How to regain your ability to dream? rules of professional dreamers. Amazing example of visualization

Childhood... Some people associate this word with warm memories, carefree. For some, this may not be a very happy time.

But one thing unites everyone: we all dreamed, we knew what it was ability to dream. And they dreamed of everything their hearts desired.

Moreover, there were no frames or boundaries for us. There is so much hope in just one phrase: “When I grow up...” Here we see ourselves as a doctor who heals people of all diseases, and now we are rapidly rushing to conquer outer space.

And these thoughts made me feel so sweet...

And most importantly, we believed that everything would certainly come true.

The ability to dream Why are we afraid to dream

But now we have grown and become wiser. We decided that dreams- stupid children's inventions. And all because we We are afraid of failures and disappointments. We have become hostage to stereotypes. Having made a mistake once, we close ourselves in an impenetrable shell. We are afraid of judgment from others, which is a sign of self-doubt. Our wounded pride is looking for a safe haven and prohibits us from making any attempts to realize our dreams.

As a result, we go with the flow and no longer even remember that we once dreamed of something. Only somewhere in the depths of your soul will it hurt when you see how your dream comes true for someone else. And you haven’t done anything for this.

We completely forgot what exactly thought is the beginning of everything. This is how nature works: whatever we think about, it begins to materialize. Maybe not right away, but if you look back, could you imagine that your life would turn out exactly this way? And this is a consequence of your thoughts, which may not be fully conscious.

In fact, you just need to pick up the helm of your boat, which is carried by the current and thrown from side to side. Of course, it will take you somewhere, but will you be happy with it?

Set your priorities: What is really important to you in life? Perhaps you are doing something completely different from what you would like to do. Hence – dissatisfaction with life, depression...

You have your own way, so Don't compare yourself to others. This will only interfere with your activities. Maybe someone really does something better. But we are all different and unique in our essence. If you don’t know something, find out; if you can’t, learn it! Surround yourself with people who will help you achieve your dreams. Patience and perseverance, as well as a burning desire and vision of the final result - this is what should inspire you!

“What we think is what we create. Everything that happens to a person is solely the result of his thoughts. And if someone is exposed to an undesirable influence from another person or nature, then this happens only as a result of the thought that this particular impact will be exerted on him or this particular event will happen to him.” This is what the Tibetan psychology of positive thinking says.

Every person exclusively wishes for himself all the best and good. It happens that a person dreams in vain about how happy he will be. He waits and waits, dreams and dreams, but it doesn’t come true and that’s it. What's the matter? In ancient times they said: “If you wait a long time for something, then you are waiting in the wrong place.”

Perhaps we are dreaming wrong?!

Tibetan wisdom says that you need to learn to dream correctly and learn to form positive thinking. This means that we must choose the right thoughts, like clothes in a closet, try to think about good things and, of course, control our thoughts.

Features of correct thinking

The more often our thought appears and the more intense it is, the more powerful it is. This is equally true for both negative and positive thoughts.

By concentrating on getting rid of something that we want to get rid of, we will only aggravate the problem we want to solve. To get the desired result, we need to focus on the positive state that arises as a result of getting rid of an undesirable situation for us.

Doubts, anxieties, fear and uncertainty greatly weaken positive thoughts, and therefore, as soon as we realize the fact that our thoughts have become negative, they must be immediately replaced with positive ones.

The figurative representation of our dreams increases the power of thought, while creating an image of something undesirable for us contributes to the emergence or strengthening of precisely this undesirable, negative situation. That's why it's so important to learn how to dream correctly.

Resistance or protest towards something undesirable will only contribute to the fixation of the undesirable state. That is, you cannot think about bad or not good. A negative thought has the same power as a positive one.

The ability to accept situations as they are, as well as the ability to calmly admit that they may arise again, will create the necessary conditions for changing the situation the way we want it.

How to dream correctly?

  • You need to ask for yourself only what you would ask for everyone else. If you want to learn how to dream correctly, then ask for something for yourself that you would not want to give to others, because this may entail a response from the outside world or even punishment.
  • The thought that we will achieve something only in the future will move the event we desire into the eternal future, which will never come. To dream correctly is to imagine that your dream has already come true in the present, and try to imagine it as best as possible.

