How many difficult mistakes we make. Essay on the topic of experience son of difficult mistakes

Vikulova Natalia Alexandrovna

Physics and mathematics teacher

BPOU HE "Cherepovets Multidisciplinary College"

Cherepovets, Vologda region

Methodological development of extracurricular activities in physics

Tournament of physics experts and lovers

“And experience is the son of difficult mistakes, and genius is the friend of paradoxes...”

Goal: creating conditions for the development of communicative competencies of students during the game; develop a skill: apply the knowledge acquired in the process of teaching physics to solve logical and non-standard problems.

Tasks implemented during the game:

promote the development of the intellectual and creative potential of students, their logical and mathematical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, generalize and specify;

the formation of cooperative competence - a sense of collectivism, working in a team, communicating effectively with classmates, being responsible for the results of their work, the active position of students;

nurturing an attitude towards physics as part of universal human culture through familiarity with the history of the development of physics;

expanding students' knowledge, developing cognitive interest in studying physics;

developing an idea of ​​the possibility of different approaches to completing a task;

nurturing intelligence and resourcefulness;

arouse interest in healthy competition;

show the connection between physics and mathematics and reality.

Preliminary preparation:

Creation of three teams from three first-year groups.

Selecting a team captain.

Come up with a team name.

Each team prepares emblems for its members.

Each team prepares a presentation of their team

Activities of students: search, analysis and evaluation of information, work in a team and team, participation in collective discussion of problem solving, problem solving, speaking, effective communication with classmates.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer.

Software : computer presentation.

Time: 45-50 min.

Comment: Game technology in the form of a presentation. The group is pre-divided into three teams, each of which (under the supervision of the teacher) prepares distinctive badges for its members - badges, badges, and so on. Team captains are selected in advance. The game can be judged by the presenter (teacher) himself or by a specially invited independent jury.

Progress of the game:

Introductory speech from the teacher:

Dear guests! Dear game participants! Today we have gathered to take part in a tournament of experts and lovers of physics (slide No. 1).

3 teams take part in the tournament. Let's welcome them (team greeting).

The nut of knowledge is hard, but still

We're not used to retreating

It will help us split it

The motto of the game: “I want to know everything!”

You will get tired of wise science -

Suddenly he can explain everything

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes.

So, let's start our game.

Rules of the game: One “idea” is given for the correct answer. The team has a short time to think, after which the answer is read as incorrect, even if the correct option was given. The team with the most “ideas” wins.



1. What prevents a student of the Cherepovets Multidisciplinary College, caught by the director in the act of smoking, from breaking up into individual molecules and disappearing from sight? (slide No. 3)

2.Girl Olya, getting ready for Halloween, decided to do her hair. She spent a long time combing her hair in front of the mirror with a plastic comb. As a result, she took first place in the witch competition. Why? What physical phenomenon happened to her hair? (slide No. 4)

3. In which students do molecules move faster: healthy ones or those with a cold? (slide No. 5)



Comments: The wording of the task and the answer are on one slide. An animation is configured for the answer with a “click” appearance, that is, at first only the wording is visible on the slide, and at the right moment the answer appears.

Things that are so familiar to us

They were once quite unusual.

We needed someone's brilliant mind,

So that he can think paradoxically.

Genius is known to be a friend of paradoxes,

The one for whom the impossible is simple.

1. A month later to Hieron

The jeweler brought the crown,

And the king wants to know -

Was the job done honestly?

Here is the crown, Archimedes,

Gold or not?

And the scientist thought -

How to find out the composition of the crown?

And one day, while washing in the bath,

He sank to his waist.

Water spilled onto the floor

He guessed then...

Question: What did Archimedes guess? (slide No. 7)

2. He is instead of frogs

I took copper and zinc,

In salt water

The current went through the plates,

No wonder Volta

Professor title,

There was rejoicing in the swamp that year

Question: What did A. Volta create in 1799? (slide No. 8)

3. Ampere in the laboratory
I saw the wires.
Why are they? Where?
Who brought them here?
Then I turned on the switch
And then he screamed, “Ah!”

Noticed the attraction
Movement in the wires!

Question: What effect of electric current was established by Ampere? (slide No. 9)



Your task is:

All without exception

Explain the phenomena.

1. Have you ever walked through a swamp?

Was it easy for you? That's it!

Then why

Huge moose

So just running through the swamp?

