Cain the fury of the sun. World of Warcraft: Class Halls Overview

Although Altruis supported his mentor for a long time, he eventually decided that Illidan had become too distracted and obsessed with other problems instead of destroying demons. Altruis left the ranks of the Illidari and set out on a journey through Outland, dealing with demons with his own powers. His faithful companion was the Void dragon named Nethrandamus.

As long as transporters were available to the demons, raids on the camps would have no effect. Altruis began searching for a way to destroy the Legion's buildings, and while he was developing a plan, the hero was asked to distract enemy engineers and repairmen to slow down progress. However, it soon became clear that the fel iron from which the transporters were created was not so easy to destroy.

Altruis knew that all Legion camps were built according to a single plan, approved by the master planner. This planner usually carried a lot of drawings with him. The demon hunter asked the hero to get these drawings, which would allow him to turn to one of the Sufferer’s acquaintances for help.

This acquaintance was a mo'arg named Salsalabim, who had once served the Legion. Now he was in the Lower City of Shattrath and, remaining in a bar, tried to drown his sorrows in a glass. The hero, sent by Altruis along with the drawings, forcibly persuaded Salsalabim to cooperate. Mo'arg, after checking the drawings, suggested deploying the Fel cannons and firing them at the camp buildings. To turn the cannon, a key was required, which was kept by the guards.

The Demon Hunter liked the idea of ​​the camps being destroyed by the Legion's own weapons. He sent the same hero on a mission: to find guards in both camps, take away the keys and use them to activate the guns. So, the “Hate” and “Fear” camps were destroyed, which made it possible to contain the onslaught of the Legion in Nagrand.

Karabor training grounds

The Burning Crusade to World of Warcraft.

When the Aldor and Seer forces began preparing for the invasion of the Black Temple, the first target was the Karabor training ground, where new demon hunters were being trained. Both factions knew rumors of a free hunter who remained in Nagrand. Altruis hated demons with all his soul and might have agreed to give the necessary information to the hero sent by the Aldor and the Seers. However, Altruis stated that he would not reveal anything until he received proof that the hero was fighting against the same enemies as him.

He invited the hero to deal with a demon named Xeletus, who was loyal only to himself and escaped from the ranks of the Legion. The primitive swamp creatures of Zangarmarsh revered Xeletus as a deity. When Draenor nearly died, the demon fell asleep under the waters of the Lake of Swampwisps. It could be awakened by stabbing a strong silver spear near the portal by the lake. When the hero summoned Xeletus, he mentioned that he still had a scar from the spear on his body. Altruis told the hero, who returned victorious, that he himself had once fought with this demon.

The Sufferer demanded that the hero confirm that he was not an ally of Illidan. Although Altruis still respected him and was grateful for his development as a demon hunter, Illidan had changed - his soul consumed by a lust for power and his mind darkened by defeat. The Mentor became the one Altruis swore to destroy, and the Illidari were no less an abomination than the demons of the Burning Legion. On the instructions of the Sufferer, the hero went to the Illidari Outpost in Shadowmoon Valley and killed Lieutenant Lotros.

Of course, Altruis’s main enemy remained the Legion, which continually seduces the souls of mortals. The hero needed to prove that he was not on the side of the demons. Altruis asked to destroy a demoness named Satal, who at one time eluded him due to her incorporeality. The hero arrived at the Gehenna forge base, where the sinister priestesses worshiped Satal. The shed blood of one of the priestesses forced Satal to take on a material form for the sake of retribution, and the hero managed to deal with her at that moment. Altruis admitted that the hero's soul was not corrupted by the Legion.


Finally, Altruis told the story of the one who was in charge at the Karabor training ground - Varedis. This blood elf was one of the first of his people to be given the opportunity to become demon hunters by Illidan. At first there were five blood elves, and they had to go through incredibly difficult trials. Three candidates died, another went mad. Only Varedis remained, who not only survived the tests, but also demonstrated unprecedented control over his newfound power.

