Changing nouns by cases and numbers. Changing nouns by case: what is it called? Setting a learning goal

Changing a noun by cases and numbers is a feature of the Russian language, making it one of the most difficult in the world not only for foreigners, but also for native speakers. Let's look at this in more detail.

Introduction to the topic

Many people already know that in Russian the ending will change if you ask different questions (this is changing the noun by case):

  • Who what? - plate, cabin boy, captain, grain, drops, paintings, chimpanzee.
  • Who/What? - plates, cabin boy, captain, grain, drops, paintings, chimpanzees.
  • To whom; to what? - plate, cabin boy, captain, grain, drops, paintings, chimpanzees.
  • Who/What? - plate, cabin boy, captain, grain, drops, paintings, chimpanzee.
  • By whom/what? - a plate, a cabin boy, a captain, grain, a drop, paintings, a chimpanzee.
  • About who about what? - about the plate, about the cabin boy, about the captain, about the grain, about the drop, about the paintings, about the chimpanzee.

The 4th grade will try to find out in class how exactly changing a noun by case is called.

Case is the form in which a word appears in a sentence; it is necessary for it to be correctly, smoothly and harmoniously combined with the neighboring word.

Almost every elementary school student knows a funny poem that illustrates the change of nouns by case:

"Somehow from a thin maple branch

The sheet came off green.

He flew with the wind

Fly around the world.

Spun up head

U maple sheet...

The wind carried him for a long time,

I only dropped it on the bridge.

At the same hour the shaggy dog

Shmyg - To beautiful leaf.

Grab claw tired sheet,

Let's say, let's play.

"I won't go", parachutist

Shakes his little head...

The wind suddenly with leaf green,

Like a tornado shot up again,

But our prankster is tired

And it fell into my notebook...

I'll compose in the forest under the maple tree

song about the sheet in love."

This change of nouns by case is called declension.


The nominative case is the base case, opposed to the rest. Its form is often equal to the root. It is never used with prepositions. The word in the nominative case is one of the two main members of the sentence:

The stone (subject) reliably blocked the entrance to the mysterious cave.

His heart is the hardest stone (predicate).


  1. all nouns are feminine (except those ending in a soft sign), masculine - in -а/я;
  2. masculine, those that in the nominative end in a consonant, neuter in -o/e;
  3. feminine gender, ending with the word "ь".

Changing nouns according to plural cases

Plural nouns are not divided into types of declension. The case is determined in the same way as in the singular: you just need to ask the question:

  • Who what? - teachers, sweets (nominative).
  • Who/What? - teachers, sweets (genitive).
  • To whom; to what? - teachers, sweets (dative).
  • Who/What? - teachers, candy (accusative).
  • By whom/what? - teachers, sweets (creative).
  • About who about what? - about teachers, about sweets (prepositional).

Indeclinable nouns

In some cases, changing nouns by case occurs without changing the ending:

  • coat;
  • movie;
  • kangaroo;
  • cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • chimpanzee;
  • pince-nez;
  • hummingbird;
  • pony;
  • relay;
  • fillet;
  • highway;
  • Taxi;
  • metro;
  • aloe;
  • muffler;
  • dressing table;
  • cafe;
  • coat;
  • cockatoo;
  • dragee;
  • bet;
  • interview;
  • stew;
  • jury;
  • puree;
  • the Bureau;
  • studio.

You just need to remember these words.

Lesson summary on the topic "Changing nouns according to questions (declension). Names of cases"

Introduce students to the declension of nouns and the names of cases; develop the ability to establish connections between words in a sentence.
Develop students' vocabulary, memory, attention, observation, and academic talent.
Foster hard work, independence, and collectivism.
Equipment: educational tables “Declination”, cards for working in pairs and groups, puzzles, illustrations for “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin, exercise diagrams for the development of interhemispheric interaction.

