How to learn English while sitting at home. So, where to start learning, and how to master a language without outside help? Benefits of learning English

Self-studying English is a rather labor-intensive but inexpensive way to master the language, which has its pros and cons. In this case, you choose the main source of information - it can be the Internet, educational games, an English language tutorial, a phrasebook, books (adapted or in the original), songs. There are many online services for beginners and intermediates.

Perhaps, but this type of training has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Language acquisition includes 4 components: reading, writing, speaking (speaking) and listening (listening).


Reading- one of the types of speech activity, a complex process of decoding symbols aimed at understanding the text. One of the forms of linguistic communication between people using printed and handwritten texts. Reading can also be considered as a wonderful tool for mastering a language, because in texts there are many unfamiliar words and words already familiar to us. Some words are ambiguous and their meaning is easier to remember in context. All this allows you not only to increase your vocabulary, but also to repeat previously learned grammatical structures. In order to ensure that working on the text does not turn into an impossible task, it is very important to select the text in accordance with your language level.


Letter- this is one of the types of speech activity, symbolic fixation of speech using special symbols (letters, hieroglyphs, drawings). Mastery of written language occurs gradually. To practice writing, you can use the following: forms of work:

  • Rewriting text;
  • Training dictations;
  • Writing letters, essays.

Reading and writing are interconnected types of speech activity. Writing is a kind of encoding of information using symbols, and reading is the decoding of these symbols.

Oral speech

To master oral speech, you must have skills in voicing expressions, skills in using lexical units, and grammatical skills to correctly formulate sentences. In other words, in order to say something, you need to know the words required by a given situation, be able to pronounce them correctly and construct a sentence in accordance with the rules of the language. In addition to words, there are speech patterns, stable expressions that are often used in oral speech. Therefore, to master oral speech, you need not only to remember a certain number of individual words and expressions, but also to bring their use to automatism.

Listening to speech (listening)

Listening is the process of listening and understanding spoken expressions. The mechanism of this process includes:

  • Perception of streams of sounds and recognition of words, sentences, paragraphs, etc. in them.
  • Understanding the meaning of words, sentences, paragraphs. If you already have some speech experience, then this process is enhanced by predicting the content of what was said.

To understand English by ear, you need to listen as often as possible! You can communicate with other people in English (preferably with foreigners), talk on the phone, listen to music, watch videos, TV series.

Learning a foreign language not only develops memory and thinking, but also increases IQ level.

Where to start learning a language on your own?

When learning a foreign language on your own, your success will directly depend on the correctness of the chosen approach to learning.
It is necessary to adhere to the correct sequence of studying the material - from simple to complex. It is recommended to study topics in the following order:

  • English alphabet (sounds and letters of the alphabet).
  • Transcription.
  • Reading rules.
  • Vocabulary by topic (accumulation of vocabulary).
  • Grammar.

Each of these components is important, so you cannot miss anything, because all these points are closely interrelated. Remember that without correct pronunciation it will be difficult to understand you. Even after learning the entire dictionary, you will not speak, because sentences are built according to certain rules, and to construct them correctly you need at least basic knowledge of grammar, because speech is not just a set of words.

When studying on your own, it is very important to check the correctness of your pronunciation. This can be done using online dictionaries. Click on the "horn" to hear how the word is pronounced. For example, you can use the sites or If you are working on a text, use Google Translator to listen to the entire text.

In learning vocabulary (replenishing your vocabulary), you should also adhere to a certain order. Start learning vocabulary with simple and more commonly used words and expressions on a specific topic. To do this, you can use the service (100 lessons with vocabulary by topic and the opportunity to listen to it), the service (vocabulary by topic and the opportunity to listen to it), a phrasebook (be careful - transliteration (English words in Russian letters) does not reveal the features English pronunciation!), self-teachers (their advantage is that in one lesson there are exercises on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary for the lesson, texts for reading, colloquial phrases on topics). News lovers can use the news portal, where the presentation of information depends on your level of English. It is important that each news is accompanied by an audio recording.