Illidan saw great potential in Varedis and forced three of his best students to train him. In just a year, Varedis surpassed all three and realized that his mentors could no longer teach him anything more. He made his way into the ranks of the Shadow Council and learned about an artifact called the Book of Fel Names. He read the book and carefully memorized all the information that was indicated in it. Knowing a demon's true name was believed to grant some control over the bearer of the name, and the Book of Fel Names contained the names of every demon that had ever existed. Having memorized the names, Varedis gained access to an energy source comparable to the skull of Gul'dan, which Illidan used. When Varedis finally returned to the Black Temple, Illidan ordered him to train new demon hunters. Three of Varedis' former mentors helped him complete this task.

The hero expressed a desire to stop Varedis and his followers, but Altruis cooled his ardor - to fight Varedis, it was necessary to find the very artifact that endowed him with power. It was rumored that the owner of the Book of Fel Names was a warlock named Blackheart Instigator, who took refuge in the Dark Labyrinth in Auchindoun. The hero was able to obtain the artifact and delivered it to Altruis. The demon hunter shuddered, feeling the power of the book from afar. He was almost tempted by the desire to preserve this unprecedented power, but was able to restrain himself. The sufferer told the hero that the book must be destroyed at the moment when Varedis uses his transformation so that he loses his powers.


The source of information in this section is the supplement Legion to World of Warcraft.

Despite Altruis' help, after Illidan's fall, he was captured by the Guardians along with the rest of the demon hunters. He found himself in the Vault of the Guardians, where he slept for several years until a new invasion of the Burning Legion began. Maiev Shadowsong awakened Altruis and the other Illidari to grant them freedom in exchange for help in destroying the demons.

Although Altruis was reunited with his brethren, he still considered Illidan's actions to be wrong. After his release, he met with Kayn Sunfury - one of Illidan's most trusted assistants, who considered Altruis a traitor, because of whom many demon hunters died. Kayn refused to forgive Altruis, and Altruis refused to repent of his actions. The new Illidari leader, chosen in Illidan's absence, had to choose one of them as his closest lieutenant.

Official Blizzard quote ()

Let's journey through Mardum with the young demon hunter and discover what it means to be a warrior of Illidan. (Spoiler alert!)

Shattered Abyss

Mardum stretched out before me like a huge grinning mouth. Streams of Fel flow here freely, like rivers. They simultaneously attract and repel. I was not the only one who set off on a journey through these desert lands. There are others like me: followers of the Lord Illidan, who teaches us that to defeat the Burning Legion we must sacrifice... everything.

    Many eons ago, Sargeras created Mardum to hold captive demons here. He also created the Sargerite Key to isolate them from other worlds.

    But when the fallen titan decided to destroy all things with his flame, he split Mardum, scattering its fragments throughout the Twisting Nether. This is how the Burning Legion was born.

    Sargeras hid his key in this part of Mardum. This is a kind of master key that opens the way to any of the worlds of the Legion. With the help of the key, Lord Illidan plans to destroy the Legion.

We have two tasks: destroy the demons in their own stronghold and find the Sargerite Key.

Path through Mardum

Walking across this land tormented by Fel, I kill all the demons that catch my eye. I know I was born for this. I'm trying to be careful to save energy and avoid getting seriously injured, but I'm not sure if that's necessary. I absorb the souls of demons - they support me and give me the strength to kill again and again. As Lord Illidan says, we turn the power of demons against themselves.

By opening the gates of the Legion, we will be able to call upon Ashtongues, nagas and shivarra to help us. Each gate requires a sacrifice - this is the payment for victory in our war.

The first to arrive was the warlord Gaardun and brought with him the gift of Illidan - the Fel Saber, a powerful beast that is able to survive in this hostile world. It will serve me well in battle.

Everything here is imbued with the energy of Fel. Damage is everywhere.

Obstacle on the way

Some Illidari were captured by the Legion. To continue the offensive, we will need all our fighters. I need to act quickly: get the keys from the jailers and free my brothers, and then they will join our ranks again.

On the Blazing Shore, Jace Darkweaver asks me to track the Legion's leaders. Doomguard Commander Beliash and Brood Queen Tyranna have conspired to prevent our advance into the volcano where the key is kept.


Lady S'theno of the Ring Serpent clan reported that the situation in the Black Temple is becoming tense. We must find the Sargerite Key as quickly as possible in order to come to their aid in time.