During the classes

I. Spiritual and aesthetic.
1. Emotional mood.
- Close your eyes and draw the mark that you want to get in class today.
Children: Draw a mark in the air with their eyes closed.
- Take the diary and whisper a note there.
Children: Whisper a note in the diary.
Children: With their index and middle fingers they “walk” along the neighbor’s hand, when they reach the shoulder they pat and say: “If anything happens, I’ll help you!”
- We performed a magical ritual, I hope your wishes come true!
2. Checking homework. Exercise 203.
- Who had difficulties doing homework?
-Read only those nouns that do not change in number.
- What two examples did you add to words that are used only in the plural?
3. Finger gymnastics.
Fingers play football
Everyone is overtaking each other.
Everyone is running, skipping, galloping,
Everyone wants to hit the ball.
Everyone scores a goal!
It's good to play football!
4. A minute of calligraphy.
A B G? J I K M

Z? ?
- Guess what letters we will write in a minute of calligraphy?
- Well done! B, D, E, L.
In the first line of penmanship there is such a task d/b/e/l
-If you have a magic charm, then you can easily decipher the second line of penmanship and write it down in your notebook. (↓-d, -b, →e-, ← l)
→←ka si↓→←a in ↓up←→. (The squirrel was sitting in a hollow).
- Complete the sentence.
- Name the grammatical basis.
- Name the nouns.
- Parse the word “duple” according to its composition.
II. Attitudinal and motivational.
1. Work on vocabulary words.
f_mil_ya, m_tall, k_l_ndar, d_rekt_r, v_hall, travel_e, g_r_umbrella.
a) - What part of speech do the written words belong to?
-Fill in the missing letters in the vocabulary words.
-Find words in which the number of letters does not match the number of sounds.
b) Mutual verification. (Correct spelling on the board)
-Who did their job correctly?
- Who made 1 mistake? 2.3 errors?
1. -To check which grammatical features of a noun you are already familiar with, we will conduct a quick survey.
Part of speech denoting the name of an object... (noun)
A constant feature of nouns... (gender)
Part of a word without ending... (base).
Part of speech that answers the questions who? What?. . . (noun)
There are nouns. . . (animate and inanimate).
a doctor - ? a bag-?
Nouns change according to ... (numbers).
In what number form can the gender of a noun be determined?
3. Report the topic of the lesson.
- Solve the puzzle on the board to find out what we will do today.
5 2 3 6 1 4 9 8 7
- Who knows what declination is?
- Declension is the change of nouns according to questions (by cases).
III. Content-searching.
1. Observation of changes in the endings of nouns.
-To connect with other words in a sentence, nouns change according to questions (by cases).
Perform exercise 216, orally.
-What changes in the word “water” when you change it according to questions?
2. Students read the rule on page 103.
3. – The word “case” comes from Lat. casus.
4. Getting to know the names of cases and questions.
- How many cases are there in Russian?
-Why are there two case questions for each case?
-What case is the word in if it answers the questions: whom? or what?; by whom? or what?; to whom? or what?

He had not yet been born, but they were already thinking about what name to give him, and decided to call him Nominative.
Born - became Parent.
While he was a baby, everything was given to him, and he became Dative.
But he was also a big mischief-maker, they blamed him for all sorts of tricks, and he became Accusative.
Then he grew up, began to do good deeds and began to be called Creative.
He offered his help to everyone, they started talking about him and now they called him Prepositional.
6. This is interesting to know!
- I wonder why there are exactly six cases in the Russian language, and not two or four, for example?
-It is the six cases that perfectly allow us to convey a wide variety of meanings. It's different in other languages ​​of the world. In German, for example, there are only four of them, in Moldavian - four, in Lithuanian - six, and the Finns have as many as fifteen!
-And our task is to learn and understand our six in order to speak easily, competently and beautifully.
7. – It is the six cases that perfectly allow us to convey a wide variety of meanings. Scientists have calculated which cases are the most used.
In literary language In colloquial speech In business speech
I.p. - 33%
R.p. - 24%
V.p. - 20%
The rest - 23% IP. - 50%
R.p. - 15%
V.p. - 20%
The rest - 15% IP. - 25%
R.p. - 40%
Others – 35%
- What conclusion can be drawn from these calculations?
- In any speech, the most commonly used are the nominative, genitive and accusative cases.
8. – How many cases are there in the Ukrainian language? (clique)
- Previously, in the Old Russian language, most masculine and feminine nouns in the singular had a special form of address, which is usually called the vocative case.
-This form is found in fiction. A famous phrase from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin’s “What do you want, elder?” - contains precisely this form of the vocative case.
IV. Adaptive-transformative
1. –To quickly cope with the next task, we will conduct an exercise to develop interhemispheric interaction.
-The child pronounces the upper letter of each line out loud. The lower one indicates the movement of the hands: L - the left hand is retracted to the left, P - the right hand is retracted to the right, V - both hands rise up together. The exercise is performed from the first letter to the last, and then, conversely, from the last to the first.



