Caucasian War 1817 1864 map of military operations. Wars in the North Caucasus in the 19th century

Every day we use our hands at home and at work, while relaxing or exercising. And few people pay attention to their condition and health. Naturally, this will return with unpleasant tension and discomfort in the hands, cracking joints and other problems. Special exercises help prevent all this.

How to get rid of fatigue in your hands?

Do you work on the computer a lot? Do you fill out a lot of documents manually? This means that you are probably familiar with the situation when discomfort and weakness appear in your arms/hands. We bring to your attention simple exercises for the fingers. By doing them daily, you can maintain healthy joints, maintain youthful skin and get rid of pain after long working hours.

  1. Squeeze your hands into fists and rotate them in different directions. Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times.
  2. Clench your fist as hard as you can and hold it in this state for half a minute. Unclench. Give your hands a rest (up to a minute) and repeat the exercise.
  3. Place your hands on a table (any other hard surface will do). Raise your fingers one at a time, keep the others pressed down.
  4. Make a fist. Extend and straighten your fingers one at a time. Remember that everyone else not involved in the exercise must remain motionless.

This simplest workout will serve as an excellent prevention of joint diseases. It will also relieve fatigue from your hands after a working day. The main advantage of the classes is that you can do exercises for the joints of your fingers even at work, giving yourself a short break.

Training program to improve finger strength

For many people (athletes, climbers), not only health matters, but also finger strength. Special exercises help improve it.

  1. Hanging on your fingers. We find a horizontal bar, a strong tree branch or another suitable object. We hang for 15-20 seconds, do several approaches. It is recommended to train with gloves. If they are not there, place a cloth under your fingers to avoid damaging your fingers and to avoid the appearance of calluses.
  2. Wrist rotation using weights. Dumbbells or other heavy but small objects that are comfortable to hold in your hand will do. Place your hand on a horizontal surface, take a weight and start the exercise. The standard program is 3-4 sets of 20 rotations, but you are guided by your physical capabilities.
  3. Training with an expander. You can buy it at any sports store. Select the model, number of sets and repetitions individually.
  4. Barbell finger curls. We use an underhand grip. This workout helps strengthen the muscles of the forearm. Starting position - forearms are on a flat horizontal surface. The hands grip the bar and hang normally over the edge. Smoothly and carefully raise and lower the barbell.
  5. Push-ups on fingers. You can do push-ups from the floor with 5, 4, 3, 2 and even 1 finger. Naturally, such finger training is designed for more trained athletes. Beginners should start small.

You may find it difficult at first. If you have recently started a set of exercises to develop finger strength, try simply standing on your toes, gradually increasing the duration of the exercises, and try doing push-ups.

Follow the technique. Remember a simple rule - it is better to perform exercises for finger strength slowly but accurately!

How to improve fine motor skills?

Research shows that finger motor exercises for adults and children improve alertness, speech, coordination and even memory. We offer several simple and effective options for motor skills training.

  1. Beads. We hold it in our hand and sort through the beads.
  2. Constructor. Great option for children.
  3. Mosaics and puzzles with small and large parts. Additionally improves attentiveness.
  4. Sorting of bulk products. For example, mix rice and buckwheat, and then separate the grains from each other.

Keep in mind that it is advisable to carry out exercises to improve fine motor skills regularly. At least 1-2 times a day.

Finger training after a stroke

Stroke is a serious illness that affects people of any gender and age. Recovering from it is long and difficult. The patient's daily life and habits change dramatically. The only way to regain a normal lifestyle is physical therapy. Even if the disease has not affected the motor activity of the hands, training will improve the functioning of the brain and nervous system. This is an important element of successful rehabilitation.

