Ibda ranhigs class schedule. Institute of Business and Business Administration (IBD) Ranhigs

  • Russia's oldest and most respected business school;
  • one of the largest educational structures within RANEPA (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation);
  • a business school with global recognition - IBDA programs have prestigious international accreditations.
  • IBDA is an active member of all leading associations of business schools in the world and Russia.
  • several dozen first-class programs:
    the entire cycle of business training from the first higher education to training for senior managers.
  • IBDA is a leader in business school ratings;
  • more than 30,000 graduates.
IBDA mission

Forming a new generation of socially responsible entrepreneurial and managerial elite of Russia and promoting the development of Russian business education.

    4 faculties, 7 departments, more than 20 education programs, 13 programs with the possibility of obtaining a second diploma from a foreign partner, more than 2,000 students and listeners, more than 200 teachers, more than 30,000 graduates.

    IBDA's MBA and EMBA programs are internationally accredited by AMBA International (International Association of MBA Programs) and NACDOBR (National Council for the Assessment of the Quality of Business and Management Education), and occupy leading positions in rankings.

    Eduniversal rating: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 People's rating of Russian business schools in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012. There are 160 IBDA graduates and teachers in the TOP 1000 Russian Managers. RANEPA internal ranking: in the group of leaders of RANEPA business schools, the MBA and EMBA programs of the IBDA have the highest rating - six “stars”.

    From undergraduate programs to retraining programs for top managers. In total, more than 2,000 students and students are studying in higher education programs (bachelor's and master's degrees), as well as in postgraduate training programs (MBA, Executive MBA, professional retraining, master's, advanced training) at IBDA.

    A key factor in the work of the Institute, allowing it to maintain its leadership position, is the ability to change without changing oneself - to successfully adapt to the conditions of the educational market, while maintaining the best traditions and high quality of programs.
    The scientific director of the IBDA MBA programs is Yitzhak Adizes, one of the world's leading experts in leadership and management.

    Alumni associations are a community created for communication and cooperation between program alumni.
    The Association today is a platform that brings together highly professional Russian executives, managers and specialists from companies who have completed IBDA programs since 1988.

    Close work with the heads of leading companies as part of the implementation of additional education programs, consulting and scientific projects allows us to be the first to monitor trends in changes in demand and not move away from market needs. IBDA pays special attention to medium and large businesses as the basis for the formation of the country's civil society. Russian market-oriented business responds to the Institute with recognition (85% of the set of programs comes from the open market).

Licenses and accreditations

    The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation has a perpetual license from the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for the right to conduct educational activities 90L01 No. 0009904 dated December 7, 2018, Reg No. 2787.

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  • Certificate of state accreditation

    Certificate of state accreditation The Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation has a certificate of state accreditation 90A01 No. 0002921 dated March 12, 2018. Valid until March 12, 2024.
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  • AMBA accreditation (Association of MBAs)
    Accreditation of one of the most respected associations in the world of business education - AMBA (Association of MBAs). For the 3rd time in a row, the MBA and EMBA programs of the IBDA RANEPA received an official AMBA diploma for re-accreditation for a period of 5 years (until 2022).
  • Accreditation of the AMBA (Association of MBAs) master's program in Management
    Accreditation of one of the most respected associations in the world of business education - AMBA (Association of MBAs). The Master's program in Management received an official AMBA diploma of accreditation until 2022.
Ratings, rankings

    Since 2015, IBDA RANEPA has 4 palm branches and is included in the elite league “”.

  • Eduniversal EMBA

    According to the results of a study by the Eduniversal rating agency, IBDA programs are among the best programs in the world 2017-2018:
    The Executive MBA program “Strategic Management and Leadership” of IBDA is among the best Executive MBA programs in Eastern Europe.

  • Eduniversal MBA

    According to the results of a study by the Eduniversal rating agency, IBDA programs are among the best programs in the world 2016-2017:
    The MBA program was included in the top 10 in the Eduniversal 2016-2017 ranking of the best MBA programs in Eastern Europe.

  • Eduniversal Master's Degree in International Management

    The IBDA RANEPA Master's program "International Management" took 9th place among the best master's programs in Eastern Europe in the Eduniversal ranking 2017-2018. It has been included in the top 10 best master's programs in Eastern Europe for the 7th year in a row.

  • IBDA is the leader of the national ranking of Russian business schools!

    For the 7th year in a row, IBDA has been the leader of the national ranking of Russian business schools! The Institute of Business and Business Administration of RANEPA takes first positions in the indicators “Increase in income” and “Professional development”. People's rating of Russian business schools, during 2010-2014. was published by the Izvestia newspaper, in 2015 it was published on the portal "Secret of the Firm", in 2016-2018. on the RBC portal. The ranking of MBA programs was prepared by the MBA in Moscow and Russia portal together with Job.ru.

