Famous alumni and teachers. Directions of bachelor's programs

The University of Illinois at Chicago is a public research university. Founded in 1890, the university is a leading educational institution in the state and receives state funding. The number of students is 30,000 annually. The university has two campuses: western and eastern. The percentage of international students is 60%.

TOP facts about The University of Illinois at Chicago:

89 staff and students are Nobel Prize laureates;

The university is ranked among the top 50 universities in the USA;

In 2014, the University of Chicago took 9th position in the Academic Ranking of World Universities and 4th position in America according to the U.S. News & World Report;

81% of teachers are doctors of science;

The average starting salary for graduates is $51,600;

Ranked one of Business Insider's 25 Best Design Schools in the World;

- No. 70 in the USA for training engineers;


Includes 15 faculties.

The university provides bachelor's programs in 74 specialties, master's programs in 77 specialties, and doctoral programs in 60 specialties. The university also provides a huge number of certificate programs and courses.

Main directions:

1) Arts and humanities.








performing arts;


religion and theology;

film and television;

other specializations.

2) Business and social sciences.









public relations and media;




political scientists;




hotel business;

business administration.

3) Linguistics and cultural studies

African Studies;


European Studies;

Indian Studies;

Slavic studies;

Indigenous Studies;

other languages ​​and cultures.

4) Medicine and health.






Alternative medicine;



other medical areas.

5) Engineering

Aeronautical Engineering;

mechanical engineering;

agricultural engineering;


biomedical engineering;

other engineering areas.

6) Science and technology.









University of Illinois at Chicago Accommodates students in 10 dormitories. In the dormitories, students live in double rooms. The rooms are furnished and have everything necessary for comfortable study. Showers are located on the floor. There are also separate dormitories for graduate students and doctoral students.

The cost of annual tuition and living for international students varies between $20,000 depending on the chosen program, accommodation and meal plan. For more detailed information, please contact Study Bridge consultants.

The promotion is valid from 01/01/2018 to 05/31/2019

The university provides scholarships in the amount of $32,000 for 4 years of undergraduate study. $8,000 for each year.

 /   / 41.87167; -87.64917(G) (I)Coordinates: 41°52′18″ n. w. 87°38′57″ W d. /  41.87167° s. w. 87.64917° W d. / 41.87167; -87.64917(G) (I) Campus Students Bachelors Masters and Doctors Teachers Colors Mascot

Sparky the Dragon

Official site K:Educational institutions founded in 1982

University of Illinois at Chicago(English) University of Illinois at Chicago listen)) is a United States public research university located in Chicago, Illinois. The second campus of the University of Illinois, as well as the largest university in the Chicago metropolitan area with more than 27 thousand students.


The University of Illinois at Chicago campus traces its roots back to several private medical colleges founded in the late 19th century, including the Chicago College of Pharmacy, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Columbia College of Dentistry.

University structure

According to statistics, every tenth Chicago resident with a higher education is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago. One in three Illinois pharmacists is a graduate of the university's college of pharmacy, and half of all dentists in the state are college of dentistry graduates.

The University of Illinois at Chicago offers 74 bachelor's, 77 master's, and 60 doctoral programs.

The university includes 15 colleges:

  • Applied Medical Sciences
  • Architecture and Arts
  • Business management
  • Dental
  • Pedagogical
  • Engineering
  • Arts and Sciences
  • Medicine
  • nurses
  • Pharmacy
  • Healthcare
  • Social work
  • Urban Planning and Public Relations
  • Postgraduate education

The university is led by a chancellor supported by seven deputies, the director of administrative functions and the deans of 15 colleges.