2. Working with the textbook.
Declension of nouns.
Ex. 218(oral).
Ex. 219 (written) (We incline one word frontally, and the second independently). Weak students receive a hint key to complete the task.
3. Physical education session (for the development of interhemispheric interaction).
Right hand on the shoulder,
Left hand on side.
Hands to the sides, hands down,
And turn right.
Left hand on shoulder,
Right hand on side
Hands up, hands down
And turn left.
(Say physical education words, speeding up the pace and changing tasks)
V. Evaluative-semantic.
1. -Guys, today I need your help. Yesterday, while preparing for lessons, I read a very interesting sentence. DAUGHTER LOVES MOTHER.
I doubted what case the nouns DAUGHTER and MOTHER were in.
-What do you think? (children express their opinions)
-What questions do nouns in the I. case answer?
- What questions does the subject answer?
-Which part of the sentence are the nouns in I. p.?
- Are there prepositions before nouns? in I. p.?
2. -Listen to a poem about the I. case
I am nominative
And I don’t have other people’s clothes on me,
Everyone recognizes me easily
And the subject is called.
I don’t like prepositions since childhood,
I can’t stand being with myself.
My questions are who? And what?
No one will confuse you with anyone!
The output appears on the board.
I.p. Who? What?
There are no excuses.
3. Working with the proposal.
Mother loves daughter.
-When will the real DAUGHTER be in IP? (when it will be due)
-What does it depend on? (depending on the order of words in the sentence)
Work in pairs:
-Make a sentence in which the word DAUGHTER is the subject and therefore stands in I p. (record) (similar to the word MOTHER)
4. Gymnastics for the eyes.
VI. System-generalizing.
1.- Auxiliary words also help determine cases.
I.p. There is
R.p. No
D.p. give
V.p. blame
etc. create
P.p. think
-What needs to be done to correctly determine the case of a noun? (find the word on which the noun depends and pose a question from it. Determine the case based on the question.)
- How to distinguish I.p. from V.p.?
V.p. Whom? What?
No excuses
With prepositions
sentence member
Conclusion: - In a sentence, a noun can answer the question of only one of the cases.
A noun in the nominative case most often acts as the subject.
Nouns in other cases are most often secondary members.
2. Completing exercise 220 (First sentence with commentary, the rest - independently).
3. Work in groups (differentiated tasks).
1st group:
- Establish correspondence between cases, auxiliary words and questions using arrows.
Give I.p. Whom? What?
There is R.p. To whom? Why?
Blame D.p. Who? What?
No V.p. About whom? About what?
Think etc. Whom? What?
Create P.p. By whom? How?
Group 2:
- Come up with and write down words that begin with the corresponding letters and are in the indicated case.
For example:
Desk, harp, girl, raccoon, painting, (about) turkey.
P I.p.
A R.p.
D D.p.
E V.p.
F T.p.
And P.p.
Group 3:
- Arrange the nouns into two columns.
Builders built a new house.
The car drove over a ravine.
The hedgehog made himself a cozy hole.

I.p. V.p.
Group 4:
"Joke Test"
-Which case:
a) not used without a preposition;
b) generous case;
c) case of kinship;
d) case for the subject;
e) case - hard worker;
e) guilty case?
VII. Control - reflective.
1. Rate the following criteria on a scale (in the margins of your notebook):
Difficulty 5 points. Interest 5 b. Success 5 points.
material material material

2. Summing up.
- What did you learn in class?
-What does it mean to inflect a noun?
-What needs to be done to correctly determine the case of a noun?
- Ex. “Microphone” Continue the phrase: “I liked it...”
"I didn't even think..."
"I found out today..."
VIII. Spiritual and aesthetic.
1. – Do you think all nouns are declined?
-Opinions are divided, let's do another study and choose the correct statement.
- To do this, we need to decline the word highway. I will tell you words that help, and you say the word highway.
I.p. what? the highway was repaired?
R. p. what? Where were the highways located?
D. p. what? What highway were we driving on?
V. p. what? highway on what?
Etc. what? highway flew over what?
P. p. about what? what did he talk about about the highway?
- What did you notice? Has the ending changed?
-So what is the peculiarity of the word highway? (It is not declined, i.e. it does not change according to cases).
- How can you call a noun that is not declined? (Indeclinable).
- Will we be able to answer the question: are there any words that do not decline?
-Yes. There are such words, but this is the topic of the next lesson.
2. Homework.
Do exercise 221; learn the names of cases and case questions; learn the rules, p. 102-103 textbook.
3. Grading.
4. – Today I saw a spark of curiosity in your eyes. I would like to wish you that this light does not go out, and that the discoveries that you make day after day will help you overcome all the difficulties of studying.

