Department of Electrochemistry, Moscow State University. Department of "Technical Electrochemistry"

The Angarsk State Technical Academy is a center for training specialists in the field of petrochemistry, chemical technology, energy, instrument engineering and construction for Angarsk and the East Siberian region as a whole. Created on the basis of a plant-technical college at the Angarsknefteorgsintez Production Association, the academy today is trying to maintain the priorities of training specialists, focused on the needs of the region.


The creation of the Department of Electrochemistry is due to the fact that the government of Belarus has currently set the task of creating large electrochemical production facilities capable of providing deep and high-tech processing of chloride-potassium ores and the production on this basis of a wide range of chemical products (chlorinated organic compounds, polymers and plastic products based on their basis, polycrystalline silicon, etc.). In this regard, there is a need for specialists who are able not only to ensure the development of modern electrochemical technologies, but also to solve complex problems of scientific support of the created production facilities.

Vitebsk State Technological University Department of "Machines and technologies of highly efficient processing processes"

Electrochemical processing methods are based on the laws of electrolysis, in particular, on the anodic dissolution of metals during electrolysis. If the workpiece being processed is placed in an electrolyte and an electric current is passed through it, then chemical reactions occur on the surface of the workpiece, which is included in this electrical circuit and is the anode. The surface layer of the metal turns into a chemical compound.

VYATSU Department of TEP

The Department of Electrochemical Production Technology (TEP) was created in 1969 mainly thanks to the efforts of the first head of the department, Ph.D. T.M. Ovchinnikova. From 1987 to the present, the department is headed by Ph.D., Professor Shishkina S.V. The staff of the TEP Department constantly carries out scientific research in the field of electrochemistry, the range of which is quite extensive.

All these years, teachers of the department have been actively involved in training engineering personnel for the domestic industry. Since 1970, the department has trained more than 10,000 chemical engineers and technologists, who form the basis of the engineering corps of enterprises in the Saratov region, and also work in other regions of the country. Today's life of the department is connected with active scientific, educational, educational and social activities.

Department of General Chemical Technology and Electrochemical Production

The Department of General Chemical Technology and Electrochemical Production was founded on July 5, 1970 and is part of the Faculty of Chemical Technology. From 2004 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Sergei Georgievich Koshel.

KNRTU department of TEP

Modern electrochemical technology is new composite materials, power sources for environmentally friendly cars of the future, computer technology, the latest medical instruments, metal copies of unique works of art in combination with physical methods: plasma spraying, laser hardening, ion implantation, electrochemical technology is the most modern technology in the chemical industry , electronic medical and instrumentation industries.

Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. R.E. Alekseeva Department of Technology of Electrochemical Production and Chemistry of Organic Substances (TEP and HOV)

A number of methods for the synthesis of organic substances developed by the staff of the department under the leadership of a full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Chemical Sciences I. V. Bodrikov have no analogues in world practice. In particular, a highly efficient waste-free technology for ethylene chlorination has been developed. The process was introduced at ZAO Siburneftekhim, Dzerzhinsk and is being implemented at a number of enterprises in Russia.

PENZA STATE UNIVERSITY department of "Mechanical Engineering Technology" (formerly "Chemical Engineering and Electrochemical Production" (KhMiEP))

Work in the field of automation of management activities and the development of computer-aided design of technological processes (CAD TP), carried out by employees of the department, is used in the work of the department and at industrial enterprises.

Russian Chemical Technology University named after. D. I. Mendeleeva Department of Technology of Electrochemical Processes

The Department of Technology of Electrochemical Processes is one of the oldest in the Russian Chemical Technical University named after. D. I. Mendeleev. In fact, the formation and development of this school is closely connected with the period of industrialization, when the tasks of combating ferrous corrosion and saving non-ferrous metals arose.

Moscow, st. Geroev Panfilovtsev 20, main building, floor 4.

