For the anniversary of Professor Vasily Babenko. participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

B Abenko Vasily Sergeevich - radio operator of the communications company of the 102nd Guards Rifle Regiment (35th Guards Rifle Division, 8th Guards Army, 1st Belorussian Front) guard sergeant.

Born on January 21, 1924 in the village of Zhuravlevka, now Bulandinsky district, Akmola region of Kazakhstan, in a peasant family. Russian. As a child, he moved with his parents to the village of Talgar near the city of Almaty. Here he graduated from 7 classes and worked on a collective farm.

In 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army. In the training regiment he received a specialty as a signalman. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from January 1943. He fought in the 102nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 35th Guards Rifle Division.

On August 1, 1944, during the crossing of the Vistula River near the city of Magnushev (Poland), the Guard, junior sergeant Babenko, under fire and during repeated enemy counterattacks, ensured reliable radio communication between the regiment commander and the battalions. He Nina kept pace with the battalion commander, moving after him to the most dangerous areas of the battle. Already at the bridgehead, in a battle near the village of Tarnovsko (5 km northeast of the city of Magnushev), a partner was wounded and Babenko, left alone at the radio, continued to ensure uninterrupted communication.

By order of September 10, 1944, junior sergeant Vasily Sergeevich Babenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree (No. 234228) for ensuring reliable communications, courage and courage in battle.

On January 19, 1945, during the offensive battles for the city of Lodz (Poland), Guard Junior Sergeant Babenko, when the telephone line went out of order, used the radio to ensure uninterrupted communication between the regiment commander and his units. Ensured the successful repulsion of enemy counterattacks and accurate artillery fire.

By order of February 7, 1945, junior sergeant Vasily Sergeevich Babenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree (No. 11384) for ensuring reliable communications, courage and courage in battle.

During the Berlin operation, courage and high skill were again required from the radio operator. During the entire offensive from April 16 to April 26, Guard Sergeant Babenko did not allow the regiment commander to stop communicating with his units for even a minute. In the battles in the suburbs of Berlin on April 21, being on the front line, he successfully adjusted artillery fire by radio. Taking part in street battles in Berlin, he destroyed 7 Nazis with fire from personal weapons.

U On May 15, 1946, by the Kazakh Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the sergeant was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree (No. 2614), for exceptional courage, bravery and fearlessness shown in battles with the Nazi invaders. Became a full holder of the Order of Glory.

In 1947, Sergeant Major Babenko was demobilized. Returned to his homeland. He lived in the city of Talkan, worked as an accountant at the Alma-Ata collective farm. Died on December 27, 1988.

Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, Glory, 3rd degree, and medals.

Prepared biography

Professor Vasily Babenko, whose name is well known in Bashkortostan and beyond, is celebrating his 65th birthday. He became widely known as one of the organizers of the creation of the Republican National-Cultural Center of Ukrainians of Bashkortostan “Kobzar” and the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia.

Vasily Yakovlevich Babenko was born on June 20, 1950 in the village of Verkhniy Kulchum, Ermekeevsky district, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. His ancestors are Ukrainian peasants who moved from the Chernihiv region to Bashkiria in the second half of the 19th century. He grew up and was brought up in a multinational environment. Since childhood, he knew the Ukrainian language well and learned to communicate in the Tatar and Bashkir languages. In 1977, Vasily Babenko graduated from the history department of the Bashkir State University.

Since 1978, Vasily Yakovlevich has been studying the history and culture of Ukrainian settlers in Bashkiria. Postgraduate studies and work within the scientific school of Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Rail Kuzeev, played a decisive role in his development as an ethnographer.

Since 1982, Vasily Babenko worked as an assistant at the Department of History of the USSR at the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute (now BSPU named after M. Akmulla). In 1985, he began working as a researcher at the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Bashkir Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1989 - consultant to the chairman of the executive committee of the Ufa City Council, advisor to the chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

In 1999, Vasily Babenko became the organizer and director of the Ufa branch of the Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov. He was elected professor of the department of history and theory of state and law. At the same time, he is the head of the Scientific Center for Ukrainian Studies.

