What kind of girls attract guys? I'm not at all attracted to men

A common situation is that a girl meets the same type of men over and over again. And in every new relationship the same situations are repeated. These may be fiery jealous people, or desperate liars sitting on her neck, it doesn’t matter. It is important that the relationship scenario is approximately the same.

The girl involuntarily asks the question: “What’s wrong with me? Why am I attracting the wrong men? How this happens, what are the mechanisms for attracting men of a certain type and what to do with all this - let's try to figure it out.

Men appear in your life. With their help, you master the difficult science of building love relationships, thanks to them you get to know yourself through comprehension of the concepts of Love and Acceptance. Any man who happens to be next to you is the man you can accept at the moment. A life lesson you need to learn. If it doesn’t work out the first time, the lesson is repeated; life is a very patient teacher.

Therefore, waiting for a worthy man is a pointless exercise, just a waste of time. You deserve this man, and he deserves you. All you need to do is understand why exactly such a person came into your life, accept his role and give him as much love as you can. Life itself will take care of the rest.

Let's look at the most common scenario situations in relationships and try to figure out what they signal to the girl.

Men spreading their arms. Girls who are attracted to such men have problems with personal boundaries, which turns them into eternal victims. They literally believe that they deserve violence and tyranny so that they can rightfully feel unhappy and alone. The position of the victim, oddly enough, is a psychologically very convenient position - an excellent way to put pressure on pity, seek the support of others, and relieve oneself of all responsibility.

The message of the lesson. Learn to respect yourself, defend your boundaries, be able to stand up for yourself. Realize and comprehend your desire to be a victim.

Do you know what your compatibility with a man is?

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Addicted to bad habits. Most often, a relationship with such a person signals two points that you should pay attention to - a desire to escape from reality, and an unwillingness to take responsibility for everything that happens in your life.

The message of the lesson. Understand what important elements of your personality, feminine nature, you are giving up. Learns to take responsibility for your actions and mistakes.

"Sissy". Weak-willed, weak-willed men come to you in order to teach you to give the “reins of power” to your partner. You probably know everything and decide everything on your own, and besides, you wouldn’t mind teaching this to everyone around you.

The message of the lesson. Learn to trust men to be the leader in relationships. Turn to your feminine side, direct your strength and energy to the development of natural feminine qualities.

There are many scenarios, but the message is the same. If in relationships with different men the same scenario is repeated over and over again, you need to try to see what the meaning of the lesson is and try to “work out” it. Waiting for this “worthy man” makes no sense, because you will not be trying for the man. And for myself.

The shadow side of personality and types of mirrors

In psychology, there is the concept of the shadow side of personality - this is a set of qualities inherent in us, but hidden from us for awareness and acceptance by our subconscious. So are mirror partners who are attracted to us. Can be direct or reverse.

A direct mirror - the quality that irritates us in a partner - laziness, lack of will, jealousy - is also in you, only it is hidden, you do not allow it to manifest itself. The stronger your negative reaction, the more suppressed this trait is in you, and your task is to release it, allow it to manifest itself, to express itself.

The opposite situation is to look for a quality in yourself with the opposite sign. For example, he is weak-willed - perhaps you have taken on too much; he is irresponsible - you may have problems with the desire to control everything, problems with trust, and so on. Awareness will help you accept these qualities and separate them from yourself (and therefore from your partner), that is, recognize the fact that you (and your man) are something more; will reduce negative concentration on them. If your partner’s behavior does not change, then, in any case, it will stop hurting you.

In yourself or in others

Girls want others to change. They expect that a wonderful, loving man will be given to them simply as a gift from above. And all they have to do is wait, discarding unsuitable candidates from time to time.

While we need to study. Turn in your own direction, respect the man next to you and trust him. Respect yourself and your boundaries, take your share of responsibility, and give the man his share of responsibility. You need to study together with your real, today's partner, without waiting for another to be found. Not hoping that you will be able to “skip” the lesson.

Avoidance of difficulties and fear of pain

Often women (and men too) “jump” from relationship to relationship, changing partners when the first difficulties arise. But conflicts and problems are an inevitable part of our lives, an integral part of any relationship. Pain is one of the most powerful stimuli for personal development, the development of two personalities in a relationship.