Run, demon hunter!

At our stronghold, we decide whether to storm the fortress of the spider demons, where the Queen of the Pack, Tyranna, is hiding.

Legion Destroyers begin their bombardment, and Jace's totems of protection are threatened. It's time to take out the exterminators.

Our fighters act very quickly, and soon the exterminators are overwhelmed by the destructive force turned against them. I made a mistake and got too close to the first enemy, but quickly learned my lesson and stayed away from the next one.

From time to time I meet brothers who have fallen into the nets of hellish crawlers. They are everywhere. I free the Illidari - it doesn't take much time - and they again enter into a battle that seems to never end.

Enlightenment through desecration

The Mother of Imps, who is said to possess a tome of the secrets of Fel, has settled in the Unclean Refuge. If we can get it, we will have even greater power at our disposal, which will help us in the fight against the hordes of demons. Defeating the mother of demons will not be easy, but the same can be said about every demon. When we take the tome, it will weaken her somewhat.

The queen of the pack, Tyranna, did not like the fact that I stole the secrets of the Legion. Her cries make it clear how desperate she is. Meanwhile, our troops are approaching the place where the key is kept.

In an Illidari stronghold, I read the tome and learn even more about the power I can tap into - as can all who follow the path of the Illidari. Or should I say “one of the possible paths”... Two paths lie before me: one of them is the path of extermination, which I have followed since the very beginning of my journey through Mardum. If I continue to follow it, the secrets of metamorphosis and demonic presence will be revealed to me. The other path is the path of vengeance, which will also help me understand metamorphosis, as well as the “Fellow Blood” ability. In addition, my piercing gaze will become more “sharp”... I will have demonic thorns at my disposal.

I chose the path of extermination, but if I wish, I can master the wisdom of the path of vengeance later. Not everyone can cope with Fel, so we share with each other the experience of coming into contact with it - this is a cup of bittersweet wine of personal experiences.

Spreading your wings

I'm ready to spread my wings - or let the felbat do it, on which I will go to fight the Queen of the Pack Tyranna.

Tyranna has a couple of tricks up her sleeve, but the Illidari are just as good as her in this art. I will unleash my new power that I stole from the demons I met along the way to this damned place. Once she is defeated, we will take the Sargerite Key.

Having obtained the key, we can open a portal to the Black Temple, but here things take an unexpected tragic turn...

Years later

Everything did not go as we expected: we fell into the hands of the guardian Maiev Shadowsong and languished in her dungeons for years. But now, at a time when the fate of Azeroth is being decided, she has asked for our help in the fight against the Burning Legion.

Together with Altruis and Kayn, we were freed from prison and are now breaking through the levels of the Vaults of the Guardians, freeing other Illidari. It's one thing to fight alongside your brothers, but to be on the same side as the guards after being imprisoned for so long is unusual, to say the least...

Tomb of the Penitent

Gul'dan found his way to where the guards kept Illidan's body. Now Illidan - even if dead - is in the hands of the Legion, and this does not bode well for us.

Maiev opens the entrance to the tomb, and to our great surprise, together with Gul'dan, we find the traitor Cordana Felsong there. They run away from us, and we have to fight two of their minions. Maiev told us that we must survive, find a way to freedom and find the Archmage Khadgar. That was the last we heard from her.

Having defeated Gul'dan's minions, we make our way to the lift and meet other Illidari fighting demons. Kain and Altruis went far ahead, but Jace Darkweaver had a felbat with him, and we continued our journey together.

Alarm in the demon block

It was not only the Illidari who were held captive here. There were other prisoners who posed a serious danger to us. We needed to contain them somehow. Here we go through the Casemate of Ice, the Casemate of Law and the Casemate of Mirrors to again imprison the creatures that have escaped into freedom. To get out of here, we need to get to the Hall of Justice.


Altruis and Kayn don't get along with each other, so I have to make a choice about who I'm with. The Source of Justice will help clear my mind - in its depths I will find the answer.

I made a decision, and now I have to fight Bastillax, take his power and finally gain freedom.

We find Bastillax in the Halls of Night, surrounded by a horde of demons - and fulfill our duty as Illidari by breaking through to him.