As a scientist, he has been studying the history of the formation and ethnocultural characteristics of the Ukrainian population of Bashkortostan and Russia, and the problems of Ukrainian national education in the republic for many years. Professor Babenko developed a theory and introduced into scientific circulation the concept of “small ethnic group” (SEG) as a subdivision of an ethnic group - small ethnic communities (up to 100 thousand people), living in territorial and economic isolation from the mother ethnic group, settled dispersedly or compactly in a certain territories and have been in a numerically superior multi-ethnic environment for a long time. Important for understanding the essence of ethnic processes is Vasily Babenko’s theory about the main stages of changes in the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the MEG - intra-ethnic consolidation, adaptation, inter-ethnic integration, acculturation, assimilation.

The scientist is the author of more than 200 scientific works (including encyclopedic ones), published in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, China on ethnic history, material and spiritual culture of Ukrainians and the peoples of the Ural-Volga region, methods of ethnographic research, problems of historical knowledge, modern ethnosocial processes, folklore. He is a co-author and scientific editor of several collective monographs.

The famous works of the scientist include: “Small ethnic groups: the main stages of ethnocultural development” (Moscow, 1985, in collaboration with Rail Kuzeev), “Ukrainians in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” (Ufa, 1992), “Ethnocultural processes in the midst of Ukrainian migrants in Bashkiria ( end of the XIX-XX centuries) (Kiev, 1995), “Song folklore of Ukrainian settlers in Bashkiria” (Kyiv, 1995) and others.

Vasily Babenko does a lot of public work as co-chairman of the Association of Ukrainians of Russia and the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia. For many years he gave lectures in the Knowledge Society on the problems of atheism and folk culture, interethnic relations in a federal state.

The active scientific and social activities of Vasily Babenko are adequately appreciated. He is an Excellent Student in Public Education of Bashkortostan. He was awarded the honorary title “Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus.” He was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of Russia, a Letter of Gratitude from the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, a Certificate of Honor and a badge of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “For strengthening friendship and cooperation”, a Certificate of Honor from the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. He is a holder of the Ukrainian Order of Merit, III degree.

The scientific activities of Vasily Babenko are covered in detail in the encyclopedia “Famous Scientists of Russia”.



Type of army Rank

: Incorrect or missing image

Part Battles/wars Awards and prizes

Vasily Sergeevich Babenko(01/21/1924, Kazakhstan - 12/27/1988) - Soviet serviceman, participant in the Great Patriotic War, full holder of the Order of Glory, radio operator of the communications company of the 102nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 35th Guards Rifle Division, sergeant.


Born on January 21, 1924 in the village of Zhuravlevka, Bulandinsky district, Akmola region of Kazakhstan. As a child, he moved with his parents to the village of Talgar near the city of Almaty. Here he graduated from 7 classes and worked on a collective farm.

On August 1, 1944, when crossing the Vistula River near the city of Magnushev Guard, junior sergeant Babenko, under fire and during repeated enemy counterattacks, ensured reliable radio communication between the regiment commander and the battalions. He Nina kept pace with the battalion commander, moving after him to the most dangerous areas of the battle. Already at the bridgehead, in a battle near the village of Tarnovsko, a partner was wounded and Babenko, left alone at the radio, continued to ensure uninterrupted communication.

By order of September 10, 1944, junior sergeant Vasily Sergeevich Babenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 3rd degree, for ensuring reliable communications, courage and courage in battle.

On January 19, 1945, during the offensive battles for the city of Lodz, Guard Junior Sergeant Babenko, when the telephone line went out of order, used the radio to ensure uninterrupted communication between the regiment commander and his units. Ensured the successful repulsion of enemy counterattacks and accurate artillery fire.

By order of February 7, 1945, junior sergeant Vasily Sergeevich Babenko was awarded the Order of Glory, 2nd degree, for ensuring reliable communications, courage and courage in battle.

