How to praise yourself and why you need to do it. Principles that reveal the idea of ​​how to properly praise a man

There is probably not a single full-fledged girl who would not like to please the male sex. There are many tricks to attract a man's attention, but one of the most effective is, of course, compliments. They are loved by both rich and poor; high social status and low. Well, that's all.

Only a compliment that is unfortunate makes you just want to turn away or even walk away from the person who said it. Especially if the compliment hurts a man’s pride. Everything should be literate, even such a small thing. How you can praise a man, and how to praise a man correctly: this article will tell you examples of the right compliments as opposed to the wrong ones.

Stupid criticism is not as noticeable as stupid praise.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Principles that reveal the idea of ​​how to properly praise a man

The main principle is that a man is the best. All. Other accolades will not be accepted.

Naturally, the forms of presenting this thought can be completely different, both successful and unsuccessful. It is best to dress this idea in beautiful clothes rather than ones that disgrace man’s dignity.

So, how should you praise a man so that there is a greater chance of results?

  • Under no circumstances compare him with others, even when he is better than others. Nobody likes to be compared. You respect a man's opinion, right?
    You can't praise a man for everything. This should only be done if he really deserves it.

    Unfortunately, many girls use this advice as an excuse not to praise their loved one. This leads to the relationship falling apart. Remember, every person has something to praise for.

    Nobody is stopping you from studying. You won't know how to properly praise a guy if you've never done it before. If you have these abilities, it does not exempt you from practicing. It often happens that more talented people achieve less in life just because they did nothing to develop themselves.

    Compliments must be sincere. If this rule is not followed, then sooner or later your loved one will hear falsehood and your relationship can be considered over after some time.

    How to properly praise a man depending on his status and age?

    In fact, it doesn’t really matter how old a person is or what social position he occupies. If you mean something to him, then he will appreciate your compliments. However, you need to understand some nuances here too. Obviously, the child accepts compliments better and can be praised for little things. Because the child is dependent on you.

    So, we need to know how to properly praise a man with status. Examples of proper compliments are:

You probably know the feeling when you try to do something, but those around you only criticize you, point out the slightest shortcomings and downplay your achievements in every possible way. In fact, many of us do this to ourselves. No wonder nothing works out. Stop being a strict judge of yourself and start praising yourself, your beloved.

A positive attitude and good spirit are much more effective than constant criticism and resentment. Especially if you change your life: lose weight, get used to a new job, etc. In any case, you are in the process of changing your lifestyle. For motivation purposes, you simply need encouragement and praise.

Remember the main rule - you deserve praise. If you have thoughts that there is nothing to praise yourself for, who needs it, etc. - drive them away. This is a 100% path to failure. Try to be supportive, respectful, and caring.

How to properly praise yourself?

Praise can be big or small. But when and how to use them is the question. Let's say you're losing weight. Big praise (trips, clothes, shopping, etc.) are great as rewards for achieving a certain weight loss goal (half a pound gone - you can buy yourself a blouse). Small praises (often forgotten) are ideal for "everyday use." Reward yourself every day or every week for hitting your calorie target, running an extra mile, consistently eating healthy, or simply sticking to your meal plan. Small praises are watching a movie (or going to the cinema), chatting on the phone, taking a bath, etc.

You can reward yourself for literally anything you like. The key to success is to do it constantly and often. Remember that you are trying to live a healthy life, and this task requires constant participation and reminders. Those. Praise and encourage yourself often, and don’t leave all the encouragement “for later.” And once again: long-term goals associated with losing weight are great praise, and daily and weekly goals (of course, those that are achieved) - here you can treat yourself to small joys.

How to avoid mistakes?

Make sure that praise is used solely for the purpose of supporting and accelerating your program. Simply put, don't become dependent on rewards, otherwise your entire motivation will simply fall apart. Try not to make sure that all your efforts are aimed solely at receiving praise and not at losing weight. Never use food as praise, it's a recipe for failure.

Make sure that praise or reward is not indifferent to you. A pair of new shoes, a new car, a day off? What's right for you? Do not lie to yourself. If you perform rewards and praises only in your head and think that next time I will definitely do this, then you simply will not be able to develop this important habit of praising yourself.

As they say, a kind word also pleases a cat. Remember how good and kind words spoken to us caress the ear and charge us with positive energy. At work, at home, in the company of friends or strangers. The mood rises, a feeling of self-confidence awakens and you want to do only good deeds.