Question: Why doesn’t the moose fall through? (slide No. 11)

2. Grandfather was prescribed banks,

But they didn’t give instructions.

Oh, we suffered a lot -

Grandfather got sucked into the jar!

Question: What is the principle of operation of medical cups based on? (slide No. 12)

3. This flight, it seems

It's a nightmare these days.

The fire was started

Literally under the ball.

The balloon was filling

Not air-smoke,

Heaven since then

They are not called unsociable.

Question: Why was the balloon filled with smoke? (slide No. 13)

Fourth competition: “Gymnastics of the mind”

(slide No. 14-15)

In front of you is the playing field (slide No. 15). It consists of 15 cells. Behind each cell is a task.

Attention! Rules of the game: the first team chooses a square. A task opens that all teams are thinking about. If a team does not answer a question, the right to answer goes to the team that knows the answer to the question. And the team has the right to choose the next square. And so on until all the squares have been played.

“And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, and genius, the friend of paradoxes...” Tournament of experts and lovers of mathematics (3rd grade).


    To instill a cognitive interest in the subject of mathematics. Develop analytical thinking, erudition, and a culture of mathematical speech. Develop a sense of camaraderie, communication skills, and hard work.

Posters with sayings about mathematics:

1) Mathematics must then be taught, because it puts the mind in order. ()

2) Mathematics is the language spoken by all exact sciences. ()

3) No matter how well the machine works, it can solve all the tasks required of it, but it will never come up with a single one. (And Einstein.)

4) Flight is mathematics ()

5) Mathematics has its own beauty, just like painting and poetry ()

Tournament progress:

The nut of knowledge is hard, but still

We are not used to retreating.

It will help us split it

The motto of the game: “I want to know everything!”

You will get tired of wise science -

Suddenly he can explain everything

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes.

Ved. Guys, today we have gathered to have a little fun and learn more interesting and entertaining things about such a serious, and for some, very boring science - mathematics.

First, let's warm up! Ready?

Game “Is this a mathematical word?” (if “yes”, then we clap our hands, if “no”, we stomp our feet): triangle, donkey, equation, decimeter, leg, perimeter, form, angle, intrigue, number, rhesus.

Fanfare sounds, heralds enter

Chapter 1 . - Attention! Attention!

Chapter 2. – Listen and don’t say you didn’t hear!

Chapter 1. – The Queen of Mathematics orders us to find the most talented, intelligent and attentive, as well as resourceful and not without a sense of humor.

Chapter 2 – And announces a math tournament!

Chapter 1 . – The winner will receive universal recognition, the royal title of “best mathematician” and lifelong provision of all mathematical riches!

Chapter 2. – If someone tries to interfere with the choice of the best ones or dares to hide his talent, he will be severely punished! He will spend all his remaining days in the throes of creativity and solving puzzles!

Chapter 1 . – Such is the will of the Queen of Mathematics!

Ved. Today we divided you into 4 teams. Each team has its own name. Let's listen to each command.

№ 1

Here is the Triangle command.

Let every schoolchild know

They will be, I want to tell them,

I can handle all the tasks!

№ 2

About team number two

Word has already spread,

It's called "Square"

Any scientist would be happy with them!

№ 3

The team is third here

All the advantages can’t be counted

Number three is called “Circle” -

Resilient and for each other!

№ 4

"Eureka" - "Find a solution to a complex problem,

So that there are no obstacles along the way"

I. Stage – Warm-up.

Ved. We read the question on the slide, discuss it in the group, write the answer on a piece of paper and, at the teacher’s signal, show the answer.

1. 5 candles were burning, two were extinguished. How many candles are left? (2).

2. In what case is the sum of two numbers equal to the first term? (The second term is 0).

3. How many squares are there in the picture. (14)

Scene 1. (“Sirtaki” music sounds)

Two students and an ancient Greek scientist.

1st student: Who is this?

2nd student: A great scientist who died 2000 years ago.

Scientist: You're wrong, I didn't die. You probably had in mind that sad incident when the despicable Roman soldier pierced me with a spear, He also thought that I was dead. Unfortunately, he only prevented me from solving one problem, which I then drew in the sand. I warned him: “Don’t touch my pieces.” But he was deaf to science. Do you know the name of this vile warrior?

1st student: I have no idea.

2nd student: But people know your laws well, I know one that is named after you.

Scientist: Glad to hear that.

Ved. – This scientist learned to name huge numbers, but he didn’t know how to designate them, just a little was missing... zero, they figured out how to write them about 500 years later. In a completely different place, presumably in India.

