How to teach a girl to laugh beautifully exercises. Endorphins reduce stress levels


Record your laughter on a voice recorder, or better yet, on. To do this, just put it on somewhere in the corner of the room during a meeting with friends and forget about it. By the way, the camera can enhance any imperfections. Study your behavior on the recording, the volume of your speech, the loudness of your laughter. This will help identify and correct significant shortcomings in the expression of your emotions.

If you are embarrassed by your own laughter, appreciate this too. Ask others and relatives what is wrong with your laughter. Perhaps you have ugly or yellowed teeth, and you always cover your mouth with your hand? Then the problem will go away on its own after you see a dentist. If you make a loud cackle or grunt, then you should exercise self-control and work on your sounds. But laughter is out of place and out of time and speaks of low culture. Nothing can be done about this without the desire of the person himself to become smarter and develop.

Temperamental and unrestrained people usually laugh very loudly and loudly. Try not to open your mouth so wide or throw your head back too much. This will create a barrier to what comes out of you and make your laughter more civilized. Tears should rather flow from your eyes than you will deafen those around you with your laughter.

Get rid of wheezing, snorting, throat whistling, squealing, neighing. These seemingly funny laughs can shock people you don't know. And you can forget about manners with such a laugh. For self-control, come up with a subtle technique: pinch yourself on the arm or bite the tip of your tongue to slightly distract yourself from the subject that makes you laugh and restrain your sounds.

Watch the position of your own lips: the wider your mouth is open when laughing, the greater the likelihood of accidentally spitting at your interlocutor (or again making an involuntary sound). Try to prevent this moment, but you should not deliberately purse your lips either. Stretch your lips in a wide smile, and you will hear a completely different, cultural and melodic laugh.

Practice in front of a mirror. But try to remain casual. If you laugh artificially and theatrically, change your facial expression abruptly, or restrain yourself when others laugh, you will simply be misunderstood.
Real laughter is a good-natured, loud, positive emotion. Take it all in, appreciate the jokes and just relax. There is nothing more attractive than sincere, cheerful, roaring laughter, which transforms a person into a beautiful person.


  • how to stop laughing

By approaching life with humor, you will save a huge amount of nerves. It would seem that there is nothing easier than laughing or joking about yourself, but no, human pride and ego will not let you relax even for a second. In order to develop a good sense of humor, you need to remember a number of rules that must be followed.


Remember to reframe. If you are not satisfied with something, you can find positive aspects in it by slightly expanding the area under analysis or simply turning everything upside down. And if everything is really so tragic that it is impossible to find any advantages, understand that this is precisely the invaluable experience that many people lack.

Admit your shortcomings. Understand that everything that is a minus for you in the here and now and cannot be corrected, is actually a plus in another! Once you really understand this, you will feel much better about yourself, which is one step closer to your goal of learning to laugh. above yourself.

Know how to adjust according to each of the three - yourself, the second character and the outside observer who is watching all this. Imagine that each of these parties has its own point of view and its own prism of view, and then the comicality of the situation will be able to appear before you in all its glory.

Keep it simple. People are not interested in abstruse, in-depth with irrefutable argumentation and confirmation on all points, simple and easy. So leave it to them. Smooth out the corners, joke and smile more often without taking them seriously. Imagine that this is all just a game.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

The key method for learning to laugh at yourself is to forget about your social status and imagine that you are in the company of friends.

Tears- This is a splash of our strong emotions. Many people don't like to be seen crying because they don't want to appear weak. And, perhaps, it will be unpleasant for anyone to cry in front of a rival or offender. For such situations, use the suggested methods to learn how to hold back your tears.


Abstract yourself from the situation As soon as you feel that emotions have taken over you and tears are ready to flow from your eyes, imagine that this whole unpleasant situation did not happen to you. Close your eyes. You are sitting in a cinema hall and watching a movie. Focus on the picture. The same situation is happening on the screen that just happened to you, but now you are not a participant in this situation, you are a spectator, observing everything from the side. Gradually, the color picture fades and becomes black and white, and then begins to decrease in size. Now it has shrunk to half the screen, now to a quarter, and finally, it has completely turned into a small dot. This method is based on the knowledge that we are emotionally involved in the situation. However, as soon as you stop taking the situation to heart and take the position of an outside observer, the tears will subside on their own. The method has been tested many times and is practically fail-safe.

