Infinity blade 3 stone recipes. Infinity Blade walkthrough, cheats, tricks, hidden tricks

Infinity Blade III(again!) is deservedly called the most beautiful game on iOS, not without reason comparing the picture quality with projects for large platforms. But at the same time, it is clear that Chair did not focus solely on the picture, but approached the development with all seriousness, apparently deciding to finally rid their project of the unpleasant benchmark label hung by spiteful critics.

Infinity Blade III

Genre action/RPG/fighting
Platforms iOS
Developers Chair Entertainment
Publisher Epic Games


Excellent picture, responsive controls, greatly increased game duration, replayability

Balance problems, missing game modes, bugs

Infinity Blade finally looks like a full game

The story of the final confrontation between the warrior Siris and the Keeper of Secrets in Infinity Blade III is presented better than in the previous “series”, but only those who have read the books connecting the parts of the game – Infinity Blade: Awakening and Infinity Blade: Redemption – will be able to fully understand all the twists and turns of the plot. Those who haven’t played the first two parts are often left only guessing about who all these people are and what’s going on here.

At the same time, the game has become an order of magnitude larger compared to its predecessors, acquired many new features, received an improved role-playing system and a relatively clear presentation of the plot, but, for some unknown reason, the developers have not yet been able to bring any of the innovations to fruition .

Infinity Blade III is divided into five acts and no longer forces the player to wander around the vicinity of a single tower. We offer a range of unique environments - from a sun-drenched gladiatorial arena located in the heart of the desert, to oriental pagodas and dark dungeons. But, despite the greater number of available locations, there is no opportunity to explore them calmly. If the second part allowed you to choose and change the route, then in the third the player is persistently dragged forward along narrow plot rails. It gets ridiculous - if, say, a treasure chest came into your field of vision only after a character passed by, you will no longer be able to get it. So you have to constantly turn your head, for fear of missing something interesting.

It is worth clarifying that in Infinity Blade the character is, in principle, unable to move freely around the location; he can only interact with active objects or opponents specified by the player. And in general, the game itself is a kind of series of duels with randomly generated opponents.

The dynamic combat system has changed little, despite the appearance of an additional playable character, and this is more a minus than a plus. Battles are still built on defense; the player, by swiping and tapping the screen, has to parry blows, dodge them and block enemy attacks with a shield, waiting for the right moment to counterattack or use magic. IN Infinity Blade III, in addition to the ability to complete a series of blows with a powerful attack, personal combos have been added for specific weapons, so chopping enemies into cabbages has become much more fun. By the way, there are many opponents, among them there are both old acquaintances, wandering from unit to unit, and new ones.

It would seem that with the appearance of the girl Isa, whom you could see in the second part, the battles should have become more diverse, because she had her own sets of uniforms, sets of weapons and, nominally, other fighting techniques. In fact, she, like Siris, uses three types of weapons - regular, light and heavy, and in battle she simply focuses more on dodging blows rather than on blocks. This is not to say that the battles involving Siris and Isa are completely identical, but the differences are not as many as expected.

The role-playing system has finally become at least a little more interesting. Now not only the number of hit points of the hero or the strength of his blow, but also the skills available to him depend on pumping up a particular characteristic. By investing a certain number of points in one of the characteristics, the player gains access to special skills, for example, new series of attacks, the ability to crack open chests, accumulate energy faster, or, for example, receive a discount on the services of a blacksmith. True, no special logical relationship between characteristics and skills was noticed. Why should leveling up your defense affect how often the hero will be visited by a traveling merchant? Unanswered question.

Each journey begins with the Shelter - the camp of the main characters, which is a small oasis of calm in this dying post-apocalyptic world. As you progress, new residents will begin to appear in the Vault. An alchemist who brews potions from the ingredients you find, a blacksmith who improves your armor and weapons, a jeweler, a traveling merchant. They all make your life a little easier, but the blacksmith brings the most benefit.

As before, the hero gains levels by pumping up equipment and usually after the item has accumulated the maximum possible experience, it begins to slow down the character’s development, so you have to look for an alternative. If you absolutely don’t want to part with the item because of its favorable combination of characteristics or attractive appearance, you can give it to a blacksmith for a couple of hours to improve its quality and, as a result, the opportunity to pump it further.

In addition to the campaign mode, which, of course, can be replayed many times, constantly increasing the difficulty, the game provides Clashmob social missions and single-player tasks that allow you to acquire rare equipment or get other rewards.