Notable alumni and faculty

  • Clyde Drexler is an architect at the American firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.
  • Justin Scott Hartley is an American actor, known for the TV series Smallville.
  • Sheldon Alan "Shel" Silverstein is an American poet, songwriter, musician, cartoonist, and screenwriter.
  • Alya al-Aswani is an Egyptian writer, author of the novel “The House of Jacobian.”
  • Jay Michael DeMerit is an American football player.
  • Nanno Marinatos - archaeologist, researcher of the Minoan civilization

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  1. (English) . U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  2. (English) . National Universities. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  3. (English) . National Universities. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  4. (English) . University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  5. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  6. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  7. Fred W. Beuttler.(English) . University of Illinois Alumni Association. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  8. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  9. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  10. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  11. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  12. (English) . Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  13. (English) . The Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  14. (English) . The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  15. (English) . University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .
  16. (English) . Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. Retrieved November 15, 2011. .


  • (English)

Excerpt describing the University of Illinois at Chicago

Prince Vasily did not think about his plans. He even less thought of doing evil to people in order to gain benefit. He was only a secular man who had succeeded in the world and made a habit out of this success. He constantly, depending on the circumstances, depending on his rapprochement with people, drew up various plans and considerations, of which he himself was not well aware, but which constituted the entire interest of his life. Not one or two such plans and considerations were in his mind, but dozens, of which some were just beginning to appear to him, others were achieved, and others were destroyed. He did not say to himself, for example: “This man is now in power, I must gain his trust and friendship and through him arrange for the issuance of a one-time allowance,” or he did not say to himself: “Pierre is rich, I must lure him to marry his daughter and borrow the 40 thousand I need”; but a man in strength met him, and at that very moment instinct told him that this man could be useful, and Prince Vasily became close to him and at the first opportunity, without preparation, by instinct, flattered, became familiar, talked about what what was needed.
Pierre was under his arm in Moscow, and Prince Vasily arranged for him to be appointed a chamber cadet, which was then equivalent to the rank of state councilor, and insisted that the young man go with him to St. Petersburg and stay in his house. As if absent-mindedly and at the same time with an undoubted confidence that this should be so, Prince Vasily did everything that was necessary in order to marry Pierre to his daughter. If Prince Vasily had thought about his plans ahead, he could not have had such naturalness in his manners and such simplicity and familiarity in his relations with all the people placed above and below himself. Something constantly attracted him to people stronger or richer than himself, and he was gifted with the rare art of catching exactly the moment when it was necessary and possible to take advantage of people.
Pierre, having unexpectedly become a rich man and Count Bezukhy, after recent loneliness and carelessness, felt so surrounded and busy that he only managed to be left alone with himself in bed. He had to sign papers, deal with government offices, the meaning of which he had no clear idea of, ask the chief manager about something, go to an estate near Moscow and receive many people who previously did not want to know about his existence, but now would offended and upset if he didn’t want to see them. All these various persons - businessmen, relatives, acquaintances - were all equally well disposed towards the young heir; all of them, obviously and undoubtedly, were convinced of the high merits of Pierre. He constantly heard the words: “With your extraordinary kindness,” or “with your wonderful heart,” or “you yourself are so pure, Count...” or “if only he were as smart as you,” etc., so he He sincerely began to believe in his extraordinary kindness and his extraordinary mind, especially since it always seemed to him, deep down in his soul, that he was really very kind and very smart. Even people who had previously been angry and obviously hostile became tender and loving towards him. Such an angry eldest of the princesses, with a long waist, with hair smoothed like a doll’s, came to Pierre’s room after the funeral. Lowering her eyes and constantly flushing, she told him that she was very sorry for the misunderstandings that had happened between them and that now she felt she had no right to ask for anything, except permission, after the blow that had befallen her, to stay for a few weeks in the house that she loved so much and where made so many sacrifices. She couldn't help but cry at these words. Touched that this statue-like princess could change so much, Pierre took her hand and asked for an apology, without knowing why. From that day on, the princess began to knit a striped scarf for Pierre and completely changed towards him.