Head of the department:
Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Agafonov Dmitry Valentinovich

Deputy Head of the Department for Academic Affairs:
Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Evreinova Natalya Vladimirovna

Local telephones: 2452, 2766

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
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The department is preparing


in the direction (18.03.01) "Chemical technology",

Academic disciplines

"Theoretical Electrochemistry"
"Corrosion and protection of metals"
"Electrochemical production technologies"
"Technological equipment for electrochemical production"
"PCB Technology"
"Technology of chemical current sources"
"Physico-chemical methods for studying the kinetics of metal release"
"Resource saving and environmental safety of electrochemical production"


in the direction (04/18/01) "Chemical technology",

module - "Technology of electrochemical production"

Academic disciplines

"Theoretical foundations of electrochemical technology"
"Electrochemical methods of corrosion protection"
"Chemical and immersion coatings for electronic equipment"
"Electrochemical energy"
"Current problems of electrochemical energy"
"Synthesis and properties of active materials of lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors"
"Innovative processes of functional electroplating"
"Theory and practice of composite electrochemical coatings"

The department trains highly qualified personnel

(18.06.01) "Chemical Technology" (researcher, teacher-researcher)

(02.00.05) "Electrochemistry" (PhD, Doctor of Science);

(05.17.03) " Technology of electrochemical processes and corrosion protection" (PhD. Doctor of Science)

Research work

In recent years, the department has been conducting research in the field of theory and technology of electrodeposition of metals and alloys with certain functional properties: electrodeposition of metals in the presence of a dispersed phase (ultradisperse diamonds, metal oxides and carbides, fluoroplastic), technology of coatings on aluminum, processes of applying precious metals to printed circuit boards , reed switches and for the purpose of restoration of products made of precious metals. Research is being conducted to study the physicochemical properties and corrosion resistance of galvanic coatings.

Work is being carried out in the field of traditional, water-activated and lithium current sources, as well as the development of new electrochemical systems. Work is underway on dimensional electrochemical processing of metals and alloys.

Leading Faculty and Staff

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Agafonov Dmitry Valentinovich
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Shoshina Irina Alekseevna
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Evreinova Natalya Vladimirovna
engineer, Ph.D. Alexandrova Galina Semyonovna

/ Scholar departments

Department website

About the department

The Department of Technical Electrochemistry was founded in 1930 at the Kharkov Institute of Chemical Technology, which in 1950 became part of the polytechnic, now the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. From 1933 to 1959 the department was headed by prof. A.M. Sysoev is a talented electrochemist scientist, a specialist in the problems of electroplating and electrochemistry of melts. From 1959 to 1982 the department was headed by prof. Andryushchenko F.K. – an outstanding scientist, organizer of electrochemical education and science, who made a significant contribution to the development of the department and KhPI as a whole. Over the years, he worked as vice-rector for administrative and scientific work, dean of the faculty of technology of inorganic substances, and trained a galaxy of highly qualified specialists. Under his leadership, the teaching and scientific staff of the department reached 45 employees, and the enrollment plan for students in the specialty “electrochemical production technology” increased from 25 to 100 people. Under the guidance of prof. Andryushchenko F.K., prof. Marchenko N.A., prof. Orekhova V.V., associate professor Popova M.G. and other teachers in 1975-80, fundamentally new curricula were developed, which included disciplines of the fundamental cycle, the use of computer technology in electrochemistry and modeling. Under the scientific guidance of prof. Andryushchenko F.K. was the developed technology for the production of negative mass iron-nickel alkaline batteries, introduced at battery factories in the USSR. Prof. Andryushchenko F.K., prof. Marchenko N.A., prof. Orekhova V.V. and Assoc. Yakimenko G.Ya. led important projects on the development of new polyligand electrolytes for electroplating, prof. Bayrachny B.I., associate professor Lyashok L.V., associate professor Gomozov V.P., associate professor Yaroshok T.P. took part in the development of technological processes for the manufacture of chemical current sources and oxide semiconductor capacitors. In 1983, the department was headed by prof. Bayrachny B.I. In 1983-90, the staff of the Department of Technical Electrochemistry increased to 55 employees, among whom were 12 teachers (3 prof., Doctor of Technical Sciences and 9 associate professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences). Teachers and researchers of the department, headed by prof. Bayrachny B.I., prof. Orekhova V.V., prof. Gorbachev A.K., prof. Sakhnenko N.D., prof. Yakimenko G.Ya. substantiated and developed the latest progressive technological processes and electrolytes in electroplating, production of modern current sources and semiconductor oxide capacitors, anti-corrosion protection of metals. During this period, 4 textbooks, 3 monographs were published, a large number of articles were published, and many patents were received. For the last 15 years, the educational and scientific activities of the department have been aimed at training specialists in electrochemistry and performing research work for the development of the industrial complex of Ukraine. Currently, the department consists of 3 professors, Doctor of Technical Sciences, 6 associate professors, Candidate of Technical Sciences, 3 researchers, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Doctoral studies, postgraduate studies, and a specialized council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations function fruitfully. In 2001-2005, teachers of the department prof. Gorbachov A.K., Prof. Bayrachny B.I., prof. Yakimenko G.Ya., Artemenko V.M. 3 parts of the textbook “Technical Electrochemistry” were published, edited by prof. Bayrachny B.I., textbook N.D. Sakhnenko, M.V. After all, T.P. Yaroshok “Fundamentals of the theory of corrosion and protection of metals.” Over the past 20-30 years of successful activity, the department has trained almost 2000 specialists, 5 doctors and 40 candidates of technical sciences. Training of engineering personnel is carried out in accordance with the 4th level of accreditation according to 2-step curricula. More than 30% of theses are carried out on the scientific topics of the department.

