Classical approaches in experimental genetics: crossing experiments and giant chromosomes. The most incredible genetic experiments

Now genetic scientists around the world are studying the genome of humans, animals and plants. The human genome has long been deciphered; scientists recently provided another decipherment - this time, of corn. Of course, work is now underway to study the role of each gene in the genome. Some experiments prove useful. True, some studies look a little strange - that’s what we’ll talk about today.

City of Twins

Probably, many of our readers have heard about the “Angel of Death,” Dr. Joseph Mengele, who served faithfully to the Nazis. This, if I may say so, doctor, or rather, fanatic, ruined thousands of lives by conducting inhumane medical experiments. One of them is an attempt to increase the incidence of twins. For what? Of course, in order to increase the number of people of the Aryan race, carriers of pure blood.

So, it is this experiment of Mengele, who, by the way, was able to avoid punishment by escaping to Latin America, is now bearing fruit. Surprisingly, it is true that in the Brazilian city of Candido Godoi there are a lot of twins. Not just a lot, but a lot - it seems that there are only twins there.

What does Dr. Mengel have to do with this? Moreover, according to local residents, Dr. Mengel visited the town in the 60s of the last century, providing medical services to the women of the city. Now Brazilians have a problem - every fifth woman who gets pregnant gives birth to twins, and the children are blue-eyed and blond. Why? Scientists don't understand this.

They still can’t clarify anything, and Dr. Mengel is unlikely to tell anything, since he died of natural causes in 1979.

Goat spiders

We all know that the web that spiders produce is a very interesting substance. For example, a cobweb is much stronger than a metal thread of the same thickness. Some spiders produce webs that can even be used for weaving, which some tribes do with success. Spider web is a very valuable material, but extracting it in large quantities is a difficult task.

Scientists decided to solve the problem in an unexpected way - by introducing some genes from the spider genome into the goat genome. As a result, the milk of genetically modified goats contains the protein that makes up the spider's web. The milk of such goats can be drunk, and it is unlikely that anyone will distinguish it from ordinary goat milk. But from this milk, after appropriate processing, a protein is released, which is called spider silk.

Cloning a frozen mouse

Scientists managed to clone a mouse that had been frozen for more than 16 years. No, they couldn’t revive the mouse, and they didn’t even try. After several unsuccessful attempts, scientists managed to create a clone of this mouse, which is considered a huge achievement in genetic engineering.

A little more - and mammoths and other extinct animals, whose DNA can still be isolated, will begin to roam the Earth. By the way, they are already starting to talk about cloning people who have bequeathed to freeze themselves after death - you have probably heard about this.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to revive frozen bodies, but it is possible to clone “polar explorers.”

Genetically modified mosquitoes

In our country, as well as throughout the CIS, people have almost forgotten about such a disease as malaria. But malaria was once a real “scourge of God” for regions with a large number of swamps. In countries like Brazil, malaria still claims many lives.

The carriers of the infection are mosquitoes - blood-sucking insects in whose bodies malaria pathogens thrive. So, scientists have created a species of mosquitoes whose body resists the pathogens of malaria, so that the bite of such a mosquito is “clean”. Scientists who created a new species of mosquito released several of these insects in order to allow them to reproduce in natural conditions. The authors of the study hope that the anti-malaria gene will be dominant, and in ten years the number of malaria cases will begin to decline.

Women and pink

Many people believe that the artificial division of men and women into lovers of blue and pink flowers has no basis. As it turned out, has, and what else.

But... no studies of the human genome were carried out; scientists simply conducted a series of computer tests, where a group of volunteers were asked to choose various geometric shapes in pink and blue colors. According to the test results, it turned out that women more often choose figures colored pink, while men choose figures colored blue.

By the way, the research results were presented in several reputable medical publications. But all this looks somewhat strange - after all, color preferences are not necessarily determined by the genome; it may well be that they are developed during life. But, be that as it may, scientists know better.

Growing eyes

Geneticists have been trying for quite some time to understand how the body of a nascent creature “understands” where the eye should be, where the tail should be, and where the paw, well, or hand should be. Amphibians are an excellent object for experiments, on which geneticists conduct their experiments.

Thus, in 2007, scientists managed to understand what substances provoke the appearance of eyes in a given place. It turned out that the indicator, the mark, is specific nitrogen-containing molecules. Scientists even managed to achieve the appearance of a third eye by introducing an additional trigger molecule.

Probably, a similar mechanism operates during the formation of eyes in other animals and humans. Now geneticists have advanced so far that they have managed to get amphibians with eyes on their paws and not even their tail (we are talking about salamanders).

Cows and milk

Dutch scientists have managed to raise cows whose genome contains a gene responsible for the content of lactoferrin in milk. This protein is characteristic of woman's milk, and it performs a protective function - for example, it very well counteracts various pathogens of pulmonary infections.

Now, if tests show the suitability of such milk, then it can be used as a medicinal drug, and very tasty. Of course, there are opponents of such experiments with cows, but there are still more supporters.

Fast growing trees

Scientists have managed to breed a species of tree that can grow up to 27 meters in just six years. These trees are not created for beauty; scientists are trying to find an alternative type of fuel that is a renewable resource. Actually, it was possible to do this, the trees really grow at a tremendous speed, so there is a chance for a successful outcome of the experiment.

The trees themselves, of course, will not be used in the form of firewood - no, we are talking about alcohol, which scientists are going to obtain from these trees. More precisely, not from them themselves, but from cellulose, which is the main component of wood. It may well be that ethanol produced from trees will be the fuel of the future.

If you carefully examine the frescoes of the temples of Egypt, then only a blind person will not
will see that here was the most natural “genetic engineering testing ground”

It just so happens that man has always been interested in the question of his origin.
When the world was still small and he ran around in short pants, it was quite possible for him
the biblical version of Adam and Eve, from whom the race originated, is sufficient
human. Like, the Lord God created the first two, well, and then, as they say,

When humanity grew up, this fairy tale somehow
I couldn't believe it. And here on
Charles Darwin came to help
who wrote the landmark work "The Evolution of Species".
For a long time it was believed that Darwin argued
that man descended from apes
through evolution. This is also a long time
the grown-up people believed, until finally
re-read his works more carefully.
It turned out that with Darwin it’s the same as with
The Bible. Everyone knows about him, everyone has read him
excerpts - in textbooks, popular science
articles, took place in biology classes at school,
but Darwin himself is rarely
read it from cover to cover. (In that
and there is a similarity with the Bible: you don’t have to open this
book, but there are so many quotes from it around us that,
Probably everyone "read" it this way
thus the entire Bible - by quotations.)

What happened? But it turned out that it’s called
They heard the ringing, but they don’t know where it is. Darwin
did not at all assert a direct connection between
monkey and man and did not draw any conclusions
"first a monkey - then a man", he
on the contrary, he wrote that the path of evolution is so complex and multifaceted that without God
it simply would not have been possible: “This is such a complex process that could not take place without
participation of the Supreme Being."