Of course, exercises for fingers after a stroke, at first glance, seem very easy. But it can be difficult for a person who has suffered from this disease to perform them on their own. Therefore, patients will need help from their relatives during the rehabilitation period. Doctors advise following the following program:

  1. Preparation. We work out the hand and fingers, rubbing and massaging each for fifteen to twenty seconds.
  2. Lie on your back and place your palms on your chest. Take turns spreading and raising your fingers. Then turn your palm and repeat the exercise.
  3. Raise your fingers one at a time and make circular rotations.
  4. Clench and unclench your fingers into a fist.
  5. Join your hands in a lock, lift and move your fingers (all at once and one by one).
  6. Sorting various items (cereals, multi-colored beads, etc.). Another exercise to improve motor skills.
  7. Solving a Rubik's cube.

These are the simplest finger training exercises that you can do at home. The main thing is to do them often, carefully and patiently.

Exercises for fingers after a fracture

A fracture is a common injury that many experience. Of course, this injury cannot be called life-threatening. But patients still shouldn’t leave rehabilitation to chance. After a fracture, you need to spend more time developing the damaged finger. There are many techniques and options to promote speedy recovery.

A doctor should be involved in drawing up a rehabilitation program. Often, the patient will be prescribed massage and physiotherapy. But you shouldn’t abandon treatment at home either. Here you can do simple exercises for your fingers, which will allow you to develop your injured limb.

Place your hands on the table. Smoothly raise and lower your finger. Perform circular rotations. Try to draw a picture in the air or write your name. Try to move not the hand, but the tip of the phalanx: this will make it easier to restore the flexibility of the fingers after a fracture.

Finger flexibility exercises for musicians

Do you want to learn to play the guitar or piano? It is always difficult for beginners to coordinate their finger movements correctly. Therefore, let's look at good finger exercises for playing musical instruments.

  1. Place your hands on a flat surface. With one, slowly and carefully pat the table, and with the other, draw circles. Then change hands.
  2. Just touching the surface with your palms, draw geometric shapes on the table. Do it with both hands at the same time. It is recommended to perform this exercise with a metronome.

Activities for the little ones

Finger motor skills exercises for children are not only useful, but are also considered mandatory for normal development. They stimulate brain function, improve attentiveness, memory and imagination.

For children from one to five years old, the best training would be modeling from plasticine or putting together puzzles. For older children, a Rubik's cube is suitable. As for effective and simple exercises, we offer the following options:

  1. Kneading the dough. The child needs to imitate kneading the dough with his hands. This workout qualitatively develops the hands and fingers.
  2. Clenching/unclenching a fist. The baby needs to alternately straighten his palms, spread his fingers, squeeze and unclench them.

To make games with fingers interesting for children, it is advisable to accompany them with funny stories or do it all in a playful way (for example, a speed competition with parents).

Training and development of fine motor skills in children aged 6-7 years is one of the most important areas of pedagogical work that must be systematically carried out by adults. The period of preparation for school places special demands on future students, one of which is accuracy and dexterity in micro-movements of the fingers. This skill is necessary for the successful development of writing, and it also contributes to the overall development of the child’s cognitive processes.

How to conduct classes

Teachers and parents should follow several rules that will help conduct educational activities with children as effectively as possible.

  • Any exercises for the development of fine motor skills must be appropriate for the age of preschoolers. Many tasks for them resemble those that can be offered, but their content should be completely different, much more complex. At 6-7 years old it is useful (as at a younger age):

– color, but the drawings should already have very fine details;

– put together a mosaic, but from a large number of small elements;

– trace dotted images, but without “sliding” from the outline, without errors.

  • Select materials, exercises, and games for developing motor skills that will be interesting to the child. Perhaps it is worth finding copybooks with his favorite fairy tale characters, dinosaurs or pirates. It is important to carry out any task not only as diligently as possible, but also with desire and a positive attitude.
  • The pace of performing one type of exercise should increase gradually. First, the child must learn to confidently use a pencil or pen to complete tasks on paper, and then, as the skill improves, they can be done even temporarily.
  • You should not teach your child to write capital letters before school. First, he must get used to holding a pencil correctly and repeating the outlines of simple lines and objects. The preschool period is a preparatory period; there is no need to rush into starting to master the 1st grade program ahead of time.
  • Classes should be regular, but not too tiring. Before each session, it is useful to do special exercises for your fingers.
  • It is important that the baby performs all tasks only with his dominant hand. You also need to monitor his posture, as well as good lighting while working.