Question: Which scientist - mathematician, creator of powerful catapults, founder of hydrostatics, giant cranes - are we talking about?

Answer options: 1. Gauss, 2. Archimedes, 3. Lomonosov, 4. Pythagoras.

II.Stage - Tangram

Ved. What is a tangram? ( The toy is a puzzle. Tangram, translated as

"seven tablets of mastery".)

What do we know about this puzzle toy? ( It originated 4 thousand years ago. It was a long time ago. The middle-aged Emperor of China gave birth to a long-awaited son and heir. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and smart beyond his years. One thing worried the old emperor: his son, the future ruler of a huge country, did not want to study. The boy found it more enjoyable to play with toys all day long.

The emperor called to himself three wise men, one of whom was known as a mathematician, another became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, by playing with which, his son would comprehend the principles of mathematics, learn to look at the world around him with the gaze of an artist , would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that complex things are often made up of simple things. Three wise men came up with such a game...

The fascination of this game is evidenced by the fact that the French Emperor Napoleon, who after a military defeat was exiled to the island of St. Helena, spent hours there folding tangram figures.)

Remember the rules of this game.

(The essence of the game is to combine these 7 figures on a plane into recognizable silhouettes (for example, a person or an animal) according to the player’s model or plan. When solving the puzzle, you must comply two rules: first, you must use all seven tangram shapes, and second, the shapes must not overlap each other. Using the mathematical science of combinatorics, more than 5,000 possible variants of folded figures were obtained.)

Scene 2. “At school.”

(Bench, board, bucket with rods and students of different ages).

Students: Hello, Mr. Teacher!

Teacher: Hello, let's read the prayer and start classes. Today I will teach older students about solving problems using equations. At this time, younger students must perform 99 additions - find the sum of all integers from 1 to 100:


Get started. Task. Two persons have equal... What is it?

Student: Ready, Mr. Teacher.

Teacher: What's happened?

Student: I calculated the amount, Mr. Teacher: 5050.

Teacher: You, braggart, could not complete 99 additions in such a short time! How did you know the answer? (Takes up the rod).

Student: I will explain everything, Mr. Teacher. The numbers from 1 to 100 are exactly 100. If you add 1 and 100, you get 101; 2 and 99 are also 101, 3 and 98 are also 101, etc. There are 50 such sums. Therefore, 101 x 50 = 5050.


Ved. – Mathematical calculations replaced ordinary children’s games for this child. He divided 1 into all the prime numbers and noticed that the decimal places sooner or later began to repeat themselves. What was the name of this young talent? Subsequently, he was called the “King of Mathematics.” Choose the correct answer:

1. K. Gauss. 2. F. Viet. 3. . 4. B. Pascal.

Answer: The German scientist showed his mathematical abilities early. At the age of 19, he solved the problem of constructing a regular heptagon and a nonagon, which scientists had been struggling with for 2000 years. He proved one of the basic laws of number theory, the basic theorems of algebra, and made great contributions to astronomy.

III. Stage - Tasks

1. Matroskin poured milk, sour cream and yogurt into a jug, jar and bowl. Sharik wanted milk and asked how to find it. Matroskin replied: “There is no sour cream in the jug, and there is no sour cream or milk in the bowl.” Where did Matroskin pour the milk?

This decision can be formalized using a table.

Curdled milk

IV. Stage - Games and tricks.

1. Take a sheet of paper and scissors. You need to make a hole in this small paper so that an adult can crawl through it. How to do it?

(You need to fold the sheet in half and make cuts. 1. Starting from the edge on the fold side, not reaching the end. 2. Continue in a checkerboard pattern, each time not reaching the end. 3. The last cut should be on the fold side, on the other edge 4. Then cut the fold line, leaving the edges.)

2. Two glasses are not far from each other. Cover them with a piece of paper. Now you need to place another glass on top of this paper. Is it possible to make it stay on the paper between two glasses without touching the glasses? If yes, how to do it? (The paper sheet must be corrugated)

V. Stage - Competition “Who knows more proverbs, sayings, riddles, which contain numbers?”

For example:

Fight not with numbers, but with skill?

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle;

Four brothers sit under one hat;

A hundred clothes, all without fastenings;

Seven hundred gates, but one exit;

God loves the trinity;

There is safety in numbers;

Misfortunes never come alone;

A mind is good, but two are better;

Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided;

For one beaten, they give two not beaten;

An old friend is better than two new ones;

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either;

Seven do not wait for one thing;

Seven troubles, one answer;

Seven times measure cut once.