If we present Darwin's theory, deeply, by the way,
a believer, in a nutshell, he wrote that the appearance of man on earth -
the result of a long process: from the first cell and the simplest organisms to
complex. And in the end, as a result of natural selection, when the weak gave way
stronger species, man appeared, and among them there were animals, including monkeys,
which of the entire animal world in their anatomy and physiology are closest to
person. And that's all, nothing more! Monkeys are simply the animals closest to humans.

Then humanity grew even more, although it is still very, very far from adults.
far away, but into the tales from the Old Testament about the six days of creation, as well as into the distorted
no longer believes Darwin's theory. There was esoteric talk that six days is
symbol, image, and we are talking about six very time-extended stages that in Africa
supposedly some prototypes of Adam and Eve were found - they say, genetically humanity
originated from one male and one female cell, they talk intelligently about
sets of chromosomes and genetic code... That is, humanity has rejected fairy tales for children,
but turned to fantasy - fairy tales for adults.

In our time, no longer adolescence, but, let’s say, the time of transformation of a young man into
man, new theories arise about where he came from and how he appeared in the first place.
Human. New time - new fairy tales. How fantasy are they really -
Time will tell, but we cannot brush them aside.

So, what are enlightened minds talking and arguing about now and what version
own origin seems to them the most reliable? Seriously talk about God
and admitting it seems stupid and outdated to them. Instead of God the following are used
terms such as Cosmic Mind, unified information field (Noosphere), etc. And on
wave of general fascination with contacts with alien intelligence and visits to our
a planet of numerous and varied UFOs back in the second half of the last century
they started talking about the fact that humanity is the result of laboratory research,
numerous experiments to create artificial intelligence and artificial
bodies that were carried out by some higher beings - aliens. Essentially the same gods
for who is the Creator, who created that which was not before him, if not God?

Among such theories there are frankly funny, frankly ridiculous,
frankly unprofessional, frankly odious, and so on and so forth. But there is one
which I would like to consider in detail, because, as they say, there is something in it...

The hypothesis explains the origin of human races on Earth as a result
artificial crossing and selection. To agree or disagree with her,
Let's turn to paleontology, biology and other similar sciences. Since we all
fully educated, we know that before the appearance of Homo sapiens - man
sapiens, there were a large number of other homos. Neanderthal paleanthropes lived
almost everywhere on our planet where Cro-Magnon man later lived. And so
someone arrived on our planet and saw that there was life, and it seemed like the beginnings of intelligence
are also observed, but at such, you know, a primitive level that it would be nice to
improve. And they began to improve - actively, through artificial selection or,
what is more likely is genetic interference. This is how they appeared on earth
highly developed civilizations. In parallel with this, they were tamed and domesticated
animals - to facilitate heavy agricultural labor and other practical
needs, more productive and useful breeds were bred. To put it in our scientific
language, a certain highly developed race of alien beings practiced genetic

In some places where the most advanced
civilizations (such as Sumer, Assyria, Egypt, India), but most likely even earlier -
in the proto-civilizations of Atlantis, Hyperborea or Lemuria-Mu, the aliens reached
thoughts that it would be nice to create a creature more capable of working than animals, which
could have the physical strength of an animal and sufficient intelligence to perform
complex housework tasks.

Genetic experimenters, observing local flora and fauna, could not,
Of course, you won’t notice that in the forests and mountains surrounding their settlements they physically live
strong anthropoid animals that, under certain conditions, could
become a good material for work or selection. Catch them and isolate them
given the well-established technogenic level of this highly developed
proto-civilization was not difficult. Having at my disposal
several individuals of different sexes and having tried them in practice, ancient scientists quickly
were convinced that the mental development of captured anthropoids was too primitive for
in order to perform complex work and understand complex commands. Apparently, then
The idea arose to crossbreed with these creatures ourselves. Convinced from the first experiments,
that Neanderthals may well conceive and give birth to alien men, and women
aliens - from Neanderthals, they chose volunteers and began to try different
crossing options, primary and secondary, experimenting on different sexes, and
also mix their results with each other and look at the result. Unlikely crossbreeding
occurred naturally, here, most likely, methods were used
artificial insemination.

The resulting hybrid experiments resulted in proto-civilization scientists
They were kept in special reservations (“Gardens of Eden”). They raised these hybrids
educated them, taught them the basics of language, work skills and human morality. What
what happened next, one can only guess. The grown hybrids could then be released to
all four sides, but this is unlikely, because their level was not yet the highest
high. Most likely, the most unsuccessful specimens could be released. It is also possible
another option: many experimental subjects simply managed to escape.

And these unsuccessful specimens that were released or escaped in the wild began
uncontrollably multiply and form new races and ethnic groups, which in terms of level
developments were already much closer to Homo sapiens than to Neanderthals, although they were
are still quite primitive.

The hybrids, in turn, also multiplied, gradually merging into the human
society, again mixed with people, etc. If the hybrid had
dominance of Neanderthaloid traits, he, accordingly, gravitated towards communication and
reproduction with Neanderthals, if human, then with humans. Secondary mestizos
were more developed, looked for their own kind and again gave birth to new races and ethnic groups.
As for natural Neanderthals, the source material, so to speak, they
were gradually supplanted everywhere by both the Cro-Magnoid race and
humanized hybrid half-Neanderthaloids. But still it was still like
would be subhumans, some transitional hybrid stages between Neanderthaloids,
Cro-Magnoloids and Homo sapiens.

A serious reader will say - what kind of fiction is this? What kind of fairy tales? All this
It’s impossible to check, so there’s no point in shaking the air. They made something up out of nothing
there are scribblers-journalists or scientists who have nothing to do, and now they feed us with this.
But all this is by no means an invention out of thin air. Some argue for this hypothesis
data from the ancient mythology of Egypt, India and Sumer, as well as archaeological

First of all, one of the indirect evidence is information from ancient
proto-religions, in which the gods descended to earth and were somehow different from
a person by his appearance. There is practically no proto-religion in which there is no
there would be aliens from the sky. Another indirect evidence is knowledge
scientists about the civilization of, say, the ancient Egyptians. Any Egyptologist knows that
there are ancient manuscripts that describe the ancient Egyptians, or rather,
those whom the Egyptians revered as gods, engaged in something that strongly resembles
genetic experiments and research. And these experiments and studies are even for
modern scientific knowledge may seem fantastic. For example, bishop
Eusebius of Caesarea argued, citing the Egyptian priest Manetho, that race
gods in Egypt created many different kinds of hybrid creatures: “They produced
people with wings and human beings with goat hips, also people with horns on
head, and others with horse legs. They also produced creatures that
in front they were like people, and in the back they were like horses. Also animals with human heads and
dogs with fish tails. In addition, other monsters and ugly creatures similar
on dragons." You might think - medieval fairy tales, if not for the images
Egyptian gods, who were half-human, half-beast. Where did these come from?
images and such an idea of ​​​​the gods? Only because in ancient times
did people worship animals by making totems out of them? But the Egyptian civilization
was not born from such primitive beliefs. Another indirect evidence -
sudden emergence of Egyptian civilization. She was literally born
on the empty place. Doesn't this look like the result of genetic experiments? Very
Seems like.

