Joseph Stalin is called the greatest man in the world. Stalin, a great genius or a calculating killer

Stalin - “the genius of all times and peoples”

Genius and villainy are two incompatible things.

A. Pushkin

Methods of mythologizing a leader

In our literature (both scientific, popular, and fiction) a lot has been written about Stalin. After his death, debates about the identity of the “leader,” “his great virtues,” and the “order” that he established did not cease. However, the further we move away from the “Stalin era”, the more we study the archives and facts of Stalin’s life, the stronger the peculiarity of the methods of his activities, establishing “order”, forming a totalitarian style of leading society, suppressing a person, any manifestation of free thinking, depriving him of political and personal rights - the right to free expression, freedom of speech, personal integrity, personal safety. During his lifetime, Stalin was called a genius of all times and peoples. This characteristic of the leader became firmly entrenched in the consciousness of his contemporaries and lives in the minds of some people even today.

In the context of this work, the figure of Stalin is of particular interest, since she is perhaps one of the most mythologized personalities in human history. He is still a mystery to many - for some a genius, for others a villain, and for some both, although, as our great poet said, “genius and villainy are two incompatible things.”

After the exposure of the cult of personality, Stalin was contrasted with Lenin as “the most humane person.” This line can be clearly seen in N. Khrushchev’s report at the 20th Party Congress, in propaganda, in scientific research, in the everyday consciousness of the people. Nowadays this approach is not common, but it exists. The question of the two leaders is of undoubted interest, primarily because the study of the activities of these individuals, methods of leading society, their views on violence and terror provides grounds for rapprochement, rather than opposition, of these historical characters. Although their path to undivided power was different.

Was Lenin a close friend and ally of Stalin before the revolution and in the first years after it?

Lenin’s letter to Karpinsky dated November 9, 1915: “Big request: find out the name of “Koba.” Joseph J... We forgot."

Judging by the dates of the letters, Lenin did not know Stalin well and only remembered his party pseudonym - Koba. According to Stalin, he first met Lenin in December 1905 at the Bolshevik conference in Tammerfors (Finland). Then there were meetings in 1906 at the Stockholm Party Congress, and in 1907 in London. Obviously, Koba did not attract the attention of the “mountain eagle”, otherwise, after so many years, Lenin would not have asked Koba’s last name.

Stalin closely followed Lenin, his leadership style, and methods of maintaining power. In this he truly was a faithful student and continuer of Lenin’s work. Ambitious, intelligent, resourceful, he supported all of Lenin’s positions, and, in all likelihood, prepared himself for power. Unlike some of Lenin's closest circles, he was always an active supporter of Lenin.

Intuition told the “leader” that Koba was a dangerous rival, and their relationship was never close and frank. In the “Short Course of History of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks)” and other lifetime publications, Stalin was invariably presented as Lenin’s comrade-in-arms even in the early stages of preparation and implementation of the October Revolution; he, along with Lenin, was given a central role in the struggle for the liberation of the working people.

Lenin's letter-testament is known, where he recommended refraining from electing Stalin, citing his rudeness and lack of restraint.

Stalin was a witness and participant in all the events associated with the October Revolution, the brutal suppression of the overthrown classes and punitive measures against the peasantry, even against the proletarians who showed “shakyness.” Lenin was merciless towards those who did not share his beliefs or measures aimed at suppressing classes, social groups, and intelligentsia.

Lenin’s true attitude towards the people is revealed not so much in his speeches, his works, but in letters, instructions (closed and open), in directives of the Cheka, etc. They reveal the hatred of the “leader” for irresponsible workers, peasants, intelligentsia who did not accept those inhumane measures that engulfed the country. Contrary to this truth, which can be learned not only from inaccessible archives, but also simply from Lenin’s multi-volume works, Stalin created myths about “Lenin’s tireless preaching to learn from the masses, to comprehend their actions, to carefully study the experience of the struggle of the masses” (against whom? for what ?). “Faith in the creative forces of the masses is the very feature in Lenin’s activities that gave him the opportunity to comprehend the elements and direct its movement into the mainstream of the proletarian revolution.”

Stalin creates his myths about Lenin, the true essence of Lenin - a statesman who believes that a dictator is needed, to whom everyone must obey and who openly neglects the people, their aspirations and aspirations - Stalin knew and understood. His panegyrics to his predecessor are aimed at using Lenin’s popularity and becoming in the eyes of everyone the continuer of his great work. He succeeded. A little time passed, and Stalin became the “great helmsman”, the “triumphant”, who surpassed Lenin in fame and popularity. It was not difficult for him to become a “successor.” He adopted the teachings and practice of Lenin - dictatorship, the inadmissibility of anyone having an opinion that contradicts the ideas of the new leader.

However, the point is not only in these negative qualities of Stalin; Lenin himself was distinguished by his harshness and allowed offensive expressions towards those who allowed themselves to deviate from his ideas and contradict him. For him, even Hegel was an “idealistic bastard,” so what can we say about his associates, whom he threatened with execution, prison, etc. Lenin, even being seriously ill, apparently painfully parted with power, and he did not want to see a person as an “autocrat” , the essence of which he understood and foresaw its rise. “The dictator is a supremely jealous god. He does not tolerate another god near him” (K. Kautsky).

L. Andreev's prophecy that Lenin - forerunner, and the one behind him “will be stronger than him,” Lenin probably subconsciously felt. He understood that his name would go down in history as a symbol of a man who laid down his life for the good of the people and the fatherland. And after he leaves, he must remain the only one.

After Lenin's death, Stalin took the highest place in the Bolshevik hierarchy. He was not very popular either among the people or in his immediate circle. Realizing this, Stalin chose the only true path - first as a “student and continuer of Lenin’s work,” and then "great student and successor." Stalin's oath of fidelity to Lenin's will was strong and convincing during Lenin's funeral and made a huge impression on that mournful day and in the subsequent years of his stay in power.

Stalin was an orthodox and dogmatist; it was not difficult for him to translate Marxist-Leninist teachings into simple language and straightforward actions. Dissent, no matter what issue it concerned, even one about which the founders did not write at all, was declared anti-Marxist, revisionist, and the author of such a “version” would certainly face punishment (moral or political).

It is characteristic that the main idea, which invariably was one of the main components of Stalin’s slogans and assurances, was ultimately the construction of socialism leading to the “shining heights of communism.”

Stalin came to power at a time when relative order was established in the country, and thanks to the NEP, the material life of the people improved somewhat. But at the same time, he inherited a destroyed industry and a ruined peasant economy. The people for the most part calmed down, although discontent and disagreement continued to exist, but were suppressed by fear.

Stalin was a supporter of revolutionary radicalism, therefore commodity-money relations and the market were completely excluded in his concept of building socialism. Complete nationalization of property and leadership style were subsequently called the administrative-command system. Stalin's five-year plans were implemented thanks to the enormous, sometimes backbreaking labor of the people. People sincerely believed that if their lives were still difficult, then true prosperity and happiness would come to future generations.

Stalin aspired to autocratic status. There were practically no bright, talented people in his immediate circle, and he would not have tolerated them. These were basically former professional revolutionaries, insufficiently educated, poorly versed in how to establish a normal life for people, organize industrial production, organize the production of agricultural products, and most importantly - create a decent life for people, ensure their rights and freedoms that citizens have long enjoyed states where bourgeois revolutions took place.

