Interesting facts about natural sciences. Interesting science facts for kids

Interesting scientific facts and simply interesting discoveries - a small selection of amazing facts that pleasantly surprise.

1. It takes a person about 12 hours to completely digest food.
2. Brain cells are the longest-living cells among living cells in our body; they can continue to exist throughout life.
3. The human brain comes in different sizes, and the largest human brain weighed 2.3 kg.
4. Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system with a surface temperature above 450°C.
5. According to scientists, there are about 50000000000 galaxies.
6. Sound travels 4 times faster in air than in water.
7. One of the most accidental discoveries was the invention of the microwave oven. This discovery occurred after a researcher walked past a ray tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.
8. More germs are transmitted through a handshake than through a kiss.
9. The moon is very dry, it is a million times drier than the well-known Gobi Desert.
10. The highest temperature on Earth, measured in Libya in 1922, was 58°C.
11. The lowest recorded temperature on our planet was -89.6°C. This temperature was measured in Antarctica in 1983.
12. Not all animals on our planet have brains, for example, starfish do not have a brain.
13. Kangaroos don’t know how to walk in the opposite direction, you mean “backwards”.
14. Eyes always remain the same size from the moment you are born until the moment you die, unlike our ears and nose, which constantly grow throughout our lives.
15. Only people have the opportunity to sleep on their backs.
16. 80% of our brain consists of water.
17. For normal functioning, the brain needs about a quarter of the total oxygen used by our body.
18. Crocodiles not only swallow their unfortunate victims, but also stones in order to dive deeper.
19. Sharks are completely protected from cancer since this disease has never been recorded.
20. Ants are so hardworking that they don’t even sleep.
21. From two rats in a year it can increase to 1 million descendants.
22. Fingernails grow much faster than our toenails, about 4 times faster.
23. The highest temperature produced in a laboratory was recorded at about 920,000,000 F (511,000,000 C) during testing of the tokamak fusion reactor in Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
24. A hurricane produces energy equivalent to up to 8,000 kilojoules, which is equal to one megaton bomb.
25. Polar bears may look slow due to their fat, but in real life they are anything but, as they can run 25 miles per hour and jump 6 feet in the air.
26. Mosquitoes like women more than men because they smell very similar to estrogen.
29. Have you ever wondered why giraffes are such quiet animals? It's because they don't have vocal cords to make noise.
30. Interestingly, Earth is the only planet in our solar system that was not named after some Roman or Greek god.
31. Our Sun may be gigantic, but it still continues to lose 360 ​​million tons of material every day.
32. Have you ever wondered how much a liter of water weighs, the answer is 8.34 pounds (3.8 kg).
33. Hot water freezes faster than cold water.
34. Albert Einstein had speech problems at an early age.
35. Scientists have discovered more than 20 planets outside our solar system.
36. Spacecraft move very quickly, reaching up to 40,000 mph.
37. Can you live without your head? Well, if you are a cockroach you can control it for somewhere around 9 days.
38. The average male brain is larger than the average female brain (1.4 kg to 1.25 kg).
39. Left-handers are indeed in the minority, since 88% of all people are right-handed.
40. Gravitational lenses were predicted by Einstein before they were discovered.

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Some parents tell their child: “You are the light of my life.” But did you know that if you were light, you would fly around the entire globe 7.5 times per second! If you became sound, you could fly around the Earth in 4 hours! If we lived on Jupiter, our day would consist of only 9 hours. It’s good that on Earth a day lasts 24 hours, because we have so much to do during the day! These are just a few fun scientific facts that may interest both an inquisitive child and an adult.

What is science?

Science is an organized and sequential study that includes observation, collection of scientific facts, experimentation, testing of results, and explanation of natural and man-made phenomena. This is an area that gives us the opportunity to better understand the world around us and create good things for the benefit of man and all living beings.

