6. Is it possible to cross the street when the traffic light is yellow?

7. How should you cross the street if there is no traffic light?

8. What are road signs used for?

9. Where can you ride bicycles?

10. Why can’t you play on the pavement?

11. In what places can you cross the street?

12. When should you start crossing the street?


Target: Teach students to quickly identify right and left sides.

1. Students line up. The teacher, showing, gives the command: raise your right hand, raise your left hand; turn 180° and repeat the exercise.

2. Students become pairs and turn to face each other. On command, the teacher shows the partner's right and left hands.

3. Raise their right and left hands without the teacher showing them.

4. The teacher asks on which side the windows (door) are in the classroom. Students answer. He then commands the students to turn 180° and asks again, “Now, which side are the windows on?”


And for the guys to relax

Let's ask some riddles.

Strange zebra: does not eat or drink,

But without food and drink he will not die. (Crosswalk.)

Hey, don't stand in the road!

The car rushes in alarm.

Why is she in such a hurry? What do you mean why?

Put out the fire! (Fire engine.)

A house is driving along the asphalt,

And there are a lot of people in it,

And under the roof of the house there are reins,

He can't travel without them. (Trolleybus.)

What a miracle - the blue house!

There are a lot of kids in it!

Legs, shoes - made of rubber

And it runs on gasoline. (Bus.)

He doesn’t go on his own, he doesn’t go.

If you don't support it, it will fall,

And you put the pedals to use -

He will rush you forward. (Bike.)


Teacher. Let's sum it up with the poem "Forbidden - Permitted."

And avenues and boulevards -

The streets are noisy everywhere.

Walk along the sidewalk

Only on the right side.

Here to play pranks, disturb people

For-pre-scha! (In unison.)

Be a good pedestrian

Allowed! (In unison.)

If you are traveling on a tram

And there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning,

Come forward quickly.

Riding like a hare, as you know,

For-pre-scha! (In unison.)

Give way to the old lady -

Allowed! (In unison.)

If you're just walking,

Look ahead anyway.

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully.

Crossing at red light -

For-pre-scha! (In unison.)

When it's green, even for children

Allowed! (In unison.)

Additional material

Ditties about traffic rules

No matter how the driver slows down,

And the car keeps sliding,

On wheels, like on skis -

Closer, closer, closer, closer!

For salvation there is a possibility:

The best brake is caution.

Save your life

Don't run in front of the car!

We are girlfriends, girlfriends,

We have eyes and ears,

Along the road we go

We all read and eat.

Dear friends,

Our final advice to you:

After all, the road is not a reading room

And not a place for conversation.

We are good athletes

We love to play football

The pavement has been turned

To our stadium field.

The conclusion is undoubtedly clear to me,

That the pass is dangerous for life,

Not roads, but yards -

A place for such a game.

Everyone should know this

1. You cannot walk on the roadway, but only on the sidewalk, keeping to the right.

2. Cross the street at a walk in places indicated by signs.

3. At controlled intersections, wait for the green traffic light or the corresponding traffic controller sign to appear and cross the street when the cross flow of traffic does not stop; At the same time, carefully monitor vehicles making a turn.

4. Before leaving the sidewalk onto the roadway, make sure you are completely safe, first look to the left, and when you reach the middle of the street, to the right; let the oncoming transport pass.

5. Wait for a tram, trolleybus, bus only at specially designated landing areas, without interfering with the movement of traffic, and where there are none, on the sidewalk, without interfering with the movement of pedestrians.

6. Do not play on the roadway, do not skate, sled, or scooter on the pavement and sidewalks, and do not cling to moving vehicles.

It is necessary to study and know the traffic rules in order not to endanger your life and not interfere with the movement of traffic. There are simply no rules. Each rule has its own meaning: why it is so, and not vice versa. Cars need a wide pavement - they are big themselves, and their speed is much higher than you and I. For us pedestrians, the sidewalk is enough. We are completely safe here. An experienced pedestrian will never walk on the pavement. It won’t even get off the sidewalk: it’s dangerous and a hindrance for drivers. And for those who have a bad memory, who do not know the rules very well, strong iron fences are placed in dangerous places. Sometimes they are painted in bright colors to make them more noticeable. Such barriers remind us once again: not take a step from the sidewalk!

Road rules

There are a lot in the world.