The problem is that none of this works as it should. Alchemy and stone cutting are characterized by unpredictability of results and large time expenditures, which makes them practically useless.

Enemy encounters, while great in their own right, often suffer from imbalance in the campaign. There always comes a time in the game when you come up against a boss that is superior to you in all respects, and in just a couple of pokes he sends Siris to be reborn, which means starting the level all over again. And then again. And further. And so on until he accumulates levels and money to buy better equipment.

The Clashmob mode, which was available the first time after the release, is now being finalized and removed from the game, and single-player missions that require, say, passing with a certain weapon, check for the presence of this weapon only at the beginning of the task.

And although in other respects Infinity Blade III everything is more than good, despite the fact that it plays and looks very good, and among the described disadvantages there is nothing that patches could not fix, it is the presence of these shortcomings, and even in such quantity, that causes outright bewilderment and one important question to the developers. Potentially one of the best games on the platform so far looks frankly crude, and in some places inferior to its predecessor, but you are in time for the release of the new generation iPhone. Well done?

Spending your free time interestingly, enjoying an unusual plot is the main goal of any gamer. Each new product is immediately tried by hundreds and thousands of participants, but everyone gives their own assessment of the chosen entertainment. If you want to immerse yourself in some fabulous and fantastic atmosphere, to feel the magic, then you should try the new project Infinity Blade 3. The secrets of the success of the previous parts of the game have long been known, but what can surprise the third project “Infinity Blade”? What are its main qualities, advantages and how to beat this game?

The third part is the beginning of a new story

The first thing to note is that the third part of the game was created for different devices. You can even try it on your iPhone or iPad. This gives a huge advantage in the development and popularization of the project itself. In fact, the development has a huge number of changes that are immediately noticeable when you launch and as you play Infinity Blade 3. Secrets are the main feature. They are there for absolutely everything! Want to get the most powerful potion? Great, you can unravel the secret and become the best magician in the gaming world!

The changes, obvious at first glance, affected the plot and the game world. The number of possibilities in the game is constantly growing, and the map on which all the actions will take place will be endless. Now you can play not only as Siris, but also as a mysterious woman - Isa. She moved to this project from the second part of the game. Now both of these characters are fighting the same evil - the Titan Maker. The goal of all fights, battles and missions is the same - to get the Infinity Blade and use your powers to their full potential in order to win the final battle. Only by improving your character to the maximum can you win Infinity Blade 3. Anyone who wants to defeat the Creators of the Titans should know the secrets that will help you quickly increase your power and reach your cherished goal.

Secrets of passing the game

It is quite difficult, not everyone can get to the “Peak of Glory” by honest means. The developers themselves claim that in order to get the coveted winnings, you need to know some tricks, the intricacies of your craft and the secrets of how to beat the game Infinity Blade 3. The developers themselves tell you the secrets that will help you quickly get to your desired goal, and these are the ones that should be discussed To learn more.

If you are focused on winning and want to use every minute of the battle profitably, then you need to know not only cheats and codes, but also at what moment to use them. Thus, the developers themselves invite users to learn the main secrets of the game. Infinity Blade 3 is a completely strategic project. Here you need to think through every step, and the first piece of advice on the path to success is to save energy. Any gamer who has played locations on mobile devices knows that dealing one blow after another is a tedious task. In order not to be distracted from the task, to think through ways to evade and not to waste energy in vain, you need to deliver only short blows. The problem is that a long strike does not give you a chance to block or dodge the enemy's blow.

Defense in the game

One of the most important elements of any battle is the defense technique in the game Infinity Blade 3. The secrets of passing are hidden precisely in the correct equipment and the ability to evade blows. The thing about characters in this project is that your actions can be predicted if you repeat them over and over again. That is why, if during a fight you block, dodge, or use combined strikes in different ways, your chances of winning the fight will be much higher. In this case, you will spend a minimum of effort, but get maximum results.

But what else is important to have in any fight in Infinity Blade 3? The secret weapon is the dream of every participant. Many players say that the Magic Ring will be an excellent assistant in any battle. This item is rightfully considered the most popular for working with magic. If the participant has it, then you can use any magic and deliver blows that can blow your head off and give you an unconditional victory. But throwing magic spells is also not so easy: when the ball in the upper corner is filled, then if you click on it on the screen, a strange line will appear. If you repeat the trajectory, the spell will work.