Knowledge of grammar is no less important than vocabulary. If you really want to, you can learn any rule, but in order for working on the rule not to seem overwhelmingly difficult, your task is not to learn (memorize) the rule, but to understand it. If this rule involves the use of tenses, passive voice, conditional sentences, etc., understand the rule in your “native” language. For example, change the same sentence so that it corresponds to the tense forms of the English language, but compose the sentence in Russian (you can make changes). Then in English:

  • In the summer we love to sunbathe on the beach (in general we love it - the present simple tense).
  • Now we are sunbathing on the beach - (present continuous tense).
  • - You look like boiled crayfish! - Of course, I was on the beach all day! (looks like a crayfish now because I was on the beach – simple perfect tense).
  • We have been sunbathing on the beach since three o'clock (we have been sunbathing for 3 hours and are still going on - present perfect continuous tense).
  • When we were little, we loved sunbathing on the beach (past simple tense).
  • Yesterday we sunbathed all day (past continuous tense).
  • When he came to us, we were already on the beach (two actions in the past, one of which happened earlier - past perfect tense).
  • We sunbathed on the beach all day until he came! (the action lasted until a certain point in the past).
  • Tomorrow we'll go to the beach! (future simple tense).
  • And tomorrow at the same time we will already be sunbathing! (action in the future that will take some time - future continuous tense).
  • In a week I will definitely finish writing my essay about summer! (the essay will be written at a certain moment in the future - future perfect tense).
  • I will play volleyball on the beach until my parents follow me! (an action that will last in the future until a certain moment - future perfect continuous tense).

A good start does not always guarantee a good ending, so you need to approach the organization of independent studies responsibly. Remember that you need this first of all, and all control over the progress of the enterprise and its results rests with you!

  1. Exercise regularly.
  2. Depending on the results you want to achieve and the time frame for achieving them, set for yourself a mandatory duration of classes (for example, at least an hour and at least 3 times a week).
  3. Everyone’s work speed is different, so you set the ideal learning rhythm for yourself (for example, 30 minutes a day).
  4. Choose tasks of your level to avoid disappointment in yourself and your abilities. If you already have some knowledge, you can rewrite short texts, translate texts or articles, find yourself an interlocutor (on the Internet or in real life) to practice your speaking skills (or written, for example, a pen pal).
  5. All acquired knowledge should be immediately applied in practice, while trying to use all words and grammatical structures in oral and written speech.
  6. Learning a foreign language is mostly cramming, which is hated by many, but you can’t do without it (for example, learning vocabulary)! But even in cramming you can find logic - for example, some words are international, so memorizing them based on the similarity of their sounds in your native language will facilitate the process of memorizing them.
  7. Repetitio est mater studiorum (Repetition is the mother of learning). Be sure to take the time to review the material you’ve covered until it’s stuck in your head... forever. You will not be able to achieve the desired result by saving time on repetition. After all, repetition is one of the main conditions for memorizing and mastering material. Repetition specifically affects long-term memory, helping to retain information for a long time. Correct repetition of learned material improves its retention and facilitates its subsequent reproduction.

What can interfere with independent language learning?

« False" motivation, or lack of proper motivation. Ask yourself the question “Why am I learning a language?” If the answer is for yourself, it’s fashionable, to get a job, then you are unlikely to achieve significant results. Why? Because you may (and most likely) won’t need it for yourself, and learning a language is a labor-intensive process; it’s fashionable – fashion changes, and so do languages. To get a job, the employer needs a qualified worker now, and not necessarily in you, when you learn the language.

Formulate a specific goal, preferably of a practical nature, even if a trip abroad is not in the cards in the near future. For example: learning a language develops my intellectual abilities, by learning a language I develop my personal and communication skills, I can expand access to the information I need, because there is more of it in English; I want to watch movies and TV series in English, I want to communicate with foreigners, etc.

Typical beginner mistakes are:

Kato Lomb (8 February 1909 – 9 June 2003)- a famous Hungarian translator and writer who has worked as a simultaneous interpreter since the 1950s.

She spoke, read and wrote fluently in Hungarian, Russian, English, French, and German. She could express herself and understand Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and Polish. With a dictionary I read in Bulgarian, Danish, Romanian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Latin, Polish. She is a physicist and chemist by education, but already in her youth she was interested in languages, which she studied on her own.

Kato Lomb outlined her method of learning foreign languages ​​in the book "How I learn languages".