– Do it for her, mon cher; “All the same, she suffered a lot from the dead man,” Prince Vasily told him, letting him sign some kind of paper in favor of the princess.
Prince Vasily decided that this bone, a bill of 30 thousand, had to be thrown to the poor princess so that it would not occur to her to talk about Prince Vasily’s participation in the mosaic portfolio business. Pierre signed the bill, and from then on the princess became even kinder. The younger sisters also became affectionate towards him, especially the youngest, pretty, with a mole, often embarrassed Pierre with her smiles and embarrassment at the sight of him.
It seemed so natural to Pierre that everyone loved him, it would seem so unnatural if someone did not love him, that he could not help but believe in the sincerity of the people around him. Moreover, he did not have time to ask himself about the sincerity or insincerity of these people. He constantly had no time, he constantly felt in a state of meek and cheerful intoxication. He felt like the center of some important general movement; felt that something was constantly expected of him; that if he didn’t do this, he would upset many and deprive them of what they expected, but if he did this and that, everything would be fine - and he did what was required of him, but something good remained ahead.
More than anyone else at this first time, Prince Vasily took possession of both Pierre’s affairs and himself. Since the death of Count Bezukhy, he has not let Pierre out of his hands. Prince Vasily had the appearance of a man weighed down by affairs, tired, exhausted, but out of compassion, unable to finally abandon this helpless young man, the son of his friend, to the mercy of fate and the swindlers, apres tout, [in the end,] and with such a huge fortune. In those few days that he stayed in Moscow after the death of Count Bezukhy, he called Pierre to himself or came to him himself and prescribed to him what needed to be done, in such a tone of fatigue and confidence, as if he was saying every time:
“Vous savez, que je suis accable d"affaires et que ce n"est que par pure charite, que je m"occupe de vous, et puis vous savez bien, que ce que je vous propose est la seule chose faisable." [ You know, I am swamped with business; but it would be merciless to leave you like this; of course, what I am telling you is the only possible one.]
“Well, my friend, tomorrow we’re going, finally,” he told him one day, closing his eyes, moving his fingers on his elbow and in such a tone, as if what he was saying had been decided a long time ago between them and could not be decided otherwise.
“We’re going tomorrow, I’ll give you a place in my stroller.” I am very happy. Everything important is over here. I should have needed it a long time ago. This is what I received from the chancellor. I asked him about you, and you were enlisted in the diplomatic corps and made a chamber cadet. Now the diplomatic path is open to you.
Despite the strength of the tone of fatigue and the confidence with which these words were spoken, Pierre, who had been thinking about his career for so long, wanted to object. But Prince Vasily interrupted him in that cooing, bassy tone that excluded the possibility of interrupting his speech and which he used when extreme persuasion was necessary.
- Mais, mon cher, [But, my dear,] I did it for myself, for my conscience, and there is nothing to thank me for. No one ever complained that he was too loved; and then, you are free, even if you quit tomorrow. You will see everything for yourself in St. Petersburg. And it’s high time for you to move away from these terrible memories. – Prince Vasily sighed. - Yes, yes, my soul. And let my valet ride in your carriage. Oh yes, I forgot,” Prince Vasily added, “you know, mon cher, that we had scores to settle with the deceased, so I received it from Ryazan and will leave it: you don’t need it.” We will settle with you.
What Prince Vasily called from “Ryazan” were several thousand quitrents, which Prince Vasily kept for himself.
In St. Petersburg, as in Moscow, an atmosphere of gentle, loving people surrounded Pierre. He could not refuse the place or, rather, the title (because he did nothing) that Prince Vasily brought him, and there were so many acquaintances, calls and social activities that Pierre, even more than in Moscow, experienced a feeling of fog and haste and everything that is coming, but some good is not happening.
Many of his former bachelor society were not in St. Petersburg. The guard went on a campaign. Dolokhov was demoted, Anatole was in the army, in the provinces, Prince Andrei was abroad, and therefore Pierre was not able to spend his nights as he had previously liked to spend them, or to occasionally unwind in a friendly conversation with an older, respected friend. All his time was spent at dinners, balls and mainly with Prince Vasily - in the company of the fat princess, his wife, and the beautiful Helen.
Anna Pavlovna Scherer, like others, showed Pierre the change that had occurred in the public view of him.
Previously, Pierre, in the presence of Anna Pavlovna, constantly felt that what he was saying was indecent, tactless, and not what was needed; that his speeches, which seem smart to him while he prepares them in his imagination, become stupid as soon as he speaks loudly, and that, on the contrary, the stupidest speeches of Hippolytus come out smart and sweet. Now everything he said came out charmant. If even Anna Pavlovna did not say this, then he saw that she wanted to say it, and she only, in respect of his modesty, refrained from doing so.