Everyone would like to learn them

It didn't bother us

But the main rules of the movement

Know like a table

Must multiply.

Don't play on the pavement,

Don't ride

If you want to stay healthy!

The pavement is seething with movement:

Cars are running, trams are rushing.

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

It's easy to explain,

Whether you are young or old:

Pavement - for transport,

The sidewalk is for you!

Walk across the street there, pedestrian,

Where the sign indicates the transition for you!

Where should you cross the street?

Remember this simple rule:

Look to the left first

And then look to the right.

Rules of behavior on the street

Know the basic rules for public and private transport.

Don’t forget how to cross the road in front of a tram and trolleybus.

Cross the road only at the pedestrian crossing.

Remember the colors of the traffic lights: red - stop, green - go.

When crossing the road, do not talk to your friends, but look first to the left, then to the right.

Do not play ball or outdoor games in areas where traffic may appear unexpectedly.

In icy conditions or fog, be especially careful outside!

Cross the road yourself correctly and teach the younger ones to do so, and if necessary, help the older ones cross the street.

Sad story

Everything happened in a split second. Kolya ran out onto the pavement to get the ball. Suddenly, a car drove out into the street from around the bend. Kolya got scared and decided to run across the tram line...

Three months later, Kolya was discharged from the hospital. He hobbled unsteadily on crutches.

How many unfulfilled desires Kolya has left! And all this happened in one short fraction of a second. But the misfortune might not have happened. How many times has Kolya heard and read about being careful on the street! But he thought that all this was unnecessary talk and it did not concern him.

Traffic police inspector advice

I hope that the guys who study at school know the basic rules of the road. They don’t have to explain what the colors of the traffic lights mean, how to get around a bus or a tram. None of them will play on the roadway, even if there are no cars at that time. I would only like to advise you to be especially careful on busy streets and beware of unruly drivers.

Don't rush to cross the street as soon as the light turns green, wait a couple of seconds and make sure all cars have stopped. Do not run across the road when the green signal has already started flashing and is about to switch to yellow. Because sometimes impatient drivers take off ahead of time. Follow traffic rules, even if someone nearby is breaking them.

Be especially careful in the evening. At dusk, as in fog, visibility on the road becomes poor. If there is an underground passage nearby, it is better to use it than the ground one. And if you are walking with one of the kids, hold his hand tightly.


Target: Improving students' knowledge of traffic rules.


    Systematization of students' knowledge of traffic rules.

    Development of skills of constructive interaction, mutual assistance, tolerance.

    Fostering a sense of mutual respect.

Development of creative, logical thinking, communication skills

Progress of the class hour SLIDE “ATTENTION CHILDREN!”

(Sound of brakes)

What does this sound mean?How often do you hear these sounds?I wish that you don’t hear such sounds on the roads, even if they only appear in movies.

SLIDE What is a traffic accident? (accident)

“Road accident” is an event that occurs as a result of a collision between cars and pedestrians, in which people are killed or injured, cars or structures are damaged.


The first accident in mechanical transport can be consideredry with a steam cart of the French inventor in 1769. This is almost 250 years ago.The steam car took to the streets of Paris, drivingthe vehicle was unable to cope with the control of the heavy and clumsy machine,and she crashed into a stone fence. The boiler of the steam cart exploded with"roar throughout Paris." The driver was sent to the hospital.

When did fast cars with engines appear?lem running on gasoline, the number of road transport has also increasednyh incidents. The first officially registeredthe traffic accident occurred on August 17, 1896 in Great Britain. A car moving at a speed of 6 km/hhit a pedestrian.


Every year in Russia in road transport proaccidents kill 35,000 people (every third accident is the fault of pedestrians), 1,500 of whom are children. And about 20,000 more childrensuffer injuries of varying severity.

What are the causes of childhood injuries? How do you think?

-crossing the road in front of nearby traffic
in an unspecified place;

    unexpected exit onto the roadway due to cars, bushes...;

    crossing the road at a prohibitory traffic light;

    games and walking along the roadway;

    driving a bicycle, moped, or car without sufficientknowledge of the rules of the road.

- Do you guys know the traffic rules? We'll check this now.



1. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car? (from 12 years old).(3-4 grades)

2. At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on public roads? (from 14 years old)

3. Is a moped driver allowed to drive on footpaths? (not allowed).

4. Who do we call “road users”? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).

5. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).