Ordinary scientific facts

Now that you know what we're talking about, here are some fun scientific facts:

  • If you stretch a human DNA chain, its length will be the distance from Pluto to the Sun and back.
  • When a person sneezes, the speed of the air they exhale is about 160 km/h.
  • A flea can jump to a height that is 130 times its own height. If the flea were a 1.80 m tall person, it could jump 230 m.
  • The electric eel produces an electrical current of 650 volts. Touching it is the most powerful shock a person can experience.
  • Light particles called photons take 40,000 years to travel from the Sun's core to its surface, but only 8 minutes to reach Earth.

Scientific facts about the Earth

Earth is our home. To take care of her, we need to know important information about her:

  • The age of the Earth is from 5 to 6 billion years. The Moon and the Sun are about the same age.
  • Our planet is composed mainly of iron, silicon and relatively small amounts of magnesium.
  • Earth is the only planet in the solar system with water on its surface, and its atmosphere is 21% oxygen.
  • The Earth's surface is made up of tectonic plates located on the mantle, a layer located between the Earth's core and the surface. This structure of the earth's surface explains earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
  • There are about 8.7 million species of living organisms living on Earth. Of these, 2.2 million species live in the ocean, and the rest live on land.
  • ¾ of the Earth's surface is covered with water. When astronauts first saw Earth from space, they saw mostly water. This is where the name “blue planet” comes from.

Environmental Facts

Why do the seasons change? What happens to garbage after we throw it away? What causes the weather to be hot or cool? Children learn this and much more in natural history lessons at school. Let's look at some facts that convince us of what a beautiful planet we live on.

  • Plastic completely decomposes in the ground in 450 years, and glass in 4,000 years.
  • Every day around the world, 27,000 trees are used to make toilet paper alone.
  • 97% of all water on Earth is salty and unsuitable for consumption. 2% of the water is in glaciers. Therefore, only 1% of water is suitable for consumption.
  • The meat processing industry is the biggest contributor to global warming. In second place among global problems is deforestation. About 68% of existing plant species are likely to become extinct in the near future.
  • The population of the Earth is more than 7 billion people. This figure is expected to reach 8 billion by 2025.
  • Unfortunately, 99% of existing species of living organisms, according to scientists, will become extinct.

Interesting facts about animals

The animal kingdom is beautiful and amazing. It contains tame otters, powerful eels, singing whales, giggling rats, oysters that change gender, and many other equally amazing representatives. Here are a few facts about animals that your child will undoubtedly enjoy:

  • Octopuses have three hearts. An even weirder fact: lobsters have a urinary tract on their face, while turtles breathe through their anus.
  • In seahorses, males give birth, not females.
  • The kakapo parrot has a strong, pungent odor that attracts predators. That is why kakapo are in danger of extinction.
  • A squirrel plants more trees than the average person in a lifetime. How can this be? The fact is that squirrels hide acorns and nuts underground, and then forget where exactly they hid them.
  • It is mainly lionesses who hunt among lions. Leos only intervene when necessary.

Interesting facts about plants

Plants green our planet, produce oxygen, and make the Earth habitable. Trees and plants are probably the most useful among the living inhabitants of the Earth. Here are some interesting facts about plants:

  • Like humans, plants recognize other plants of their own species.
  • In total, there are more than 80,000 edible plants on Earth. Of these, we eat about 30.
  • Humanity is rapidly destroying forests. About 80% of all forests have already been destroyed.
  • The oldest tree in the world (sequoia) is located in the USA, in the state of California. His age is 4,843 years.
  • The height of the tallest tree in the world is 113 m. It is also located in California.
  • The largest tree in the world is aspen, growing in the USA, in the state of Utah. Its weight is 6,000 tons.

Facts about space

The sun, stars, planets, the Milky Way, constellations and everything that is in the Universe is located in vacuum space. We call it space. Here are some interesting facts about him:

  • The Earth is tiny compared to the Sun, which is 300,000 times larger.
  • The entire space is absolutely silent, because sound does not travel in a vacuum.
  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The temperature on the surface of Venus is 450°C.
  • The force of gravity changes a person's weight on different planets. For example, the force of gravity on Mars is lower than on Earth, so a person weighing 80 kg on Mars would weigh only 31 kg.
  • Since the Moon has neither atmosphere nor water, nothing can erase the traces of astronauts who set foot on its surface. Therefore, the traces will probably remain here for another hundred million years.
  • The temperature of the Sun's core, the closest star to Earth, is 15 million degrees Celsius.