Most tasks for the development of fine motor skills in children of senior preschool age involve performing special exercises on paper. This not only trains manual dexterity, but also improves the child’s eye, his voluntary attention, and the ability to navigate on a sheet. Here are some of the most popular assignment options for future first-graders:


Invite the child to circle the one of the two representatives of the same natural group (birds, animals, fish, insects) about whom the riddle was written. You need to carefully draw all the contour lines, without “confusing” them, without going beyond the boundaries of the images.

Additional tasks for each page will help to captivate the child in the process, create motivation for work, and they are also another stage in training dexterity, attention, and intelligence.

Tasks by points

Ask the preschooler to draw one of the simple figures presented (animal, bird, flower) using reference points, following the model. Tasks of this type train not only fine motor skills, but also counting skills, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, and coordination of movements.

Funny characters are hurrying home! Let your baby help insects, fish, spaceships, and tops move smoothly and beautifully.

Each sheet of this series is designed in such a way that the first two lines need to be drawn inside a given “track”, and the next two - without relying on external borders. It is important to avoid additional obstacles (pebbles, stars, clouds) as carefully as possible!


This complex is composed according to the principle: from simple to complex. His assignments will help the preschooler learn to repeat various graphic elements on paper, which will then be useful to him when mastering writing.

An important nuance - you need to draw lines from the selected point, in the direction indicated by the arrow.

Trace and color (with copybooks)

A large plot drawing and several lines of small miniature elements allow the child to train not only motor skills, but also attention, patience, and the ability to independently find their mistakes.

Pay your child's attention to the size of the images included in the copybook, the distance between them, and the slope. It is important to try to maintain these characteristics when completing the task when drawing and painting figures.

Tasks by cells

This complex will help your child not only draw animals living in hot countries, but will also become an excellent manual dexterity trainer. Each task, created on checkered paper, contains a large image, small object, patterns or ornament. Sometimes there are short words made up of block letters. Such coloring books for the development of fine motor skills perfectly train not only fine motor skills, but also the eye.

Graphic dictation

Here is a selection of exciting exercises that improve the graphic skills of a preschooler, as well as his attention, perseverance, and intelligence. Each sheet is a thematic selection, which includes:

  • a poem about the depicted character or object (animals, technology);
  • color illustration for the text;
  • verbal instructions for the process of drawing on checkered paper, which must be completed by the child accurately and consistently;
  • the graphic image that will result.

These buildings can be used in dictation format or as a model for a child’s independent work based on the model. The riddle and drawing make the activities more attractive for kids.


Of course, for children 6-7 years old, play remains the most favorite activity, which is very good for future students! After all, finger dexterity and fine motor skills are perfectly trained not only with the help of special graphic tasks, but also during useful entertainment. Here are a few of their options:

You will need several regular laces, as well as a set of small beads. Collect colored balls (15-20 pieces) in a certain sequence, and then invite the child to repeat the pattern. You can ask to complete a task against the clock or by competing with other children.

Games with buttons

Invite the children to make a pattern or an image of some object from different buttons; this is more interesting to do for a while. It is best to take small buttons, and make the base for the picture from thick cardboard, covered with a layer of plasticine on top (it will help securely fix all the details of the “mosaic”).

Tweezers and beads

Take several small plastic tweezers, a lot of small beads, dishes with a narrow neck (small jars or bottles, depending on the number of players). One or more players are tasked with collecting a certain number of beads into a vessel using tweezers. The one who completes the task faster wins. If there is only one participant, then he can record his results in time, and then try to beat his own previous record.