  • To dream correctly, you must learn to wait. The dream will come true only when the time comes for it.
  • It is necessary to develop your intuition, and be willing to be guided by your intuition to carry out the actions required to achieve your dreams
  • The power of thought, not consistent with intuition, rarely leads to the fulfillment of desires. This is an important rule that you must learn to learn how to dream correctly.
  • You should never use the power of your thoughts to force another person to do what you want, even if we do it for his own good. However, they are quite acceptable if the person asks you for them. In other words, another person cannot be the “protagonist” of your dreams.
  • To dream correctly, you need to be completely sure that we really want to change something for the better. If intention and imagination oppose each other, then imagination always wins, since only it expresses our real desire - this is one of the laws of positive thinking.

A person achieves stable success in life only when his actions do not harm or cause harm to someone else, and only in this case is stable development in a positive direction possible.

Don't take yourself and your life too seriously. Positive thinking methods are more effective if a person is relaxed and even somewhat carefree.

Secrets that will help you learn to dream correctly

If you want to change something for the better, then do not start improving with the biggest and most difficult problem.

Gain confidence by solving easier problems first, and then improve in more difficult areas.

Absolutely any problem can be resolved, no matter how complex and difficult it may seem. However, things will move much faster if you consult a more knowledgeable and experienced person.

Don't set any restrictions on how you can achieve your dreams. So, for example, if you want to have more money, then do not establish any specific source of receiving it. In the end, you can even find them, and not only make money.

Never give up on your dreams under the influence of other people who may be quite well-intentioned, but do not realize the true power of thought.

The past is gone forever, and it should no longer affect you in the present. However, if you constantly recreate the past in the present, it will pull you back and hold back your development. In this case, you need to immediately change your way of thinking, because your future is created from what you think about now.


“What should you take from childhood?

- Dreams...

As adults, we try to be rational and efficient. Everyone, with varying degrees of involvement, spends a large part of their life working for another person's dream. And our own... first fade into the background, and then become completely lost in the bustle of everyday life.

Occasionally, the remnants of past dreams, like faintly glowing coals, flare up under the gust of wind of motivational speeches of great people, imbued with which, only a few decide to encroach on their happiness, abandoning the role of a beast of burden.

So I am a rebel by nature. And when I realized that I had enough strength, energy and intelligence, I suddenly felt sorry for wasting time of my life on making my boss’s dream come true. I was going nowhere. I didn’t have my own thoughts, desires, ideas, but I really wanted to find them.

Since then, I spent almost four years in Dahab, and a month ago, . To tell the truth, looking at her, I still wonder - can I really do it?

In today's article, I will try to rationally talk about the irrational process of the birth of the Big Dream.

This happened to me “in” and “thanks to” Dahab - an incredibly powerful place in its energy in the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula, which allowed me to experience a “new” me.


The understanding that I want to live my own life, to bring my own vision of the world into reality came to me during a two-week trip to Dahab. Having returned from which, I immediately wrote a letter of resignation and bought a return ticket - I let go of the good old in order to give the opportunity for the new to fill this void.


I arrived in Dahab with a clear understanding that my savings would be enough for no more than two months of living in this paradise. But, despite this, I allowed myself to take my time and live one day at a time. I deliberately exposed myself to the inevitable process of increasing internal emptiness and boredom, which smoothly led to the important question “What do I want.” No! Of course, this was not yet a question of choosing the “general” direction of life... The time has come when it would be worth learning extract local desires from oneself in a constructive form. This is what happened on one of the evening walks. Something clicked in my brain and haunting thoughts about Not the desire to return to their former life was rephrased into wish stay in Dahab - on a small piece of land near the Red Sea, protected from the bustle of the big world by a chain of mountain peaks.

The further course of events made it possible to verify the power of a correctly formulated desire.


Along with the desire to stay in Dahab, another one arose - to learn windsurfing. This “whim”, due to budget limitations, shortened the time of possible stay here. I decided that even though there would be fewer of these days, I would live each new one brightly, with meaning, benefit and interest. And I was not mistaken, windsurfing taught me a lot.

Our life is spontaneous, like the wind. All we can do is choose the right sail size and improve our sailing skills. Understand how important it is to feel the strength of its breath and the intensity of its impulses in order to stay on track. The elements, like the flow of life, are beyond our control and we can only learn to skillfully “surf” by interacting with it.


I still had to return to Russia. These were the most painful three weeks, after which, with a minus in my pocket for the credit money, I fly to Dahab to work at an equipment rental station.

I was able to experience in my own skin when nature happily contributes to the accomplishment of what my thoughts were directed towards. At the moment of triumph over life, she, like the best teacher, hits me painfully - I ended up in the hospital with a broken leg.