Changing nouns by case is called declension, and serves to ensure that the noun can be correctly combined with other words in writing and in speech, thereby forming sentences.

Six cases

Changing nouns by case is characterized by changing their endings, which are called case forms. In total, there are six cases in the Russian language, each of which has its own auxiliary question.

The form of the nominative case is called direct (or initial), all others are called indirect. As an example, consider the change in cases of the nouns “house” and “fox”:

Nominative ( Who? What?): house, fox.

Genitive ( whom? what?): houses, foxes.

Dative ( to whom? what?): home, fox.

Accusative ( whom? What?)): house, fox.

Instrumental case ( by whom? how?): house, fox.

Prepositional ( about whom? about what?): about the house, about the fox.

In order to determine the case of a noun, you need to try asking one of the auxiliary questions to it. As you can understand from the above example, the change in cases of animate and inanimate nouns is slightly different.

In particular, the shape deserves special attention accusative case, in which even the formulation of the auxiliary question is different: when declension of animate nouns of all three genders, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the genitive case, and when declension of inanimate nouns - with the form of the nominative case.

There are also unyielding nouns, i.e. those that have the same form in all cases. Indeclinables include both common nouns (for example, “coffee” or “cocoa”) and proper names (for example, “Goethe”).

As a rule, indeclinable nouns are words borrowed from foreign languages. They can belong to all three genera.

Using prepositions

In most cases, certain prepositions are used with specific case forms of nouns. For example, with the genitive case form - prepositions "WITH", "BEFORE", "U" And " FROM", with the dative case form - preposition « TO » , with the instrumental case - prepositions "BEFORE", "UNDER" And "ABOVE", and with the prepositional case form - prepositions "IN", "ABOUT", And "AT".

In a sentence, a noun in the nominative case form usually acts as the subject, in the oblique case forms - as the object.

1. Declension.

2. Addition.

3. Conjugation.

Which part of the sentence is the noun in the nominative case?

1. Secondary.

2. Subject.

3. Predicate.

3. What questions do nouns answer in the genitive case?

1. Who? What?

2. To whom? Why?

3. About whom? About what?

What prepositions are used with nouns in the genitive case?

2. Under, over.

3. From, without, at, to, from.

5. What questions do nouns answer in the dative case?

1. About whom? About what?

2. To whom? Why?

3. By whom? How?

Read it. In which phrase is the noun used in the dative case?

1. Sail to the shore .

2. Write about nature .

3. Walk near the house .

7. In what case do nouns answer questions? whom? What?

1. In the nominative.

2. In the dative.

3. In the accusative.

Read it. In which phrase is the noun used in the instrumental case?

1. Growing under the tree.

2. I draw pencil .

3. I see sea .

In which case are nouns used without prepositions?

1. In the prepositional form.

2. In the dative

3. In the accusative.

In which phrase is the noun used in the prepositional case?

1. Talk about a friend.

2. Write with a pen.

3. Draw a tree.


Topic “Three declensions of nouns”

What nouns belong to the 1st declension?

1. Masculine and feminine nouns with endings -and I.

2. Masculine nouns with zero endings and neuter nouns with endings -o, -e.

3. Feminine nouns with zero ending.

What declension are feminine nouns ending in zero?

1. To the first.

2. To the second.

3. To the third.

What declension are neuter nouns in?

1. To the first.

2. To the second.

3. To the third.

Read it. Which line contains all the nouns of the 1st declension?

1. Day, night, salt.

2. Earth, country, moon.

3. Mirror, lake, dawn.

Read it. Which line contains all the nouns of the 2nd declension?

1. Sleep, sea, summer.

2. Family, uncle, winter.

3. Mouse, shadow.

Read it. Which line contains unchangeable nouns?

1. Window, lake, canvas.

2. Subway, coat, cinema.

3.Mirror, glass, apple.

Complete the missing words.

To determine the declension of a noun in a sentence, you need to put it in the initial form - in the _________________ case of _____________ number.

Write down the nouns, putting them in their initial form.

A quiet fog hangs over the yellow fields.


Underline the nouns of the 3rd declension.

Autumn, speech, stump, rye, pain, deer, goalkeeper, blizzard, salt, carrots.

Correct mistakes.

Country (3), tree (2), snow (1), pride (3), Marina (1), darkness (2), warmth (2), horse (1).