Have pity on the person who offended you. When we are offended, we cry out of self-pity. The essence of this method is to turn off this emotion. Think about how you were offended. Perhaps he is doing much worse than you, and he is just jealous of you. Perhaps he was just scolded by his boss, and he experienced fear and humiliation, which he could not resist and took out on you. Even if you don’t have real excuses for the person who offended you, try to come up with them. The main thing now is to hold back the tears, you will think about everything else later.

If the reason for your tears is not that you were offended, but simply because of your nerves, try to calm down. The most effective way is to slowly count to 10, while breathing slowly, taking a deep breath, and exhale just as slowly. When you have a little control over your nervous tension, drink some safe sedative: tincture of motherwort or valerian.

What you should not do under any circumstances If a person publicly ridiculed you or offended you with some caustic phrase, even in private, and you did not find what to answer, you can guarantee that over the next few hours all you will do is invent worthy answers to the offender’s remarks and… . The fact is that while you return to what happened again and again, you are emotionally fixated on this situation and experience natural anger at the offender and self-pity. It’s not easy to cope with yourself, but it’s still better to postpone thinking about what happened at least until the next day, when the strongest emotions have already passed. And it’s never too late to come up with a worthy answer!

Video on the topic


Tears are, first of all, a physiological reaction, a protective reaction to stress. There is very little psychology here, so learning to control tear production is almost impossible. But you can try to reduce the level of stress as much as possible at the moment of approaching crying, then there is a chance to stop the tears.

Helpful advice

Tears are different in their origin, in nature, you can learn to restrain yourself in public, if you don’t like it, so that lisp does not form around you, and then cry alone.

Laughter is the body's natural response to stimuli, be it in the form of sights, sounds, physical sensations or memories. Laughter is a social mechanism by which we communicate with other people. Laughter is good for your health. It may have an analgesic effect and can also reduce stress and anxiety.


Laughter reduces stress hormones. Although some of these hormones are needed by the body in certain situations, high levels without benefit can be to the immune system. By reducing the content of these hormones, the overall health and well-being of a person improves.

Laughter increases the number of beneficial hormones such as endorphins and neurotransmitters in the body. The increase in endorphins increases the pain threshold, making laughter a pain reliever. Endorphins also help improve mood and reduce tension and anger. The increase in neurotransmitters makes the brain function faster and increases reaction speed.

Laughter forces us to use our respiratory system at a fast pace. This intense activity stimulates increased blood flow, thereby increasing the supply of oxygen to the brain. And also during laughter, the lungs are cleared of mucus, which is possible with chest physiotherapy.

Video on the topic

Life is a mix, and sometimes even an explosion of different emotions. And laughter accompanies from a very early age to old age. But it’s not always appropriate and pleasant. But if a man’s chuckle rarely attracts much attention, then such a manifestation of emotions on the part of the fair half often makes an impression on the girl as a whole.


Is it possible to learn to laugh beautifully? Undoubtedly. But first you need to understand that the most beautiful laughter and smile are sincere. There is no need to make them angry and make satisfied faces, otherwise it will have the exact opposite effect for the interlocutor. Also, you shouldn’t evaluate every joke you tell to give the impression of a supposedly “fun” girl. Your positive mood will not go unnoticed, but you are unlikely to be taken seriously in the future.

Men don’t particularly like it when a girl is very loud or emotional, complementing all this with sharp gestures and facial expressions. If you are accustomed to this particular way of showing emotions, then leave it only for the company of girlfriends.

How can you understand how attractive and beautiful your laughter is, because often people have no idea from the outside. You can take a look at yourself by recording it on a video camera. However, in this case you need to “forget” your cunning, otherwise all your actions will be feigned and unnatural. After viewing the received recording, you need to make an assessment: whether you want to change your way of laughing or not. In the first case, start training.