It was this lesson that taught me not to rejoice when nature, in accordance with correctly formulated desires, puts my life together like clockwork. Vice versa: when she helps resolve all issues and problems, bow your head lower before her, and not imagine myself as a horseman who has tamed a zealous horse carrying me to the goal.


It turned out that the hardest thing is not in a fleeting rebellious impulse to say “no” to the old way of life, but to abandon the previous social manifestations of one’s personality.

After six months of living in Dahab, I suddenly realized that I was “already” there, but no one was “yet” here. This is a critical time when it is easier to escape to a “normal life”, where your environment will determine your social role, than in waiting for the spring blossoming of one's own soul, be patient and continue to develop your body, mind and spirit.


I cannot describe in this article all the events and realizations that happened to me at that time, but I can say with confidence about the sensations that accompanied me throughout the entire journey. I was sincerely convinced that if life was rinsing me like this, it meant that she had certainly prepared for me some special gift, surprise and purpose...

Illusions were dispelled by a trip to the magical Blue Lagoon north of Dahab.

Four hours of contemplating the roughness of the sea and the breaking waves that tirelessly moved through the fine gravel did not pass without a trace. Fascinated by the ENDLESS process, I suddenly dissolved...

The incredible force of the impacts of the coastal wave does not occur “because” and not “in order to”; it is just an inevitable consequence of the very disturbance of the water, which simply exists as a form of manifestation of this life. And every stone, grain of sand and boulder is ground with the sole purpose of blending harmoniously into the landscape of this beach... No matter how painful these blows may be, life has not provided any purpose or super reward. The only value of her blows is to wash away the excess from me and a million “like me.”


Having recognized the omnipotence of the universe and abolished the perception of myself to a stone that is slowly worn away by the streams of life, I began to have a kind of lightness, a childish, playful attitude towards it. I began to recklessly get involved in processes and actions that were interesting to me. . My life has become a pure experiment, based not on knowledge, but on intuition. Usually she runs through some sensations in her body (the simplest option is goosebumps). THAT. Feeling all the possibilities and paths provided, I observed the reaction of my wise body, capable of resonating with the subtle vibrations of the Universe.


In the endless series of these “probings”, the vector of direction of movement slowly began to appear, which I am ready to follow, regardless of the external, constantly changing factors of life. A dream was forming that was impossible to give up.

And the indicator that she is “the one” was the experience of a new state of herself. Experience yourself as an instrument. The dream is not for me to become someone, but I AM SO THAT YOUR DREAM COME TRUE.

I glance over what is written above and think: “My God, who will read all this.” After all, there is no logic or practical benefit to the reader.

Exclusively my personal chaotic experiences with the result “verbalized dream”.


Verbal striptease...

A naked soul with a vulgar proposal to delve into it.

Actually, this is the only thing I can do - tell the truth about myself, because there is simply no truth about life, one, universal for everyone. And no dream, like truth, can be formulated based on the experience of another person. The only “exit”, or rather “entrance”, is the experience of living a “new” self, moving us towards the center of our essence.


Just tell us about Dahab as a place where you can restore union with all five elements. Communication with them is good because it does not allow you to consider yourself the navel of the earth.

Talk about a resort where, in exchange for the comfort of a polished five-star hotel, you get freedom, and instead of the fleeting emotions of a two-week vacation, pure joy from the fullness of the sensations of this life and yourself.

If a dream does not come true, then we are not dreaming well. Or we don’t dream at all. Meanwhile, the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one, when energies change, is the most suitable period for this. Here are seven tips that will help you learn to dream in the right direction.

1. Get rid of unnecessary things

It would be better to do this in the outgoing year (preferably before December 20). It is believed that this is how we pay off debts on a subtle psychological level and clear space for something new. If it doesn’t work out, it’s better to devote the first month of the year to this. Check in with your dreams - and cleanse your personal space. For example, if you want to update your wardrobe in the coming months, first give away what you haven't worn in a year or more. First of all, it is better to get rid of obsolete things. They are believed to, again on a subtle level, increase your age. If you dream of new love, remove from your home items that remind you of your previous relationship, especially if they were problematic. It’s good to buy new “paired” items for your home – glasses, towels, etc. If you’re dreaming about traveling, throw away your old suitcase and buy a new one. Hang inspiring photos around your home or make a mood board - a collage of photos of places you dream of visiting in the new year. Such simple manipulations work wonders on our brain - they affect the reticular system. This is the most ancient, reptilian part of the brain associated with the senses - it is responsible for our ability to focus on a goal.