  • IBDA is the first in Russia in terms of graduate income growth

    According to the results of a study by the recruiting portal Job.ru and the Russian MBA League, studying in an MBA program contributes to serious career growth and a significant increase in salary. At the top of the list is IBDA. The income of its graduates increased by an average of 69%. The results of the study were published on the websites: rbc.ru, kommersant.ru, izvestia.ru, mba.su, secretmag.ru.

  • IBDA RANEPA announced one of the PRME champions at the UN

    01/23/2018 Davos (Switzerland), World Economic Forum.

    PRME champions are 38 universities and business schools from around the world that are actively introducing the principles of social responsibility and sustainable development into all areas of their activities. Solution IBDA is the first Russian business school to support the PRME initiative in 2008 and until 2012 remained the only active participant from Russia. In 2016, IBDA became one of the initiators of the PRME Committee for Eastern Europe.

  • Rating of the Association of Managers “TOP-1000 Russian managers”

    There are 160 graduates, students and teachers of IBDA in the “TOP 1000 Russian Managers” rating. A joint project of the Association of Russian Managers and Kommersant Publishing House, it is a tool for objective assessment of the professional reputation of leading Russian top-echelon managers. The rating is based on the principle “the best choose the best,” which allows us to obtain the most objective assessment of a manager’s professional reputation. .

IBDA is an active member of the following associations:

Member of the global association for the development of management education.
AACSB International is one of the world's largest associations in the field of business education. It brings together major business schools and representatives of the business community to promote various management innovations. IBDA has been a member of AACSB International since 1993 and takes an active part in numerous activities.

Created in the 50s of the 20th century with the purpose of centralizing the administration of a single entrance exam for postgraduate programs. Subsequently, GMAC became a recognized global center for analytical research in business education. IBDA joined GMAC in 2005 and is actively involved in research activities.

CEEMAN - was created in 1993 to promote the effective development of business education in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. IBDA has been a member of CEEMAN since its inception and actively participates in its work. Various association events were repeatedly held in Russia under the auspices of the IBDA.


Member of the International Business School Alliance - International Alliance of Business Schools.
Established in June 2003, IBSA enables students to study in two institutions in two different countries, receiving master's degrees from each of these institutions.

IBDA was one of the initiators of the creation of NASDOBR in 2012.
The purpose of the organization is the accreditation of continuing education programs.

Member and one of the founders of the Russian Association of Business Education (RABO).
IBDA was one of the initiators of the creation of RABO in 1990. The purpose of the organization is to support and develop domestic business education, focused on the education and training of managers from Russia and countries from the post-Soviet space.
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PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) is an organization created in 2007 at the summit of the UN Global Compact, the United Nations program for corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, the only UN initiative for the business sector. PRME's mission is to support business education to form a new generation of managers guided by universal values ​​and capable of coping with the complex challenges of our time.

Foreign partners of IBDA:

    IBDA partner in conducting the foreign module on the Executive MBA program Antwerp Management School
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics

    IBDA partner in conducting foreign modules on MBA programs.

    Partner university for the program with the possibility of obtaining a second diploma
    Has accreditations: AACSB International, AMBA, EQUIS. GEM is consistently ranked among the first 20-30 schools in Europe according to the FT rating.

The Institute of Business and Business Administration (IBDA) of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation (formerly the Academy of Economics under the Government of the Russian Federation) is one of the leading business schools in the field of higher and postgraduate professional education.

Thanks to its unique educational programs, IBDA RANEPA occupies a leading position in the rankings of Russian business schools:

  • IBDA is the first in Russia in terms of graduate income growth
  • 1st place in the national ranking of Russian business schools for 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012
  • IBDA programs are among the best programs in the world in 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011.
  • There are 146 IBDA graduates and teachers in the “TOP 1000 Russian Managers” rating

Firsthigher education at IBDA RANEPA:

Training is conducted full-time, in accordance with the Bologna Agreement at bachelor's (4 years) and master's (2 years):

Bachelor's degree at IBDA RANEPA is:

State diploma of RANEPA on higher education.

Deferment from the army.

  • Paid and free education (there are budget places).

Opportunity to obtain a diploma from a university in the USA, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany (Double degree).

Possibility of completing semester-long internships abroad.

Fundamental education in management.

Early integration (from the 2nd year) into the real world of business.

Fluency in English and a second language at the level of linguistic universities.

Vibrant student life.

Bachelor's degree at IBDA RANEPA has 2 faculties:

Bachelor's degree. Directions: Management, Human Resources.

Master's degree. Direction: International management.

Bachelor's degree. Directions: International relations, Foreign regional studies (China)

Master's degree. Direction: International relations.

FMBDA (Faculty of International Business and Business Administration IBDA)

Direction: Management

The program is aimed at developing skills in solving practical problems in the field of market research, analysis of an organization's economic activities and accounting, management communication, etc.