How could it happen that only after the adoption of the 1936 Constitution one could hear about human rights in a song: “a person always has the right to study, rest and work.” Even in his set of mythological constructs, Stalin did not say anything about this. Probably because he, like Lenin, considered pure democracy and human rights an unnecessary invention of capitalism, the purpose of which is to deceive the people.

Stalin forged collectivism, taught to subordinate personal interests to public ones. Even the young pioneers endlessly repeated these words, hardly realizing their true meaning.

But time passed, and Stalin understood that it was necessary to concentrate power in his own hands, to rise on the crest of popularity, which he lacked. Following Lenin's path, he became deeply imbued with the idea of ​​dictatorial power. He could not, like Lenin, directly say that everyone must obey a dictator who implements the will of the class and “who sometimes does more and is often more necessary.” The time was different, so he took a different path to autocracy, to dictatorship.

D. Volkogonov writes: “Only now have we really begun to think: how could a person, immoral and physically unattractive, and politically deeply repulsive, make an entire great people love him? How did he manage to “remelt” the tragedy of the people into personal triumph? Why did millions believe him, and not only in our country? Stalin knew the “secrets” of this phenomenon, loved it, and treasured it.”

D. Volkogonov reveals those methods and techniques that were deeply thought out and used by Stalin to introduce into the consciousness of the people the idea of ​​the uniqueness of his personality, inseparable from socialism, its successes (especially noticeable after the “time of troubles” - revolution, civil war, ruthless destruction of people of any estates: former expropriators, workers, and peasants).

Lenin complained that “there are few conscious workers,” but he educated them not so much with his speeches and speeches, which included calls for order and legality, for accounting and control, but rather with the most severe punitive measures. He said little about the harmonious development of personality. Therefore, it is difficult to agree with D. Volkogonov, who writes that “the idea of ​​a new man put forward by Stalin is fundamentally different from Lenin’s ideas of the harmonious development of personality in a socialist society.”

Lenin did not think about the harmony of the individual; he demanded unconditional obedience to the will of the “dictator,” although he wrote that the state is strong by the consciousness of the masses. In the most severe conditions of anarchy and arbitrariness, he called on citizens to comply with laws and establish order. But he was far from the utopian ideas that the founders had, that in a communist society the differences between physical and mental labor would be overcome. As the poet said about personal harmony, “he will plow the earth, write poetry” (V. Mayakovsky). And what kind of harmony could there be if the head of the state was a man deeply indignant that Lunacharsky managed to preserve the opera and ballet theater, recommending “all theaters should be put in a coffin,” etc. d., who considers everything moral that contributes to the construction of socialism.

Stalin assigned a person the role of a “cog” and a “nut” in the state mechanism. And such an attitude towards a person, his rights and freedoms, his autonomy and individuality strengthened the system-centrism, which was covered with verbal husk. “We must first of all learn to value people, value personnel, value every employee who can benefit our common cause. We must finally understand that of all the valuable capital available in the world, the most valuable, the most decisive capital is people, personnel.” These words were spoken by Stalin in 1935, when by that time millions of people had been innocently convicted and destroyed.

The people hindered the “leaders” with their ignorance, lack of discipline, and differences of opinion, and they can only be taught to order by methods of violence and terror. The main thing is to destroy the “enemies” - apostates, dissenters, dissidents. And here it was important to involve the people in a constant struggle against “enemies” of all types and shades, to create a tense atmosphere, to instill in people an awareness of the danger to building socialism. Throughout the entire period of the dictatorship of the proletariat, the people were brought up in the spirit of “totalitarian collectivism.”

D. Volkogonov gave a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of Stalin’s personality and his path to worldwide fame and the frantic love of the people, his divine detachment from him. But it is surprising that he invariably contrasts the righteous Leninist methods with the Stalinist political methods of leading society. D. Volkogonov endows Lenin with “amazing integrity,” “humanism,” “genius,” “the desire to educate a harmonious personality,” to fight dogmatism, that is, a knight without fear or reproach. We cannot agree with this. All of Lenin’s activities were accompanied by punitive policies, terror, violence, and the desire to subjugate the entire people to the dictator’s power, about whose lack of consciousness he expressed extreme dissatisfaction. How could this be hidden from the author who wrote a politically, psychologically and historically deep study of the personality of the sinister dictator with his sophisticated methods of hypocrisy, deceit and hatred, covered with beautiful words about the great goal and his own sacrifice for the good of all people, about the invaluable historical mission of his predecessor Lenin ?

The illegal acts committed were accompanied by references to the great teaching of Marx and Engels, which is “all-powerful because it is true.” However, Marxism did not develop in an ascending straight line; its founders changed their views under the influence of new social relations, which the authors of the doctrine, which had a huge influence on the entire world history, did not foresee. They changed their attitude to the most fundamental issues of social development - from the inevitability of a violent revolution and the seizure of power by the proletariat to the possibility of a peaceful transition to radical democratic demands; from the dictatorship of the proletariat to the need for participation in power by all sectors of society.

  • Lenin V.I. Poly. collection Op. T. 49. P. 104.
  • Right there. P. 161.
  • Lenin V.I. Poly. collection Op. T. 40. P. 272.
  • Volkogonov D. Triumph and tragedy. J.V. Stalin. Political portrait. Book II. Part 2. pp. 31, 32.
  • Right there. P. 32.
  • Stalin I. Questions of Leninism. Ed. 11. P. 491.

There are few problems in history or modern times on which Russian society would be united. Reinterpretation of historical events and persons always leads to the ranks of either their supporters or opponents. Half of those surveyed by sociologists stubbornly continue to consider Joseph Stalin a villain and a tyrant, and half - the creator of a powerful empire, a great commander and a man who raised the greatness of the country to unprecedented heights. In March 2004, before the presidential elections, according to some polls, Stalin's rating was only slightly inferior to Putin's. According to the latest VTsIOM poll, timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the death of the “leader of the peoples,” half of the respondents positively assessed his role in the life of the country. When asked whether modern Russia needs such a politician, 42% of respondents answered “yes.”

Disputes about Stalin's role in history still continue on the pages of newspapers, magazines, television, and on bookshelves full of titles of books about him. Joseph Dzhugashvili continues to be a popular political figure even more than half a century after his death, but his personality is still little understood. This is especially true for its economic activities. Be that as it may, Stalin twice brought Russia, tormented by wars and revolutions, onto a trajectory of economic recovery.

Three years ago, economic adviser to the Russian president Andrei Illarionov, in an interview with Izvestia, reviewing the history of the downturns and upswings of the Russian economy since 1886, noted three major crises (1917-1922, 1941-1946 and 1991-1998) . The latter, in his opinion, was marked with slightly less depth than during the Civil War. According to Illarionov, in the last decade the growth rate of GDP per capita was: in Equatorial Guinea - more than 10% per year, in China - 8.5%, on average across the world - 1.8%. And only in Russia this indicator was negative: in 1991-2000. – minus 3% per year. Commenting on the report of the presidential adviser, Izvestia “drew” Russia on the map: by territory its share is 11.5%, by population – 2.32%, by purchasing power parity – 1.79%, by GDP, by the ratio of foreign exchange courses - 1.1%.

