Hasai Aliyev stress relief. Master class by Khasay Aliyev (full version)

Prevention of stress. Relieve tension, relieve fatigue or fight spirit in 5 minutes

The easiest way is 5 techniques using the Key method.

The main causes of stress: nervous overstrain, obsessive thoughts, uncertainty, uncertainty about the future - fear of the future. This leads to depression, illness, a depressed state of mind, and an attitude toward a negative scenario, which naturally materializes: “I knew it.”

This is often followed by an escape from the hateful reality through the stupefying effects of alcohol, drugs, and medications, leading to the destruction of personality and loss of health. It is not better if a person simply carries negative tension within himself and lets off steam by lashing out at loved ones, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers.

The main cause of conflicts is the lack of internal balance.

The secret of happiness is the absence of tension. Confucius and the Key

A happy person is very easy to recognize. He seems to radiate an aura of calm and warmth, moves slowly, but manages to get everywhere, speaks calmly, but everyone understands him. The secret of happy people is simple. This is the absence of tension. Confucius

5 exercises according to Dr. Aliev’s Key method help you become calm and free.

With these techniques you can easily relieve stress, tension and fatigue, truly feel relaxed and filled with fresh energy. Free yourself from anxious thoughtstransfer stress energy to solving your problems without doping, drugs and alcohol. This is achievedwith simple exercises that convenient and easy to do just for you. You can also find inner peace and start the process of healing your body.

The best cure for stress is 5 doses in 5 minutes.

Method Key. Diana does the “Whip” exercise

Blitz training to relieve emotional tension and stress to find inner peace and improve health! Remember what athletes, for example, swimmers do before a start - they relieve stress and excess tension by doing “ Whip". But not everyone knows the other exercises in the complex: “ Skier«, « Hanging backwards«, « Hanging forward" And " Humpty Dumpty«.

Anti-stress exercises Key

Best 5 Key Techniques in 5 Minutes. the author of the Key himself demonstrates.

Key exercises can be done in just a few seconds! - this is fractional synchogymnastics, like fractional nutrition. The technique was developed by Professor Aliyev from his own experience, and helped him get back on his feet after an injury. Now it is used to treat sedentary patients, including those with cerebral palsy.

Let's tell you a secret: these anti-stress exercises key , five techniques in five minutes help not only, calm down. You can also successfully mobilize, get ready for battle, feel a surge of fresh strength, inspiration and creative inspiration!

Exercise is the key to do well before an important meeting, important speech, test, exam– an event that requires maximum concentration of strength, attention, concentration.

Key exercise Humpty Dumpty

Or, on the contrary, you can liberate yourself, free yourself from obsessive, disturbing thoughts and be filled with positive energy.

It all depends on your internal, mental setting with which you do these 5 exercises. Wherein there is no need to invent anything special, let thoughts flow freely, do not limit yourself - think what you think about.

Move according to your inner state, in sync with it.

It is called Synchrogymnastics using the Key method. If the state is excited, nervous, the movements are active; biting, sweeping. If the state is sluggish, sleepy, the movements are the same.

After 5 minutes of these 5 anti-stress exercises, you will find that excitement, anxiety, tension go away, and you are filled with calm and a surge of fresh strength. The same principle applies to the healing of the body, rapid recovery from injury or illness, and preventive diagnostics.

5 minutes of self-regulation a day

Thanks to five exercises in five minutes using the Key method, you will become calmer and stronger - Limitless expanses of Self-regulation will open before you!

Using the method "Key" We we train relieve stress very quickly and increase stress resistance , many times faster than this is done in other methods known in the world. And what is most important - with the help of the simplest actions for a given person.

This helps in cases where when no other methods are available to those who find themselves under acute stress.

We also teach people how to increase their resistance to stress. This is already prevention and it is called.

There is no other fast-acting method in the world that helps maintain mental clarity and self-confidence in extreme situations.

And now - most importantly - we also teach the ability to use any stress for your own purposes using technology. But to do this, you must undergo training in the basic principles of the Key-1 method.

I wish you success in discovering your own creative potential and, of course, good health!