If you have no idea how to improve, then take as an example the laughter of your friend or, if you don’t have one, a world celebrity. And so, by honing your skills in front of the mirror over and over again, you will become more attractive and charming in expressing your positive emotions.

In yoga, there are special laughter therapy complexes designed to teach a person to laugh beautifully and with health benefits. The technique is as follows: when pronouncing the sound “ho-ho”, you need to learn to extract it from the stomach, “ha-ha” - from the chest area, and “hee-hee” should come from the location of the third eye - the middle of the forehead.

A beautiful woman's laughter cannot be accompanied by a wide-open mouth, throwing her head back, or slapping the interlocutor's body.
If something makes you laugh, it would be better to first stretch your lips into a smile and then laugh.

Learn to control yourself and all kinds of sounds that should not be involved in a pleasant laugh - grunting, splashing saliva, snorting.

There are situations in life when under no circumstances should you show positive emotions, and laughter just presses out of you. In this case, distract yourself on another topic: think about the problems, go back to your memories, pinch yourself, in the end. After all, inappropriate laughter also characterizes a person’s personality, and not from the best side.

What you laugh at is also important. After all, an anecdote told by a colleague and another mistake in life by a friend are completely different things. Therefore, be careful and, as stupid as it may sound, think about what you are laughing at. Extend your life with positive emotions, but wisely and in moderation!


Healthy teeth are the key to a beautiful smile. Monitoring the condition of your mouth is already half the battle.

The main difference between people and animals is the ability to joke, that is, to have a sense of humor. A joke is a person’s ability to make others smile and laugh. Not all people are naturally witty, you have to learn this.

You will need

  • Wit, the ability to joke.


Get together in fun and big companies, tell jokes. Don't miss this opportunity.

Identify for yourself those areas in which you could really “expand” with your sharp humor. For example, if you are not interested in politics, then it is better not to amuse your friends about this topic - your sharp mind will not be appreciated. It will seem insincere and therefore not very witty.

Come up with witty answers to trivial questions. You can become a person with a good sense of humor without making jokes at all. Come up with a couple of phrases or phrases for different ones. For example, to the question “Are you doing?” you can say “everything is fine,” or you can answer “not yet” or “the prosecutor has business, but I have business.”

Don't be offended if your friends don't take your jokes. There is an incentive for improvement. Even if your friends think it’s funnier to laugh at you than at your jokes. Structure the joke in such a way that the ending contradicts the opening, it actually strengthens it. For example, “The commandant is at the entrance. He demands a pass from those entering, but if they don’t give him a pass, then he lets him in anyway.” This is one of the techniques of wit - opposition.

Don't joke about a topic that was discussed three hours ago. Make sure you are heard in the company. If you are not understood or heard, never repeat or explain the joke. It still won't help. The joke should be at the right time and place.


Direct your wit at anyone and anything, but not at your loved one. You may lose it.

Helpful advice

Remember that a person who laughs lives longer.


  • How to learn to joke or the basics of wit
  • how to joke correctly

It is naive to believe that to seduce a man it is enough to have a beautiful figure, wear a short skirt, open your cleavage and wear bright makeup. In fact, the stronger sex treats such women with ridicule, considering them easily accessible. It is better to resort to more sophisticated methods.


Appearance still plays an important role in seducing a man. Therefore, take care of yourself, but do not turn into an emaciated, sickly-looking girl. It is necessary to achieve an optimal figure when there is no excess, but there is something to hold on to. In addition, grow long hair, at least below your shoulder. After all, curls have always been a sign of femininity, which attracts men.

Do not use aggressive techniques. These include, among other things, long nails, which are unpleasant for some men. Short nails with a neat manicure look much more beautiful. It is also better to wash off bright coloring from your face. Men believe in natural beauty. A short skirt or a low neckline - choose one so as not to look too accessible. Leave some room for men to imagine, because this is what turns them on so much.

Use inviting gestures to seduce a man. Throw your hair over your shoulder and “accidentally” touch it. Play with your eyes: when talking, look behind the man’s back, and then quickly into his eyes. From sharp focusing, the pupils will dilate, and your gaze will have a special magnetism.