There is only one conclusion, but a cruel one - the history of mankind knows no precedents when such a gap between “territorial power” and “economic insignificance” remained for a long time.” In a word, either GDP will begin to grow, or... The words “collapse of the country” and “loss of independence” were not spoken, but they were implied.

In addition, Illarionov stated that “the highest rates of economic growth were observed in Russia in 1923-1927 and after the war in 1947-1950.” The economic adviser does not directly talk about Stalin, but it was during these years that he was in power.

In the mid-1920s, after Lenin's death, the country found itself at a crossroads. One thing was obvious - it was necessary to industrialize the USSR, and this required at least 16-17 billion rubles in gold. In modern times, the money is small - over the past few years, several dozen times more have been taken out of Russia. But then for the USSR, which was in economic ruins, this was an unaffordable amount. The question of where to get money was very acute in conditions of complete economic blockade. Some suggested not forcing events and following the path of the New Economic Policy (NEP). While developing light industry and related sectors, we will rely on the private sector in agriculture. And gradually, through the banking system, accumulate investments to create heavy industry.

Another group of party and state leaders, led by Stalin, insisted on the transfer of industry under state control, the maximum socialization of agricultural production, the elimination of private trade and the concentration of all available resources in the hands of the state. As subsequent events showed, this path turned out to be effective. If the USSR had followed a path designed for many, many years, the Nazis in 1941 would have crushed the country like a house of cards - with aviation, heavy artillery, tanks and armored personnel carriers.

Stalin achieved a final victory over his opponents in the party leadership on the same day that his program for the accelerated development of Russia was approved. On April 23, 1929, the XVI All-Union Conference of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks opened, at which the resolution “On the Five-Year Plan for the Development of the National Economy” was adopted. Contrary to the opinion that Stalin imposed an accelerated course of development of the country, the five-year plan received the support of many, even opponents.

In the 1930s, DneproGES and Magnitka, Uralmash and Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant, and many other enterprises were built, which became the basis of Soviet industry. The country did not pass, but rushed from a peasant plow to an industrialized society and took its rightful place next to the economic leaders - the USA, Germany, and Great Britain. During the first five-year plan, over 1,500 new factories and plants were commissioned. In the USSR, in a time unprecedented in history, a powerful energy base, modern metallurgy, mechanical engineering, aircraft and shipbuilding were created, and science and education developed at a colossal pace.

Speaking at the 16th Party Congress, Stalin paid special attention to the global economic crisis that broke out in 1929. Many then said that this was just a temporary recession, which should soon end. However, as subsequent events showed, Stalin was right when he said that “the current crisis cannot be considered as a simple repetition of the old ones” and that “the current crisis is the most serious and deepest crisis of all the world economic crises that have existed so far.” He also predicted that the global economic crisis would develop into a political crisis in a number of countries: “This means that the bourgeoisie will seek a way out of the situation in further fascisation in the field of domestic politics and a new imperialist war.” In general, Stalin actively took advantage of the global economic crisis, buying modern industrial technologies at that time, inviting specialists. We will not say that the Generalissimo was the founder of industrial espionage; in any case, he did not shy away from it. A striking example of this is the American Douglas aircraft - in the Soviet version LI-2. When the Americans tried to accuse the Soviets of plagiarism, Stalin reasonably noted that creative thought has no boundaries.

It was necessary to build the economy with our own funds, without resorting to external borrowing. By the way, the first loan was taken from the Germans in 1939. Its history is worth dwelling on separately, since taking out a loan before the war from a potential enemy is an almost incredible thing, but the Soviet government succeeded. The USSR and Germany entered into a trade and credit agreement immediately after Berlin approached Moscow with a proposal to conclude a non-aggression pact. Providing a loan was a mandatory condition of the Soviet government. As a result, the USSR received 200 million German marks for a period of seven years at 4.5%. Moreover, it was used exclusively for investment purposes: equipment, machines and machines were purchased in Germany, with the help of which it was possible to increase Soviet industrial production.

True, the Soviet Union did not solve a single problem of industrialization before the start of the war, since in 1932, due to the aggravation of the international situation, several factories switched to defense production. However, hard currency was introduced, first the chervonets, then the Soviet ruble. Trade turnover and taxation have been established. All this made it possible to concentrate a colossal amount of funds in the hands of the Bolsheviks.

In the USSR, wages and production of goods were the responsibility of the state. As much money was printed as goods were produced, and the money supply was constantly in circulation, its circulation was regulated by the frequency of wages. Thanks to this, there was no shortage of goods or unsold goods. Even the slightest inaccuracy in calculations could lead to the fact that “extra” money would begin to accumulate in the hands of the population, with all the ensuing consequences. But this was avoided for decades, even during the war.

It is believed that the Great Patriotic War would have been won much earlier and with fewer losses if Stalin had not shot all the generals. But it should be noted that World War II was a war of economies. You cannot win battles against aircraft and tanks with machine guns and rifles. This is no longer a war, but an execution. All repressed military men had experience in maneuverable civil war, and only the Great Patriotic War produced military leaders of a new formation capable of waging modern mechanized warfare. Soviet military leaders began their careers as soldiers in the Tsarist army. Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Bagramyan, Govorov, and many others received their education in Soviet times, and their experience in the battles of Khalkhin Gol, Khasan, and the Finnish War. Interesting fact: when Hitler already realized that the war with the USSR was lost, trying to analyze the reasons for the impending defeat, he ordered to collect all the information about his and Soviet military leaders. Having compared these and other data, Hitler stated that he understood: the new generation of Russian commanders, unlike the Germans, turned out to be less conservative and capable of non-standard solutions.

The restoration of the country after the war became an economic miracle, unsurpassed by anyone and nowhere. Long-time chairman of the USSR State Planning Committee Nikolai Baibakov recalls Stalin’s famous meeting with voters in 1946 at the Bolshoi Theater: “Stalin said that the party intends to organize a powerful rise in the national economy, in which the level of industrial production should, in a short historical period, rise threefold compared to the pre-war level. Coal production will increase to 50 million tons per year, oil - to 60 million per year. Only under such conditions will our country be guaranteed against accidents, but this will take, perhaps, three five-year plans, if not more. I was stunned when I heard the last figure. I understood that it would be so, that there was nothing propaganda... We reached the production milestone of not 60, but even 70 million tons of oil per year already in 1955, that is, almost 2 times faster than the deadline announced by him, and at what time. decade - the first after a terrible destructive war! During this time, national income increased by 2.8 times, the volume of industrial production - by 3.2 times, retail trade turnover - by 2.1 times, real wages - by 1.8 times. Unprecedented pace, unprecedented scope."

In the pre- and post-war years, economic growth was calculated not in percentages but in times. World history has never known such rates of economic development of a huge country inhabited by more than a hundred peoples and nationalities. The experience of industrialization and post-war reconstruction, for all its uniqueness, can be used in current conditions, even taking into account the changed political and economic situation. Now there are obviously more opportunities for an economic breakthrough, given the legacy of the Soviet Union - scientific, technical, cultural, etc.

The essence of Stalin's successes, if we put aside all the verbal fluff, is to mobilize all financial and material resources and direct them to the development and creation of priority sectors of industry and agriculture for the country. This process was directed and meaningful, excluding any spontaneity and the “invisible hand of the market.” It was visible, transparent and skillfully managed by the state.