The game is over.

It's time to find out the result.

Who did the best job?

And did you excel in the tournament?

Leading. Our tournament has ended, but we hope that the motto of our game will become the motto of your life: “I want to know everything!”

06:21 pm: Experience is the son of difficult mistakes...
Think about the role that experience plays in our lives - and not only in ours... Is it possible to learn not to make “difficult mistakes” based on the experience of others? Or just yours?
Or on the general experience of humanity? But how is it expressed, where to look for it?
It seemed to me that if we teach children and young men to read COMPREHENSIVELY, develop their taste and intelligence, they will be able to at least partially glean the life experience they lack from the works of great writers and poets, and this will be knowledge of a high standard! And moreover, it will be like a compass showing the way...
But alas, this method (like many others!) is very selective.

There was a TV show recently about teaching history - I think it was in "Cultural Revolution."
It’s gratifying to watch: smart faces, lively eyes, sparkling intellect, erudition, passion... BUT - they didn’t come to anything.
It is impossible to create a history course that is suitable for everyone and everything. For assessments of historical phenomena depend on the current situation. From the country in which this course is created. From the political and economic and philosophical orientation of its authors. And what was true yesterday is a lie today. And vice versa. Why, we've already been through this...
And yet, you need to know history. Even if history is politics facing the past.
I tried to search in poetry - how this word is used - EXPERIENCE - does it give something real... The aphorism of the poetic word, and sometimes emotionality, probably gives something, awakens thought..
. (This is not a study - I recalled what was heard...)

You don’t choose times, you live and die in them.

Time is a test.
Don't envy anyone

A tight, tight hug.
Time is skin, not dress.
His mark is deep.
Like fingerprints,
From us are his features and folds,
If you look closely, you can take it.
Alexander Kushner.(Excerpt)

Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have
The spirit of enlightenment is preparing
AND EXPERIENCE, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, friend of paradoxes,
And chance, God the inventor...

Alexander Pushkin.

I'll say it in rough drafts, in a whisper,
Because it's not time yet:
Achieved through sweat and experience
Unaccountable sky game.

And under the temporary sky of purgatory
We often forget that
What a happy sky storehouse -
Sliding and lifetime house.

Osip Mandelstam.

And the saddest thing is feminine, emotional and specific lines...

Instead of wisdom - experience. Fresh,
Unquenchable drink.
And youth was like Sunday prayer.
Should I forget her?

She became more forgetful than all the forgetful.
The years float by quietly.
Unkissed lips, unsmiling eyes
I'll never get it back...

Anna Akhmatova.


Dear Likusha! I agree that collective experience, especially expressed in the words of the classics, gives us some kind of correct vector in life. But it seems to me that you also write about this, that each of us still relies only on our own experience and learns (though alas, not always) based on your own mistakes.))

Alas, this is true. But the trouble is that they don’t always learn from their own. And they step on the same rake all the way, I don’t have to look far for an example... But nothing can be done. Himself with a mustache!
You rarely respond. Are you all right, Evushka? I would like you to feel good. By the way, my brother met his sister in Ashkelon today - she flew from St. Petersburg to visit. The day after tomorrow they will come to me...

Thank you for your kind attitude and wishes!))).
I wish the same for you.
Unfortunately, not everything is in order with me. That’s why I haven’t been on LiveJournal much lately, and if I have been, I only read the feed briefly and rarely respond.
I wish you joy!))

Hello, Likusha! It's rare that you appear on LiveJournal. Busy?
For me, the word “experience” always sounded like the same root word as “torture”. For some reason, when they talk about experience, they always mean unsuccessful, sad and difficult experience associated with mistakes and retribution for them.
And for joy, good luck and love, some other words will be used. Even the combination “love, life experience” sounds somehow...hopeless. :)))