Help - biography

Khasai Magomedovich Aliev born on March 4, 1951 in Makhachkala, Republic of Dagestan. He graduated from the Dagestan Medical Institute with a diploma as a general practitioner, and then completed an internship as a psychiatrist. Since his student years, he has been engaged in research work in the field of psychology, psychotherapy and reflexology. From 1981 to 1983, Dr. Aliyev, by invitation, worked at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu. A. Gagarin on a technique for simulating the state of weightlessness, overcoming stress and overload in astronauts. It was during this period that Khasai Aliyev developed it.
HM. Aliyev collaborated with various scientific, public and industrial organizations. Including, conducted training for members of the Directors Club industrial enterprises of the USSR" by academician A.G. Aganbegyan, developed and introduced into production a method for reducing fatigue among micro-assembly operators and energy company dispatchers.

Further in Khasai Aliyev’s biography was work with security forces; he was engaged in anti-stress training for military personnel, special forces, trained employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, rescuers, people in other dangerous professions, psychologists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, military journalists before working in hot spots. Dr. Aliyev conducted training for military personnel before entering nuclear-powered icebreaker "Kursk", derived from acute stress injured as a result terrorist attacks V Kizlyar, Kaspiysk, Essentuki, Moscow And Beslan.

Khasai Aliyev was awarded state awards, including: Medal “For Participant in the Counter-Terrorism Operation”, Medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth”, Medal of the Special Forces Detachment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “RUS”, “For Personal Contribution to the Restoration of Peace and Harmony in the Caucasus”, Lermontov Medal "For the restoration of peace and harmony in the Caucasus", as well as numerous Certificates of Honor and Gratitude from heads of ministries and departments. Dr. Aliyev trained Russian athletes at the Olympic Games in China, testers of the International Space Program "Mars 500".

“There are many different problems in the world and each requires its own solution. But there is one universal remedy for solving all problems, this is a clear head!” Khasai Aliyev, author of the Key Method.

HM. Aliyev - book author, scientific monographs, articles. Among them: " The key to yourself. Unlocking Hidden Features“,” “The Key Method in the fight against stress,” “Guide to using the “Key” method for specialists in children’s rehabilitation centers,” “Where to get the strength for success,” “Your own face, or the Formula of happiness.” Aliyev's books have been published in Russia and abroad, translated into various languages, including English, Finnish, Serbian, and Bulgarian.

Since 1998, Khasai M. Aliev has been the General Director of the non-profit educational institution he created, the Center for Protection from Stress, in Moscow, on the basis of which he operates Khasay Aliyev Key Center. The professor and his students carry out extensive educational work in the field of expanding human functional capabilities. Lectures, seminars and trainings to develop practical skills for stress resistance of the population, including various social groups, children and adolescents.
Dr. Aliyev was also a leading researcher at the Center for Aerospace Medicine of the State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Anti-stress training for military personnel and other persons in hazardous professions.” Kh. Aliev is a member of the Coordination and Methodological Council for Psychological Support of the Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, a member of the Interdepartmental Council for Coordination of the Activities of Psychological Services of the City of Moscow.

The biography of Khasay Aliyev is marked by constant active teaching activities. Specialists who have undergone professional training with the right to teach the Key method work in more than 1000 cities in Russia and neighboring countries, as well as in Japan, the USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Poland, Israel, and Australia.

Books and video courses by Dr. Aliyev can be purchased at the official store author of the synchro method Key.

Thanks to the ease of use, speed and effectiveness of Hasai Aliyev’s method, the Key is already used by more than 10 million people around the world and interest continues to grow.

© Khasai Magomedovich Aliev, biography

Method “Key” by Hasai Aliyev

In addition to all of the above, I want to talk a little about Hasai Aliyev’s express method of stress relief.

The method was created in 1981 at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after. Yu.A. Gagarin for protection against stress and overload. A lot of time has passed since then. The method was used by psychologists in “hot spots”, in preparation for the rise of the nuclear-powered icebreaker “Kursk”, for emergency rehabilitation of victims of terrorist attacks in Kizlyar, Kaspiysk, and Moscow. The method is recommended by the Russian Ministry of Health for reducing stress and fatigue and treating neuroses.

The essence of the method is both simple and complex at the same time. Simple in display, complex in description. In this regard, I would like to give an artistic description of how the method works, and then make some additions. I came across such an artistic description with a clear statement of what happens in a person’s soul at the moment of performing the “Key” in the novel “The Phantom of Music” by Alexandra Marinina:

“There was a lump in my throat, it made it difficult to breathe and think. It seems he even prevented me from moving. It was still quite light; in June it gets dark late, and Denis felt that all the passers-by saw how bad he was and were laughing at him, useless and loved by no one. He had never experienced such grief as now and did not know at all what to do about it. Is it possible that your heart will be so heavy all the time and that joy and desire to live will forever disappear?