Many economists recognized that Stalin was a competent and consistent market leader. American economist of Russian origin, Nobel Prize laureate Vasily Leontiev wrote that “Soviet leaders did not need economists, because they themselves were economists.” By the way, it was Stalin who made the statement about “the internal market as the basis of a strong state.” An ardent supporter of the distributive economy, Trotsky, who was expelled from the USSR, considered Stalin’s main mistake to be the transfer of the USSR economy to monetary and commodity relations.

Under Stalin, there were gas meters; education, starting from high school, was paid. Few people know that only under Khrushchev were the personal plots of collective farmers liquidated, and under him they began to shoot currency traders. Khrushchev abolished fees in public toilets - a detail, albeit insignificant, but telling. Experts explain this whole policy by the fact that Khrushchev joined the Communist Party in the mining village of Yuzovka, whose party organizations were Trotskyist.

The assessments of political leaders who did not share Stalin’s ideological and political worldview are interesting. In his speech in the House of Commons in 1959, three years after the revealing 20th Congress, Churchill said: “Stalin was an outstanding personality who appealed to our cruel times of that period ... It is a great happiness for Russia that during the years of difficult trials it was led by a genius, unshakable commander Stalin... He created and subjugated a huge empire... Stalin was the greatest dictator, unparalleled in the world. He took over Russia with a plow and left it equipped with atomic weapons. No, no matter what they say about him, such people are not forgotten in history. ". Charles de Gaulle wrote: “Stalin had enormous authority not only in Russia. He knew how to “tame” his enemies, not to panic when losing and not to enjoy victories.”

Even among advanced democrats, who despise all kinds of tyrants, despots and any state intervention in the economy, there were extraordinary assessments of Stalin’s personality. Yulia Latynina wrote in Novaya Gazeta: “Stalin was sometimes cruel. But he never made mistakes. Nicholas II was kind, but he always made mistakes.” Compare the results of two reigns: after the first - defeat in two wars - Japanese and World War, then revolutions, Civil War, devastation. After the second - the greatest victory and a superpower created from almost nothing.

The head of the Levada Center, Professor Lev Gudkov, in an interview with Radio Liberty conducted in February 2017, said that Stalin’s rating among the Russian population had become higher than the rating of the current President Putin and reached 58%. Moreover, the popularity of Stalin’s personality is actively growing among the youth of Russia.

The absolute majority of democratic historians of Russia still believe, Gudkov said, that Stalin will not remain in history, and if he does, it will only be in the works of professional historians and always in the most negative context. Today, Stalin comes out on top in the list of great people of all peoples and countries.”

Regarding this phenomenon of Russian public opinion, a number of Russian TV channels hosted politicized shows, the participants of which tried to somehow explain the growing popularity of Stalin’s personality not only in Russia, but throughout the world. And no one has a consensus on this matter, neither politicians, nor historians, nor public figures. Except for one thing: the Russian people, they say, are not ready for democracy, because they are slavish by nature and miss the whip on their back. But personally, I have this explanation. There is because for me Stalin is the personification of state justice for the working people of the largest state in the world, who tried to build new human relations without the exploitation of man by man.

And I will allow myself to remind former citizens of the Soviet Union what Soviet power, Stalin’s power, was for every citizen of the USSR. She was a power that helped her citizens live, because every citizen of his country had the right to many, many social benefits. Those same benefits that citizens of today's Russia cannot even dream of.

I will remind them. Here they are:

1.The right to a six to eight hour working day. For the first time in the world in the history of mankind.

2. The right to annual paid leave. For the first time in human history.

3. The impossibility of dismissing an employee on the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization.

4.Right to work. Moreover, graduates of special vocational educational institutions had the right to compulsory employment in the labor field with the provision of housing in the form of a dormitory or apartment.

5. The right to free general and vocational education. Moreover, both secondary vocational education and higher education.

6. The right to free use of preschool institutions: kindergartens, kindergartens, pioneer camps

7. The right to free medical care.

8. The right to free sanatorium and resort treatment.

9. The right to free housing.

10. The right to freely express one’s views on all problems of modern life in the country.

11. The right to protect the state from the arbitrariness of local bosses and officials.

12. The right to free travel to the place of work or study using an individual travel document paid for by the state.

In addition, women were entitled to a number of additional benefits:

1. The right to three years, partially or fully paid, maternity leave with job preservation.

2. The right to free foster care for a child for up to one year.

3. The right to a free dairy kitchen for newborns up to three years of age.

4. The right to free medical and sanatorium-resort treatment for any childhood diseases.

There was nothing like this in any country in the world and there could not have been even a hint. Some social benefits began to appear in foreign countries only after World War II as a result of a powerful labor movement caused by the existence of the Soviet state on the planet. States of workers and peasants.

Having such powerful Social achievements behind him, the Soviet man was sincerely proud of his country, knowing that his country had colossal achievements in the development of its national economy, namely:

1. We ourselves, without any outside help, restored the country’s destroyed national economy after the First World War and the Civil War, and after the Great Patriotic War. The history of mankind has never known such a national feat.

2. In terms of all economic indicators of the development of the country’s national economy, since the second half of the twentieth century, we have occupied a strong second place in the world after. And we must not forget that three monstrous wars swept across the vastness of Russia in the twentieth century, and there have been no wars at all on the territory of the United States over the past hundred and fifty years.

3. In terms of the number of inventions registered per year, we also occupied second place after the United States, and by the mid-eighties we took first place, ahead of the United States. And this indicator speaks about the intellectual level of development of the nation and the technical level of our industrial production. This level was comparable to the American one, the first economy in the world!

4. We had the best system of general and special professional training in the world, which America is only now beginning to switch to. And our schoolchildren and students have always taken prizes at all the intellectual Olympiads of the world, far ahead of representatives from other countries of the world.

Remember the words of American President John Kennedy, who said with bitterness in the sixties that the Russians won the competition for Space at the school desk against the Americans and that it was time for us Americans to adopt the Russian experience of education.

5. We had the best preventative health care system in the world, which America and Europe are only now beginning to adopt.

6. We had the best system of physical and sports training in the world for the population of the country, which China has already switched to and a number of civilized countries of the world are beginning to switch to.

7. We had one of the best space exploration systems in the world, which only America could compete with.

8. We had the best military equipment in the world, which only America could compete with.

You can also add a few words here about the fact that we had a country with which the world reckoned and which was a Great Power with a Great History, with Great Industry, with Great Science, with Great Culture, with Great Education and Great Ideas for building a new society on earth, fair for all people of the country, and not just for the rich.

I’ll add a few more words about his most ardent enemy:

From W. Churchill’s speech in the House of Lords on December 21, 1959 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the birth of J.V. Stalin:

“It was a great happiness for Russia that during the years of difficult trials Russia was led by the genius and unshakable commander I.V. Stalin. He was an outstanding personality, impressed by the cruel times of the period in which his whole life took place.

Stalin was a man of extraordinary energy, erudition and unbending will, sharp, tough, merciless both in business and in conversation, to whom even I, brought up in the English parliament, could not oppose anything.

Stalin, above all, had a great sense of sarcasm and humor, as well as the ability to accurately express his thoughts. Stalin wrote the speeches only himself, and his works always sounded like gigantic power. This power was so great in Stalin that he seemed unique among leaders of all times and peoples.