How to fight - secret maneuvers

Continuing to study the main paths through the game, it should be noted that there are other secrets in Infinity Blade 3. It is very difficult to obtain potions of different powers “honestly,” but weapons are almost always freely available. Therefore, in order for the battle to end successfully for you, you only need to use combo attacks in the battle. A powerful blow can be obtained with the combination “left, right, left.” This blow turns out to be very strong: the enemy falls off his feet. You can inflict even more powerful damage using the “2 left, 2 right” technique. This combination is the second most powerful, and to finish off your opponent, then just kick him at the end. Well, the most powerful combination of combo attacks is considered to be the complex “left, right, up, down, left” technique. If you remember these “secrets”, then every battle will take place with a preponderance of forces in your favor.

Weapons are an important part of the game

But, without departing from the topic, it should be noted that the other secrets in the game Infinity Blade 3 are an important part. Maps, like characters, will constantly change as their strength and power grow, and along with all these details the arsenal of weapons will grow. The developers claim that when you have a heavy weapon, you should abandon combo attacks. In practice, everything is different: having become a little more familiar with the technique, you can immediately use combo attacks. And energy is saved, and the result is much more obvious!

All you need in the game is to master the operation of the weapon and know how the armor protects! To advance to the “Master” qualification, you need to upgrade only one line of weapons, after which all will be immediately available. A little trick, but it allows you to complete the game much faster. The peculiarity of obtaining a weapon in this way is that it can be sold at a much higher price than if it were purchased in the usual way. Mini business! This method allows you to quickly earn the required amount of money in a short period.

Other mysteries

Weapons, equipment - all this plays the biggest role during any battle, but if you pay attention to other details that can help the participant reach the victorious end, then this is the matching button. The more often you click on it, the higher the chance of winning the battle. The basic rule: have for battle what is really necessary. This tool allows you to quickly determine which battle items should be removed and which ones should be purchased. An excellent opportunity to save money so as not to waste it on purchasing “unnecessary” and expensive items.

Money and gold

There are other important secrets in the game Infinity Blade 3. The character always doesn’t have enough money, so he has to fight to save up for some new improvement. Not every fight ends in victory, but this is the new trick of the game.

If you often lose and lose a lot of gold every time, then you can select one feature in the game called “Too difficult”. You will move to another level of the game, where you can perfectly upgrade your character, return to the previous mode with the “loot” and swim in wealth.

Statistics - key moments of the battle

Before you reach the main battle of the entire game and fight the real monster - the Titan, you need to regularly check the statistics of its condition. This is the basic rule that will allow you to choose the right equipment, weapons and armor at the right time, worthy of a battle with the most powerful character in the entire game.

There are other secrets in Infinity Blade 3. A plate map, a trophy wheel, a large key - a whole range of elements that can bring even a character at “zero” back to life. Typically, these items can be obtained with combat chips, which are given at the very beginning of the game. Their peculiarity is that they have enormous power and can become the main weapon in a battle with Titan.

Passing the game without knowing the secrets

Many users believe that knowledge of cheats and codes makes the game uninteresting and boring, but not Infinity Blade. The trick of this project is precisely the ability to use the secrets that the developers themselves give. Without studying such details of the game, it is almost impossible to win, to fight back in the end. You can fight the Titan only at the moment when the character is pumped to the maximum level, and if you do not use “secrets”, then achieving the desired goal will be too difficult.

Of course, there are also advantages to playing through a game where there are no secrets at all. The player relies only on his own strengths, develops independently and tries to win alone. But this path is too thorny and difficult; only a few people follow it. Statistics say that such players do not even complete half the game, leaving it unfinished and without fighting the main monster of this fantasy world.

What do participants say about the game?

What kind of game this is, complex or simple, interesting and twisted, can be judged by the reviews of participants who have already tried their hand at this project. Most players claim that it is extremely difficult to win such a difficult battle if you do not use secrets. In team battles, you will generally face defeat, since such a character immediately becomes a “weak link.” Participants who have completed the entire game claim that the use of secrets not only increases the chance of winning the final battle, but also makes the passage still interesting. Thanks to additional “things” available through knowledge of secrets, the player is busy with related processes: checking statistics and the availability of free “chips,” selling and buying weapons, and not just combat and improving equipment.

Infinity Blade 3 is a great project where secrets play a vital role. Knowledge of key details and “secrets” allows you not only to reach the victorious end and win the decisive battle with Titan. When choosing a game for yourself in which you can not only constantly fight, but also engage in a kind of character leveling, you should give the choice to this project - fresh, interesting and refined.

Infinity Blade III was first presented to the public on September 10 at an Apple presentation as a game that reveals the full power of the new 64-bit A7 processor, which is equipped with the company's new flagship iPhone 5S, and appeared in the App Store on September 18, half a day before the official release of iOS 7.