However, not everyone is ready to accept this. As soon as the period of romantic love in a relationship ends and the grinding-in stage begins, the easiest way is to tell yourself - he’s not right for me, and run away from this relationship. To new ones, in order to encounter the same thing there too - after all, all relationships develop in exactly the same way. And run away again? How far can you run away from yourself?

Again and again ask yourself the question - why am I given this situation? What lesson should I take from it?

Remember the main thing - your behavior means a lot to a man, but if there is no harmony at the level of signs, then the relationship will be very tense. It is very advisable to find out the exact compatibility of your zodiac sign with the sign of a man. This can be done by clicking on the button below:

Don't expect your relationship to be all fun. Relationships are also difficult. In order to become full-fledged partners, you need to go through both fire and water together, overcoming which you will learn to truly appreciate each other.

If you want to be with the man you love, you need to figure out whether you are compatible according to your zodiac sign?

Find out your exact compatibility with a man by clicking on the button below.

Valeria, Russia

– You did the right thing by contacting us. Your problem is not a simple one. And, first of all, it is important for you to understand its essence. Then it will be easier to deal with it.
You should know that, as is known, both male and female principles are initially inherent in every person. At the same time, in almost all women the feminine component is dominant, in men - the masculine one.
There are individual cases when the second, opposite side manifests itself stronger, brighter than usual (which most likely happens to you), creating certain barriers and difficulties. The situation has worsened over the past few decades, in particular, due to the fact that in modern “civilized society” they began to view this problem not just as something natural and unchangeable, but as a kind of symbol of freedom, a quality that supposedly one can and should be openly proud of.
However, this “freedom,” as well as the struggle for “the rights of sexual minorities,” did not bring anything good to people, only emasculating spirituality from their inner world, without which human life is empty.
Fortunately, you are not one of them. You understand that there is nothing to be proud of, and you don’t want to put up with your inherent “peculiarity,” which is already a lot. And now you need to realize that it’s not worth it to go to the other extreme, to try with your last strength to suppress the internal manifestations of the characteristic you notice in yourself, to suffer and suffer, tormenting yourself. This can only do harm and drive you into a psychological dead end. Instead of all this, try to develop a healthy and calm attitude towards this property as a certain existing given. Without concentrating on it and on the contradictions tearing apart your inner world, set high goals for yourself and begin to consistently implement them.
You are Jewish. And the Almighty gave the Torah to our people. And revealing in it the secrets of the structure of the world He created and the laws, by fulfilling which we can live in accordance with His will, He also addresses you. If you bring this awareness into your mind, heart and soul, you will soon discover that you have a lot of exciting and extremely important work to do in the earthly space allotted to humanity. This is the study of the Torah, and the fulfillment of the commandments written in it, and soul-elevating prayers, and good deeds, by doing which you will each time bring additional Light into the world. If a person fills his inner content with positivity, less and less space remains for negativity. This is the fundamental principle that allows a person to cope with what he wants to get rid of.
All people, without exception, have to face problems and difficulties. By overcoming them in the process of spiritual growth, we improve the world, including our soul, and therefore ourselves. There is no need to be afraid of failure. They, if perceived correctly, are only an indicator indicating that there is a need to make even more efforts to develop and strengthen a certain spiritual willpower in oneself.
Now you are still alone with your problem. And your ideas about the role of women in society, filtered through the prism of this problem, are narrowed and grounded. But if you rise above the everyday component of reality, bring high spirituality into it, you will see that such a feature is not a sentence, the execution of which derails life. On the contrary, it can become a springboard in building the right path in life. During the process of this construction, at some stage you will understand that the basis of a truly serious relationship between a man and a woman is spiritual unity. Then your view on the problem of creating a family will radically change. And you will have a solid foundation for building a good Jewish family.

Rav Eliyahu ESSAS

Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“How to become attractive to men? ...men don’t notice me, neither in life nor on a dating site. I constantly try to improve my appearance, I communicate normally with women, but it just doesn’t work out with men, I’m an empty place for them. Tell me in which direction to start digging?” — Olga asks.

“Why don’t men notice me? Is there something wrong with me or have they already been spoiled and are waiting for a woman to immediately throw herself on their neck? How to become attractive to men, I'm not talking about appearance. I can’t say that I’m completely satisfied with my appearance, but I take care of myself, go to the gym and beauty salon, I’m slim and well-groomed. Apparently the whole point is that I’m too serious for them...” writes Tatiana.