Stalin made the greatest impression on us. His influence on people was irresistible. When he entered the hall of the Yalta Conference, we all stood up, as if on command, and, strangely, for some reason we kept our hands at our sides.

He had a deep, logical and meaningful wisdom, devoid of any panic. Stalin was an unsurpassed master of finding ways out of the most hopeless situations in difficult moments. In the most difficult moments, as well as in moments of triumph, he was equally restrained and never succumbed to illusions. He was an unusually complex person. He created and subjugated a huge empire. This was a man who destroyed his enemy with his own hands and forced us, whom he openly called imperialists, to rebel against the imperialists.

Stalin was the greatest dictator, unparalleled in the world. He accepted Russia with a plow, but left it equipped with atomic weapons.

No! No matter what they say about him, history and peoples do not forget such leaders.”

Here's what Charles de Gaulle said about Stalin:

"Stalin did not go into the past - he disappeared into the future."

And one more saying from an unknown source:

“Joseph Stalin ceased to be just a historical figure. He is a symbol of a ruler who left behind not an energy appendage of developed countries, not a colony, but a superpower. It is not surprising that his ashes still haunt certain people in the Russian government, who were brought into it not by concerns for the good and prosperity of Russia, but only by their personal selfish interests.”

So the Russian people do not forget about him, despite the monstrous efforts of Russian democrats, who are trying with all the means and forces at their disposal to trample and cover with mud the memory of this Outstanding Figure of Humanity.

“The genius of Stalin could not have been mistaken”

(based on materials from RGASPI)

On April 4, 1953, the Pravda newspaper reported the closure of the last criminal case from the time of the cult of personality - the “doctors’ case.” Those who three months earlier had been declared “vile spies and murderers” turned out to be innocent. How did the country react to the message about the rehabilitation of “pest doctors”? “Historian” publishes letters from citizens from the personal fund of Vyacheslav Molotov, who at that time held the post of first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The official press launched a wide propaganda campaign against “vile spies and murderers disguised as professor-doctors.” Caricature from the magazine "Crocodile". No. 3, 1953

The message of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, published on the second page of the Pravda newspaper on April 4, 1953, does not immediately attract attention against the background of other notes: “Construction in the cities of the Moscow region”, “Spring in Michurinsky Gardens”, “Research in the field of new technology". But it was this message that caused the widest resonance in Soviet society.

It said that the group of doctors accused in the case of “sabotage, espionage and terrorist actions against active figures of the Soviet state” were completely rehabilitated, and those “guilty of improper conduct of the investigation were arrested and prosecuted.” This was the result of a major criminal case, which received the unofficial name “the case of the pest doctors.”

This process was first reported in the editorial of Pravda several months earlier - on January 13 of the same year. The article, with the striking headline “Despicable spies and murderers disguised as professors and doctors,” castigated “the sabotage terrorist activities of vile degenerates who sold themselves to the enemies of the Soviet Union.”

This process matured as part of the campaign to combat cosmopolitanism, and it began back in 1948, largely thanks to the vigilance of the cardiologist L.F. Timashuk. Soon after the death of I.V. Stalin’s “doctors’ case,” which had been developed by the MGB since 1952, was discontinued.

The reaction of the Soviet people to the message from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was ambiguous. After its publication addressed to the First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR V.M. Molotov from different parts of the country, both from anonymous authors and from those who were not afraid to give their name and sign, as well as from teams of various organizations, letters began to arrive in which people spoke about the release of those accused in the “case of sabotage doctors” . It must be said that only a few authors expressed support and gratitude to the government for this “courageous and extremely noble act.” The vast majority of the population condemned the rehabilitation of those who a few months earlier had been declared members of an anti-Soviet terrorist group.

All letters published below are stored in the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) in the fund Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov(F. 82. Op. 2). Documents are reproduced while preserving the stylistic features of the sources, in compliance with generally accepted rules of spelling and punctuation. Identified typos have been corrected and are not specified; the underlinings correspond to the texts.

From Kazan

Dear Vyacheslav Mikhailovich!

To you, as one of the most prominent figures of the Soviet state, I, an ordinary citizen, a member of the party, sincerely want to say a few words. The announcement of the rehabilitation of a group of doctors with appropriate comments represents a courageous and extremely noble act of the government.

I, like a lot of other people, expect and hope that the real Soviet government will pursue a truly communist, people's policy, and not another policy, which, unfortunately, on many issues was left as a “legacy” to the real government.

The highest bodies of the Soviet state can have no doubt that they will receive unlimited support in their activities from all honest people.


RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1457. L. 32.

Script. Autograph

From Gorky

Dear Comrade Molotov!

We greeted with a feeling of complete bewilderment the news of the release of doctors accused of sabotage and treason. How can we understand that those whom Pravda recently called killer doctors and the report of whose capture appeared during the lifetime of our dear father Comrade Stalin, suddenly 2-3 weeks after his death became honest, outstanding, great and the greatest? How can we now digest the facts that were written about on the pages of newspapers about the connections of the fifth column with the Joint, about Mikhoels, about Shimeliovich and about connections with US and British agents? Why did a simple Russian woman, Lydia Timashuk, need to “expose” the criminal affairs of doctors? Whose “agent” is she? American, English, or did she take this path for the sake of “adventure” and “careerism”?

It was glaringly obvious to everyone that after the arrest of the doctors, not a single Jew expressed his anger and indignation (including their ideological leader I. Ehrenburg, who loves to write so much). They themselves chatted that “all” of America had risen to the defense of doctors, that, supposedly, the world community was protesting against “lawlessness.”

M.S. Vovsi is a therapist, professor, major general of the medical service. Arrested in the "Doctors' Case", he was declared the leader of an anti-Soviet terrorist organization

A.I. Feldman is an otolaryngologist, professor, and the founder of otorhinolaryngology in early childhood. In 1953, he was accused of terrorist and espionage activities in the “Doctors' Case”

We hated and hate the enemies of our state. Some of them were Russians, but the entire Russian people welcomed all harsh measures against them. Russian people despise vile traitors and degenerates like Bukharin and Pyatakov. So why, when Vovsi and Co. (O in upper case!!!) were arrested, all the Jews (without exception) started talking about some kind of anti-Semitism, persecution and other nonsense fictions? Is this what honest Soviet people do? This is suspicious. Nowhere, never before, has the national question (in particular, the Jewish question) been so brilliantly resolved as in our country. Nowhere do Jews have as many rights and freedom as in the USSR. It would seem that the Jews would respond to this concern of the party and government, dear Comrade Stalin, with honest work. What happened?

Of all the peoples of the USSR, the Jewish nationality became the most prosperous, the most privileged and, it must be said, the richest. They themselves do not hide this. Isolated from difficult work in factories and factories at the machines, on arable land and fields, the Jewish minority actually seized all the profitable jobs. They have made their way and dominate in medicine, trade, pharmacies, theaters, music, watchmaking, etc., but not where physical labor is needed. Ordinary people see this privileged position of Jews and are rightly indignant (by the way, all the best apartments are occupied by Jews). Therefore, the Soviet people welcomed Stalin's wise policy of bringing Jews into the framework of socialist society. There could be no talk of any anti-Semitism, which Jewish bourgeois nationalists so love to hide behind. He is fundamentally alien to the Soviet people. They were raised by Stalin. The Jews took the message about the arrest of doctors as anti-Semitism, although there were many Russians among those arrested.