Cutting pictures

Collecting a whole image from pieces of the same size is not only very exciting, but also useful. Children of older preschool age should be offered pictures cut into 10-12 parts. It’s even better to give the child parts of paired non-identical cards with pictures (for example, two similar snowmen, airplanes, dogs) in a set and ask them to collect both.

Use a variety of baby.

Work to improve the fine motor skills of older preschoolers should be carried out before the start of school. This is one of the most important goals of pedagogy of this period, which is relevant for any child.

You should especially try to devote a sufficient amount of time to special exercises to train graphic skills for those children who have difficulties in speech development.

Stimulation of tactile sensations promotes the activation of certain centers in the cerebral cortex, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the formation of children's speech.

Fedorova Ekaterina

speech therapist-defectologist


There are three main types of fine motor disorders hands: - violation of the signal to perform an action - this may be a consequence of organic damage to the cortex, traumatic brain injury;
- signal transmission disturbance as a consequence of Parkinson's disease, cervical or post-stroke condition;
- violation of signal reception and execution - the cause of this may be cerebral palsy, angioneurosis or trauma, insufficient development of motor skills since childhood.

In order to restore and develop motor skills hands after a stroke, contrast baths and vasodilators are indicated, for example, intramuscular injections of nicotinic acid. If the cause of the disorder is cervical, massage of the cervical spine is prescribed. In all cases, very massage hands, especially the hands and fingers - it helps to quickly restore motor skills.

After treatment, long-term training will be required for complete rehabilitation. Experts advise the same methods that are used to develop motor skills hands. Start by modeling from clay, plasticine, dough. This is a very effective way to train because all the fingers and hands are involved. hands. It is important to change plastic materials so that you can clearly distinguish them by touch.

For the same purpose, various types of hand massagers with smooth, rough or needle-shaped surfaces are produced. Kneading the elastic rough massager into hands That is, you simultaneously train your fingers and get a palm massage.

A very good way of motor skills - different types hands crafts such as knitting or beading. Of course, they require endurance and patience, but the result will be double - healthy, dexterous fingers and a beautiful, useful product that you made yourself. Restoring and developing motor skills requires time and patience, but your health is undoubtedly worth the effort spent on it.

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Speech motor skills and body movements have fundamentally the same mechanisms, which is why the development of the thin continent of the hands greatly influences the development of the child’s speech in the future. What is finger gymnastics and why is it so necessary?

Scientists have found that children suffering from speech delay have poor coordination of fine motor skills of their fingers, which in some cases may result in dysgraphia or writing impairment. That is why it is necessary to develop fine motor skills from an early age in order to prepare the foundation for speech development.

One of the areas in the development of fine motor skills is passive. Of course, it is better if you learn the technique of such a massage from a massage therapist, but some techniques are simple and do not require special training.

A hand massage (the other hand supports the limb), lasting 5 minutes, several times a day, will help develop fine motor skills. The massage uses the following movements: stroking in different directions, rubbing, vibration, using a hard ball (it moves from the center of the palm to the tips of the fingers) and flexion - extension of the fingers.

Active gymnastics (age from 2) is considered no less effective. Active gymnastics involves various games aimed at developing motor skills. The child is given objects of different shapes and textures. Goal: hold objects for a while. And with this the adult should comment on the objects: “this is a smooth ball”, “this is a prickly hedgehog”, etc. For those older than 9 months, playing with a matryoshka doll, pyramids, pouring sand from bowl to bowl, transferring various objects from one container to another will be entertaining. .


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Tip 3: Why developing fine motor skills is important

The child gradually learns about the world around him. He learns to sit, stand, walk, and also control his hands: grasp various objects, fasten buttons, lace shoes, write and draw. These actions are performed using fine motor skills of the hands, and much depends on the degree of its development.