Adapt to the man and repeat his movements. Proceed carefully; not every movement should be copied, but only particularly obvious ones. For example, if he changed his position, folded his hands differently, or nodded while listening to someone. In a conversation, you can insert his quotes or slightly reformulated phrases so that he feels a commonality of thoughts with you.

Girls always want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, so they try to pay attention to their appearance. They do beautiful hair, apply makeup, take care of their figure, but not only this is important. If she makes incomprehensible sounds at the same time, then this repels men, and she loses his interest in her person.

How to learn to laugh correctly?

Your laughter should be open and sincere, and not feigned. Notice how the children laugh. Their smile always causes affection, and all because children laugh from the heart.

When you laugh Don't open your mouth too wide and tilt your head back, thereby you can avoid extraneous sounds that may escape, such as wheezing or grunting. In such a situation, it is better to smile widely without opening your mouth, then your smile will look not only aesthetically beautiful, but also flirtatious.

If girl laughs openly, with a sparkle in her eyes, without trying to attract attention to herself, then she will be guaranteed success with a man. Sometimes they say about a person: “laughs like a bell.” So you try to make sure that your laughter does not look like neighing. You can even do this in front of a mirror. At the very least, you will see the expression on your face when you laugh and will be able to correct any imperfections while achieving a perfect smile. It’s better if you hear yourself laughing from the outside; for this you can record yourself on a voice recorder.

Do not forget that not only laughter is the main thing in a smile, but also dental condition. If your teeth are yellow or have caries, then even a beautiful and ringing laugh will not help in this situation. Be sure to visit the dentist and have your teeth treated on time.

Remember when the girl laughs without pretense, openly, with a sparkle in her eyes and at the same time her smile is snow-white, then this is the key to constant male attention.

Almost everyone knows that laughter can prolong life. In addition to the fact that this “medicine” has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, it also has another, no less valuable quality - it is completely free, which means it is available to everyone. If you want to extend your life, we advise you to think about how to learn to laugh, right now. To do this, we suggest using the tips that we have prepared for you.

In order to start laughing correctly, and laughter has a beneficial effect on the body, there are entire complexes of laughter therapy. For example, one of the branches of the ancient art of yoga, called Haasya Yoga, teaches its adherents how to breathe correctly, while saying “ha-ha”, “hee-hee” and “ho-ho”. These exercises stimulate laughter.

For those who cannot afford a personal trainer, this science can be mastered on their own. To do this, you need to know a few secrets, which are that when pronouncing “ho-ho” you need to ensure that the sound comes from the stomach, “ha-ha” from the heart and chest, and the sound “hee-hee” should come from the place where, according to the teachings of yogis, the third eye is located. This refers to the area of ​​the middle of the forehead.

In order to be sad, you can always find a reason, and it is very easy to fall into a state of sadness. This is what makes people forget what can cause laughter. In fact, in order for your life to become better, it is necessary for everything to happen the other way around. As soon as you begin to feel that sadness is taking over you, stretch your lips into a wide smile. Perhaps from the outside it will look, at least, strange, but you will be able to see for yourself that the cloud of negativity in your chest will begin to dissipate, and calm and balance will return to your soul. The more positivity there is in your life, the easier it will be for you to put yourself into a state of laughter.

Another secret regarding how to learn to laugh lies in the fact that a person must develop a sense of humor so as to be able to find humor in any situation, even if at first glance it seems hopeless. Remember that laughter sobers up and makes you look at a problem from a different perspective, thereby allowing you to find a solution. Therefore, develop your wit and learn to look at the world more simply!
Another thing that can interfere with laughter is your inner feelings and fears. Not only do they make you constantly feel depressed and stressed, but they can also make you exaggerate any danger.

If you don’t yet know how to laugh on your own, various comedies, performances by your favorite comedians, trips to the circus or an amusement park can help you with this. This will help you learn to laugh almost immediately, because real professionals know how to induce laughter even in the most inveterate pessimists.

A good help for creating a positive mood can be exercise, which helps develop proper breathing, as well as improve your overall tone.