Kato Lomb summarized her approach to learning languages ​​in the 10 Commandments:

    1. Practice your language daily. At least 10 minutes, even if there is no time at all. It is especially good to exercise in the morning.
    2. If the desire to study weakens too quickly, do not “force” it, but do not give up studying either. Come up with some other form: put down the book and listen to the radio, leave the textbook exercises and look through the dictionary, etc.
    3. Never cram, never memorize anything in isolation from context.
    4. Write out of turn and memorize all the “ready-made phrases” that can be used in the maximum number of cases.
    5. Try to mentally translate everything that is possible: a flashing advertising sign, an inscription on a poster, snatches of accidentally overheard conversations. This is a good exercise to keep your linguistic thinking in constant tone.
    6. It is worth learning firmly only what is absolutely correct. Do not re-read your own uncorrected exercises: when reading repeatedly, the text is involuntarily remembered with all possible errors. If you study alone, then learn only the ones you know are correct.
    7. Write down and remember ready-made phrases and idiomatic expressions in the first person, singular. For example: “I am only pulling your leg” (I’m just teasing you).
    8. A foreign language is a fortress that needs to be stormed from all sides at the same time: by reading newspapers, listening to the radio, watching undubbed films, attending lectures in a foreign language, working through a textbook, correspondence, meetings and conversations with friends who are native speakers.
    9. Don’t be afraid to speak, don’t be afraid of possible mistakes, but ask them to be corrected. And most importantly, don’t be upset or offended if they really start correcting you.
    10. Be firmly confident that you will achieve your goal no matter what, that you have an unbending will and extraordinary ability for languages. And if you have already lost faith in the existence of such things - (and rightly so!) - then think that you are simply a smart enough person to master such a small thing as a foreign language. And if the material still resists and your mood drops, then scold the textbooks - and rightly so, because there are no perfect textbooks! - dictionaries - and this is true, because comprehensive dictionaries do not exist - at worst, the language itself, because all languages ​​are difficult, and the most difficult of all is your native one. And things will work out.

The World Cup last summer in Russia once again proved: it’s time to learn a foreign language. How long can you communicate in sign language? But there are dozens of other small problems associated with not learning English at school. Either you have to wait for the translation of a new episode of your favorite show, or checking into a hotel abroad takes an extra half hour.

So, you have finally decided to take a couple of hours a week from your busy schedule and finally learn English. Once and for all. But from which side should we approach? Either pull an old school textbook from the balcony, or sign up for another fashionable course with a “unique” methodology.

MIR 24 decided to collect five effective (and self-tested) ways to quickly learn a language. These tips can be used both instead of studying at an expensive “English school”, and together with it, to consolidate the material.

Method No. 1. Good old stickers

Polyglots of the old school learned the language from papers. This is especially true for those who, as it seems at first glance, have no time for classes. The method is simple: buy yourself adhesive stickers, write them in English words and stick them on the corresponding objects in the house.

Let's go cut ourselves a sausage sandwich before going to bed - be sure to note that the refrigerator is marked with a sticker Fridge. You will have to wield an item with a signature Knife, and you can put the finished sandwich on Plate. After a week of repetitions, you will definitely remember.

When your level rises above everyday words, write down all the English words you come across on stickers. From signs, from brand names, and, ultimately, from conversations of foreigners overheard in the subway. Stickers with words and their translations can be hung right at your workplace. So that they catch your eye more often. I got distracted for a second and caught my eye on another word. This method is ideal for people with photographic memory. In this way, you can expand your passive vocabulary even at a computer in the office, or at a lathe in a factory. The main thing is that it doesn’t interfere with work.

Method No. 2. Look for associations

Languages, especially European ones, can be untangled like a spider's web. Anyway, in most cases we will end up with Latin or Ancient Greek. But there are still hundreds of borrowed words. From English to Russian or along a more complex path: through French or German. It is possible to find matches even at an initial level of language knowledge.

Word Fruit differs from our “fruit” by just one letter. And is it so difficult to remember Brother with our “brother”? In fact, the deeper you dive into a foreign language, the more similar patterns you find. And now English-language texts are not so scary when in every sentence there is a word form similar to the Russian one.

Method No. 3. One on one with carriers

They will tell you about this everywhere. Well, what can you do if this is the case: the best way to learn a language is to constantly communicate with native speakers. If you are still young and not burdened with family expenses and loans, drop everything and go study abroad. Fortunately, in almost every English-speaking country there is a wide system of grants, so you don’t even have to pay.

If you put yourself in a situation where not learning a language is like dooming yourself to starvation, sooner or later the information will begin to creep into your head. And after a couple of months, they no longer babble funny in their own language, but speak the same language with you.