Kat, good to hear from you. A very subtle remark. Because experience is associated with the past, often with old age. In addition, with the duration of some activity. And in this case it is used as something positive, although this is often not the case at all. In any case, an experienced teacher is not always a good teacher, and the same is true in other areas. A person who has found himself in the wrong place and has been dragging his feet for decades - either he didn’t understand it himself, or he didn’t have the strength to change his life - probably finds sad satisfaction in the fact that he is praised for his experience, for his length of service - maybe simply because There’s nothing more to praise for... And even about the love experience - “Only the morning of love is good!”
But experience is not always associated with failure. But with difficulty - always. "Son of difficult mistakes" - you can’t say it better. Life is a hard thing, achieving what you want is almost always not easy - whatever it is. But if after 18 attempts you achieve it, it’s a joy, it was worth working for ! This is earned. And luck falls on your head, like winning the lottery... But on the whole, I agree - it’s a harsh word, although I somehow didn’t associate it with torture... It’s a godsend - to see the common root!... But there is another one nuance: experience helps. The second time is easier, the third time is even easier... And in general, how would mastery come if not for experience? (unless you're a genius, of course?..) Don't disappear, Kat. I was feeling creatively stagnant. I hope I will regain my spirit. (Experience will help? Experience will be reborn from the ashes?)

Likusha, of course, you are right - experience helps to accumulate knowledge and skill, and even promotes some kind of self-esteem. But sometimes it deprives the freshness of perception and novelty. It is not for nothing that it is said, “In much knowledge there is much sorrow.” In my opinion, it is not so much about knowledge as it is about experience. Be healthy and safe :)

This is true. Akhmatova wrote about this - “Instead of wisdom - experience, insipid, unquenchable (!) drink”...
As said - unquenchable.
And she has:
"We have freshness of feelings and thoughts, simplicity
It’s not like losing the sight of a painter,
Or an actor - voice and movement,
And to a beautiful woman - beauty..."

You can’t say it better than Akhmatova! :)

Likusha, I think that someone else’s experience can be absorbed by a person who already has his own experience, who has made his own cones. Our efforts to pass on our experience or the experience of generations will be crowned with success only after many years, when a person is ready. One young man recently told me: “Russia now needs a “firm hand.”
The young man is educated, subtle, intelligent, and knows history very well. Conclusion: history teaches differently to people with experience and people without.
P.S What a good poet Kushner is.

I wrote to you a lot, but it disappeared somewhere... Maybe you can still find it? The meaning has changed so much that I don’t recognize it... Maybe this is the garden that my boys and I planted many, many years ago... But the school building is difficult to identify. In terms of architecture, they are all almost the same... Six years ago I got lost while walking to school
534th, to Torez - it came from Engels, and everything was overgrown, the landscape was completely different. I was walking to an evening meeting.... And I just wanted to turn to the woman who was following me, when she rushed to me with hugs and kisses - she recognized me immediately (20 years later!) And brought me to the school where I worked for about 13 years - 14. Both the guys and the teachers greeted me with delight and affirmed in unison that I had not changed at all! (!).

I remember I wrote this to you in a letter - I hope you received it?
And I’m looking for answers to the post and repeating myself...

Likush, I received the letter. It’s okay to repeat myself, I read with pleasure everything you wrote.

I won’t write about experience, although I believe that experience can only sometimes replace wisdom.
I'm talking about something else. What do you think about dyslexia? I just had an argument with Savotchka: she gave a link to one site, and it’s wildly illiterate, so I wrote to her. She answered me that there are people suffering from dyslexia, but they are smarter than others, literate. This is what I answered her:

“As for dyslexia, I have little faith in it. Or rather, I believe that such people do not feel the language, but is it possible to remember the rules if they are so smart? Or, at least, if a person knows such a deficiency, let does not undertake to write for sites or asks to check.
By the way, and don’t take this as grumbling, in the old days an error in a newspaper or a book was rare. And now there are so many “dyslexics” that there are grammatical errors everywhere and constantly. How to interpret this?
Even Internet forums ten years ago looked much more decent in terms of literacy. So what would you say - this is an epidemic of dyslexia?

What do you think about this?

Dinochka, I must admit that I have not encountered this phenomenon - maybe it simply was not studied then, and we did not differentiate it, called it “retarded development” - or something like that. I had such students, but they suffered from various disabilities and a purely individual and careful approach was required. They somehow did not resort to medical indications - they managed on their own...
I remembered that there was one incident, but the boy’s parents soon transferred him to another school.

Dina, my cousin has come to visit from St. Petersburg. She is also a teacher, but now she gives private lessons - preparing for the Russian language exam. And she brought with her a collection of exercises to prepare for the exam - everything was completely, completely different. Is it better? Don't know. It’s more difficult. She is an excellent teacher with a lot of experience - and she says that she prepares for every lesson, and at first it was very difficult, and she made mistakes... (there are answers at the end)
But I doubt whether this system will help make them literate...