Sometimes, literally within one day, I have to listen to two diametrically opposed opinions. Some women complain that wherever they appear, men pay attention to them and begin to pester them, others complain that men do not notice them at all, despite all the women’s efforts to attract attention to themselves.

It is not uncommon for women from the second group to find it difficult to understand why this is happening, because at first glance, they do not do anything that could push men away from them. Many of them have many female friends, they are pleasant and sweet people. Friends and relatives just shrug their shoulders, saying: “where do men look!” Common situation?

The reason for everything is our psychological attitudes. Among the most common “pests” are attitudes regarding one’s appearance, communication with the opposite sex, flirting, sexuality, and processing past experiences. We cannot always notice their harm, because they seem to us to be part of our personality, our beliefs, to which we are already accustomed. Therefore, to become attractive to men, it is not always enough to just care about your appearance. It is necessary to review your inner beliefs. But more on that a little later, but for now I’ll give you reasons why men may not notice you.

Men don't notice women who:

  • They don't like themselves!
  • Don't flirt!
  • They believe that all men are their...!
  • They are afraid to be alone!
  • They don’t know the secrets of communicating with men!

How to become attractive to men

4. Do you think you have to get married and have children by a certain age? The closer you get to this age, the more anxious you become? Can your constant thoughts be described by the phrase: “I’m already so old, and I’m not married”?

Although we talk about freedom of choice and personal self-determination, stereotypes still dominate us. Unfortunately, there is a stereotype that a woman who is not married by a certain age is defective. Often the environment does not perceive her as a full-fledged person.

Many women believe that their life will not be complete without a man. They are afraid of being left alone, of becoming an “old maid.” Until they tie the knot, they feel like failures in life. This type of emotional neediness is very destructive and creates emotionally dependent women.

Men do not want to serve as a filler for a woman’s lack of internal resources and prefer women who are satisfied and happy on their own. You may have heard this from men.

According to my data, the most common problems in men are related to the fact that a woman feels emotionally dependent on a man and creates additional emotional difficulties for him. The problem is so widespread that by a certain age many men develop the reflex “to run as far as possible” at the first signs of emotional dependence in women. If you have fear of loneliness written all over your face, if your voice and body language give you away, it is unlikely that men will be interested in you.

5. Do you know at least a couple of communication secrets that would always help you attract and retain male attention?

Often women communicate with men very awkwardly. And the more they want to do the best, the more it turns out “as usual,” that is, nothing at all. Your communication secrets lie in your personality, in your strengths as a woman. For some it is a figure, plasticity of the body, for others it is intelligence, humor. But there is one universal secret - to be a good listener.

It is flattering for any person when someone really listens to him attentively. One of my friends, without outstanding external characteristics, always attracted the attention of men due to her ability to be a good listener. She met her future husband, a tall, handsome and wealthy man, in a common company; she simply approached him and began asking his opinion on various issues. She looked at him and said: “this is very interesting... tell me more.” Later, her husband told me that he had never met a woman in his life who understood him so well.

The listener has special power. Use this with men. Ask questions and listen carefully. Notice your communication style and imitate it. If a man speaks slowly, speak slowly; if he speaks quickly, imitate his manner. Pay attention to what the man often mentions and refers to. Use the same technique. Remember what he said and repeat it after a while, for example: “I was thinking about what you said before, and I wondered if it was easy...”. Such behavior creates the feeling that you have known each other for a long time and the man begins to feel that he has met a kindred spirit.

When falling in love, each of us considers herself the happiest woman who got the best man. Then why do we marry those who love us, but live with despots, choose the faithful, and cry into our pillows at night from endless betrayals, look for help and support, but ourselves turn into draft horses? Is this what we dreamed about all our romantic youth, and is this how we imagined that same female happiness? Of course not! But everyone around just shrugs and sighs doomedly: “C’est la vie! The guy has shrunk now and moved on! Be glad that at least he doesn’t give up! And in general, be glad that he exists!” But somehow it’s not joyful... “It’s very disappointing not to be loved, especially if you deserve it!” - we think. But do we deserve loving, caring, faithful, honorable men? Yes?! Then why do we attract aggressors, womanizers, scammers, alcoholics or rapists into our lives?