In our age, there is a more budget-friendly option: turn on your computer or smartphone and go to English-language thematic forums. For example, according to "Game of Thrones" or World of Warcraft. Try to spend more time there, but not only read other people’s messages, but also express your own opinion more often. Of course, in English. Believe me, in most cases they won’t say a word to you for bad grammar. And if they do give advice, all you have to do is thank them and listen.

Method number 4. For social phobes

Well, okay, it really happens that the fear of communication transforms into some kind of phobia. And you seem to know what you need to say, but abroad you can’t even squeeze the words out of yourself. I will say right away: someday this barrier will have to be overcome. But you can put this event on hold if you use the method of learning through TV series and films.

It's very simple: watch your favorite The Walking Dead or new Star Wars episodes exclusively in the original. For starters, with Russian subtitles. In large cities there are always at least a couple of cinemas that show films in English. Just search on the Internet. There you can easily find subtitles for almost all existing media content: from stand-up shows to new videos of your favorite blogger.

The next step is to watch English-language films with English subtitles. This way you can read what you couldn't hear. Text transcripts of films and TV series can be downloaded on specialized websites, and streaming platforms like Netflix provide subtitles for each video by default. By the way, popular English-speaking bloggers, in connection with the rules YouTube, are also forced to transcribe all their videos.

An alternative option is books. You can start with works with parallel translation (using the method of Ilya Frank) and simple fairy tales, then move on to translations of Russian classics into English, and finally move on to serious literature. The trick is to enjoy the book first, and secondly to perceive reading as language learning.

Method No. 5. English by songs

This is the most difficult option and must be approached with caution. But he can help someone learn English. We all listen to foreign music in one way or another. The President of Russia sings Blueberry Hill, the older generation is enjoying The Beatles And Queen, and those who are younger study complex texts Eminem.

Take your favorite songs and try, without looking at the text, to hear all the words, one after another. And then translate - and remember. Now, when the player will play for the thousandth time Shape of You Ed Sheeran, you can not only sing along, but also synchronously translate the song about love at first sight.

There are downsides. Songs usually have a lot of incorrect grammar - words are rearranged for the sake of rhyme - and the word forms themselves are sometimes too strange. Still, it is worth remembering that lyrics with their metaphors are seriously different from everyday speech.

Whatever method you choose, the main thing in learning English is constant practice. To learn a language as quickly as possible, you need to combine all these methods and use them simultaneously. Good luck on this difficult and long journey!

Hello, friends! Do you speak any other language besides Russian? Knowing a second language can be very useful.

Today I will tell you how to learn English on your own at home, since at one time I had an urgent need for such knowledge.

In this case, you will have to devote at least half an hour a day to classes, but this should be done regularly. So, let's find out whether it is possible to learn a second language at home and do without expensive courses.

It is believed that there are no incapable people, but only bad teachers or insufficient incentives. In fact, it all depends on the person and the strength of his desire. To quickly learn a language from scratch.

An important point before studying may be the formulation of the problem. At the same time, the strength of your desire will help you achieve your plans.

There may be such goals for learning English:

  1. Obtaining a position in an international company and working abroad.
  2. Tourist trips.
  3. International trade and own business.
  4. Starting a family abroad.
  5. Correspondence with friends from English-speaking countries.
  6. Study abroad.

Is it possible to learn a language on your own?

You can learn a language completely free of charge, but it’s unlikely that you can do it in a month. Therefore, you should not believe when they promise to do this in courses or using a special video.

To have a good knowledge of the language you will have to spend 2-3 years. At the same time, you need to practice regularly. To learn a language yourself, you need to take certain tips into account.

As scientists confirm, English words and phrases are best remembered in the first half of the day.

Language is especially easy for children.

If you master a new language, it promises you new opportunities. You will be able to watch films and TV series in the original.

Computer programs will be easier to understand. And the conversational version will allow you to actively participate in cultural events on a global scale.

This means a lot of new friends, travel and festivals.

Benefits of working out at home

If you take language learning seriously, you can master it on your own, even from scratch, without specialized courses.

Such activities have the following advantages:

  1. You can choose your own time for studying. In your spare time, you can study the language.
  2. The training takes place in a comfortable environment and there is no need to travel anywhere.
  3. You can choose a suitable company for language learning.
  4. English requires constant study over a long period, so self-study will save money.

Learning English from scratch on your own: main stages

This is the way to learn a language.