Scientific directions

The department's staff works in the following areas: Electrochemical ecology Hydroelectrometallurgy Electroplating Anodic processing of metals Electrochemical synthesis Chemical current sources Corrosion monitoring and protection of metals from corrosion Electrolysis of melts Electrolysis in biotechnology

Graduating specialties and specializations

  • Technical electrochemistry
  • Chemical technology of rare, trace elements and materials based on them

Department of Electrochemical Production Technology founded in 1923 as the Department of Technical Electrochemistry, the department was headed from 1923 to 1944 by Professor I.G. Shcherbakov. In 1938, the Department of Theoretical Electrochemistry was organized under the leadership of Professor O.A. Esin. (1938-1944). In 1944, the departments of technical and theoretical electrochemistry were merged into one department “Technology of Electrochemical Production” under the leadership of Professor A.I. Levin (1944-1978). Then the department was headed by: Professor Pomosov A.V. (1978-1988), professor Rudoy V.M. (1988-1998), professor Samoilenko V.N. (1998-2000), since 2000 the department has been headed by Professor Yu.P. Zaikov.

In 2017, the Department of Electrochemical Production Technology included Department of Technology of Inorganic Substances , which was first organized in 1921 on the basis of the first graduating department of the Faculty of Chemistry “Chemical Technology”. In subsequent years, the TNV department was headed by such prominent scientists as A.E. Makovetsky. (1923-1929), Shabalin K.N. (1929-1937), Kuzminykh I.N. (1937-1943), Vilnyansky Y.E. (1934-1973), later Chukhlantsev V.G. (1973-1978), Foreman V.N. (1978-2001), Trifonov K.I. (1997-1999) Katyshev S.F. (2001-2017).

Currently, the department trains bachelors in two profiles: “Technology of Electrochemical Production” and “Technology of Inorganic Substances” within the direction of “Chemical Technology”.

The department trains undergraduates in 2 programs “Electrochemical synthesis of materials and corrosion protection” (trajectories “Electrochemical processes and production”, “Hydrogen and electrochemical energy”, “Technology of chemical and electrochemical protection of materials”, “Electrochemical materials science”) and “Chemical technology” materials of electronics, sensor analytics and inorganic substances" (trajectories "Chemical technology of inorganic substances and chemical reagents").

The result of the interaction of the department with the enterprises of OJSC Gazprom was the opening of a new form of training for specialists - an applied bachelor's degree.

In 2008, the educational program “Technology of Electrochemical Production” passed the procedure of public and professional accreditation by the Association of Engineering Education of Russia.

The TEHP specialty is the first in the Ural region to be awarded the European quality mark EUR-ACE®. The level of training of specialists in the technical and technical engineering specialty complies with the requirements of the European Association of Engineering Education ENAEE.

Graduates of the department are in demand in various fields of industry:

Electroplating (electroplating and galvanoplasty), production of printed circuit boards

Electrorefining and electroextraction of metals from aqueous solutions and melts

Production of chemical power sources

Protection of metals and various metal structures from corrosion

Electrolysis of water and electrosynthesis of inorganic and organic substances

Electrochemical treatment of wastewater and other solutions

Electrical engineering, micro- and nanoelectronics

Nuclear technology

Processing of industrial waste and technogenic mineral raw materials.

Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in graduate school in the following areas:

04.06.01 – chemical sciences;

06/18/01 – chemical technology

More than 40 graduates of the Department of TECP became Doctors of Science and 170 became Candidates of Science. Among the graduates of the TNV department are 3 doctors of science and more than 50 candidates of science.