Try to laugh as often as possible, regardless of whether there is any reason for it or not. Just force yourself to go to the mirror and remember something funny in front of it, and a smile will not take long to appear. Having achieved a smile, continue training. Start laughing, and keep doing it, even if it takes some effort on yourself. After some time, you will notice that you have a pleasant tickling sensation in the chest area - this is a sure sign that you are on the right track.

Do these fifteen-minute workouts every day, and very soon the world will begin to seem much better to you, and your laughter will begin to infect those around you.

To learn how to laugh beautifully, you can use the tips from the video. Quite interesting.

A beautiful laugh attracts attention and immediately attracts everyone around. If he is too loud or rude, then this, on the contrary, can push him away. How can you make your laughter beautiful and contagious?

What should a woman's laughter be like?

How can and should a girl laugh?

  • First of all, it's quiet. Loud laughter irritates many people and is very stressful, in addition, it can disturb others.
  • Secondly, with restraint. Of course, unbridled fun is great, but only in the company of old friends and not in a public place.
  • Thirdly, feminine. A woman's rude laughter is an indicator of bad taste.
  • Fourthly, it is pleasant and elegant. During laughter, no extraneous sounds such as grunting should be heard.

How to identify shortcomings?

To change and correct your laughter and make it beautiful, you need, first of all, to determine what exactly needs to be changed, that is, to identify shortcomings. There are several ways to do this. The first is a frank conversation with friends, loved ones or family. Just ask someone who has known you for a long time and is not afraid to tell you the truth to describe your laughter. Let him tell you what he likes and what, on the contrary, irritates or confuses you.

The second method is suitable for shy natures. Invite your friends over, come up with some fun activity and place a camera somewhere in a corner or other secluded place, immediately forgetting about it. Don't think about filming, relax and laugh. After the party, watch the recording and rate your laughter. List everything you liked and didn't like.

If you are embarrassed by the camera and you cannot relax, constantly thinking about it, then just read a funny joke or watch a funny movie or video and laugh in front of the mirror.

How to change your laughter?

How to learn to laugh beautifully?

  1. Determine how you should laugh. To do this, you can imagine yourself laughing beautifully. If your imagination doesn’t work so well, then you can take the laughter of a friend, acquaintance or, for example, a celebrity as a basis.
  2. Learn to hold back. Yes, it would seem that the most contagious is usually sparkling and emotional laughter, but often it turns out to be not very beautiful. So when you are having fun, try to watch your behavior and facial expressions. Try not to wave your arms, sway, fall on the floor (this also happens), and don’t hit yourself in the stomach and head. No one will like laughter that looks more like hysteria or convulsions. If you find it very funny and you just can’t stop, then leave the room, drink some water and think about something else. The most a true lady can do is lightly cover her mouth with her hand.
  3. Don't throw your head back. Firstly, it makes laughter louder, ugly and guttural. Secondly, such a gesture can be regarded as an indicator of bad manners.
  4. Learn to smile. To do this, you will have to practice in the mirror. Choose the smile that suits you best and remember it. For example, if your teeth are not very attractive, then you should not open them completely. It is undesirable to raise the corners of the lips too much; it looks unnatural and ugly. A smile should be relaxed and sincere, so do not strain all the muscles of your face, but just relax, think about something good and remember your facial expression.
  5. Don't open your mouth too wide; it looks extremely unpleasant and rude, and also increases the risk of accidentally splashing saliva on your interlocutor. You can open it slightly, showing your teeth a little.
  6. Don't laugh loudly, especially in public. Loud female laughter looks extremely unpleasant. But if you laugh quietly, you will definitely arouse sympathy. So as soon as you plan to let your emotions run wild while having fun, immediately start controlling the volume of your voice so as not to sound ridiculous.
  7. Don't laugh if you don't find it funny. It will look forced, so you will be immediately “seen out”. But what to do so as not to offend a person? If he joked, but you didn’t understand the joke, just smile, but try to do it sincerely.
  8. While laughing, try to avoid various extraneous “attached” sounds and actions, for example, whistling, squealing, grunting, splashing drool. It won't be easy at first, but if you constantly watch yourself, you will soon learn to laugh beautifully. To get rid of everything unnecessary as quickly as possible, try to laugh more at home alone and correct mistakes, so that later you don’t lose face in the company.
  9. Practice. It may seem strange, but training can really help change your laughter for the better. It is advisable to laugh in splendid isolation and focus on laughter. You can watch comedies or read jokes and even tickle yourself. Literally after a week of this “laughable fitness” you will notice changes for the better.
  10. Laugh only when it's appropriate. So, there are situations and places in which it is simply indecent to laugh. And suppressed laughter looks no less impolite than open laughter. If you can’t laugh, but you really want to, think about something else and get distracted, this should help. For example, you can focus on a problem you have or on solving a difficult problem. In general, occupy your brain with something else, and the laughter will stop. In addition, you can, for example, pinch yourself, this will also help distract you.
  11. What exactly you laugh at is also important. For example, you shouldn’t laugh at “flat” jokes; this will characterize you as not the smartest and most uneducated girl.