It includes the following steps:

  • learning the alphabet and pronunciation of letters. It is important to go over the sound and transcription;
  • study words. Set yourself a monthly target, say 1200 words. At the same time, every day you need to memorize at least 20 words. In this case, words can be taken from the dictionary, from articles on the Internet, from books, and from videos or audio clips.

It’s better to choose your own words.

You can learn a language according to this plan:

  1. Take a manual or even a children's textbook. Learn the basic rules. This is necessary for a base to appear.
  2. Listen to the course for beginners in audio format. Learn to pronounce sounds correctly.
  3. Understand the nuances of transcription.
  4. Build and expand your vocabulary regularly.
  5. First, read simplified texts in children's books and comics.
  6. Set up free mobile offers.
  7. Watch cartoons, news and films in the original version.

Good results can be obtained with daily practice. Such exercises are useful not only for adults, but also for children.
Listen actively to audiobooks and podcasts. There are podcasts you can watch and listen to.

Podcasts from the BBC, which are educational programs, are popular.
Chat more on Skype.

It is important to communicate with English-speaking people. Using special social networks, you can find a person with whom to communicate on Skype.

You can find an Englishman who wants to learn Russian. In this case, mutual exchange of knowledge is possible.

It’s better to speak correctly from the beginning so as not to have to relearn it later.

How to remember words better

Remember that we remember best what is especially interesting. It is better to learn words together with epithets. In this case, you can not only remember the word, but also common phrases.

In this case, you need to combine nouns with verbs and nouns with adjectives.
It is better to remember the material not in blocks, but in quatrains and phrases. Sometimes catch phrases are easier to remember.
Keep a dictionary - a notebook where you write down sentences and phrases that you especially liked.

At the same time, writing down words develops motor memory quite well.
Here's how to use a homemade dictionary:

  1. Please read all the information on the page first.
  2. Then you cover up the Russian words and translate.
  3. Then you do the opposite.

Remember that it is important to study transcription. It will help you deal with particularly difficult words. Pay great attention to grammar, as it is important to be able to correctly combine and form sentences.
If you have difficulty reading books, then this game will come in handy. Set yourself a goal of reading 3 pages and only after that do what you love.

Memorize phrases that you often use in everyday life.
As the reviews confirm, the online translator Yandex or Google will help beginners in translation. To learn the language better, you can make a friend in an English-speaking country.

You can communicate via Skype or chat.
You can watch a movie on the computer and write down words that are unfamiliar. Then pause the movie and look up the word in the dictionary.

You can use a program to reproduce text from your voice. You can also learn English using subtitles.
An MP3 player will allow you to listen to any audiobook or foreign songs. You can choose books translated into Russian.

Online services for learning English

Let's consider the possibilities of the Internet for learning English.

Here are some resources to help you:

  1. This is a resource for watching films and TV series in English. Each film comes with English subtitles. Unfamiliar words can be translated by pressing the cursor.
  2. Site with board games, grammar exercises and quizzes. You can take tests or download assignments in pdf format.
  3. A resource for learning English through stories. This is a free site.
  4. is a distance learning tutorial based on Oleg Limanskog's method. Texts and exercises of varying difficulty levels are offered.

There are special applications for iOS and Android that are made for learning English. Particularly popular LinguaLeo And Duolingo.

There is also a paid program Roseta stone.

What should lessons consist of?

Start learning from the very basics: the alphabet, sounds and simple structures. Classes should include the following activities:

  1. Reading.
  2. Listening to audio texts.
  3. Grammar exercises.
  4. Letter.

To speak English fluently, it is important to have a large vocabulary, that is, to know many different words by heart.

If you have a database of words, you need to study it periodically.
To expand your vocabulary, you need to read books in the original. In this case, you need to translate all unfamiliar words.

A film with subtitles is also suitable for studying.
Where to find free tutorials and materials
I also suggest you get acquainted with the most popular books, videos and audio materials that can be used in home lessons.
Here are materials you may find useful:

  1. “Elementary English course for Russians with parallel translation” Karavanova N.
  2. 90 lessons for beginners using Dr. Pimsleur's method.
  3. English according to Dragunkin in 115 minutes.
  4. Barry Tomalin "Conversational English in 3 months."
  5. “Polyglot in 16 hours” with Dmitry Petrov.

Audio courses are especially convenient, as you can listen to the lessons and at the same time do your own thing.