So why, knowing about such magical power of praise, do we so rarely reward our family and friends with it? Those for whom it is so important and necessary.

As a child grows, we praise him for big and small achievements. But later, when the child begins to make independent decisions that do not always suit us, we are prone to criticism or absolute rejection of his intentions or actions. But you can praise your child for striving for new achievements. And only then, if necessary, explain to him that something or another action may lead to undesirable consequences.

The same goes for teenagers. Adolescence is a serious test not only for parents, but also for the maturing individual. Make this period easier for yourself and your child. Look more closely and you will see everything for which you can praise your child, even if at first glance it seems ridiculous or insignificant. By noting and approving certain actions and actions of your child, you prove that your praise is not an empty phrase. This is, first of all, your attentive and respectful attitude towards his choices and decisions.

Praise in relationships between spouses is a special driving force that motivates both partners to new achievements. Start small: praise your spouse for keeping the car in order or for an interesting game with the child; spouse - for a perfectly ironed shirt or her new shoes. Some routine tasks will become much easier and more interesting, knowing that this does not go unnoticed by the person closest to you.

And, of course, it is very important to positively evaluate the personal achievements and successes of your partner. This applies to both his professional activities and hobbies or interests. Anything that helps your family and each of you personally become better is worthy of praise. With our positive assessment, we can not only cheer up our loved ones, but also discover new talents in them, help them become self-confident, see new goals and ways to achieve them.

We often take the actions of those around us for granted. And we don’t try to look into the essence of things. But often behind many of them there are some doubts, incredible efforts or even hardships that our loved ones overcome. And it doesn’t matter what it is: the first steps of a one-year-old baby, the unexpected order in the room of a fifteen-year-old teenager, or the play of a father returning from a night shift with his child. All this is worthy of praise!

Praise your loved ones for successes, significant and small. Let your praise be modest, sincere and selfless. Your approval is an incentive for your loved one to become a better person for you and the world around you. One kind and sincerely spoken word can miraculously change the world around you. Take a closer look and you will see that there are not so few reasons to say such a word!

99 ways to say "Very good."

1. You are now on the right track.

2. Great!

3. You did it.

4. Correct!

5. This is good.

7. That's right! (Exactly!)

8. I'm proud of the way you worked today.

9. You do it very well.

10. This is much better.

11. Good job!

12. I am happy to see your work like this.

13. You are doing it much better today.

14. You are doing a good job.

15. You are close to the truth!

16. This is the best thing you ever did.

17. Congratulations!

18. This is what you need!

19. I knew you could do this.

20. This is a good improvement.

21. Now you understand it.

22. Significantly!!

23. Finally!

24. Not bad.

25. You learn quickly.

26. By continuing to work like this, you will achieve better things.

27. It's good for you.

28. I couldn't have done better.

29. A little more time and you will succeed.

30. You made it easy.

31. You really did my job in jest.

32. This is the right way to get the job done.

33. Every day you do better.

34. You did this for so long.

35. This is not bad!

37. This is the way!

38. You didn't miss anything!

39. Is this what this method is for?

40. Keep it up!

41. Extraordinary!

42. Great!

43. This is the best!

44. Absolutely!

45. Excellent progress!

46. ​​Now you understand it.

47. Sensational!

48. This is better.

49. Nothing can stop you now.

50. Great!

51. This was the first class work.

52. Wonderful!

53. Even better!

54. Did you just do that?

55. This is better than always.

56. Your brain did a great job.

57. You will truly succeed.

58. This is an outstanding discovery.

59. Fantastic!

60. Terribly great!

61. This is called great work.

62. You did it very well.

63. You probably practiced for a long time.

64. You do it beautifully!

65. How much you have done!

66. That's right!

67. You really improved (something).

68. Excellent!

69. I remember it well!

70. Congratulations.

71. You're right!

72. Keep it up!

73. You did it just in time.

74. You did a lot of work today.

75. This is the way to act!

76. Now you are acquiring skill in this.

77. I like the way you think!

78. I am very proud of you.

79. It’s very nice to teach such smart children.

80. Thank you very much.

81. You outdid yourself today.

82. I have never seen anything better.

83. You realized this very quickly.

84. Your work has brought me a lot of joy.

86. All-right - in English - complete order.

87. Well, well.

88. Powerful breakthrough!

89. I haven’t seen this yet.

90. You are unrecognizable today.

91. This is already a success!

92. This is your victory.

93. Now you feel your capabilities.

94. You are a true master.

95. Heartily happy for you.

96. I can’t express my delight.

97. Grand!

98. Beautiful thought.

99. I believe in you, you will always do no worse than now.

Why can’t you stick to the strategy of praising yourself more often, and what can you do to make it finally work?

