How to get rid of nervous tension. Express methods for relieving nervous tension

In the current rhythm of life, a person does not have the opportunity to have a good rest and relieve tension, hence the increasing incidence of psycho-emotional breakdowns and depression.

An important task for you should be the ability to recognize your condition, since this will determine whether you can relieve nervous tension in a short time. Remember that minor prolonged tension will certainly result in neurosis, which is no longer so easy to cure. We should not forget the fact that psychosomatic health goes hand in hand with the physical condition of the body.

From our article you will learn what stages of psychosomatic tension exist, and we will also look at what the causes of tension are. Theoretical knowledge will help you better navigate yourself, which means you will be able to manage your condition.

Nervous tension - stages of development

Stage No. 1. Mild overvoltage

The very initial stage, which is very common. This type of tension can occur in anyone, even several times a day. The reasons for mild overvoltage are quite banal:
  • Disorders;
  • Depressive state;
  • Fear;
  • Feelings before meeting an enemy;
  • Negative emotions.
This is just a small list of possible causes of unrest. The nervous tension of the first stage is very easy to recognize; you experience excitement and internal anxiety, accompanied by a feeling of approaching fear. How can you avoid this condition and relieve overstrain?

The answer is quite simple, you need to switch your attention to something else and get distracted; you won’t notice how the nervous tension goes away on its own. The main thing at this moment is not to get hung up on this state, so that a slight overstrain does not result in a stable psychosis. Many people experience a state where they replay their negative experiences in their heads, thereby preventing themselves from forgetting that bad feeling. This will make it much more difficult to relieve nervous tension. If at this moment you fail to switch to something else, then you will move into a more complex stage - a state of increased overvoltage.

Stage No. 2. Increased overvoltage

This nervous tension not only takes away your mental strength, but also torments you physically. This is expressed in severe weakness, vitality leaves you, and internal anxiety only grows. Often, increased overvoltage is observed from increased mental activity, so it can be observed in students during sessions, as well as in mental workers. But this condition is also typical for ordinary people; it is important to understand that quickly relieve nervous tension and it’s not so easy to relax.

You can help yourself and distract yourself with something else that requires no less concentration. At such moments, a person turns on all his internal reserves and begins to work on himself, spending energy on introspection.

Nervous tension makes itself felt more strongly if you are unable to distance yourself from worries and problems. Remember, it’s better to go to bed and rest, the next morning you will feel better, and a fresh head will give you the only right decision. It is important to stop in time and stop replaying the events of the past day in your head.

Increased overvoltage is explained by the fact that a person replays events in his head over and over again. So the problem is constantly in the head, thereby preventing you from switching to something else. By focusing on a problem, many people go crazy.

Stage No. 3. Extreme stress and obsessive thoughts

At this stage of the disorder, not only the psyche suffers, but the entire body. The peripheral nervous system is overexcited, this condition does not allow you to relieve nervous tension quickly, and the longer you are in this state, the more difficult it is to get out of it.

At the same time, if you try to quickly relieve nervous tension and get rid of obsessive thoughts in the shortest possible time, then most likely you will fail. Since all your thoughts will be devoted to this process, you will have no strength left for anything else, you will exhaust yourself and worry.

In a state close to a nervous breakdown, it is very difficult to look sensibly at everything that is happening around. If you consider yourself very smart and reasonable, then during the period when you are gripped by inner horror, all your positive qualities fade away. You are subject only to fatigue and horror.

All of you have probably noticed that being in different psychosomatic states, you react to problems differently. If something is gnawing at you inside, you lose self-confidence, but with a change in mood and attitude, your strength returns. The solution to the problem will come quickly if you tune in to the right positive wave.

If you cannot relieve nervous tension, and you continue to feel depressed, obsessive thoughts do not leave you, all this suggests that the stage of overstrain has developed into a stable neurosis.

How to deal with overvoltage?

Everyone knows how to relieve nervous tension; it’s quite simple to do. But only a doctor with the help of medications will help you overcome persistent neurosis.

The first thing you must do to overcome overstrain is to realize the root cause of neurosis and that you cannot solve it on your own. And if you try, you will completely get bogged down in your thoughts, which will again and again lead you to the onset of neurosis. That is why you should start your fight against neurosis with tension - once you release it, you will immediately feel better, you will be able to look at things happening around you sensibly.