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) – largest university Chicago. The university is funded by the state of Illinois and is one of three universities in the University of Illinois system. Every year 28 thousand students study at UIC. It is also a significant scientific center, especially in the field of medicine. The university consistently ranks among the top 50 in the United States in terms of research funding.

University of Illinois - History

The first university in the state of Illinois was the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Chicago's three private medical colleges were incorporated into the state university in 1913 as the departments of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

The decision to approve a bachelor's degree at the University of Chicago was made only in 1935, and a master's degree became possible only after 1965, when a university campus was built in the Italian Quarter in Chicago. Strong personnel came to the newly created university, because initially the focus was on postgraduate training and research orientation.

In 1982, the University of Illinois at Chicago acquired its final structure and modern name.

In 2000, construction began on the South Campus, south of Roosevelt Road, to improve living conditions for undergraduate and graduate students.

University of Illinois - Tuition

At 15 faculties of UIC today you can complete all levels of study - from bachelor to doctor. Bachelors are trained in 74 specialties, masters – 77, doctors – 60.

The number of students is 28 thousand, including 17 thousand students. A person of any nationality will not feel like a stranger among them - the university is among the ten most ethnically diverse universities in the country.

University of Illinois at Chicago - Geography

Geographically, the university buildings are located on three campuses, two of which are in the Italian Quarter and one in the University Village in Chicago.

East Campus is located south of Greektown, a 15-minute walk from the city center. This allows students to experience the rhythm of a big city while living in a relatively closed campus community.

The architecture of the East Campus owes to the brutalist style of the architect Walter Netsch and his "field theory". Buildings of modern forms were previously connected by passages at the second floor level. In the early 1990s, the walkways were removed to give the area a more traditional campus look and make the campus visually more welcoming.

The West Campus was built long before the East Campus and includes Gothic-style buildings. Almost all medical faculties are located here, as well as a medical library.

The South Campus is located in University Village. There are no academic buildings here, but there are dormitories and sports facilities, and a huge building for receptions and presentations, called the UIC Forum.

University of Illinois - Student Accommodation

In total, UIC has 10 student and faculty residence halls: 4 on the East Campus, and 3 each on the West and South Campuses. Before the construction of South Campus, most students rented off-campus housing, but now more than half of freshmen live in residence halls, and another 6,000 students live within a mile and a half of campus buildings. The dormitories have a standard layout with double rooms opening onto a common corridor and a shower room on the floor. West Campus has one-room residence halls housing graduate and undergraduate students over 23 years of age.

University of Illinois - Student Life

For active recreation and sports, a stadium with multi-purpose sports courts, a climbing wall, a swimming pool, a gym, and running tracks was built on the South Campus.

The university's team, named the UIC Flames (in memory of the Great Fire of 1871), defends the colors of their alma mater in American football, basketball, baseball, tennis and swimming competitions.

The university has more than 200 student organizations, sports clubs, volunteer groups and other associations.

University of Illinois - Facts

UIC is gradually increasing its position in leading university rankings. In 2013, it moved up three steps and became 147 in the ranking of the best public universities. It ranks 11th among universities under 50 years old.

The list of successful graduates that UIC is proud of includes politicians, scientists, journalists, doctors, architects, athletes, and public figures.

The University of Illinois at Chicago has been featured in many films and TV series: Candyman, Primal Fear, Stranger than Fiction, Swimfan and others.

The University of Illinois at Chicago is an acclaimed state-funded public research institution with 15 colleges dedicated to the discovery and distribution of knowledge.

UIC traces its origins to several private health colleges founded during the late nineteenth century, including the Chicago College of Pharmacy, the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Columbian College of Dentistry.