The nature of the attraction of unworthy men

“Like attracts like!” - says one of the fundamental laws of the Universe and confirms an irrefutable pattern in psychology. Everything that we vehemently and aggressively deny about ourselves requires release and reflection. Swiss psychologist Carl Jung determined that qualities that are incompatible with self-awareness and not accepted by the individual are repressed deep into the shadow unconscious. That is, the qualities that we stubbornly do not want to admit in ourselves (envy, cowardice, anger, selfishness, etc.) are hidden by our subconscious in the “shadow” and we mistakenly believe that we have gotten rid of the shameful and hateful burden. However, such self-deception plays a dangerous game with us, since unrecognized and rejected personal characteristics will require implementation, and in the outside world they will come to us through other people. In the same way, we are “mirrors” for our environment, accepting and reflecting the projections of their negative qualities, fears and desires. Thus, we “choose” and we are “chosen” by those people who are close to us in their inner, deep essence.

The “bad” man nearby will indicate exactly what negative qualities we have pushed into the “shadow.” For example, a woman who does not want to admit her commercialism and considers money to be a fundamental male quality has the highest chances of meeting a man who is extremely tight-fisted and economical. Another, mistaking her own sacrifice for a benefactor, will definitely find an executioner, rapist or punisher on her head, who always appear where there is a “victim”. The underworld of our unconscious pursues us everywhere and casts a “shadow” (denial of our Self, lack of self-love, complexes, fears), forcing men to display all the attributes that we hate and suppress in every possible way.

There is another law that brings with it problems - the law of opposites attracting. It has the same consequences as the law of “similarity,” but it occurs when we attach too much importance to our advantages and categorically condemn men who do not have the same qualities. However, nature is wise; it always strives for harmony and balance. Therefore, for every smart woman there is a narrow-minded man, for every strong “woman” there is a weak mattress, and for every hardworking bee there is a slacker drone. Partners with opposite value systems come to us as some kind of spiritual teachers, designed to teach us to recognize the right of ourselves and others to remain ourselves. “Evil” male teachers will change for the better or disappear from our lives altogether as soon as we learn the lesson they brought.

Scenarios for the development of dependency relationships

By being offended by a man who acts as an indicator and points out your internal complexes and contradictions, you only further strengthen his position towards you. There is a stereotypical development of scenarios in which a woman is supposed to fight in every possible way against her unenviable fate through a fierce war with a negligent husband. But maybe it’s worth digging deeper and consciously looking at the reasons that are mirrored on the surface? “Where is the dog buried” and what are the true motives for the appearance of an “undeservable” man in the life of a “worthy” woman?

Scenario 1. Male tyrant

The lesson that a man who opens his hands carries within him most often indicates your inability to love yourself and allow yourself to be an imperfect wife, woman, housewife, etc. You feel guilty about everything and, suppressing it, try to earn mercy in every possible way. And when a woman is an eternal victim, then a man turns into a tyrant, carrying out her own scenario, according to which the offender must suffer a fair punishment.

What to do?

Take the right to be right and become the mistress of your own life. By recognizing your imperfection, you take responsibility for what is happening in the surrounding reality and are not subconsciously looking for someone who will divide your life into “right/wrong”. This means you stop needing pain, which will force you to learn to respect yourself and set the boundaries of what is permitted.

Scenario 2. Man-womanizer

A loving man who has trodden the path “to the left” subconsciously demonstrates to you your own low self-esteem and overwhelming uncertainty about your own femininity. It may seem to you that such an ugly, fat, stupid woman like you is unworthy of love, and you will unconsciously push your loved one into the arms of beautiful and smart women. By provoking a man to commit a love crime, deep in your soul you hope that he will throw himself at your feet and begin to convince and prove that there is no better person than you. But can he think like that if even you don’t believe in it?!

What to do?

Raise self-esteem in your own eyes that has fallen below the baseboard. Get your appearance and wardrobe in order, attend self-development courses and sign up for dances that raise feminine energy. Learn to love yourself and accept who God created you to be. Women with a strong feminine principle are not cheated on!

Scenario 3: Alcoholic Man

A drinking man pours alcohol not so much on his weakness as on your assertiveness and exorbitant strength in the fight against his addiction. The more efforts you make to expel the “green snake” from your family, the more unremitting your husband’s binges. In drunkenness, he demonstrates masculine strength of character, which you deny in him, but cultivate in yourself. On your power of pressure: “You are a weakling! Not a man! Alcoholic!" he responds with the strength of male stubbornness: “I want and will drink! I'm a man! I decide for myself!”