The people of the country of socialism, united around the party, increased their vigilance and showed firm devotion to the CPSU and its Central Committee in the difficult days of the death of their beloved Stalin. The strange message shook the unity of the people, causing uncertainty and confusion. After all, the trial of the doctors took place under the supervision of Comrade Stalin himself, and Stalin’s genius could not make a mistake. Was the entire investigation really led by Ryumin alone? The question immediately arises: where was L.P. Beria? How could “honest, outstanding doctors” plead guilty if the accusation was false?? Honest Soviet citizens would never have taken this vile step! Jews now openly say that the wave of supposed “anti-Semitism” is over, and talk about reprisals against those who, along with everyone else, condemned doctors. Now all that remains is to wait again for the “Joint” to be held in high esteem? That the stolen Jewish businessmen and traders will return to their places again? (That's what they say.)

V.M. Molotov - in 1953, first deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and at the same time minister of foreign affairs / RIA Novosti

Our dear Vyacheslav Mikhailovich! We understand perfectly well what the frenzy of Russian and other chauvinism is, bourgeois. nationalism, what is the unity of the party in these difficult days without Joseph Vissarionovich. You are a colleague of V.I. Lenin, closest friend and ally of I.V. Stalin. The people believe you and love you. The people are afraid that there will be an excess after the rehabilitation of the doctors, that some honest Russian heads will fly, that the already enormous privileged position of the Jews will not be increased.

We write to you with all our hearts, please do not think that this is some kind of dirty slander.

Only under Stalinist policies will there be unity.

Sincerely, Group of comrades.

The past war showed the true face of the Jews. In the event of a war with the US imperialists, without a doubt, they will be its 5th column. Don't trust them.

When the doctors were caught, people said that in the end they would end up with the Russians anyway.

And so it happened.

RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1466. L. 55–56.

Script. Handwritten text

Letters from V.M. Molotov with the response of ordinary Soviet citizens to the release of a group of doctors accused in the case. 1953

To the Secretary of the CPSU (make footnote 13, add one more note in order, change subsequent numbers accordingly) Comrade V.M. Molotov.

The unity of our party with the people is the greatest strength and might of our state; success in war, if it arises, will depend on this.

The decree on amnesty is a step towards this unity, it is a path to strengthening the power of our Motherland. The government expressed the will of the people and brought them great joy.

The release of the doctors and the revelation of the fact that the investigation was carried out using non-Soviet methods is also a step of great importance in further strengthening unity with the people and strengthening the power of our state.

The laws of criticism and vigilance triumph and play the role of the greatest incentive for improving the well-being of the Motherland and the people.

After all, non-Soviet methods of interrogation and torture were characteristic of the Yezhovshchina. Before the war, they seized one word at a time and imprisoned them, especially specialists, thereby playing into the hands of the enemy, weakening the rear and the connection between the people and the government.

It is necessary to reconsider the practice of the current investigative bodies, especially at the bottom.

For example, in the city of Shchigra, Kursk region. At the mechanical plant, about 40 people were taken for investigation, who took nuts from the plant. They were taken in order to find a “spy” among them. They say that if they are not guilty, they will be released, but one must assume how they will be “interrogated” there.

M.D. Ryumin is a senior investigator who in 1951 became Deputy Minister of State Security. “The Doctors’ Plot” arose on the initiative of Ryumin

There are many facts when, based on one denunciation, honest Soviet party workers and disabled people of the Patriotic War are summoned and brutally interrogated because their relatives were under occupation. To call and interrogate the most brutal method for the investigative authorities, one denunciation, possibly made out of malice, is often enough; after a forced “confession,” they are taken into custody.

Thousands of exhausted people are calling on you, review the cases of those who have been convicted, order investigations again, let them look at the cases of those under investigation on whom the cases were created.

Issue an appropriate decree prohibiting torture.

Perhaps there is sabotage in the investigative agencies, or it is simply excessive zeal, a “disservice,” but one way or another, and this weakens the rear, the power of the state, and the people suffer.

Let people not be convicted based on denunciations alone, let there be no closed courts, let beatings during interrogations of both political and criminal criminals be prohibited, when their guilt has not yet been proven, by at least two witnesses.

The people know that they are subjected to torture and torture in the investigative bodies.

Review all legal proceedings, by doing this you will strengthen the power of the Motherland and the government.

Review the organization of labor on collective farms and taxes, send commissions from the center to study the shortcomings. With this you will strengthen the Motherland.

It was written by the same person who wrote to the center about Yezhov before the war, suggesting sabotage in his activities, which was justified within six months.

My last name is fictitious, the facts are true. Your deeds are brilliant, the people bless them.

RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1466. L. 40–41 vol.

Script. Handwritten text

Comrade Molotov.

The Russian people do not believe Beria’s announcements; they play into the hands of the BBC, the Voice of America, and disgrace the owls. power and into the hands of Jewish chauvinists.

The Jews take over the NKGB, then kill and poison everyone.

Kaganovich is preparing to seize power with the Jews.

Beria sold himself to the Jews, he and the rootless Jews are destroying the Motherland and the Revolution.

Comrade Molotov.

Save the Motherland and the Revolution.

party member 1916

Chekist 1919

[G. Mariupol]

RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1466. L. 59.

Script. Handwritten text

From Moscow

The moral and political state of our Soviet society has suffered great damage that is difficult to repair.

Despicable degenerates like Ryumin have been systematically poisoning the consciousness of our people for over 5 years, inciting national hatred, instilling anti-Semitism among the masses - this most vile form of cannibalism of our days.

All this was done in the following way:

According to the secret instructions of the fascist degenerates, all Jews were first dismissed from the MGB and the police, despite their many years of experience as security officers.

Then all party bodies were cleared of Jews: regional committees, regional committees, district committees.

The recently held elections to local Soviets were held under a secret “installation” - not a single Jew in the Soviets, which was carried out.

The next stage is the dismissal of Jews from central and state institutions.

All these “events” created an extremely tense “pogrom” situation in the country, an atmosphere of mockery of innocent people who were honestly working for the good of the Soviet state, which did not suit the enemies of our state.

Numerous speakers, in their speeches with or without reason, demanded a merciless fight against the Zionist nationalists, transparently hinting that all Jews belong to this.

L.F. Timashuk is a cardiologist, whose letter served as the reason for unleashing the case of “killer doctors”

The same thing was done by feuilletons such as pre-revolutionary “Jewish” jokes with the constant “Abramovichs” and “Rabinovichs”, published in all newspapers, especially local ones.

A particularly difficult situation was created in those republics that were under the rule of fascism for a number of years during a period of temporary occupation, processed by the Goebbels apparatus.

Thousands of vile fascist degenerates, hating Soviet power, lurking among our people, felt familiar trends in all this, a complete opportunity to mock honest Soviet people, who really value Soviet power, which gave them life, freedom and happiness.

To correct this greatest evil, inflicted on our system by a vile, provocative hand, a lot of systematic work is needed.

The following activities need to be carried out in the near future:

1. Reinstate all Jews who previously worked there in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the police.

2. Allow Jews to participate in elections to party and Soviet leadership organizations on an equal basis with other nationalities, as was the case before the war.

3. Issue a special decree according to which every Soviet citizen is allowed to choose a nationality in accordance with his place of birth, which must be indicated in all documents.