Facts about famous scientists

For a long time, people thought that the Earth was flat, that the change of seasons depended on the mood of the gods, and that illness was caused by evil spirits. This continued until great scientists proved the opposite. Without them, we would still be living in ignorance.

  • Albert Einstein was a genius, but his talents were discovered quite late. After the scientist's death, his brain was the subject of numerous studies.
  • Nicolaus Copernicus disproved the theory that the Earth is the center of the Universe. He developed a model of the solar system with the Sun at the center.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was not only an artist. He was also an outstanding mathematician, scientist, writer and even musician.
  • Archimedes invented the law of fluid displacement while taking a bath. The funny thing is that, according to legend, he jumped out of the bathtub shouting “Eureka!” He was so excited that he forgot that he had no clothes on.
  • Marie Curie, the female chemist who discovered radium, was the first person in the world to win the Nobel Prize twice.

Scientific facts from the world of technology

Technology is the engine of progress. We are so dependent on technology in everyday life that it is even scary. Here are some interesting facts about the technical devices we come across every day:

  • The first computer game appeared in 1967. It was called “brown box” (translated from English as “brown box”) because that’s exactly what it looked like.
  • The world's first computer, ENIAC, weighed more than 27 tons and took up an entire room.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web are not the same thing.
  • Robotics is one of the most relevant scientific fields today. However, back in 1495, Leonardo da Vinci drew the world's first diagram of a robot.
  • “Camera Obscura” is a prototype of a camera that influenced the development of photography. It was used in Ancient Greece and China to project images onto a screen.
  • There is an interesting technology that uses plant waste to produce methane, which in turn can be used to generate electricity.

Scientific facts from the engineering industry

Engineering helps create beautiful things - from houses and cars to electronic gadgets.

  • The tallest bridge in the world is the Millau Viaduct in France. It is located at an altitude of 245 m, supported by beams suspended on cables.
  • The Palm Islands in Dubai can be called a modern wonder of the world. These are man-made islands floating on the water.
  • The world's largest particle accelerator is located in Geneva. It was built to support the research of over 10,000 scientists and is located in an underground tunnel.
  • The Chandra Space Observatory is the world's largest X-ray telescope. It is also the largest satellite launched into space.
  • Today the most ambitious project in the world is the New Valley in Egypt. Engineers are trying to turn millions of hectares of desert into farmland. Imagine what would happen if we could green the Earth in the same way! Our planet would regain its pristine purity!

Science is a wonderful field of study that inspires many people. All you need is to get your child interested in it. And who knows, maybe your child will grow up to be the next Einstein.

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1. Raindrops are usually depicted in the form of a tear, but this is not the case. They have a spherical shape.

2. During the process of sublimation, a solid substance turns directly into a gas, bypassing the liquid state. For example, this will happen if you throw dry ice into a fire.

3. Gorillas sleep in nests - they make them from soft foliage and curved branches. Males, as a rule, place their nests on the ground, and females - in trees.

4. Champagne fizzes not because of the carbon dioxide in it - it fizzes because of the contact of the gas with dirt and dust. In a completely smooth glass without a single molecule of dust, champagne would not fizz at all.

5. Most of the digestion process occurs not in the stomach, but in the small intestine. This is why a person can suffer from bulimia and remain overweight for some time.

6. The red juice that comes out of the steak is not blood. This is myoglobin - a close relative of blood. By the time the steak hits the counter, there's barely a drop of blood left in it.

7. For those who want to contribute to the environment, it is better to use plastic bags rather than paper bags. The production process for producing and recycling paper bags requires significantly more energy than producing plastic. And in a landfill, paper bags take up significantly more space.

