How to understand if you are in an unhealthy relationship.

10 Obvious Warning Signs from the Universe That Indicate You're on the WRONG Path!

Many people believe that events "just happen" to them and there are no warning signs that can be sent to them by the universe, but as we connect more closely with our intuition, we realize that everything that happens to us , is our own creation.

We may not be fully aware of what we create from moment to moment, but fortunately the Universe gives us many signs to tell us when we are on the right path, and (more importantly) when we are on the WRONG path. ways. This article will focus on the warning signs of the Universe!

In general, warning signs from the Universe come in the form of undesirable circumstances and events.

These signs indicate that your energy is focused on (or is currently stuck in) a low frequency vibration. Your thoughts, feelings and actions are focused on the negative, and this creates undesirable circumstances!

Although we have the ability to resonate at a high vibrational frequency, we find it difficult to stay on top all the time.

This is because our souls are stuck here on Earth in the physical dimension. The composition of our planet and bodies is made up of much lower vibrational energy than the energy of our souls.

As a result, we are likely to encounter undesirable circumstances from time to time, but that is normal. As long as we listen to these warning signs, we can quickly get back on track.

Here are some signs you should look out for!

1. When you suddenly get stuck in traffic.

2. Nasty comments or looks from others.

3. Getting injured.

4. Unexpected expenses or bills.

5. Strange, inexplicable feelings.

6. Disputes with your loved ones.

7. Weakness, illness.

8. Headaches.

9. Loss or destruction of your property.

10. Unpleasant odors, sounds or tastes.

Each of these signs is an indicator that you need to focus and adjust your frequency. When you encounter one of these warning signs, stop! WITHtake a deep breath, step away from the situation, or even take a moment to meditate if you can.

As a final note, please try not to get too caught up in the warning signs. Please take care of your vibration; pay attention to your thoughts, feelings and actions that resonate with your soul frequency!

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Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you feel emotionally dependent? Do you feel like without this person in your life you will become mentally, physically and emotionally drained(ish)? This feeling may be caused by upbringing or experiences from previous relationships. Regardless of the reason, this situation can put some strain on the relationship and it would be best to resolve the issue.
    • Find ways to help yourself increase your self-worth and self-confidence.
    • Learn to be comfortable being alone.
    • Find things you enjoy doing on your own, such as reading a book or going for a walk.
  • Are you always trying to make the other person happy(ish)? Do you do this even at the cost of your own happiness? While this may be perceived as a selfless act, it can also be quite destructive. Putting too much effort into trying to make another person happy can ultimately worsen your own well-being. You may want to ask yourself the following questions:
    • Are you getting the same thing in return?
    • What benefits do you gain for yourself when you behave this way?
  • Are you trying to change the other person? This is a common problem for many people, and the result is almost always not in their favor. If you don't like a person for who they really are, don't expect to be able to change him or her. In some cases, it may be useful to help someone who has already expressed a desire to change something about themselves. However, you should never force a person who does not want to change to change.
    • Don't try to be a superhero.
    • You have your own problems to work on, let others solve theirs.
  • Do you feel needed, controlled, or loved? Is this person taking care of you or are you being used? Are your actions motivated by love, or is the other person trying to keep you on a short leash? Or are you someone who is in a relationship with someone who is experiencing the feelings from step one of this article? This may be difficult to determine. Here are some signs you can look out for.
    • Is your partner absolutely miserable when you're not around?
    • Does your partner feel abandoned if you made plans without including him or her?
    • Does your partner call you abnormally often?
    • Does such a person get jealous when you want to meet your friends instead of spending time with her or him?
  • Are you yourself? Are you behaving the way you think the other person wants you to behave? If your partner cannot accept you for who you really are, then this is an unhealthy relationship. Think about these questions:
    • Do I need to change completely when I'm with my partner?
    • Is my partner putting pressure on me to be someone I am not?
    • Does this person accept me completely: not only with my good traits, but also with my shortcomings?
  • Are you turning a blind eye to obvious shortcomings? Are there important personality traits of your partner that really upset you? If so, do you try to ignore the feelings these things make you feel? It's always better to face your problems head on. Tell your partner about your feelings and what upsets you. If such a person begins to make efforts to change, it may be time to move on.
  • Are you too in love to see the full picture? Don't let yourself be blinded by love. Think thoughtfully about your relationship problems. A state where you are so blinded by love for someone that you can no longer think logically and understand what is best for you will only create big problems in the end.
    • Would you forgive another person who might have hurt you the same way your partner hurt you?
    • Do you constantly justify your partner's actions?
    • Are you constantly waiting for something far away, the opposite of your usual reality?

Inner peace and agreement with oneself are very important for every person. We offer you an easy and quick test that will allow you to find out whether you are in a harmonious state at the moment.

To find out if you are in agreement with yourself, simply choose one of the paintings you like by artist Rob Gonsalves. Under each of them there is a description that may help you understand yourself better.

When choosing a painting, be guided by your inner feelings. Which one would you hang in your bedroom? Which one causes feelings of anxiety or tension? By choosing the one that you like most visually, you will learn more about its energy. So let's get started.