Learn to laugh femininely and beautifully and don't worry about how you look.

Laughter is very good for health. According to studies, laughter lowers blood pressure, it also relieves pain and relieves depression.

Laughing people have better heart function than sad people.

Here's how it happens. During laughter, the speed of exhaled air is 100 km/h. Our airways are “ventilated”, the blood is saturated with endorphins, and cholesterol decreases.

IMPORTANT: Endrophins are hormones of joy

Health benefits of laughter

Laughter prolongs life and cures diseases

  • Laughter also engages dozens of muscle groups. Particularly good for training the abdominal muscles
  • Laughter improves immunity
  • Laughter relieves fatigue. If you haven't gotten enough sleep, laugh, you'll feel better in five minutes

IMPORTANT: 5 m of laughter = 40 m of sleep.

The result is good health and long life.

health benefits of laughter

Laughter is the source of happiness

  • Laughter makes a woman more attractive
  • Do you want to strengthen your relationship with your loved one? Just laugh together more often! This will help you understand each other better, which means it will strengthen your connection.
  • Helps overcome stress faster than any sedative
  • Experts have found that laughter increases productivity and creativity.

Laughter is the source of happiness

Little tricks:

  • It's easier to start laughing with a smile. Our body is accustomed to the fact that it will immediately be followed by laughter.
  • Try to smile more often. Do this by reading or working. Smile at your colleagues or family members. This will also help to win them over.
  • All this will make smiling your natural facial expression. This means you will laugh much more often.

How to learn to laugh, how to cause laughter?

Try to be friends with sociable and humorous people. This does not mean that you should abandon pessimistic friends. Just find new fun people and communicate with them more often.

If a sad conversation starts around, change the topic or make a joke. Better yet, tell us about something pleasant for you. After all, any example is contagious.

Hang out with positive people

Look for funny shows and comedians to suit your tastes. Make watching funny programs a habit.

As an example, you can watch the following comedies, shows, etc.:

  • A big difference
  • Ural dumplings
  • Concerts of Mikhail Zadorny
  • Cartoons "Tom and Jerry"
  • Comedies with Jim Carrey or Charlie Chaplin

Watch funny videos on the Internet or comedies more often

  • Morning news about robberies and murders has never made a happier day.
  • Better start your morning by reading jokes. Listen to comedy radio programs
  • Can't imagine your morning without a newspaper? Then start reading from sections from life or the same jokes. And be sure to compare your mood after the news and after a fun program

Avoid news programs, newspapers and radio programs

Laugh at yourself

This useful talent of turning any awkwardness into a funny joke. Thanks to this, you will no longer be afraid of mistakes. Learn to understand that “what we are” and “what we can do so far” are different things.

Laugh at yourself

Don't be afraid of your laughter

  • Maybe you are afraid to laugh because you think that your laughter is strange? In this case, you can deprive yourself of the pleasures of life
  • After all, laughter is a natural manifestation of happiness. He can't be unpleasant
  • And if you are surrounded by people making fun of your laughter, just change the company

Don't be afraid of your laughter

Learn to relax

Set aside an hour of time for yourself every day. Do your favorite hobby and have fun. Especially if you are a busy person! After all, you need to reward yourself for your success and work?