8. Polar bears' fur is actually transparent and not white as it appears. And the skin is black, not white. And in a warm, humid environment, a polar bear's fur may turn greenish due to algae.

9. Allergies to pets, as a rule, are not caused by animal hair, as is commonly believed, but by particles of their dead skin or saliva. Regularly washing your pet thoroughly can help relieve allergy symptoms.

10. The map of the tongue, according to which sour, sweet, salty and bitter tastes are perceived by different zones of the tongue, is considered incorrect. This theory was debunked in 1901 by German scientists, who based their proof on the fact that any taste is recognized by any zone of the tongue, based on practical experiments.

11. Many people put a shell to their ear to hear the sea. The sound you hear is actually the sound of your own blood in your veins! You can use any cup-shaped object to hear this effect.

12. While a person is alive, his brain is pink. Only after the brain dies does it turn gray. Therefore, describing the brain as “gray matter” is a little misleading.

13. Mercury is not the only liquid metal. Gallium, Cesium and Francium are metals that are solid at room temperature, but even in the hand they begin to melt at the temperature of the human body.

14. Dolphins do not drink sea water. It can make them sick or even die. They satisfy all their drinking needs by consuming food containing liquid.

You can't argue with the fact. But there are many misconceptions in the world, there are a huge number facts about the simplest and seemingly well-studied things, phenomena and events that seem unreal to us. It is precisely such unknowns and Interesting Facts we offer in this selection.

1. " Hell's organ»

In 1741, the outstanding Russian designer Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov (1680-1756) created the most rapid-fire gun. They called it the “Infernal Organ”; the design was a system of 44 small mortars mounted on a rotating carriage. While one part of the mortars fired a salvo, the rest were loaded, then the wheel turned and a new salvo followed.
Pugachev’s troops used these guns, so the rapid-fire system was also called the “Pugachev gun.”

2. Royal tattoo

In 1844, dignitaries prepared the body of King Charles XIV Johan of Sweden for burial. And they were amazed to see the “Death to Kings” tattoo on their body.
Here it is necessary to recall that the founder of the Bernadot dynasty, which still rules in Sweden today, was born into the family of a Béarn lawyer in the city of Pau in Gascony. Jean Baptiste Bernadotte began his military career to improve his financial situation in the Royal Infantry Regiment. Excellent military abilities and the most What he valued—experience—allowed him to advance quickly after the French Revolution. During the reign of Napoleon, General Bernadotte received command of the corps, and in 1804 he became Marshal of the Empire.
After the news of Bernadotte's humane treatment of the Swedish prisoners captured in Trava, his popularity in the country increases incredibly. At this time, the childless King Charles XIII reigns in Sweden. In fact, power belonged to the aristocrats due to the king’s dementia. Therefore, Bernadotte was chosen as heir to the Swedish throne.
In 1818, after the death of Charles XIII, Jean Baptiste Bernadotte ascended the throne under the name of Charles XIV Johan. And the question of how best to remove the tattoo did not bother him.

3. Why chamomile?

Chamomile began to be called that just a little more than 200 years ago. This name comes from Polish, and is a distortion of the Latin word romana, that is, “Roman”. The Poles called this flower “Romanov flower” back in the middle of the 16th century. “Chamomile” became a diminutive form and was first used under this name in the recipes of the late 18th century by the Russian agronomist A.G. Bolotov.
In Latin, chamomile is called Matricaria, which translates as “mother herb,” since the plant was then the most a popular remedy for women's diseases. This name was first used by the Swedish physician and botanist Albrecht von Haller, but in Pliny the Elder’s “Natural History” chamomile appears under the name Chamaemellon.