I can’t say anything about literacy teaching systems - I NEVER really knew any grammatical rules, and my teacher Maria Grigorievna always said that she would not have given me more than a C for my answers if I had not written impeccably correctly - this is innate to me. By the way, I wrote in Ukrainian almost as competently. I remember only one mistake of mine: in the ninth grade I wrote in an essay “sober calculation was alien to him.”
Unfortunately, now I find myself making mistakes, albeit rarely, and mainly in punctuation marks.

I want to speak out about the “illiterate” site. Perhaps this is a deliberate distortion of the language. Now young people online have adopted the so-called “scum” language. One day I accidentally entered a chat. I didn't understand a single word there. Secondly, now really young people are suffering from some weakening of visual memory, the basis of literate writing. Too many visual stimuli - TV, monitors. And they began to read less.

Why is the site "illiterate" (in quotes)? He is illiterate without any quotation marks, and, moreover, sloppy (in addition to errors, he is replete with typos).
I can understand and explain everything, but excuse me, I just physically can’t read. Why force yourself?
What explains the large number of errors in the media and books? In my opinion, this is an elementary incompetence of proofreaders.

I completely agree with you. Such sites are a disrespect for themselves and their visitors. Alas! The level of culture is falling all over the world.

You may be right, Yulechka, but do we have such a widespread knowledge of English idioms in Russia that there would be a massive copying of individual expressions? (This is about inaf.)
Copies from German under Peter or from French in the 18th - 19th centuries were more organic - because people knew these languages ​​(I mean the upper classes)
I liked how you summarize the use of words for other purposes. Perhaps this is fair. But still illiterate!
And my grandson is a computer technician. She dreams of retraining and becoming a web designer.
He is capable, but very disorganized. He says about himself: I’m not smart, I’m smart. A smart person finds a way out of a situation that a smart person doesn't find himself in...
Through the mouth of this baby the truth speaks...

Good night, Yulechka!

Likusha, I love all ice cream and I love melon, but I don’t remember the taste of melon ice cream; I was 5-6 when I ate it in Cuba. It was simply happiness.
When Dima studied at the Polytechnic Institute, my heart bled for him. During the day he studied, and at night from 2 to 6 he surfed the Internet. He was always sleepy, with blue under his eyes. In addition, he did not go for walks or play sports. But it was “more expensive” for him to say anything. Now everything has fallen into place: work during the day, sleep at night, gym twice a week. I think your grandson will grow up and “come back to normal.”
We still can't do anything with the grown boys. Don't worry, this is his life and if he felt bad, he would stop the nightly gatherings. Although, I understand you very well in your concern for your grandson.

Pushkin volume [collection] Bitov Andrey

Friend of Paradoxes (Autumn of Pushkin)

Friend of paradoxes

(Autumn of Pushkin)

Oh how many wonderful discoveries we have

Prepare the spirit of enlightenment

And Experience, [the son] of difficult mistakes,

And Genius, [paradoxes] friend,

[And Chance, god the inventor].

Pushkin, 1829

Written and not completed in the fall of 1829. How easily, however, Pushkin neglected his friend, abandoning it halfway... is a paradox in itself.

Paradoxov is a surname, and he had a friend... It’s not surprising: at our school there was a student named Fenomenov.

The paradox of everything being clear to everyone our Pushkina first reached the Soviet schoolchild in his inexplicable love for autumn. What's so good about it when the holidays are over and it's back to school! Again around the chain.

Oh, summer is red! I would love you

If only it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies...

What flies there are! When great torment. Yet again:

Winter! Peasant triumphant

Walks holding the tip...

Why is this peasant so triumphant?

And - no need to plow. Can trade the fruits of summer labor.

We have forgotten the closeness of lordly and peasant life.

Pushkin begins plow in the fall, collecting your harvest of experience difficult mistakes. One cannot do it alone. But here he comes to the rescue Friend.

Here we are sitting in the Central House of Writers with Vladimir Sokolov over a glass.

- I just can’t sleep! - either with bitterness, or with pride, he utters a great phrase.

Word for word, and - Pushkin!

“Here,” he says, now peacefully, but angrily. – Everyone says “harmonious”... Whatever! Always a contradiction.

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches...

What kind of leaves are there if the branches are naked!

I remembered Volodya and felt sad: how many of us have already flown around... What am I holding on to?