6. Are persons performing work on the road pedestrians? (No).

7. Which traffic light turns on simultaneously for all sides of the intersection? (yellow).

8. Which intersection is called controlled? (the one where there is a traffic light or traffic controller).

9. Who should pedestrians and drivers obey if both a traffic light and a traffic controller are working at the intersection? (to the traffic controller).

10. Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk? (right side).

11. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).

12. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (two: red and green).

13. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you cannot bypass vehicles either in front or behind, you need to wait until they leave and the road will be visible in both directions, but it is better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).


1. What is the most common name for a driver? (chauffeur).

2. Who do we call “road users”? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).

3. Is it possible for a cyclist to ride on the road if there is a bike path nearby? (No).

4. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).

5. Which turn is more dangerous: left or right? (left, since traffic is on the right).

6. What is the name of a zebra crossing on the road? (crosswalk).

7. Are persons performing work on the road pedestrians? (No).

8. What signals does the traffic light give? (red, yellow, green).

9. Which traffic light turns on simultaneously for all sides of the intersection? (yellow).

10. Which intersection is called controlled? (the one where there is a traffic light or traffic controller).

11. Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk? (right side).

12. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car? (from 12 years old).

13. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).

14. How should a cyclist inform other road users of his intention to stop? (raise your hand up).

15. Why should pedestrians move towards traffic on country roads? (moving along the side of the road towards traffic, pedestrians always see approaching traffic).

16. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you cannot bypass vehicles either in front or behind, you need to wait until they leave and the road will be visible in both directions, but it is better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).

17. Is it possible to carry a nine-year-old passenger on a bicycle? (no, only up to 7 years old on a specially equipped seat with footrests).

18. Is it possible to cross the road diagonally? (no, because, firstly, the path becomes longer, and secondly, it is more difficult to see the transport that is moving from the back).


for each riddle a slide with a solution

1. Going outside

Prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint

And most importantly - …


2. Previously, bills and letters,

Drawing, reading,

All the kids need to know

ABC... (Movements.)

3. Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light).

4. Car collision

All traffic was blocked.

And I remembered at the moment

What kind of incident is this?

(Accident, traffic accident.)

5. He will oblige us to drive quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
You're on your way... (Road sign).

6 slides with road signs

Guys, do you know road signs well? We'll check this now.



Bus stop location

Railway crossing without a barrier

Slippery road

Bicycles are prohibited

6. Look, what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

I'm used to stopping

Five ton truck.


7. What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is... (Transition).

8. Not alive, but walking,

Motionless - but leading. (Road.)

9. I often go early in the morning

I take the ram by the horns.

Having straddled him,

I'm racing against the wind!

The ram won't say no to me -



10. What a daring janitor

Did you shovel snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel, not with a broom,

And with an iron hand?


11. The sign was hung at dawn,

So that everyone knows about this:

The roads are being repaired here -

Take care of your feet!

("Men at work".)

12. A rolling pin walks along the road

Heavy, huge.

And now we have a road,

Like a ruler, straight.

(Ice rink.)

13. What are the names of those paths

On which the legs walk?

Learn to distinguish them accurately,

Don't fly like you're on fire.

Pedestrian paths –

It's just …?


Last slide “Be careful on the roads”

CHANT “Say what you want...”

I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

    Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea?(No)

    What do you want - say, red light - no way?(Yes)

    What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement?(No)

    Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport?(No)

    Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition?(Yes)

    Say what you want, are we running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light?(No)

    Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no access here” sign?(No)

    Say what you want, the red color on the round signs means “it’s prohibited here”?(Yes)

I see, guys, you know the traffic rules very well and I would like to wish you to improve your knowledge, anticipate, recognize danger, and avoid it.

I suggest you watch cartoons about traffic rules.

Showing 3 cartoons (14 min.)

- “Naughty family. Traffic rules" - 04.55

- “Slide in winter” - 3.40

- “Safety rules on a snowy day” - from 01.00….06.13

Performance of the YID detachment

And now the guys from our school’s youth department (i.e., young traffic inspectors) will perform for you. They recently went to Irkutsk for a YID movement rally, where they successfully demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules. Let's listen to them carefully.