The next step in the fight against nervous tension should be your ability to focus on something else. It will be good if you learn to switch to another activity, especially if this activity brings you joy and evokes only positive emotions. But don’t forget the fact that negative thoughts will still live in your head.

We should not forget that nervous tension is a disorder that is associated with psycho-emotional stress as a result of overload.

How to relieve nervous tension?

It is difficult to give an exact definition to this question, because each of us has doubt and fear in our heads. Remember that the more you try to drive bad thoughts out of your head, the more you become immersed in them. Because they capture you more and more, and this increases your tension.

With persistent neurosis, you must learn to peacefully coexist with your worries and fears, this will allow them to gradually go away on their own. Remember, an effective way to relieve nervous tension is not to try to overcome your essence and guts, but to simply accept yourself along with your experiences. As long as you live calmly, without focusing on your experiences, they pass on their own. We do not guarantee that you can get rid of obsessive thoughts this way; it is a long way, but effective.

A warm, relaxing bath will help you relieve nervous tension, after which you should definitely take a contrast shower so that the water falls from above. You can also sign up for the pool, or if it’s summer outside, then just swim in the river. Remember, water is the best doctor for stress and anxiety.

Among other things relieve nervous tension A hobby will help you; it will be better if it involves painstaking work that requires concentration. For example, this could be bead embroidery, knitting, drawing or any other manual labor. It is not necessary to do it first-class, the main thing is not to sit, but to create. All of the above hobbies will help relieve nervous tension through their methodical actions. Any of these activities involves a monotonous repetition of the same actions that you must repeat constantly. At the same time, your brain activity will decrease, which means you will think less about problems and worries.

Another effective way to relieve nervous tension is to solve issues that require some concentration, but at the same time, solving these issues is not as serious as your immediate problems. They should not be so emotionally costly and not cause even greater nervous shock. Nervous tension should switch to a question that interests you more, which requires the absorption of negative emotions. While working through different options on how to quickly relieve nervous tension, do not stop wasting your negative energy on solving new problems. Remember that advanced cases of nervous tension lead to neuroses.

The peripheral nervous system can be calmed by quickly relieving nervous tension, which negatively affects the general condition of the body. At the same time, you may not be left with an obsessive state close to panic, do not despair. Calmly, gathering your will into a fist, go towards your goal, do not stop in front of obstacles.

Nervous tension does not leave you, you are approaching a state close to a nervous breakdown and, as a result, a long-term neurosis that only a doctor can cure. But on the other hand, any clinical psychologist will tell you that a person without internal thoughts and experiences is no longer a person. Yes, we don’t argue - life will become calmer, but will this suit you? If you were unable to relieve nervous tension in the very near future, then it is better not to waste your last energy on solving this problem. Everything will work out on its own.

There is no need to distort your essence, since nervous tension does not allow your inflamed body to move to a new phase, when the body begins to rest and enter the resting phase. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression "The morning is wiser than the evening". It’s best to go to bed, abstract yourself from the problems that have arisen, and start solving them in the morning - because in the morning you will be at rest, and your brain will be clear and fresh.

Among other things, relieve nervous tension You will be helped by attending specialized courses, trainings, as well as a psychological assistance office. Sometimes it is a specialist who can explain to you that a problem that seems insoluble to you is actually easy and is not worth even a fraction of your worries. But on the other hand, if you manage to take a break and look at the problem from the other side, then your chances of solving it will increase several times.

Nervous tension will become your constant companion if you never learn to accept your thoughts, even if they are negative. Human- This is a personality that is characterized by confusion and internal experiences. It is important to find the positive in everything, to cultivate goodness even during prolonged periods of extreme stress.

Hello, Victor.

The difficulty in relaxing, which has been accompanying you for a long time, as you write, is still one thing, but the tension of today is another, although both types of tension are essentially the same thing.

I can guess the following. Internal tension during a calm life is usually a sign of feelings of anxiety at a deep level. That is, outwardly everything in life can be normal and even successful, but in fact a person experiences internal anxiety - anxiety to accidentally relax and be himself, and since at the same time there can be fear of being yourself(at a subconscious level this seems dangerous), then there is a need for internal control to be in a certain image all the time, hence the tension. Essentially, it is the fear of losing internal control. It’s even simpler if it’s the fear of relaxing and showing your feelings and emotions, which, according to certain attitudes (moral, upbringing, etc.) are considered unacceptable by the person himself.