The priest Manetho testified that the Egyptians and Babylonians portrayed these
strange creatures in their artistic and architectural works. By the way,
sphinx statues may well be evidence of these genetic experiments and
monuments to what happened.

Based on the analysis of numerous wall paintings in temples and tombs
Valleys of the Pharaohs, scientists came to the conclusion that the “gods” were able to do something like
artificial assembly of the human body from its parts, changing the head and other organs.
Frescoes in Egyptian temples show the process of inserting a micropipette into an egg with
for the purpose of influencing the genome. In general, Egyptian frescoes contain a lot of things that
humanity became acquainted only in recent centuries and even decades. Electrical
batteries, television, computer, spacecraft, aircraft for
movement in the layers of the earth's atmosphere and so on in the same spirit. If civilization
the "gods" of the Egyptians knew all this, then before experiments with the human genome - just by hand

If you carefully examine the frescoes of the temples of Egypt, only a blind person would not see
that here was the most natural “genetic engineering testing ground.” Scientists suggest
that all this happened twelve to seventeen thousand years ago, i.e. back in the antediluvian times
time. Moreover, the experiments were carried out by some tall creatures over short ones
people, using them as experimental animals.

So it can be assumed with a high degree of probability that in the Ancient
Egypt's goal was to create a new species of human from this “genetic material”.
This is precisely what the images of people with the heads of animals and birds indicate. On
In bas-reliefs, black Negroid slaves were often depicted with tails. I wonder what
The Great Sphinx on the Giza plateau is depicted with the head of the Negroid race, which
indicates strong prognathism of the facial part and a dolichocephalic skull, i.e. obvious
Neanderthaloid features. It may well be that these experiments are not always
were successful, their results turned out to be unviable, artificially
the bred creatures had some imperfections, and even were completely dangerous to society
shortcomings and were destroyed. Some atavistic signs, sometimes
manifested in humans, such as tails, horns, scales, flipper-shaped membranes on
limbs are most likely the result of this genetic engineering of the race of "gods".
Yes, orthodox science explains, or rather, explained atavistic signs completely
other reasons: they say, we all came from the sea, we had monkeys in our ancestors... But
since neither Darwin nor modern science categorically agree with enrollment in
our ape ancestors, from whom we supposedly evolved naturally as a result
evolutionary selection, then these explanations are untenable. The explanations are also untenable.
atavistic traits by mutations.

Similar experiments, it must be said, were carried out not only in Ancient Egypt.
The ancients also contain information about artificial insemination operations.
Indian sources. By the way, in Egypt and India they tried to fertilize not only
women, but also men, performing complex surgical operations.

Some experiments on crossing different species were also carried out in Assyria - in
This conclusion of scientists was prompted by finds in Nimrud. In particular, in 1848 there were
two artifacts with cuneiform writing were found - the so-called. seal of Ashurnasirpal II (883-859 BC)
AD), and the black obelisk of Shalmaneser III (858-824 BC). Both artifacts depicted
Assyrians leading strange hybrid animals of unknown species next to them,
both tamed wild and domestic ones. Cuneiform accompanying the images
contained information that Ashurnazirpal bred these animals in his
Zoological Garden in Kalakh. The inscription on the second bas-relief spoke of two other species
- basiati and udumi. Some specialists in the field of oriental studies believe that this
were humanoid creatures that originated from a very early and very special
branches in animal evolution, which is indirectly indicated by one of the names - udumi (not that
otherwise known as “adami” - on behalf of the first man Adam).

Sumerian cuneiform tells in detail about the creation by the “gods” of a new
mixed race. The “gods” there, apparently, are either the same aliens,
or an antediluvian race (in other sources it is also called Asuras), for which there was
characterized by gigantic growth, and the new human hybrid race is called "Lulu", which
literally means "one who is mixed." In ancient Sumerian texts from Nippur
it is specifically stated that the gods Anu, Enlil, Enki and Nin-Hursag themselves molded
"black-headed" people called "Sumerians". To begin with, in the "creation workshop"
the younger Anunnaki gods were created, whose task was to prepare the ground for
processing and growing grains. But this task turned out to be impossible for them. Case
is that the waters of the flood destroyed the environment in that region and turned
fertile soils in a layer of clay. The Sumerian chronicles indicate that the main
the priority became to make the land usable again and revive the country's rich Eden in
delta of Mesopotamia. To the Younger Anunnaki to complete this impossible task
additional labor was required. It is further reported that the "lulu" were
"introduced" into the process at an early stage. Tablet "Ashnan and Lahara" in detail
tells how “for the sake of good things in their pure sheepfolds, man received
breathing". Very transparent, isn’t it? Goals and objectives are outlined specifically and clearly,
and from the inscription one can draw an indisputable conclusion that people were taken out

Next, Enki and the other Anunnaki made a formal request to Nin-
Khursag to create a man “bearing the yoke” of the Anunnaki, i.e. breed a race of slaves. Ning-
Khursag was considered a major specialist in anatomy and medicine, and many have been found
descriptions of her genetic research, including saving Enki's seed for
use in cross-fertilization of other life forms. Featured in
manuscripts and tablets called the "workshop of creation" Nin-Khursag the "House
Shimti" (from the Sumerian word "SH.IM.TI", which means "spirit-wind-life"). What is it if
not a genetic laboratory?

Nin-Khursag soon improved her experiments and was ready to create
the first "lulu". In the epic "Atra-Khasis" it is said that Ea and Nin-Igiku (Enki and Nin-
Khursag) created, soon after the flood, fourteen new people - seven boys and seven
girls. For this purpose, the uteri of the “goddesses” were involved in the clinical process, in which
Fourteen “pinches of clay” were planted. So much for genetic engineering, he says
skeptical reader. After all, the ancient beliefs of many ethnic groups are known,
which says that man was created from clay. But don't be skeptical
grin: Sumerologists in this symbolic image of rough and
uncultivable soil is seen as the seed of Neanderthals - rough and also
little amenable to processing. If we were talking about banal modeling from clay, then why
use the wombs of “goddesses” for this purpose? Gods - they are omnipotent, they can blind
little man, breathe life into him - and then he went, little man.