The final part of the trilogy remained exclusive to iOS, but, fortunately, did not become a game only for the lucky owners of the latest smartphone - owners of simpler devices, up to the iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad mini and iPod touch 4, will be able to enjoy it. Of course, on In them, it will not look so impressive and will most likely slow down, but the developers have tried to ensure that as many fans of the series as possible can become familiar with the end of this epic story.

In our review you will find a detailed story about the differences and innovations of the just released game.

Let’s dot all the i’s right away: Infinity Blade III – the final part of the trilogy, which received the name “Infinity Blade III” in the Russian App Store – is still the same Infinity Blade that we saw in the first and second parts.

The third part differs from the second, just as much as the second at one time differed from the first, and no more. Yes, the plot has become larger and more intricate, the world is larger and more diverse, the graphics are even cooler, new locations, characters, opponents and weapons have appeared, but the basic gameplay remains exactly the same. Fortunately, no foreign elements inspired by the buried Infinity Blade: Dungeons appeared. It's still the same Infinity Blade we love, only bigger and better than before.

Two heroes

The main innovation of the third part is 2 main characters. But there is no control of two fighters at once in the game - on any journey the player controls only one character, while the second one goes about his business at this time. Some missions are available only for a certain hero, and before starting others you can choose which of your charges will go on the mission.

Under the command of the player are two Immortals: the warrior Siris - the end-to-end protagonist of the trilogy - and his fighting friend Isa, who first appeared in the second part, in which she was a purely plot, non-playable character.

Unlike Siris, who traditionally plays the role of a warrior-knight, Isa is a typical fantasy thief: she sneaks more often than she walks, chooses unobvious paths, is able to open chests without keys, is armed with twin blades by default, and actively uses kicks and acrobatic tricks in battle. , carries a crossbow with him and is not shy about putting a bolt into an unsuspecting enemy before every fight.


In the third part, the plot became even more confusing and in some places resembles the signature “Santa Barbara”. Judge for yourself. Warrior Siris is the reincarnation of his distant ancestor, the Immortal Osar (Auzar), who became famous in his time for first betraying the other Immortals by teaming up with the Worker of Secrets, who forged the Infinity Blade - a weapon capable of killing the unkillable, and then betrayed the Guardian secrets, imprisoning him in the Crypt of Tears and taking possession of the Infinity Blade. Subsequently, Osar was defeated by the God-King Reidriar, who was then (in the first part of the game) killed by Siris himself.

The main villain of Infinity Blade III is the Keeper of Secrets, whom Siris diligently searched for in the second part of the game. Let me remind you that his release from the Crypt of Tears did not bring anything good to our hero - first, the saved one sent Siris for the resurrected King God, and when he defeated him and brought him to him, the Keeper of Secrets imprisoned both in the Crypt of Tears in order to take revenge on Osar, who imprisoned him, the new the embodiment of which, as mentioned above, is Siris.

Siris and Reidriar spent 10 years in joint imprisonment until they were freed by the protagonist’s associate Isa, the second protagonist of Infinity Blade III. Siris and Reidriar forgot about their previous feuds and united against a common enemy. The third part begins with the fact that the same God-King, whom we defeated twice in the previous parts, sacrifices himself to help Siris defeat the Keeper of Secrets, who created many new Infinity Blades to arm his minions, and seeks to destroy all life on the planet to start all over again.

Siris and Isa will have to go through many battles, collect all the Infinity Blades, reveal all the secrets, defeat the Keeper of Secrets and save their home world.


The gameplay has not undergone any significant changes. We still admire the surroundings and the fantastic light while the character walks from point to point, simultaneously turning the camera, looking for bags of gold and other useful things. We decide where to go at the forks, open locked chests and doors if we have the appropriate keys, and fight various types of enemies. If the hero dies, then we are reborn (both Siris and Isa are Immortals) and try again until we defeat all opponents and advance further.

Infinity Blade III has retained the same scope and epicness - travel and battles, as usual in games in the series, take place among majestic landscapes and inside gigantic buildings with cyclopean proportions, the heroes are confronted by huge enemies, and nothing less than the fate of the whole world is at stake.

Unlike previous parts, heroes are now reborn in the Vault. There is a map here, which is a kind of menu in which you can choose a further action - go on a story mission, pass a test, take part in the next clash mob or aegis tournament.

Tests are a mode in which you need to complete a certain task in battle, for example, make an nth number of repulses of a blow. Depending on your results, you will receive a set reward.