As for today. Instability outside, as a rule, always causes a feeling of instability inside, and this is natural, because the basic sense of security is undermined. Every cell in the body has a priority goal - to survive. But because the feeling of danger also causes internal emotions that may fall under the “forbidden” ones, this can significantly increase the feeling of tension inside.

But what is important to know with all this: in a state of deep tension and stress, a person is not able to make a balanced and sober decision, because the brain and body are in any case in a “fight or flight” state. Problems with health and digestion are also added here, because when a danger signal appears in the body, the rest of the body functions seem to switch to a minimum mode of operation, i.e., so as to use a minimum of energy in order to send most of it to “rescue” ".

You can relax at home. But for this to work, it is important to agree with yourself immediately before relaxation and explain to yourself that it will be safe for a short period of time.

What you can really do for yourself now:

1) Nutrition - the simpler it is, easily digestible, the more strength you have to restore your nervous system. To make it clear, imagine that all this time you have to walk, be on the move. What food will you choose? Will it help or, on the contrary, will it make you lethargic and take away your strength, a large piece of meat? If you love fried foods, replace at least one meal with something stewed and after that listen to how you feel? Properly selected food perfectly calms and energizes you with a deep, calm mood for life.

2) To help the body mentally, find calm meditative music. There is a lot of it on the Internet now. If you have never tried such practices, at least start by turning it on in the background when you come home in the evening and that’s it. No TV or radio at night, especially with the news.

3) Any sedative medications act along the path of suppression, i.e., tension is extinguished, but does not leave the body. When the effect of the medicine ends, a so-called withdrawal occurs. In some situations they are indeed necessary and effective, but must be determined by a doctor! If it is possible to cope with emotions and tension on your own, it is better to do it naturally.

4) Breathe. Breathe deeply. Start paying attention to how you breathe today. How deep is your breathing or how shallow is it? 3 deep breaths in the morning, at lunch and before bed. It's very simple, but very effective.

Peace of mind.

Osintseva Anastasia, psychologist, Obninsk

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Stressful situations accompany a person throughout his life. Already while studying at school, stress arises about successfully passing the exam, students are worried about finishing the session with excellent results, young people are worried about relationships with the opposite sex, adults are worried about problems at work and at home. Every year more and more responsibility is imposed on a person, which means the likelihood of tension and stress steadily increases. How can you learn to cope with these unpleasant ailments and what should you do so that stress does not interfere with living happily?

Main Causes of Stress

Each person perceives any tense situation in his own way: someone may listen to accusations against him and forget about the unpleasant conversation, someone will scroll offensive words in their head all day and go deeper into a stressful situation. This is influenced by character traits, upbringing, and other individual traits of a person. However, even despite such scattered perception of negative situations, all people are united by a tendency to stress.

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish three levels of stress:

  • Adaptive
  • Short-term
  • Long

The safest, and also in some sense useful for humans, is adaptation. It is necessary to adapt to new living conditions and change life for the better. Short-term stress is a reaction to external stimuli: cold, heat, sharp sound. After an unpleasant effect on the body, for example, a burn, a person is tense for several minutes, but after a while he returns to his previous state of health.

Long-term stress is the most dangerous and unpleasant of all the listed types. It can occur suddenly and last for several days or even months. Even a mentally stable and balanced person can experience tense situations. Perhaps he will carefully hide his internal problems from others, but you cannot hide them from yourself.

Stress is dangerous not only because it brings a bad mood. They have a negative impact on health:

  1. Due to stressful situations and nervous tension, migraines, stomach ulcers, hypertension, and numerous skin diseases can occur.
  2. Stress weakens the body's resistance to infections, viruses and bacteria, so there is a high probability that ordinary diseases can become chronic.
  3. Brain activity noticeably decreases. At work, you can no longer cope with your responsibilities, this again brings stress.
  4. Because of stress, it becomes more difficult to control oneself - irritability, tearfulness, and temper constantly arise.

Stress can undermine not only physical but mental health. Even the mere mention of the causes of stress can bring negative emotions, so you need to quickly take care of how to get rid of this condition.

In order not to lower your authority among the people around you, it is necessary, even in tense situations, to be able to quickly calm down and come to your senses. A few tips below can be a real first aid in the fight for a sound mind and good health.

Deep breath
Breathing is one of the most basic human reflexes, which a person uses from the first seconds of life. Breathing affects all vital processes, so with proper management you can positively influence your health, while significantly reducing the possibility of prolonged stress.