Presentation of certificates to classes for active participation in the “ATTENTION CHILDREN!” campaign.

PROBLEMS 3-4; 5-6 grades

    1. Imagine that you are a trolleybus driver. At the first stop, 5 people entered the empty cabin. At the second stop, two got on and one got off, at the third, 4 passengers got on and two got off. How old is the trolleybus driver? (as old as the person to whom this question is addressed)

    2. The boy was riding a bicycle into the city. A car was driving towards him, with 5 women sitting in it. Each of them carried one chicken and a pair of felt boots. How many living beings were traveling to the city? (1 – boy)

    3. On a straight section of the road, each wheel of a two-wheeled bicycle travels 5 km. How many kilometers did the bike travel? (5 km)

Class hour in 2nd grade

Topic: "Attention! Road!"


1) form junior schoolchildren's ideas about road safety;

2)repeat rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road;

3) develop Children have the ability to find the safest route from home to school;

4) bring up respectful attitude towards all road users.

Equipment: cards with rules, traffic lights, children's drawings, neighborhood map, crossword puzzle.

Class progress

I.Organizational moment

The long-awaited call was given -
This is the beginning of the lesson.
And the lesson will tell everyone
How without troubles and without problems,
Early in the morning, slowly,
Come to school for the kids.

II. Communicating the Topic and Goals

Almost every morning you leave the house and go to school. Today in class we will review the rules for schoolchildren to move along the street and road, and find out which route from home to school is the safest.

Work on the topic

All people, as soon as they go outside, become pedestrians. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, and drivers treat him with respect. Cars drive according to strict rules. There are also rules for pedestrians. If you don't know them, you will never become a good pedestrian.

1st student.

The city is full of traffic!
Cars are running in a row
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
Walking carefully
Watch the street.
And only where possible
Cross it!

2nd student.

So that drivers can be calm while driving.

3rd student.

Know how to do multiplication tables.

Today, every schoolchild should know that the street is very dangerous for those who do not know how to walk along it correctly. But those who firmly know and strictly follow the strict traffic rules need not be afraid of the fastest car. Let's review these rules.

- Rule 1: Pedestrians should only walk on... sidewalk. And you need to walk along it, sticking to the right side, so as not to collide with oncoming people.

- Rule 2: if the road is small, pedestrians walk along the sides... towards traffic.

- Rule 3: When crossing the street, you should definitely look first... left, and then right.

- Rule 4: You can’t cross the road anywhere and anyhow! Where can you cross the street?... along pedestrian crossings.

- Rule 5: The “three-eyed street commander” helps you cross the road correctly at an intersection... traffic light.

4th student.

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the TRANSITION!
Underground, above ground,
Know that only TRANSITION
It will save you from cars!

5th student.

Red, yellow and green,
He stares at everyone.
Busy intersection
The traffic light is not calm.
Old people and children go -
They don't run or rush.
Traffic light for everyone in the world
A true friend and brother.

6th student.

By traffic light signal
We go across the street.
And the drivers nod to us:
“Come on in, let’s wait.”

7th student.

At a red light there is no way,
On yellow - wait
When the light is green
Bon Voyage!

IV. Physical education minute

We have reviewed the basic rules of the road, and now let’s rest. I will show you different traffic lights, and you must do the following:

· red - stand still

· yellow - clap

· green- walk in place.

Tell us about the features of our school's location.

At home you did the drawings “My safest route to school”, tell us about the safest route.

Now complete the following task - draw the safest routes to our school on the map of the microdistrict.

Physical education minute.

You turn left -
Make sure there is no car.
And now turn right -
Be careful pedestrian!
We'll cross the road soon
Obeying signs or traffic lights.

V. Consolidation of what has been learned

Let's solve the crossword puzzle and remember the basic concepts of the road alphabet:

1) Striped horse,
Her name is zebra.
But not the one in the zoo -
People keep walking along it. (TRANSITION)

2) Along the path in the yard
Kolya is rushing on a horse.
Not a car, not a moped,
A simple one. ( BIKE)

3) From one end of the city to another
The house walks under the arc. (TRAM)

4) Not alive, but walking.
Motionless, but leading. (ROAD)

5) On the road to all the guys
We have been shining for a long time,
We are three siblings
Our house - (TRAFFIC LIGHT)