Today, UIC is among the top five most diverse campuses in the nation and a national leader among urban, public higher education institutions in providing access to underrepresented students. UIC is focused on eliminating disparities in health, education and economic opportunity.

Community engagement is a centerpiece of UIC’s urban mission. Faculty, students and staff in every college work with neighborhood, foundation and government partners on a wide range of projects to improve the quality of life in metropolitan areas around the world.

In the 2016, U.S. News & World Report’s ranking of colleges and universities, UIC is ranked as the 129th best in the “national universities” category.

In 2016–17, the Times Higher Education World University Rankings placed UIC the 63rd in the U.S. and the 200th in the world.

Among notable alumni of the university are an American journalist and former lead news presenter Bernard Shaw, American former professional basketball player Joanne McCarthy, famous architect Adrian Smith and many others.

    Year of foundation


    Number of students

Academic specialization

UIC operates the largest medical school in the United States and serves as the principal educator for Illinois’ physicians, dentists, pharmacists, physical therapists, nurses and other healthcare professionals.

Many programs ranked in the top 50 overall graduate program rankings by U.S. News & World Report in 2013 including: clinical psychology (42), criminology (19), education (38), English (41), fine arts (45), history (36), mathematics (36), nursing (11), occupational therapy (4), pharmacy (14), physical therapy (16), public affairs (37), public health (16), social work (24) and sociology (41).

✔ created in 1982 by the merger of several medical schools with more than 100 years of history;
81% of teachers are doctors of science;
✔ The average starting salary for graduates is $51,600 (for comparison: college graduates receive $34,300)
Ranked one of Business Insider's 25 Best Design Schools in the World ;
#70 in the USA for training engineers ;
#62 in the Top Public Schools ranking .

University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC, University of Illinois at Chicago) is the largest university in Chicago, with 29,000 students from different countries. Three university campuses are located on 244 acres, surrounded by the Little Italy, Pilsen, and Greektown areas, historically populated by Italian, Czech, and Greek emigrants. UIC is a great place to get a quality education and an opportunity to plunge headlong into the vibrant life of a cosmopolitan city known for its unusual architecture, unrivaled cuisine, magnificent parks and a variety of leisure options.


Oriental And South campuses The universities are located next to the Italian Quarter, near the center of Chicago, and unite 9 of 15 colleges and 7 dormitories. It houses the faculties of arts, humanities and basic sciences, business, social work, education, engineering and urban planning. The West Campus is predominantly home to medical faculties and a specialized library.

In the territory The campus contains student services, the West Student Center and Recreation Center, the Richard J. Daley Library, a bookstore, and a student art gallery. In addition to living and studying, students can fully relax and lead an active sports life - for this purpose, a University recreation center and a Sports and Fitness Center were built on the campus, where there are fitness rooms, swimming pools, and a 43-foot-high climbing wall. At the sports complex you can practice football, rugby, athletics, basketball, baseball, and tennis.

UIC campuses offer ample opportunities for... good nutrition students: canteens, bistros, cafeterias, where you can have a light snack or a hearty meal both in the morning and in the evening.

The location of the campuses is also good from the point of view of transport links - numerous bus and metro routes will allow you to quickly reach any area of ​​the city, park areas, and OˈHara International Airport.

Video presentation of the University of Illinois at Chicago:

Story The University of Illinois at Chicago began with several private colleges: the Chicago College of Pharmacy (1859), the College of Physicians and Surgeons (1882), and the Columbia College of Dentistry (1991), which became part of the university in 1913. The University of Illinois at Chicago has had its current name since 1982; The educational institution united 6 scientific medical colleges and an academic medical center. Thanks to the merger, the university was able to obtain elite status " Research University, 1st degree"according to the Carnegie classification.

University motto:“Teach, research, serve, care” - “Teach, research, help, care.”

The university offers 85 bachelor's, 98 master's and 65 doctoral programs, and also provides the opportunity to obtain 32 certificates. 81% of the teaching staff have a PhD or equivalent degrees, and 76% are full-time university employees.