During the Berlin operation, courage and high skill were again required from the radio operator. During the entire offensive from April 16 to April 26, Guard Sergeant Babenko did not allow the regiment commander to stop communicating with his units for even a minute. In the battles in the suburbs of Berlin on April 21, being on the front line, he successfully adjusted artillery fire by radio. Taking part in street battles in Berlin, he destroyed 7 opponents with fire from personal weapons.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on May 15, 1946, for exceptional courage, bravery and fearlessness shown in battles with enemy invaders, Guard Sergeant Babenko Vasily Sergeevich was awarded the Order of Glory, 1st degree. Became a full holder of the Order of Glory.

In 1947, Sergeant Major Babenko was demobilized. Returned to his homeland. He lived in the city of Talkan, worked as an accountant at the Alma-Ata collective farm. Died on December 27, 1988.

He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, Glory, 3rd degree, and medals.

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. Website "Heroes of the Country". Retrieved August 22, 2014.


  • Belan P.S. et al. Soldier’s valor, Alma-Ata, 1974
  • Grishko G. A. Zhavoronkin M. Yu. Book of Order. Moscow, 2005
  • Knights of the Order of Glory of three degrees: Brief biographical dictionary / Prev. ed. Collegium D. S. Sukhorukov. - M.: Military Publishing House, 2000. - 703 p. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 5-203-01883-9.

An excerpt characterizing Babenko, Vasily Sergeevich

Nikolai did not go to Moscow, the countess did not resume conversation with him about marriage, and with sadness, and sometimes even embitterment, she saw signs of greater and greater rapprochement between her son and the dowryless Sonya. She reproached herself for this, but could not help but grumble and find fault with Sonya, often stopping her for no reason, calling her “you” and “my dear.” Most of all, the good countess was angry with Sonya because this poor, dark-eyed niece was so meek, so kind, so devotedly grateful to her benefactors, and so faithfully, invariably, selflessly in love with Nicholas, that it was impossible to reproach her for anything. .
Nikolai spent his vacation with his relatives. A fourth letter was received from Prince Andrei's fiancé, from Rome, in which he wrote that he would have long been on his way to Russia if his wound had not unexpectedly opened in a warm climate, which forces him to postpone his departure until the beginning of next year . Natasha was just as in love with her fiancé, just as calmed by this love and just as receptive to all the joys of life; but at the end of the fourth month of separation from him, moments of sadness began to come over her, against which she could not fight. She felt sorry for herself, it was a pity that she had wasted all this time for nothing, for no one, during which she felt so capable of loving and being loved.
It was sad in the Rostovs' house.

Christmastide came, and besides the ceremonial mass, except for the solemn and boring congratulations of neighbors and courtyards, except for everyone wearing new dresses, there was nothing special to commemorate Christmastide, and in the windless 20-degree frost, in the bright blinding sun during the day and in the starry winter light at night, I felt the need for some kind of commemoration of this time.
On the third day of the holiday, after lunch, all the household went to their rooms. It was the most boring time of the day. Nikolai, who went to see his neighbors in the morning, fell asleep in the sofa. The old count was resting in his office. Sonya was sitting at the round table in the living room, sketching a pattern. The Countess was laying out the cards. Nastasya Ivanovna the jester with a sad face was sitting at the window with two old women. Natasha entered the room, walked up to Sonya, looked at what she was doing, then walked up to her mother and stopped silently.
- Why are you walking around like a homeless person? - her mother told her. - What do you want?
“I need it... now, this very minute, I need it,” said Natasha, her eyes sparkling and not smiling. – The Countess raised her head and looked intently at her daughter.
- Don't look at me. Mom, don't look, I'm going to cry now.
“Sit down, sit with me,” said the countess.
- Mom, I need it. Why am I disappearing like this, mom?...” Her voice broke off, tears flowed from her eyes, and in order to hide them, she quickly turned and left the room. She went into the sofa room, stood there, thought, and went to the girls’ room. There, the old maid was grumbling at a young girl who had come running out of breath from the cold from the yard.
“He will play something,” said the old woman. - For all the time.
“Let her in, Kondratievna,” said Natasha. - Go, Mavrusha, go.
And letting go of Mavrusha, Natasha went through the hall to the hallway. An old man and two young footmen were playing cards. They interrupted the game and stood up as the young lady entered. “What should I do with them?” thought Natasha. - Yes, Nikita, please go... where should I send him? - Yes, go to the yard and please bring the rooster; yes, and you, Misha, bring some oats.
- Would you like some oats? – Misha said cheerfully and willingly.
“Go, go quickly,” the old man confirmed.
- Fyodor, get me some chalk.
Passing by the buffet, she ordered the samovar to be served, although it was not the right time.
The barman Fok was the most angry person in the whole house. Natasha loved to try her power over him. He didn't believe her and went to ask if it was true?
- This young lady! - said Foka, feigning a frown at Natasha.
No one in the house sent away as many people and gave them as much work as Natasha. She could not see people indifferently, so as not to send them somewhere. She seemed to be trying to see if one of them would get angry or pout with her, but people didn’t like to carry out anyone’s orders as much as Natasha’s. “What should I do? Where should I go? Natasha thought, walking slowly down the corridor.

participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

Born on June 20, 1950 in the village of Verkhniy Kulchum, Ermekeevsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, into a family of peasant migrants from the Chernigov region.

In 1977 he graduated from the history department of the Bashkir State University.

Since 1978, he has been studying the history and culture of Ukrainian settlers in Bashkiria. The decisive role in the formation of V.Ya. Babenko’s role as an ethnographer was influenced by his postgraduate studies and work within the scientific school of Academician, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor R.G. Kuzeeva.

Since 1982 – assistant at the Department of History of the USSR, Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute.

Since 1985 - researcher at the Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Bashkir Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since 1989 - consultant to the mayor of Ufa on interethnic relations, advisor to the Chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Belarus on socio-political issues.

From 1999 to the present – ​​Director of the Ufa branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Humanitarian University named after. M.A. Sholokhov”, head of the Scientific Center for Ukrainian Studies, professor of the Department of History and Theory of State and Law.

Sphere of scientific interests, main achievements

History of the formation and ethnocultural characteristics of the Ukrainian population of Bashkortostan and Russia, problems of Ukrainian national education in Bashkortostan. He developed a theory and introduced into scientific circulation the concept of “small ethnic group” (SEG) as a subdivision of an ethnic group - small in number (up to 100 thousand people) ethnic communities living in territorial and economic isolation from the mother ethnic group, settled dispersedly or compactly in a certain territories and have been in a numerically superior multi-ethnic environment for a long time.

Important for understanding the essence of ethnic processes is the theory of V.Ya. Babenko about the main stages of change in the cultural and linguistic characteristics of MEG - intraethnic consolidation, adaptation, interethnic integration, acculturation, assimilation.

Co-chairman of the Association of Ukrainians of Russia, Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Ukrainians of Russia. Excellent Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus (2000), Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Belarus (2006), Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2003), Gratitude of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma (1997), Certificate of Honor and commemorative badge of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “For strengthening friendship and cooperation between Bashkortostan and Ukraine” (1999), Order of Ukraine III degree “For Merit” (2001), Certificate of Honor of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (2005) .

Scientific publications:

Author of more than 200 works (including encyclopedic ones), published in Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Finland, China on ethnic history, material and spiritual culture of Ukrainians and the peoples of the Ural-Volga region, methods of ethnographic research, problems of historical knowledge, modern ethnosocial processes, folklore , co-author and scientific editor of a number of collective monographs.

Major works

Babenko V.Ya. Small ethnic groups: the main stages of ethnocultural development (based on materials from the USSR) // Soviet ethnography. – 1985. – No. 4. – P. 13–22. (Co-authored with Kuzeev R.G.)

Babenko V.Ya. Food of the Ukrainian population of Bashkiria // Soviet ethnography. – 1989. – No. 2. – P. 94–104.

Babenko V.Ya. Ethnocultural processes in the middle of Ukrainian migrants near Bashkiria (late XIX–XX centuries) // Folk creativity and ethnography. – Kiev, 1989. – No. 1. – P. 10–16.

Babenko V.Ya. Ukrainians in the Bashkir SSR: Behavior of a small ethnic group in a multi-ethnic environment / BSC Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – Ufa, 1992. – 260 p.