At some point, he stopped seeing his surroundings, but didn’t even notice it.

Why are you crying? - he heard someone’s voice and only at that second realized that tears were blurring his eyes.

He tried to wipe his face, but a strong hand grabbed his wrist. Denis tried to break free, but his hand did not let go.

What do you need? - he sobbed completely childishly.

Nothing for me. But I can help you. Want? I won’t even ask who hurt you and why you’re crying, I’ll just make sure you stop crying and start rejoicing again.

Denis finally blinked back tears and regained the ability to see. Standing in front of him was an incredibly thin, awkward guy wearing thick glasses.

Are you going to offer drugs? - Denis asked suspiciously.

Artyom’s parents warned them a thousand times about such “helpers” who seem to lend a helping hand in difficult times, and then hook them on a needle - and that’s the end of it. Denis learned his lessons well. He was very afraid for his future, he had been afraid since childhood, when before his eyes his mother handed over first his younger brother, then his sister, to the Orphanage. Both of them suffered from Down's disease, and Denis was sure that this was a direct consequence of the lifestyle that their dissolute mother led. Every day he thanked fate for the fact that he managed to be born before his mother completely drank her health away, and tried to do everything so as not to repeat her path. It’s good to study, gain knowledge, go to college and make your life with your own hands. To break out of this addictive endless circle, when drinking parents give birth to children who grow up without supervision, do not receive an education, do not find themselves and also start drinking, and they also have children... The mother’s grandfather drank, her father drank, she drank herself, not to mention that random guy who happened to become his father. Denis Bazhenov did everything that his childish mind could come up with in order to preserve himself and achieve something. And the word “drugs” was truly scary for him, because it jeopardized everything that had been done with such incredible difficulty all these years.

Drugs? - The guy with the glasses seemed to be very sincerely amazed. - No, why? There's something better.

What? - Denis asked incredulously.

What key? From the apartment, where is the money?

From yourself. From your soul and from your brains. There is a way in which you can control yourself and never cry unless you want to. Are you interested?

Isn't this chemistry? - Denis was still suspicious.

But, on the other hand, he still has nowhere to go, Artyom is no longer waiting for him, and he can’t return home, where he is superfluous and unwanted. Maybe I should really listen?

No, it's not chemistry. If you have half an hour, I will show you the simplest things so that you have a general idea. Because?

Go ahead, show me,” Denis agreed weakly.

Then let's go somewhere...

Where? - Denis was wary again. - I'm not going anywhere.

Don't be afraid! - The guy laughed. - I’m not calling you to your apartment. We can work out here, but people walk here. You yourself will be uncomfortable. There's a park there, let's go there.

It’s okay to go to the park, Denis decided. There, around the corner, at the intersection, there is a “glass” with a traffic cop, if anything happens, you can call for help.

They reached the park, and Denis immediately plopped down on a bench.

Come on, show me your key.

Why are you sitting down? - the guy with glasses asked mockingly. - Do you think you’ll sit and I’ll reveal the world’s secrets to you? This will not work. Come on, get up.

Get up, get up. Any useful undertaking requires work. Get up and do a warm-up.

What other warm-up? - Denis was taken aback.

Ordinary. Bends, stretches, squats. Like in physical education class.

Do you want the key or not? Then do as I say.

After all, there was nothing bad or dangerous about warming up. Denis got up and reluctantly did a few exercises.

Now stand up straight, stretch your arms in front of you and concentrate. Imagine that your hands are spreading in different directions, like wings.

For what? - Denis asked again.

Don't ask, do it if you want to help yourself. Just don’t try to move your arms yourself. These are special ideomotor movements, semi-automatic. Imagine with all your might, even order them to disperse, and leave your muscles relaxed.

Denis stretched out his hands in front of him and tried to concentrate. The hands didn't move.

Nothing. Stand and order your hands to move in different directions.

I can not.

So what? No one succeeds the first time. We need to train. Come on, let me touch you.

The guy put both hands on Denis’s shoulders near his neck and kneaded it a little.

Why are you so uptight, huh? Do a couple more exercises or shake a little, like in rock and roll, to release the tension.