Topic: Stressed and unstressed endings of nouns

Target:show that vowel sounds in the case endings of nouns can be in stressed and unstressed positions, introduce the method of checking
unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns.

Organizing time

A minute of penmanship


Look at the pattern. What word is included in the pattern? What is library? The word library consists of two ancient Greek words: biblios - book, teke - storage. Write the pattern by pronouncing the spelling of the word library. From which work are the following lines taken?

And if you are polite,

then you are in the library

Nekrasov and Gogol

You won’t take it forever.


Read the words. What unites these words? How are they different? Write down the words. Underline the spellings. At the end of which nouns after sibilants is a soft sign written? Give examples.

We sat on the deck and admired the surroundings of the river.

Read it. Write by inserting the missing letters. Name homogeneous members of the sentence. How are homogeneous predicates related? In noun words, highlight the endings.

Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

Explanation of new material

Execution of exercise 162

Students find out that

¾ nouns can have stressed and unstressed endings, i.e. vowels in the endings can be either stressed or unstressed (it is necessary to show the relationship between spellings: an unstressed vowel at the root of the word and an unstressed vowel at the ending; both obey the basic law of Russian writing - in an unstressed position require verification);

Stressed and unstressed endings of nouns of the same declension are pronounced differently, but are written the same way, that is, unstressed endings can be verified by stress;

To check for an unstressed vowel at the end of a noun, you must substitute a noun of the same declension in which the vowel of the case ending is stressed.

Reading the rules on p. 101.

Execution of exercise 163 (carried out in accordance with the tasks for it.)

Familiarization with the sequence of actions when checking unstressed vowels at the endings of nouns(exercise 164)

Study of cases and their differences.

The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. Of course, it’s hard for anyone to learn a non-native vocabulary. But precisely because of the transformation of words into cases, the Slavic dialect becomes too difficult to understand. And many speakers of their native dialect are often confused about this issue, so next we will try to figure it out.

Changing nouns by case: what is it called?

Changing nouns by case - called declination.

Declension- this is our transformation of words at the end. And it is necessary so that the words are properly fastened together. This is how statements in the Russian lexicon are obtained.

Noun- this is the component of the phrase that implies the subject. Both living and non-living. Therefore, it gives answers to the questions posed: who? And what?

Covers very broad concepts:

  • name of items(chair, knife, book)
  • designation of persons(woman, baby, vegetarian)
  • naming living things(dolphin, cat, amoeba)
  • name of substances(coffee, gelatin, starch)
  • terms of various factors and cases(fire, intermission, correspondence)
  • designation of all stays, actions and properties(tearfulness, optimism, running)

There are six different cases:

  • nominative
  • genitive
  • dative
  • accusative
  • instrumental
  • prepositional

Cases of nouns in Russian: table with questions, prepositions and auxiliary words in the singular

To perceive and quickly assimilate information, tables are often used. They do a great job of showing what questions are used.

  • First declension- nouns of feminine and masculine gender, the ending of which is - a, i
  • Second declension- masculine nouns without an ending and ending with a soft sign, neuter nouns with the ending - o, e
  • Third declension- these are feminine words that end with a soft sign

In the plural, for better understanding, a table is used, which differs, however, only in the ending.

Incorrect use of cases: what type of error?

It seems that you look at the tables and examples, and everything becomes clear. And you think, what’s so complicated about that? But in reality it turns out that many people make mistakes. Despite the fact that they know the material. And, as a rule, these are very common mistakes that require special attention.

Highlight 2 main mistakes, which are connected:

  • with incorrect definition of noun declension
  • with inappropriate use of prepositions

Prepositions require special attention:

  • thanks to
  • according to
  • contrary to
  • like
  • contrary to
  • across

IMPORTANT: These prepositions are used in the dative case.

For example, maneuver according to (what?) law. Or, thanks to (what?) friendship with the Fedorov family.

It is also worth highlighting a number of other statements that often used in the erroneous case:

  • In view. The current preposition is used only in the genitive case. For example, due to excess (what?) money.
  • A statement like "together with" requires the instrumental case, since it has the weight of joint action. For example, playing with (who?) my nephew.
  • Also, a pretext "along with" also asks for the instrumental case. For example, along with other (what?) things.
  • But after the expression "By" the adverb requests the prepositional case. If there is a meaning "after something". For example, upon completion of the contract.

How to distinguish the nominative case from the accusative case?

Every student faces these questions. And adults often face similar choices. And it is not surprising that these aspects are often confused. After all, the questions are of the same type and endings of inanimate words the same ones, but here endings of animate nouns totally different.