Picture one.

For you, the inner world is something prevailing, and you perceive everything that happens in reality through your own hidden essence. On the one hand, you might think that you cannot see beyond yourself and judge by yourself. Actually, this is so, but this happens not only to you, but to everyone. You can find out how diverse your inner world is by taking a psychological test.

Pay attention to the circle that appears in this picture. We can say that you are a thing in yourself. It is noticeable to the naked eye that you very carefully protect your inner world from intrusions. But the closest people are in your heart in warmth and comfort. You become quite attached to people and therefore prefer to find 2-3 closest friends rather than a large group. You also have very strict face control before passing through.

Picture two.

Ships flying into the distance under the changing wind. What lies beyond the horizon? Is this a dream or reality? Of course, each of these numerous ships merging into clouds and sea, and the road whose end is erased - these are all your thoughts. You have a lot of imagination. You are beautiful because you are still able to indulge in dreams and almost youthful, childishly naive experiences.

Surely you have been told more than once that you are short-sighted and even too naive or see the world through rose-colored glasses. You are almost certainly a very anxious and positive person. Yes, you are somewhat idealistic and believe in good things. But is that bad? After all, you probably know how to harmoniously tune the strings of your soul and can always help others with this. Of course, one can never do without losses and experiences. But if everyone is realistic, how boring life will be!

Picture three.

If you immediately liked this picture with a bright blue sky and ships almost going beyond the frame, then you are most likely headed towards the world. What is happening in your heart is sometimes difficult to understand even for yourself. To get closer to external well-being, you do a lot of internal work. You are always at peace with yourself precisely because you have healthy communication and are alone for exactly the time that you need.

Your view of the world is often quite realistic both when you think positively and when you see gloomy prospects. Movement and work bring you to a normal state, which, in fact, helps you find yourself in difficult life situations. We can say that you have the most optimal ratio of the inner and outer worlds, which are usually in the right balance.

Scene four.

At the moment, you are most likely very much and often immersed in yourself, perhaps finding rest in your inner world from difficulties and unpleasant shocks. Perhaps you just haven’t been alone with yourself for a long time and are experiencing some turning point in your life. Or maybe they were just tired. But this picture reflects the fact that at the moment you are not in agreement with yourself.

This condition can be caused by depression, lack of communication, or simply some kind of disappointment. Often such feelings are accompanied by reflections on the meaning of life and things. You are now on a search, trying to understand the essence of things. The main thing is not to torture yourself. To calm down, look and make sure that solutions to problems will be found sooner or later.

Scene five.

You are not always in agreement with yourself. You can be compared to an idealist who saw reality without embellishment. Roughly speaking, you are ready and want to believe in the best, but life often presents you with not the most pleasant surprises. The main thing is that you still have optimism. Look at this cheerful camel - he smiles, even with a burden on him.

You are capable of much because you have the strength. And the black streak of life will definitely be replaced by a white one. The main thing is to be sure to allow yourself to decompress and relax. If thoughts are gnawing at you, try discussing them with loved ones or writing about your thoughts in a personal diary. After all, sometimes thoughts and emotions simply need an outlet. A simple morning exercise will help you with this.

This visual test is not the only way to better know and understand yourself. Also take our fun test for your inner monster and try to look at yourself from the outside.

Best wishes.

"People's iconostasis" for Father Seraphim of Sarov

Directly under the domes of the upper church of the Transfiguration Cathedral you can see the faces of cherubs painted by Father Gabriel and the faces of archangels made by Hieromonk Alypius. The work is very delicate. The archangels have flowers in their hands. The flowers have stamens. The finest ornament on clothing. It would seem, why such fine painting if you can’t see it from below? This question has occupied modern restorers who are restoring the paintings of the Transfiguration Cathedral after destruction. And they heard the answer from the abbot of the monastery, Bishop Pankratiy: “The monks worked for God!”

After Little Compline, Father Methodius said a short word and asked everyone on his knees for forgiveness:

“Beloved fathers, brothers and sisters, bless me on behalf of Bishop Pankratius to ask for forgiveness. On this majestic day, the Lord gave us the opportunity to reconcile with God, with our guardian angel, with our neighbors, especially with those people whom we really offend, seduce, and confuse with our behavior. But the Lord gives us days like Holy Pentecost - the most wonderful time for the human soul, a golden time of repentance that we can bring to our merciful and all-forgiving Lord.

Bless and forgive me, holy fathers, brothers, sisters, your most unworthy brother for the sins I have committed in word, deed, thought and all my

During this continuous Maslenitsa week, in the Valaam Monastery they also bake a lot of pancakes to treat the brethren and numerous guests. Every day, the monastery cooks with joy and love prepare 450 large pancakes for the fraternal meal, and many more for refills and distribution to everyone. Pancakes with condensed milk and sour cream are a consolation for all the inhabitants of the monastery, because it is so necessary to strengthen themselves before a strict multi-day fast.