Listen, why are you bothering me? - Denis asked angrily.

Am I stuck? It was you who walked down the street and roared as if all your loved ones had died. And you yourself wanted to help yourself. Are you really giving up so quickly? I thought you had to be persistent.

Denis felt awkward. In fact, it is not good to give up so quickly. There's no hurry anyway. He made several vigorous bends to the sides and forward, then began to squat.

Enough? - he asked after the tenth squat.

Enough. Now everything is from the beginning. Stand straight, relaxed, hands in front of you.

Denis again took a stance and extended his arms. And after some time I realized that I couldn’t feel my hands. They became light, weightless, and holding them in this position was not at all difficult. He didn’t even have time to be surprised when he realized that the hands had begun some kind of unknown movement.

“Let’s go, let’s go,” said the guy with glasses, “there’s movement!” Eat! Don't stop, keep going, keep going.

The hands smoothly moved in different directions.

Now immediately give them the command to move back! Hands come together, hands come together.

“Hands come together, hands come together,” Denis repeated to himself, and the hands actually went in the opposite direction.

Great! And now the command to disperse again.

This time the arms went in different directions easily, and it seemed to Denis that the movement was stronger and faster, in any case, at its extreme point even the shoulder blades came together. He did not understand what was happening to him, but he was overcome with delight from this light movement, which occurred not by muscular effort, but only by the dictates of his will. Another movement of his hands back and forth, and he had a feeling of flying. His hands floated like wings, and there was nothing in his head except the thought of these hands flying without his efforts.

Enough, stop,” the thin, bespectacled man commanded. - Do some warm-up exercises again.

Which ones? - Denis clarified.

His interest awoke, and now he wanted to do everything according to the rules.

Any. Your body itself will tell you what movements you need to make. Just listen to him and do it.

Denis got ready and began to bend back, as if trying to stand on the “bridge”. His back bent easily, and he was surprised by this. He never liked gymnastics in physical education lessons; he did “bridges” only when the teacher demanded it, but he himself enjoyed playing volleyball and running long distances with much greater pleasure.

“You see,” his new acquaintance commented, “your body told you that you need to stretch your spine, all sorts of nasty things have accumulated in it.

Denis performed the exercise several times and began to lean forward with pleasure, bending deeply, trying to touch his forehead to his knees.

What now?

Now stand up straight with your arms hanging freely. Focus and order them to rise. Everything is the same as before, only the movement is not back and forth, but up and down.

Denis was unable to complete this task and was terribly upset.

“I’ll practice and achieve it, I’ll definitely succeed,” he spoke passionately.

But this is not necessary,” the bespectacled man suddenly said.

How is this not necessary? You yourself said that you have to be persistent?

Not in that sense. The very idea of ​​the “key” is that a person does only what he is good at and what gives him pleasure. There are several types of movements, a person tries each of them and decides which one turns out better and easier. This movement becomes his “key”. All of us are raped throughout our lives, forced to do what we don’t like or can’t do, and they convince us that this is necessary and develops will. And this is wrong. Life should bring joy.

Well, you bent it,” Denis snorted. - It doesn’t happen that there are only pleasures. If you could not force yourself to do anything, then everyone would be ignoramuses and no one would work. Will you say no?

I'll say yes. But the idea is to do all this with joy, so that what needs to be done can be done without effort and without coercion. Do you remember how they taught us at school? Freedom is a conscious necessity. As soon as you understand that something absolutely must be done and it is simply impossible not to do it, you will do it with ease, because you will no longer be able to do otherwise. You yourself, you know, realized it yourself and came to the conclusion that this needs to be done. And this is a completely different level of coercion. This is already freedom. You make your own decision and carry it out. But this is philosophy. And now you and I are talking about the “key” and how to help you. By the way, have you noticed what you're doing now?

And what am I doing?

Denis looked around, looked at his hands, not accepting what this strange bespectacled man was talking about, and found that he was swaying rhythmically from side to side. He didn’t even notice when he started swaying, it was like a natural state of the body.

You're rocking. This means that you have reached a state of ease in which you can realize your problem and find a new, non-trivial way to solve it. You just need to sit down and relax a little. And the solution will come by itself.

Whistling! - Denis responded. - It doesn’t happen that way.