Clashmob is an asynchronous multiplayer mode, well known to fans of the second part. The results of the individual actions of the players (except for battles with different conditions, this may include collecting bags of gold) are summed up, and if the number of points accumulated in this way reaches the established level, then all participants receive a reward.

The Aegis Tournament is a new mode that consists of challenges in several stages, with only those players who reach the required number of points moving on to the next stage. Only the most skillful and persistent, who successfully complete all stages, receive a reward.

In addition to the map, the Vault also has other “infrastructure”. The tower houses the Potions Master's laboratory, where the heroes are revived. The tower's resident also creates potions from ingredients collected by the heroes during their travels. In Infinity Blade III, in addition to gold, the player can also collect boxes with ingredients. Red ingredients restore health, green ones restore magic, blue ones increase strength, yellow ones increase defense, and rare ones are used to enhance the effect of the potion being created. The tooltip in Items gives incorrect information: the effects of blue and red ingredients are somehow swapped.

To make a potion, you need to throw the ingredients into the “flask” and start the transmutation process. The creation of potions occurs in real time (minimum 5 minutes). You can speed up the process by paying with the new game currency - chips (minimum 1 piece).

Sometimes between missions a ship with a merchant arrives. From her (yes, the merchant here is a languid, sultry woman) you can buy things at discounts or sell weapons and armor that the heroes have mastered. You can no longer simply sell them at any time in the game - this is another innovation.

Later, a blacksmith who helps improve weapons and a jeweler who deals with stones will appear in the Vault - characters that contrast very strongly with each other.


The combat system remains exactly the same. We still cover ourselves with a shield until it breaks, dodge or parry the enemy's blows until he "opens up", then hit him with swipes, then this cycle repeats. When the magic or special strike scale is filled, we use them.

Now, in order to make a successful combo, you need to not only tap on the designated places on the enemy’s body, but also swipe every other time in the indicated direction. At the same time, for variety, there can be combos only on taps or only on swipes.

There may be some small surprises during the battle. For example, the enemy may break his battle scythe, and he will exchange it for paired blades, which will change the blows he inflicts, and he will need to rebuild to a new way of action.


The top menu button with the game logo brings up the character micromanagement menu. Items contain weapons (light, heavy, dual) and protective equipment (shields, helmets, armor), as well as magic rings and stones; Items contain potions, keys, ingredients, cards and prize wheels. In Skills you can distribute skill points and view stats, and in Goals you can see completed and current tasks received, as well as their progress.

Things are bought, as before, for money, but to purchase items the already mentioned chips are required. Moreover, the latter are issued only for achieving goals.

It is important that the heroes have separate things and skills, but common objects and goals.

All weapons and armor presented in the game were divided between two characters. Perhaps there are more things in total, but there are clearly fewer of them for each character. And the bias towards Isa is clearly visible - she got more new things that were not in the previous parts, and she also has more hidden things. It is noteworthy that Isa has bracers instead of most of her shields.

Perhaps the developers will, like in previous games, add new things with updates.

All items have now received a level, which indicates whether the character has “grown up” to use a particular sword, shield or helmet.

Hero Development

The simple role-playing system has become a little more complicated, but remains just as transparent and intuitive. Skills have been added to the main stats (Health, Attack, Shield, Magic), which now need to be pumped up instead of stats - the latter grow along with the pumping of skills.

After the battle, the experience scale is replenished, and the experience points received are distributed among things. Sometimes after a fight various objects may fall out.

Upon reaching a new level or complete mastery of a weapon, skill points are issued, which are distributed among skill lines, increasing stats and unlocking new skills upon reaching the required number of invested points.

Important Details

Thanks to various little things, the game has become more convenient. For example, there are reminders that new items have been received and a goal has been completed.

The game also has in-app purchases, which are now fashionable - you can buy gold coins and chips for real money, which allows you to speed up your leveling and get cool things much faster.

The game is only partially localized - there is no Russian voice acting, but there are subtitles and all the texts have been translated. The quality of the translation, as usual, is poor in places, but it is an order of magnitude better than in the first and second parts.

End of story

Infinity Blade III is a worthy conclusion to the famous trilogy, which made a great contribution to the establishment of iOS as a serious gaming platform with games armed with large budgets, high-quality, “console” graphics, serious plots, polished gameplay and controls adequate to the platform.