February 16, 2019 is the birthday of Abbot Methodius, a resident of the Valaam Monastery. The brethren of the monastery and numerous guests who arrived on the island despite the winter and not the most favorable weather conditions came to congratulate their beloved spiritual father and friend.

Hegumen Methodius, who came with Bishop Pankratiy to the dilapidated Valaam Monastery in 1993, made a special contribution to the revival of the monastery. His obedience and labors bore abundant fruit in the church field. Father Methodius, thanks to his immeasurable love, managed to unite a huge number of people around himself, managed to help them come to God, to the Church, to faith. Communication with Father Methodius radically changed their lives. Through his labors, many gained firm trust in the will of God and embarked on the right path of salvation, ascending the steps of the ladder of life to the Kingdom of Heaven.

On February 15, 2019, on the day of the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, Abbot of the Valaam Monastery, Bishop Pankraty, visited Monk Anthony, who had been ill recently, and presented him with a commemorative anniversary medal in honor of the “30th anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.”

“Monk Anthony told me about his path to God in the thorns of the Afghan war, whom today I came to visit and present with an anniversary medal in memory of the 30th anniversary of the completion of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. All the leaders and warriors who laid down their souls were remembered. Monk Anthony (Sergei Machulin) was then the commander of a special forces unit and participated in dangerous operations behind enemy lines,” writes the Abbot of the monastery, Bishop Pankratiy of Trinity.

Inner peace and agreement with oneself are very important for every person. We offer you an easy and quick test that will allow you to find out whether you are in a harmonious state at the moment.

To find out if you are in agreement with yourself, simply choose one of the paintings you like by artist Rob Gonsalves. Under each of them there is a description that may help you understand yourself better.

When choosing a painting, be guided by your inner feelings. Which one would you hang in your bedroom? Which one causes feelings of anxiety or tension? By choosing the one that you like most visually, you will learn more about its energy. So let's get started.

Picture one.

For you, the inner world is something prevailing, and you perceive everything that happens in reality through your own hidden essence. On the one hand, you might think that you cannot see beyond yourself and judge by yourself. Actually, this is so, but this happens not only to you, but to everyone. You can find out how diverse your inner world is by taking a psychological test.

Pay attention to the circle that appears in this picture. We can say that you are a thing in yourself. It is noticeable to the naked eye that you very carefully protect your inner world from intrusions. But the closest people are in your heart in warmth and comfort. You become quite attached to people and therefore prefer to find 2-3 closest friends rather than a large group. You also have very strict face control before passing through.

Picture two.

Ships flying into the distance under the changing wind. What lies beyond the horizon? Is this a dream or reality? Of course, each of these numerous ships merging into clouds and sea, and the road whose end is erased - these are all your thoughts. You have a lot of imagination. You are beautiful because you are still able to indulge in dreams and almost youthful, childishly naive experiences.

Surely you have been told more than once that you are short-sighted and even too naive or see the world through rose-colored glasses. You are almost certainly a very anxious and positive person. Yes, you are somewhat idealistic and believe in good things. But is that bad? After all, you probably know how to harmoniously tune the strings of your soul and can always help others with this. Of course, one can never do without losses and experiences. But if everyone is realistic, how boring life will be!

Picture three.

If you immediately liked this picture with a bright blue sky and ships almost going beyond the frame, then you are most likely headed towards the world. What is happening in your heart is sometimes difficult to understand even for yourself. To get closer to external well-being, you do a lot of internal work. You are always at peace with yourself precisely because you have healthy communication and are alone for exactly the time that you need.

Your view of the world is often quite realistic both when you think positively and when you see gloomy prospects. Movement and work bring you to a normal state, which, in fact, helps you find yourself in difficult life situations. We can say that you have the most optimal ratio of the inner and outer worlds, which are usually in the right balance.

Scene four.

At the moment, you are most likely very much and often immersed in yourself, perhaps finding rest in your inner world from difficulties and unpleasant shocks. Perhaps you just haven’t been alone with yourself for a long time and are experiencing some turning point in your life. Or maybe they were just tired. But this picture reflects the fact that at the moment you are not in agreement with yourself.

This condition can be caused by depression, lack of communication, or simply some kind of disappointment. Often such feelings are accompanied by reflections on the meaning of life and things. You are now on a search, trying to understand the essence of things. The main thing is not to torture yourself. To calm down, look and make sure that solutions to problems will be found sooner or later.

Scene five.

You are not always in agreement with yourself. You can be compared to an idealist who saw reality without embellishment. Roughly speaking, you are ready and want to believe in the best, but life often presents you with not the most pleasant surprises. The main thing is that you still have optimism. Look at this cheerful camel - he smiles, even with a burden on him.

You are capable of much because you have the strength. And the black streak of life will definitely be replaced by a white one. The main thing is to be sure to allow yourself to decompress and relax. If thoughts are gnawing at you, try discussing them with loved ones or writing about your thoughts in a personal diary. After all, sometimes thoughts and emotions simply need an outlet. A simple morning exercise will help you with this.

This visual test is not the only way to better know and understand yourself. Also take our fun test for your inner monster and try to look at yourself from the outside. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and