Try it. Of course, nothing happens right away, but the third or fourth time you will succeed. Remember the sequence: a little warm-up, then you fly, then warm-up again, fly again, longer, then stand, swaying, then sit and rest.

How long does it take to fly?

As much as you want. You choose what and how to do. As long as you want, fly. As long as you want, swing. Remember, your body and your brain themselves know how much to do, you must learn to hear and understand them, they themselves will tell you. While the exercise is enjoyable, it should be done; as soon as the body understands that it is enough, you yourself will want to stop.

And why all this? How can this help me?

You will learn to manage your emotions. You will learn not to get angry or irritated over trifles when it interferes with normal work. You will learn not to get tired. Let's make an agreement: you will try to study on your own for a few days, and if you realize that you want to know more and learn something else, you will come to one place where special classes are held. And if you don’t want to, well, you’ll only use what I taught you. This is also a lot, you will feel it yourself when you start practicing. I want you to remember one truth: if you don’t learn to control yourself, others will control you.”

Now that you have a good idea of ​​what this method looks like, I want to say a few additional words.

The essence of the method is the same switching of the dominant. When trying to produce a brain-controlled ideomotor movement, at the moment of listening to oneself, the dominant, excited by stress, is deprived of energy. Brain cells come out of stagnant overexcitation and begin to perceive the situation normally. It becomes easier, as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. As a result, in just a few minutes you can turn from a sufferer into a person satisfied with life.

Ideomotor movement is a special movement. It is half internal, half external, it is conscious and at the same time automatic. It is precisely this duality that leads to the fact that this movement concentrates all the energy of the brain on itself, leaving the dominant de-energized, which is why the feeling of flight and freedom appears.

Japanese meditation, Indian yoga, Chinese qi gong, German auto-training, etc. - all this is popular in the world only because 30% of people, when performing them, spontaneously experience this state of inner lightness and pleasure.

We can achieve the same result with the help of ideomotor movements. Ideomotor movements are the appearance of nerve motor impulses in response to an image of movement. Russian physiologist I.M. Sechenov said that a person’s thought is a delayed movement. And in fact, if you have conceived some kind of movement, you have just imagined it, and your muscles are already beginning to contract, hormones and enzymes are beginning to be released to ensure this movement. This is how this movement occurs without any muscular effort, simply at the command of the brain.

Khasai Aliyev’s method can be called “Russian taijiquan”, because it fully reveals the essence of the slow movements performed in this Chinese gymnastics. If you are passionate about taiji, then after mastering the “Key” method, your taiji classes will take on a different meaning - you will feel what the founders of this gymnastics put into it.

The stages of mastering the “Key” method are well described in the above excerpt from the book by A. Marinina, and if you want to master this method more deeply, refer to the books of H.M. Aliyev or his Center for Protection from Stress (Moscow).

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Key: “Never” – 1 point; “rarely” – 2 points; “sometimes” – 3 points; “often” – 4 points. Calculate the points. 20 points or less. You are a rational person, but you may lack some originality and brilliance.20-30. You are a healthy and balanced person, but perhaps not

Khasai Magomedovich Aliev - Honored Doctor of the Republic of Dagestan, researcher at the Center for Aerospace Medicine of the State Research Testing Institute of Military Medicine of the Russian Ministry of Defense, General Director of the Moscow "Center for Protection from Stress", member of the Interdepartmental Council for the Coordination of Psychological Services of Moscow, member of the Creative Union professional artists.

His first book, “The Key to Yourself,” was published in 1990 in Moscow, Sofia and Warsaw. Then seven more books were published, including “Where to get the strength for success”, “The “Key” method in the fight against stress”, “Methodological guide for psychologists, career counselors and social workers”, “Your own face, or the Formula of happiness”, “ Methodological guide for specialists of children's rehabilitation centers."

For the psychological preparation of military personnel for the lifting of the nuclear-powered icebreaker "Kursk", the rehabilitation of victims of terrorist attacks in the cities of Kizlyar, Kaspiysk, Moscow, Beslan, for the training of military psychologists sent to "hot spots", Dr. Aliyev was awarded state awards.

Doctors, psychologists and social workers who have completed Dr. Aliyev’s school of self-regulation work in 105 cities of the CIS, as well as in the USA, Canada, Israel, Italy, Australia, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Brief essence

How to become healthier and luckier?