Fine motor skills are precise and small movements of the hands and fingers, regulated by the joint action of the nervous, skeletal and muscular systems of the body. Its development begins in infancy on the basis of general motor skills: grasping movements, transferring objects from one hand to another, etc., this happens naturally, but the process must be facilitated.

Experts have established a close connection between the baby’s fine motor skills, his imagination, memory, coordination and attention. The human brain centers responsible for finger movement and speech are located very close to each other, therefore, when fine motor skills are formed, the neighboring parts of the brain responsible for speech and intelligence are also activated and both the physical and mental development of the child is stimulated. Parents should be aware of the importance and necessity of games for the development of fine motor skills and devote enough time to them.

Exercises to develop coordination of finger movements are simple and do not require special expenses. Babies under the age of 1 year need to massage their fingers, play “Magpie-white-sided”, “Horned Goat” and “Ladushki”, they need a variety of educational toys: pyramids, nesting dolls, rings, cubes. Older children can enjoy and benefit from playing with construction sets made from small parts, assembling mosaics and puzzles, drawing, modeling from plasticine, cutting out figures from paper and making appliqués. In addition, fine motor skills help develop everyday skills and abilities: lacing shoes independently, fastening buttons, tying knots, picking berries, helping parents prepare dumplings and dumplings, and even basic hand washing with soap.

The development of fine motor skills contributes to the formation of visual-motor coordination and perception of the surrounding world, attention, and memory. It influences the formation of graphic skills (writing, drawing, drawing), connected and expressive speech, a rich vocabulary and intelligence in general. Already by elementary school, a child will be able to learn to read, write, count and further improve these skills, and in the future it will be easier for him to be given exact sciences and work that requires special care.

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Tip 4: What is motor skills and why should it be developed in young children?

Motor skills are understood as the totality of human movements. It is divided into large and small. Correct development of motor skills leads to better assimilation and knowledge of the world around us. And, consequently, the correct and full development of children, which leads to a successful life in the future.

Our life consists of various activities. The entire process of development and cognition of a child is expressed by movement. From birth, the baby needs to learn and learn a lot, so children are very active. Knowledge of the surrounding world for the best and correct development of the child occurs through physical activity. The baby needs to learn not only to see and look at objects, but also to highlight some important things, to hear adults and be guided by their advice and recommendations. Next, we should consider the concept of motor skills.

Definition of motor skills

So, let's figure out what motor skills are.
In the large psychological dictionary, the compilers of which are V. Zinchenko, motor skills are understood as the entire sphere of motor functions. In turn, S.Yu. Golovin argues that motor skills are human motor activity. Efremova considers motor skills as a complex of various movements that are associated with various physiological and psychological manifestations. So, motor skills are movement. And without movement, as we know, it is not possible to develop fully and from various sides.

Types of motor skills

Motor skills are divided into two types: large and fine. Gross motor skills provide children with the ability to perform various actions with their arms, legs, and body. Allows you to maintain balance, run, jump, and walk. On the basis of gross motor skills, fine motor skills develop and improve. It serves to improve the ability to make clear and correct movements that help work with small objects. Typically, such motor skills are developed later.

The meaning of motor skills

The development of motor skills is a long and difficult process. Its improvement helps the child get to know and understand the world better. For development, various simple exercises are used that not only develop and improve children's motor skills, but also relax many muscles of the body. The baby’s varied movements in their combination predetermine the correct development of thinking, speech, calculations, and reading. When fine motor skills are improved, logic and intelligence improves. Games that involve hands help develop fine motor skills. For example, these could be construction sets, finger painting, etc. It follows that the development of motor skills is necessary for the harmonious and correct development of the child. Parents should pay a lot of attention to their children and engage with them. It is necessary to expand their horizons, show them the world around them, and develop the child’s talents and abilities. To summarize, I would like to note that the development of gross and fine motor skills is very important for a child’s full existence and exploration of the world around him.

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