4. In general, destroy “nationality” in all official documents and questionnaires §-5, as having no meaning in our Soviet society.

The Soviet government is not afraid to tell the people the truth.

Moreover, it must take all measures to correct the evil committed.

Carrying out these activities will make it possible to correct the vile provocation of the enemies of the people who have sneaked into our ranks, will strengthen the moral and political unity of our Soviet society and will make it much stronger and stronger.

As the head of the government, help strengthen our only Soviet state in the world, in which there should be no division into bad and good nations.

A simple Soviet man

loving his homeland.

RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1466. L. 51–51 vol.

Script. Typescript

Comrade Molotov.

What a global scandal this has become with these pest doctors. The authorities have flogged themselves and sowed great hostility and distrust among the people, turning into nothing the former security agency, which was created by the authorities, as well as the real institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which under such circumstances no one will trust, help or support in anything . All the enemies, internal and external, who, in anticipation of war, begin to raise their heads even higher, of which there are a lot, and one more thing is missing - to free political prisoners and thereby prepare firmer ground for the fifth column inside there, in the Kremlin and locally. If there had already been any mistake, then the government should have, in order not to outrage the people, hide the ends in the water so that no one could ever find it, and not destroy itself so that the people would laugh. Who is in this matter, who is right and who is wrong? It’s very difficult to figure it out, and no one admits to their guilt. As for the investigation, it can be turned this way and that, and wherever the enemies of the people need it. It is not for nothing that America and England are flirting with us regarding peace, while they themselves continue to destroy Korea and are vigorously surrounding us on all sides. Comrade Stalin kept repeating all the time, and so did you: vigilance, vigilance. But where is it when you disgrace your own power to the delight of your enemies?

[G. Penza]

RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1466. L. 57–57 vol.

Script. Handwritten text

Our dear and deeply beloved friend - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich!

The condition of me and my comrades is the most disgusting.

We feel very bad for Lydia Timashuk if she is arrested.

Here we are, ordinary plant employees and workers, suppose we suspected our superiors of something and went, reported, shared our suspicions with the special department, and they, that is, in the special department, approached this matter the way they wanted I wanted it. Even if this suspicion is erroneous, is it really necessary to punish for this? In our opinion, the fault lies only with the investigative authorities.

Otherwise, it turns out that now don’t stutter for us, ordinary people. What kind of vigilance can there be then?

They gave Lydia Timashuk an order, but now they have taken it away, as if it were a toy.

And yet we have no respect for these vaunted and offended doctors.

They did not have to plead guilty to any action.

Remember the heroes of Krasnodon, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the movie “Rome, Open City”, Julius Fuchik - these are truly patriots.

But these cowards had such a high position, they know the ideas of Marx-Engels, Lenin and Stalin better than ours, and they were not able to be steadfast to the end, but took such a shameful accusation upon themselves.

But even for this they are worthless.

Still, Lydia Timashuk had a lot of facts, and they cannot be unfounded.

Forgive me for such impudent thoughts and for the carelessness of the letter.

I am writing not only my own opinion, but also that of my comrades.

I won’t subscribe, because I think it’s unnecessary. I won’t rewrite it either, otherwise I’ll change my mind about writing.

I love my homeland, and I also believe in the government that this misunderstanding will be cleared up.

RGASPI. F. 82. Op. 2. D. 1466. L. 60–61 vol.

Script. Handwritten text

The publication was prepared by the chief specialist of RGASPI
Zoya Vishnyakova


Timashuk Lidiya Fedoseevna (1898–1983) – cardiologist, in the 1940s. worked in the Medical and Sanitary Administration of the Kremlin. Her letter about the improper treatment of A.A. Zhdanov, written in 1948, was used in the fabrication of the “doctors’ case,” as well as in the information coverage of this process by official Soviet propaganda in 1953.

"Joint" (English) American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, American Jewish United Fund Distribution Committee) is the largest Jewish charitable organization dedicated to helping Jews in need and danger throughout the world. Created in 1914

Mikhoels Solomon Mikhailovich (real name Vovsi; 1890–1948) – theater actor and director, public and political figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1939). He became the first chairman of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, created in 1942 on the initiative of the Soviet leadership to fight the Jewish people against fascism throughout the world. On January 12, 1948, he was killed by MGB officers on the instructions of I.V. Stalin. At the beginning of 1953, Mikhoels was posthumously declared a participant in the conspiracy of “sabotage doctors”; after the termination of the “doctors’ case” he was rehabilitated.

Shimeliovich Boris Abramovich (–) – medical and public figure, chief physician of the Hospital named after S.P. Botkin (1931–1949). In 1942 he became a member of the presidium of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC). In 1949, in a case brought by the MGB against members of the JAC, Shimeliovich was arrested. Shot in 1952, posthumously rehabilitated in 1955.

Erenburg Ilya Grigorievich (1891–1967) – prose writer, poet, publicist and translator, public figure. In 1942, he joined the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee and was active in collecting and publishing materials about the Holocaust. The author of the story “The Thaw” (1954), the title of which goes back to the unofficial designation of the period in the history of the USSR when the country was led by N.S. Khrushchev.

(above the parallel anti-Soviet Trotskyist center." Shot in 1937, posthumously rehabilitated in 1988.

Vovsi Miron Semenovich (1897–1960) – therapist, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1944), participant in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, is one of the founders of military field therapy. At the beginning of 1953, Vovsi was arrested in the “Doctors' Case” and declared the leader of an anti-Soviet Zionist terrorist organization; released after the case was closed. Vovsi is the cousin of People’s Artist of the USSR S.M. Mikhoelsa.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Ryumin (1913–1954) – NKGB-MGB officer, colonel, Deputy Minister of State Security of the USSR in 1951–1952. Under his leadership, since 1952, the MGB bodies have been developing the “doctors’ case.”

Joseph Goebbels (1897–1945) – statesman and politician of Nazi Germany, Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda of Germany (1933–1945), Reich Commissioner for Total War Mobilization (1944–1945), Reich Chancellor (April 30 – May 1, 1945) .

January 20, 1953 L.F. Timashuk was awarded the Order of Lenin “for the assistance provided to the government in exposing murderous doctors.” On April 3, 1953, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR decided to “cancel... the decree on awarding the Order of Lenin to doctor Timashuk L.F. as incorrect in connection with the actual circumstances that have now emerged,” as reported by the Pravda newspaper on April 4, 1953 (a message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the termination of the “doctors’ case” was also published there). In the summer of 1954, Timashuk was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor “for long and impeccable service.” She continued to work in her former place, in the Fourth Main Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health (formerly the Kremlin Medical and Sanitary Directorate), until her retirement in 1964.

Fucik Julius (1903–1943) – Czechoslovak journalist, publicist, activist of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Resistance figure during World War II. Since 1941, Fuchik was a member of the illegal Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and directed the underground publications of the party. In 1943 he was executed in Plötzensee prison in Berlin. The notes he wrote in prison (“Report with a Noose Around His Neck”) became widely known.

Russian Revolution

Revelation Klimov Grigory Petrovich



There are a number of mysteries in Stalin. Many still remember the 20th Party Congress, where the so-called personality cult of Stalin was discussed and where it was posthumously debunked. In this regard, many are still tormented by some fundamental questions. For example, how did Stalin suddenly turn from the greatest genius of all times and peoples into the greatest criminal of all times and peoples?