Performance at the Social Rehabilitation Center with a residential area for war veterans and the Armed Forces

The KEY is effective from the first use, even for those for whom the techniques “fail”

What will happen to you. About what exactly will happen after training with the KEY

After training with the KEY, your life will become radically easier

How to become healthier and luckier?

Life has become dramatically more complicated.

Our internal natural automatic self-regulation, which maintains internal balance, malfunctions. This is stress - overstrain of regulatory systems.

There are many ways to overcome stress, but only the right one, in which you feel better not only during its action, but also in its aftereffect.

Here's a simple example. Is a cigarette an effective way to protect against stress? No. Because this causes a spasm of the blood vessels in the brain, and some time after using it, a new cigarette is required. Therefore, a cigarette does not solve the problem of stress, and smoking becomes an addiction: now you don’t feel normal until you smoke.

In order to quit smoking and not experience new stress - losing a “holiday” in life, you need to restore your previous integrity, which was before smoking.

Having learned conscious self-regulation, we will be able to relieve stress at will, transferring our internal “autopilot” to “manual control” mode at a critical moment, this will help restore and maintain health and more fully realize our abilities and capabilities, without experiencing addiction from no one or anything.

By maintaining internal harmony, we thereby preserve our human spiritual-physical integrity and therefore become more active and successful, and at the same time more capable of feeling joy in life.


The formula of the approach: strive to “fly”, and throw off the manifested “ballast”.

This is what the KEY techniques are for.

This is the most effective circuitry in which psychoanalysis, diagnostics, correction, monitoring the effectiveness of correction, psychological relief, insight, and other rehabilitation and mobilization reactions occur organically in a single process.

And it looks incredibly simple. Because it matches nature.

Performance at the Social Rehabilitation Center with a residential area for war veterans and the Armed Forces

We get used to everything, such is the adaptive power of our body. We get used to fatigue, to feeling unwell, to old age. And that's why we grow old. But you don’t need to get used to it, but create an internal tuning fork for self-tuning!

And now, being people who are, as they say, not young, let’s remember and restore our former youthful strength.

Remember that day, hour, minute when you were at your best. Let it happen in childhood, in adolescence, in youth. Remember! Our memory is our wealth! Now we will restore our best condition!

You can close your eyes for convenience, if it’s more pleasant.

Do you remember?

Now restore this state! Listen to yourself, what is stopping this?

Does your shoulder hurt?

Remember the shoulder lightly, stroke it, turn your hand so that it is more comfortable so that the shoulder does not hurt.

Does your neck feel pressure? Massage your neck in a slightly pleasant way, find the most tense areas and “dissolve” them with stroking.

Do you remember your best state? What's stopping this? Breath? Breathe so that it becomes easier. Yes, yes, exactly the way that is more pleasant for you, the way that is easier.

What else is stopping you from being at your best? Do you remember him?

Do you want to relieve tension? Is tension bothering you? Do a nice little warm-up, move in whatever way is easier, remember how you did in physical education class at school? Do some warm-up exercises.

And there are also special exercises that help remove the obstacles to the desired state. These are special key ideo-reflex techniques that relieve tension, cause relaxation and connect our best memories with the state of the body.

Hold your hands in front of you without tension, freely, so that they do not get tired, and give them a mental order so that they gently move in different directions, but as if on their own! Don’t push them with your muscles, let them walk on their own, automatically, don’t rush, they’ll walk! Everyone can do this! You just need to wait a little, let them disperse, don’t rush!

Went! Well done! You probably did well in school too!

And did you succeed? Well done! Don't you? Lower your hands and place them more comfortably. The main thing is that you tried and thereby launched an internal pharmacy. You will feel the effect within a few minutes.

Look, her cheeks are already pink! See, the face has relaxed! Do you remember your best state? Yes? Just like then? Or is there still a little something missing? What is missing? Get up, walk around a little, we want to see how you walk. So how? Don't rush, don't rush! Do you want to dance? Let's take it slow. Eh! Be careful, be careful, how old are you, you say? Ninety? This I know, it seemed to me that you said that you felt for some years. Fifty? Well, go ahead! Just don't rush, be careful!

What to do later, when you get back into life?

Repeat this procedure once a week to remember your youthful state, it will trigger rejuvenation in the body. Otherwise, we have become accustomed to aging and have lost our internal tuning fork for self-tuning. And this tuning fork will turn on the internal pharmacy, and you will begin to feel better, you will begin to get healthier!