So, to summarize, we can highlight the following important points in learning English:

  1. You need to choose a specific course of study and gain motivation.
  2. First, set clear goals for what you need the language for. These could be new work opportunities, travel or communication with foreigners.
  3. Pay special attention to the alphabet, grammar and reading rules. The tutorial will help you with this. When initial knowledge is obtained, you can move on to subsequent stages.
  4. It may be worth choosing a distance learning course or some classes via Skype.
  5. Choose a specific time to read fiction in English. First you should choose adapted books. Novels and detective stories work well.
  6. Be sure to write down and study unfamiliar vocabulary. After some time, you will notice that the dictionary array is often repeated.

Remember that even if you have recently started learning a language, you need to speak more often. And don't be afraid to make mistakes.

First, you will learn to express your thoughts, and you will become familiar with the technique of constructing sentences with experience.
I hope you find my review article useful. After all, you can start learning a new language at any age.

Among other things, this is a great way to train your memory and broaden your horizons. Show a little perseverance and perseverance, devote a little time every day to your lessons and the world will sparkle with new colors.

If you have anything to add, write in the comments. See you again, dear guests and visitors of my site!

We will definitely warn you that you need to start not with the poems of Shakespeare or even with the stories of Jack London. To improve your spoken English, first discover Alice in Wonderland or any fairy tales. In such literature, the language is simpler, which will allow you to feel how the level is rising. Read books both in electronic versions (electronic dictionaries can even help with translation) and in paper versions. At first, even fairy tales will seem difficult to you, but then you will see how easy it is to read in English, and how quickly you can read.

Most modern players on your computer allow you to remove the Russian track from the film and watch the film in English. To learn English and grammar, download subtitles for the film (you can easily find them in a search engine by name) and insert them into the film when watching (this can be easily done in Media player classic, and in Crystal Player, as well as in many others). Stop the movie if you see an unfamiliar word or expression, look it up in the dictionary. You can write it out and then repeat the phrase several times. All this will allow you to speak English fluently.

3. Read English newspapers and use the English-language Internet

Reading newspapers is significantly different from reading books (both grammar and topics are more complex). True, if you read English newspapers and look at English-language websites, this will give you the opportunity not only to keep abreast of events abroad, but also to understand what the language of English journalism sounds like.

4. Go to courses or see a tutor

I tried myself both here and there, so I know very well the disadvantages of each type of training. A tutor is an excellent way to improve your English grammar, because individual lessons always force you to concentrate. However, courses will help improve your spoken English. With a tutor you are one on one, there is no feeling of spontaneous communication, group communication, while courses allow you not only to learn English vocabulary, but also learn to apply the grammar learned with the tutor.

5. Repeat

Remember how mothers teach their children to speak. Repetition of the same word several tens or hundreds of times, repetition of phrases and expressions. This is how any foreign language masters itself: there is no need to write out tons of words and memorize them. Just name all the surrounding objects in English. For example, imagine when you go into a store that you need to ask to see shoes not in your native Russian, but in English. Think about the phrase as you walk to the counter, repeat it to yourself several times. And every time now, when you approach the window, this exact phrase will pop up in your mind.

6. Listen to audiobooks

Listening to audiobooks will help you learn spoken English quickly. As a rule, actors who read the text, place accents and emphasis in the right places, speak clearly and correctly. You hear real live speech, however, it would be nice to have the text that is read before your eyes

7. Translate

Start translating books. Start small, and then translate more and more voluminous texts word by word, by preposition. This has several advantages: you will not only write out and learn new words, but also understand English grammar. Search and write down anything you don't understand, and then find the answers in dictionaries or grammar reference books.

8. Speak up!

It may sound a little banal, but nothing will help you improve your English level better than conversation. Try to speak English even at home. If you want to eat, tell your family about it, first in English, and only then in Russian (if not everyone in the family speaks a foreign language). Even try to think in English when you walk or ride in public transport.

9. Get a pen pal

This tip is similar to the previous one, but more productive. A friend from an English-speaking country can help you learn English. Meet someone on ICQ if you don't have a friend in the US or UK. Correspond with him, which will not only improve your grammar and expand your vocabulary, but will also remove the language barrier.

It’s just important to remember that English is, first and foremost, practice! Good luck!

Hello dear reader!

Do I understand correctly - you want to learn English at home, and probably quickly, and interestingly, and effortlessly...? Excellent wish! It’s just a gardener’s dream: “to breed a new variety of exotic cucumbers at home without care or fertilizer” :).