How did Stalin suddenly turn from a luminary of all sciences, a great commander, father of nations and leader of the world liberation movement into a bloody despot, mentally ill paranoid and falsifier of history? And if this is done so easily, then isn’t the debunking of Stalin also another falsification of history?

There are a lot of questions. For example, to this day we are not entirely sure what to do with the posthumous rehabilitation of victims of Stalinism. Who should be rehabilitated and who should not? What about Trotsky and the Trotskyists? But to do this you need to know why all this happened? Why, during the memorable Moscow trials of the 30s, were almost all the leaders of the October Revolution shot like rabid dogs? Why were the tracked political prisoners, freedom-lovers and philanthropists again driven to Siberia? Why was almost the entire leadership of the Red Army liquidated during the Great Purge? What the hell is this?

To correct the mistakes of the past, we debunked Stalin, dissolved most of the concentration camps, and gave people more freedom. And what are the results? As a result, we soon had new rebels: the so-called dissidents, dissenters and dissidents, who again had to be put behind bars or in special mental hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and madhouses. But at the same time, one strange thing strikes the eye: almost all of these new revolutionaries whom we are putting in madhouses have family ties with those old revolutionaries whom Stalin liquidated as enemies of the people. Often these madhouses are children or relatives of former enemies of the people. In general, they turn out to be some kind of eternal rebels, permanent revolutionaries.

Now let us remember the strange feature of Stalin’s purges, when entire families were arrested, when wives were responsible for their husbands, children for their parents, and so on. Now some are thinking: maybe Stalin was right in his own way? Maybe the old revolutionary Stalin knew some secrets that we don't know?

And one more mystery. Almost all of these dissidents, dissenters and dissenters are in one way or another connected with Jews. As a rule, these are either Jews, or mixed marriages with Jews, or the products of these marriages are half-Jews, and so on. Including Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn.

After the XXII Congress of the CPSU it became known that Joseph Vissarionovich was mentally ill and paranoid. In Greek, "paranoia" simply means madness. Nowadays, paranoia is understood as a chronic mental illness characterized by obsessive delusional ideas - delusions of grandeur, delusions of persecution, and so on. Out of megalomania was born the cult of Stalin's personality, and out of mania of persecution endless purges, executions and concentration camps. But the fact is that paranoia, among other things, is one of the most dangerous components of the degeneration complex. Thus, Comrade Stalin was from the devil. This is a very clear example of the type of people who in the good old days were called witchers and sorcerers in the worst sense of the word. As a result, witches and spooks are a constant danger to any orderly society. Witches and witchers are a social infection. Their destructive activities extend to the clash of nations, anarchy and the Red Revolution.

And now we come to the mystery of Stalin's Great Purge of the 30s. After the revolution, this whole warm bunch of psychopaths raises wild squabbles among themselves. This was the case during the great French Revolution, when the Girondins and Jacobins destroyed each other until Napoleon slammed them all down. Hitler came to power with the help of stormtroopers, and then gave them a bloodbath, where he killed the entire leadership of the stormtroopers. Revolutionaries after the revolution are poisonous spiders in a jar. And they will squabble with each other for power until there is only one big spider left - Napoleon, Hitler or Stalin.

Now it becomes clear why Stalin mercilessly destroyed all the old Bolsheviks, the entire Leninist guard, from whom Lenin demanded that this be a “party of professional revolutionaries.” Now it’s clear why Stalin shot, like mad dogs, almost all the leaders of the party and government who came to power as a result of the revolution, why were the honored political prisoners again driven to Siberia? Now is it clear why Stalin liquidated almost the entire Red Army generals, formed during the civil war?

These products of the revolution will rage, organize conspiracies, Thermidors, Bonapartism, oppositions and deviations until they are destroyed. The paranoid Stalin, in addition to delusions of grandeur, also had a delusion of persecution, but it was he who emerged victorious from this dump. In some cases, he may have been wrong, but in principle the Great Purge was a historical pattern. This is the law of all revolutions.

Therefore, Dostoevsky, who is considered a prophet and who in his youth was himself a member of the circle of Petrashevsky revolutionaries, in his “Demons,” through the mouth of one of these demons, says the following about the revolutionaries: “These demons... all the ulcers, all the miasma, all the impurities... accumulated in the great and our dear sick one, in our Russia, and we will throw ourselves, mad and enraged, from a cliff into the sea and we will all drown, and there is a road for us... But the sick one will be healed and “sit at the feet of Jesus”... And they will look in amazement.” People like Lenin, Stalin or Hitler were, are and will be. And we, if we want to make politics, if we want to live peacefully, and not at the mercy of mentally ill maniacs, we need to know with whom we are dealing.

It seems paradoxical, but the fact remains: the mind is connected in a certain way with madness. And sometimes it is difficult to understand where one ends and the other begins.

Almost all the great leaders of mankind, starting with Alexander the Great or Caesar and ending with Lenin, Stalin or Hitler, from a medical point of view were mentally abnormal people, possessed by a power complex, that is, from the devil. That's why the Bible says that the devil is the prince of this world.

But the whole problem of the devil, like the area of ​​mental illness, where the mind is often mixed with madness, is a continuous labyrinth of dead ends, contradictions and paradoxes. For example, speaking about Caesar or Napoleon, Lenin or Stalin, the devil's advocates will argue that these people were not only the destroyers of the old society, but also a kind of masons - the builders of the new society. Okay, from a historical perspective, let’s say so. But when you are dealing with a living Stalin or Hitler, then... you yourself know what it is.

The connection between sadism and the power complex is one of the biggest dirty tricks that the devil has played on the human race. Stalin began his political career by robbing banks, where he gave all the proceeds to Lenin. Let us remember the strange death of his wife Nadezhda Alliluyeva. Also the soul of a tyrant, craving social upheaval to give free rein to his dark instincts.

After the revolution, during the Great Purge, Stalin drove almost half of the Union of Soviet Writers to Siberia. Moreover, it was those left-wing writers who helped the cause of the revolution who suffered first of all. After Stalin, Khrushchev came and dissolved the concentration camps. Gave people more freedom. But soon troubles began again. First of all, with writers, starting with Pasternak and ending with Solzhenitsyn, who were dubbed dissidents. Now we have to throw some of these dissidents abroad. What's the problem with these writers? To understand this problem, let’s look into that corner of literary criticism that writers usually don’t like to remember.

During the time of Stalin, they screamed about Stalinist anti-Semitism. Meanwhile, Stalin was married to a Jewish woman, Rosa Kaganovich. And all of his three children had mixed marriages with Jews, which Svetlana Stalina-Alliluyeva describes in great detail in her book “20 ​​Letters to a Friend.” What kind of strange anti-Semitism is this?

Jordan, Master of History from the University of Cambridge, writes about the Jewish origin of Comrade Stalin: “Stalin’s name - Dzhugashvili - in Georgian means “son of an Israelite”, since “juta” is an Israeli, in “shvili” - son. The Dzhugashvili family, of the Christian faith , descends from the Mountain Jews of the Caucasus, converted to Christianity at the beginning of the 19th century." And the source is indicated: Ivan Krylov’s book “My Career in the Soviet General Staff,” published in French, as quoted in the Parisian magazine “New Prometheus” for May 1951.

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