What to do?

Loosen your grip, let the man not prove in this way who is the man in the house, and who has the power! Sincerely give him the role of head of the family, which is not typical for a woman. Let him make decisions, and you, like a wise wife, coordinate them in the right direction! And even if he doesn’t immediately get it “your way,” be patient! It will take him time to trust you. Recognize your feminine weakness, where true strength lies.

Scenario 4: Loser Man

Unsuccessful, lazy and irresponsible men, as a rule, are attracted into their lives by women who are accustomed to dominating in everything. Total control, leadership, criticism, training are the best helpers in raising a man who will never want to take responsibility and solve financial issues. The inner fear of having a partner to whom you do not correspond pushes you to devalue the man next to you. What if they take him away?! And no one will set their sights on a loser, so subconsciously you are afraid to afford a man who is successful and worthy of the best woman.

What to do?

Get your own uncertainty, irresponsibility, and indecision out of your subconscious. Recognize their right to be. And if you want a man with opposite qualities, you will first have to develop them in yourself. Otherwise, for what kind of merit should fate reward you with a prince with a white horse? Only like attracts like, and only a worthy woman attracts a worthy man.

Scenario 5: Married man

Married men, who for some reason are not satisfied with their marital status, always cleverly single out women in the crowd who are “suitable” for parallel relationships. Yes, perhaps he is just a womanizer, but for some reason he chose you, and not a woman who is deliberately looking for an unfree man. And no matter how you demonstrate outright protest, not this one, but the next “married man” will knock on your door again and again. The reasons for such unhealthy “magnetism” may lie in internal uncertainty or subconscious fear of developing promising relationships.

What to do?

Talk to yourself frankly! Why are unfree men attractive to you? Experience or, perhaps, the fact that someone already needs them, which means they have been tested and are suitable for the role of a husband? Or maybe, on the contrary, you don’t need the care and responsibility called “family” and you prefer hopelessly married men? In any case, you will first have to become free yourself from attitudes that prohibit building a relationship with a free man.

There are a lot of similar scenarios: a jealous man, a manipulator, a man-child, a man-friend, etc. The cause-and-effect relationships that cause their development are individual. And yet, it is known for certain that the roots of evil come from rejection of one’s own feminine nature, from dislike of oneself or from the inability to reserve the right to make mistakes. We launch a program of self-destruction when we take on male responsibilities and the energy of power. A man near such a “Hitler in a skirt” goes on a drinking binge, goes on a spree, or becomes a dependent. But even when the long-awaited “king” appears on the horizon, we run away headlong, because we are afraid to admit that we are not capable of matching such an ideal companion. We find it difficult to come to terms with our imperfections. There is only one thing left to do: recognize in yourself what is commonly called “cockroaches” and stop pointlessly wasting priceless energy. It should be redirected into a creative direction, using it to develop a harmonious personality, without which a worthy woman is impossible. And, as you know, like will certainly attract like!

2 3 872 0

Many girls ask: “What should I do if guys don’t pay attention to me?” or “What’s wrong with me?” They rack their brains and start accusing men of being blind. You need to solve this problem not in the outside world, but within yourself. Let's not blame men for being blind, but try to find the reasons within ourselves. Let's start with the fact that sometimes relationship problems with the opposite sex can only exist in our heads, and not in reality. Our advice will help you find problems and solve them once and for all.

Obvious and unobvious reasons

Guys may not like a girl for obvious reasons, which include her appearance. This includes the figure, its parameters, as well as makeup and clothing. If a girl is plump by nature, and also dresses without taste, does not wear makeup, and her hair is disheveled, then the question “why don’t guys like me” seems stupid. As you know, men love with their eyes. Our first impression always comes from what we see. If the reason is obvious, tackle it first and solve it. Something needs to be done about this.

1) Get in shape.

You don't have to look like a model, but every woman is obliged to take care of her figure and health. Being healthy does not mean becoming thin. Chubby girls and plump girls can be just as attractive as thin ones. All men are different and have different tastes. Some people like long-legged, thin models, others like soft and curvy models. The most important thing is to show yourself in a favorable light.