Desires are recorded in a time spiral, which in the new year will begin to unfold in your direction

2. Take an “inventory” of installations

First of all – negative ones. This is very difficult work, but it is worth it. As they say, it's all in your head. It is limiting beliefs - these “cockroaches in the head” that quietly become life programs - that most often interfere with the realization of our cherished desires. Especially if beliefs conflict with each other. For example, you dream of wealth and you have all the internal resources to achieve financial prosperity. Except for one thing: as a child you were taught that wealth is immoral. Or that you will have to pay for financial success - with your health or your personal life. Unfortunately, the negative attitude is likely to take over unless you consciously decide to reframe it. Then real breakthroughs will happen in life.

3. Decide on values ​​and needs

To realize your desires, of course, you need motivation. But if it is imposed from the outside, there will be little energy for the task. True inner motivation comes only after realizing our true needs. And this is not the easiest task. Many of us act on autopilot based on “should” or “it’s customary.” Or - to compensate for something, for example, children's complexes or lack of confidence in the future. Another common motivation is the desire to increase one's sense of self-worth. Which in itself is not so scary, but if there is nothing else behind it, it is possible that neither the result nor the process of realizing the dream itself will bring satisfaction. It is better to motivate yourself with a powerful positive emotion. For example, you are looking for a job with a higher income. Agree with yourself in advance what you intend to spend the money on and, preferably, what good or useful things you can do with it. The latter will help negotiate with the emotional part of the brain so that it does not sabotage potential achievements.

4. Learn to listen to your body (and soul)

Nowadays it is increasingly fashionable to perceive the body as a single whole - through psychosomatics. From this point of view, most physical ailments are directly related to our internal conflicts. It’s not for nothing that we can suddenly get sick before an important meeting (which we subconsciously didn’t want to go to). Our dreams - especially those that do not come true - are also useful to consider through the prism of psychosomatics. “Unfulfilled dreams are often an endless internal dialogue,” explains consulting psychologist Olga Danilina. – One of our subpersonalities wants realization. And other subpersonalities are not at all tuned to the result; they need something else. As they say, “you want it and you need it.” It is against the backdrop of such a conflictual dialogue that a psychosomatic disorder occurs. This is a kind of consensus between internal characters: I’m sick, so we won’t do anything.” The way out is to establish a dialogue with your own soul. And remember that any ailments, as a rule, do not arise out of the blue - there is always a reason for everything. And if, instead of doing something, your soul chooses the option of “getting sick,” perhaps it makes sense to reconsider your dream. Or honestly admit to yourself: what is the worst thing that can happen if what you have in mind does not come true? It may turn out that your biggest fear is to look like a loser in the eyes of others. And when you are sick, you receive attention and love “for free”. Or vice versa: you don’t really need success, since you’ve been afraid of being the center of attention since childhood.

5. Be flexible

Be careful with goals that are too global or obviously impossible to achieve - do you have enough drive to implement them? Or do you just want to pamper the Ego? In any case, it is better to break complex goals into several easier ones, for each of which it is advisable to set a deadline. Chinese wisdom says: “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a small step.” For example, in the new year you want to get back in shape, but you don’t have the time or money for fitness yet. Buy a yoga mat for home and start with a three-minute plank in the morning. The plank is a magical thing: it heals your back, strengthens your abs, develops strength and flexibility, and increases stress resistance. In a month you will feel light in your body and move on.

6. Create rituals

Esotericists claim that with the birth of a new year, a change in energies occurs - and this is an excellent moment to send requests to the Universe. “At this time, the crystals of future realities seem to be activated. And if you clearly formulate your desires, they are recorded in a time spiral, which in the new year will begin to unfold in your direction,” says the owner of the “Academy of Private Life” and the creator of the most popular women’s trainings, Larisa Renard. Her advice: in January, preferably in the first 12 days, write your three main dreams on three different pieces of paper and put them in champagne bottles. Then light three candles and place them in each bottle. Whichever candle burns out first, your wish will definitely come true. The main thing is to believe at least a little in a miracle.

7. “Help” your dreams with the help of thetahealing

This practice appeared in America more than 20 years ago and is now rapidly becoming fashionable in Europe and here. Theta-healing (from English healing) is called by experts “a technique for instantly changing life.” “Theta” is a reduced frequency of brain activity at which a person is in a moment of deep relaxation, meditation or in the first phase of sleep. These are slow and uniform waves. It is at the theta frequency that insights occur and energy comes that is inaccessible to most people in a awake state.