So, as a result of gene experiments, not only a new workforce was created for
hard work in the fields, in the construction of new cities and in mines, but was also conceived
a new social system, where the “gods”, i.e. the race of Asuras, were endowed with powers
divine rulers. From Mesopotamian texts it follows that those that appeared in
As a result of this selection, the "Lulu" slaves considered the main task of their lives to be service.
"gods", providing them with food and shelter. There is a clearly laid down genetic
a program that primarily influences the mind and motives of behavior. Instead of "lulu"
received primary education from the “gods”, they were taught language, sciences, arts,
crafts, i.e. joined the developed civilization. Also a new hybrid race
taught the basics of human morality, the distinction between good and evil, and instilled religion:
Religious service to the Asuras was encouraged - temples were built for them and sacrifices were made.
Within the framework of the cult of the Asuras, a “pagan” religion arose, characteristic of all
exclusion of tribes of ancient people. This is where the host of gods comes from in paganism: representatives
superior race or alien experimenters lived on our planet clearly not in

All of the above fits very well into the framework of the hypothesis about the derivation
a hybrid race of slaves based on mixing the genes of the Asuras with the genes of the Archanthropes.
Black-headed mutants did not have the innate qualities and talents of humans, but must
were going through the training stage, i.e. humanization. First in the reservations (Edens)
they were taught language and morality, then given work - cultivating and storing
"Raya". Precisely Paradise - after all, there they did not need anything, they were fed, taught, etc. More
that - no one kept silent about who they were and where they came from, the history of their own
origin was known to them, and they thanked the “gods” for their creation. Very
the right move: give life and explain it. The creature will be grateful for this gift
serve you to the end of your life. So they pledged to work for life in
gratitude for one’s birth and life in the society of Asuras. (Hence, apparently,
genetic admiration of a person for his parents: they gave life - thank you very much!)

As for different races, everything is clear: different genetic experiences and
crossing options gave different results, so in the same Sumer there arose
caste society and strict hierarchy based on race. After the creation of the younger ones
The Anunnaki and "Lulu" also conceived a project to breed a race of earthly overseers
over slaves, the first of whom was Adapa (the Sumerian prototype of the biblical Adam).
This was a race of "demigods".

Now it is clear why in such highly developed civilizations there was such
primitive mythology, composed as if in a parable-allegorical form.
It is clear that she was the product of a hybrid mental retard
half-Neanderthal race, which could not do anything more highly intelligent
create. The truth was hidden behind a veil of mythical symbols. It is clear who worked for
land and who built the cities and pyramids, and who controlled them, and why this workforce
so ingratiated and deified her masters, who owned advanced technologies
- instead of simply crushing them with its mass.

Apparently, in Egypt, Sumer and in the land of Abzu (southeast Africa) there was
Negroid and also dark-skinned races were bred, which, having increased in number,
then settled throughout Africa and the Middle East. Other hybrid forms
which gave rise to the Mongoloid race appeared in Asia, others were created in America, where
laid the foundation for the American colored races (Inca, Mayans, Aztecs, etc.). Ultimately
As a result, they began to live on the ruins of high civilizations that they did not build,
using their scientific achievements and adopting culture, but at a lower level. And this
the right was most likely granted to them by the Asuras themselves, who for unknown reasons
began to gradually disappear from the historical scene.

Over time, all the most highly intellectual knowledge of the "gods" was gradually
lost because mentally retarded lower races did not have the ability to fully
preserve and pass on to posterity. Of course, this soon led these civilizations to
complete decline and degradation.

If all this was so, then we can draw a bold conclusion: experience in “sapientation”
Neanderthals by crossing with Asuras, whose heirs became
Cro-Magnons, failed. They screwed up something there, these “gods”, didn’t take something into account...
Maybe Neanderthals shouldn’t have been interbred with anyone at all? Well, not adapted
they are towards civilization, they should wave a baton and live at the level of excretory functions:
eat, sleep and copulate. And nearby - preferably - someone to entertain them,
They can’t do it themselves. As a result, a time bomb was planted in humanity.
The Neanderthal in us is very strong! Received into hands that only know how to hold
baton, the highest technology, and we swing them. What if we swing in the wrong direction - and
Hello everyone, descendants!

Back in the 17th century, Scottish priest Robert Kirk in his book described supernatural phenomena very similar to today's UFOs and aliens. Kirk's tale of mysterious creatures attacking animals is very reminiscent of contemporary reports of strange deaths of domestic animals.

Bleeding dead animals have been found in various parts of the world. And all of them have mysterious open wounds with extremely smooth edges and tissue that has disappeared without a trace, as if snatched out by some hollow instrument. “Surgical operations on animals were performed quickly—in a minute or two, using high temperatures of a laser scalpel,” says renowned pathologist John Altshuller.

In some cases, local residents saw mysterious unmarked black helicopters just before the cattle died. And immediately a new version arose: abductions and biological experiments are carried out not by some space aliens, but by terrestrial intelligence services imitating the activities of aliens.

A mysteriously dead bull from Caldwell (USA, Kansas, February 1992).
The animal's jaw tissues were carefully cut off, cranial bones and teeth were removed.

This version is also supported by the fact that some victims of abductions under hypnosis spoke about their abductors as completely earthly people in military uniform. Adding fuel to the fire were information and documents leaked to the press about secret biomedical, genetic and psychological experiments that have been carried out on the unsuspecting population by military and secret research organizations for several decades.

An employee of the Austrian Space Research Institute, Dr. Helmut Lammer, based on the data available to him, came to the conclusion that at least three groups of specialists are interested in blaming their research on aliens:

  • those who manipulate people's consciousness and behavior;
  • specializing in morally questionable biological and genetic research;
  • and finally, the military, developing new types of weapons.

Well, the hypothesis about the purely terrestrial nature of biogenetic experiments is not without foundation. However, its weak link is that reports of such phenomena can be found not only in today's press, but also in old chronicles.

At the same time, there is a version that, by combining the first two (alien and earthly), eliminates many contradictions. According to some researchers, including such reputable ones as William F. Hamilton, William Cooper, John Lear, a deal has been concluded between a certain high-ranking US government group and aliens: the aliens transfer high technologies to the Americans, and they turn a blind eye to kidnappings and mutilation livestock, biological and genetic research.

Basic genetic research and comparative analysis of the biological structure of earthlings and aliens are carried out at a joint underground base with aliens, located near the city of Dulce, New Mexico. It is believed that genetic engineering experiments are also being conducted there in order to breed new races. The base has underground communications with Los Alamos (New Mexico) and with Area 51 (Dreamland base, Nevada) and is a seven-story underground complex where several thousand aliens and earthlings work.

The three upper levels of the complex are occupied by security service, communications, premises for earthlings, management, bureaus and laboratories. The fourth is reserved for experiments on mind control (on humans). The fifth level is allocated to aliens.

“At level six, large-scale experiments are being conducted to change the genetic makeup of people so that they can work in dangerous conditions” (W. F. Hamilton). Experiments are also being carried out here on implanting a special kind of implants into the brains of people, so-called transponders - microtransmitters that make it possible to control human behavior at any distance. This method is called radiohypnotic intercerebral control.

Another area of ​​research is selective erasing of memory by electronic methods. In particular, those few base employees who are released “to freedom” are subject to this procedure. Apparently, the results are still far from perfect - thanks to regressive hypnosis, these employees were still able to remember some things. On this same floor, cloning methods are developed and three-month-old embryos taken from women after artificial insemination are “finished.”