How the nominative case differs from the accusative case: instructions.

  • Of course, the question is raised.
    There was already a reminder in the table above that the nominative is guided by questions Who? What?(as the main member of the sentence). And the accusative - (I see) whom? What?(minor part of the sentence).
  • And there is a little trick. Because the word in the nominative case will always be main member in a sentence, then we determine the main members of the sentence - the subject and the predicate.
  • If our word is not the main member of the sentence, therefore, it is in the accusative case and will be a minor member of the sentence.
  • Another technique: pose a question to the word being tested in an animated form. For example: Who? parrot (subject in the nominative case) pecks What?(whom?) grain (minor part of the sentence, accusative case).
  • Also, a significant role is played by the preposition with which the independent part of speech is associated (or not). In the first variant (nominative case), the noun is always used without pretext. But in the second (accusative case), on the contrary, more often with it ( in, on, for, through and others).
  • It will also help to identify the case ending. The table above has already mentioned what endings each case has.

How to distinguish the accusative case from the genitive case?

  • The most important help is the question you need to ask yourself in your mind. The genitive case, as we know, responds to questions whom or what No? But the accusative case is - see who? I hear what? Question whom? the same in both cases.

Read the instructions below.

  1. Mentally replace the animate object with an inanimate one.
  2. The question approaches the inanimate in the genitive case: what isn't there? But in the accusative, an inanimate object reacts to the question What do I see and hear?
  3. Example: I caught ( whom?) butterfly. We pose an inanimate question. I caught ( What?) butterfly. Question what? doesn't fit. So this is the accusative case.
  • By the way, in genitive case will mean attachment to someone or something. We bought a suitcase for ( what?) travel (genitive). The bedside table is made ( Of what?) made of wood (genitive). Also point to a particle of something. A flower is a part of (what?) a plant (genitive). Or is it going comparison of objects. Smartphone is better ( what?) push-button telephone (genitive).
  • It is also important that in the genitive case the verb will be with negative particle. In the shop Not was ( what?) sour cream (genitive).
  • But in accusative case has spacious place or intermediate touching. Define ( What?) weather for tomorrow (accusative). And also, the effect transfers entirely to the object. For example, I closed ( What?) door (accusative). Drank (what?) milk (accusative). Or it will express desire and intention. I want to eat ( What?) apple.

Indeclinable nouns: list

It seems that all the nuances were considered, and a little clarification began. But it was not there! The Russian language has come up with some more traps - these are nouns that are not declined. And this is where foreigners get shocked.

To put it very briefly, these are foreign words (almost). But to make it a little clearer, below is a list.

  • Nouns of foreign origin (proper and common nouns), the endings of which are -о, -е, -у, -у, -и, -а:
    • highway
    • interview
    • flamingo
  • Again words of foreign origin. But! Feminine and consonant ending:
    • madam
    • Carmen
  • Surnames. Russian and Ukrainian, the ending of which ends in –о and –ы, theirs:
    • Ivanchenko
    • Korolenko
    • Sedykh, etc.
  • Well, of course abbreviations and shortened words:

Declension of nouns by case: example

Rules are rules, but with an example it is much easier to understand. To make it easier visually, we will also resort to using a table.

How to quickly learn cases and their questions?

In principle, there is nothing complicated. If you carefully understand and understand. And it’s hard not only for visitors from other countries, but also for our children. Therefore, in order for information to be absorbed faster, they have come up with a lot of things. But in our school years we taught by putting a book under the pillow. And, most importantly, it worked! I read it before going to bed, slept all night on the book and already remembered everything.

  • Of course, many teachers resort to rhymes or games. But parents should also help their children in this matter.
  • First of all, you need to remember how many cases there are. There are only 6 of them.
  • And then, using the most common and everyday examples, explain to the child what questions the noun answers. This means that cases are easier to determine.
  • The most important thing is practice! You picked up your child from school and are on the bus. Forward! Practice the words you observe. At least by bus.
  • By the way, a small example of a light poem. Children will like it and will help them learn educational information faster.

A poem about cases: Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered her to drag a diaper

All parents can repeat this poem in chorus. After all, he was remembered as “twice two.” And most importantly, it is easy for children to understand.

  • Ivan (I - nominative)
    Gave birth (P - genitive)
    Girl, (D - dative)
    Velel (B - accusative)
    Drag (T - instrumental)
    Diaper (P - prepositional)

Video: How easy is it to learn cases? Simple memorization technique