4. Arab-Israeli conflict

Interesting that there are 60 Muslim countries in the world and only 1 Jewish one. The country's main city, Jerusalem, was the Jewish capital for more than 3,000 years. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was founded here by the Crusaders in 1099. In 1187 the city was captured by Salah ad-Dinin, and Acre was the last to fall in 1291. Since 1260, Palestine came into the possession of the Mamluk dynasty. But at the same time, the city was never used by them as a capital, Islamic leaders did not visit it at all.
Interesting fact, but Jerusalem is never mentioned in the Koran, but in the Jewish Tanakh it is mentioned 700 times. And it is towards Jerusalem that Jews pray, and Muslims turn towards Mecca.
If in 1854 Jews made up more than 60% of the population in Jerusalem, then in 1922 they were prohibited from settling in more than 77% of the Palestinian territory.

5. Toilet finger

The bats cute and scary at the same time, everyone perceives these night hunters differently. Everyone knows that in mice the fingers of the upper limbs have been transformed into a kind of frame on which membranes-wings are stretched. But at the same time, the thumb remained with a strong claw, which mice use when climbing. This finger also has other uses.
That's right Interesting, if mice usually hang upside down in a free position, then how do they get rid of waste? The simplest procedure turns out to be not so easy to implement. And this is where the same thumb, which is called the “toilet” finger, is used. The mouse simply clings to the surface with these fingers, turns over and performs all the necessary actions without getting its fluffy fur dirty.

6. Nutritional supplements

Natural food is virtually disappearing from our tables. Even seemingly unprocessed vegetables and fruits can contain many different elements that are unusual for them, which entered the product as a result of treatments, fertilizers, etc. What can we say about all kinds of semi-finished products and other “victims” of the processing industry. Interesting fact is that even formally harmless additives are not recommended by experts for use by children.
All nutritional supplements have a certain marking. So food dyes are coded with numbers from E100 to E182. To increase shelf life, preservatives (E200 - E299) are used. Antioxidants have a similar effect, protecting products from spoilage by slowing down oxidation processes (E300 - E399). To give products a marketable appearance, stabilizers (E400 - E499) and emulsifiers (E500 - E599) are used. Another method of improving the attractiveness of a product is the addition of flavors and flavor enhancers, coded with numbers from E600 to E699.

Interesting scientific facts

1. Pseudo-blindness is a phenomenon in which blind people have a physiological response to visual stimuli (for example, an angry face), despite the fact that they are unable to see them.

2. If a thimble was filled with matter from a neutron star, it would weigh almost 100 million tons.

3. If people used Newton's formulas instead of Einstein's theory of relativity, GPS calculations would be off by several kilometers.

4. The coldest place in the known universe is on Earth in a laboratory. Scientists have managed to freeze atoms using laser cooling. This resulted in temperatures in the billionth degree of absolute zero.

5. The human brain has more synapses than stars in the Milky Way.

6. If it were possible to remove all the empty space in atoms, then Everest could be placed in a glass.

7. The compound that gives raspberries its flavor is found throughout our Galaxy. You heard that right, the Milky Way tastes like raspberries.

8. According to the Hafele-Keating experiment, time runs faster when flying in a western direction than in an eastern direction (relative to the center of the Earth).

New interesting facts

9. All the cells in your body have been dividing since life began on Earth. And all this division will end with your death, with the exception of the cells that you pass on to your descendants (1 per child) and certain circumstances (for example, organ donation).

10. The only reason you are able to read this article is because hundreds of kilometers of fiberglass cables lie on the ocean floor.

11. The lubricant in your knees is one of the slipperiest substances known to man.

12. When you remember an event in the past, you are not remembering the event itself, but rather the last time you remembered it. In other words, you have a memory of memories. For this reason, people's memories are often inaccurate.

13. Pluto has only completed 1/3 of its orbit since it was discovered.

14. If the Earth were the size of a billiard ball, it would be smoother (there would be less fluctuation between high and low points on its surface).

15. Human sweat has no odor, but since bacteria feed on it, the smell comes from their waste products.

Amazing facts

16. Your lungs have the same surface area as a tennis court.

17. There is no way to scientifically prove that we are not part of a computer simulation.

18. The human body emits more heat per unit volume than the Sun.

19. None of your ancestors died before successfully producing offspring.

20. Stomach acid is strong enough to dissolve zinc.