The experiments are carried out within the framework of highly secret programs of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In total, about six thousand scientists and four thousand service personnel are employed on the base in mind control projects, genetic engineering and cloning. On the sixth level there is also a “menagerie” for experimental exhibits. W. Hamilton cites stories of workers who saw here the results of crossing people and various species of animals. They are kept in cages. Many cried and asked for help in human language.

The lowest, seventh level - the refrigeration chamber - is reserved for storing thousands of human and hybrid embryos that were the result of failed experiments. The version of the joint activity of earthlings and aliens explains many phenomena: abductions, strange medical manipulations of the abducted, “alien” sexual contacts, and mysterious mutilations of animals. In particular, from the same sources it follows that the aliens need a large amount of animal blood not only for genetic experiments, but also for their own nutrition.

For the first time, information (very sparse at first) about a joint research base with aliens in Dultz appeared about ten years ago. It is possible that its leak was deliberately organized. The future will show how trustworthy this information can be.

Other parts of the book:

What was happening in the Dominican village of Salinas became a shocking sensation. There, local girls at the age of twelve sometimes turn into boys. There are many such cases - approximately every 90th person changes gender by adolescence.

Parents are not against it, they raise their children according to the principle: when they grow up, they will decide on their own. In the village they are used to this and celebrate the appearance of a new man in the community with a special holiday.

Scientists from all over the world flocked to unravel the mystery of natural sex change.

That's what Cornell University endocrinologist Dr. Julianne Imperato found out. Science is dealing with a rare genetic disease.

It is triggered due to a lack of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase in the body.

It turns any human embryo that is initially female into a male at 8 weeks of fetal development. But for some reason, for the residents of the village of Salinas, this enzyme can start working at the age of 12 years.

Scientists do not yet know what causes this and what mechanism blocks the action of hormones or enzymes. However, studying Dominican hermaphrodites could have far-reaching implications.

It is obvious that a number of chemicals can trigger any mutations in the human body. And for science this opens up endless possibilities.

Create a person with a given set of qualities. Including using GMO food. Make a creature in a test tube consisting of a set of genes from any animal. Make a weapon that only affects people of a certain race. Eliminate a number of abilities in healthy adults, such as obesity and baldness, and longevity and reproduction. Moreover, such experiments have been ongoing for a long time. And there is even information that they were successful.

The lead singer of the legendary group ABBA, Frida Lyngstad, basked in the rays of success and fame for many years and toured the whole world. After marriage she bears the title of princess. But few people know the terrible secret of this beautiful and talented woman. She is the victim of a genetic experiment. The artist learned the truth about her origin when she was already famous.

Frida was born in November 1945. A few months after occupied Norway was liberated by Soviet troops. Her Norwegian mother fled to neighboring Sweden because the birth of her daughter made her an outcast in her homeland. 17-year-old Sini Lyngstad was selected to participate in the Lebensborn project, which translates to “Source of Life.”

This Nazi program began on the orders of Hitler and Himmler back in 1938. Its goal was to create a particularly pure Nordic race through selection. An important part of the program was to force German or Aryan-eligible women from occupied territories to bear children with SS soldiers and officers.

Volunteer girls were tested for racial purity. Are there any criminals, Jews, gypsies or mentally ill people in the family? After this, true Aryans were allowed into the body. There were special visiting houses where the Nazis met with those who wanted to have a child from them. The couple may not have even met before this.

If the mother was loyal to the authorities, she was allowed to raise the child herself. Their fathers never saw them. During the war years, about 12 thousand children were born to Norwegian mothers from German soldiers in Lebensborn houses. Frida Lyngstad found out that her father was Wehrmacht captain Alfred Hase. She managed to find him, but this meeting was not warm. They never saw each other again.

Another part of the Lebensborn program was even more inhumane. In the occupied territories, small children - from one to six years old - were selected from among the prisoners, having the external signs of real Aryans: tall stature, blond hair, light eyes. And this is the majority of children of the Slavic and Scandinavian peoples.

The kids were taken away and raised in special orphanages as future soldiers of the Third Reich, who were supposed to replenish the gene pool of Hitler's empire.

They were forced to forget their native language, parents, homeland. Historians suggest that there are tens of thousands of these children from Belarus, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Yugoslavia. And after the war they remained in a foreign land, grew up and do not know where their real families were.

Vladimir Mazharov was incredibly lucky. He managed to survive in Lebensborn and return home. The professor, doctor of medical sciences has been living in Krasnoyarsk for many years and enjoys well-deserved respect.

The boy was taken away from his mother when he was one year and three months old. Zinaida Mazharova and her eldest son Slava met the war in the Latvian city of Liepaja. Being in the last month of pregnancy, she cared for the wounded. Her husband Fedor, a career officer and pilot, was sent to defend the skies over Leningrad. Meanwhile, Latvia was bombed. Zinaida and her children survived and ended up in a German prison.

She went through 4 concentration camps: Salaspils, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Belzig. Every day in anticipation of death. In Belzig, she left the firing squad with one single thought: to find the children.

Both of her sons were selected for deportation to Germany. But the elder later did the impossible. In 1944, when he was 9, he managed to escape from the Nazis and lived alone for a whole year in a Riga apartment that belonged to them before the war. Mother returned home at the end of May 1945. Her eldest son was already waiting for her there.

Three weeks later the doorbell rang - my father returned. The only thing missing was the youngest - Vladimir. They searched for him for two years and found him. Although he was less than one and a half years old, he clearly remembers how children were selected in the concentration camp. High - to improve the gene pool of the fascists. The short ones were destroyed.

Little Volodya ended up in a special orphanage, over which a black flag decorated with white runes fluttered. This place was located in northern Germany, near the city of Lubeck. There the children were well fed and taken to the sea. But German culture, strict order and ideology were mandatory disciplines in Lebensborn's institution.

"Yes, I would probably have been a good soldier of the Fuhrer, because this German order, scrupulousness, all this was drummed into us in the literal sense of the word, which means that for the slightest deviation from the norms of education, that is, we were taught to order, to perform any order from a senior. And therefore, the older children could make fun of us, the little ones, but we had to endure, because this is how we developed our character, that is, they told us that we had to develop such a character for ourselves."- said Mozharov.

The breeders of the new race selected a mate for especially beautiful and intelligent children from an early age. Although there were more than a hundred boys and only a couple dozen girls in that orphanage, Vladimir got a bride.

The family searched for him after the war, but to no avail. This continued until Latvian Irena Astors returned from Germany in 1947. She worked as a teacher in an orphanage where children taken from the USSR were kept. The woman wrote an open letter to the newspaper "Soviet Latvia" and said that she had a list of all the abducted children. The Germans kept all the names and surnames...