A distinctive feature is the small number of study groups - up to 18 people, which ensures an individual approach to the learning process. University of Illinois at Chicago has accreditation Higher Learning Commission (HLC) North Central Region of the United States.

The University of Illinois at Chicago regularly occupies significant positions in national ratings– in 2016 in the U.S. ranking News & World Report's educational institution took 129th place in the “national universities” category. The university also occupies a leading position in the list of American universities under 50 years of age. UIC is located in top 15 as one of the largest structures in the healthcare sector, including clinics, hospitals, 7 medical colleges. The university constantly implements programs that provide educational and medical services to students with disabilities and representatives of socially disadvantaged groups.

According to statistics, 2/3 of students last year received scholarships and grants; the total amount of financial assistance amounted to more than $183 million. In particular, for bachelors, the university awards scholarships of $5,000 per semester, i.e. about $40,000 for 4 years of study.

Among the famous graduates of the University of Illinois at Chicago are prominent doctors, scientists, statesmen, politicians, athletes, and actors.

Further employment

With more than 29,000 students and more than 13,000 employees, the university is the largest employer in the state of Illinois. The university offers employees competitive salaries and benefits such as paid vacation, social security, and discounted medical and dental care. University Career Services experts offer various internship programs and a wide range of vacancies both during study and after graduation. The personnel service conducts seminars and trainings on writing a resume, conducting face-to-face and online interviews, and career planning.

UIC sponsors one of the largest student career fairs in Chicago.

For admission to programs bachelor's degree Students need knowledge of English at the level of TOEFL IBT 80 or IELTS 6.5. The total number of academic programs of the university is more than 200, they are taught on the basis of colleges:

  • applied health sciences;
  • architecture design and arts;
  • business management;
  • education;
  • engineering;
  • humanities and arts;
  • care;
  • pharmacology;
  • healthcare;
  • pre-professional programs (health professions);
  • urban planning and public activities.
Directions Specialties

Architecture and design

  • Architecture

Business, finance and economics

  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • Decision Management
  • Management
  • Marketing


  • Human learning and development
  • Urban education

Engineering and IT

  • Bioengineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer engineering
  • Electrical Network Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanics in Engineering

Law, international relations and politics

  • Civil order
  • Urbanism

Humanitarian sciences

  • African American culture
  • Anthropology
  • Communications
  • Criminology and justice
  • Economy
  • English philology
  • French language and culture
  • Gender studies
  • German philology
  • Story
  • Polish philology
  • Judicial system
  • Russian philology
  • Spanish philology
  • Economy of Spain
  • English teacher
  • French teacher
  • German teacher
  • History teacher
  • Mathematics teacher
  • Spanish teacher

Music, theater and art

  • Acting
  • Art history
  • Graphic design
  • Industrial design
  • Music
  • Music business
  • Performance
  • Theater design

Medicine and sociology

  • Disorders and human development
  • Rehabilitation
  • Kinesiology

Science and Mathematics

  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Planet Earth and Environment
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Neurology
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Applied psychology
  • General psychology
  • Sociology
  • Statistics

College graduates can choose master's programs in health, arts, social sciences, humanities, engineering with or without degrees, as well as numerous certificate programs:

  • programs approved by the University of Illinois at Chicago;
  • programs approved by the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE).
  • Pre-sessional English (14 weeks)

Intensive English courses that effectively prepare students for entry into undergraduate programs.

Students are accommodated in student housing dormitories, apartment buildings houses And residences west, east and south campuses. These are buildings with a traditional layout of 3-5 floors, which offer mainly 1-2 bed accommodation, with one bathroom per housing block. The rooms have double beds, tables, chairs, a wardrobe, and drawers for storing personal belongings. The premises are equipped with heating and air conditioning systems, a kitchenette, and free laundry. In residences, there can be 2-4 single rooms per floor with two bathrooms, a shared kitchen and living room. The kitchens are equipped with the necessary appliances: refrigerator, stove, microwave, dishes.