6) The house is walking down the street,
He takes us to work.
Not on chicken legs,
And in rubber boots. (BUS)

7) So that you cross the road
to the green light
Listen to our advice:
- Wait! And you will see in front of him
…............light. (YELLOW)

8) By the side of the road
They stand like soldiers.
You and I are doing everything
Whatever they tell us. (SIGNS)

9) Cars are rushing through the streets,
Tires are in charge there.
We went down into the passage,
The owner is there... ( A PEDESTRIAN)

10) To help you
The path is dangerous.
Burns day and night
Green yellow, … (RED)

11)Are you waiting for boarding?
On the designated area,
You don't need skill
This place … (STOP)

12) Doesn’t fly, doesn’t buzz -
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.
The plant gave him this:
And the lights look into the darkness,
And the wheels and the engine,
Rush at full speed. (AUTOMOBILE)

VI. Summarizing

What keyword did you guess? CAUTION

How is this word related to the topic of the lesson?

What should be your route from home to school?



Class hour in 2nd grade

Topic: "Attention! Road!"


1) form junior schoolchildren's ideas about road safety;

2) repeat rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road;

3) develop Children have the ability to find the safest route from home to school;

4) educate respectful attitude towards all road users.

Equipment: cards with rules, traffic lights, children's drawings, neighborhood map, crossword puzzle.

Class progress

  1. Organizational moment

The long-awaited call was given -
This is the beginning of the lesson.
And the lesson will tell everyone
How without troubles and without problems,
Early in the morning, slowly,
Come to school for the kids.

II. Communicating the Topic and Goals

Almost every morning you leave the house and go to school. Today in class we will review the rules for schoolchildren to move along the street and road, and find out which route from home to school is the safest.

Work on the topic

1. Review of traffic rules

All people, as soon as they go outside, become pedestrians. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, and drivers treat him with respect. Cars drive according to strict rules. There are also rules for pedestrians. If you don't know them, you will never become a good pedestrian.

1st student.

The city is full of traffic!
Cars are running in a row
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
Walking carefully
Watch the street.
And only where possible
Cross it!

2nd student.

We give the guys a warning:
Learn the traffic rules urgently,
So that parents don’t worry every day,
So that drivers can be calm while driving.

3rd student.

There are a lot of traffic rules in the world.
It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all.
But the basic rules of the movement
Know how to do multiplication tables.

Today, every schoolchild should know that the street is very dangerous for those who do not know how to walk along it correctly. But those who firmly know and strictly follow the strict traffic rules need not be afraid of the fastest car. Let's review these rules.

Rule 1: Pedestrians should only walk on... sidewalk. And you need to walk along it, sticking to the right side, so as not to collide with oncoming people.

Rule 2: if the road is small, pedestrians walk along the sides...towards traffic.

Rule 3: When crossing the street, you should definitely look first... left and then right.

Rule 4: You can’t cross the road anywhere and anyhow! Where can you cross the street?...along pedestrian crossings.

Rule 5: The “three-eyed street commander” helps you cross the road correctly at an intersection... traffic light.

4th student.

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the TRANSITION!
Underground, above ground,
Know that only TRANSITION
It will save you from cars!

5th student.

Red, yellow and green,
He stares at everyone.
Busy intersection
The traffic light is not calm.
Old people and children go -
They don't run or rush.
Traffic light for everyone in the world
A true friend and brother.

6th student.

By traffic light signal
We go across the street.
And the drivers nod to us:
“Come on in, let’s wait.”

7th student.

At a red light there is no way,
On yellow - wait
When the light is green
Bon Voyage!

IV. Physical education minute

We have reviewed the basic rules of the road, and now let’s rest. I will show you different traffic lights, and you must do the following:

  • red – stand still
  • yellow - clap
  • green - walk in place.

2. Safe path from home to school.

Tell us about the features of our school's location.

At home you did the drawings “My safest route to school”, tell us about the safest route.

(children's stories about a safe way to school)

Now complete the following task - draw the safest routes to our school on the map of the microdistrict.

Physical education minute.

You turn left -
Make sure there is no car.
And now turn right -
Be careful pedestrian!
We'll cross the road soon
Obeying signs or traffic lights.