If you feel that your nervous tension is gradually increasing, try to find a quiet corner and sit there in silence while doing the following breathing exercises. Take a deep breath through your nose (slowly, you can even count to 4), then exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat these exercises at least 5 times. During stressful situations, a person’s breathing quickens and less and less oxygen is supplied. By giving the body a large flow of oxygen, the cells are saturated with this useful substance and begin to work in the same “pre-stress” mode. Try to inhale in such a way that your lungs press not only on the diaphragm, but also on your stomach. If at first you don’t succeed, don’t stop; before you know it, you will calm down and look at the problem with common sense.

During times of stress, all muscles are toned, they become constrained and clamped. Most often these are the shoulders, jaws, facial muscles, and hands. During times of stress, there is no opportunity to look at oneself - it is unlikely that a person will notice any changes in their appearance; for them it will be within the normal range. However, by paying attention to your image, you can distance yourself from troubles. Try to relax your facial muscles, pull your chest forward, roll your shoulders, move your jaw, and massage your neck yourself. All these exercises do not take much time, but they will put you in a positive mood. It is advisable to perform gymnastics immediately after breathing exercises.

This method is not always possible, but it brings huge positive results. If you're stressed or don't know how to calm yourself, find a quiet place and cry. Don't pay attention to how you look - you are alone and no one is looking at you. Such unloading will help wash away not only the tension, but also relieve you. You will be able to adequately assess the situation, calming down from crying, you will also calm your nerves. Advice! Never hold back your tears if you really want to cry! So you only strain yourself more and go deeper into a stressful state.

Soft toy
A stuffed toy, small pillow, bean bag, or any other soft object can be a great stress receptacle. Take them, beat them, throw out your emotions, imagine in the place of this object the boss or another person who offended you, and speak out. Just remember to do this where no one can hear or see you, otherwise the problematic situation will only get worse.

Screaming is a defense mechanism that is widely used by children. During screaming, all negative energy is released - the cause of stress, the person again becomes calm and reasonable. Of course, over the years this technique is used less and less, which is probably why stress arises more and more often. If you are worried about nervous tension, try opening the window and screaming loudly, scream in the bathroom with the water running, or best of all, in nature. Psychologists advise using one very effective method - hug a tree and scream at the top of your lungs. This is not a sign of stupidity - this is how you help your body get rid of stress faster.

If you want to rid yourself of an unpleasant stressful condition for a long time, follow the following tips.

  1. Sport. According to statistics, athletes are the most stress-resistant people. Sport is a struggle - a struggle against bad mood, physical helplessness. Daily exercise strengthens not only the body, but also the spirit, preparing the body to withstand any challenge.
  2. Massage is a well-known method of dealing with stress. It has been used since ancient times and has not lost any of its popularity. A relaxing or strengthening massage has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Due to muscle relaxation, psychological relaxation also occurs, the person begins to rethink the situation and the reason for stress disappears on its own.
  3. Water is an excellent relaxant for the whole body. After a hard day at work, enjoy the freshness of cool water in the shower. It’s great if you vacation at sea every year, swim in a river or pond. Water takes away all negative emotions, all those muscles that are used while walking relax, and a completely different set of muscles begins to work. If you cannot swim in the sea, visit the pool or just sit in the bathroom for 1-2 hours - this will help you forget about any problems.
  4. Take a break. It doesn't matter how, just stop thinking about your problems. Turn on your favorite calming music, put on a movie you haven’t watched for a long time, knit, embroider - spend time not on your daily chores, but on your hobby. This will help focus attention not on problems, but on what you love.
  5. Another most effective method of dealing with stress is sex with your loved one. It is from this activity that a large number of happiness hormones are released, which will destroy all your problems.

Ways to prevent stress

To rid your life of stressful situations, try to live every day the way you want. Enjoy positive moments in life, train yourself to value positive emotions above negative ones. But life is not only a white streak. Even if any problems happen, do not delve into them, try to think about other, more pleasant things.

Man himself is the creator of his own happiness. Very often we become so accustomed to stress that we can no longer live without it. Knowing that this is bad, we ourselves subconsciously go deeper into stressful situations. Don't pollute your life with negativity! Have more fun, smile, be calm and happy!

Video: how to calm your nerves, relieve stress and nervous tension

Nervous tension often serves as a starting point, a kind of magnet to which all negativity sticks, resulting in depression and even internal illness. The reasons for it can be very diverse. You don’t have time to do all your tasks, or you have too many of them, your boss is rude to you, or there is a colleague nearby who greatly annoys you. Or maybe you’re doing great, coping with everything, and everything seems to be fine at work, but you’re just very tired.