He turns the very shadow against us, but we stand to the end. Victory is ours! Bastillax's power goes to me. All that was left was to break free.

There, in the wild, the Archmage Khadgar is already waiting for us. It seems he knew we were coming. Khadgar asks for our help in saving Azeroth. Of course we will help. We sacrificed everything for this. This is our mission.

Azeroth awaits, and with it, freedom. We're going to Stormwind. I am marching toward my goal, and the Burning Legion will be defeated. I hope they'll be ready.

You may have noticed that there is now some confusion in the forces of the Alliance and the Horde - disorder in the ranks of the leadership. In World of Warcraft: Legion, you will have to take responsibility and find a way to unite your people against the demons that threaten all life on Azeroth. To save the world from destruction, you will go to the Broken Isles. Here you have to team up with other representatives of your class (regardless of their faction) and oppose the Burning Legion.

Every class needs a home: a safe haven where heroes can find support, and a military meeting room where battle plans can be drawn up. In the Legion expansion, this home will become your stronghold - a stronghold unique to each class, where, together with you, the heroes of the world of Warcraft will try to repel the armies of the Burning Legion that have invaded the Broken Isles.

Death Knights: Acherus

Acherus, also known as the Black Fortress, was once a necropolis of the Scourge. Now every death knight will find in it what he needs: a forge, a runeforge and a Crucible of Souls.

Where is: soars over the Broken Shore
How to get there: using the Death Gate
Notable Death Knights: Lord Thorval, Commander of the Dreadlords Talanor, Banshee Xioxy

Demon Hunters: Fel Hammer

Demon Hunters will immediately recognize the Fel Hammer ship because they have already visited it during the game's introductory portion of Mardum.

Where is: Mardum
How to get there: using teleportation
Famous Demon Hunters: Allari the Souleater, Altruis the Sufferer, Kain Sunfury

Druids: Grove of Dreams

Opposite the Black Rook Fortress lies a dense forest where the Grove of Dreams is hidden. Here the Druids discover the Emerald Path of Dreams, with the help of which they are able to move between various areas of interest to them.

Where is: Val'sharah
How to get there: After opening a class stronghold, use the Dreamwalker ability to teleport to the Grove of Dreams
Famous Druids: Guardian Remulus, Lunara, Malfurion Stormrage

Hunters: Strelka's Shelter

A network of air trails opens from Strelka's Shelter, which can only be used by hunters. Here you will join wanderers, rangers and dark rangers so that together you can overcome extremely difficult challenges. Only hunters who have completed survival school and have deep knowledge of wild nature can count on success.

Where is: Highmountain
How to get there: after opening the class stronghold, summon an eagle who will take you to Strelka's Shelter
Famous Hunters: Heming Earnestway, Vereesa Windrunner, Rexxar

Mages: Bulwark of the Guardian

The Keep of the Guardian is a tower in which magicians of all stripes have gathered together to revive the Order of the Guardians of Tirisfal in a difficult time for Azeroth.

Where is: Dalaran
How to get there: using teleportation
Known inhabitants: Edria, High Sorcerer Andromath, Meryl Felstorm, Marud

Monks: Hall of Seasons

The Hall of Seasons, home to the Temple of Five Dawns and Mandori Village, serves as a haven for monks of all races.

Where is: Wandering Island
How to get there: with the help of "Spiritual Journey"
Famous monks: Chen Stormstout, Ji Firepaw, Li Li Stormstout, Aisa Cloudsinger

Paladins: Abode of Light

The Abode of Light is the place where the Order of the Knights of the Silver Hand was revived, uniting the servants of the sun, the Hand of Argus, the knights of the blood and many others.

Where is: under Light's Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands
How to get there: by flying to Light's Hope Chapel or using a special paladin ability that allows you to teleport to the Abode of Light
Known paladins: Edric the Pure, Lord Maxwell Tyrosus, Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker

Priests: Netherlight Temple

Many priests have gathered in the Temple of Netherlight, including high priests, priestesses of Elune and dark priests.

Where is: Karabor
How to get there: using the Dalaran portal in your faction's quarter
Famous priests: Prophet Velen, High Priestess Ishan, Calia Menethil