Well, of course, we didn’t decide to engage in gardening, but nevertheless, everything is real, I’ll tell you. Only with the caveat " under certain circumstances and conditions", which will be discussed below. By the way, I will also share with you how to bring these circumstances and conditions to life.

But here are the materials you can already find on my blog: either for viewing, for reading, for listening, for consolidation. Remember, I’m constantly adding to my collection of materials - so subscribe to my delicious newsletter so you don’t miss anything interesting!

  • Firstly, it is simply impossible to learn spoken English, because the word “learn” speaks of the end result, and in our case it is a process that must be constant and continuous.
    Imagine that you learned Russian and put it on the shelf, using Spanish in everyday speech, for example. And what? Absolutely nothing! You will speak and improve in Spanish, but Russian will remain dusty and outdated knowledge. Don’t be surprised if you ever “decide to take it off the shelf” and see phrases like “I am” that you don’t understand.

Yes, I exaggerated a little, but only so that you understand 2 things:

-language is a living being! It changes over time, like a tree that every year adds rings to its trunk and renews its branches. Therefore, he needs “constant care and supervision” so as not to miss anything important.

practice makes perfect. If knowledge lies as a dead weight, it disintegrates, degrades, turns into nothing!

  • Secondly, understand, quickly learning a language from scratch - in 1-2-3 months - is a myth!!! How long can it really take to learn good spoken English – that’s in a year! Those who promise you a period of 2-3 months are either lying or mean to master the minimum base. I don’t argue that you will be able to say something after this time, maintain a casual conversation, even understand something of what your interlocutor is telling you. But, your mini-spoken English will be full of “maxi-holes” that need to be darned and darned... If you are happy that asking for a glass of water gets you a shot of vodka, then no questions asked!
  • Third In order to fully master the skills of spoken English at home, one on one with yourself, you will have to puff. After all, here you need a developed system, a daily (weekly) plan, regular actions (I wrote about them), constant self-motivation, periodic overcoming laziness and other less important things. Be prepared for this!
  • Fourth, you need a goal. Decide why “you need it” and do you need it at all? I’ll write one fact especially for beginners: those who take up learning a language just like that, for company or out of curiosity, as a rule, give up this activity very quickly. After all, they don’t know where they are going and what they expect from themselves. Do you have a goal? If not, then define it, if yes, then write it down so you know exactly where you should go!
  • Fifthly, you need a mentor. Even if you want it a thousand times All do it yourself, without any outside help, imagining yourself as “Bruce Almighty”, think about it. What do I mean by “mentor”? This is not some kind of educational site (even if it’s super cool, in your opinion!) or a book that doesn’t hear or see you... This is a person who can lead you to your goal, give you knowledge, help you in difficult moments, support in “lazy and depressive” times, provide feedback, interaction and moral support.

Remember the fair phrase:

Behind the best students are the best teachers!

By the way, by swapping the words “teachers” and “students” in it, you can see an equally truthful picture! Every person needs connection and support if they want to achieve something! If he receives them, then he achieves his goal many times (!!!) faster.

Today, I can recommend looking for such a mentor in the online school EnglishDom. Not even like that... - you don’t have to look for it - they will pick it up for you in the first free lesson based on your needs, knowledge, personal preferences and time constraints!

This is a reliable and time-tested school where you can definitely find your teacher! And learning English via Skype at home from a comfortable chair will completely change your idea of ​​studying!

Finally, I’ll tell you a few words about the importance of a plan in learning spoken English. Don't grab onto everything. Make a plan for yourself every day (or every week). Write down what you decided to master today (in a week) (for example, write it down, come up with situations with these phrases, rehearse them...). Do this in the form of a checklist and proudly tick the box when completing each item! This is very disciplined and motivating...

Speaking of motivation...

The emotional background in learning a language can be very useful - that is, when you associate learning English with some bright, pleasant emotional experience or performance, be it

  1. desire to communicate with any foreign celebrity,
  2. get your dream job
  3. write a scientific book in English
  4. or settle on an exotic island with an English-speaking population :).

And of course, choose interesting materials to study, at the sight of which your eyes begin to burn...

It's time to finish, friends. I wish Lady Good Luck to everyone - she will never hurt, patience - they will hardly grind everything together, and of course, determination— without it there will be no success!

Always in touch, your online mentor Lisa