Vladimir was six years old when he saw his family. However, the boy's return turned into a real diplomatic war. At the end of the war, the territory where the shelter was located ended up in the British zone of occupation. Lord Woolton, who headed the British Red Cross, categorically refused to recognize the rights of Soviet parents to their children.

Most of the former children, involuntary participants in the Aryanization program, were transported to orphanages in England and the USA. There, doctors, psychologists and representatives of the special services talked with the failed Aryans.

Only these efforts have moved to the laboratory. By a strange coincidence, it was Great Britain that became the first country in the world to adopt the scandalous “three-parent” law.

On February 24, 2015, the British Parliament captured the world's attention. The heated discussion lasted for more than four hours. Parliamentarians debated whether or not to allow a new type of biotechnological procedure, namely the creation in vitro of a child with a set of genes from three people. Father, mother and donor mitochondrial DNA from another woman.

The fact is that many genetic diseases are transmitted through mitochondrial DNA. Replacing this part of the egg will save a person from an unpleasant inheritance - supporters of the law shouted.

However, opponents talk about more dire consequences. The new organism will be considered, scientifically, a biological chimera - an artificial creature. No one knows whether science has discovered all the secrets of nature in order to construct Frankensteins on such a massive scale.

Perhaps they will not be viable at all or they will develop unknown genetic abnormalities. There have never been any experiments where chimeras survived to adulthood. However, the British Parliament eventually allowed the procedure.

Already in 2016, the first children with a mixed set of genes may appear in the UK.

The unprecedented case of American Lydia Fairchild became a sensation in world medicine. After the divorce, she applied for benefits and alimony, and her ex-husband insisted on DNA testing of the paternity of their two children.

The results shocked everyone. The test confirmed paternity, but showed that Lydia herself, who gave birth to the children, was not their mother.

A repeat test was done and samples were taken from Lydia's third child, with whom she was pregnant. And again, the incredible - according to the DNA code, the mother of the unborn child and his brothers was not at all the woman who carried them.

How is this possible? A scandal broke out in the USA, and Lydia was accused of anything.

Her lawyer saved the day. He provided the court with an article from the New England Journal of Medicine, an authoritative scientific publication. It described the story of one woman who was found to have two different sets of DNA. And in the same way, her children were genetically not her own. In science, this phenomenon is called a chimera. Lydia Fairchild discovered that her organs and tissues also contained two different sets of DNA and proved her rights.

How are chimeras created? Scientists were prompted to solve the mystery by the same results of DNA tests. The woman who passed on a different set of chromosomes to her children was a distant relative. Most likely an aunt. This led to an astonishing discovery. It was established that this mother, while still in the womb, had a twin sister. At the stage of just a few cells, the embryos fused together, and no one would have known about it. But already at this stage the embryo has its own unique DNA code.

This is how a person with two sets of genes turned out.

Indeed, there may be many more chimeras among us. In particular, these are people with eyes or hair of different colors. All these are conjoined twins.

In the Kemerovo region, Pavlik Korchagin was born - a boy with a rare anomaly. He got extra organs from his twin brother. Double circulatory system and another pair of eyes. Alas, all four saw nothing.

Even when the child had an extra pair of eyes removed, he could not see. Then specialists from the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery in Ufa got down to business. They performed a series of operations and, using a unique alloplant drug, restored Pavlik’s vision.

In his case, it was most likely due to an inherited mutation. His father served at a nuclear test site and was likely exposed to radiation.

In the animal world, chimerism is much more common. Available REN TV Footage appeared and circulated around the world's news agencies. They show a five-eared cat, a snake with a clawed paw, two-headed and eight-legged mutants.

In Gorodets, Nizhny Novgorod region, they seriously waited for milk from a goat. Irina Nemesh, the owner of a goat named Seryozha, claims that the milk is no worse than from an ordinary goat. A curiosity, but veterinarians know this.

But the goat Seryozha also turned out to be partial to sheep. The strangest thing is that as a result of his love, offspring were allegedly born.

The fruit of the strange union was either kids or lambs. Irina examines the miracle of nature and finds in them the features of both parents. But perhaps the owner simply doesn’t know something about her sheep.

According to scientists, goats and sheep do not interbreed naturally. They have different numbers of chromosomes. However, for the first time it was possible to obtain an artificial hybrid of two animals with the help of goat and sheep embryos. Such interspecific chimeras were obtained by scientists from two countries, England and Germany, almost simultaneously, in 1984. Sheep goats were formed by the mechanical union of two embryos at a very early stage.

At that time, scientists were unable to grow a chimeric embryo into a full-fledged organism. However, these experiments did not stop. The experiments were in full swing and were so close to creating real monsters that biology professor Stuart Newman and his colleague Jamie Rivkin decided to take a desperate step.

They patented in the United States all possible but not yet created methods for creating human-animal chimeras. According to them, to prevent inhumane experiments.

This was back in 1998. Colleagues ridiculed Newman-Rivkin's initiative. But it turned out the other way around. There were more than enough scientists from different countries who wanted to create a human-animal hybrid...

Now in the United States, the leaders of any unclassified work on crossing human and animal cells have only two options: pay professors or transfer the experiments to another country.

In the same UK, after noisy debates, the Human Tissue and Embryo Act was adopted in 2007. It allows scientists to create three different types of human and animal embryos. The first type, the classic chimera, is made by injecting animal cells into a human embryo. The second, the so-called transgenic embryo, involves the introduction of animal DNA into a human embryo. The third, known as a cytoplasmic hybrid, is created by transferring the nucleus of human cells into animal eggs from which almost all the genetic material has been removed.

However, the same law prohibits the creation of true hybrids by merging the egg and sperm of a human and an animal.

In addition, chimeric embryos cannot be implanted into a human or animal body and have the right to live only in the laboratory for no more than 14 days. Why are they even needed? It turns out that it is much easier and faster to grow stem cells needed for some operations.

Humanity already has a wealth of experience working with chimeric organisms in the plant world. Robert Shapiro is the head of the global chimera factory. For a long time he headed the transnational company Monsanto. This biotech giant is a leader in GMO production. Concerned about its image, the company hired an army of PR people to create a favorable image of the chimera factory. This is how the myth was invented that only GMO agricultural plants can save the planet from hunger. Painting a rosy future, the company's PR specialists want the truth about the dark past of this company to be forgotten forever.

Note that the first chimera plant, genetically modified soybean, was made by Monsanto in 1996. Already at that time, concerns began to arise that the accumulation of glyphosate in edible plants could have a detrimental effect on human health. First of all, provoking cancer.

Lawyers for the producers of chimera plants immediately stated that soy can cause cancer only if the technology is violated, and this happens extremely rarely. But how are genetically modified soybeans actually grown?

Back in the early 2000s, Russian scientists conducted a number of unprecedented experiments. Their goal was to determine whether GMO foods are truly dangerous to human health. For the purity of the experiment, in addition to the rats that completely switched to eating transgenic soybeans, several more control groups of animals were created that were fed natural food.