V. Consolidation of what has been learned

Let's solve the crossword puzzle and remember the basic concepts of the road alphabet:

1) Striped horse,
Her name is zebra.
But not the one in the zoo -
People keep walking along it.(TRANSITION)

2) Along the path in the yard
Kolya is rushing on a horse.
Not a car, not a moped,
A simple one. ( BIKE )

3) From one end of the city to another
The house walks under the arc.(TRAM)

4) Not alive, but walking.
Motionless, but leading.(ROAD )

5) On the road to all the guys
We have been shining for a long time,
We are three siblings
Our house -(TRAFFIC LIGHT)

6) The house is walking down the street,
He takes us to work.
Not on chicken legs,
And in rubber boots.(BUS )

7) So that you cross the road
to the green light
Listen to our advice:
- Wait! And you will see in front of him

8) By the side of the road
They stand like soldiers.
You and I are doing everything
Whatever they tell us.(SIGNS)

9) Cars are rushing through the streets,
Tires are in charge there.
We went down into the passage,
The owner is there... ( A PEDESTRIAN )

10) To help you
The path is dangerous.
Burns day and night
Green yellow, …(RED )

11)Are you waiting for boarding?
On the designated area,
You don't need skill
This place …(STOP)

12) Doesn’t fly, doesn’t buzz -
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.
The plant gave him this:
And the lights look into the darkness,
And the wheels and the engine,
Rush at full speed.(AUTOMOBILE)


GAME: “Best Pedestrian”


To form competent, conscious behavior on the road for 8th grade students.


1. Generalize and expand students’ knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and road as a pedestrian, passenger and future driver. To form an idea of ​​the importance and relevance of correct behavior on the road.

2. To develop students’ observation, communication skills, and cognitive interest in traffic rules.

3. Fostering a culture of behavior on the road.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory words from the teacher:

Today we will talk to you about traffic rules. This topic is relevant at any age. Every year there are more and more cars on the streets. This means that traffic rules are becoming more and more relevant. One way or another, we all sooner or later become participants in traffic as a pedestrian, passenger or driver. Therefore, they must strictly follow generally accepted rules, be careful and attentive. Call for today's class hour: “Know the rules of movement as multiplication!”

The class hour will be held in the form of a game - a quiz that will help us remember these important rules, and maybe learn something new.

Each student plays for himself and earns points. At the end of the lesson, we will determine the best 8th grade pedestrian based on the number of points scored.

I “Historical” tour - warm-up.

Here are cards with the letters A, B, C. I read the question and three answer options. You choose the right one. Raise the letter of the correct answer.

    The word "chauffeur" in French means

A. coachman, b. firefighter, V. fireman

The French were the first to harness into a cart with a steam engine. The wheels of such a machine rotated using steam. In order for steam to form, it was necessary to constantly add firewood.

    What does the word "sidewalk" mean in French?

A. pedestrian path

B. I’m walking next to you

B. safe place

3. How many sectors did the first traffic light have?

4.What colors were the sectors of the first traffic light painted in?

A. Red, blue, white

B. Green, blue, black

B. Red, yellow, green

5. One of the first names for a bicycle

A. bicycle

B. bone shaker

V. Tandem

II tour. Theoretical.

We answer one by one. We start with the one who scored the least points in the previous round.

1.What phone number does the police call? (02)

2. On which side of the street does traffic flow in our country? (Right)

3.What does a yellow traffic light mean? (Now there will be a signal change)

4.Where the “Children” sign is installed (at schools and kindergartens)

5.What phone number call an ambulance? (03)

6.Until what age do you need to wear a seat belt in a car? (all life)

7.At what age are children allowed to ride a bicycle on the road? (From 14)

8.Before crossing the road, which direction should you look first? (left)

9.At what age can you be a passenger in the front seat of a car? (from 14 years old)

10.At what age can you drive a moped? (from 16 years old)

11.What shape and color are prohibitory signs? (White circle with red border)

12. What does this sign mean? (Bike Lane)

13.What does this sign mean? (first aid station)

14. Where in our village can you safely learn to ride a bicycle? (At the stadium)


As passengers, we must be able to use a travel first aid kit. Everyone takes turns coming to the table, choosing something from the first aid kit and explaining its purpose.

Final part: The results of the game are summed up. The best Pedestrian is selected. Attention is drawn to the telephone numbers of the traffic police department.

At the end the teacher reads a poem

V. Semernik “Prohibited - Permitted”

And avenues and boulevards,

The streets are noisy everywhere.