Direction: Human Resources Management

The program is a response to the demands of the modern labor market. This is the first bachelor's program in the field of human resource management in the Russian and international markets.

FMO (Faculty of International Relations IBDA)

Direction: International relations

“International Relations: Politics, Economics, Business” is the first bachelor’s training program in the Russian educational space, combining classical fundamental education in the field of international relations with economic, political science, legal and applied business education.

Direction: Foreign regional studies (China)

    Cspecializations: “International Finance”, “International Entrepreneurship”, “Alternative Marketing”

    the first in Russia to receive the most prestigious European quality accreditation EPAS.

    included in the top 6 best master's programs in Eastern Europe (according to the international rating agency Eduniversal 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012).

    Education: on a budget and paid;

    2 years - for graduates (bachelors, specialists) of universities, with or without work experience;

    Full-time (a convenient combination of evening and weekend formats), allows you to combine work and study; in English.

    Abroad, within the framework of the Double Degree program.

    It is also important:

    Military deferment for students completing their higher education.

    Internships in successful Russian and foreign companies.

    As part of the international Double Diploma program, a student has the opportunity to receive a prestigious diploma from a foreign university (one of 9 IBDA partners) simultaneously with receiving a Russian state diploma.

    The program prepares multifunctional managers who can find their place in both business and government. Students, depending on their interests, choose one of three specializations: “Management in the public sphere and business”, “General and strategic management”, “Territorial project management”.

    The program is for those who already have one higher education, work experience and want to expand their knowledge in state and municipal administration. Students, depending on their interests, choose one of two specializations - “Innovative technologies for interaction between government, business and society in state and municipal management”, “Regional management and municipal management”.

    • the oldest business school in Russia;
    • one of the largest educational structures within RANEPA;
    • international and national recognition - MBA and EMBA programs are accredited by AMBA, NASDOBR, and occupy leading positions in ratings.

    IBDA is: 4 faculties, 7 departments, more than 20 market programs, 13 double degree programs
    More than 2000 students and listeners study at IBDA and more than 200 teachers work.

    The Institute has 4 faculties, within which higher and further education programs are implemented:

    • Faculty of Strategic Management (FSM) - second higher and additional education
    • Faculty of International Educational Projects (FMEP) - additional education (in English)
    • Faculty of International Business and Business Administration (FMBDA) - the first higher education
    • Faculty of International Relations (FIR) - first higher education

    There are also 7 departments responsible for compliance with the latest scientific standards of language or other specialized areas of student training.

    IBDA is:

    • one of the oldest and most respected business schools in Russia
    • the largest educational structure within RANEPA
    • business school with global recognition - IBDA programs have prestigious international accreditations

    The mission of IBDA is to form a new generation of socially responsible entrepreneurial and managerial elite of Russia and to promote the development of Russian business education.

    The quality of education is confirmed by the academic merits and titles of the teaching staff - professionals of the highest standard in Russian and foreign universities. World-famous specialist Isaac Kalderon Adizes (author of the theory of the life cycle of a corporation) is a scientific consultant for IBDA training programs.

    Today, the Institute offers its students several dozen first-class programs, varying in duration, content, methods, and at the same time covering the entire cycle of business education. They are focused on the career growth of all students: bachelors and masters, managers of small and medium-sized businesses and senior managers with extensive work experience. IBDA graduates note a 69% increase in income 2-4 years after completing their studies at IBDA (2018 rating data from the MBA portal in Moscow and Russia).

    IBDA's university education is famous for its foreign connections, which allows up to 1/3 of students annually to study at partner universities in England, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Holland, and the USA and upon completion receive both a Russian state diploma and a bachelor's or master's degree from an accredited European or an American university.

    International recognition of the school

    The RANEPA IBDA programs successfully passed the test of the international accreditation commission and received AMBA accreditation until 2022. The higher the quality of education, the longer the educational institution receives this accreditation. IBDA RANEPA is the only business school in Russia that has received 5-year AMBA accreditation three times in a row.

    The Association of MBAs is one of the most respected associations in the world of business education. 5 years is the maximum period for which it is possible to obtain AMBA accreditation.

    IBDA RANEPA offers a wide range of educational products:

    • higher education (bachelor's, master's, second higher education);
    • additional education programs (DBA, MBA, Executive MBA, advanced training programs and professional retraining programs, short-term seminars and trainings, corporate training programs).

    IBDA traditionally occupies the highest positions in all domestic ratings:

    • in the “TOP 1000 Russian Managers” rating there are 160 students of IBDA graduates and teachers.
    • 1st place in terms of graduate income growth in 2012-2018.
    • 1st place in the national ranking of Russian business schools 2011-2018.
    • According to the results of the internal ranking, IBDA is recognized as the leading business school of RANEPA. The MBA and EMBA programs of IBDA received the highest rating - six “stars”.