You start to get nervous, new unpleasant or simply unforeseen events add to the fire, even a trifle that you might not have noticed before can work like a detonator in a new situation. The consequences can be dire, especially for you.

It all started with nervous tension, which you did not manage to cope with in time.

How to relieve nervous tension

If your emotions require release right now, and you have the opportunity to be alone with yourself, don’t be shy, let off some steam. Scream at the top of your lungs, throw something heavy, even break it, hit the table (just don’t hit your hand). In general, do whatever you want, as long as it brings you relief. Don't push your anger inside yourself.

If you are a calm person by nature, and screaming and breaking dishes is not your method, try breathing exercises. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale sharply, only inhale while inflating your stomach, not your chest. After exhaling forcefully, hold your breath as long as possible and only then inhale. Do this 3 times, each time increasing the time you hold your breath. This type of breathing helps you relax and quickly relieve nervous tension.

Good results come from a short physical exercise break. Sit on a chair and grab the seat. Pull it up firmly and maintain tension for 5-7 counts.

Join your hands in a lock, place them behind your head and press them on your neck, resisting this movement with your body.

Sitting on the edge of a chair, lower your arms freely and raise your head up. Sit like this for 10 seconds. Then inhale and exhale as you bend towards your knees. Inhale again, and as you exhale, slowly straighten up.

In general, physical activity is a very good method for relieve nervous tension. If you have a busy work day and always feel emotionally tired at the end of it, join a gym or get into the habit of walking briskly home.

Great relieves nervous tension water. This could be anything - watching fish in an aquarium, going out with friends, or regularly visiting the pool. The last option is especially good - both physical activity and “communication” with water at the same time.

If your condition is caused by work, try to eliminate the factors that make you stressed. Make to-do lists and plans for the day. Put the most important things on your lists, without trying to do everything right now. Instruct your colleagues to do something; if this is not possible, schedule some of it for another day.

Don't take everything on yourself, look for help. This is not a shame at all - if you are physically unable to cope with such a volume of work, attempts will only worsen the situation - in a state of constant stress and fatigue, you will soon not be able to cope even with the usual amount of work.

After suffering stress, you definitely need to have a good rest. Sleep is the best remedy relieve nervous tension. In order to relax and fall asleep, take a hot bath, drink herbal tea with honey, light herbal sedatives (valerian, motherwort). Maybe listening to a soothing tune or watching your favorite comedy will help.

Great relieve nervous tension various entertainments and pleasures. Go to the store, to a cafe with friends, visit an exhibition, yes, just get out of the house “in public.” Chat, cheer yourself up. This method is especially good if you use it regularly, regardless of your condition. Even if everything is fine with you, practice such exits at least once every two weeks for prevention.

Good way relieve nervous tension– meditation. If you are familiar with this practice, great, “fly to nirvana” at the first sign of irritation. If you don’t know how to do anything like that, it doesn’t matter either. Just lie down in a quiet room, relax, close your eyes and imagine something pleasant: the sea, the sun or a big mountain of money and how you climb it - in general, anything that can give you a few pleasant minutes.

If you are constantly stressed, literally force yourself to eat. It is clear that in such a state there is no time to eat. And yet this is absolutely necessary: ​​without getting enough of the necessary substances, your stress increases, and thus, for its part, feeds your stress even more.

And the process of eating itself - pleasant smells and tasty dishes - is quite capable relieve nervous tension. Just remember that this is done purely for therapeutic purposes, do not get used to enjoying only the absorption of food, otherwise you will harm your figure.

Another quite effective way that will help relieve nervous tension– . The pleasure hormones that are released in the process have a positive effect on the entire nervous system, relaxing spasms and muscle tension, which inevitably occur with prolonged nervous tension. This method is almost universal and has no side effects. So, if you have the opportunity, be sure to take it.

And, of course, each person has his own special method in order to relieve nervous tension. This could be a trip to a specific place, or some kind of ritual, communication with your favorite parrot, or reading Mandelstam’s poems aloud. Don't hesitate, do this at the first sign of nervous tension. And, of course, if you feel that the situation has gone too far and you can’t cope with it, be sure to go to the doctor.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

Nervous tension is one of the symptoms characteristic of every third inhabitant of our planet. What is commonly called nervous exhaustion is caused by a lot of factors that affect us every day. The human nervous system is characterized by high plasticity; it adapts to any stressful and unusual situations, but its capabilities are still not limited. Any strong emotions cause a reaction in the body - stress. If the emotions are positive, a person experiences happiness; if they are negative, neurosis and neuro-emotional tension occur. If nervous tension and symptoms are identified in a timely manner, the treatment can be very short-lived, and the person will quickly return to normal life, emotional balance and harmony with the entire world around him.