Walk along the sidewalk

Only on the right side.

Here to be naughty and disturb people


Be a good pedestrian


If you are traveling on a tram

And there are people around you,

Without pushing, without yawning,

Come forward quickly.

Riding like a hare, as we know,


Give the old lady a seat


If you're just walking,

Look ahead anyway.

Through a noisy intersection

Pass carefully.

Crossing at red light


When it's green, even for children



On the sheet, students mark “!” if you liked the lesson. The topic is relevant.

"?" - there were many questions

“...” - why was such a lesson needed? "Bewilderment"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Trusklyai Secondary School"

Ruzaevsky district

Republic of Mordovia

Conducted by: 8th grade class teacher

Bogdashkina I.T.

Form: class hour for grades 2-3

Target: repeat the basic rules of behavior on the road.

Progress of the lesson

Introduction. Today we will talk about the rules of the road!

Each of us crosses the roadway dozens of times a day. And every day there are more and more cars and even more careless drivers. Therefore, you need to be as careful and attentive as possible on the road.

2. Main part.

1) Now I’ll check who is our best pedestrian! Answer the questions friends!

1. Why is it necessary to cross the road at intersections and at pedestrian crossings?

2. Why can’t you cross the road at a red light or a yellow traffic light?

3. Why cross the road?

4. How does the driver see the bus passengers?

5. What can happen if you are late getting off the bus?

6. What is the danger of entering the roadway because of a parked car?

7. Can a moving car create a danger?

8. Why is a road with very few cars dangerous?

9. Why can’t you walk on the roadway?

10. How to walk on a road with no sidewalks?

11. How can you tell if a driver is about to turn right?

12. Why are cars with trailers dangerous?

13. Why is it dangerous to cross the road together or arm-in-arm or holding hands?

14. What to do at a crossing if a pedestrian drops an object?


Are little houses running along the streets, bringing boys and girls to the houses? (cars)

Ten, twenty, hundred houses stand in two rows in a row, and everyone looks at each other with square eyes. (streets)

What can I help you, my friend, the path is dangerous, they burn day and night - green, yellow, red. (traffic light)

What a miracle this house is! The windows are glowing all around. Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline. (bus)

Four brothers are running - they won't catch up with each other. (wheels)

He doesn’t see himself, but points out to others, he’s mute and deaf, but he knows the score. (Pillar indicating kilometers)

What kind of zebra has fallen apart on the road?

Why are there feet walking on this zebra?

And the driver slams on the brakes,

If a zebra catches your eye. (pedestrian crossing)

He stood up from the edge of the street

In a long boot

Commander three-eyed

On one leg. (traffic light)

Riddles about road signs:

What kind of sign is that hanging? Roma's stomach hurts,

"Stop!" - He tells the cars not to reach his house.

Pedestrian, walk boldly in this situation

In black and white stripes." What sign helps?

(pedestrian crossing) (first aid station)

You'll notice this sign right away: If you're getting together with dad

Three colored huge eyes. To the zoo or cinema

The eyes have a certain color: Make friends with this sign

Red, yellow and green. You'll have to anyway.

The red light comes on - you won’t get in without it

It's dangerous to move. Neither on the bus nor on the tram!

For whom is the green light - So you will go on foot...

Drive through, there is no prohibition. Guess the road sign!

(traffic light) (public transport stop)

In stripes black and white Let's say that with friends

The pedestrian walks boldly... You went to the gym,

How many of you guys know, But on the way I remembered: to my mother

What does the sign warn about? You didn't say anything about it.

(pedestrian crossing) He will help you here:

Road sign...


Here are a few lines that I ask you to remember!

The pavement is seething with movement,

Cars are running, trams are rushing...

Everyone be true to the rule -

Keep Right.

Pedestrians must remember:

Crossroads - transition.

There are traffic lights -

Submit to them without argument.

Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move.

The green light opened the way:

They can cross the road.

Walk straight! You know the order -

You won't get hurt on the pavement!

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Football is a good game

At the stadium, kids.

Hockey is a game played on ice in winter,

But don't play on the pavement!

Spare your health, spare your life -

And watch the movement.

Exam of importance

Follow the traffic rules.

3. Bottom line.

I hope that you will be attentive and careful on the roads.


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