I will cure you

Imagine a lighthouse. He stands on a cliff and sends a certain signal to the sea. Depending on the signal, ships sail or do not sail to the lighthouse. People are like this lighthouse. If they send a signal into space “money is evil, there is no happiness,” do you think money and happiness will flow to them? A theta healer, like a mechanic, can scale a building and help remove ineffective beliefs and install new ones in their place. This is not zombies, no. Firstly, people come to theta healing with a specific request and desire to change their life. And secondly, the psyche “pushes out” attitudes that are useless or dangerous for us. In the worst case scenario, the person leaves unhealed. More than 60% of thetahealing clients dream of finding love or improving their financial situation, 20% want to solve health problems. And many succeed. But how can you tell if your request is genuine? What we really need to be happy will never require great sacrifices. If you are going towards a real dream, then you will always have drive, you will be “in the flow”. And remember that the Universe does not know how to think for you, but fulfills everything literally. For example, when manifesting the appearance of a beloved man in your life, write 70 detailed points, including height, weight, hair color, profession, clothing style, character traits, and even your future chosen one’s love for cheese. Creating the right list for you is as important as a business contract. Finish it with the mantra: “all this comes to me in the best way in a manner that is comfortable for me.” Then put the notes away in your desk or burn them, giving the Universe a chance to do its work for you.


Anna Korsunskaya, theta healer, presenter of the “Manifestation of Desires” training ( [email protected])

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

Understanding how to learn to dream will help you get closer to your ideal life. How? When you decide what you want, a clear picture will appear before your eyes. And if you show the brain any pleasant picture, it will look for passages to it. This will allow you to achieve what you want sooner or later.

I had never dreamed of it before, but this activity itself became involved in my life and changed it greatly. How did I start? I tried to master meditation, but I couldn’t sit still for long. My thoughts wandered everywhere, I was angry that I could not stop this flow and stopped. But then I figured out how to force myself to sit still - I started dreaming about what I would like. I lifted all my inhibitions and completely immersed myself in it. This has helped me learn to calm down and stop my thoughts, but that's not all.

This practice of daydreaming for 10 minutes every day began to bring small and then tangible changes in my life. I no longer asked myself whether it is important for a person to dream - I knew the answer to this question. How exactly did this affect my life? For example, I quit my old job and started doing what I like - writing. I think if I hadn’t dreamed about it, I would hardly have believed in myself. I would hardly have believed that this was possible.

Why dream: the pros and cons of this activity

Many people call those who are lost in their thoughts and do nothing, stupid dreamers. And this is partly true. But this does not mean that you do not need to devote time to your desires. As with any other business, there are pros and cons.


Here are some positives: all the good things that come from spending time on what you want.

Dreaming helps you decide what you want

When you take time to daydream and take an interest in your real desires, it helps you figure out what you want in life. After all, most of our desires are not ours. They are imposed from the outside in various ways, and if you look inside yourself, then most of these things are not interesting to us and do not need us. And we will never achieve them, because they are not important to us, there is no internal desire to achieve this.

Dreaming itself brings you closer to achieving your goals

As I said above, dreaming forces our head to pave the way to what we want. This helps solve the problem of how to understand your dream. How it works? You imagine what you want, and your brain begins to build paths to it. On my own. You simply imagine a pleasant life - and your mind itself strives to create it.

The brain has nothing to do other than work with the material you throw at it. You show a picture of how bad everything is - he goes there. Show him something pleasant - he changes direction in that direction.

Yes, this does not involve 100% of your attention - you can focus on other tasks. But somewhere inside you will see that a plan is gradually being built to achieve what you want. And somehow the necessary acquaintances come on their own, the necessary actions are taken.

Dreaming gives you energy to live an interesting life.

When you dream of something huge, unattainable, it gives you a huge supply of energy. You can even imagine for 1-2 minutes right now what you want, and you will notice that something seems to wake up inside.

And if you do this regularly, you will be bursting with energy every day. You will want to act on your own. And this desire distinguishes those who like to watch TV series all day long from those who build interesting “storylines” in real life.


We will also talk about unpleasant things that may come into your life. It would seem that this is a harmless activity, but even it can lead to negative consequences.

You can fall out of reality

Sometimes, immersed in dreams, you can fall out of reality and forget that we live in the real world. Once you get hooked on the emotions of your desires, you can stop changing reality. But you don’t need to do that. Dreams are our guidelines. Where you need to go in the real world. Therefore, I always recommend to myself to touch what I want: “Try it! I wonder what will happen.”