We deliberately left some moments behind the scenes - new types of enemies, unusual helpers, unexpected plot twists, treasure hunting and many initially inaccessible places. We don’t want to deprive you of the pleasure of returning to the harsh but beautiful world of the Infinity Blade and taking part in epic adventures and saving the world together with the brave Siris and the deadly Isa.

Infinity Blade III (3) Treasure Map Guide, Help and Walkthrough
By: Chair Entertainment Group, LLC

Here you’ll be able to find the locations for the treasure maps in Infinity Blade 3. It’s a work in progress, so bear with me. I'll also add other hints and tips that seem useful. Feel free to help out in the comments section.

***Note about Ausar Rising update 1.2: I see that one of my maps says “FOUND” on it, while the rest don’t. This may mean that you can reuse the treasure maps and get the treasures more than once. Try it out and let us know if you have any luck!***

1. The Map of Life

Looted from a Medium Chest in Act 1.
Find with Siris.

The map is depicting one of the paintings in Act 1, right after you get the map. Tap the pulsating circle to get close to it and you’ll have a perfect view of the painting. All I got was a lousy Steel Hatchet, but early on in the game I guess it’s useful.

2. The Plate Map

Purchase with 100 Battle Chips.
Find with Siris.

The location is in Act 3, the Pit. I found it by tapping randomly on the right side at the entrance to the Pit/arena, right before fighting the next enemy (the gem cutter is sitting at a table here). I don’t see anything that looks like the drawing on the map, but that’s where it is. I got the Tangle as the treasure. **Update: Inside the arena itself, all the way to the right (behind Siris) I can see the object that looks like the map drawing. It’s possible I got it through the wall or something. But that looks like the right location.

3. Map of the Forgotten

Purchase with 150 Battle Chips.
Find with Isa.

The location is in Act 3 “The Broken Tower.” Before Isa enters the tower, there are two statues, one on each side of it, who are holding spears. Click the tip of the right spear and you should get the “Khill.”

4. Kuero's Cache Map

Purchase with 225 Battle Chips.
Find with Isa.

In Act 4, Isa meets the Gem Cutter and recruits him. In that room, before you talk to him, notice the two stands on either side of the doorway. Tap the right one and you’ll get a Phage.

5. The Root Map

Purchase with 350 Battle Chips.
Find with Isa.

The location is in Act 3, the Broken Tower, where Isa fights the four-headed mutant. The tree engraving is directly beneath her feet. The treasure is a Paga Rin g.

6. Soiled Map

Purchase with 450 Battle Chips.
Find with Isa (possibly also Siris)

The location is in the Seccian Desert. It’s the same place as the Interlude, so you should be able to get it at any point, really. I got it with both Isa and Siris. The treasure for both characters is a Turquoise Band.

7. Ancient Map

Purchase with 600 Battle Chips.
Find with Siris.

The ancient map marks a panel in the 5th Chapter. After you beat the last enemy in the first room of the Worker’s tower, you’ll get access to the chest. While you're opening the chest (this is important), you'll be able to see the panel to the left of it on the back wall. It's really tiny and easy to miss. Tap it. I got a Rare Prize Wheel. You might be able to get the treasure when you first enter the room. Look in that spot. I can’t check myself now that I already got the treasure.

Also, keep in mind that a Rare Prize Wheel costs the same as the map. So you might not want to spend those Battle Chips until you know you can spare them.

8. Map of Ash and Sorrow
From the Dragon.

Damage the dragon until it has only 500 hit points left (no matter what, she will have some HP left and fly away). When you next go to the Hideout, there will be a location on the map to go to Larioth and kill the dragon before it heals. The dragon will be sleeping when you get there. Fight the dragon, kill it and you get the map. Afterwards you have to go to the Vault of Tears (in a new play through if you already passed it), and kill the first 3 enemies. Enter the courtyard area where the statue is (of a guy fighting a dragon). Tap on the statue and you get a +500 Rare Fire gem.

9. The e-book “Infinity Blade: Redemption” shows a map at the end. You don't actually need the map for this. Just go to the hideout and tap the animal head above you. You'll get a +100 Attack Stat Potion.
***Note: You can only get the potion, it seems, when the merchant ship is there. It won't work otherwise. Also, you need to have room in your potion bag or you’ll get that “full” sound and you won’t get the potion. However, if you try enough times, you may just get a bag of gold instead (that’s what happened to me).***

***New Maps added for Blade Masters update!***

10. Hearth Map

Purchase with 500 BC.
Find with Isa, in Drem's Maw, while standing facing the third Titan, before attacking.
Reward: The Still Blade

Click on the little numbers below to continue to the next page of the walkthrough.

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