Now remember so you can do it all yourself!

First. You need to sit down and relax.

Second. You need to start remembering your best state in life - remember your childhood, youth.

At the same time, it will become clear what is preventing this. For example, some unpleasant sensations will appear in the body.

Remove them, these sensations that interfere with a good state.

To do this, you have an arsenal of basic and additional techniques: massage of the points on the back of the head, which I showed, neck massage, light physical exercises that relieve tension and a feeling of tightness; and you also have special unique KEY techniques - ideoreflex techniques with raising and closing your hands, in which hand movements should occur automatically according to your mental commands.

Work on the Key of Hasai Aliyev began with the work of adapting cosmonauts to weightlessness and studying the reflex levitation of arms and legs. As a result of research, it was found that levitation of the limbs causes relaxation of the body and eliminates nervous tension, which causes a feeling of fatigue. Khasai Aliyev's Key method includes several exercises, each exercise is mastered in about five days with daily exercises of 15-20 minutes.

The effectiveness of the “KEY” method lies in ideoreflexive techniques that proceed synchronously and correspond to the individual state of a person and, as a result, automatically relieve stress. They generate harmony of body and mind - a state in which liberation from fears occurs and the hidden abilities of a person are revealed. "KEY" allows you to manage internal resources.

This method was developed and studied at the Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, after which it was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. There is no alternative in the world in terms of efficiency and speed of action. Therefore, the method was widely used to relieve adults and children from stress after emergencies and terrorist attacks, where traditional methods of psychology were unavailable or powerless.

The meaning of the “KEY” method by Hasai Aliyev

  1. It will give you the opportunity to test your readiness for successful activities and will allow you to determine your level of tension.
  2. Quickly removes internal pressures and increases the degree of success, maintains self-confidence and clarity of mind in extreme situations.
  3. Increases the ability to make quick decisions and discover new creative abilities.
  4. Will make it easier to endure physical and mental stress.
  5. Will provide an opportunity to recover without interruption from your main activity.
  6. Quick and easy and induces a state of meditation.

The author of the KEY method is a doctor, scientist, philosopher, writer, psychologist, artist Khasai Aliyev, has been the General Director of the Moscow Center for Protection from Stress since 1988. Doctors, social workers, psychologists and other specialists who were trained at Dr. Aliyev’s school of self-regulation. They work in 105 cities of the CIS, as well as in Canada, the USA, Italy, Israel, Australia, Poland, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, and Germany. Khasai Aliyev writes books. He is the author of a number of popular science publications such as: “ Key to yourself», « Where to get the strength for success», « Protection from stress"," Anti-stress training for psychologists, career counselors and social workers ", " Using the “Key” method of self-regulation. Books are published in Russia, Bulgaria, Poland.

There is also an e-book by Hasai Aliyev “Do you want to have what you want?!”

The method he developed, psychophysiological self-regulation, is known in many countries around the world and is the most effective way to manage a person’s internal resources. This method is used by athletes, officers in “hot” spots, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Dr. Hasai Aliyev created a new direction of science that allows you to manage psychophysiological self-regulation, developing at the intersection of psychology, medicine, biocybernetics and synergetics. He managed to discover new patterns in the functioning of the human brain, which make it possible to quickly and effectively control its functional state using reflex mechanisms.

The novelty and uniqueness of the method The key is that it allows you to relieve stress automatically and manage dominants. This makes it easier for every person to study, heal, train, and achieve significant results in any activity they would not engage in. The key is necessary for people in creative and dangerous professions, working at the limit of their mental and physical capabilities, and athletes.

Areas of application of Hasai Aliyev’s methodology

The key is very important when providing assistance in cases where stress has changed a person’s consciousness and speech methods of psychotherapy are not effective.

The method is used in personal development programs to free consciousness from complexes, fears and thinking stereotypes. In education, the methods of the method help create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, help organize your attention, improve the quality of the educational process, and increase self-confidence before difficult work. Using the method allows you to reduce the time of learning new types of activities.

Video experience of using the “KEY” method

In creativity it is used to get rid of thinking stereotypes and psychological barriers.

Helps to harmonize interpersonal relationships, to be internally free in communication, and to quickly find psychological contact with the interlocutor.

Master class by Hasai Aliyev

In sports - helps restore the body's strength when there is a shortage of time, to maintain the desired sports form. It's easy to be healthy!