Learn to relax


  • Yes, yes, laughing for no reason can also be useful
  • Try laughing just for fun when you're home alone. Make it as natural as possible. Say a few short "ha's" as you exhale.
  • Start by thinking about a funny joke from the past.
  • This will help the body quickly get into a cheerful state. And you have fun and laugh heartily


"Funny" breaks

Build regular “funny” moments into your work schedule. During them, watch a funny video or a piece of a humorous program. The benefits will be obvious!

"Funny" breaks

Why do laughter yoga?

IMPORTANT: Hasya yoga is a branch of yoga that combines breathing techniques and laughter exercises.

  • Laughter is very good for health: you can lose weight from it, get sick much less often and have healthy nerves
  • But in order for the benefits of laughter on the body to be stronger, you need to laugh continuously for at least 15 minutes. Even during a funny talk show, this is not easy to do.
  • But during laughter yoga classes, it will be simply impossible to remain serious among laughing people.

Why do laughter yoga?

This technique was invented by Madana Katharya. This Indian doctor noticed that after a daily dose of funny jokes, his patients felt much better.

Over time, the technique has improved. Now the laughter yoga course combines breathing exercises, basic yoga asanas and, of course, exercises to induce laughter.

Laughter yoga exercise

Nowadays, laughter yoga courses are offered in many health centers. Therefore, the set of “funny” exercises may be different everywhere.

Most often, classes begin with a set of asanas. Warrior, downward facing dog, tree and others. Then perform a set of breathing exercises


Then there are exercises for laughter. Here they are:

  • Talking on the phone

The group is divided into pairs. Two people sit down next to each other and start talking on an imaginary telephone. At the end of the conversation, you need to laugh and look your partner in the eyes.

  • Greetings

Participants begin to walk around the hall. When two people meet, they try to be happy with each other. You can shake hands, hug or pat on the back. The main thing is to look natural.

  • How does a crocodile laugh?

Participants take turns imitating the laughter of various animals: chicken, lizard, fish or crocodile.

Some courses require participants to try laughing like an inanimate object.

  • Meter-long laughter

Participants move freely around the hall at arm's length.

Starting position - stand straight, hands at your sides. Then the arms are raised to the sides. You need to raise your hands up in three steps.

Every movement is an exhalation with a loud “ho”.

  • Chain

Everyone lies down on the floor. Each participant places his head on the stomach of another person. At the coach's command they begin to laugh. The vibration of laughter is transmitted to everyone. At the end everyone laughs.

  • Affirmation

IMPORTANT: Affirmation is a statement, a positive formula. When repeated many times with expression, it improves a person’s condition.

Participants stand in a circle and simultaneously say loudly: “I am the happiest person in the world!” Repeat several times. And at the end they laugh out loud.

Some health centers also add daily tea and exercises to the course for relaxation and peace.

Independent exercises for Hasya Yoga

Quiet laughter

  • You can turn on leisurely, gentle music
  • Starting position: stand straight, straighten your shoulders
  • Close your eyes. Imagine a beautiful landscape. Think about the small details. If it's a sunny beach, feel the warmth on your skin. Imagine how the waves hiss and roll onto the sandy shore
  • Laugh. Quiet at first, then louder
  • Did you laugh? Take a few deep breaths in and out
    Don't forget to breathe correctly, that is, deeply.
  • Repeat three times

  • Starting position as in “Silent Laughter”
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, tighten your stomach, its lower part, and say: “ha.” The exhalation should be short. Repeat 30 times
  • Then laugh out loud
  • Repeat the exercise 2-3 times

  • You will need a mirror. Stand in front of him. Imagine your mouth being zipped shut. When you open it, you will start laughing
  • Unzip an imaginary zipper with two fingers. You'll want to laugh. Close the zipper quickly. Stop laughing
  • Can be performed in pairs and unfasten the zipper for a partner
  • Number of repetitions: 3 - 4

exercise "lightning"

Laughter is good for the health of body and spirit. Therefore, spend 10 - 15 minutes daily on hasya yoga exercises. These simple and fun activities will quickly change your life for the better.