How to properly praise yourself

In our society, the opinion has long been rooted that the one who praises himself is a selfish narcissist. However, it is not. Professors from Harvard University conducted a study that showed that compliments we give to ourselves bring us as much pleasure as our favorite sweets, good sex and receiving a large sum of money. It is important to understand that the good deed you do will not pat on its own, so learn to recognize your strengths and good deeds.

Useful practices for increasing self-esteem

When we celebrate our strengths and acknowledge our successes, our self-esteem increases. A person who knows his worth is called self-confident by other people and is noted for his charisma and attractiveness. This is due to the fact that others feel the inner energy of a successful person.

Let's consider a few simple exercises with which you can praise yourself:

  • Write down a list on a separate page of your diary in which you include your achievements, both small and large: remember everything, even victories in school competitions and defending your diploma at the university (in total you should get at least a hundred points);
  • separately make a list of your ten most outstanding successes, arrange it beautifully on a separate sheet and hang it where you will see it every time (for example, near the mirror), re-read it as often as possible;
  • buy a beautiful notebook and keep a “gratitude book” in it: every day write down at least five things for which you are grateful to yourself and the world around you, record all your daily successes;
  • learn to use a technique that turns all defeats into victories: for this you will need to change negative attitudes to positive ones using the “but” technique (for example, “I didn’t win a beauty contest, but I gained valuable experience”).

Once you begin to practice daily techniques that increase self-esteem and help you love yourself, you will notice how your whole life will begin to change for the better, because positive thoughts attract good events.

It is important for any woman to feel loved and desired, however, until you begin to consider yourself the most attractive, and look for flaws in yourself, your chances of receiving the love of men are lower. When you realize that you are the best here, you will notice how you will have dozens of fans.

It will also be useful to learn to “report” to yourself about the work done and praise yourself for success even in everyday affairs. For example: “I cleaned the apartment, I’m great.”

Stop constantly comparing yourself to others. Accept the fact that you don't have to be better or worse than your neighbor, co-worker, or sister. You are just different, they are attractive in their own way, and you are attractive in your own way. Yes, you may have an imperfect figure or a too big nose, but at the same time you have luxurious hair and a smile that shines brighter than the sun. Each person has their own quirks.

How to praise yourself in front of the mirror

Another popular practice for increasing self-esteem is praising yourself in front of the mirror. From the outside it may seem absurd, but such an exercise brings very good results.

We are used to looking in the mirror for just a few seconds to check whether the clothes we are wearing today fit us. Sometimes we stand in front of the mirror longer and meticulously examine ourselves, noting shortcomings: an extra fold on the stomach, too short legs, wrinkles on the face. Most often, these shortcomings turn out to be fictitious and in fact no one notices them until we ourselves begin to focus attention on them. Moreover, often what we consider to be flaws in our appearance can turn out to be attractive and even sexy.

Try to rebuild your “relationship” with the mirror:

  • every morning go to the mirror and carefully examine yourself, but instead of looking for flaws, analyze your strengths;
  • try to find something attractive in every part of your body and understand that a disadvantage can be an advantage (for example, admit that you do not have full legs, but luxurious hips, like Kim Kardashian);
  • Once you realize that you are beautiful, reinforce it with words: tell yourself loudly and clearly how wonderful you look and how good your life really is.

Affirmations will be a good addition to your daily “conversations” with the mirror. Write down ten positive attitudes regarding how you would like your life and yourself to be. For example:

  • “I am beautiful and charming”;
  • "I love and I am loved";
  • “I have everything for happiness”;
  • "I'm getting better every day."

Come up with affirmations that will reflect your true desires. Read them out loud twice a day: in the morning and before bed.

How to praise yourself on your resume

Nowadays, those people who know how to express themselves and are proud of their achievements become successful. Employers want confident employees who can move forward.

For these reasons, in a properly composed resume, be sure to highlight your positive aspects and achievements, and do not get off with stock phrases. Try to give your future boss real examples of your career achievements. Example of suitable phrases for a good resume:

  • “increased sales twofold in three months”;
  • “organized and successfully held a conference for two hundred people.”

Try to remember those moments that you are really proud of. Only this approach can give results. It’s wrong to talk about what you really don’t know how to do.

Be confident in yourself and believe in your strength. Then you will definitely succeed.