Almost all the rats died from huge tumors that simply devoured the poor animals from the inside. And in subsequent years, to verify these results, similar experiments were carried out in other countries of the world. And all the scientists got the same thing. However, the main argument of chimera plant defenders was that the human body is different from a rodent. But Russian specialists managed to prove that transgenic plants can actually cause harm to the human body.

The fact that it was allergists who took up the problem of GMO products was by no means an accident. In the 90s, products with GMOs began to be actively produced all over the world. At the same time, a strange epidemic begins in Russia.

People died from anaphylactic shock. A real epidemic of deaths is already a threat to national security. Allergies are especially dangerous for children, which is why it was decided to check baby food for safety. The main goal of the study was to find out how allergenic transgenic soybean is.

From the very first steps, scientists encountered unforeseen difficulties. To determine the danger of chimera soybeans, it was first necessary to establish how safe regular soybeans are in terms of allergies. Even though the chimera soybean variety was only cultivated a few years ago, finding pure soybeans has proven incredibly difficult.

While unique research into the safety of transgenic plants was being conducted in Russia, alarming information was coming from all over the world about more and more outbreaks of strange diseases.

Russian scientists not only managed to prove that transgenic soybean is much more dangerous for allergy sufferers than regular soybean. For the first time, it has been determined what exactly turns transgenic soybean into a killer. The gene code is changed by the introduction of a new protein, which turns out to be the strongest allergen. For the first time in world practice, the safety of baby food based on transgenic soybeans was questioned. Unfortunately, not everyone heeded the warning of domestic scientists. And this led to new victims.

The US National Council for Standardization of Organic Products made a unanimous decision back in 1991. The Council ruled that GMOs and food products derived from them should not be sold in the organic food system. This is where the elite of American society buys groceries. Environmentally friendly products without transgenic inserts and chemical additives. Those who cannot get into these stores, according to financial qualifications, are forced to eat cheap food made from green chimeras. According to a number of researchers, the American elite is openly conducting a global genetic experiment on the total sterilization of the poor classes. After all, according to Russian scientists, transgenic food can make a person infertile.

In this case, the human genome turns out to be clogged with alien code - DNA, which implements its own program. A similar situation occurs when a virus gets into the computer - a software failure occurs.

Moreover, the easiest way for new genetic inserts to enter cells associated with human reproduction is sperm and eggs. This leads to a complete blockage of the reproductive apparatus.

According to scientists' forecasts, problems with the reproductive sphere will become one of the most pressing in the 21st century and they will affect not only the so-called developed countries, but also those where there used to be a real birth boom.

Incredible facts

Some of the most promising, cutting-edge medical research inevitably comes under the scrutiny of geneticists. However, over the past 70 years, some genetic experiments have caused a lot of controversy. Controversy did not necessarily mean that an experiment was unethical or worthless, but many genetic studies were often disgusted by many. Consider the cruelest medical experiments of the Nazis, which were inspired by the idea of ​​​​the superiority of the Aryan nation and the fact that some ethnic groups have certain physical or mental advantages over others.

Below are genetic experiments that have received controversial status, but nevertheless, some of them still represent very important milestones in the history of science. Let's start with one of the most controversial, but quite fascinating topics: cloning.

10. Animal Cloning

Of course, the most important day of animal cloning is considered to be July 5, 1996, when Dolly the sheep was born (although the event was kept secret for another year). But when Dolly appeared, not a single mammal was cloned from the DNA of an adult. Early attempts at cloning used embryonic cells: by separating the cells of a two-cell embryo, scientists thus obtained two genetically identical organisms. The project was successfully implemented almost a century earlier with the participation of sea urchins and salamanders.

Since then, scientists have followed Dolly's lead in cloning many other animal species, including horses, rats, deer, cats, pigs and mice. In May 2010, Spanish researchers managed to clone a bull for the first time. With such apparent ease and increasing accessibility of animal cloning, more and more questions arise. Should we only clone "less intelligent" animals? Should you clone pets? Should cloned animals be allowed to reproduce? Should we use animal cloning to preserve endangered species or to resurrect extinct species? Will cloning endanger biodiversity?

In the summer of 2010, the meat of some cloned animals was distributed in the markets of several European countries; this is also not prohibited in the United States, but with appropriate remarks. Just as we now choose meat that is labeled as organic and raised without hormones, in the near future we may be deciding whether or not to buy meat that is labeled as being from a cloned animal.

9. Genetically modified crops

Controversy surrounding the topic of genetically modified (GM) crops often revolves around various government and international regulations, as well as debates among scientists, legislators, farmers and agricultural businesses. There are strong arguments in favor of producing GM crops, particularly from a humanitarian perspective. For example, in August 2010, a group of British scientists announced that they had succeeded in deciphering the genome of wheat, which would not only allow them to better understand how to grow it, but would open up new prospects for “tuning” DNA, thanks to which the amount of harvest would not depend on climate change.

In Europe, concerns about the impact of GM crops, expressed through various World Trade Organization declarations as well as the European Union's code of practice, have allowed few genetically modified foods to enter the market.

However, the main advantage of GM foods is that they can be “engineered” to have certain built-in functions. For example, genetically modified corn can produce a special component that kills some of its pests. However, activists and some scientists are concerned that GM foods could develop unwanted side effects, such as destroying native crop strains or causing harmful effects on human health. At present, however, it has not been proven that GM foods are hazardous to health.

Such products are most widely recognized in the United States, but their place is still insignificant.

8. Human genetic engineering

If genetically modified foods still have at least some chance of survival, then human genetic engineering has almost utopian potential. Diseases and birth defects could be eliminated. We could live longer and be stronger and smarter. But, among other things, there are serious ethical problems in this issue. Will genetic enhancements be the preserve of only rich people? Moreover, will the discriminatory gap between the genetic "haves" and the "have nots" widen? Could other, unintended but dangerous side effects develop when genetically modified DNA is passed on to future generations?

In May 2008, a team of researchers from Cornell University announced that they had succeeded in creating a genetically altered human embryo, although the embryo was destroyed five days later. Scientists added a protein to the embryo that glowed with fluorescent green light. This event has sparked some debate that governments should take action to regulate human genome technology.

At the same time, another engineering method was previously used several years ago, and then they worked with the embryo until the end of its development. Then, in 2001, the BBC reported that scientists were able to change the genes passed on during reproduction by adding tissue from extraneous cells from the mother's egg. The procedure was done to "compensate" for the mother's infertility, but one British expert nevertheless said at the time that the procedure was of questionable medical value and also fraught with ethical issues.

7. Stem cell research

Imagine this: a doctor has a batch of cells at his disposal and can turn them into whatever he or she needs, for example, cells to repair the spinal cord of a paralyzed patient. This potential of stem cells will undoubtedly lead to improved treatments, as well as cures for diseases such as cancer, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, according to many researchers.

However, many people have expressed discomfort with the use of embryonic stem cells, arguing that embryos are fertilized human lives. Typically, these embryos are only a few days old, and most of them are in vitro fertilization failures that are often simply thrown away.