Song folklore of Ukrainian immigrants in Bashkiria. - Kyiv; Ufa: B.I., 1995. (co-author)

Babenko V.Ya. Ukrainians // Peoples of Bashkortostan. – Ufa: Gilem: Informreklama, 2002. – P. 261–294.

Babenko V. Diaspora as an official of the establishment of the state of Ukraine in the international community: Speech at the First International Scientific Conference // Smell me, Ukraine!: Current Ukrainian journalism in Russia. – Ufa: Publishing House of the Branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “MGOPU named after M.A. Sholokhov” in Ufa, 2006. – pp. 6–11.

Babenko V.Ya., Babenko S.V. Ukrainians of Bashkortostan: main trends in ethnocultural development (late 19th – early 21st centuries) // Third Bolshakov Readings. Culture of the Orenburg region: history and modernity: scientific, educational and cultural almanac. – Orenburg: Printing House “Dimur”, 2007. – P. 118-129.

Literature about the researcher

Klinchenko T. Research on the history and culture of Ukrainians in Bashkortostan // Ukrainian Diaspora. – Kiev; Chicago, 1995. Rik Vidannya IV. Number 8. – pp. 142–145.

Vasyl Yakovich Babenko – senior secretary of the Republican National-Cultural Center of Ukrainians of Bashkortostan, minister of the Ural Scientific Center of Ukrainian Studies, member of the Head of the State Duma of the Republic of Bashkortostan, member of the UVR. Candidate of Historical Sciences, author of over 70 other works // Foreign Ukraine: information catalogue. – Kiev, 1997. – P. 135.

Kudasheva Syuembika, Kuzeev Rustem. A life of one century: memories. – Ufa: VEGU Publishing House, 1998. – P. 458.

Babenko Vasily Yakovlevich: Bibliography of works (to the 50th anniversary of his birth). – Ufa, 2000. – P. 3–8.

Babenko Vasil Yakovich // Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. – Kiev, 2003. – T. 2. – P. 13–14.

Letov Alexander. Multifaceted, popular and in demand // Database: Bashkortostan. – 2006. – No. 2 (113).

Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2006). Excellence in Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan (2000).

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Vasily Yakovlevich was born on June 20, 1950 in the village of Verkhniy Kulchum. Graduated from Spartak Secondary School (1967), Bashkir State University (1977). He began his career as a senior pioneer leader at Spartan High School in 1967. After serving in the Soviet Army (1969-1982), he worked at the Spartak school, secondary school No. 75 (city), Ufa Radiotechnicum, Ufa Medical School. Since 1982 - in the system of higher education and science: assistant at the Department of History of the USSR, junior researcher, researcher, senior researcher at the Bashkir branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1982-1989), lecturer, consultant of the ideological department of the Bashkir Regional Committee of the CPSU (1989-1991) , consultant on interethnic relations of the executive committee of the Ufa City Council, adviser to the Chairman of the State Assembly - Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan (1992-1999). Since September 1998 - Director of the Ufa branch of the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after M.A. Sholokhov (since 2006 - Ufa branch of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov). Member of the Academic Council of Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov, member of the International Association of Ukrainianists, co-founder of the Russian Association of Ukrainianists.


The founder of theoretical studies of the patterns of small ethnic groups in a multi-ethnic environment. Provides significant assistance in training teaching staff for. On his initiative, on the territory of the disappeared village of Verkhniy Kulchum, a student sports and recreation center was built at the Ufa branch of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhov. He is actively involved in the development of trade, economic, scientific, technical, scientific and cultural cooperation between the Republic of Bashkortostan and: member of the subcommittee and working group of the Russian-Ukrainian Interstate Commission on Humanitarian Cooperation. Member of the working group on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation of executive authorities of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Lviv region, Ukraine. Member of the Ukrainian World Coordination Council (1992-2002), since its formation, member of the ESD and FNKA UR (2005-2010 - co-chairman), chairman of the department of the all-Russian organization for promoting health in the education system, chief expert of the Federal Public Commission for the Assessment and Control of the Activities of Universities GIOP.


Awarded the Order of Ukraine "For Merit" III degree (2001), Honorary Citizen of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (2003), Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2008).