Causes of nervous tension in everyday life

Very often, it is not just one factor that leads to nervous-emotional stress, but a combination of them. Constant fatigue during the working day against the backdrop of a stressful situation in your personal life will quickly lead to neurosis, and a loss of appetite in this regard will also cause weakness and malaise. So, the main causes of nervous tension are:

Negative impressions and emotions that occur regularly and gradually accumulate in the subconscious (resentment, anger, pride, envy);

Fears that arise on a subconscious level - the inability to control them leads to severe anxiety;

Unfulfilled plans, dreams, desires, psychological obstacles - there is something that, on a subconscious level, does not allow a person to become himself (“I have no right to rest,” “I have no right to be happy,” “I will never succeed.” " etc.). Such psychological attitudes can remain from childhood, instilled by peers or parents, or they can appear in adulthood;

Failures in your personal life, stressful situations and constant worries; conflicts;

Dissatisfaction with the work environment and profession, a feeling of unfulfillment of oneself;

Lack of physical activity and regular rest;

The inability to throw out constantly accumulating experiences.

People in certain professions are most susceptible to the occurrence of nervous tension - those associated with frequent conflicts, high workload and nervous experiences and responsibility (for example, drivers, managers, doctors, teachers). The law even provides these people with additional annual leave time.

Symptoms of nervous tension

The main signs of nervous tension are:

Passivity, lack of energy and interest in what is happening around;

Stiffness and feeling of awkwardness;

Disturbance of restful sleep, and often its absence altogether;


Reluctance to contact others.

These symptoms can be used to recognize stress, depression, etc. As a rule, nervous tension also manifests itself in muscle tone: trembling of the hands, chin, and the whole body may be observed. What to do if you have discovered similar symptoms and your mental and emotional state leaves much to be desired?

Correcting nervous tension - treatment in simple ways

Walk. Walking is very beneficial for the body and improves the functioning of all organ systems. It’s better to move at different paces, slowing down and speeding up, while you need to distract yourself from problems and switch your attention to good memories or just the environment, nature, people, etc. Thanks to such walks, brain function is activated, blood circulation improves, and the nervous system calms down.

Let off some steam. To do this, break something, scream at the top of your voice, beat a pillow. Allow the emotions to come out of you rather than build up inside.

Relax. It's a good way to relax. You need to sit comfortably, close your eyes, distract yourself from problems, visualize something pleasant, for example, the place where you dream of being. You need to breathe slowly and evenly.

Try a massage with aromatic oils. Let someone close to you give you a relaxing massage, this will relieve muscle tension and relax the body. You can use an essential oil with your favorite scent and play soothing music. A foot massage is very soothing.

Sleep and rest as normal. Since nervous tension is often associated with fatigue and excessive workload, the body simply needs to be given rest so that it can restore all its functions. Allow yourself to take a break from the whole world on your day off, get some sleep, and pay attention to your favorite activities and sports. Taking care of house plants, replanting them, as well as embroidery and knitting helps to take your mind off problems.

Treating Nervous Tension with Herbs

Some effective remedies for relieving nervous tension are mint, lemon balm, and motherwort. Hawthorn normalizes blood circulation, which is necessary to calm the nervous system. Restores the function of the central nervous system and motherwort.

With the help of valerian you can calm the nerve centers; it suppresses the activity of the nervous system. But it must be consumed within reasonable limits, otherwise unpleasant consequences may occur in the form of dizziness, disturbing dreams and stomach pain.

A healthy decoction can be prepared from medicinal herbs according to the following recipe: boil 400 ml of water, remove from heat, add one teaspoon each of valerian, catnip and skullcap. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Take small sips throughout the day.

Remember, nervous tension is a dangerous condition for the body and cannot be ignored. This is the first step to serious depression. Any treatment will give a weak and only temporary effect if the underlying cause of nervous tension is not eliminated. Bring more positivity into your life, smile and don’t get hung up on situations and people that are unpleasant for you. Remember, you live for yourself, not for others, and your life should bring joy.