Advantages can be emphasized through clothes, shoes and makeup. We all know the popular saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body.” Therefore, it is important for a girl to be healthy. A beautiful body is, first of all, self-confidence. Do not neglect sports and sports, and you will reap the results of your labors.

2) Hair is the beauty of a woman.

The first impression of a woman is created not only by her figure, but also by her hairstyle. Imagine a beauty with unwashed and disheveled hair. It is unlikely that such a woman will attract the attention of a man. Pay attention to the condition of your hair. They will tell you a lot more about you than you do yourself.

Even in ancient times, the beauty of women was judged by their hair. Although times have changed, hair still plays a significant role in a woman's appearance.

3) Fashion and style.

The right clothes can help you highlight your figure and attract the attention of men. And clothes that are the wrong size or style for you will have the opposite effect.

4) Hands are a woman’s calling card.

Remember that hands are a woman’s dignity. Chipped and dirty nails and chipped nail polish repel men.

Taking care of your nails and skin is just as important as taking a shower and washing your hair. This does not have to be done in expensive salons. If your hands are unpleasant to kiss, then a man will not want to kiss you either.

Unobvious reasons include the girl’s behavior pattern.

Sometimes girls don't notice how they push guys away with the way they behave in society. A guy meets an attractive girl, but leaves her after a short time. When getting to know a person, we pay attention to the soul and qualities of character. Going further in a relationship, the inner person comes first, which determines further relationships. Let's look at the non-obvious problems and try to figure them out.

Complexes are enemy number one

How often do you meet a girl with an ideal figure and appearance who considers herself ugly and insecure? We see this everywhere. If you are stuffed with complexes from the top of your head to the soles of your feet, guys will see it first of all.

Who would like it when a girl talks all the time about how fat and ugly she is? Any man in a month will get tired of convincing her otherwise every day.

That's why guys usually avoid girls with complexes.

Forget about rudeness

A woman is by nature gentle and affectionate. Every man wants to see his chosen one exactly like this. And rudeness does not suit a girl at all. Such a negative character trait is repulsive.

Some girls try to assume a masculine demeanor and behave rudely and uncontrollably. In this case, you will not be able to qualify for a romantic relationship.

A man will always treat you as a friend.

There is a time to be silent, there is a time to speak

Silence is not a virtue for girls. Nature has blessed women with sociability. Take advantage of your natural gifts to capture the attention of guys. Sometimes there are girls with whom there is nothing to talk about. They do not know how to communicate, maintain a conversation or find a topic for conversation. With such a representative of the fairer sex, any guy will get bored.

Sometimes a girl may not attract much attention outwardly, but once you start talking to her, it’s impossible to tear yourself away. Such a girl will not be left without fans.

Commercialism is a vice, not a virtue

If you consider a potential boyfriend in terms of his financial capabilities, your plans may fail miserably. Guys have a negative attitude towards materialistic women. Every man expects people to love him, and not the fur coats and apartments he buys.

Commercialism in relationships kills feelings, makes a person cynical and cold.

Since childhood, many guys have been taught by their mothers to avoid girls who are fortune hunters. Let relationships come first and money come second, but not vice versa.

Sometimes it seems to us that we can easily fool a man around our finger, and at the same time he will not guess anything. Don't think that men are dumber than women.

They sometimes see through lies faster than we do. Besides, you cannot pretend forever or deceive your chosen one.

Feeling like Miss Perfect

Do you play the violin, write songs and read smart books? Or maybe you are rapidly running up the career ladder and feel like a queen? Sometimes women value themselves so highly that not every guy can approach them.

The young man feels his insignificance or your excessive arrogance, so he runs away like fire.

No matter how many medals you've won in sports competitions or what degree you hold, personal achievements shouldn't put a guy down.

Excessive arrogance and pride repel men, even the most attractive and successful ones.

You are, first of all, a girl who wants to find happiness with her loved one, and not an athlete or a professor. Act like a girl, fragile, in need of a man's help, and not a fighter on the battlefield. Relax and let your man woo you, surprise you and take care of you.

Work on yourself

Men like confident girls.

Independence and independence attract attention. If a girl behaves like a 5-year-old child, being capricious all the time, criticizing and getting turned on at half speed, then any guy will feel discomfort. You won’t go beyond the first date with such a girl, because guys hate it when they blow their minds.