It turns out that I shouldn’t have removed the quatrain from the poem dedicated to his death:

Poem called "Plot"

Everything tormented him, but he did not write.

There is no plot other than death,

Especially when old age is in reserve.

Indian summer again. Sad time, charm of the eyes

“I love the lush decay of nature.” St. Petersburg is not Moscow, but Mikhailovskoye is not Boldino either. The truth is that where autumn is worse.

Two poor trees, and only one of them

In the rainy autumn it is completely surrounded,

And the leaves on the other, getting wet and turning yellow,

To clog up the puddle, they just wait for Boreas.

But only. There is no live dog in the yard.

“Boredom, cold and granite” - only in St. Petersburg autumn can be even worse. And this was one more, final condition for writing “The Bronze Horseman”.

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From the author's book

Pushkin's dreams (125) Pushkin early noticed the mysterious phenomenon of sleepy dreams and over the years, as we will see, at times he thought closely about it. In his works, starting with “Ruslan and Lyudmila” of 1817–1819, ending with “The Captain's Daughter” of 1833, he depicted five dreams.

L.F. Kotov Or maybe the verse is not finished?

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

The spirit of enlightenment is preparing

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

And chance, God the inventor...

Science in the works of Pushkin

Interspersed with “scientific” themes in Pushkin’s poetic works are quite frequent. But this five-line can be called the quintessence of the theme “Science in the Works of Pushkin.”

Just five lines, and what a coverage - enlightenment, experience, genius, chance - all the components that determine the progress of mankind.

Pushkin's interest in contemporary science was very deep and versatile (as, indeed, in other aspects of human activity). This is confirmed by his library, which contains works on probability theory, works by Pushkin’s contemporary, Academician V.V. Petrov, a Russian experimental physicist on the study of electrical phenomena, and others (in Russian and foreign languages).

Pushkin's library in his museum-apartment includes many books on natural science topics: the philosophical works of Plato, Kant, Fichte, the works of Pascal, Buffon, Cuvier on natural science, the works of Leibniz on mathematical analysis, the works of Herschel on astronomy, the studies on physics and mechanics of Arago and d'Alembert, Laplace's work on probability theory, etc.

Pushkin, being the editor and publisher of the Sovremennik magazine, regularly published articles by scientists reflecting scientific and technical topics.

Pushkin could also learn about the achievements of physics of that time from communication with the famous scientist, inventor P.L. Schilling, creator of the first electromagnetic telegraph apparatus, the electric mine. Pushkin knew him very well and could easily see Schilling’s inventions in action.

The Poet’s interest in Lomonosov’s work can be assessed from the fact that, having read the Moscow Telegraph magazine “M.V. Lomonosov’s Track Record for 1751-1756,” he was amazed at the versatility and depth of the research. The poet expressed his admiration as follows: “Combining extraordinary willpower with the extraordinary power of concept, Lomonosov embraced all branches of education. A historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist and poet, he experienced everything and penetrated everything...” And later he adds: “He created the first university. It is better to say that he himself was our first university.”

Now look at what this poem could have been like if the Poet had tried to add a line with the missing rhyme.

Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have

The spirit of enlightenment is preparing

And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,

And genius, friend of paradoxes,

And chance, God the inventor...

And an idle dreamer.

This Pushkin five-line poem was discovered after the poet’s death, during the analysis of his workbooks. In the first four lines the rhyme is adjacent, but the fifth line is left without a pair. It can be assumed that Pushkin did not finish this poem.

I read these lines and it seems to me like a poet hastily sketching out an impromptu, ripening in the subconscious, and suddenly poured out in finished form when reading a report in a newspaper or magazine about another scientific discovery. I imagined “quickly,” but somehow this word doesn’t fit with writing with a quill pen; It is more plausible that Pushkin wrote rather slowly, which contributed to the birth in his subconscious of these brilliant lines, which included all the “engines of progress” - enlightenment, experience, genius, chance - already in a ready-made form. It seems to me that the first 4 lines were written impromptu, and the 5th, after re-reading what was written, the poet added after some thought. Added and set aside for later reading and possible use in some future work. But... it didn’t happen and the fragment remained unpublished during the author’s lifetime.

Of course, these are just my personal ideas, not based on anything, but I am writing them under the heading “Notes in the Margins.”

So I will continue. It seems to me that the poet put this fragment aside because he felt some incompleteness in covering in this poem the phenomenon of the birth of new discoveries. I put it aside to think about it later. But... it didn't happen.