Strange looks from other people

If a person does not have a dream, he often leads a mediocre life. Those who dream and strive to fulfill their desires (and often these desires are strange, unlike what most people do) attract attention to themselves.

When you start fulfilling your desires, this may cause misunderstanding among people around you. They will look at you strangely and ask themselves: “Was it possible to do that?” At first, this can be perceived as negative - it is evolutionary in us that being different from the majority is bad, but over time it will become funny.

A little depressed at first

Some may be driven into depression by the fact that they are very far from what they want. But this is temporary. Sooner or later you will realize that this is a waste of time: it is better to take at least a small step towards what you want than to be immersed in regrets. And as soon as you start taking action, the depression will go away.

How to find your dream: 3 ways to help with this

The question “why dream” has been sorted out. But if you just say now: “Go and dream for 10 minutes,” it can be a little confusing. “What exactly should we do?” – I would have asked this question earlier. Many people have forgotten how to do this, so I’ll answer this question.

There are many ways to direct your thoughts towards the things you want. But one thing I like - very effective - is asking questions to yourself. What to ask that will help you decide what you want?

  • If my every wish came true, what would I do?

Take 10 minutes, sit in a comfortable chair and think about what you would do if any wish came true in this world. This will help you move away from “everyday” issues - how to earn money for an apartment, a car, etc. – to deeper ones that touch emotionally. This is the first question that will tell you how to define your dream.

  • If someone could grant me one wish, what would I choose?

Imagine one, two, three, etc. - compare. How to choose a dream? See what would be more pleasant or interesting to get from this. Remember that only one wish will come true. Find something that is very valuable to you.

  • If no one would do anything to me for my aspirations, then what would I do?

Imagine that you live in a world where no one will judge you for anything, what would you do there? The only limitation is the freedom of other people. You can do anything as long as it doesn't harm others. I hope that now you will not have a question about what to do if you have no dreams and goals in life. Because now you can easily find them! Let's move on to the next important point.

How to create conditions to “dream”

I noticed that I can’t always dream under the same conditions. Sometimes I can just sit in a chair and, instead of meditating, indulge in thinking about what I want. And sometimes nothing comes of it. How to create conditions to “dream”?

Play your favorite music

You've probably already heard that good music allows you to relax. So use this to spark thinking about the things you want. This will help you and, perhaps, remove the question of “how to find your dream.”

Sometimes dreams occur while watching movies or reading. You can feel a connection with the main character and a desire will awaken within you to also do something interesting with your life. At such moments, you can put the book down and be alone with yourself.

Create complete silence

You can do the opposite - turn off the music, TV and other things in the house. Create absolute silence and listen to yourself. Sometimes this method can work.

Go out for a walk alone

If you can't sit still, go for a walk. Just walk around and think about what you would like in life. Why alone? So that no one distracts or knocks you out of your thoughts. There is one more condition that must be observed: you need to go without any goal. That is, not to the store or somewhere else, but just to go to go. You can go without a specific route – just go where you want.

How to start taking action towards your dream if you have no idea where to start?

Is it good to dream? Yes, but this in itself does not change life. Don't forget about actions. The most interesting advice I heard from someone was “touch your dreams.” It means doing something - no matter how small - towards what you want. If you want to become a writer, like me, just start writing. If your soul is to be an artist, draw! Bring your dream into the real world. Let it be a small part, but this way you will feel that it is real. The things you want will move beyond fantasy and become mundane.

Find the place where you can touch your dreams - and do it. Maybe you and I will not achieve anything significant in life. It is quite possible. But that shouldn't stop us from trying it, right? After all, it is better to act in the direction of what you want and not have time to achieve it in your entire life, than to betray yourself and not even try.

When you begin to tear off such pieces from your dream and transfer it into the real world, it will charge you with strange internal energy. As if something incomprehensible was happening. It doesn't have to be scary - just move on.

A few words in conclusion

Did this article give you any ideas about your desires? Were there moments where you wanted to stop right now and think about “What do I want”? If yes, great, you can start doing it right now. If not, create the conditions described above.

How to find out your dream (namely, “yours”)? When it appears, it will greatly affect your sense of self. You will intuitively feel that this is the one. There is one interesting quote I heard about this:

“If your dream does not scare you, then you are not dreaming boldly enough.”

Don't put off your dreams for later - take at least 10 minutes today and dream. Take at least one small step closer to the life you want.