However, despite the great potential of embryonic stem cells, many scientists and activists say their importance is overblown. The benefits of adult stem cells may also emerge, leading to cell therapies that have no ethical implications. Adult stem cells have been found in a range of human tissues, and scientists have used them as part of bone marrow transplants for decades. Other uses of adult stem cells have followed, but the key breakthrough will be discovering ways to “reprogram” them in the laboratory so that they grow into the cell type needed for a specific therapy.

6 Nazi Medical Experiments

Some of the controversial genetic experiments presented in this article are certainly scientific, but this certainly does not apply to the Nazi cruel and torturous experiments that were carried out on innocent people. The leader of the barbaric practice was Dr. Josef Mengele, who experimented on twins in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Mengele's procedures were often intense, invasive, and the twins were often killed by a lethal injection of phenol. Then they were dissected and a comparative analysis was carried out.

Other Nazi experiments involved exposing captured Russian soldiers to extremely cold temperatures, thereby inducing hypothermia, all because of the belief that Russians had a genetic resistance to cold. The Nazi leadership hoped that as a result of this research they would be able to obtain information that would help their soldiers fighting on the cold eastern front.

In the years following the war, there were periodic debates about whether any useful information could be gleaned from these studies, despite the horrors they entailed. A 1990 report published in the New England Journal of Medicine made clear that Nazi hypothermia research was nothing more than a "scientific fraud" and that the findings had absolutely no scientific value.

5. Gene Therapy and Jesse Gelsinger

Gene therapy is based on the radical notion that people with genetic disorders can be cured, or at least significantly improved, by introducing new genes into their DNA. Typically, these treatments are applied to disorders for which there is no cure or for which current treatments are insufficient and have little success. Some successes have been achieved in this area, but not without tragic failures. One type of gene therapy cures patients with rare genetic disorders, but it also contributed to the development of leukemia in these people.

The most notorious experiment with gene therapy was that of 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger, who died in 1999, a week after receiving treatment for a rare metabolic disorder affecting the liver. His death shocked researchers and became associated with the dangers of this nascent field of medicine.

However, some new gene therapies are very promising. One method involves placing the required genes into the cell rather than inserting them into the patient's DNA. There they can also produce vital proteins that can both cure the disease and stop its development. In November 2009, a team of French researchers announced that they had successfully treated several children from a degenerative nervous system disorder, a disease that kills a person in the first five years of life.

4. Genetic engineering on animals

The use of animals in scientific and medical research has long been a controversial issue, so it is little surprise that genetic engineering in animals, which often intersects with the world of genetically modified foods, is also a subject of contentious debate. However, animal genetic engineering is often defined as “a targeted and powerful way of introducing desired traits into animals using recombinant DNA technology.” This is a broad definition that encompasses the many ways in which scientists have experimented with animal DNA over the past two decades. At the same time, a lot has actually been done: from pigs that glow in the dark (scientists injected fluorescent protein into the embryo) to the development of a breed of salmon that gained weight very quickly compared to ordinary unmodified brothers.

But like genetically modified foods, genetic engineering on animals carries many potential complications, including fears of harming biodiversity, concerns about the impact on human health, and ethical concerns about experimenting with healthy animals. When a French researcher created a glow-in-the-dark rabbit, protesters said the experiment was offensive and had very little scientific value. Greenpeace, in particular, warned about the unintended consequences of genetic changes to animals, and their “release” into the wild would constitute “genetic pollution.” However, proponents say genetically engineered livestock could produce less waste and could become improved candidates for human organ donation, as some animals are already used in transplant procedures.

3. Study of a human-animal hybrid

Two US states, Arizona and Louisiana, have introduced legislation that prohibits human-animal hybrid research. Despite the fact that these laws have provided food for many satirists, in fact, they are based on real facts. There is already a hybrid of human and animal. In 2004, scientists managed to obtain a pig containing human blood. Last year, Chinese scientists introduced human cells into rabbit eggs, but the embryos were soon destroyed.

These combinatorial specimen species are called chimeras, after the Greek mythical creature that had the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a snake. However, don’t expect to meet a centaur, a horse with a human torso, on the street anytime soon. Most human-animal hybrid research focuses on less dramatic experiments, such as adding a few human genes to a pig to produce better heart valves that are later used for transplantation. This procedure has long been standard in medical practice. However, many bioethicists and some legislators believe that scientists are going too far.

2. Henrietta Lacks and HeLa cells

Henrietta Lacks died of cervical cancer in 1951, but her name became associated with an immortal cell line known as HeLa (the name comes from the first two letters of her first and last name). Unbeknownst to the patient, a doctor at Johns Hopkins University took a tissue sample from her tumor and then offered it to experts to study cell proliferation. It is worth noting that the cells continue to multiply to this day. This was the first successfully created copy of "immortal" cells, although scientists are still puzzled as to why HeLa cells survived while others died.

Since then, HeLa cells have been used in a number of pioneering medical experiments, such as the development of polio vaccines and research into cloning processes. But, nevertheless, the wonderful history of immortal cells is overshadowed by several facts. Firstly, Henrietta Lacks never gave her permission for researchers to study her cells, moreover, even after the research began, neither she nor her relatives were aware of this. For decades, her family had no idea what role Henrietta's cells played in medicine, nor did they benefit financially from the major medical breakthroughs made by HeLa cells. Most of Henrietta's relatives were poor and uneducated, and one of her sons had been homeless for several decades.

In February 2010, journalist Rebecca Skloot published the book “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” which combines various stories surrounding HeLa cells all this time, as well as stories about the life of Henrietta herself. The book was highly acclaimed by critics, but there were still reminders that medical research cannot be divorced from respect and reverence for the person used as the subject.

1. Research on human sexuality

The question of whether the so-called “gay gene” exists and, if so, whether it dictates a person’s orientation, is still controversial. The gay community is divided, with neuroscientist Steven Pinker speaking of two "camps": those who worry that the discovery of the gay gene or some other genetic basis of homosexuality could lead to selective abortion, and those who justify the research sexuality on the grounds that the discovery of genes responsible for homosexuality will remove one of the justifications for homophobia.

There are, of course, other reasons that researchers use to justify this area of ​​research. First, the search for the biological origin of homosexuality must be kept separate from any questions of morality. On the other hand, scientists need to study and explore the full range of human diversity, especially when pressing issues arise.

As Pinker and others have noted, American research on human sexuality has often been the victim of "culture wars." Consequently, European scientists, as well as universities and research funding agencies, often show a great desire to act in this field.

Currently, there is no consensus regarding the possible genetic basis of homosexuality, although several theories do exist in the scientific world. In 2005, a team of researchers at the University of Illinois announced that they had discovered several genes associated with homosexuality. In 2008, another study found that homosexuality in men may be caused by an inherited gene that, when present in a woman's body, increases fertility in its owner.